Problem Solution 4A'sLP

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Subject &
Grade Level GRADE 11 Date MARCH 2023

Teacher Clara Angela A. Medijo Day & Time

Quarter 3 Week

Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing across discipline
A. Narration
B. Description
C. Definition
MELC’S D. Exemplification/ Classification
E. Comparison and Contrast
F. Cause and Effect
G. Problem- Solution
H. Persuasion
CONTENT: Problem- Solution
 Familiarize yourself with problem-solution as pattern in paragraph development;
 Identify the transitional words and phrases used in the different writing patterns;
 Write a short paragraph using certain writing pattern; and
 Distinguish the uses and the differences of each writing pattern.

Topic Problem- solution as a pattern in paragraph development.
References Reading and Writing Skills Module

Materials Laptop, PowerPoint and IM’s

Values Working with colleagues and teams to meet joint goals.
To start our day, let us have our opening prayer.

Everybody, stand up. (The students stood up)

In the name of the father the son and of the Holy spirit Amen. -Lord our God, in your
wisdom and love, you
surround us
with the mysteries of the universe.
Send your Spirit
upon these students and fill them with
your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to you,
the source of all knowledge.


“Good morning class” -Good morning, Ma’am Clara.

How are you today?

We’re good Ma’am.

That’s nice.

Checking of Attendance

Okay class, Is there any absentees today? . (The class secretary will state the names of absentees)
Checking of Assignments

Pass your assignments! (Everybody submitted)

Anyone from the class can tell me of what we had yesterday? Ma’am we tackle about Comparison and Contrast

What did you do?

We write a paragraph applying all what we learned from
yesterday’s lesson.

Okay very good, and what is comparison and contrast again?

Ma’am, we used comparison in stating the similarities
between two things and contrast states the differences.

Very good.

For our activity we will go outside. Bring a piece of paper and a ballpen.

Okay now, form a circle and sit down. You are going to write the problem
that you are experiencing it can be inside the classroom, with your friend,
classmate or family. You do not need to write your name.

After that, you are going to put that in the box that I am holding then, we will
spin the bottle and when the bottle stops, the students it meets will give
advice or suggest a possible solution to the problem.

Do you understand?

Yes ma’am
Alright, let’s begin.

(The students will do the Activity)


After doing the activity how do you feel?

We felt happiness, but at the same time sadness.

It saddens me to hear and know that we have a lot of
problem experiencing.
What else?
I realized ma’am that it is not easy to give advice or
solution to a problem.
Alright, that is true especially of you are not in the same situation.

But in writing, we have this what we called problem-solution pattern that will
help you to develop a text discussing problem and solution.

If you are going to write a problem-solution text what are the things you will
include or how are you going to develop it?

Ma’am I will start discussing what is the problem and why

did it happen then I will follow the solution that I think
would possibly solve the problem.

Thank you, that’s good. Now we are going to discuss, how we will develop a
paragraph using a problem-solution pattern.

A problem/solution essay presents a problem, usually discussing several

aspects of the problem, then concludes by discussing solutions to the
problem. The problem may be addressed in the following ways:

Please read the first way.

Effects only
● Describe the problem only in terms of its effects.
● Use examples.
In presenting the problem you can use the “Effects only” way. What are the
effects of that problem then providing examples.

Another please read.

Causes and effects
● Outline the causes of the problem.
● Discuss solutions in terms of preventive measures
So, in this way you are going to discuss the cause and give preventive
measure, if necessary, like for example you are discussing problem about a
disease, then you can use this way in presenting.

Next way in presenting is the extended example.

If you will be using this way, what kind of example are you going to use?

Ma’am I will use examples, such as, personal experience,

Alright very good, so next is the various ways in presenting the solution. experience from other people, and my observations,

Preventive measures. If you are going to give preventive measure COVID-

19, what would it be?

Always wash our hands, avoid crowed place, and wear

Very good, another way is a series of steps. facemask.

What do you think are the possible ideas that you are going to present using
From the word itself, series of step, I think ma’am it will
Alright, very good. include a step-by-step solution that needs to follow
You can also suggest the easiest and most obvious solution first, but if that
doesn’t work, try something else, etc.

For example: if you have a neighbor who does not wear mask nor practice
social distancing, you might first talk to him/her; if that doesn’t work, arrange
for a mediator; etc. (a last resort might be to call the police)

You can also give advice. Give some advice and helpful hints.

Another is a choice of Solutions.

Include solutions that have already been tried, have been
unsuccessful, and new solutions which you are proposing.


After learning various ways in presenting problem and solution.

The following transitional devices can also help you develop your text.

Introduction Middle section/ body Conclusion

● Nowadays… ●For instance… ● In conclusion…
● It is a common trend ●Such as/like… ● To conclude…
that… ●Namely… ● To sum up…
● Society is becoming
increasingly concerned

Now in developing a paragraph, we learned different pattern including,

narration, definition, description, comparison and contrast, exemplification,
cause and effect and now the problem-solution.

In writing, when you will you use the problem-solution pattern?

We are going to use problem-solution pattern with the

topics that concerns with problem, like for example the
Okay if you are going to write about that topic how would you start it? rally on jeepney phase out.

Ma’am I will discuss the problem, by knowing what is

Very good! Is it clear what is problem-solution? jeepney phase out, and why did it happen.

Do you have any questions? Yes ma’am

Alright now let’s proceed with the activity. None ma’am.


Choose a specific problem in your place and try to propose solutions for it.
Write your insights in a short paragraph following the problem-and-solution
pattern of development. Make use of correct transitional devices in your text.
Be guided by the rubric below. (The students will do the activity )

20 points 17 points 15 points

The paragraph states The paragraph states The paragraph states
cause and effect and cause and effect but no cause and effect
all transitional devices few transitional and it uses
are properly used. devices are used. inappropriate
transitional devices.

Arrange the following steps in developing a problem-and-solution text.

_____ 1. Brainstorm to identify several solutions.
_____ 2. Gather supporting information.
_____ 3. Define the problem to be solved.
_____ 4. Decide how to organize your writing.
_____ 5. Write a thesis statement.
_____ 6. Support your thesis with examples and details.
_____ 7. Write a strong conclusion.


List down the top three problems of millennials today. Then propose possible solutions to each of
your identified problem. You can use this as a springboard in writing a problem-solution text.



The learners will write their insights about the lesson on their notebook using the prompts below:
A. What were your thoughts or ideas about problem- solution prior to the discussion of this lesson?
I thought…_______________________________
B. What new or additional ideas did you learn after taking up this lesson?
I learned that…____________________________

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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