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Door Kickers: Action Squad

v1.0.18 from 15-Dec-2018

+ Weekly Challenge 9
+ Fixed screen resolution list in options

v1.0.17 from 02-Dec-2018

+ Weekly Challenge 8
+ Fixed bug that prevented mods from loading when using non-Latin characters in
user path

v1.0.16 from 25-Nov-2018

+ Weekly Challenge 7

v1.0.15 from 20-Nov-2018

+ Added GAME CHANGER mods!
+ Clamped description for long workshop items descriptions
+ Fixed small AI issues

v1.0.14 from 17-Nov-2018

+ Weekly Challenge 6

v1.0.13 from 13-Nov-2018

+ Added support for user created levels through Steam Workshop (game changing mods
coming soon)
+ Added Level Editor (see game's "tools" folder)
+ Fixed small issues with the existing levels

v1.0.12 from 10-Nov-2018

+ Weekly Challenge 5

v1.0.11 from 02-Nov-2018

+ Weekly Challenge 4

v1.0.10 from 28-Oct-2018

+ Executioner doesn't execute hostage anymore when zombies attack
+ Fixed zombie portals spawning outsite the level
+ Fixed: sometimes enemies shot backwards
+ Fixed: Tiny Trouble and Bigshot sliding away when trying to arrest them

v1.0.9 from 26-Oct-2018

+[!] Added Zombie Invasion Mode
+ Fixed network code to eliminate disconnects
+ Tweaked weapons and AIs (enemies don't get stuck anymore when shot from far away)
+ Working hard on the Workshop support

v1.0.8 from 20-Oct-2018

+ Added Week 2 challenge
+ Fixed bugs and tweaked weapons

v1.0.7 from 10-Oct-2018

+ Added weekly challenge
+ Improved internet coop code
+ Fixed small levels issues

v1.0.6 from 25-Sep-2018

+[!] Fixed Online COOP lag/frameskip
+[!] Added Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian-Portuguese localizations
+ Improved Online COOP chat interface (Press ENTER to chat)
+ Fixed Griefer Gary bug that blocked him facing locked doors
+ Added "Mission Abort" option in online Coop in-game menu

v1.0.5 from 16-Sep-2018

+ Fixed bug that made you lose XP points when transferring points from one player
to the other and not using them
+ Changed UTF8 names conversion error handling (removed crash on malformed names in
coop lobby)
+ Updated a few levels that had some minor issues

v1.0.4 from 14-Sep-2018

+ Fixed Coop disconnects due to upgrades/perks window bug
+ Fixed Completionist achievement
+ Fixed bug that allowed Detonator Dick to detonate hostages without explosives on
+ Fixed Caddyshack perk
+ Small fixes to a few levels

v1.0.3 from 13-Sep-2018

+ Fixed ghost frame on online coop restart
+ Improved Shield Boss
+ Added CRC check on online coop invites too
+ Added "player left" message when online peers leaves the game

v1.0.2 from 11-Sep-2018

+ Changed controller buttons mapping (Back and Select)
+ Changed score formula to give more score
+ Fixed bug that made the Breacher run really fast (or really slow)

v1.0.1 from 10-Sep-2018

+ Fixed bug that prevented chapters from unlocking

v1.0.0 from 10-Sep-2018

+ Added localizations support
+ Added new achievements and improved old ones
+ Added Recon class and many enemies (bosses included)
+ Fixed grenades falling through some metallic platforms
+ Fixed local COOP respawn, teleport back to location, hidden rooms logic
+ Changed leaderboards font so it can display Chinese/russian characters
+ Improved enemies AI
+ Added a neat new intro
+ Actors go up small stairs without jumping
+ Added skins to better differentiate the players

v0.10.1 from 04-July-2018

+ Small fixes to some levels
+ Added progress bar to Warrant Server achievement
+ Fixed bug that showed "can't read settings" on launch (new users only)

v0.10.0 from 28-June-2018

+! Added 2 new enemies: Big Benny, Juggernaut Jim
+! Added 6 new levels
+! Added one new mission type: Arrest Warrant
+! Completely overhauled the player selection screen
+ Added borderless window fullscreen
+ Made cover objects taller and changed cover mechanics
+ Mouse cursor hides after 5 seconds of inactivity
+ Added better aim to enemies
+ Added new achievements
+ Added new objects and tileset
+ Fixed bug that displayed all enemies and players 2 times
+ Moved save files to Users/[User]/AppData/Local/KillHouseGames/ActionSquad (fix
game not starting issue)
+ Fixed Speed Pouches vs KSG Twin Shotgun bug (it didn't work on slug shots)
+ Fixed bug that prevented the player selection to be saved correctly when playing

