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ee esa eee TEST -1A (Paper-l) | eet PART -1: PHYSICS ‘SECTION -1 One or More Options Correct Type “This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) forts answar, ut of which one or more than one islare correct. 7. Inthe shown arrangement of hemisphere and rod, f hemisphere is moving with velocity 4 mis and one end of rad which is in contact with horizontal surface is moving with velocity 2 mis, then Hemisphere wy Semis © [Se] ~28 ras won @* ms \ao| {ae « radls when 0= 45° ©) Fan4 n= 45 2. particle moves in X-¥ plane and its poston vector (7) varies with time (9) as # = 217 + 21 1)]- Choose the correct options. ena yoo ey ty 2 (8) Equation of trajectory ofthe path followed by particle is y= x— (C) Velocity along x-axis is constant (©) Velocity along y-axis is not constant 3. _Abody is projected with same speed (u) at two different angles and it covers the same herizontal range(f). If T, and T, are time of fights in two cases, then w e+e @ ng Ae ¢ ¢ a 4 is indeg wu 1 0). eicepniet ot ‘Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 6, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005. Ph 01147623456 Ricans unissued Brees ee) 4. A particle is projected with speed u fram the bottom of an inclined plane as shown. Choose the correct options for different values of 0 and f. (#37 then ato mute (8) somatpre ites nay (p37 ene to met cit (2) se tata cots noma {e) forse J) then motion of particle wil be straight fine ©) Kro+ 5. Ifdistance vs time graph of @ particle moving in a straight line is shown in graph, then then motion of particle will be parabolic (A) The portion AB of graph shows accelerated mation (®) The portion CD of araph shows retarded mation (©) Tho portion EF of graph shows that particle is at rest (D) The portion EF of graph shows that parce is moving 6. Two horizontal forces F, and F, are applied on:2 kg and 4 kg block as shown: Choose the correct options for iffront value of F, and F;, (8, 2, are acceleration of2kg and 4 kg block respectively and g = 10 mis). Za Kor aig smooth IF, @ ItF, (©) IFF,=12.N, and F,= 6, then a, = a, =1 m/s? 4 ys? gm 20, and = 6, ten a.=4 mi? ada, mst ’ (0) F,=4N, ond F, N, then a Corporate Office : Kakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.011-47623456 (Code-A) Air ones ee ‘SECTION -2 Integer Value Correct Type This section contains 8 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a double-digit integer, ranging from 00 to 99. The answer will have to be appropriately bubbled in the OMR 2s per the instructions as follows. Examples: If the correct answer to question numbers X, Y and Z (say) are 76, 0 and 9 respectively, then mark 76, 00 and 09 in OMR respectively. x | QD9DOODOOSOO OOOOOOSGOHO® y| 8999900000 @9OO0OO0OO z|@29O9OO00O QOOOOOO0Oe 1. inestovn angen tpl nd sings, ae fg Dake 7, tn evo Nis ‘Two identical point masses 1 and 2 are connected at the end of an ideal string. Complete arrangement is placed on smooth horizontal surface and a horizontal force F is applied at mid-point of string as shown. Magnitude of the relative acceleration (in mis?) of mass 1 with respect to mass 2 at the instant shown amie) 1 (chon Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 6, Pusa Road, New Delfi-t 10005, Ph.OT1-AT623456 ee CO Wicomico: ope 9. In the shown arrangement pulley is smooth and string is ideal, Frictional force (in N) acting on 1 kg block Is. (9= 10 ms?) Fag 702 3g C ‘Smooth 4 ka] 10. In the shown arrangement, two ends of the string are pulled with velocity 20 m/s and 10 mis. If speed of one block is observed as 2 mis, then speed (v) of second block in mis is 20mis < 10 ms 2s 11. tf dimensional formula of FOE WOK ig tye 2-79, thon tho value of (2a + 36+ 4) is equal to 12, If distance (S) travelled by the particle as a function of time (f) is given by the equation S ‘where ts in second, then average speed of the particle from f= 2s to t= 4 sis ms. 4, A particle is moving on a circular path of radius (R= 1m) with speed which varies with time (t) as v= 2 mis (isin). rett= Sa sits velocity vector makes an angle 45° with tolal acceleration vector, then the valve of Nis 14. Asswimmer at the bank of river reaches directly at other bank of river at point & way minimum possible speed instar iv ink by mirmeri second tn thm Ws! — Corporate. