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The statistical population is:{

=a large group of relatively homogeneous elements taken at certain intervals of time and
space ~large group of observation units
~large group of different elements
~a large group of relatively homogeneous elements characterized by accounting features}
Types of statistical population:{ ~%50% the General
~%50% sample
A statistical research is:{ ~%25%solid ~%25%selective ~%25%one-time ~%25%current
Element of the statistical population:{ =observation unit
Accounting features are:{ ~ %25% attribute
~ %25% quantitative ~main
~%25%factorial ~%25%effective}
Attribute feature:{ ~%50%gender ~age's
~body weight ~%50%profession}
Quantitative feature:{ ~%50%body weight ~%50%age
A factorial feature:{ ~%50% gender ~%50% age ~profession
~body weight}

Performance feature:{ ~age's

~%33,33333% growth ~%33,33333%profession
~ %33,33333% body weight}
Stages of statistical research:{
~%20% statement of purpose and objectives of the study ~%20% collection of material
~%20%material processing
~%20%material analysis
~%20% alignment of material
~conclusions and suggestions}
The plan of statistical research:{
~%25%defining the observation unit ~%25%selection of the research object
~%25%research funding
~%25%determining the time of statistical research ~purpose and objectives of the study}
The program of collection of material:{ =creating a statistical map
~creating a table layout
~selection of statistical methods ~monitoring of the patient}
Material processing program:{ ~compiling a statistical map =creating a table layout
~selection of statistical methods ~monitoring of the patient}
The program of analysis of material:{ ~compiling a statistical map ~creating a table layout
=selection of statistical methods ~monitoring of the patient}
Methods of collecting material:{ ~%33,33333% copying data ~%33,33333% observation
~%33,33333% anamnestic r~etrospective}
Types of table:{ ~%33,33333%simple ~%33,33333%group

~%33,33333%combinational ~typological
General population:{
=includes all possible observation units
~includes part of the observation units of the General population ~includes basic observation
~includes a large number of elements}
Sample population:{
~includes all possible observation units
=includes part of the observation units of the General population ~includes basic observation
~includes a large number of elements}
Reliability of social and hygienic research:{ =95%
~68% ~88%}
Reliability of clinical research:{ ~95%
~68% ~88%}
Reliability of pharmacological research:{ ~95%
~68% ~88%}
Properties of the General population:{ ~%20%distribution of features
~%20% the average level of characteristics ~%20% variety featured
~%20%reliability of features ~%20%relationship between features ~feature identification}
Simple table:{
=includes one account of a characteristic
~includes two or more account attributes that are not related to each other ~includes two or
more related attributes

~includes many of the subjects and predicates}

Group table:{
~includes one account of a characteristic
=includes two or more account attributes that are not related to each other ~includes two or
more related attributes
~includes many of the subjects and predicates}
Combination table:{
~includes one account of a characteristic
~includes two or more account attributes that are not related to each other =includes two or
more related attributes
~includes many of the subjects and predicates}
A table row is called:{ =subject
The table graph is called:{ ~subject
The line indicates:{
=name of the account featured ~the size of the discount signs ~statistical property
The graph indicates:{
~the name of the discount signs =size of the account featured ~statistical property
Types of distribution by features{ ~%33,33333% alternative ~%33,33333%symmetrical
~right ~special}
Symmetric distribution of features{ ~%33,33333%right-hand drive ~%33,33333%left-hand
drive ~%33,33333% bimodal

~intermittent ~main thing}

In the case of a symmetric distribution of a feature, the following is used to evaluate the
reliability of the results obtained{
=parametric method
~non-parametric methods
~basic methods ~mathematical method}
In case of an asymmetric distribution of the attribute, the following is used to evaluate the
reliability of the results obtained{
~parametric method
=non-parametric methods
~basic methods ~mathematical method}
For an alternative distribution of the attribute, the following is used to evaluate the reliability
of the results obtained{
=parametric method
~non-parametric methods
~basic methods ~mathematical method}
Relative value{ ~%25%intensive rate ~%25%extensive index ~%25%ratio indicator
~ %25% visibility indicator ~link indicator}
Intensive indicator{
~%50%total mortality rate
~%50%primary morbidity rate
~specific weight of diseases of the circulatory system ~indicators of hospital bed availability
~coefficient of variation}
Extensive indicator{
~total mortality rate
~level of primary morbidity
=specific weight of diseases of the circulatory system ~indicators of hospital bed availability
~coefficient of variation}
Ratio indicator{
~total mortality rate
~level of primary morbidity
~specific weight of diseases of the circulatory system

=indicators of hospital bed availability ~coefficient of variation}

Extensive indicators are expressed in{ =percent
The basic group of the General properties of the statistical population{ ~%20%attribute
~%20% the average level of characteristics
~%20% variety featured
~%20%representativeness of features ~%20%relationship between features ~ discreteness
of features
~ relativity of features}
Element of the statistical population:{ =observation unit
Accounting features are:{ ~ %25% attribute values ~ %25% quantitative ~main
~%25%factorial ~%25%effective}
Attribute attribute:{ ~%50% gender ~age's
~growth ~%50%profession}
Quantitative character:{ floor
%50% age
%50% growth profession}
A sign factor:{ ~%50% gender ~%50% age ~growth ~profession ~weight}

Performance indicator:{ ~floor

~%33,33333% growth ~%33,33333%profession ~ %33,33333% weight}
Stages of statistical research:{
~%20% statement of purpose and objectives of the study ~%20% collection of material
~%20%material processing
~%20%material analysis
~%20% alignment of material
~conclusions and suggestions}
The variation series is:{ ~%25%simple ~%25%grouped ~%25%discontinuous
~%25%continuous ~dynamic}
The average value characterizes:{
~the prevalence of the phenomenon ~specific weight
~ratio of different attributes
=General measure of the trait being studied}
The most common variant in the variation series is:{ ~is the standard deviation of
~Student criterion
The version that occupies the middle position in the variation series is:{ ~Sigma
~Student criterion
The arithmetic weighted average is calculated if:{
~variation series grouped
=the frequency of the variant is different
~the number of variants in the variation series is more than 30 ~variation a number a simple
~frequency option is equal to 1}
The arithmetic mean simple is calculated if:{ ~variation series grouped

~frequency option different

~the number of options in the variation series is more than 30 ~variation a number a simple
=frequency option is equal to 1}
The variation series is:{
~the range of any measurement
=a series of dimensions of a specific feature located in
rank order
~ homogeneous indicators that change over time ~series of abstract quantities
~a number of elements of the statistical population}
A variant is:{
=numeric expression of the attribute ~average
~relative indicator
~absolute value
~qualitative characteristic of the trait}
The observation unit is:{
~element of the variation series =element of the statistical population ~a group of signs
~time-varying indicator}
The generalizing characteristic of the variation series is:{ ~number of observations
~is the standard deviation of
~only the arithmetic mean
=any average value ~option's}
Average values are used to characterize features:{ ~quality
The variation series is:{
~series of numbers
~set of options
=numeric values of the attribute located in a specific area
The average value is:{
~frequency of the phenomenon
~structure of the phenomenon
= generalizing characteristic of the varying trait}

A variant is:{
=numeric value of the attribute in the variation series ~frequency of symptom manifestation}
The median of the series (Me) is:{
~the highest value of the variant in the variation series
~variant that occurs more often than others in the variation series =Central line dividing the
variation series in half}
Fashion is{
~two variants in the variation series
=version that occurs more often than others in the variation series ~the variant with the
lowest attribute value in the variation series}
Specify the formula for calculating the deviation (d){ =d=V-M
The typical arithmetic mean is characterized by:{ ~%50%mean square deviation
~%50%coefficient of variation
Which version of the variation series is most often taken as a conditional average:{ =fashion
~arithmetic simple average
~arithmetic weighted average}
The variety of a trait is characterized by the following value:{ ~%25%limit
~%25% amplitude
~%25%mean square deviation
~%25%coefficient of variation ~median}
The coefficient of variation is 19%, which indicates:{ ~weak feature diversity
~a variety of symptom
=average trait diversity
~strong feature diversity}
What does it mean if the coefficient of variation is 6%?{ ~the environment is homogeneous
=a variety of symptom of weak
~a variety of characteristic secondary
~variety of trait is strong

~a variety of symptom expressed}

What does it mean if the coefficient of variation is 32%?{ ~a variety of symptom of weak
~a variety of characteristic secondary
=variety of feature strong
~a variety of symptom expressed}
What are the limits of random fluctuations in the average value with a probability of 95.5%{
~M +/- m
=M + / - 2m
~M + / - 3m}
What degree of probability corresponds to the confidence the interval P+/-m{
=probability of 68.3%
~probability of 95.5%
~the probability of 99.7%}
What degree of probability corresponds to the confidence interval M+/ - 3m{
~probability of 68.3%
~probability of 95.5%
=probability of 99.7%}
Group properties of the General population{ ~%20%attribute distribution
~%20%average attribute level ~%20%feature variety ~%20%representativeness of the trait
~%20%relationship between features ~variability of the characteristics}
The representativeness of the trait is evaluated{ =when conducting a sample study
~when conducting a continuous study}
The representativeness of a statistical indicator is estimated on the basis of{ = indicator
~Student criterion
~confidence interval
~variations ~medians}
The reliability of the difference in statistical indicators is estimated on the basis of{ ~ indicator
=Student criterion
~confidence interval

Reliability of the statistical indicator 95%{ =P+/ - 2m
~P+/ - 3m
Reliability of the statistical indicator 98%{ ~P+/ - 2m
=P+/ - 3m
Reliability of the statistical indicator 99.7%{ ~P+/ - 2m
~P+/ - 3m
=P+/ - 4m
Reliability of the statistical indicator 68%{ ~P+/ - 2m
~P+/ - 3m
=P+/ - m}
Expected reliability of results in social and hygienic studies{ ~68%
Expected reliability of results in clinical trials{ ~68%
Expected reliability of results in pharmacological studies{ ~68%
Statistical indicators differ significantly if the student's criterion is equal to{ ~0.5
The statistical indicator is reliable with a probability of 95%{ ~%50%10.0+/-3.2
The error of the arithmetic mean is directly proportional{ =variety of the characteristic in the
variation series
~the first option in the variation series
~the value of the maximum value
~the minimum value of options}
The error of the arithmetic mean is inversely proportional{ ~variety of feature in the variation
=the first option in the variation series
~the value of the maximum value
~the minimum value of options}
The relative value error is directly proportional{ ~variety of feature in the variation series
~number of observation units
=the size of the figure
~the minimum value of options}
The relative error is inversely proportional to the value{ ~variety of feature in the variation
=number of observation units
~the size of the figure
~the minimum value of options}
A dynamic series can be composed of values:{ ~%33.33333% absolute
~%33.33333% relative
~ %33.33333% average
What are the indicators used to analyze the dynamic series:{ ~intensive
~%25%growth rate
~%25%absolute increase
~%25%growth rate ~%25%content of 1% increase}
A chart is used to visualize seasonal fluctuations:{ ~sector

To study the change in the indicator over time, use:{ ~intra-column chart
~ %50% dynamic range
~%50% the indicators of clarity
~variational series
~ typological grouping}
The change in the indicator over a period of time characterizes:{ ~the coefficient of reliability
~extensive indicator
=growth rate
~intensive indicator ~standardized indicator}
Data on morbidity for 1 year, calculated for 1000 men and women, can be presented in the
form of a chart:{
~intra-column ~linear ~radial}
A diagram can be used to illustrate the structure of the incidence:{ ~ columnar
The chart that most clearly characterizes the indicators of seasonal morbidity is:{ ~sector
~ columnar
Statistically reliable of these indicators are:{ ~65.8+25.7%
Differences in indicators are significant (P<0.05) at n>30, if the student's criterion is equal
to:{ ~0
~1.5 ~%50%2.0}
Differences in indicators are significant (P<0.05) at n>30, if the student's criterion is equal
to:{ ~0

~%50%3,4 ~1.5 ~%50%2.0}

As the observation volume increases, the representativeness error occurs:{ ~increases
~remains unchanged
The difference in indicators is significant if the value of t (student's criterion) is equal to:{ ~0.5
~%50%2.0 ~%50%2.5}
The difference in indicators is significant if the value of t (student's criterion) is equal to:{
~%33,33333%2,0 ~%33,33333%to 12.7}
The average error of the arithmetic mean and the relative index is:{ =measure of confidence
in the result
~the difference between the minimum and maximum value of the attribute ~number of
degrees of freedom}
The average error of the arithmetic mean is directly proportional to:{ ~number of
~frequency of occurrence of the trait
~confidence factor
=indicator of the diversity of the studied trait ~the value of the studied attribute}
The average error of the arithmetic mean is inversely proportional:{ =number of observations
~indicator of the diversity of the studied trait
~the margin of error
~confidence indicator
~the value of the studied attribute}
Representativeness is:{
=ratio of the arithmetic mean or relative indicator of the sample population to the General
~reliability of the result obtained in a continuous study
~a measure of the accuracy of the study
~the concept that characterizes the relationship between features
~characteristics of the research methodology}

The limit error is:{

=the confidence interval within which the expected results of the sample study or General
assessment will be located
~the coefficient of reliability
~a measure of variability of the trait}
With a confidence factor of 2, the confidence probability is:{ ~68%
~99.5% ~99.9%}
The student's coefficient is:{
~standardized indicator
~correlation coefficient
=coefficient of reliability
~characterization of the diversity of symptom}
An indicator of the reliability of the difference in average values is:{ ~average error
~correlation coefficient
=confidence factor (t)
~intensive indicator ~growth rate}
The minimum value of the student's coefficient at which the difference between the
compared values is considered reliable:{
~%33,33333%2,0 ~%33,33333%2.5 ~%33,33333%is 3.0}
The comparison of the intensive indicators received on the homogeneous composition of the
aggregates, must be applied:{
~evaluation of ratio indicators
~determining the relative value
=assessment of the reliability of the difference in indicators}
The smaller the variety of the attribute, the greater the average error:{ =less
To reduce the sampling error, the number of observations should be:{ =increase

The smaller the number of observations, the greater the average error:{ ~less
Not considered reliable for scientific research:{ =a probability of 68.3%
~the probability of 95.5%
~the probability of 99.7%}
A random event is called{
~an event that can occur under any given conditions
=event that may or may not occur under specified conditions ~event that can occur under
specified conditions
~an event that can occur under non-specified conditions}
The probability is:{
~a phenomenon whose outcome can be predicted
=the value that determines the prospect of a particular outcome in the upcoming test ~the
value of the mean square deviation of the parameters of the variation series}
Nonparametric difference criteria can be used when comparing aggregates:{ ~%25%by
quantitative criteria
~%25%by quality criteria
~ %-33,333% alternative}
To use non-parametric criteria, do I need to know the nature of the distribution?{ ~yeah
Nonparametric communication metrics:{ ~depend on the distribution law =independent of the
distribution law}
The use of nonparametric methods in comparison with parametric methods has:{ =fewer
restrictions on source data
~more restrictions on source data}
Types of graphic images{ ~%33.33333% cartogram ~%33.33333%cartodiagram ~
%33.33333% chart ~graphoptions}
Charts for graphical display of extensive indicators{ ~%33.33333% circular
~%33.33333% intra-column

~%33.33333% columnar ~radial}

Charts for graphically displaying intensive indicators{ ~circular
~%50%columnar ~radial}
Charts for graphically displaying intensive indicators in a closed period of time{ ~circular
~ columnar =radial}
Correlation method. Method of standardization
The standardization method is used for:{
~the definition of reliability
~ characteristics of the population
=comparison of inhomogeneous composition of the aggregates ~identifying links between
What conditions are indications for the use of the standardization method?{ ~initial data
obtained from a sample population
~%50%differences in the composition of the compared populations
~the need to identify the relationship between phenomena
~%50%different values of group indicators ~no need for accurate results}
Indirect standardization method is used:{
~with a small number of observation units
=when the phenomenon is represented by a single number and its distribution is absent
~when there is no distribution of the environment
~when comparing sample populations}
The reverse standardization method is used when:{ ~no distribution of the phenomenon
=no environment distribution
~a small number of observation units
The correlation coefficient can take the following value:{ ~%50%+0.99

Specify the limits of the correlation strength (by the value of the correlation coefficient):{ ~-15
to +15
~-10 to +10
=-1 to +1
~from 0 to 2}
At what values of the rank correlation coefficient is the correlation inverse and strong?{
~ + 0.32}
At what values of the rank correlation coefficient is the correlation inverse and weak?{ ~+5.7
~ + 0.32}
At what values of the rank correlation coefficient is the correlation direct and strong?{
~%50%+0.73 ~ + 0.32}
If the correlation coefficient is negative, what does it indicate?{ ~ for an error in the
~ for lack of communication
=on feedback
~ on a weak connection}
Standardized indicators are applied:{
~to characterize the primary material
~for received data
~for comparison among themselves
=when comparing several groups that are not uniform in composition}
The stages of standardization include:{ ~%25%calculation of expected values
~%25%calculation of intensive indicators ~%25%calculation of standardized indicators
~%25%standard selection
~the calculation of the error indicators}
The correlation coefficient has a positive value, which indicates that:{

~the error in the calculations ~lack of communication =direct connection ~feedback

~weak links}
In determining the relationship between the signs of coefficients are used:{ ~variations
Specify the minimum number of observations for a small sample:{ ~20 observations
=30 observations
~50 observations
~100 observations}
What method of standardization should be used if there is a population, the number of dead,
their age and gender composition, but not
age and gender composition of the population?{ ~direct method
~indirect method
=inverse method}
Within what limits can the value of the correlation coefficient fluctuate?{ ~from 0 to 1
~from 0 to 2
~0.5 to 1
=-1 to +1
~from -10% to +10%}
Specify the first step when calculating standardized indicators using the direct method:{
~selecting a standard
~the calculation of "expected numbers"
= calculation of group intensive indicators
~distribution in the standard
~getting an overall intensive standardized indicator}
Specify the second step when calculating standardized indicators using the direct method:{
=select a standard
~the calculation of "expected numbers"
~ calculation of group intensive indicators
~distribution in the standard
~getting an overall intensive standardized indicator}
Specify the third step when calculating standardized indicators using the direct method:{
~selecting a standard
~the calculation of "expected numbers"

~ calculation of group intensive indicators =distribution in the standard

~getting an overall intensive standardized indicator}
Specify the next step when calculating standardized indicators using the direct method:{
~selecting a standard
= calculation of " expected numbers"
~ calculation of group intensive indicators
~distribution in the standard
~getting an overall intensive standardized indicator}
Specify the next step when calculating standardized indicators using the direct method:{
~selecting a standard
~the calculation of "expected numbers"
~ calculation of group intensive indicators
~distribution in the standard =getting a standardized indicator}
The correlation coefficient between the morbidity rate of the population and the
hospitalization rate is +0.88:{
~there is no relationship between the phenomena under consideration, since the correlation
coefficient has a positive sign
~the relationship between the phenomena under consideration is strong and inverse
=the relationship between the phenomena under consideration is direct and strong
~the relationship between the considered phenomena is average and direct}

The FAP provides the following medical care {

~ primary medical health care primary medical health care = primary pre-hospital health care
~ primary specialized health care
~ specialized medical care ~ emergency medical care}
Condition for providing medical care on FAP {
= outpatient outpatient
~ in a day hospital in a day hospital ~ stationary
~ outside of a medical organization} Form for providing medical care on FAP {
= planned planned
~ emergency ambulance ~ emergency emergency}
The population served by the FAP if the locality is located at a distance of 2 km or more from
the nearest medical organization: {
= 700-900
~ 300-700
~ less than 300}
The population served by the FAP if the locality is located at a distance of 4 km or more from
the nearest medical organization: {
~ 700-900
= 300-700
~ less than 300}
The population served by the FAP if the locality is located at a distance of 6 km or more from
the nearest medical organization: {
~ 700-900
~ 300-700
= less than 300}

Medical care is provided by the FAP {~% 33.333333% nurse nurse

~% 33.333333% paramedic paramedic
~% 33.333333% midwife midwifery
~ General practitioner General practitioner ~ surgeon surgeon}
Main forms of work on FAP {~% 50% outpatient appointments ~% 50% outpatient visits
farmstead detours
~ at the patient's bedside ~ in sanitary transport}
The number of territorial paramedic areas {
~ 800 children 800 children ~ 1200
adults 1200 adults = 1300 adults
1300 adults
~ 1500 adults and children 1500 adults and children ~ 2200 women 2200 women}
Number of territorial therapeutic areas {
~ 800 children 800 children ~ 1200
adults 1200 adults = 1300 adults
1300 adults
~ 1500 adults and children 1500 adults and children ~ 2200 women 2200 women}
Number of territorial pediatric areas {
= 800 children 800 children ~ 1200
adults 1200 adults ~ 1300 adults
1300 adults
~ 1500 adults and children 1500 adults and children ~ 2200 women 2200 women}
Number of the General practitioner's territorial area {~ 800 children 800 children
= 1200 adults 1200 adults ~ 1300
adults 1300 adults
~ 1500 adults and children 1500 adults and children ~ 2200 women 2200 women}
The size of the family doctor's site

Number of the family doctor's territorial area {~ 800 children 800 children
~ 1200 adults 1200 adults ~ 1300
adults 1300 adults
= 1500 adults and children 1500 adults and children ~ 2200 women 2200 women}
The outpatient clinic provides the following types of medical care {
~% 50% primary medical health care ~% 50% primary pre-hospital health care
~ primary specialized health care
~ specialized medical care ~ emergency medical care}
Conditions for providing medical care in an outpatient clinic {
~% 50% outpatient outpatient
~% 50% in a day hospital in a day hospital ~ stationary stationary
~ outside of a medical organization}
Form for providing medical care in an outpatient clinic {
= planned planned
~ emergency ambulance ~ emergency emergency}
Medical care is provided in an outpatient clinic {
~% 25% nurse nurse
~% 25% paramedic paramedic
~% 25% midwife midwifery
~% 25% General practitioner ~ surgeon surgeon}
Features of providing medical care to residents of the village Features of providing medical
care to residents of the village {~% 33.333333% low population density ~% 33.333333%
poor communication routes bad roads ~% 33.333333% seasonality of work work
~ bad weather condition}