v0.9.0 from 09-May-2018

+! Added 2 new enemies: Detonator Dick, Machinegunner Ben
+! Added 2 new NPCs: Old Lady, Bomb Vest Hostage
+! Added new gun for the Assaulter: MCX300 Carbine and Special ability: MK48 Light
+! Added rigged remote explosive barrels that Detonator Dick can detonate
+! Some enemies will now aim at players when they're on ladders or boxes
+! New Gear: Mag Ready, Smoke Grenade, Antistab Armor
+! Added 4 new cool music tracks
+ Added new voices for Agent Fergie when joining a game
+ Improved AI on smarter enemies: they get ready when they hear a door being
+ Tweaked the way enemies see/detect you
+ Both players must be present now to enter a hidden room when playing in coop
+ Doors move when kicked
+ Added new Achievements and fixed older ones (Troublemakers Arriving, Things
Heating Up)
+ Added more AI behaviors with different probabilities for the same events
+ Improved script engine, added more math and conditional instructions
+ Fixed weird rendering, placing and interaction for health and ammo boxes
+ The shotguns only splat targets from close quarters
+ Wounded Cop doesn't alert the enemies when he sees the player
+ The Assaulter Aimed Shot ability doesn't kill the Wounded Cop anymore
+ Animated Doomsday Train level
+ Can't upload scores to Leaderboards if modding is enabled
+ Added graphics for Shield's SMG, Breacher's Dragonbreath

v0.6.13 from 05-Apr-2018 (patch)

+ Fixed mission 2.6 (invisible door)
+ Unlocked missions 4.1 and 4.2
+ Fixed bug that prevented players from throwing grenades when on ladders

v0.6.12 from 03-Mar-2018

+ Reinforcements: Agent Fergie. Special abilities: Akimbo Pistols and MP5K SMG
+ Two new villains: Operator Orville and Grenadier Ghenady
+ New weapons for the Assaulter and Shield classes
+ Two new levels
+ Improved AI for most enemies
+ Added random enemies in some levels
+ Improved level design and UI
+ Fixed more freezing and network disconnect issues

v0.6.11 Update-1 from 26-Feb-2018

+ Added 2 new ingame tunes
+ reduced game's RAM footprint
+ Added some cheats. Will probably remove them after Early Access.
+ Network coop desync fixes (exploding barrels, item prices, etc)
+ Breacher slugs can now be shot from mid-air
+ Fixed: Breacher armor disappearing when switching to slugs
+ Fixed: Weapons locking when spamming the reload or fire buttons

v0.6.11 from 23-Feb-2018

+ Fixed shop bug that allowed for unlimited weapons unlocking (sorry guys :)

v0.6.1 from 22-Feb-2018

+ [!] Added Steam Achievements
+ [!] Improved Ammo and Health boxes placement
+ [!] Major changes and improvements to Breacher class
+ [!] Added 3 new breacher shotguns: M870, KSG, HK512
+ [!] Added Breacher SAW special ability - cuts through doors and enemies alike!
+ [!] Some special abilities can be activated from the ladders now
+ Completely re-wrote weapons system and added weapon scripts to allow for
incredible new weapons!
+ Added Speed Loader gear (loads 4 shotgun shells at once)
+ Changed grenade throwing mechanics from ladders (use up, down to control throw)
+ Changed bullets rendering
+ Added a small window of invulnerability after respawning
+ "Continue" countdown replaced with "Respawn" countdown when dying
+ Added more levels and polished old ones
+ Explosive barrels now break doors! Kick that barrel!
+ Health and Ammo boxes now disappear after being completely consumed
+ Added 2 new level backgrounds
+ Fixed: Blowup Bart AI locking and Leader Lemmy armor bug
+ Fixed: mission ending before saving all hostages
+ Fixed: accuracy computation formula
+ Fixed: gore lag and short bullets when turning VSync OFF from the driver settings