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, Now Delhi 110005: PROT 147629256 ee ene: Ca SECTION -3 Paragraph Type This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory, experiment, data etc. Four questions relate to two paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question pertaining to a particular passage should have only one correct answer among the four given choices (A), (B),(C) and (D). Paragraph for Q. Nos. 15 8 16 In the shown arrangement pulley is smooth and string is ideal. If system is set free to move, then answer the following questions. pct fmm] a smooth 15. Minimum value of coefficient of friction (,,), 80 that block A has zero acceleration in vertical direction, is 3 @$ ot os 18, y= than acoleraon of Bok A wi 6 os © $7 o% Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 and 18 ‘A particle is thrown vertically upward from a certain height. ts distance (S) from a fixed point varies with time (6) ‘as shown in graph. Answer the following questions on the basis of information given in graph: (Take g= 10 mis#) S{m) ‘Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 6, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.011-47623456 2 RUE une eineseaee) 47. Tine taken by the pate to retum othe pont of projection is wis tS @3s (as (028 18. Maximurn height ataind by thie particle from point of projection is 4m @)3m sm (0) 6m PART - Il: CHEMISTRY ‘SECTION -1 One or More Options Correct Type This section contains 6 multple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (©) and (0) oF ts answer, ‘out of which one or more than one is/are correct 19, To explain the covalent bond formation, valence ond teary i= well known, Which of the folowing ‘statement(s) is/are true? (A) The covalent bond is formed due to the overlapping of two orbitals containing two unpaired electrons with the opposite spins (8) The p’ orbitals forming x-bond should have same sign with orientation in space (C) Valence bond theory was not able to explain the paramagnetic nature of Oz {D) It is possible that a covalent bond can be formed by the overlap of an electron filled orbital with vacant orbital 20. MOT can explain the properties of various dlatomic molecules (Homonuclear/Heteronuclear), which of the following isare the correct explanation forthe fact that ionization energy of NO is less than both nitrogen and oxygen {A) The energy of HOMO is higher than etomic orbital of nitogen but less then oxygen * (B) The energy of HOMO is higher than the atomic orbital both nitrogen and oxygen (©) The energy of LUMO is ess than atomic orbitals of nitrogen and oxygen (©) The energy of LUMO is higher than atomic orbitals of nitrogen and oxygen 21, Which ofthe folowing order is (are) correct forthe indicated property? (A) BoCi04 < CaCO. < 10:04 NazCO3 > KzC0s > RCO > Cs2C0s (Covalent character) (0) NaF < MgO < AIN <'NC (Covalent character) ‘Corporate Office : Rakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005, Ph.011-47623455 Gon toeescuene a 22. Which ofthe following order(s) is/are correct for the indicated ionization eneray? (A) O> N>B>C(E) (®) Fe cl> Br> I (IE) (©) N> CES) (0) B> Ga (les) 23, Consider the following chemical reaction: Pa(NOs): + NaxSO« > PbSO« + 2NaNOs [Molar mass : Pb(NOs)z= 331, NasSOu = 142] If. series of experiments are run maintaining sum of the weights of two reactant constant but varying the ‘weight composition of reactants. Which of the following statement is (are) not true? (A) Maximum weight ofthe precipitate (PbSOz) will be formed if equal weight of reactants are taken (6) Meximum weight of the precipitate (PSO) will be formed if equal moles of reactant are taken (C) In tho oxperiment, as the weight of NesSOs Increases weight of precipitate (PSO.) increases indefinitely (0) In the experiment as the weight of Pb(NOs: increases weight of precipitate (PbSOs) increases indefinitely 24. Asalt mixture was believed to contain KCIOs, KHCOs, KsCOs and KCI. When this mixture was heated 18.9 of water, 132 g of COz and 40 g of oxygen is evolved according fo the following reaction. 