Creating Sample Quetsionnaires

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Creating Sample Questionnaires

Below is a sample questionnaire. By using this as a template, create your own questionnaire
based on the same topic on the second page.

Use of Electronic Devices during class hours among Villa College Students
The main purpose of this research is to identify why and how students of VillaCollege use electronic devices during
class hours. Any data collected by the questionnaire will be kept confidential. It will be only used for the purposes of
this research.

1) Gender
● Male
● Female
2) Age
● Below 18
● 18 - 21 years
● 21- 30 years
● 30 - 50 years
● 50 and above
3) Employment
● Employed
● Unemployed
4) Should students be allowed to use electronic devices in class?
● yes
● No
5) What devices do you use in class?


6) What do you use your devices for?

● Study related
● gaming
● entertainment
● work related
● social media
● others __________________________________________________________
7) How much time do you spend on your phone during a 2 hour class?
● None
● Less than 30 minutes
● About an hour
● More than an hour
● 2 hours
8) Is other students’ use of electronic devices in class distracting to you?
● Yes
● No

Your sample questionnaire:

Survey on electronic device use in class among students at Villa College-Done by Izkaan
The major goal of this study is to determine how and why Villa College students utilize electronic devices in class. The only
purpose for which the questionnaire's data will be utilized is to create a statistical based-research project. It will only be
utilized for the needs of this study.
1) Gender
● Male
● Female
2) Age
● Below 18
● 18 - 21 years
● 21- 30 years
● 30 - 50 years
● 50 and above
3) What devices do you use in class?

 Laptop
 Phone

4) Are you aware that students are not permitted to use their phones for social networking, gaming, or entertainment in class?
 Yes
 No
5) What do you use your devices for?
● Study related
● gaming
● entertainment
● work-related
● social media
● others __________________________________________________________
6) Will you cease using your own personal gadgets in class if the institution gives you a personal tablet that you may use to do all of
your in-class research and take notes but that must be left inside when you leave?
 Yes
 No
7) How much time do you spend on your phone during a 2-hour class?
● None
● Less than 30 minutes
● About an hour
● More than an hour
● 2 hours
8) Do you find it disturbing when other students use electronics in class?
 Yes
 No
9) Are you dissatisfied with your module lecturers ?
 Yes
 No
10) Do you find it hard to focus in class
 Yes
 No
11) Do you have trouble understanding what’s going on in class?
 Yes
 No

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