The first stage of providing medical care to residents of the village {

= rural medical area
rural medical area
~ district medical organizations
regional medical organizations
~ medical organizations of the subject of the Federation}
The second stage of providing medical care to residents of the village {
~ rural medical district
rural medical area
= district medical organizations
regional medical organizations
~ medical organizations of the subject of the Federation}
The third stage of providing medical care to residents of the village {
~ rural medical district
rural medical area
~ district medical organizations
regional medical organizations
= medical organizations of the subject of the Federation}
Medical organizations of the second stage of providing medical care to residents of the
~ medical outpatient clinic = district hospital
~ Regional cancer clinic
The district hospital provides a type of medical care {
~% 20% primary medical health care ~% 20% primary pre-hospital health care
~% 20% primary specialized health care
~% 20% specialized medical care specialized medical care ~% 20% emergency medical

Condition for providing medical care on district hospital {

~% 25% outpatient outpatient
~% 25% in a day hospital in a day hospital ~% 25% in a day hospital
~% 25% outside a medical organization outside of a medical organization}
Form for providing medical care on district hospital {
~% 33.333333% planned planned
~% 33.333333% emergency ambulance ~% 33.333333% emergency emergency}
Optimal range of the emergency Department of the district hospital {= 20 kilometers
~ 15 kilometers ~ 10 kilometers}
District hospital structure
Structure of the district hospital {~%
20% polyclinic polyclinic
~% 20% hospital hospital
~% 20% district maternity hospitals ~% 20% pharmacy pharmacy
~% 20% emergency department ~ blood transfusion station}
Number of territorial therapeutic areas {
~ 800 children 800 children ~ 1200
adults 1200 adults = 1300 adults
1300 adults
~ 1500 adults and children 1500 adults and children ~ 2200 women 2200 women}
Number of territorial pediatric areas {
= 800 children 800 children ~ 1200
adults 1200 adults ~ 1300 adults
1300 adults
~ 1500 adults and children 1500 adults and children ~ 2200 women 2200 women}
Number of the General practitioner's territorial area {

~ 800 children 800 children = 1200

adults 1200 adults ~ 1300 adults
1300 adults
~ 1500 adults and children 1500 adults and children ~ 2200 women 2200 women}
The size of the territorial obstetric and gynecological area {
~ 800 children 800 children ~ 1200
adults 1200 adults ~ 1300 adults
1300 adults
~ 1500 adults and children 1500 adults and children = 2200 women 2200 women}
Medical care is provided in the polyclinic of the district hospital { ~% 33.333333% primary
medical health care
~% 33.333333% primary prehospital health care
~% 33.333333% primary specialized health care
~ specialized medical care ~ emergency medical care}
The medical organization of the subject of the Federation provides a type of medical care {
~% 50% primary health care primary health care ~% 50% specialized medical care
specialized medical care ~ emergency medical care}
Condition for providing medical care in a medical organization of a subject of the Federation
~% 33.333333% outpatient outpatient
~% 33.333333% in a day hospital in a day hospital ~% 33.333333% in a day hospital
~ outside of a medical organization}
The form of medical care in the medical organization of the subject of the Federation Form of
medical care in the medical organization of the subject of the Federation {
~% 33.333333% planned planned
~% 33.333333% emergency ambulance ~% 33.333333% emergency emergency}

Primary obstetric and gynecological medical and sanitary care for women is provided
Primary obstetric and gynecological health care is provided to women {~ maternity hospitals
maternity hospital
~ dispensaries
= antenatal clinics and gynecological departments of polyclinics women's consultations and
gynecological departments of polyclinics}
Gynecological care for girls under 15 years of age is provided {~ antenatal clinics
women's consultations
= children's polyclinics
children's polyclinic
~ gynecological departments of adult clinics
~ school doctors school doctor}
Medical attendance record Medical attendance record {
~ statistical coupon
statistical coupon
~ certificate of incapacity for work medical certificate
= coupon for an appointment with a doctor
the coupon on reception to the doctor ~ outpatient card
outpatient card
~ sheet of specified diagnoses
list of updated diagnoses}
What document is filled out in the antenatal clinic when registering a pregnant woman
What document is filled in at the women's clinic when registering a pregnant woman {~ birth
the history of childbirth ~ outpatient card outpatient card
~ emergency notification emergency notification
~ card of annual medical examination

dispensary card
= individual card for pregnant women, women in labor, and women in labor}
A pregnant woman with a physiological pregnancy should be examined
A pregnant woman with a physiologically occurring pregnancy should be examined {~% 20%
~% -50% psychiatrist psychiatrist
~% 20% dentist
~% 20% obstetrician-gynecologist obstetrician-gynecologist ~% 20% ophthalmologist
~% 20% otolaryngologist otolaryngologist}
Delivery on time
Delivery on time {
~ 32 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~ 22 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy
~ 36-38 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy = 38-40 weeks of pregnancy weeks of
pregnancy ~ 40-42 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy}
Premature birth
Premature birth {
~% 33.33333% 22 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~% 33.33333% 23-31 weeks of
pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~% 33.33333% 32-37 weeks of pregnancy weeks of
pregnancy ~ 38-40 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy}
Spontaneous abortion
Spontaneous abortion {
~% 50% 21 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~% 50% 12 weeks of pregnancy
weeks of pregnancy ~ 24 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~ 30 weeks of pregnancy
weeks of pregnancy ~ 34 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy}
The number of obstetric and gynecological sites (women of fertile age) Number of obstetric
and gynecological units (women of fertile age) {

~ 1700 ~ 2500 = 2200 ~ 4000}

Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically proceeding pregnancy
by an obstetrician-gynecologist
Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically occurring pregnancy
by an obstetrician-gynecologist {
=7 ~2 ~3 ~4 ~ 1}
Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically proceeding pregnancy
by a therapist
Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically occurring pregnancy
by a therapist {
~7 =2 ~3 ~4 ~ 1}
Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically proceeding pregnancy
a dentist
Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically occurring pregnancy
by a dentist {
~7 =2 ~3 ~4 ~ 1}
Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically proceeding pregnancy
an ophthalmologist
Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically occurring pregnancy
by an ophthalmologist {
~7 ~2 ~3 ~4 = 1}

Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically proceeding pregnancy

an otolaryngologist
Frequency of examination of a pregnant woman with a physiologically occurring pregnancy
by an otolaryngologis {
~7 ~2 ~3 ~4 = 1}
When registering for pregnancy, the following laboratory tests are taken
When registering for dispensary registration for pregnancy, the following laboratory tests are
taken {
~% 20% General blood and urine analysis ~% 20% Rh factor and antibody titer ~% 20% RW
~% 20% HIV infection AIDS
~% 20% vaginal smear ~ x-ray fluoroscopy}
The term of pregnancy when going on maternity leave with a singleton pregnancy is
The term of pregnancy when going on maternity leave for a single pregnancy is {~ 20 weeks
~ 25 weeks weeks
~ 28 weeks weeks
= 30 weeks weeks ~ 32 weeks weeks}
The term of pregnancy when going on maternity leave with multiple pregnancies is
The term of pregnancy when going on maternity leave for multiple pregnancies is {~ 20
weeks weeks
~ 25 weeks weeks
= 28 weeks weeks ~ 30 weeks weeks
~ 32 weeks weeks}
The duration of maternity leave for a single pregnancy is {
~ 70 days days
~ 100 days days ~ 156 days days = 140 days days ~ 194 days days}
The duration of maternity leave for multiple pregnancies is {
~ 70 days days ~ 100 days days ~ 156 days days ~ 140 days days = 194 days days}
Duration of maternity leave for singleton pregnancy during childbirth up to 30 weeks of
Duration of maternity leave for single-child pregnancies during childbirth up to 30 weeks of
pregnancy {
~ 70 days days
~ 100 days days = 156 days days ~ 140 days days ~ 194 days days}
Type of medical care provided in a women's consultation {= primary health care
primary health care
~ specialized medical care specialized medical care
~ ambulance
ambulance medical care
~ palliative care
palliative care}
Condition for providing medical care in a women's consultation {~% 50% outpatient
~ stationary stationarily
~% 50% in day hospital conditions ~ outside of a medical organization}
Form of medical care in the women's consultation {
= planned planned
~ urgent urgent
~ emergency emergency ~ obligatory obligatory}
Type of medical care provided in the maternity hospital {

~ primary health care primary health care

= specialized medical care specialized medical care
~ ambulance
ambulance medical care
~ palliative care
palliative care}
Conditions for providing medical care in a maternity hospital {~ outpatient
= stationary stationarily
~ in day hospital
~ outside of a medical organization}
What is the form of medical care in a maternity hospital? Form of medical care in a maternity
hospital {
~% 33.33333% planned planned
~% 33.33333% urgent urgent
~% 33.33333% emergency emergency ~ obligatory obligatory}
Structure of maternity hospital Structure of maternity hospital {~% 11.11111% admission
department; admission department
~% 11.11111% Department of pathology of pregnancy
~% 11.11111% physiological labor and delivery department ~% 11.11111% observational
birth department ~% 11.11111% anesthesiology-intensive care for women: Department of
anesthesiology-intensive care for women
~% 11,11111% Department of newborn physiological
~% 11.11111% Department of neonates at the Observatory Department
~% 11.11111% ward (post) resuscitation and intensive care for newborns; ward (post) of
intensive care and intensive care for newborns ~% 11,11111% gynecology department
gynecology department ~ pathology department pathology department}
The workload of the doctor of the pregnancy pathology department;
Load of the doctor of the Department of pregnancy pathology; {= 10 beds beds'
~ 15 beds'
~ 20 beds'
~ 25 beds 'beds'}

Physician workload in the physiological maternity ward; Doctor's workload in the

physiological delivery Department; {= 10 beds'
~ 15 beds'
~ 20 beds'
~ 25 beds 'beds'}
Physician workload in the observational maternity ward; The load of a doctor in the maternity
ward observation {= 10 beds beds'
~ 15 beds'
~ 20 beds'
~ 25 beds 'beds'}
Structure of women's consultation Structure of women's consultation {~% 20%
registration; registry
~% 20% obstetrician-gynecologist's office; office of the obstetrician-gynecologist; ~% 20%
specialized reception offices: the offices of the specialized techniques
~% 20% specialist offices (therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, psychotherapist, etc.)
offices of specialists (therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, psychotherapist, etc.) ~% 20%
other departments (small operating room; clinical diagnostic laboratory; day hospital; home
hospital; treatment room; physiotherapy room; X-ray (mammography) room; sterilization )
other units (a small operating; clinical and diagnostic laboratory; day hospital; hospital at
home; treatment room; physiotherapy room; x-ray (mammography) office; sterilization room)
~ pharmacy pharmacy}
Load rate at the initial reception of a pregnant woman {= 30 minutes minutes
~ 20 minutes, minutes ~ 25 minutes, minutes ~ 15 minutes minutes}
Load rate for repeated admission of a pregnant woman {~ 30 minutes, minutes
= 20 minutes, minutes
~ 25 minutes, minutes ~ 15 minutes minutes}

Load rate at the reception of a woman with a gynecological disease {~ 30 minutes, minutes
~ 20 minutes, minutes = 25 minutes, minutes ~ 15 minutes minutes}
Load rate for a woman's routine check-up
~ 30 minutes, ~ 20 minutes, ~ 25 minutes, = 15 minutes}
When entering an obstetric hospital, a woman must have {
~% 20% passport passport
~% 20% personal care items
~% 20% exchange card for pregnant women, women in labor, women in labor
~% 20% medical insurance policy medical insurance policy ~% 20% generic certificate
~% -50% medicines, suture material medicines, suture material}
A pregnant woman who does not have an exchange card for a pregnant woman, woman in
labor, parturient women is sent to
A pregnant woman who does not have an exchange card for a pregnant woman, a woman in
labor, or a maternity hospital is sent to {
~ Department of pregnancy pathology
Department of pregnancy pathology
~ physiological obstetric department physiological obstetric department
~ gynecological department gynecology department
= observational midwifery Department}
The main medical records of the obstetric department are
The main accounting medical documents of the obstetric Department are {~% 25% birth
history history of childbirth
~% 25% list of medical appointments ~% 25% temperature sheet
~% 25% exchange card for pregnant women, women in labor, women in labor ~% -50% the
extract from the birth history}

Anti-epidemic measures in obstetric hospitals {

~% 25% separation of threads
~% 25% simultaneous filling of wards at once ~% 25% availability of an exchange card for a
pregnant woman, a woman in labor, or a woman in labor ~ timely detection and treatment of
epidemic diseases timely detection and treatment of epidemic diseases
~% 25% sanitary treatment of premises}
Artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out at the request of the woman before
Artificial termination of pregnancy is performed at the request of the woman in the period up
to {
~ 22 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~ 16 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy
~ 13 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy = 12 weeks of pregnancy weeks of
Artificial termination of pregnancy for social reasons is carried out before
Artificial termination of pregnancy for social reasons is performed in the period up to {= 13-
21 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy
~ 22-32 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~ 30-37
weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~ up to 12 weeks of
pregnancy weeks of pregnancy}
Medical contraindications for artificial termination of pregnancy are
Medical contraindications to artificial termination of pregnancy are {
~% 33.33333% acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of female genital organs,
sexually transmitted diseases
acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, sexually transmitted
~% 33.33333% acute infectious diseases acute infectious diseases
~ allergic diseases
allergic diseases
~% 33.33333% acute inflammatory processes of any localization}
Artificial termination of pregnancy for medical reasons is carried out before
Artificial termination of pregnancy for medical reasons is performed in the period up to {~%
25% 12 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy

~% 25% 28 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~% 25% 22 weeks of pregnancy

weeks of pregnancy ~% 25% 39 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~ 45 weeks of
pregnancy weeks of pregnancy}
Upon admission to a hospital for a planned termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks, it is
filled out
If you are admitted to a hospital for planned termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks, fill in {
~ individual card of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor, a postpartum ndividual card of a
pregnant woman, a woman in labor, a woman in labor ~ an outpatient card
card of ambulatory patient ~ labor history
the history of childbirth
~ inpatient medical record
= medical record of termination of pregnancy medical record of termination of pregnancy}
Upon admission to the hospital for termination of pregnancy in the period from 12 to 22
weeks, it is filled out
Upon admission to the hospital for termination of pregnancy in the period from 12 to 22
weeks is filled in {
~ individual card of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor, a postpartum ndividual card of a
pregnant woman, a woman in labor, a woman in labor ~ an outpatient card
card of ambulatory patient ~ labor history
the history of childbirth
= inpatient medical record
~ medical record of termination of pregnancy}
Upon admission to the maternity hospital for termination of pregnancy over 22 weeks, it is
filled out
if you are admitted to a maternity hospital for termination of pregnancy for more than 22
weeks, fill in {
~ individual card of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor, a postpartum ndividual card of a
pregnant woman, a woman in labor, a woman in labor ~ an outpatient card
card of ambulatory patient = birth history
the history of childbirth
~ medical card of an inpatient

inpatient medical record

~ medical record of termination of pregnancy}
To ensure continuity in the work of the obstetric hospital, antenatal clinic and children's
To ensure continuity in the work of an obstetric hospital, women's clinic, and children's
polyclinic, fill in {
= exchange card for pregnant women, women in labor, women in childbirth
exchange card for a pregnant woman, a woman in labor, or a woman in labor ~ individual
card of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor, a woman in labor ~ an extract from the
medical history
excerpt from the history of the disease ~ referral to a women's clinic
~ statistical coupon statistical coupo}
The method of contraception prevailing in most developed countries of the world
The method of contraception that prevails in most developed countries of the world {=
hormonal contraception
hormonal contraception
~ intrauterine contraception intrauterine contraception
~ sterilization
~ surgical method
surgical method}
Sterilization in Russia can be performed {
= at the written request of a citizen of at least 35 years old or having at least two children
upon written application of a citizen who is at least 35 years old or has at least two children ~
at the request of a citizen who is at least 30 years old and has two children or over 40 years
at the request of a citizen who is at least 30 years old and has two children or older than 40
Methods of perinatal diagnostics allow {
= unequivocally resolve the issue of the possibility of having a sick child in pregnant risk
groups unambiguously resolve the issue of the possibility of giving birth to a sick child in
pregnant risk groups

~ determine the risk of having a child with a hereditary pathology}

Methods of medical and genetic counseling allow {
= determine the risk of having a child with a hereditary pathology
~ unambiguously resolve the issue of the possibility of giving birth to a sick child in pregnant
risk groups
unambiguously solve the issue of the possibility of giving birth to a sick child in pregnant risk
Types of medical care: Types of medical care {~% 25% primary health care
primary health care
~% 25% specialized medical care
specialized medical care ~% 25% ambulance ambulance medical care ~% 25% palliative
care palliative medical care ~ outpatient polyclinic patient-polyclinic}
Conditions for providing medical care {~% 25% outpatient
~% 25% in a day hospital setting in a day hospital
~% 25% stationary
~% 25% outside the medical organization outside of a medical organization ~ spa facilities
Forms of medical care: Forms of medical care {~% 33.33333% emergency
~% 33.33333% emergency urgent
~% 33.33333% planned planned
~ instant

Polyclinics are: Polyclinics are: {

~% 20% clinical and diagnostic clinical and diagnostic ~% 20% medical rehabilitation
medical rehabilitation ~% 20% psychotherapy psychotherapeutic
~% 20% dental dental
~% 20% physiotherapy physiotherapy
~ territorial territorial}
The main principles of the polyclinic are: {
~% 50% preventive preventive ~% 50% precinct district
~ availability availability
~ free
~ mandatory mandatory}
Condition for providing primary health care: {
~% 50% outpatient outpatient
~% 50% day hospital ~ stationarily stationary
~ outside of a medical organization}
Form of primary health care Form of primary health care: {~% 50% planned planned
~% 50% urgent urgent
~ emergency emergency ~ periodic periodic}
The clinic provides the following types of medical care: {
~% 25% primary pre-medical care primary pre-medical care ~% 25% primary medical care
primary medical care ~% 25% primary specialized health care primary specialized health
~ ambulance medical care ambulance
~ specialized medical care specialized medical care ~% 25% palliative care palliative care}
Primary pre-medical care is provided by the following medical professionals: {
= paramedic paramedic
~ therapist therapist
~ surgeon surgeon
~ obstetrician-gynecologist obstetrician-gynecologist

~ general practitioner general practitioner}

Primary medical health care is provided by the following health workers
Primary medical care is provided by the following medical professionals: {~ paramedic
~% 50% therapist therapist
~ surgeon surgeon
~ obstetrician-gynecologist obstetrician-gynecologist ~% 50% general practitioner general
Primary specialized health care is provided by the following health workers
Primary specialized health care is provided by the following medical professionals: {~
paramedic paramedic
~ therapist therapist
~% 50% the surgeon surgeon
~% 50% obstetrician-gynecologist obstetrician-gynecologist ~ General practitioner general
The standard population size at the therapeutic site is: {
~ 1,500 adults and children ~ 800 children
= 1700 adults
~ 1300 adults
~ 1200 adults}
The load of the district pediatrician is children: {~ 1,500 adults and children
= 800 children ~ 1700 adults ~ 1300 adults ~ 1200 adults}
The standard population size at the paramedic station is: {
~ 1,500 adults and children ~ 800 children
~ 1700 adults
= 1300 adults
~ 1200 adults}
The standard population size at the General practitioner's site is: {

~ 1,500 adults and children ~ 800 children

~ 1700 adults
~ 1300 adults
= 1200 adults}
The standard population size at the family doctor's site is: {
= 1,500 adults and children ~ 800 children
~ 1700 adults
~ 1300 adults
~ 1200 adults}
The standard population size on the complex site is: {
= 2000 adults and children ~ 800 children
~ 1700 adults
~ 1300 adults
~ 1200 adults}
Mode of operation of the clinic per week: {~ 5 days
= 6 days
~ 7 days
~ 5.5 days}
Clinic opening hours: Polyclinic opening hours: {~ 8.00-18.00
~ 8.00-17.00
= 8.00-20.00
~ 8.00-19.00}
The capacity of the polyclinic is estimated
The capacity of the clinic is estimated: {
~% 50% of the population served by the population served ~% 50% number of medical visits
per shift by the number of medical visits per shift ~ territory of service
~ number of medical positions ~ number of divisions by number of units}
The position of the head of the therapeutic department is introduced with the number of
medical positions of therapists

The position of the head of the therapeutic Department is introduced when the number of
medical positions of therapists: {
= 9 or more
~ 8 or more
~ 6.5-9
~ 5-8
~ 25 or more}
The position of the head of the surgical department is introduced with the number of medical
positions of surgeons
The position of the head of the surgical Department is introduced with the number of medical
positions of surgeons: {
~ 9 or more = 8 or more ~ 6.5-9
~ 5-8
~ 25 or more}
The position of the deputy chief physician for the examination of temporary disability is
established with the number of medical positions of outpatient reception
The position of Deputy chief physician for the examination of temporary disability is
established when the number of outpatient medical positions: {
~ 20 or more
~ 30 or more
~ 6.5-9
~ 40 or more = 25 or more}
The position of the deputy chief physician for the medical part with the number of medical
Position of Deputy chief medical officer in the number of medical positions: {~ 20 or more
~ 30 or more ~ 6.5-9
= 40 or more ~ 25 or more}
The types of registries are
There are types of registries: {~% 50% centralized
~% 50% decentralized
~% 25% open
~ independent
~ United}