2KCIOs + 2KCI + 302 2KHCOs -> KeO + H:0 + 2602 K:C03 + 20 + COz ‘Then the ratio of mass % of KCIOs to KHCOs is @) 051 (e) 072 (061 (0) 032 ‘SECTION -2 Integer Value Correct Type ‘This section contains 8 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a double-digit integor, ranging from 00 to 99. The answer will have to be appropriately bubbled in the OMR as per the instructions as follows, ‘Examples- Ifthe correct answer to question numbers X, Y and Z (say) are 76, 0 and 9 respectively, then mark ‘76, 00 and 09 In OMR respectively. x]og22en5e0D @bBHOOeOOD | « DTQOOO DOVDOOOO. |@0d0000000 |O03OO9O09O “Corporate Office Aakash Tower, 6, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Pa O11-47623456 Allingia Aa 25. The number of pairs in which magnitude of elecron affinity of the second element is more than that ofthe frst elementis (0.F) (Si, P)(F, Cl) (Ci, Br) (0, 8) (S, Se) (N, P) 26. ‘The sum of radial and angular nodes in the following orbitals of H-atom is Yep, (il) Yes (ii) og, W) Yay 27. The accelerating potential (V) that must be imparted to @ proton beam to give it an effective wavelength of 0.1 Ais x. Then the value of 10x is (the closest whole number value). Use charge of e- = 1.6 « 10°C, mass of proton = 1.6 x 107 kg, Planck’s constant (n)= 6.4 x 10° Js, 28, 0.8 mole HNOs and 1.8 mole HCI are allowed to react according tothe fallowing reaction. Sum of the total ‘moles of gaseous product formed is x. Then the value of 2xis HMO (aq) HCI(aq) 961 (a) 2NO(g) 4H Of) 28. ithe number of maxima in radel probeblly distibuton function vs r graph forthe electron in highest energy subshell of Cutis x and number of maxima inv? v6 r graph for the electron inthe subshell with highest cnorgy and also has highest numberof electron in Cris y. Then the value of + y2is 30. According to molecular orbital theory the nuber of electrons present in the entibonding molacular orbitals of Nevis (ae) x In the molecule XeO2Fs, the maximum number of atoms in one plane is y. The value of x+ y is 31. The velocity of an u-partice that must be projacted towards the nucleus of zine atom, such that Itreaches as. at a distance of 2.56 * 10~® m from the ‘Zn’ nuclous is 18 x 10*ms-1. The value of xis 1 Use : 9x10°Nm?C4, Ny =6x10% mol’, charge of electton = 4.6 x 10-* C, Zn = 30, 8x 1097 4g arms ‘32. Atomic number of second period p-block element having lowest 2 ionization enthalpy is : SECTION -3 Paragraph Typo This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory, experiment, data etc. Four questions relate to two paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question pertaining to a particular passage should have only one correct answer among the four given choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). Paragraph for Q. Nos. 33 & 34 ‘Consider the below sequence of reactions. Sq (s) +80, (9) + 880, (9) H,0+ 80, (a) + Bact, (aq) 8 + Ba80,(s) + 24CI(aa) BaS0; (5) +H:0, (aq) 7" > BaS0, (s) 14,0() ‘iomio mass (u):S 32, O~ 16, C1955, Ba—137. ‘Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Dali-110005. Ph.OTT-47623456 ee ues doce 33. If 256 g Ss and 192 9 O2 are allowed to reacts, then the moles of BaSOs(s) formed is _. Sufficient water ‘and BaCh is present (A) 459 mole (8) 54 mole (©) 51 mole (0) 612 mole 34, If 256 g Ss and 192 g O2 are allowed to react, then the amount of BaSOus) formed is. Suficient waler, HsO2 and BaCh is present approximately). 10709 (8) 8029 (©) 11329 (0) 983.9 Paragraph for Question Nos. 35 and 36 ‘Max Panek idea of quantization of energy was applied by Bohr to the problem of hydrogen spectra. It was found by Balmer that the wavelength of emitted radiation in the visible and near ultraviolet spectrum of hydrogen could be expressed as A asea = ‘Also, Bohr solved the problem of instability of Rutherford model of Hydrogen atom. Answer the following ‘questions. 35. Bohr's solved the problem of Rutherford model by introducing Statement: The electron in an atom can revolve around the nucleus only in certain allowed circular orbits without losing energy. SStatomantl : The electron can jump from one of the allowed orbits to another and can thereby gain or loss ‘energy equivalent to the difference in the energy of two involved orbitals. Statement Ill: When the electron jump from higher energy orbit to lower energy orbit, it gains ‘appears in the form of radiation of frequency. ergy, which Statements which are correct? (A) I. tloniy (8) Lonly (©) Land it only (0) 1, ana ut 36." The number of revolution made by an electron in the second Bohr orbit of L#* in 1 hris, (A) 265 «10% (8) 1.08 « 10 (C) 5.30 10% (0) 8.84 « 1017 ‘Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 6, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110006. Ph.O0T1-47623456 Allindia Aakash Test Series for 1A (Baper-1) (Gode-A) PART - Ill : MATHEMATICS ‘SECTION -1 One or More Options Correct Type This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 cholees (A), (B), (C) and (D) forits answer, ‘out of which one or more than one is/are correct. 