v0.5.19 from 22-Dec-2017

+ [!] Added 2 new enemies: Molotov Manny and Fanatic Frankie
+ [!] Added 2 new special abilities: Dragon Breath Rounds and SMG Assault
+ [!] Added Leaderboards (single player / coop)
+ [!] Added 2 more in-game soundtracks
+ [!] Added Wounded Cop NPC
+ [!] Added 6 new missions and updated old levels
+ You can now shoot grenades from ladders in all directions (keep left/right/down
when throwing)
+ Changed bomb artwork and explosion
+ Changed some weapons
+ Added Christmas... easter egg
+ Updated graphics (tileset, explosions, characters)
+ Enemies that are too close are pushed away
+ Grenades can be thrown through windows
+ Added hostage voices
+ Added crows here and there, and rats, lots of rats
+ Added cool "Spawn" and "Reinforcement Called" animations
+ Removed class selection after dying and respawning
+ Fixed: dying when passing through doors resulted in transparent corpse
+ Fixed: breaching charge on horizontal glass damage rule
+ Fixed: rare "level finished" message while enemies still coming in through doors
+ Fixed: hostage kill not counted when used as human shield (Leader Lemmy)
+ Fixed: minor AI glitches when the enemy lost his target
+ Fixed: sometimes enemies could shoot you even if in cover mode
+ Fixed: Sniper Support shooting dead targets (if killed after enemy marked as
sniper target)
+ Fixed: Sniper targets weren't counted as kills for the player that activated the
Sniper Assist

v0.5.18 from 02-Dec-2017

+ [!] Added CHAT (press ENTER to open chat interface during Online COOP)
+ [!] Fixed rare network disconnect message when finishing a mission in coop
+ Added CRC check on important files. When modding the game one can only play with
peers having the same mod enabled (Network error was shown before)
+ Added new "ready" sounds for Assaulter in player selection screen
+ Sniper support kills alert nearby enemies
+ Damage over Time frags (eg. fire from flashbangs) give the player Strategic
Points now
+ Fixed grenades and barrel napalm lumps falling from hidden rooms when exiting the
room before explosion
+ Fixed small bug that allowed the player to win a level when shooting the last and
only hostage
+ When kicking down a door enemies will hear it and get alerted on both sides of
the door now
+ Fixed Suicide Bomber damage on players with armor (more deadly)
+ Fixed breaching charge explosion damage and enemy alert events
+ Melee now hits enemies that are really close too
+ Fixes a bug where close enemies wouldn't get pushed back by melee
+ Fixed some errors in some of the levels (errors reported by players)
+ Changed the order of some levels based on their difficulty

v0.5.17 from 24-Nov-2017

+ Visual/gameplay improvements on several maps
+ Alt + F1 during gameplay brings up keyboard layout
+ Ingame Help mode (F1) shows the Special Ability key when Strategic Bar is full.
+ Added Exit button on COOP WIN Screen
+ Added Next Mission button on COOP LOSE Screen
+ Restart now takes you to class selection screen
+ Bomber doesn't explode anymore when kicked
+ Now you can't use special ability in midair or on ladders anymore
+ Shows frame latency on multiplayer and FPS when pressing F5
+ Barrels incendiated by players that kill enemies count the enemies as kills
+ Removed stun from barrel napalm particles
+ Strategic bar blinks when getting strategic points
+ Respawn buddy icon blinks when playing a 2 player game
+ Sniper Support doesn't give SP anymore
+ Sniper Support doesn't kill enemies under fog of war
+ You can now jump for a few frames after falling off a platform (you can jump
after breaking the horizontal glass too)
+ Fixed super powerful air kick effect when kicking an enemy to death near an edge
and sending him flying
+ Removed aiming error on aimed shot
+ Fixed Leader Lemmy "GET HIM" loop
+ COOP: fixed rare lock bug on mission end
+ Tuned M4 Carbine a bit different. It's damage is dependend on range now to
reflect fragmentation.

v0.5.16 from 19-Nov-2017

+ Fixed bugs that would result in the game freezing while playing online (FINAL)
+ Speed Pouches now give you -30% Reload Time
+ Improved random level selection when quick playing online

v0.5.15 from 19-Nov-2017

+ Added DPI Awareness
+ Fixed several bugs that would result in the game freezing while playing online
+ Fixed several issues in levels: 1.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.7
+ Fixed script-related crash
+ Fixed character selection screen desync
+ Fixed screen flashing red when team-mate got hit
+ Added legal documents EULA and Credits inside licensing.txt

v0.5.14 from 17-Nov-2017

+ Version v0.5.14 - Steam Early Access Version RC1

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