The polyclinic's registry performs the following functions: {~% 33.33333% regulating the flow
of patients to the doctor ~% 33.33333% storing and filling out medical documentation ~%
33.33333% help Desk
~ referral to specialist doctors
~ determining the need for laboratory tests}
The main ways to regulate patients' access to the doctor: {~% 33.33333% coupon system
~% 33.33333% self-recording sheets ~% 33,33333% record by phone
~ self-treatment}
The Registrar's position is set to: {
= 5-6 sections ~ 6-8 plots
~ 10 plots}
What statistical document is used to record "attendance" in the clinic
What statistical document is used to record "attendance" in the clinic: {= doctor's
appointment card
~ statistical coupon
~ emergency notification
~ notification of newly diagnosed tuberculosis ~ medical certificate}
"Turnability" is: {= patient visits to the clinic due to
~ visiting a patient in a clinic for a medical examination
~ getting a certificate about the epidemiological situation at the place of residence ~ getting a
medical certificate for getting a driver's license}
When determining the actual incidence (primary),
When determining the actual incidence (primary), the following factors are taken into
account: {
~ disability certificate
~ emergency notification
~ notification of newly diagnosed tuberculosis = statistical coupons (with "+" sign)
~ statistical coupons (with a sign "-")}

When determining the overall morbidity according to the data of appealability (morbidity),
When determining the total incidence of the disease according to the data of the appeal
(soreness), the following are taken into account: {
~ disability certificate
~ emergency notification
~ notification of newly diagnosed tuberculosis ~% 50% statistical coupons (with "+" sign) ~%
50% statistical coupons (with a sign "-")}
The accounting medical document of epidemic morbidity is: {
~ disability certificate
= emergency notification
~ notification of newly diagnosed tuberculosis ~ statistical coupons (with "+" sign)
~ statistical coupons (with a sign "-")}
The document certifying temporary disability is: {
= disability certificate
~ emergency notification
~ notification of newly diagnosed tuberculosis ~ statistical coupons (with "+" sign)
~ statistical coupons (with a sign "-")}
For the first time in life, the established diagnosis is a unit of observation of the population,
refers to the concept
For the first time in life, the established diagnosis is a unit of observation of the population,
which refers to the concept: {
~ initial visit
= primary incidence
~ prevalence
~ negotiability
~ acute disease}
The aggregate of diseases newly diagnosed in a given year and initial visits to health
facilities for chronic diseases during the year refers to the concept
The totality of diseases first identified in a given year and primary complaints to health care
institutions about chronic diseases during the year refers to the concept of: {~ morbidity
= prevalence
~ pathological lesions ~ negotiability

~ chronic illness}
To account for an infectious (epidemic) disease detected in a patient, the doctor fills in
To account for an infectious (epidemic) disease detected in a patient, the doctor fills in: {~
medical card of an outpatient (inpatient) patient
= emergency notification of an infectious disease, food poisoning, or acute occupational
~ notification of a major illness ~
medical certificate
~ - the statistical coupon for registration of the specified (final) diagnosis}
In order to record the detected tuberculosis, the doctor fills in
In order to account for detected tuberculosis, the doctor fills in: {
~ emergency notification of infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning
~ medical card of an outpatient (inpatient) patient
= notification of a patient with a first-time diagnosis of tuberculosis
~ - the statistical coupon for registration of the specified (final) diagnosis ~ medical
When establishing the fact of temporary disability, the attending physician issues the patient:
~ certificate of disability = medical certificate
~ referral to hospital
~ the direction of the ITU}
Upon establishing the fact of temporary incapacity for work, the attending physician issues to
the patient
If cancer is detected or suspected, the doctor must fill in the following information: {~
emergency notification of infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning
~ notification of a newly diagnosed patient: syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomonosis, chlamydia,
urogenital herpes, anogenital warts, microsporia, favus, trichophytia, mycosis of the feet,
= medical certificate
~ notification of a patient with a first-time diagnosis of tuberculosis ~ the medical card of out-
patient (stationary) patient}
If an oncological disease is detected or suspected, the doctor fills in
The registration document for the registration of a dispensary patient is: {~ sick leave ~
medical card of an outpatient (inpatient) patient

~ statistical coupon
= control card of dispensary supervision ~ annual medical examination card}
The workload of a doctor - a district therapist (pediatrician) at a clinic appointment per hour is
The load of the district doctor (pediatrician) at the reception in the clinic per hour is: {~ 2
~ 3 visits
= 4 sessions ~ 5 sessions ~ 6 sessions}
The workload of the general practitioner (pediatrician) for servicing home calls per hour is
The workload of a district doctor (pediatrician) for servicing home calls per hour is: {~ 10
= 2 calls ~ 4 calls ~ 1 call}
The preventive section of the work of the district therapist (pediatrician) includes
The preventive section of the work of a district therapist (pediatrician) includes: {~% 25%
medical examination
~% 25% periodic medical examination
~% 25% sanitary and educational work ~ medical
examination of the patient ~% 25% vaccination
~ sanitary inspection}
The main indicator of the provision of primary health care is
The main indicator of primary health care provision is: {~ number of polyclinics
= average number of visits per resident per year ~ number of
~ number of therapeutic and pediatric sites}
Quantitative indicators of the clinic's activity are: {
~% 20% doctor's load
~% 20% percentage of preventive visits completed ~ repeat
treatment for a single disease
~% 20% complete coverage of dispensary supervision ~% 20% percentage of laboratory
and diagnostic tests performed

~% 20% timely registration at the dispensary}

The quality indicators of the clinic's activity are: {
~% 20% actual incidence
~% 20% incidence of temporary disability ~ function of the medical position ~% 20% lethality
~% 20% health index
~% 20% primary disability rate among medical examinees ~ staffing levels}
The duration of the working day of a local general practitioner with a 6-day working week is
The duration of the working day of the district General practitioner with a 6-day working week
is: {
= 6 hours and 30 minutes ~ 7 hours
~ 8 hours and 30 minutes ~ 9 hours
~ 5 hours}
Condition for providing specialized medical care in the planned form {~ outpatient
~% 50% in a day hospital in a day hospital
~% 50% stationary
~ outside the medical organization outside of a medical organization ~ spa facilities
Condition for the provision of specialized medical care in urgent and urgent form
Condition for providing specialized medical care in urgent and emergency form {~ outpatient
~ in a day hospital
= stationary
~ outside the medical organization

outside of a medical organization ~ spa facilities

Forms of specialized medical care: Forms of specialized medical care {
~% 33.33333% emergency emergency
~% 33.33333% emergency urgent
~% 33.33333% planned planned
~ required
The admission department does NOT carry out:
The reception Department DOES not perform: {
~ round-the-clock hospitalization of patients by disease profiles ~ analysis of discrepancies
between emergency and emergency department diagnoses
analysis of discrepancies between ambulance and emergency Department diagnoses ~
analysis of reasons for refusing hospitalization
analysis of reasons for refusal of hospitalization
= issuance of documents certifying temporary disability}
Rehabilitation hospitals are created by {
= in cities with a population of 1 million or more ~ in cities with a population of 500 thousand
in cities with a population of 500 thousand people ~ in cities with a population of 200
thousand people
in cities with a population of 200 thousand people}
The senior nurse of the Department performs the following functions {~% 33.33333%
supervises the work of post nurses of the Department
~% 33.33333% provides patients with medicines
provides patients with medication
~% 33.33333% ensures the implementation of internal regulations by patients and
department personnel
ensures compliance with internal regulations by patients and Department staff ~ fulfills the
doctor's prescription
performs a doctor's appointment}

The duty doctor performs the following functions, except {~ accepts and provides assistance
to incoming patients ~ observes seriously ill patients
supervises the seriously ill
~ consults patients in the emergency Department = issues certificates of death of the patient
issues death certificates for the patient}
Hospitalization methods:
Methods of hospitalization {
~% 33.33333% referral of the polyclinic referral polyclinics
~% 33.33333% ambulance direction ambulance direction
~% 33.33333% on my own
by yourself
~ based on the Governor's decision}
Indicators of hospital bed utilization {
~% 25% average number of bed days average
number of bed days
~% 25% average number of occupied and available beds ~% 25% bed turnover
bed turnover
~% 25% average length of hospital stay
~ morbidity with temporary disability}
The power of the hospital is determined:
The capacity of a hospital is determined b {~ the size of the population served
number of people served =
number of beds
number of beds
~ the number of medical services provided
~ the number of working doctors number of working doctors

~ level of technical equipment level of technical equipment}

The number of doctors working in the hospital depends on {~ on the number of the served
population of the population served
~ from morbidity
from the incidence
~ on the number of medical services provided = on the size of the bed fund
from the size of the bed Fund
~ of the average annual number of bed days}
Indicator of the quality of hospital work {~ bed capacity
bed load
= frequency of discrepancy between clinical and pathoanatomic diagnoses ~ qualifications of
qualification of doctors}
Performance indicator for the use of the bed Fund {
~ duration of examination duration of the survey
~ number of medical services number of medical services
= average annual bed occupancy average annual bed occupancy ~ hospitalized
number of hospitalized
~ timeliness of diagnosis
timely diagnosis}
In the emergency Department of the hospital, fill in: {
~% 33.33333% passport part of the inpatient card
~ statistical map of the patient who left the hospital ~% 33,33333% temperature sheet
temperature sheet

~% 33.33333% medical prescription sheet list of medical appointments ~

statistical ticket
statistical coupon}
Hospitals are:
Hospitals are {
~% 25% urban, rural
urban, rural
~% 25% adults, children
adults, children
~ changeable, night
shift, night
~% 25% independent, combined independent, combined
~% 25% day hospital, home hospital}
Planned hospitalization in the hospital is carried out {~ around the clock
around the clock
~ up to 14 hours
up to 14 hours
~ from 6 to 10 o'clock from 6 to 10 o'clock = from 9 to 11 o'clock}
Anti-epidemic measures of the hospital for adults {
~% 50% sanitization of chambers
sanitary treatment of hospital wards ~% 50% isolation of the patient
placing the patient in isolation
~ simultaneous filling of hospital wards
~ limit the age of users (over 15 years old)
~ vaccination vaccination
~ boxed wards
box of a hospital ward}
Anti-epidemic measures in children's hospitals { ~% 16.66667% sanitization

~% 16.66667% placing the patient in isolation
~% 16.66667% filling of wards by age and nosology
~ vaccination
~% 16.66667% boxed wards
boxed wards
~% 16.66667% user age restriction (over 15 years old)
~% 16.66667% using a two-stage service system}
The doctor's workload in the hospital is assessed:
The doctor's workload in the hospital is estimated {~ hospital capacity
hospital capacity
~ the number of patients
number of patients
~ population size
population size
= number of beds served
number of beds served}
Types of hospital rounds {~% 25% medical rounds
medical bypass
~% 25% administrative bypass bypass administrative
~% 25% bypass with the professor bypass with the Professor
~% 25% bypassing the doctor on duty bypass of the doctor on duty ~ final
bypass final}
Participants in the administrative round (in the Department) {~% 25% head nurse
senior nurse
~% 25% hostess sister host sister
~% 25% guard nurses post nurses

~ chief medical officer

chief medical officer
~% 25% junior medical staff Junior medical staff}
Patient care systems in the hospital Department {
~% 50% three-degree three-stage
~% 50% two-stage two-stage
~ alternation alternations ~ rotation rotations}
Three-step system of patient care in the hospital Department {
~% 33,33333% ward nurse ward nurse
~% 33.33333% doctor
~% 33.33333% nursing staff Junior medical staff
~ head of department branch manager}
Two-stage system of patient care in the hospital Department {
~% 50% ward nurse ward nurse
~% 50% doctor
~ junior medical staff Junior medical staff
~ head of department branch manager}
Main medical documents of the specialized Department of the hospital {~% 25% hospital
inpatient card
~% 25% list of medical prescriptions list of medical appointments ~% 25% temperature
temperature sheet

~ statistical coupon
statistical coupon
~% 25% statistical map of the patient who left the hospital}
The number of hospital beds for 1 position of the doctor of the internal medicine department
Number of hospital beds per 1 position of a doctor in the therapeutic Department of a
hospital {
~ 12 = 15 ~ 20 ~ 30 ~ 35}
The number of hospital beds per 1 nursing post in the therapeutic department of the hospital
Number of hospital beds per 1 nursing post in the therapeutic Department of the hospital {~
= 15 ~ 20 ~ 30 ~ 35}
The number of ward nurses per 1 nursing post in the therapeutic department:
Number of ward nurses per 1 nursing post in the therapeutic Department: {~ 2,0
~ 3.0 ~ 4.0 ~ 4.5
= 4.75}
The number of rates of junior nurses in nursing for 1 nursing post in the therapeutic
Number of rates of a Junior nurse to care for patients per 1 nursing post in the therapeutic
Department {
~ 2.0 ~ 3.0 ~ 4.0 ~ 4.5
= 4.75}
The number of rates of a junior nursing nurse for 1 nursing post in the surgical department:

The number of rates of a Junior nurse to care for patients per 1 nursing post in the surgical
Departmen {
~ 2.0
~ 3.0 ~% 4.0 ~ 4.5
= 4.75}
Participants in the round with the head of the Department {~ chief medical officer
~% 33.33333% department manager head of Department
~% 33.33333% resident physician resident doctor
~% 33,33333% guard nurse ward nurse
~ senior nurse
head nurse}
Procedure for patient discharge from the hospital Department {~% 25% sample collection
control sample collection
~ informing the chief medical officer
informing the chief medical officer
~% 25% examination by the head of the department
inspection of the Department head
~% 25% registration of a discharge summary
registration of discharge epicrisis
~% 25% filling in the statistical card of the patient who left the hospital}
Quantitative indicators of hospital activities: Indicators of the number of hospital activities
are: {~% 20% average annual bed occupancy
average annual bed occupancy
~% 20% average length of patient's stay in bed
~% 20% bed turnover bed turnover
~% 20% hospital capacity hospital capacity
~% 20% staffing
~ surgical activity

surgical activity}
The hospital's quality indicators are {
~% 25% hospital mortality hospital mortality
~ disability
~% 25% coincidence rate of clinical and pathoanatomic diagnoses
~% 25% daily mortality
daily fatality rate
~% 25% surgical activity in the hospital hospital surgical activity}
The fatality rate is calculated on {
= 100 patients patients
~ 100 inhabitants population
~ 1000 inhabitants population
~ 10,000 of the working population
~ 100 000 patients treated in hospital patients treated in hospital}
The provision of specialized medical care is: Provision of specialized medical care is {
= number of bed days per 1 resident number of bed days per 1 resident ~ number of patients
used per year number of patients used per year ~ number of beds in total
number of beds total
~ number of hospitalized persons per 1000 per year}

Disability is Disability is {
= social failure due to health problems with persistent disorder of body functions, leading to
limitation of life and the need for social protection
ocial insufficiency due to health disorders with a persistent disorder of body functions,
leading to restriction of life and the need for social protection
~ persistent disability, which leads to the assignment of a disability group
persistent disability that leads to the assignment of a disability group ~ the need for constant
care for the seriously ill
~ persistent disorders of body functions, leading to limitation of life persistent disorder of
body functions, leading to restriction of life activity} How many degrees of health disorders {=
~4 ~5 ~ 6}
What does the first degree of health disorder mean {
= to implement the criteria of vital activity, a person needs to create special conditions
to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs to create special conditions ~ to
implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs mechanical devices
to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs mechanical devices
~ to implement the criteria of vital activity, a person needs the participation of other people
to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs the participation of other people}
What does the second degree of health disorder mean? {
~ to implement the criteria of vital activity, a person needs to create special conditions
to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs to create special conditions = a
person needs mechanical devices to implement the criteria of life activity
to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs mechanical devices
~ to implement the criteria of vital activity, a person needs the participation of other people

to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs the participation of other people}
What does the third degree of health impairment mean {
~ to implement the criteria of vital activity, a person needs to create special conditions
to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs to create special conditions ~ to
implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs mechanical devices
to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs mechanical devices
= to implement the criteria of vital activity, a person needs the participation of other people
to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs the participation of other people}
Basic criteria of human life activity {
= ability to self-service;
self-service capability
= the ability to move independently; ability to move independently
= ability to orientate;
the ability to focus
= ability to communicate;
ability to communicate;
= the ability to control your behavior; ability to control your behavior
= learning ability;
ability to learn;
= ability to work; ability to work
~ ability to think logically}
How many disability groups How many disability groups {= 3
~2 ~4 ~ 5}
At what degree of violation of the criteria of vital activity, 1 disability group is established At
what degree of violation of the criteria for life activity is 1 disability group established {

=3 ~2 ~ 1}
At what degree of violation of the criteria of vital activity is the 2nd group of disability
At what degree of violation of the criteria for life activity is set 2 disability group {~ 3
=2 ~ 1}
At what degree of violation of the criteria of vital activity, 1 disability group is established
At what degree of violation of the criteria for life activity is 1 disability group established {
~3 ~2 = 1}
Does the disabled person of group 1 have the ability to work {= no no
~ yes yes
~ yes, but with a third-degree degree of impairment
~ yes, but with a second-degree migraine disorder}
The category "disabled child" is established with the degree of violations of the categories of
The category "disabled child" is established when the degree of violations of the categories
of life activity {
=3 ~ 4}
Who decides to send a patient for a medical and social examination
Who makes the decision to refer a patient for medical and social examination {~ attending
~ Head of Department
~ chief medical officer of a medical organization

= medical commission medical commission}

Can a medical and social examination be carried out in relation to a patient who has
independently shaved
Can a medical and social examination be carried out in relation to a self-shaved patient {~
no no
~ yes, only in an emergency Yes, only in an emergency = yes yes}
The medical record of the case of medical and social examination is
The registration medical document of the case of medical and social expertise is {= act of
medical and social expertise
act of medical and social expertise
~ extract from the act of medical and social expertise
~ certificate on the results of establishing the degree of loss of professional ability to work
certificate on the results of determining the degree of loss of professional ability to work ~
pension certificate
pension certificate}
Disability pension is assigned and paid {
= pension fund pension fund
~ employer employer
~ system of social protection of the population ~ system of social insurance
social insurance system}
The purpose of sending a patient for medical and social examination {~% 33.33333%
survey of a disabled person
~% 33.33333% re-examination of a disabled person re-examination of a disabled person
~% 33.33333% change in the rehabilitation program change in rehabilitation program of a
disabled person ~ determining the amount of disability pension}

The first place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is occupied by
= malignant neoplasms
malignant neoplasm
~ diseases of the circulatory system diseases of the circulatory system
~ accidents, injuries, and poisoning
~ diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases of the
musculoskeletal system and connective tissue ~ mental disorders
mental disorder}
The second place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is
occupied by {
~ malignant neoplasms
malignant neoplasm
= diseases of the circulatory system diseases of the circulatory system
~ accidents, injuries, and poisoning
~ diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases of the
musculoskeletal system and connective tissue ~ mental disorders
mental disorder}
The third place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is occupied
by {
~ malignant neoplasms
malignant neoplasm
~ diseases of the circulatory system diseases of the circulatory system
~ accidents, injuries, and poisoning
= diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue ~ mental disorders
mental disorder}
The fourth place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is taken by

The fourth place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is occupied
by {
~ malignant neoplasms
malignant neoplasm
~ diseases of the circulatory system diseases of the circulatory system
~ accidents, injuries, and poisoning
~ diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue = mental disorders
mental disorder}
The first place in the structure of disability of the children's population of the region is
occupied by
The first place in the structure of disability of the children's population of the region is
occupied by {
= mental disorders
mental disorder
~ diseases of the nervous system
diseases of the nervous system ~ diseases of the endocrine system
diseases of the endocrine system ~ malignant neoplasms
malignant neoplasm}
The second place in the structure of disability of the children's population of the region is
taken by
The second place in the structure of disability of the children's population of the region is
occupied by {
~ mental disorders
mental disorder
= diseases of the nervous system
diseases of the nervous system ~ diseases of the endocrine system
diseases of the endocrine system ~ malignant neoplasms
malignant neoplasm}
The third place in the structure of disability of the children's population of the region is taken
The third place in the structure of disability of the children's population of the region is
occupied by {
~ mental disorders
mental disorder
~ diseases of the nervous system diseases of the nervous system

= endocrine system diseases diseases of the endocrine system ~ malignant neoplasms

malignant neoplasm}
The fourth place in the structure of disability of the children's population of the region is
taken by
The fourth place in the structure of disability of the children's population of the region is
occupied by {
~ mental disorders
mental disorder
~ diseases of the nervous system
diseases of the nervous system ~ diseases of the endocrine system
diseases of the endocrine system = malignant neoplasms
malignant neoplasm}
On the basis of which document is the payment of temporary disability benefits made
On the basis of what document is the payment of temporary disability benefits made {=
certificate of disability medical certificate
~ outpatient card
~ conclusion of the Bureau of medical and social expertise}
Types of disability {~% 50% temporary temporary
~% 50% persistent persistent ~ full full
~ partial partial}
Principles of examination of temporary disability {
~% 33.33333% preventive preventive
~% 33.33333% restoration of working capacity in the shortest possible time
~% 33.33333% collegiality ~ mass character mass}
Tasks of temporary disability examination { ~% 50% establishing the fact of disability

~% 50% determining the duration of disability ~ issuance of a disability certificate}

Has the right to issue a certificate of disability {
= attending physician
~ any specialist doctor
~ only the doctor of the polyclinic ~ head of the department}
For violation of the procedure for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work and certificates
certifying the loss of capacity for work is responsible For violation of the procedure for
issuing a certificate of incapacity for work and certificates certifying the loss of working
capacity is responsible {
~% 50% institution represented by the head of the institution ~% 50% doctors who violated
the order doctors who violated the order ~ regulatory authorities that ensure the procedure
for issuing documents}
The maximum period for extending the disability certificate of the VC in case of an
unfavorable clinical and labor prognosis {
~ up to 2 months up to 2 months ~ up to 3 months up to 3 months ~ up to 6 months up to 6
months ~ up to 10 months up to 10 months = up to 4 months} up to 4 months
The maximum period of extension of the disability certificate by the medical Commission
with a favorable clinical and labor prognosis due to complex combined injuries, after
reconstructive operations {
~ up to 1 month
~ up to 6 months
= up to 10 months ~ up to 4 months}
The medical Commission can extend the disability certificate up to 12 months {