37. Let Fbe a real valued function given by Ax) = xand a(x) = f(x) +4 x then (A) g¢eo2 (8) 85) +#15)=20 (©) g(2022)=2 (©) Range of a(x) is (1} 38. Let ay denotes the last two digits of 7. Where new, for example ai = 07, az = 49, ay = 43, ....thon (A) enzi=07 ® > 4 =1250 eto (©) ea = 49 (©) ¥ 9, =2500 89. Let A= {x: xis a prime number and x < 16) and B= (x: x is even divisor of 14), then number of elements in (A~B) x (BA) is not equal to as wee 3 (0) 10 40. Two roads are represented by the equations y— x = 6 and x + y= 8. A football is placed so that itis at a distance of 100 units from each of the roads. The possible location(s) of football is (a) (100V2 +47) (8) (11002, 7) (©) (v7 +1002) (©) (-4-7-1002) 41, i= JF then SU +27]? = x+y, then ix + fs less than or equal to. es ve @ 8 () ve o 7 42. Leta, b, €> Obe three numbers such hat a+b + ©= 10, then a?bc can be (@) 100 (8) 150 (C) 200 (D) 250 ‘Corporate Office: Rakash Tower, B, Pusa Road, New Dali- 110005, PROTT-ATE2oIES Weeks femecucucaess ‘SECTION -2, Integer Value Correct Type ‘This section contains 8 questions. The answer to each of the questions is 2 double-digit integer, ranging from 00 to 98, The answer wil have to be appropriately bubbled in the OMR as per the instructions as follows. Examples: If the correct answer to question numbers X, Y and Z (say) are 76, 0 and 9 respectively, then mark 76, 00 and 09 in OMR respectivaly. Jaanoaaoeoo COBOOHOOOO y[ennaona005 8028058009 Roooacoaa) 2080008000 3. Asystom of tines is given as y = ma-+ e where m, can take any value out of, 1,1 and when mis positve, ‘ten oj can be 1 or—1; when ms zero, c/can be 0 or 1 and when m equal to -1, can take 0 or 2. Then the area enciosed by all hese straight Ines is 2 square units, then 4. is equal to 44. na geometric progression of real numbers, the sum of first two terms is 7 and the sum ofthe first six terms is 1, then the sum of fist four terms is 45, one root of the equation 8x2 6x + K= O's the square of other, then sum of squares ofall possible values fe R of kis 2, then * is equal to is, then is ea 46. The equations x2 + 3x +5 =0 and ax? + bx + c have a common root. Ifa, b, ¢ € N, then the least possible values of a + b+ cls equal to 47, The image of complex number z = — Ai about real x-axis and imaginary y-axis are z1 and ze respectively, then [zs + zal equals 48. LetA=(1,2,3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8), then fotal number of non-empty subsets of A which contain only even entries is equal to 49. 1f2= (8471) (p+1a) where p, 4 «!~ (0) is purely imaginary then minimum value of fi 50. Wed = 8 and [za] is (where [] represents the greatest integer function) ‘SECTION -3 Paragraph Type ‘This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory, experiment, data etc. Four questions relate to two paragraphs wih two questions on each paragraph. Each question pertaining to a particular passage should have only one correct answer among the four given choices (A). (B),(C) and (0). Corporate Office = Aakash Tower, 6 Pusa Road, New Delhi-1 10005. Ph.OTT-47623456 Rios ee eNerelcre Paragraph for Q. Nos. 51 & 52 ‘Consider the equation x(x-2a+1) + a2 = 0. Now answer the following. 1. The range of a for which the above equation has no real roots Is. w (=) (+3) (49) (0) =.=) 52, The given equation has real roots of opposite sign then complete set of values of a is (A) (4.1) (B) (1,0) Ore Oa.) Paragraph for Q. Nos. 53 & 54 Let ABC be an acute angled triangle and AD, BE and GF are its medians, whore E and F are the points (@,4) end (1,2) respectively and centroid of tiangle ABC is G(3, 2), then answer the folowing questions. 53, The equation of side ABs (A) 2e+y=4 @ x+y=3 (©) 4x-2y=3 (0) x42y=4 54, Coordinates of third midpoint D are (a) 7.4) 8) 6.0) 7,4) (©) 63,0) ooa ‘Corporate Office : Kakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, Now Delhi-110005, Ph.011-A7620756

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