~ after myocardial infarction after a myocardial infarction ~ after stroke after a stroke
~ for oncological diseases for cancer = for tuberculosis
in tuberculosis}
What document is issued about incapacity for work due to alcohol, drug or toxicological
intoxication {~ a certificate is issued for all days
~ certificate of incapacity for work is not issued
~ a certificate is issued for 3 days, then a certificate of incapacity for work
= a certificate of incapacity for work is issued with a note of the fact of intoxication in the card
of an outpatient (inpatient) patient and the corresponding code in the certificate of incapacity
for work}
The attending physician issues a single disability certificate for a maximum period of up to {
~ 10 days 10 days
~ 4 months 4 months = 15 days 15 days ~ 40 days 40 days}
Can the attending physician close the disability sheet at the request of the patient {= no
~ yes
~ yes, if it is dictated by production necessity}
Can the attending physician close the certificate of incapacity for work without examining the
patient {
= no
~ yes
~ yes, if it is dictated by production necessity}
The patient is sent outside the administrative district for consultation (examination,
treatment) {
= medical commission medical commission
~ attending physician, in the absence of appropriate equipment
~ Head of Department Head of Department

~ the attending physician, after consultation with the chief medical officer}
Certificate of disability for a patient under arrest {
= not issued not to issue
~ issued if they are sick issued if they are unable to work ~ issued if they are hospitalized}
The patient provides a document when receiving a disability certificate {
~ certificate of employment
~ document on marital status
= document certifying the identity of the patient
~ document of registration and place of residence}
On the basis of which document is the payment of temporary disability benefits made
On the basis of what document is the payment of temporary disability benefits made {=
certificate of disability medical certificate
~ card of ambulatory patient ~ ITU Bureau Act of medical and social
Types of disability
Types of disability {
~% 50% temporary temporary
~% 50% permanent permanent disability ~ full full
~ partial partial}
Basic principles of examination of temporary disability {
~% 33.33333% preventive preventive
~% 33.33333% restoration of working capacity in the shortest possible time
~% 33.33333% collegiality ~ mass character mass}
Tasks of examination of temporary disability {

~% 50% determination of the fact of disability determination of disability ~% 50%

determination of the duration of disability determination of the duration of disability
~ issue of a disability certificate}
Which doctor has the right to issue a disability certificate {= attending physician
~ any specialist doctor any specialist doctor ~ only clinic doctor ~ head of the division}
Doctors of which health care facilities do not issue certificates of incapacity for work
Doctors of which medical institutions do not issue disability certificates {~% 16.66666% of
ambulance facilities of ambulance facilities ~% 16.66666% of admissions departments of
hospitals of hospital admissions ~% 16.66666% of balneo and mud baths of balneo and mud
baths ~% 16.66666% medical center prevention medical prevention center ~% 16.66666%
forensic medical examiner's office ~% 16.66666% disaster medicine center ~ rural district
ambulance station medical ambulance station}
Composition of the medical commission
Composition of the medical Commission {~ attending physician and head.Department ~
Department head and chief medical officer ead.Department and chief medical officer
= Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, medical specialists}
The maximum certificate of incapacity for work for caring for a sick child under 7 years old
with inpatient treatment is issued for a period
The maximum disability certificate for the care of a sick child under 7 years of age for
inpatient treatment is issued for a period of {
~ for 5 days days
~ 10 days days ~ 15
days days ~ 30 days
= for the entire period of inpatient treatment
for the entire duration of inpatient treatment}
The maximum certificate of incapacity for work for caring for a sick child under 7 years old
with outpatient treatment is issued for a period

The maximum disability certificate for caring for a sick child under 7 years of age in
outpatient treatment is issued for a period of {
~ for 5 days days
~ 10 days days ~ 15
days days ~ 30 days
= for the entire period of treatment, but not more than 60 calendar days for all cases of
caring for this child during the year
for the entire period of treatment, but not more than 60 calendar days for all cases of care for
this child during the year}
The maximum certificate of incapacity for work for caring for a sick child aged 7-15 years
with outpatient treatment is issued for a period
The maximum disability certificate for caring for a sick child aged 7-15 years in outpatient
treatment is issued for a period of time {
~ for 5 days days
~ 10 days days ~ 15
days days ~ 30 days
= for 15 days and, if necessary, for the entire period by decision of VK
for 15 days and, if necessary, for the entire period according to the decision of the medical
The maximum certificate of incapacity for work for caring for a sick child aged 7-15 years
with inpatient treatment is issued for a period
The maximum disability certificate for caring for a sick child aged 7-15 years in hospital
treatment is issued for a period of {
~ up to 5 days days
~ up to 10 days days ~ up
to 15 days days ~ up to 30
days days
= for the entire period of joint hospital stay}
Women in case of childbirth before 30 weeks of pregnancy and the birth of a live child, a
certificate of incapacity for work is issued for a period
Women in the event of childbirth before 30 weeks of pregnancy and the birth of a live child
are issued a disability certificate for a period of time {
~ 86 days days ~ 140 days days = 156 days days ~ 180 days days ~ 194 days days}

Women in case of a normally proceeding singleton pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum
period and the birth of a living child, a disability certificate is issued for a period
Women in the case of a normal single-child pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
and the birth of a live child are issued a disability certificate for a period of time {~ 86 days
= 140 days days ~ 156 days days ~ 180 days days ~ 194 days days}
For women with a normal multiple pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period are
issued a disability certificate for a total period of time {
~ 86 days days ~ 140 days days ~ 156 days days ~ 180 days days = 194 days days}
Women in case of a normally proceeding singleton pregnancy are issued a certificate of
incapacity for work
Women in the case of a normal single pregnancy are issued a certificate of disability {~ from
28 weeks
of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy
= from 30 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~ from 32 weeks of pregnancy weeks of
pregnancy ~ from 34 weeks of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~ from 40 weeks of
pregnancy weeks of pregnancy ~ at the request of a woman}
Women in the event of a normal multiple pregnancy are issued a certificate of incapacity for
Women in the case of a normal multiple pregnancy are issued a certificate of disability {=
from 28 weeks of pregnancy
~ from 30 weeks of pregnancy ~ from 32
weeks of pregnancy ~ from 34 weeks of
pregnancy ~ from 40 weeks of pregnancy ~ at the request of the woman}
For how long is additional maternity leave taken out when establishing the fact of multiple
pregnancy in childbirth

How long is an additional maternity leave issued when establishing the fact of multiple
pregnancies in childbirth {
~ for 110 days
~ for 70 days
~ for 194 days ~ for 140 days = for 54 days}
What is the maximum period for extending the VK disability certificate in case of an
unfavorable clinical and labor prognosis?
What is the maximum period for which the medical commission disability certificate can be
extended if the clinical and labor prognosis is unfavorable {
~ before up to 2 months month ~ before up to 3 months month ~ before up to 6 months
month ~ before up to 10 months month = before up to 4 months month}
For what is the maximum period of time it is possible to extend the certificate of incapacity
for work medical commission with a favorable clinical and labor prognosis due to complex
combined injuries,
after reconstructive operations
What is the maximum period for which the disability certificate can be extended by the
medical Commission if the clinical and labor prognosis is favorable due to complex
combined injuries, after reconstructive operations {
~ before up to 1 months month ~ before up to 6 months month = before up to 10 months
month ~ before up to 4 months month}
In which cases the VC can extend the disability certificate up to 12 months {~ after
myocardial infarction after a myocardial infarction
~ after a stroke after a stroke
~ for oncological diseases for cancer = for tuberculosis in tuberculosis}
The doctor issues a single disability certificate for a maximum period of up to {~ 10 days
~ 4 months month = 15 days days
~ 45 days days}

Does a paramedical worker have the right to issue a certificate of incapacity for work?
Does the average medical worker have the right to issue a disability certificate {
= yes yes, paramedic or dentist on the basis of the order of the health management body of
the subject of the Federation
Yes has, paramedic or dentist on the basis of an order of the health management body of
the subject of the Federation
~ yes has, based on the order of the municipal government
~ no, only in exceptional cases
~ no no}
The paramedic issues a certificate of incapacity for work alone for a maximum period of up
The paramedic issues a single disability certificate for a maximum period of up to {= 10 days
~ 4 months month ~ 30 days days
~ 45 days days}
A certificate of disability in case of quarantine is issued for {= duration of the incubation
~ 10 days days ~ 15 days days ~ 30 days days ~ 40 days days}
In case of injury while intoxicated, a certificate of incapacity for work
If you are injured while intoxicated, you will receive a disability certificate {= issues are
~ not issued not to issue}
In case of inpatient treatment, the disability certificate is filled in {~ upon admission at receipt
~ 3 days after admission 3 days after receipt = on the day of discharge on the day of
discharge ~ in a polyclinic setting}
Can the attending physician close the certificate of incapacity for work at the request of the

Can the attending physician close the disability certificate at the request of the patient {= no
~ yes yes
~ yes, if it is dictated by production necessity}
Can the attending physician close the disability certificate without examining the patient {
= no no
~ yes yes
~ yes, if it is dictated by production necessity}
Who has the right to send a patient for consultation (examination, treatment) outside the
administrative region
Who has the right to send a patient for consultation (examination, treatment) outside the
administrative district {
= medical commission medical commission
~ attending physician, in the absence of appropriate equipment
~ branch manager
~ attending physician after consultation with the chief medical officer}
Is a disability certificate issued to a patient under arrest {
= no no
~ yes, if he is disabled Yes, if he is disabled ~ yes, if he is hospitalized Yes, if he is
For medical and social examination of the patient directs {~ attending physician
~ attending physician and head.department = medical commission medical commission
~ head physician}
Management is:
Management is {
~ intellectual activity on business organization in a specific situation
~ entrepreneurial activities related from direction goods and services from producer to

business activities related to the direction of goods and services from the manufacturer to
the consumer
~ purposeful informational impact of one system on another in order to change its behavior
in a certain direction
purposeful informational impact of one system on another in order to change its behavior in
certain direction
= is a process that ensures the effective functioning and development of the system in
specific conditions, taking into account internal and external factors
this is a process that ensures the effective functioning and development of the system in
specific conditions, taking into account internal and external factors}
Main control functions:
Main management functions {
~ planning, control
planning, control
= planning, organization, motivation, control
~ organization, motivation organization, motivation
~ organization, motivation, control organization, motivation, control}
He stood at the origins of the school of scientific management
He was at the origin of the school of scientific management {~ D.Getty D.Getty
~ M. Follett
~ E. Mayo E. Mayo
~ A. Fayol A. Fayol
= F. Taylor F. Taylor}
Explain the meaning of "management process" {~ set of management principles
set of management principles ~ group of managers
a group of managers
~ set of management methods set of management methods
~ set of organizational elements
a set of elements of the organization
= set of continuous, interrelated functions}

In what form can the control action be implemented in the control process?
In what form can the control action be implemented in the management process {~% 50%
order, order, instruction
order, order, instruction
~% 50% plan, task
plan, task
~ report
~ control data control data}
How can feedback be implemented in the management process {
~ order, order, instruction order, order, instruction
~ plan, task
plan, task
~% 50% report
~% 50% control data the data control}
Name the first function of the management process {~ control
~ coordination coordination = planning planning
~ organization organization ~ motivation motivation}
A management entity in a medical organization is defined as {
~ a separate structure of the organization or the organization as a whole, to which the
control action
a separate structure of the organization or the organization as a whole, which is directed to
control action
~ linking subsystem
linking subsystem
= a person or group of people making decisions and managing processes or relationships by
influencing the controlled system to achieve the set goals

a person or group of people who make decisions and manage processes or relationships by
influencing the managed system to achieve their goals
~ an organ that perceives human managerial influences
~ employee of the organization employee of the organization}
The object of management in a medical organization is understood as {= a separate
structure of the organization or the organization as a whole, to which the control action is
a separate structure of the organization or the organization as a whole, which is directed to
the management action
~ linking subsystem
linking subsystem
~ a person or group of people making decisions and managing processes or relationships by
influencing the controlled system to achieve the set goals
a person or group of people who make decisions and manage processes or relationships by
influencing the managed system to achieve their goals
~ an organ that perceives human managerial influences
~ employee of the organization
employee of the organization
~ the process of providing medical services, resources, relationships between workers
the process of providing medical services, resources, relationships between employees}
The management process includes
The management process includes {
~% 33.33333% collecting information ~ resource recycling
~% 33.33333% information processing information processing ~% 33.33333% information
transfer transfer of information ~ storage of goods storage of goods}
The type of guide is understood as {~ forms of control
forms of control action
= degree of freedom of collective participation in decision-making ~ the existing system of
relations in the team the existing system of relations in the team}

The control system is characterized by

The management system is characterized by {~ room room
~% 25% direct links ~% 25% feedbacks
~% 25% the management entity ~% 25% the control object ~ duration of work}
Strategic management is {
~ management of the formation of the competitive labor potential of the organization
managing the formation of competitive labor potential of the organization
= this is setting goals, planning and moving forward for years, when the future is clearly
visible, when the manager is clear what he wants to get in the future
this is setting goals, planning and moving forward for years, when the future is clearly visible,
when the Manager is clear what he wants to get in the future
~ providing the organization with the necessary labor potential in accordance with its
providing the organization with the necessary labor potential in accordance with its strategy
~ organization of recruitment, selection, recruitment of personnel, their business
assessment, career guidance, training, management of their business career, motivation and
organization of work
organization of recruitment, selection, reception of personnel, their business assessment,
career guidance, training, management of their business career, motivation and labor
Tactical management is {
~ management strengths and weaknesses survey (SWOT analysis)
= method (method) for achieving a large, long-term strategic goal ~ formulation of goals and
their structuring
the formulation of goals and their structuring}
Operational management is {
~ current production activities current production activities

= the activities of the managing subject, which is aimed at influencing the property to achieve
the goals set by the company
activity of the managing entity, which is aimed at influencing the object of property to achieve
the goals set by the company
~ one of the characteristics of the control process
one of the characteristics of the management process ~
distribution of powers distribution of powers}
Management methods
The management methods {
= command-administrative, authoritarian, socio-psychological
~ command-administrative, economic, socio-economic command and administrative,
economic, socio-economic
~ command-administrative, economic, socio-psychological command and administrative,
economic, social and psychological}
Management styles
The management styles {
~ organizational and administrative, democratic, liberal
= authoritarian, democratic, liberal authoritarian, democratic, liberal
~ authoritarian, democratic, psychological authoritarian, democratic, psychological}
The health management structure includes the following levels {~ federal
~% 50% regional regional
~ urban
~% 50% municipal municipal}
Successful management requires the listed skills of the Manager, except {~ defining goals,
prospects, problems
defining goals, prospects, and challenges ~ prioritization

the allocation of priorities

~ organization of work to achieve the goal = meeting the need to manage
meeting the need to manage
~ ensuring employee motivation ensuring employee motivation}
Management functions include Management functions include { ~ forecasting and planning
forecasting and planning
~ design and organization
design and organization
~ accounting, control, analysis and regulation = all of the above
all of the above
~ none of the above is true}
Does not apply to types of management decisions
Does not apply to the following types of management decisions {~ orders orders
~ work plan work plan
= methodical recommendation}
Modern requirements for a Manager include everything except {~ principles of principle
~ high professionalism ~ high professionalism ~ organizational skills = propensity to
competition ~ high moral qualities}
Motivational methods in the management of the team include {~ content and working
the contents and conditions of work ~ economic incentives
economic incentive
~ the state of the socio-psychological climate state of the socio-psychological climate ~
training, professional development

training, professional development = competition

Management is
Management is {
~ intellectual activity on business organization in a specific situation
~ entrepreneurial activities related from direction
goods and services from producer to consumer
business activities related to the direction of goods and services from the manufacturer to
the consumer
= a set of principles, methods and means of production management in order to improve
production efficiency and increase profits
a set of principles, methods and tools for managing production in order to improve
production efficiency and increase profits}
Does the environment (certainty, uncertainty, time) influence the decision-making process?
Does the environment (certainty, uncertainty, time) affect the decision-making process {=
yes yes ~ no no}
Do the Manager's personal evaluations affect the decision-making process {~ no no
= yes yes}
Describe the leadership style if the leader makes decisions, as a rule, alone
Give a description of the management style, if the Manager makes decisions, as a rule,
alone {
~ liberal liberal
= authoritarian
~ democratic democratic}
Describe the leadership style, if the leader usually consults with subordinates, using their
competence on special issues; the activities of subordinates are controlled not only by the
head, but also by public organizations
Describe the management style if the Manager usually consults with subordinates, using
their competence on special issues; the activities of subordinates are controlled not only by
the Manager, but also by public organizations {
~ liberal liberal

~ authoritarian
= democratic democratic}
Levels of governance in healthcare {
~ strategic, economic, medical and organizational
strategic, economic, medical and organizational ~
strategic, tactical, complex
strategic, tactical, complexLevels of governance in healthcare = strategic, tactical,
strategic, tactical, operational
~ strategic, tactical, operational, control
~ strategic, tactical, operational, control, production}
What management style is considered the most effective in modern conditions {~
authoritarian = democratic democratic
~ liberal liberal}
Economic and mathematical methods of healthcare management include {~ distribution of
functions, duties, responsibilities, authorities, regulation of business relationships
distribution of functions, duties, responsibilities, powers, regulation of business relationships
= analysis of health care facilities, planning and forecasting methods ~ collegial decisions
collective decision
~ all of the above is true all of the above is true}
Socio-psychological methods of health care management imply
Socio-psychological methods of health care management include {~ organization of medical
organization of medical councils ~
management decisions

management decision
= a set of means of influencing the team
~ all of the above is true all of the above is true}
Marketing is
Marketing is {
~ activities in the field of sales activities in the field of market ~ activities in the field of
exchange activities in the field of exchange ~ activities in the field of trade activities in the
field of trade
= activity, including analysis,
and control, as well as the conscious exchange of values
between market participants in order to achieve
the goals of the organization
activities that include analysis, planning, implementation, and control, as well as the
conscious exchange of values between market participants to achieve the organization's
Marketing tools are Marketing tools
are {
~ product - product-quality ~ assortment
~ price price
~ reputation reputation
~ marketing communication marketing communication
= all means by which the company exerts influence on the market}
All types of marketing activities are primarily focused on {
~ to improve product quality to improve product quality
~ for profit
to make a profit = to
the consumer
on the consumer}
Specify which phase of strategic planning is the initial one {
~ financial planning financial planning

~ long-term planning
long-term planning
= planning with external factors in mind}
In the process of formulating a strategy, the first step is to {~ study of external factors
(external analysis)
study of external factors (external analysis) ~ critical self-analysis (internal analysis)
= target definition the target definition}
The market marketing methodology is defined by {
~ making a profit by increasing sales volume
= making a profit by meeting the needs of the consumer}
The essence and features of marketing in healthcare include the following provisions
The essence and features of marketing in healthcare include the following provisions {~
study of the demand for medical services
study of demand for medical services = analysis
to the health needs of
~ determining the cost of medical services ~ meeting demand
meet demand}
Health Marketing Functions
Health care marketing functions {
= planning, organization, coordination, accounting and control ~ the imposition of penalties,
the restructuring of the leadership ~ all of the above
all of the above} Strategic planning is {

= target selection process

goal selection process
~ decision making process
the process of selecting solutions ~ structure selection process
the process of selecting a structure}
There are the following methods of planning in healthcare {~ standardization method
standardization method ~% 50% balance balance sheet
~ historical
~% 50% analytical analytical
~ cluster analysis method cluster analysis method
~ tactical planning
tactical planning}
Analytical method for planning in healthcare {
~ used to ensure proportionality of industry development
= allows you to evaluate baseline and achieved levels when drawing up and reviewing a
plan allows you to evaluate the initial and achieved levels when drawing up and analyzing
the plan
~ provides proportions in the developed plans and allows timely identification of emerging
imbalances during their implementation
provides proportions in the developed plans and allows you to timely identify the emerging
imbalances during their implementation
~ all of the above is true all of the above is true}
The standard of the population's need for primary health care {
= average number of visits to a medical organization per resident per year ~ number of
completed cases per month
number of completed cases per month

~ the number of the served population, taking into account the epidemiological situation in
the territory number of the population served, taking into account the epidemiological
situation in the territory}
Planning in health care is above all {
~ projections of health development estimates of the future
evolution of health
~ theoretical and scientific definitions of health development directions
= this is the process of determining the necessary resources and a mechanism for their
effective use ~ to solve the problems of improving the quality and availability of medical care,
in order to achieve specific indicators of public health
this is the process of determining the necessary resources and the mechanism for their
effective use ~ to solve the problems of improving the quality and accessibility of medical
care, in order to achieve specific health indicators of the population ~ organizational
activities of headquarters structures of organizations aimed at development of healthcare
organizations and risk reduction when interacting with external and competing structures
rganizational activities of organizations' headquarters structures aimed at developing
healthcare organizations and reducing risks when interacting with external and competing
The indicator of the provision of the population with doctors is calculated for the standard
The indicator of provision of the population with doctors is calculated on the standard {~ 100
~ 1000
= 10000
~ 100000}
When calculating the indicator of the provision of the population with doctors, the
When calculating the indicator of the population's availability of doctors, the following factors
are taken into account {
~ number of full-time positions
number of full-time positions ~
number of occupied positions
number of positions held =
number of individuals
number of individuals
~ number of vacant posts
number of available positions}

The proportion of preventive visits in the clinic should be {

~ 10% ~ 20% = 30% ~ 40%}
Function of the medical position
Function of the medical position {~ ability to
work effectively
ability to work effectively
~ accomplishment of assigned tasks
completing tasks
= number of visits served by a doctor per year ~ load performed
the execution of the load}
The full coverage of dispensary observation of sick patients is {
~ 50% and> ~ 60% and> = 90% and> ~ 70% and>}
Average annual occupancy of a therapeutic hospital bed {~ 200-250 days
~ 350-360 days = 330-340 days ~ 310-330 days}
Average annual pediatric hospital bed occupancy {
~ 200-250 days ~ 350-360 days = 310-330 days ~ 330-340days}
Average annual employment of obstetric hospital beds {~ 200-250 days
~ 350-360 days = 300-310 days

~ 330-340 days}
Hospital bed turnover
Hospital bed turnover {
~ number of hospital beds worked in the hospital ~ number of patients treated in the
department number of patients treated in the Department
= number of patients treated in one hospital bed per year}
The fatality rate is calculated based on the standard {~ 10000
~ 1000
= 100
~ 100000}
The completeness of coverage of periodic medical examinations should be {~ 50%
~ 60% = 100% ~ 70%}

.tHealth of the population and its determining factors .n50

.o0 unsatisfactory
.o50 satisfactory
.o65 good .o80 excellent
.? Postgraduate training of medical personnel is carried out in the following educational
institutions:. + Institutes for the improvement of doctors
. + Postgraduate Academies
. + faculties of advanced medical
.-based on regional medical institutions
.? The main methods of socio-hygienic research:
. + historical
. + statistical
. + experimental
. + economic
.? The optimal way to develop health care at the present stage is:
.-state system
. + budget insurance medicine
.-private practice
.? Medical ethics is:
. + specific manifestation of a general ethics in the work of a doctor. + science of humanism,
duty, honor, conscience of medical workers
. + the doctor’s ability to moral orientation in situations.? Biomedical ethics and deontology
are:.-a manifestation of civic duty in the professional work of medical workers
.-science of humanism, duty and honor of medical workers.-science of conscience, dignity
and morality of medical workers. + set of moral rules and standards of behavior of medical
.? Medical deontology is:
. + independent science on the professional duty of medical workers . + practical part of
sections of medical ethics
.? Indicate the main functions of WHO
Public Health

Public Health
. + development of national health systems based on prevention, primary health care, state
. + control of infectious diseases through mass vaccination and immunization . + training and
retraining of medical personnel
. + provision of medical assistance to certain population groups
. + health informatization
. + mental health care
.-development of medical and diagnostic equipment
.? What are the three main organizations that make up WHO?
. + World Health Assembly
. + Executive Committee
. + Secretariat
.-Council for International Cooperation
.? What is the main document that governs the activities of WHO. + WHO Constitution
.-Regulations on the activities of WHO
.-International Treaty on Collaboration of Member Countries of WHO
.? In which WHO document defines the concept of "health". + In the WHO Constitution
.-in the Regulations on the activities of WHO
.-in the International Treaty on Cooperation of the Member Countries of WHO
.? Does WHO have the right to formulate and, if necessary, revise the International
Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death?
. + has the right to independently resolve the issue .-has no right
.-has the right with the consent of other international organizations.? When was the first time
that the question of primary health care was considered at the international level?
. + in 1978 in Alma-Ata at the WHO international conference (UNICEF)
.-at a meeting of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB, 1902).-at a meeting of the
International Bureau of Public Hygiene (ICHB, 1907).? Indicate whether the following issues
are within the purview of WHO:
. + improvement of nutrition, housing and sanitary conditions, working and resting conditions,
promotion of work in the field of mental health
. + revision of the "ICD"
. + setting international standards for food, biological, pharmaceuticals .? How often are
regular sessions of the WHO Assembly convened?

.-1 time in 3 years
. + 1 time in 5 years
.? Social hygiene and healthcare organization are studying:
. + public health
.-individual health
.? The structure of the subject of social medicine and healthcare organization:
. + social hygiene
. + healthcare organization
. + medical informatics
. + health management
. + history of medicine
.? Is there a difference between the concepts of "public health system" and "health system"?
. + yes
.-no.? The public health system is a set of measures:
. + socio-economic
. + biomedical
. + environmental
.-on the organization of medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian
Federation.? The health care system is:
.-system of measures to maintain public health
. + system of medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation .? Is the
production environment part of the environment? . + yes
.-no.? Is the social environment part of the environment? . + yes
.-no.? Basic principles of healthcare:
. + responsibility of the state for observing citizens' rights in the field of health
. + medical confidentiality
. + availability of medical care
. + social security in case of disability
. + priority of preventive measures
. + priority of interests of the patient
Public Health

.? Social and hygienic monitoring is carried out on the basis of: .-medical institutions
.-research institutes
. + Sanitary and Epidemiological Service
.-ministries of health
.-medical universities
.? The environment includes:
. + natural environment
. + production environment
. + social environment
.? When was the first department of social hygiene opened in Russia? .-in 1917
.-in 1941. + in 1922
.-in 1960
.? The main indicators of individual health are:
. + incidence rates
. + disability indicators
. + indicators of physical development
. + demographic indicators
. + health groups
.? The main indicators of public health are:
. + health care costs of GDP
. + degree of immunization and vaccination of the population
. + degree of examination of pregnant women
. + nutrition for children and adolescents
.-health groups
.? The main method of studying lifestyle is:
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Public Health
. + survey interview
.? The theoretical foundations of social hygiene are:
. + dialectical materialism
. + political economy
.-legislation on health
.-Constitution of the Russian Federation
.? By definition, human health is characterized by the condition:
.-physical well-being
.-physical and social well-being
.-physical, mental and social well-being with full adaptation to environmental conditions
. + physical, mental and social well-being with full adaptation to environmental conditions
.? Among the factors determining the health of the population, the greatest influence is
exerted by: .-organization of medical care
.-climatic environment
.-biological factors
. + lifestyle
.? The medical characteristics of public health are:
. + incidence
. + disability
. + physical development
. + medical and demographic data
.? Environmental factors:. + Socio-economic
. + natural and climatic
. + biological
.? Statistical indicators of individual health are:
. + demographic indicators
. + incidence
. + disability. + physical development
.-attendance of health facilities

.? The main sources of information on public health are: . + official death information
.-data insurance companies
. + epidemiological information
. + environmental and health monitoring data
. + registers of diseases, accidents and injuries.? The following factors influence the
preservation and strengthening of public health:. + The level of culture of the population
. + environmental factors
. + quality and availability of care
. + safe working conditions
. + nutritional balance
.? Under physical development understand:
. + the totality of all anthropological signs and the results of functional measurements. +
somatic signs and indicators
. + physique
.-diseases.? The main ways to obtain information about the incidence:
. + for reasons of death
. + on appeal
.-according to the census
. + according to medical examinations
. + according to the survey
.? The primary incidence is:
. + diseases first detected this year and not previously considered elsewhere
.-incidence recorded by a doctor and recorded by him in medical records
.-a set of all diseases among the population that were first detected in a given year or
previously known, for which patients returned again in a given year.? The essence of the
term "soreness"?
.-the incidence rate according to the reversibility data.-the incidence rate recorded by the
doctor and recorded by him in the medical documentation
. + the totality of all diseases among the population that were first detected in a given year or
previously known, for which patients returned again this year.? The statistical term "referral"
is understood to mean:. + the number of patients who first sought medical help for a disease
.-the ratio of the number of all initial visits for a disease to the total number of people served.
-the absolute number of all initial and repeated visits by patients to a medical facility
.? The disease with which the patient suffers for a number of years and annually consults the
doctor of the clinic will be included in the statistics
Public Health

.-primary incidence
. + general incidence
.-pathological lesion
.? When analyzing the primary incidence of the population,
. + statistical coupons with a plus sign (+).-all statistical coupons
.-statistical coupons with a sign (-)
.? When analyzing the general morbidity of the population,
.-statistical coupons only with a sign (+)
. + all statistical coupons
unsigned statistical coupons (+)
.? Indicate how the primary incidence of the population is recorded
. + statistical coupon with a plus sign (+).-statistical coupon with a plus sign (-).? Indicate the
main types of diseases:
. + epidemic incidence
. + major non-epidemic morbidity
. + hospitalized incidence
. + incidence with VUT. + according to reversibility
.-dispensary incidence
.? During what time and to which medical institution the notice of the most important non-
epidemic disease is sent:.-To the dispensary of the appropriate profile within 1 month
.-in SES for 5 hours
. + to the dispensary of the corresponding profile for 1 week
.-in the dispensary of the appropriate profile for 2 weeks.? What objective factors affect the
incidence (reversibility)? . + scope and availability of care
. + sanitary and cultural level of the population
.-material condition of the patient
.? Indicate the main methods for studying the incidence:
. + reversibility
. + preventive examinations. + registration of causes of death
. + survey
.? The patient has a stomach ulcer. Sick for 10 years, every year he goes to the doctor. How
many statistical coupons for it will be filled out and how many of them with a (+) sign?
. + 10 statistical coupons, the first of them with a sign (+)
Public Health

.-10 statistical coupons, each of them with a sign (+)

.-1 statistical coupon with a plus sign (+)
.? A woman had a living child who died after 35 minutes.
What documents do you need to fill out? . + medical birth certificate
. + medical certificate of perinatal death
.-medical death certificate
.? Indicate a single regulatory document for statistical developments of hospitalized
morbidity: .-international classification of diseases, injuries and causes of death
. + statistical map of the outgoing patient, f. N066 / у.-Sheet of registration of the movement
of patients and hospital bed fund, f. N007 / a
.-Consolidated statement of the recording of the movement of patients and the bed capacity
by hospital, ward or bed profile, f. N016 / у.? In the study of epidemic morbidity, an.-Journal
of the registration of infectious diseases in health facilities is used. + Urgent notification of an
infectious disease, food poisoning, occupational disease
.-report monthly and annual on the number of infectious diseases.? For the first time in life,
an established diagnosis refers to the concept of:
.-initial visit
. + primary incidence
.-acute diseases
.? If a patient identifies an infectious disease, the doctor fills in:
.-medical record of the patient
. + emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning
.-notice of major disease
.-disability certificate
.? Document for registration and registration of detected tuberculosis:.-Emergency notice of
an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning.-Medical record of the patient
. + notice of the patient with a first-ever established diagnosis of tuberculosis .-statistical
coupon for registration updated
(final) diagnosis
.? If a cancer disease is detected or suspected, the doctor fills out:
.-emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning .-notice
of the patient with a first-time diagnosis of mental illness
Public Health

Public Health . + notice of the patient with a first-time diagnosis of cancer or other
malignant neoplasms
.-statistical coupon for registration updated (final) diagnosis
.? The incidence rate of the prevalence among women compared with men: .-below
. + above
.? The incidence rate according to medical examinations among women compared with
men: .-below
. + above
.? The incidence rate of children in comparison with adults: .-below
. + above
.? The highest incidence of children is noted at the age:.-From 0 to 3 years. + From 1 to 3
years.-From 3 to 7 years.
.-from 7 to 10 years .-from 10 to 14 years
.? The first place in the structure of the incidence of children under the age of 1 year is
occupied by diseases:
.-infectious and parasitic
.-nervous system and sensory organs
. + respiratory system
.-skin and subcutaneous tissue
digestive organs
.? The level of chronic morbidity among women compared with men:.-Lower
. + above
.? The first place in the structure of the incidence of women is occupied by diseases: .-
circulatory systems
.-female genital
. + respiratory system

.-nervous system
musculoskeletal system
.? To assess the incidence of the population, such criteria are used as:. + The incidence rate
. + morbidity structure
. + disease rate
.? A quantitative indicator of the incidence is:
.-average duration of treatment
.-the average length of hospital stay
. + incidence rate
.-structure of incidence
.-all of the above
.? A qualitative indicator of the incidence is:
.-average duration of treatment
.-rate of diseases per year
.-incidence rate. + incidence structure
.-all of the above
.? The level of the general morbidity of the population is characterized by the coefficient:.-
Extensive.- Ratio. + Intensive
.? In the structure of the morbidity of the population according to reversibility, the first place
is occupied by diseases:
.-circulatory systems
.-digestive system
. + respiratory system
.-nervous system
musculoskeletal system
.? The main accounting document in the study of morbidity with temporary disability: .-
ambulatory card. + disability certificate
.-emergency notice
.-statistical map of a hospital dropout
.-statistical coupon for registration of an updated diagnosis.? The main accounting document
for the study of the total morbidity by circulation:.-ambulatory card
.-disability certificate
Public Health

.-emergency notice
.-statistical map of a hospital dropout
. + statistical coupon for registration of an updated diagnosis.? The main accounting
document for the study of epidemic morbidity:.-ambulatory card
.-disability certificate
. + emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning.-
statistical map of the hospital drop-out
.-statistical coupon for registration of an updated diagnosis
.? When calculating the actual incidence rate, the following are taken into account:
.-tickets to see a doctor
. + statistical coupons with a plus sign (+)
.-statistical coupons with a sign (-)
.-disability certificates
.? When calculating the pain indicator, the following are taken into account:
.-tickets to see a doctor
. + statistical coupons with a plus sign (+)
. + statistical coupons with a (-) sign
.-disability certificates
.? The reporting document on the incidence of temporary disability is:
.-annual report of healthcare facilities
.-summary sheet of registered diseases in the clinic. + 16-VN form
.-diary of a doctor
.-tuberculosis insert report
.? Indicators of the general morbidity on appeal are calculated on the standard:. + 1000
.? Indicators of the most important non-epidemic morbidity are calculated on the standard:.-
100 .-1000
. + 100 000
.? Hospitalized morbidity rates are calculated on the standard:
Public Health

Public Health
. + 1000
.? Indicators of morbidity with temporary disability are calculated on the standard:. + 100 .-
.? The international classification of diseases is:
.-list of diagnoses in a specific order
.-a list of symptoms, syndromes and individual conditions located according to a specific
. + rubric system in which individual pathological conditions are included in accordance with
certain established criteria
.-a list of names of diseases, diagnoses and syndromes located in a specific order
.? The card of the patient who has left the hospital is a record of the incidence rate:
.-with temporary disability
.-according to medical examination
. + hospitalized
.? The level of primary incidence of the population of the region is in the range:. + 941.5-
970.2 .-456.4-674.3
.? The level of the general morbidity of the population of the region is in the range:. +
2028.0-2207.9 .-1987.4-2006.7
.? Primary tuberculosis incidence rate in the Krai population:. + 141.7
.? The prevalence of tuberculosis among the population of the region:
. + 335.2
.? The death rate from tuberculosis of the population of the region:
. + 34.7
.? The primary incidence rate of syphilis in the region’s population:?
. + 60.7
.? The primary incidence rate of malignant neoplasms of the population (per 1000) of the
. + 389.1
.? Level of patients with mental disorders consisting under supervision (per 100 thousand of
the population) in the region:
. + 1190.2
.? The incidence of disability of the population of the region is within (per 100 employees): .
+ 44.1-45.1
.? The level of days of disability of the population of the region is within (per 100 employees):
. + 657.4-660.3
.-557.8-579.4 .-348.7-389.1 .-834.2-843.6
Public Health

Public Health
.? The average duration of the case of disability of the population of the region is in the
range (in days):
. + 14-15
.? The level of primary access to disability of the population of the region is in the range (by
10 thousand):
. + 134.5-143.8
.? The main reasons for the disability of the population of the region are: . + circulatory
system diseases
. + malignant neoplasms
. + diseases of the musculoskeletal system
. + injuries
. + mental disorders
.? The total mortality rate is calculated by the formula:. + (Number of deaths in 1 year x
1000) / average annual population
.- (number of deaths over 1 year x 1000) / population .- (number of deaths over 1 year x
1000) / average population
.- (number of deaths over 1 year x 1000) / population over 1 year
.- (number of deaths x 1000) / population at the end of the year.? Maternal mortality rate is
calculated by the formula:. + the number of deaths of pregnant women, women in childbirth
and parturient women (including deaths 42 days after birth) x 100,000 live births / number of
live births
.- (number of pregnant deaths x 1000 live births) / total number of pregnancies
.- (number of deaths after 28 weeks of gestation x 100,000 live births) / total number of
pregnancies .- (number pregnant deaths x 100,000 live births and stillbirths) / total number of
pregnant women after 28 weeks
.- (number of pregnant deaths after 28 weeks x 100,000 live births) / total number of
pregnancies after 28 weeks
.? Demography is a science that studies:.-Public health . factorial health conditionality
. + number, composition and reproduction of the population in its social development.-issues
of marriage and fertility

Public Health
.? Type of age structure of the population of Russia at present:
.-stable. + regressive
.-progressive.? The types of population movement include:
. + mechanical and natural
.-mechanical natural and social
.-mechanical natural, social and age
.? The main method of studying the natural movement of the population should be
considered: . + current registration of demographic events.-census
.-sample demographic studies
.-sociological survey of the population
.? Indicators of natural population movement are:
. + mortality
.-mortality by age group
. + fertility
.-total fertility rate
. + natural growth
.? Demographic coefficients are expressed, as a rule:
.-in percents
. + in ppm
.-in prodecymill
.? When calculating the total fertility rate, the number of births per year is taken into account:
. + alive
.-alive and dead
.? The factors controlling the birth rate include:
. + population migration
. + contraceptive coverage
. + age of marriage
. + socio-economic conditions
. + parental health

.? Civil registration of fertility in Russia is carried out: .-since 1822

.-since 1897
. + since 1917
.-since 1925
.-since 1937.? Civil registration of mortality in Russia is carried out:
.-since 1822
.-since 1897
.-since 1917
. + since 1925
since 1937
.? Documents for civil registration of birth of a child in Russia are:.-Birth certificate .-Marriage
.-statement of two witnesses
. + medical birth certificate
.-all of the above
.? Documents for civil registration of death in Russia are:
.-birth certificate
.-conclusion pathologist
. + medical certificate of perinatal death
. + medical death certificate
.? The leading place in the structure of total mortality is occupied by:
. + circulatory system diseases
.-respiratory diseases
.-oncological diseases
.? Special indicators of mortality include:
. + mortality at working age
. + mortality by age groups
. + mortality by gender
. + mortality by season
Public Health
.? Natural population growth is the difference between: .-birth rate and mortality of working
.-birth rate and mortality by age groups
. + birth rate and mortality per year
.-birth rate and mortality by season
.-all of the above
.? The optimal level of natural population growth is the level:.-From 0% to 2% .-from 1% to
3%. + from 3% to 5%.-from 5% to 7%
.-over 7%
.? Natural population growth depends on:
.-from population migration
.-from infant mortality
. + from fertility
. + from mortality
.? A general indicator of the natural population movement is:
.-birth rate
.-mortality. + natural increase.-life expectancy
.? Maternal mortality is calculated:
.-for 100 births
.-per 1000 live births
. + per 100,000 live births
.-per 1000 women
.-per 1000 women of childbearing age
.? The demographic situation in Russia is characterized by:
.-increase in natural population growth
.-zero natural increase
. + negative natural growth.-population explosion
.-undulating demographic process
.? The main statistical method for studying the statistics of the population is: .-expeditionary
.-standardization method
Public Health

.-representativeness. + census.? Types of census: . + universal

. + in the territory of the clinic
. + on the territorial site
.? Deadline for filling out a "medical death certificate":
.-24 hours. + 3 days.-Week
.? Perinatal mortality includes the death of children in the period:
.-antenatal, early neonatal, postnatal
.-Intranatal, antenatal, late neonatal.
. + antenatal, intranatal, early neonatal.-intranatal, early neonatal, late neonatal.? Mortality of
newborns includes the death of children:
.-in utero
.-in the first year of life. + in the first month of life
.-in the first week of life
.? Stillbirth includes the death of children in the period:
. + antenatal, intrapartum
.-Intranatal, early neonatal.
.-early neonatal, late neonatal.-antenatal, intranatal, early neonatal. .? Infant mortality
includes the death of children:
. + in the first year of life
.-in the first month of life
.-in the first week of life
.-in utero
.-in the first three years of life
.? The infant mortality rate is calculated on:
. + 1000 live births
.-100 live births
.-1000 live births and stillbirths.
.-1000 population
.? Perinatal mortality rate is calculated on:
Public Health

.-1000 live births

100 live births
. + 1000 live births and stillbirths.
.-1000 population
.? Stillbirth rate is calculated on:
.-1000 live births
.-100 live births
. + 1000 live births and stillbirths.
.-1000 population
.? The birth rate is high with the birth rate:
.-up to 15 per 1000 population
.-15-25 per 1000 population
. + more than 25 per 1000 population
.? The birth rate is average when the birth rate is:
.-up to 15 per 1000 population
. + 15-25 per 1000 population
.-more than 25 per 1000 population
.? The birth rate is low with the birth rate:
. + up to 15 per 1000 population. -15-25 per 1000 population
.-more than 25 per 1000 population
.? The mortality rate is high with a mortality rate of:
.-up to 9 per 1000 population
.-9-15 per 1000 population
. + more than 15 per 1000 population
.? The mortality rate is average for the mortality rate:
.-up to 9 per 1000 population
. + 9-15 per 1000 population
.-more than 15 per 1000 population
.? The mortality rate is low at the mortality rate:
. + up to 9 per 1000 population.-9-15 per 1000 population
.-more than 15 per 1000 population
.? Reproduction of the population is expanded if the gross coefficient is equal to:
Public Health

. + 1,5
. + 1,2.-1,1
.? Reproduction of the population is stationary if the gross coefficient is equal to: .-1,5
. + 1,1
.? Reproduction of the population is narrowed if the gross coefficient is:.-1,5 .-1,2
. + 1,0
. + 0.9
.? Reproduction of the population is expanded if the net coefficient is:
. + 1,5
. + 1,2
. + 1,1
.? Reproduction of the population is stationary if the net coefficient is:
. + 1,0
.? Reproduction of the population is narrowed if the net ratio is:.-1.5
. + 0.9
Public Health

Public Health .? Reproduction of the population is expanded if the coefficient of childhood

is equal to:
. + 2.5
. + 2.2
.? Reproduction of the population is stationary if the coefficient of childhood is equal to: .-2,5
. + 2.15.-2.0
.? Reproduction of the population is narrowed if the coefficient of childhood is equal to: .-2,5
. + 2.0
. + 0.9.? Multiplicity of the general census:
. + 1 time in 10 years.-1 time in 7 years
.-1 time in 5 years
.-1 time in 2 years
.-1 once a year
.? Multiplicity of the census on the territorial site:
.-1 time in 10 years
.-1 time in 7 years
1 time in 5 years
.-1 time in 2 years
. + 1 time per year
.? Multiplicity of the census in the territory of the clinic:
.-1 time in 10 years
.-1 time in 7 years
.-1 time in 5 years. + 1 time in 2 years
.-1 once a year

.? General Census Rules:

. + the solid method is used
. + unity of study program and plan
. + simultaneity
. + machine processing of received data
. + direct receipt of information from the subject
.-as soon as possible
.? Deadline for registering a death in the registry office:
. + 3 days.-4 days.
.-6 days
.-10 days.? Term of registration of the birth of a child in the registry office:
. + one month.-two months
.-three months
.-two weeks
.? Medical demography is studying
. + "statics" of the population (number, distribution, density, etc.)
. + "dynamics" - population movement (mechanical and natural)
.-morbidity with temporary disability
.? The general indicators of reproduction (natural movement) include:.-Fertility .-mortality
. + natural growth
. + average life expectancy
.? Birth rate is calculated by
. + ratio of the number of births in a given year to the average annual population .-ratio of the
number of deaths to the number of births
.-subtracting the number of deaths from birth
.? The level of total fertility (per 1000) in our country is currently within:
. + up to 10
.-from 10 to 15
.-from 15 to 20
.? The total fertility rate (per 1000) in the region is within:
Public Health

. + 10.1-10.3
.? The total mortality rate is:
. + ratio of death to annual average population .-ratio of the number of deaths to the
01.01. this year
.-the total number of deaths during the census period.? The total mortality rate (per 1000) of
the population in our country is currently in the range:
.-from 5 to 10. + from 11 to 15 .-from 16 to 20
.? The level of total mortality (per 1000) of the population of the region is currently in the
range:.-18- 20
. + 15-16
.? Maternal mortality rate is calculated by the formula
. + (number of deceased pregnant women, women in childbirth, puerperas within 42 days
after termination of pregnancy x 100,000) / number of live births
.- (number of pregnant deaths x 1000 live births) / total number of pregnancies
.- (number of deaths after 28 days of pregnancy x 100,000 live births) / total number of
.- (number of pregnant deaths x 100,000 live births and stillbirths) / total number of pregnant
women after 28 weeks.? Maternal mortality rate in the region is:
. + 31.3.-52.1
.? The infant mortality rate in the region is: .-26.8
. + 11.2.-13.5.? Age-specific mortality rates are calculated by:. + The ratio of the number of
deaths in each age group to the number of this age group.-Subtraction of births and deaths
in each five-year age group
.-the ratio of the number of deaths in each age group to the average annual population of the
territory.? In the structure of mortality of the population of economically developed countries,
the leading places are:
.-infectious and parasitic diseases; diseases of the digestive system; mental illness . +
circulatory system diseases; neoplasms; injuries and poisoning
Public Health

Public Health
.-neoplasms; injuries and poisoning; respiratory diseases.? Indicate the country where the
greatest difference in the length of the life expectancy of men and women is noted:
. + Russia .-Japan .-USA .-France .-Germany
.? The average life expectancy is:. + The number of years that this generation of births will
have to live, provided that throughout life the age-specific mortality rates remain unchanged.-
The number of years that this generation of births will live, provided that over the throughout
life, age-specific fertility rates will remain unchanged.? In the general structure of mortality in
Russia, injuries and poisonings take the place of:
. + third.-first .-second
.? In the general structure of mortality in the Russian population, malignant neoplasms take
the place of:
. + second.-first .-third
.? In the general structure of mortality in the Russian population, diseases of the circulatory
system take the place of:
. + first.-second
.? Special indicators of child mortality:
.-perinatal mortality
. + late neonatal mortality
. + early neonatal mortality
. + infant mortality
.? The infant mortality rate is calculated by the formula:
.- (number of children dying before the age of 1 month) 10,000 / number of children born
alive and dead .- (number of children dying before the age of 1 year + number of children
born dead) x 1000 / number of all born (dead and living)
.- (number of children dying before 1 year x 1000) / average population .- (number of
children dying before 1 year x 1000) / number of stillborn
. + (number of children dying before 1 year in a given calendar year x 1000) / (2/3 born alive
in a given year + 1/3 born alive in a previous year)

Public Health
.? The perinatal mortality rate is calculated by the formula:.-The number of children born
dead + the number of children died during the first year of life) x 1000 / the number of
children born alive
. + number of children born dead + number of children died during the first 7 days of life) x
1000 / number of children born alive and dead
.- the number of children born dead + the number of children died during the first 28 days of
life) x 1000 / the number of children born alive and dead
.-number of children born dead) x 1000 / number of children, born alive and dead
.-the number of children born dead + the number of children died in the first 7 days of life) x
1000 / the number of children born alive
.? Stillbirth rate are calculated by the formula:. - the number of children born dead + the
number of children who died during the first year of life) x 1000 / the number of children born
.- the number of children born dead + the number of children died during the first 7 days of
life) x 1000 / the number of children born alive and dead
.- the number of babies born dead and premature) x
1000 / number of children born alive and dead. + Number of children born dead) x 1000 /
number of children born alive and dead
.-the number of children born dead + the number of children died in the first 7 days of life) x
1000 / the number of children born alive
.? The indicator of early neonatal mortality is calculated by the formula:
.- the number of children born dead + the number of children died during the first year of life)
x 1000 / the number of children born alive
.-the number of children who died during the first 7 days of life) x 1000 / the number of
children born alive and dead.-the number of children who died during the first 28 days of life)
x 1000 / the number of children born alive
.-the number of children who died during the first 28 days of life) x 1000 / the number of
children born alive and dead. + the number of children who died in the first 7 days of life) x
1000 / the number of children born alive
.? Postneonatal mortality rate is calculated by the formula:
.- (number of children dying during the first year of life) x 1000 / number of children born alive
.- (number of children dying during the first 6 months of life) x 1000 / number of children born
.- (number of children dying from 29 days to 1 year old) x 1000 / number of children born
alive and dead
.- (number of children born dead and died before the age of 1 year) x 1000 / number of
children born alive and dead. + (number of children, deaths between the ages of 29 days to
1 year) x 1000 / number of children born alive
.? What are the main causes of infant mortality, taking into account their place:

Public Health
. + individual conditions arising in the perinatal period, congenital malformations, respiratory
diseases.-other diseases, birth injury and malformations, gastrointestinal diseases
.-birth injury and malformations, pneumonia, other diseases
.? What are the main causes of perinatal mortality by the fetus?
. + asphyxia, respiratory conditions, malformations, infections.-birth injury, intestinal
infections, respiratory diseases, congenital malformations.? What are the main causes of
. + asphyxia, congenital malformations, infections, birth trauma.-birth traumatism, intestinal
infections, respiratory diseases, congenital malformations
.? What are the main causes of early neonatal mortality:. + Respiratory conditions,
malformations, asphyxiation, infections.-Birth injury, intestinal infections, respiratory
diseases, congenital malformations
.? What are the main causes of neonatal mortality:. + Individual conditions occurring in the
perinatal period, congenital malformations, respiratory diseases.-Birth injury, intestinal
infections, respiratory diseases, congenital malformations
.? The coefficient of natural growth is the ratio: .-annual number of births / annual number of
.-annual number of deaths / annual number of births. + (annual number of births - annual
number of deaths) x 1000) / average annual population
.? The average number of girls born by one woman in her entire life and survived to fertile
age is called:
. + net ratio
.-gross coefficient
.-Pokrovsky index
.? What are the types of population reproduction: .-progressive, regressive
. + narrowed, stationary, extended
.? What are the types of age structure of the population: .-narrowed, stationary, extended
. + progressive, regressive, stationary
.? What is the lowest infant mortality rate in the world? .-8-10 . + 3-5.-1-2.? The infant
mortality rate is calculated:
.-in percents
. + per 1000 live births
.-per 10,000 births

.? Which of the following indicators are components of infant mortality? .-perinatal mortality
. + early neonatal mortality
. + late neonatal mortality
. + neonatal mortality
. + post-neonatal mortality
.? Indicate the age-related structural components of perinatal mortality:
. + stillbirth
. + early neonatal mortality
.-neonatal mortality
.? In the structure of perinatal mortality of premature infants, the largest proportion falls on
the period:
. + early neonatal
.? In the structure of perinatal mortality of transferred newborns, the largest share falls on the
.-antenatal. + intranatal
.-early neonatal
.? Perinatal morbidity and mortality rates are higher among:. + Firstborn
.-infants born again
.? What documents should healthcare institutions submit to the registry office to register the
death of a newborn?
. + medical certificate of perinatal death
.-medical death certificate
.-medical history
.-protocol of postmortem (forensic) autopsy.? The main cause of death is: . + underlying
lethal disease
.-disease directly leading to death
.-leading syndrome, which was the direct cause of death.? Infant mortality rate is calculated:
.-at the place of death of the child
.-at the place of residence of the mother
.-at the place of residence of the father
Public Health

. + at the place of residence of the child

.? On the basis of what document is the state statistics on infant mortality formed?
.-certificate of a doctor
.-medical death certificate
.-medical history
. + based on records of acts of civil status.? The least impact on the level of maternal
mortality in the region has:
.-index of health of the giving birth contingent .-level of health development
. + proportion of primiparous in the structure of giving birth.? The leading cause in the
structure of maternal mortality in regions with a low level of this indicator is:
.-obstetric bleeding. + extragenital pathology .-sepsis
.? Maternal mortality rates are higher among: .-primiparous
. + multiparous
.? At which stage is the greatest reserve for reducing perinatal losses?
.-Women's consultation
.-maternity hospital
. + neonatal maternity hospital service
.? What is the relationship between the infant mortality rate and the age of the mother at the
time of birth?
.-does not exist
. + exists, it is higher in the group of women under the age of 18 and older than 35.-exists,
the lower the age, the higher the rate
Public Health

The definition of social hygiene as a science:{

=social hygiene – the science of the laws of public health and public health ~social hygiene –
the science of social problems in practical medicine ~social hygiene – a system of measures
to protect public health
~social hygiene – the science of health sociology}
Postgraduate training of medical personnel is carried out in the following educational
institutions:{ ~%33,33333% institutes of advanced training of doctors
~%33,33333% academies of postgraduate education
~%33,33333%faculties of advanced training of doctors at medical universities
~on the basis of regional medical institutions}
Basic methods of social and hygienic research:{ ~%25%historical
~%25% statistical
~%25% experimental
~%25%economic ~environmental}
The best way to develop health care at the present stage is:{ ~state system
=low-medical insurance
~private practice}
Medical ethics is:{
~%33,33333% specific manifestation of General ethics in the doctor’s work
~%33,33333%science of humanism, duty, honor, conscience of medical workers
~%33,33333%the doctor’s ability to be morally oriented in situations}

Biomedical ethics and deontology are:{

~manifestation of civic duty in the professional activities of medical professionals ~the
science of humanism, duty, and honor of medical professionals
~the science of conscience, dignity, and morals of medical professionals =implementation of
moral rules and norms of behavior of medical workers}
Medical deontology is:{
~%50%independent science of professional duty of medical workers ~%50%practical part of
medical ethics sections}
Specify the main functions of who {
~%16.666667%management and coordination of international health work, development
and improvement of international standards, nomenclatures and classifiers
~%16.666667%assistance to governments at their request in strengthening health services
~%16.666667% promotion and development of work to combat epidemic, endemic and
other diseases ~%16.666667%assistance in the development of maternal and child health
~%16.666667%promoting and conducting health research
~%16.666667%providing information, advice and assistance in the field of health}
Name the three main organizations that make up who{ ~%25% the world health Assembly
~%25% the Executive Committee
~%25% Secretariat
~The Council for international cooperation}
What is the main document that regulates who’s activities{
~%25% the who Constitution
~Regulations on who activities
~International cooperation agreement of the countries included in the who}

What who document the definition of the concept “health”{

=in the who Charter
~in Position on the activities of who
~in the international Treaty on cooperation of countries that are members of who}
Does who have the right to form and revise the International statistical classification of
diseases, injuries and diseases as necessary?
Causes of death?{
=has the right to decide the issue independently
~no right
~has the right with the consent of other international organizations}
When for the first time at the international level were considered primary health care?{ =in
1978 in Alma-ATA at the international conference of the who (UNICEF)
~at the meeting of the pan-American sanitary Bureau (PASB, 1902)
~at the meeting of the International Bureau of public hygiene (IBOG, 1907)}
Indicate whether who is responsible for addressing the following issues:{
~%33,33333%improvement of nutrition, housing and sanitary conditions, working and
recreation conditions, promotion of work in the field of psychohygenics
~%33,33333%revision “of ICD”
~%33,33333%setting international standards for food, biological, and pharmaceutical
How often are regular sessions of the who Assembly convened?{ ~annually
~1 time in 3 years
=1 time in 5 years}

Social hygiene and organization of health care studies:{ =public health

~individual health}
Structure of the subject of social medicine and health care organization:{ ~%20%social
~%20%health organization
~%20%medical Informatics
~%20% health care management ~%20% the history of medicine}
Is there a difference between the concepts of “public health system” and “health system”?{
The system of public health protection is a set of measures:{ ~%33,33333% socio-economic
~%33,33333% biomedical
~%33,33333% environmental
~on the organization of medical and preventive institutions of the Ministry of health of the
Russian Federation}
The health care system is:{
~system of measures for maintaining public health
=system of medical and preventive institutions of the Ministry of health of the Russian
Is the production environment part of the environment?{ =yeah

Is the social environment part of the environment?{ =yeah

Basic principles of health care:{
~%14.28571%responsibility of the state for the observance of citizens ‘ rights in the field of
health protection
~%14.28571%protection of human rights in the field of health protection
~%14.28571%availability of medical care
~%14.28571%social security in case of loss of health
~%14.28571% priority of preventive measures
~%14.28571% priority of the patient’s interests in providing medical care ~%14.28571%
priority for children’s health
Social and hygienic monitoring is carried out on the basis of:{ ~treatment-and-prophylactic
~research institutes
~health ministry}
The environment includes:{ ~%33.33333%natural environment ~%33.33333%production
environment ~%33.33333%social environment ~lifestyle}
When was the first Department of social hygiene opened in Russia?{
~in 1917 ~in 1941 =in 1922 ~in 1960}
The main indicators of individual health are:{ ~%20% incidence rates
~%20% the rates of disability
~%20% indicators of physical development ~%20% demographics
~%20%of the health group ~availability of medical care}
The main indicators of public health are:{
~%25%healthcare costs of GDP
~%25%degree of immunization and vaccination of the population ~%25%degree of
examination of pregnant women ~%25%nutrition for children and teenagers
~health group}
The main method of studying lifestyle is:{ ~observation
~experiment =survey-interview}
The theoretical foundations of social hygiene are:{ ~%50% dialectical materialism

~%50%political economy
~legislation on health care ~Constitution of the Russian Federation}
By definition, human health is characterized by a state of:{
~physical well being
~physical and social well-being
~physical, mental, and social well-being when fully adapted to the environment =physical,
mental, and social well-being when fully adapted to the environment}
Among the factors that determine the health of the population, the greatest influence is
exerted by:{ ~organization of medical care
~natural and climatic environment
~biological factor
Medical characteristics of public health are:{ ~%25% the incidence of
~%25% disability
~%25%physical development ~%25%medical and demographic data ~lifestyle}
Environmental factor:{ ~%33,33333%socio-economic ~%33,33333%natural and climatic
~%33,33333% biological ~political}

Statistical measures of individual health of the population are:{ ~ %25% demographics

~%25% the incidence of
~%25% disability
~%25%physical development ~LPU attendance}
The main sources of information about public health are:{ ~%25%of official information about
the death of the population Analysis of insurance companies ‘ data
~%25%of epidemiological information
~%25%of environmental and health monitoring data
~%25%of disease, accident and injury registers}
The following factors influence the preservation and promotion of public health:{ ~%20%level
of culture of the population
~%20%environmental factors
~%20%quality and availability of medical care
~%20%safe working conditions ~%20%balanced nutrition}
Physical development is understood as:{
~%33,33333%total of all anthropological features and results of functional measurements
~%33,33333%somatic signs and indicators
~%33,33333%data about body
Main ways to get information about morbidity:{ ~%25%due to causes of death

~%25%by turnover
~according to census data ~%25%according to medical examinations ~%25%according to
the survey}
Primary morbidity is:{
=disease, first identified in this year and not previously taken into account
~incidence recorded by a doctor and recorded in medical records
~the totality of all existing diseases among the population, first identified in a given year or
known earlier, for which patients again applied in a given year}
The essence of the term “soreness”?{
~morbidity rate according to the data of circulation
~incidence recorded by a doctor and recorded in medical records
=totality of all diseases that are present in the population, first identified in a given year or
known earlier, for which patients again applied in a given year}
The statistical term “reversibility” is understood as:{
=number of patients who first sought medical care for the disease
~the ratio of all primary visits for illness to the total number of people served ~absolute
number of all initial and repeated visits by patients to a medical facility}
The disease that the patient suffers from for a number of years and annually goes to the
doctor of the clinic will be included in the statistics{
~primary morbidity =overall incidence ~pathological lesions}
When analyzing the primary morbidity of the population, the following factors are taken into
account{ = statistical coupons with the sign (+)

~all statistical coupons

~statistical coupons with a sign (-)}
The analysis of the General morbidity of the population takes into account{ ~ statistical
coupons only with the sign (+)
=all statistical coupons
~statistics passes without a sign (+)}
Main ways to get information about morbidity:{ ~%25%due to causes of death
~%25%by turnover
~according to the population census ~%25%according to medical examinations
~%25%according to survey data}
Primary morbidity is:{
=disease, first identified in this year and not previously taken into account
~incidence registered by a doctor and recorded in medical records
~the totality of all existing diseases among the population that were first detected in a given
year or known earlier, for which patients again applied in a given year}
The essence of the term “soreness”?{
~morbidity rate based on referral data
~incidence registered by a doctor and recorded in medical records
=the total of all diseases in the population that were first detected in a given year or were
known earlier, for which patients returned in a given year}
The statistical term “turnover” refers to:{
=number of patients who first sought medical attention for the disease

~the ratio of all initial visits for illness to the total population served
~absolute number of all initial and repeated visits by patients to a medical facility}
The disease that the patient has been suffering from for a number of years and annually
goes to the doctor of the clinic will be included in the statistics{
~primary morbidity =overall incidence ~pathological lesions}
When analyzing the primary morbidity of the population, the following factors are taken into
account{ =statistical coupons with the sign (+)
~all statistical coupons
~statistical coupons with a sign (-)}
When analyzing the General morbidity of the population, the following factors are taken into
account{ ~statistical coupons only with the sign (+)
=all statistical coupons
~statistics passes without a sign (+)}
Specify how the primary incidence of the population is registered{ =- the statistical coupon
with a sign (+)
~- the statistical coupon with a sign (-)}
Specify the main types of diseases:{
~ %20% epidemic incidence ~%20%major non-epidemic incidence ~%20%hospitalized
incidence ~%20%incidence with VUT ~%20%according to turnover data

~dispensary morbidity}
During what time and to what medical institution is the notification of the most important non-
epidemic disease sent:{
~to a clinic of the appropriate profile within 1 month ~ in SES within 5 hours
=to the appropriate clinic within 1 week
~to the appropriate clinic within 2 weeks}
What objective factors influence the level of morbidity (turnover)?{ ~%50%volume and
availability of medical care
~%50%sanitary and cultural level of the population
~material condition of the patient}
Specify the main methods of studying the incidence:{ ~%25%turnability
~%25%preventive examinations ~%25%%25%registration of causes of death
~%25% the survey}
The patient has a stomach ulcer. He has been ill for 10 years and sees a doctor every year.
How many statistical coupons will be filled in for it, and how many of them with the (+) sign?{
=10 statistical coupons, the first of them with the sign (+) ~10 statistical coupons, each with a
sign (+)
~1 statistical coupon with a sign (+)}
~A woman had a live baby that died 35 minutes later.
What documents do I need to fill out?{ ~%50%medical birth certificate

~%50%medical certificate of perinatal death ~medical certificate of death}

Specify a single normative document for statistical development of hospitalized morbidity:{
~international classification of diseases, injuries and causes of death
=statistical map of the patient who left the hospital, f. N066 / y
~leaflet for the movement of patients and hospital bed stock, f. N007 / y
~summary statement of the movement of patients and bed stock by hospital, Department or
bed profile, f. N016 / y}
In the study of epidemic morbidity is used{
~journal of infectious diseases registration in medical institutions
=emergency notification of an infectious disease, food poisoning, or occupational disease
~monthly and annual report on the number of infectious diseases}
For the first time in my life, the diagnosis is related to the concept of:{ ~initial visit
=primary incidence
~negotiability ~acute disease}
If a patient has an infectious disease, the doctor fills in the following information:{
~patient’s medical record
=emergency notification of an infectious disease, food poisoning, or acute occupational
poisoning ~notification of a major illness
~medical certificate}
Document for accounting and registration of detected tuberculosis:{

~emergency notification of infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning

~patient’s medical record
=notification of a patient with a first-time diagnosis of tuberculosis
~- the statistical coupon for registration of the specified (final) diagnosis}
If cancer is detected or suspected, the doctor fills in the following information:{ ~emergency
notification of infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning ~notification
of a patient with a first-time diagnosis of mental illness
=notification of a patient with a first-time diagnosis of cancer or other malignancy
~- the statistical coupon for registration of the specified (final) diagnosis}
Morbidity rate by referral among women compared to men:{ ~following
The incidence rate according to medical examinations among women in comparison with
men:{ ~following
The incidence rate of children in comparison with adults:{ ~following
The highest incidence of children is observed at the age of:{ ~from 0 to 3 years
=from 1 to 3 years

~3 to 7 years old
~7 to 10 years
~10 to 14 years old}
The first place in the structure of morbidity of children under the age of 1 year is occupied by
diseases:{ ~infectious and parasitic
~nervous system and sense organs
~skin and subcutaneous tissue ~of the digestive system}
The level of chronic morbidity among women in comparison with men:{ ~following
The first place in the structure of women’s morbidity is occupied by diseases:{ ~circulatory
~female sexual sphere
~nervous system
~the musculoskeletal system}
To assess the population’s morbidity, the following criteria are used::{
~%33,33333%incidence rate
~%33,33333%structure of morbidity
~%33,33333% disease multiplicity}
The quantitative indicator of morbidity is:{

~average duration of treatment ~average length of hospital stay =morbidity level

~the structure of morbidity
~all of the above}
A qualitative indicator of morbidity is:{ ~average duration of treatment ~frequency of
diseases per year ~morbidity level
=the structure of morbidity}
The level of General morbidity of the population is characterized by the coefficient:{
In the structure of morbidity of the population according to the data of circulation in the first
place are diseases:{
~circulatory system
~system of digestion =respiratory
~nervous system
~the musculoskeletal system}
The main accounting document for the study of morbidity with temporary disability:{
~outpatient card
=medical certificate

~emergency notification
~statistical map of the patient who left the hospital
~- the statistical coupon for registration of the revised diagnosis}
The main accounting document for the study of General morbidity by reference:{ ~outpatient
~medical certificate
~emergency notification
~statistical map of the patient who left the hospital
=- the statistical coupon for registration of the revised diagnosis}
The main accounting document for the study of epidemic morbidity:{ ~outpatient card
~medical certificate
=emergency notification of an infectious disease or foodborne illness, Acute occupational
~statistical map of the patient who left the hospital
~- the statistical coupon for registration of the revised diagnosis}
When calculating the actual incidence rate, the following factors are taken into account:{
~doctor’s appointment coupons
=statistical coupons with the sign (+)
~statistical coupons with a sign (-)
~the sick leave}
When calculating the soreness index, the following factors are taken into account:{ ~doctor’s
appointment coupons
~%50%statistical coupons with the sign (+)
~%50%statistical coupons with a sign (-)

~the sick leave}

The reporting document on the incidence of temporary disability is:{ ~LPU annual report
~summary of registered diseases in the clinic
=form 16-VN
~the diary of a doctor
~insert report on tuberculosis}
The indicators of General morbidity by turnover are calculated according to the standard:{
~10 000
~100 000}
Indicators of the most important non-epidemic morbidity are calculated on the standard:{
~10 000
=100 000}
Indicators of hospitalized morbidity are calculated on the standard:{ ~100
~10 000
~100 000}
Indicators of morbidity with temporary disability are calculated according to the standard:{

~1000 ~10 000 ~100 000}

The international classification of diseases is:{
~list of diagnoses in a specific order
~list of symptoms, syndromes, and individual conditions arranged according to a specific
=a system of categories in which individual pathological conditions are included in
accordance with certain established criteria
~list of names of diseases, diagnoses and syndromes, arranged in a certain order}
The card of the patient who left the hospital is a record of the incidence:{ ~temporarily
~according to the medical examination
Disability is{
=social insufficiency due to a health disorder with a persistent disorder of the body’s
functions, leading to a restriction of vital activity and the need for social protection
~permanent disability that leads to the assignment of a disability group
~the need for constant care for the seriously ill
~persistent disorders of the body’s functions that lead to restriction of vital activity}
How many degrees of health disorders{ =3

What does the first degree of health disorder mean{

=to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs to create special conditions
~to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs mechanical devices
~to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs the participation of other people}
What does the second degree of health disorder mean{
~to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs to create special conditions
=to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs mechanical devices
~to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs the participation of other people}
What does the third degree of health disorder mean{
~to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs to create special conditions
~to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs mechanical devices
=in order to implement the criteria of life activity, a person needs the participation of other
The main criteria for human activity are{ =self-service capability;
=ability to move independently;
=the ability to focus;
=ability to communicate;
=ability to control your behavior; =ability to learn;
=ability to work;
~the ability to think logically}
How many disability groups{ =3

~4 ~5}
At what degree of violation of the criteria of life activity 1 disability group is established{ =3
At what degree of violation of the criteria of vital activity is set 2 disability group{ ~3
At what degree of violation of the criteria of life activity 1 disability group is established{ ~3
Does a disabled person of group 1 have the ability to work{ =no
~Yes, but stepeni violations third-degree violations
~Yes, but stepeni violations of second-degree violations}
Does the disabled person of group 2 have the ability to work{
~%50%Yes, but with stepreni violations of the third degree of violations ~%50%Yes, but with
stepreni violations of the second degree of violations}

Does the disabled person of group 3 have the ability to work{ ~no
~Yes, but stepeni violations third-degree violations
~Yes, but stepeni violations of second-degree violations}
Does a group 1 disabled person have the ability to learn{ =no
~Yes, but stepeni violations third-degree violations
~Yes, but stepeni violations of second-degree violations}
Does the disabled person of group 2 have the ability to learn{
~%50%Yes, but with stepreni violations of the third degree of violations ~%50%Yes, but with
stepreni violations of the second degree of violations}
Does the disabled person of group 3 have the ability to learn{ ~no
~Yes, but stepeni violations third-degree violations
~Yes, but stepeni violations of second-degree violations}
The category “disabled child” is established when the degree of violations of categories of
life activity{ =1

Who makes the decision to refer a patient for medical and social examination{ ~attending
~head of Department
~chief medical officer of a medical organization
=medical commission}
Can a medical and social examination be carried out in relation to a self-shaved patient{ ~no
~Yes, only in the special case
The registration medical document of a medical and social examination case is{ =act of
medical and social expertise
~extract from the act of medical and social expertise
~certificate on the results of establishing the degree of professional disability ~pension
Disability pension is assigned and paid{ =pension fund
~system of social protection of the population ~social insurance system}
The main purpose of referral of a patient for medical and social examination{
~%33,33333%re-examination of a disabled person
~%33,33333%change in the rehabilitation program

~determining the amount of disability pension}

The first place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is occupied
by{ =malignant neoplasm
~diseases of the circulatory system
~accidents, injuries and poisoning
~diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue ~mental disorder}
The second place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is
occupied by{ ~malignant neoplasm
=diseases of the circulatory system
~accidents, injuries, and poisoning
~diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue ~mental disorder}
The third place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is occupied
by{ ~malignant neoplasm
~diseases of the circulatory system
~accidents, injuries, and poisoning
=diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue ~mental disorder}
The fourth place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is occupied
by{ ~malignant neoplasm
~diseases of the circulatory system
~accidents, injuries, and poisoning
~diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue =mental disorder}

The fifth place in the structure of disability of the adult population of the region is occupied
by{ ~malignant neoplasm
~diseases of the circulatory system
=accidents, injuries and poisoning
~diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue ~mental disorder}
The first place in the structure of disability of the children’s population of the region is
occupied by{ =mental disorder
~diseases of the nervous system
~diseases of the endocrine system
~malignant neoplasm}
The second place in the structure of disability of the children’s population of the region is
occupied by{ ~mental disorder
=diseases of the nervous system
~diseases of the endocrine system
~malignant neoplasm}
The third place in the structure of disability of the children’s population of the region is
occupied by{ ~mental disorder
~diseases of the nervous system
=diseases of the endocrine system
~malignant neoplasm}
The fourth place in the structure of disability of the children’s population of the region is
occupied by{ ~mental disorder
~diseases of the nervous system

~diseases of the endocrine system =malignant neoplasm}

The total mortality rate of the population is calculated using the formula:{ =(number of deaths
in 1 year x 1000) / average annual population ~(number of deaths in 1 year x 1000) /
~(number of deaths over 1 year x 1000) / average population
~(number of deaths over 1 year x 1000)/population over 1 year ~(number of deaths x 1000) /
population at the end of the year}
The maternal mortality rate is calculated using the formula:{
=number of deaths of pregnant women, women in labor, and women in labor (including
deaths 42 days after delivery) x 100,000 live births / number of live births
~(number of dead pregnant women x 1000 live births) / total number of pregnancies
~(number of deaths after 28 weeks of pregnancy x 100,000 live births) / total number of
~(number of dead pregnant women x 100,000 live births and stillbirths) / total number of
pregnant women after 28 weeks
~(number of dead pregnancies after 28 weeks x 100,000 live births) / total number of
pregnancies after 28 weeks}
Demography is a science that studies:{
~public health
~factor conditioning of health
=the size, composition and reproduction of the population in its social development ~the
issues of marriage and fertility
Type of age structure of the Russian population:{ ~stationary

Types of population movement:{ ~mechanical
=mechanical and natural
~mechanical natural, social and age-related}
The main method of studying the natural movement of the population:{ =current registration
of demographic events
~population census
~ sample demographic studies
~sociological survey of the population}
Indicators of natural population movement are:{ ~ %33,33333% mortality
~ mortality by age group
~%33,33333% birth rate
~total fertility rate ~%33,33333% natural increase}
Demographic coefficients are expressed:{ ~as a percentage
=in ppm
~in produziere}
When calculating the total birth rate, the number of births per year is taken into account:{
~the living and the dead}

Factors that regulate fertility include:{ ~%20%population migration

~%20% coverage of the population by contraception ~%20%age of marriage
~%20%socio-economic conditions
~%20%health status of parents}
Civil birth registration in Russia is carried out:{ ~since 1822
~since 1897
=since 1917.
~since 1925 ~since 1937}
Civil registration of mortality in Russia is carried out:{ ~since 1822
~since 1897
~since 1917
=since 1925 ~since 1937}
Document of civil registration of a child’s birth in Russia:{ =birth certificate
~marriage certificate
~statement of two witnesses
~medical birth certificate}
Document of medical registration of a child’s birth in Russia:{

~birth certificate
~marriage certificate ~statement of two witnesses =medical birth certificate}
Document of medical registration of death in Russia:{ ~birth certificate
~pathologist’s report
~%50%medical certificate of perinatal death ~%50%medical death certificate}
The leading place in the structure of total mortality is occupied by:{ ~injuries
=diseases of the circulatory system
~diseases of the respiratory system
~oncological disease}
Special mortality rates:{
~%25% working age mortality
~%25% mortality by age group
~%25% sex-related mortality ~%25%mortality by seasons of the year}
Natural population growth:{
~fertility and mortality in working age ~birth and death rates by age group =births and deaths
per year
~birth and death rate by seasons of year}

Optimal level of natural population growth:{ ~from 0% to 2%

~from 1% to 3%
=from 3% to 5%
~from 5% to 7%}
The natural increase of the population depends on:{ ~population migration
~50% of infant mortality
~%+50%of the birth rate
~%+50% of mortality}
Generalizing indicator of natural population movement:{ ~migration
=natural increase ~life expectancy}
Maternal mortality is calculated:{ ~per 100 births
~per 1,000 live births
=per 100,000 live births
~per 1000 women
~per 1000 women of fertile age}
The demographic situation in Russia is characterized by:{ ~increase in natural population

~zero natural growth

=negative natural increase ~population explosion
~the wave-like population process}
The main statistical method for studying population statistics is:{ ~expeditionary
~method of standardization
=population census}
Types of population census:{ ~%33,33333%universal
~%33,33333%on the territory of the clinic ~%33,33333%on the territory ~production}
Deadline for filling out the “ medical death certificate”:{ ~24 hours
=3 days
Perinatal mortality includes the death of children during:{ ~ antenatal, early neonatal,
~intranatal, antenatal, late neonatal
= antenatal, intranatal, early neonatal
~intranatal, early neonatal, late neonatal}

Infant mortality includes the death of children:{ ~in utero

~in the first year of life
=in the first month of life
~in the first week of life}
Stillbirth rate includes the death of children in the period:{ = antenatal, intranatal
~intranatal, early neonatal
~early neonatal, late neonatal
~ antenatal, intranatal, early neonatal}
Infant mortality includes the death of children:{ =in the first year of life
~in the first month of life
~in the first week of life
~in utero
~in the first three years of life}
The infant mortality rate is calculated on:{ =1000 live births
~100 live births
~1000 live births and stillbirths
~1000 population}
The perinatal mortality rate is calculated on:{ ~1000 live births
~100 live births
=1000 live births and stillbirths

~1000 population}
The stillbirth rate is calculated on:{ ~1000 live births
~100 live births
=1000 live births and stillbirths ~1000 population}
A high rate of total fertility:{
~up to 15 per 1000 population ~15-25 per 1000 population
=more than 25 per 1000 population}
Average total birth rate:{
~up to 15 per 1000 population =15-25 per 1000 population
~more than 25 per 1000 population}
Low overall birth rate:{
=up to 15 per 1000 population ~15-25 per 1000 population
~more than 25 per 1000 population}
High overall mortality rate:{
~up to 9 per 1000 population
~9-15 per 1000 population
=more than 15 per 1000 population}
Average overall mortality rate:{

~up to 9 per 1000 population

=9-15 per 1000 population
~more than 15 per 1000 population}
Low overall mortality rate:{
=up to 9 per 1000 population
~9-15 per 1000 population
~more than 15 per 1000 population}
Advanced type of reproduction, if the gross-out factor is equal to:{ ~%50%1.5
~1.0 ~0.9}
Stationary type of reproduction, if the gross coefficient is equal to:{ ~1.5
~1.0 ~0.9}
Narrowed type of reproduction, if the gross-out factor is equal to:{ ~1.5
~%50%1.0 ~%50%0.9}

Extended reproduction type if the net coefficient is equal to:{ ~%33,33333%1.5

~1.0 ~0.9}
Stationary type of reproduction, if the net coefficient is equal to:{ ~1.5
=1.0 ~0.9}
Narrowed reproduction type if the net coefficient is equal to:{ ~1.5
~1.0 =0.9}
Extended reproduction type, if the coefficient of detail is equal to:{ ~%50%2.5
~%50% a 2.2
~2.0 ~0.9}

Stationary type of reproduction, if the coefficient of reproduction is equal to:{ ~2.5

~2.0 ~0.9}
Narrowed reproduction type if the coefficient of reproduction is equal to:{ ~2.5
~%50%2.0 ~%50%0.9}
Multiplicity of the General population census:{ =1 time in 10 years
~1 time in 7 years
~1 time in 5 years
~1 time in 2 years ~1 time per year}
The multiplicity census of the population in the territorial area:{ ~1 time in 10 years
~1 time in 7 years
~1 time in 5 years
~1 time in 2 years =1 time per year}
Frequency of population census in the territory of the polyclinic:{

~1 time in 10 years ~1 time in 7 years ~1 time in 5 years =1 time in 2 years ~1 time per year}
Rules for conducting a General population census:{ ~%20% solid method is used
~%20% unity of the research program and plan ~%20% instantaneous
~%20% machine processing of the received data ~%20% direct receipt of information from
the subject ~obligation
~in no time}
Term of registration of a case of death in the registry Office:{ =3 days
~4 days
~6 days
~10 days}
Term of registration of the birth of a child in the registry Office:{ =one month
~two months
~three months
~two weeks}
Medical demographics studies{
~%50%” static “ population (number, settlement, density, etc.)
~%50% “dynamics” – population movement (mechanical and natural) ~morbidity with
temporary disability}
General indicators of reproduction (natural movement):{ ~fertility
~%50% the natural increase
~%50% the average life expectancy}
The birth rate is calculated{
=ratio of the number of births in a given year to the average annual population ~ratio of the
number of deaths to the number of births
~subtracting the number of deaths from the number of births}

.тСанитарная статистика .н50

.о0 неудовлетворительно .о50 удовлетворительно .о65 хорошо
.о80 отлично
.?Статистика изучает:
.+количественную сторону массовых общественных явлений в связи с их
качественными особенностями
.-численность населения, количество учреждений здравоохранения .-количественную
сторону деятельности ЛПУ
.-число рожденных и умерших
.?Разделы медицинской статистики:
.-динамика и статика
.-статистика народонаселения и статистика ЛПУ
.+статистика здоровья населения и статистика здравоохранения .-учет и отчетность
.?Программа сбора материала включает в себя:
.-время, порядок сбора материала
.-составление макетов таблиц
.-определяются затраты на проведение исследования
.+составление статистической карты
.?Программа обработки материала включает в себя:
.-вычисление относительных величин
.-определение необходимости применения различных статистических
.-использование АСУ и вычислительной техники .+составление макетов
статистических таблиц .?Статистические таблицы бывают:
.-простые, групповые, сложные
.+простые, групповые, комбинационные
.-простые, комбинированные
.-комбинационные, частные, общие
.?Атрибутивными учетными признаками являются:
.-стаж работы
.?Количественными учетными признаками являются: .+возраст
.+стаж работы
.?Атрибутивными учетными признаками являются:
.-масса тела
.+семейное положение
.-длительность лечения
.+уровень образования
.?Количественными учетными признаками являются: .-диагноз
.+масса тела
.-семейное положение
.+длительность лечения
.-уровень образования
.?Интенсивный показатель характеризует:
.-разнообразие явления
.+частоту явления
.-удельный вес явления
.-общую меру изучаемого признака
.?Какие из приведенных показателей являются интенсивными

.+показатель общей заболеваемости
.+показатель младенческой смертности
.-удельный вес болезней органов дыхания
.-обеспеченность врачами
.?Экстенсивный показатель характеризует:
.-взаимосвязь признаков
.+структуру явления
.?Какие из приведенных показателей являются экстенсивными показателями? .-
показатель общей заболеваемости
.-показатель младенческой смертности
.+удельный вес болезней органов дыхания
.-обеспеченность врачами
.?Обеспеченность населения койками это показатель:
.?Вариационный ряд бывает:
.?Средняя величина характеризует:
.-распространенность явления
.-удельный вес
.-соотношение различных признаков
.+общую меру изучаемого признака
.?Наиболее часто встречающаяся варианта в вариационном ряду это:
.-критерий Стьюдента
.?Варианта занимающая срединное положение в вариационном ряду это: .-сигма
.-критерий Стьюдента
.?Средняя арифметическая взвешенная рассчитывается в том случае, если: .-
вариационный ряд сгруппированный
.+частота вариант различная
.-число вариант в вариационном ряду более 30
.-вариационный ряд простой
.-частота вариант равна 1
.?Средняя арифметическая простая рассчитывается в том случае, если: .-
вариационный ряд сгруппированный
.-частота вариант различная
.-число вариант в вариационном ряду более 30
.-вариационный ряд простой
.+частота вариант равна 1
.?Под статистикой понимают:
.+самостоятельную общественную науку, изучающую количественную
сторону массовых общественных явлений в неразрывной связи
с их качественной стороной
.-сбор, обработку и хранение информации, характеризующей
количественные закономерности общественных явлений .-анализ массовых
количественных данных с использованием
статистических методов
.-анализ массовых количественных данных с использованием
статистическо-математических методов

.-статистическо-математические методы при сборе, обработке и хранении

.?Под медицинской статистикой понимают:
.-отрасль статистики, изучающей здоровье населения .-совокупность статистических
методов, необходимых для
анализа деятельности ЛПУ
.+отрасль статистики, изучающей вопросы, связанные с
медициной, гигиеной, санитарией и здравоохранением .-отрасль статистики,
изучающей вопросы, связанные с
медициной и социальной гигиеной
.-отрасль статистики, изучающей вопросы, связанные с
социальной гигиеной, планированием и прогнозирование
деятельности ЛПУ
.?Предметом изучения медицинской статистики являются: .+информация о здоровье
.+информация о влиянии факторов окружающей среды на здоровье
.+информация о кадрах, сети и деятельности учреждений
и служб здравоохранения
.+информация о результатах клинических и экспериментальных
исследованиях в медицине
.?Определенное число лиц, объединенное в группу для изучения
какого-либо признака, называется: .-популяцией
.+статистической совокупностью .-этносом
.-объектом исследования
.-единицей наблюдения
.?При формировании статистической совокупности принимаются во
.-общие признаки
.+учетные признаки
.-общие и учетные признаки
.-все признаки
.+число единиц наблюдения
.?Вариационный ряд - это:
.-ряд любых измерений
.+ряд измерений определенного признака, расположенных в
ранговом порядке
.-однородные показатели, изменяющиеся во времени
.-ряд отвлеченных величин
.-ряд элементов статистической совокупности
.?Варианта - это:
.+числовое выражение признака
.-средняя величина
.-относительный показатель
.-абсолютная величина
.-качественная характеристика признака
.?Единица наблюдения - это:
.-элемент вариационного ряда
.+элемент статистической совокупности
.-группа признаков
.-показатель, изменяющийся во времени
.?Необходимыми атрибутами единицы наблюдения являются: .-любые признаки,
выраженные цифрами
.+учетные признаки
.-однородные признаки
.-атрибутивные признаки
.-учетные и однородные признаки
.?Обобщающей характеристикой вариационного ряда является: .-число наблюдений
.-среднее квадратическое отклонение
.-только средняя арифметическая величина
.+любая средняя величина
.?Для оценки распространенности какого-либо явления или
признака используется:
.+интенсивный показатель
.-экстенсивный показатель
.-показатель соотношения
.-средняя арифметическая величина .?Показатель общей смертности является: .-
средней величиной .-стандартизованным показателем .-репрезентативным
показателем .+интенсивным показателем .-показателем наглядности
.?Для оценки обеспечения населения врачами используется: .-показатель
.-показатель экстенсивности
.+показатель соотношения
.-средняя арифметическая величина
.-любой относительный показатель .?Контрольная группа применяется:
.-для расширения объема исследования
.+для сравнения с показателями опытной группы .-для выявления факторов риска
.?Программа статистического исследования включает следующие компоненты:
.-цель и задачи
.-цель, задачи и статистическую регистрацию
.+цель, задачи, программу сбора, обработки, анализа .?Статистическая разработка
.-инструктаж исполнителей
.-выкопировку сведений из документации
.+контроль качества регистрации, шифровку и сводку материала,
вычисление и графическое изображение показателей .-составление макетов
статистических таблиц .?Динамический ряд может быть составлен из величин:
.?Назовите показатели, используемые для анализа динамического ряда: .-
.+темп роста
.+абсолютный прирост
.+темп прироста
.+содержание 1% прироста
.?Для наглядного изображения сезонных колебаний используют диаграмму: .-
.?Средние величины применяются для характеристики признаков: .-качественных
.?В практической деятельности врача используются следующие
статистические методы:
.+расчет относительных величин
.+анализ динамических рядов
.?Предметом изучения медицинской статистики являются:

.+здоровье населения
.+выявление и установление зависимостей между уровнем
здоровья и факторами окружающей среды
.+данные о сети, деятельности, кадрах учреждений здравоохранения .+достоверность
результатов клинических и экспериментальных исследований .?Для изучения
изменения показателя во времени используется: .-внутристолбиковая диаграмма
.+динамический ряд
.+показатели наглядности
.-вариационный ряд
.-типологическая группировка
.?Изменение показателя за какой-либо период времени характеризует: .-коэффициент
.-экстенсивный показатель
.+темп прироста
.-интенсивный показатель
.-стандартизованный показатель
.?Первый этап медико-статистического исследования:
.+составление программы и плана исследования
.-сбор материала
.-определение целей и задач исследования
.-разработка гипотезы
.-разработка методов исследования
.?Второй этап медико-статистического исследования:
.-составление плана исследования
.-обработка статистического материала
.+сбор материала
.-определение объема наблюдений
.-формулирование задач исследования
.?Третий этап медико-статистического исследования:
.-составление плана исследования
.-статистический анализ собранного материала
.-определение стоимости исследования
.+обработка, шифровка, сводка материала
.-внедрение результатов
.?Четвертый этап медико-статистического исследования:
.-статистический анализ собранного материала
.-определение стоимости исследования
.+анализ, выводы, внедрение в практику
.-анализ экономической эффективности
.-медико-социальный анализ результатов
.?Основной метод, используемый при составлении таблиц:
.-метод корреляции
.-метод стандартизации
.+метод группировки
.-статистическая сводка
.-любой метод статистического анализа, адекватный целям исследования .?Данные о
заболеваемости за 1 год, рассчитанные на 1000 мужчин
и женщин, могут быть представлены в виде диаграммы: .-секторной
.?Для наглядности изображения структуры заболеваемости может
быть использована диаграмма: .-столбиковая
.?Раздел медицинской статистики, называемый "статистика
здравоохранения", включает в себя: .+обеспеченность населения медицинскими

.+анализ деятельности ЛПУ

.-показатель общей смертности
.+обеспеченность населения койками
.?Информация статистики здоровья включает в себя .-нагрузку врача-терапевта на
приеме в поликлинике .+показатели младенческой и общей смертности .+показатели
общей заболеваемости
.+показатели инвалидности
.?Интенсивные показатели характеризуют:
.-структуру, состав явления
.+частоту явлений в своей среде
.-распространение целого в части
.-соотношение двух разнородных совокупностей .?Экстенсивные показатели
.+структуру, состав явления
.-частоту явлений в своей среде
.-соотношение двух разнородных сред
.?Виды относительных величин:
.+интенсивных показателей
.+экстенсивных показателей
.+показателей наглядности
.+показателей соотношения
.-показателей информативности
.?Показатель соотношения характеризует:
.-структуру, состав явления
.-частоту явлений в своей среде
.+соотношение двух разнородных совокупностей .-распространение целого в части
.?Методика расчета показателя распространенности заболеваний
у населения:
.-(число вновь возникших заболеваний в данном году) х 1000/
(среднегодовая численность населения)
.+(число всех имеющихся у населения заболеваний в данном году)
х 1000/(среднегодовая численность населения)
.-(число заболеваний, выявленных у населения на определенный
момент времени) х 1000/(средняя численность осмотренных) .-(число заболеваний
определенной нозологии) х 100/
(число всех зарегистрированных заболеваний)
.? Методика расчета показателя структуры заболеваемости .-(число вновь
выявленных болезней) х 1000/
(средняя численность населения)
.-(число всех болезней) х 1000/(средняя численность населения) .+(число болезней
определенной формы (группы, нозологии)) х 100%/
(общее число болезней)
.-(число болезней в данном месяце)/(число дней в месяце)
.?В каких показателях должны быть представлены результаты
исследования при изучении состава госпитализированных
больных по отделениям стационара?
.?Укажите показатели, в которых должны быть представлены
результаты исследования при изучении распространенности
гипертонической болезни у лиц разного возраста: .+интенсивные
.?К интенсивным статистическим показателям относятся: .-распределение больных по
полу и возрасту
.+показатели заболеваемости, смертности
.-структура заболеваний по нозологическим формам .?Диаграммой, наиболее
наглядно характеризующей показатели
сезонной заболеваемости, служит:

.?Какой статистический показатель характеризует развитие
явления в среде, непосредственно с ним не связанной? .-интенсивные
.-средняя арифметическая
.?Какие показатели позволяют демонстрировать сдвиги явления
во времени или по территории, не раскрывая истинного
уровня этого явления? .-экстенсивные .-интенсивные .-соотношения .+наглядности .-
.?В отличие от относительных величин средние величины применяются для изучения:
.-вероятных признаков, которые могут быть или не быть .+постоянных признаков,
присущих всем единицам наблюдения .?Международная классификация болезней -
.-перечень наименований болезней в определенном порядке .-перечень диагнозов в
определенном порядке
.-перечень символов, синдромов и отдельных состояний,
расположенных по определенному принципу
.+система рубрик, в которые отдельные патологические состояния включены в
соответствии с определенными
установленными критериями
.-перечень наименований болезней, диагнозов и синдромов,
расположенных в определенном порядке
.?Показатель обеспеченности населения врачебным, средним
и младшим медицинским персоналом вычисляется: .-в проценте
.-в промиле
.+в продецемиле
.-в темпе прироста
.-в показателе наглядности
.?Статистическая совокупность как объект статистического
исследования включает:
.+группу или множество относительно однородных элементов,
обладающих признаками сходства
.-группу или множество относительно однородных элементов,
обладающих признаками различия
.-группу или множество относительно однородных элементов,
обладающих признаками сходства и признаками различия
.?Из приведенных определений единицу совокупности характеризует: .+первичный
элемент статистического наблюдения, являющийся носителем
признаков, подлежащих регистрации
.-первичный элемент, из которого состоит вся наблюдаемая совокупность .-перечень
элементов, определяющих комплекс признаков,
подлежащих регистрации
.-перечень элементов, определяющих совокупность наблюдения .?Выбор единицы
наблюдения зависит
.-от программы исследования
.-от плана исследования
.+от цели и задач исследования
.?Программа сбора материала в статистическом исследовании - это: .-перечень
.+совокупность признаков, подлежащих регистрации
.-определение масштаба исследования

.-определение времени исследования

.?Из приведенных ниже примеров характерным для единовременного
наблюдения является: .-рождаемость .-заболеваемость .+профилактический осмотр .-
.?Выборочное наблюдение - это:
.+наблюдение, охватывающее часть единиц совокупности
для характеристики целого
.-наблюдение, приуроченное к одному какому-либо моменту .-наблюдение в порядке
текущей регистрации
.-обследование всех без исключения единиц изучаемой совокупности .?Сплошное
наблюдение - это:
.-наблюдение, охватывающее часть единиц совокупности
для характеристики целого
.-наблюдение, приуроченное к одному какому-либо моменту .-наблюдение в порядке
текущей регистрации
.+обследование всех без исключения единиц изучаемой совокупности
.?Единовременное наблюдение - это:
.-наблюдение, охватывающее часть единиц совокупности
для характеристики целого
.+наблюдение, приуроченное к одному какому-либо моменту .-наблюдение в порядке
текущей регистрации
.-обследование всех без исключения единиц изучаемой совокупности .?Текущее
наблюдение - это:
.-наблюдение, охватывающее часть единиц совокупности
для характеристики целого
.-наблюдение, приуроченное к одному какому-либо моменту .+наблюдение в порядке
текущей регистрации .-обследование всех без исключения единиц изучаемой
.?Укажите виды наблюдений по объему:
.-текущие и единовременные
.+сплошные и выборочные
.?Из перечисленных видов статистических таблиц наилучшее
представление об исследуемой совокупности дает: .-простая таблица
.-групповая таблица
.+комбинационная таблица
.?Единица наблюдения - это:
.+первичный элемент объекта статистического наблюдения,
являющийся носителем признаков, подлежащих регистрации .-массив единиц,
являющихся носителем изучаемого признака .-наблюдение, приуроченное к какому-
либо моменту .-определение объема наблюдения
.?Вариационный ряд - это:
.-ряд чисел
.-совокупность вариантов
.+числовые значения признака, расположенные в определенной
.?Средняя величина - это:
.-частота явления
.-структура явления
.+обобщающая характеристика варьирующего признака .?Варианта - это:
.+числовое значение признака в вариационном ряду .-частота проявления признака
.?Медиана ряда (Me) - это:
.-наибольшая по значению варианта
.-варианта, встречающая чаще других
.+центральная варианта, делящая ряд пополам

.?Мода - это
.-центральная варианта
.+варианта, встречающаяся чаще других
.-варианта с наименьшим значением признака
.?Укажите формулу, по которой рассчитывается отклонение (d) .+d=V-M
.?Типичность средней арифметической величины характеризуют: .+среднее
квадратическое отклонение и коэффициент вариации .-мода и медиана
.?Какая варианта вариационного ряда чаще всего принимается
за условную среднюю: .+мода
.-V max
.-V min
.?Основная цель выравнивания динамического ряда зависимости
переменной Y от времени X состоит в:
.-усреднении величин Y для данного значения X
.+выявлении основной тенденции изменений Y в зависимости от X .?Статистически
достоверными из данных показателей являются:
.-65,8+ 25,7%
.-12,0+ 8,5%
.+96,0+3 30,0%
.+15,0+ 5,0%
.?Какие из приведенных экстенсивных показателей статистически достоверны? .+23,4
+ 2,3%
.-12,0 + 8,5%
.+96,0 +3 30,0%
.-15,0 + 5,4%
.?Различия показателей достоверны (Р<0,05) при n>30, если критерий
Стьюдента равен: .-0
.?Различия показателей достоверны (Р<0,05) при n>30, если критерий
Стьюдента равен: .-0
.?Разнообразие признака характеризуется следующей величиной: .+лимит
.+среднее квадратическое отклонение
.+коэффициент вариации
.?Коэффициент вариации равен 19%, что указывает на: .-слабое разнообразие
.-максимальное разнообразие признака
.+среднее разнообразие признака
.-сильное разнообразие признака
.?Что значит, если коэффициент вариации равен 6%? .-среда однородная
.+разнообразие признака слабое
.-разнообразие признака среднее
.-разнообразие признака сильное
.-разнообразие признака выраженное
.?Что значит, если коэффициент вариации равен 32%? .-среда однородная

.-разнообразие признака слабое

.-разнообразие признака среднее
.+разнообразие признака сильное
.-разнообразие признака выраженное
.?Метод стандартизации используется для: .-определения достоверности
.-характеристики совокупности
.+сравнения неоднородных по составу совокупностей .-выявления связи между
.?Какие условия являются показанием к применению метода стандартизации? .-
исходные данные получены на выборочной совокупности
.+различия в составе сравниваемых совокупностей
.-необходимость выявить связь между явлениями
.+разная величина погрупповых показателей
.-нет необходимости в точных результатах .?Косвенный метод стандартизации
используется: .-при небольшом количестве единиц наблюдения .+когда явление
представлено единым числом, а его
распределение отсутствует
.-когда отсутствует распределение среды
.-при сравнении выборочных совокупностей
.?Обратный метод стандартизации используется при: .-отсутствии распределения
.+отсутствии распределения среды
.-небольшом количестве единиц наблюдения
.-выборочной совокупности
.?Коэффициент корреляции может принять следующее значение: .++0,99
.?Укажите пределы силы корреляционной связи (по величине
коэффициента корреляции): .-от -15 до +15
.-от -10 до +10
.+от -1 до +1
.-от 0 до 2
.?При каких значениях коэффициента ранговой корреляции корреляционная
связь является обратной и сильной? .-+5,7
.?При каких значениях коэффициента ранговой корреляции корреляционная
связь является обратной и слабой? .-+5,7
.?При каких значениях коэффициента ранговой корреляции корреляционная
связь является прямой и сильной? .++0,92
.?Если коэффициент корреляции имеет отрицательное значение, то на что
это указывает?
.-на допущенную ошибку в расчетах .-на отсутствие связи

.+на обратную связь

.-на слабую связь
.?С увеличением объема наблюдения ошибка репрезентативности: .-увеличивается
.-остается без изменений
.?Разность показателей является существенной, если величина t
(критерия Стьюдента) равна: .-0,5
.?Разность показателей является существенной, если величина t
(критерия Стьюдента) равна: .-0,3
.?Критериями разнообразия признака являются: .+амплитуда
.+среднее квадратическое отклонение .+коэффициент вариации
.-коэффициент достоверности
.-ошибка репрезентативности .?Стандартизованные показатели применяются: .-для
характеристики первичного материала .-для полученных данных
.-для сравнения между собой
.+при сравнении нескольких групп, неоднородных по составу
.?К этапам стандартизации относят:
.+расчет ожидаемых величин
.+расчет интенсивных показателей
.+расчет стандартизованных показателей
.+выбор стандарта
.-расчет ошибки показателей
.?Характеристикой разнообразия изучаемого признака в вариационном
ряду является:
.-абсолютный прирост
.+среднее квадратическое отклонение
.-коэффициент корреляции
.-число наблюдений
.-средняя величина
.?Средняя ошибка средней арифметической величины и относительного
показателя - это:
.+мера достоверности результата
.-разность между минимальным и максимальным значением признака
.-число степеней свободы
.?Средняя ошибка средней арифметической величины прямо пропорциональна: .-
числу наблюдений
.-частоте встречаемости признака
.-коэффициенту достоверности
.+показателю разнообразия изучаемого признака
.-величине изучаемого признака
.?Средняя ошибка средней арифметической величины обратно
.+числу наблюдений
.-показателю разнообразия изучаемого признака .-ошибке репрезентативности
.-показателю достоверности
.-величине изучаемого признака .?Репрезентативность - это:

.+соотношение средней арифметической величины или относительного показателя

выборочной совокупности и генеральной совокупности
.-достоверность полученного результата при сплошном исследовании .-показатель
точности исследования
.-понятие, характеризующее связь между признаками .-характеристика методики
.?Предельная ошибка - это:
.+доверительный интервал, в границах которого будут находится
ожидаемые результаты выборочного исследования или генеральной
.-коэффициент достоверности
.-показатель вариабельности признака
.?При коэффициенте достоверности, равном 2, доверительная
вероятность составляет: .-68%
.?Коэффициент Стьюдента - это:
.-стандартизованный показатель
.-средняя величина
.-коэффициент корреляции
.+коэффициент достоверности
.-характеристика разнообразия признака
.?Показателем достоверности различия средних величин является: .-средняя ошибка
.-коэффициент корреляции
.+коэффициент достоверности (t)
.-интенсивный показатель
.-темп роста
.?Минимальная величина коэффициента Стьюдента, при которой
различие между сравниваемыми величинами считается достоверным: .-1,0
.?Коэффициент корреляции имеет положительное значение, что указывает на: .-
допущенную ошибку в расчетах
.-отсутствие связи
.+прямую связь
.-обратную связь
.-слабую связь
.?При определении взаимосвязи между признаками
используются коэффициенты: .-вариации
.?Укажите минимальное число наблюдений при малой выборке:
.-20 наблюдений
.+30 наблюдений
.-50 наблюдений
.-100 наблюдений
.?Какой метод стандартизации следует применять, если имеются численность
населения, численность умерших, их возрастно-половой состав, но нет
возрастно-полового состава населения? .-прямой метод
.-косвенный метод
.+обратный метод
.?В каких пределах может колебаться значение коэффициента корреляции? .-от 0 до 1

.-от 0 до 2
.-от 0,5 до 1
.+от -1 до +1
.-от -10% до +10%
.?От чего зависит объем выборочной совокупности? .-от принятой вероятности
безошибочного прогноза
и степени однородности изучаемого явления
.-от достаточного количества единиц в генеральной совокупности .-от принятой
вероятности безошибочного прогноза
и величины предельной ошибки
.+от величины предельной ошибки и степени однородности
изучаемого явления
.?Укажите критерии, характеризующие степень разнообразия
варьирующего признака:
.-коэффициент вариации, мода, медиана
.-коэффициент вариации, среднее квадратическое отклонение,
.+лимит, амплитуда, среднее квадратическое отклонение,
коэффициент вариации
.-лимиты, центили, амплитуда, коэффициент вариации,
среднее квадратическое отклонение
.?При сравнении интенсивных показателей, полученных на однородных
по своему составу совокупностях, необходимо применять: .-оценку показателей
.-определение относительной величины
.+оценку достоверности различия показателей
.?При увеличении числа наблюдений величина средней ошибки: .-увеличивается
.-не изменяется
.?Величина средней ошибки прямо пропорциональна:
.-числу наблюдений
.+разнообразию признака
.?Разность между двумя относительными показателями считается
достоверной с вероятностью 95,5% при значении критерия Стьюдента: .+2 и более
.-менее 2
.?В каких границах возможны случайные колебания средней
величины с вероятностью 95,5%? .-M +/- m
.+M +/- 2m
.-M +/- 3m
.?Какой степени вероятности соответствует доверительный интервал P+/-m?
.+вероятности 68,3%
.-вероятности 95,5%
.-вероятности 99,7%
.?Какой степени вероятности соответствует доверительный
интервал М+/-3m?
.-вероятности 68,3%
.-вероятности 95,5%
.+вероятности 99,7%
.?Чем меньше разнообразие признака, тем величина средней ошибки: .+меньше
.?Чтобы уменьшить ошибку выборки, число наблюдений нужно: .+увеличить
.?Чем меньше число наблюдений, тем величина средней ошибки: .-меньше
.?Не считается достоверной для научных исследований:

.+вероятность 68,3%
.-вероятность 95,5%
.-вероятность 99,7%
.?Укажите первый этап при вычислении стандартизованных
показателей прямым методом:
.-выбор стандарта
.-расчет "ожидаемых чисел"
.+расчет погрупповых интенсивных показателей .-распределение в стандарте
.-получение общего интенсивного стандартизованного показателя .?Укажите второй
этап при вычислении стандартизованных
показателей прямым методом:
.+выбор стандарта
.-расчет "ожидаемых чисел"
.-расчет погрупповых интенсивных показателей .-распределение в стандарте
.-получение общего интенсивного стандартизованного показателя .?Укажите третий
этап при вычислении стандартизованных
показателей прямым методом:
.-выбор стандарта
.-расчет "ожидаемых чисел"
.-расчет погрупповых интенсивных показателей .+распределение в стандарте
.-получение общего интенсивного стандартизованного показателя .?Укажите
четвертого этап при вычислении стандартизованных
показателей прямым методом:
.-выбор стандарта
.+расчет "ожидаемых чисел"
.-расчет погрупповых интенсивных показателей .-распределение в стандарте
.-получение общего интенсивного стандартизованного показателя .?Укажите пятого
этап при вычислении стандартизованных
показателей прямым методом:
.-выбор стандарта
.-расчет "ожидаемых чисел"
.-расчет погрупповых интенсивных показателей .-распределение в стандарте
.+получение стандартизованного показателя
.?Коэффициент корреляции между показателем заболеваемости
населения и показателем госпитализации равняется +0,88: .-зависимость между
рассматриваемыми явлениями отсутствует,
так как коэффициент корреляции имеет положительный знак .-зависимость между
рассматриваемыми явлениями сильная и обратная .+зависимость между
рассматриваемыми явлениями прямая и сильная .-зависимость между
рассматриваемыми явлениями средняя и прямая .?Случайным событием называют
.-событие, которое может произойти при любых заданных
.+событие, которое при заданных условиях может
произойти или не произойти
.-событие, которое при заданных условиях может произойти .-событие, которое может
произойти при не заданных условиях .?Вероятность - это:
.-явление, исход которого можно предсказать
.+величина, определяющая перспективу того или иного
исхода в предстоящем испытании
.-величина среднего квадратичного отклонения
параметров вариационного ряда
.?Непараметрические критерии различия могут быть использованы
при сравнении совокупностей:
.+по количественным признакам
.+по качественным признакам
.?Для использования непараметрических критериев нужно

ли знать характер распределения? .-да

.?Непараметрические показатели связи:
.-зависят от закона распределения
.+не зависят от закона распределения
.?Применение непараметрических методов по сравнению с
параметрическими имеет:
.+меньше ограничений в отношении исходных данных .-больше ограничений в
отношении исходных данных

.тЗдоровье населения и факторы его определяющие .н50

.о0 неудовлетворительно
.о50 удовлетворительно
.о65 хорошо
.о80 отлично
.?Последипломное обучение медицинских кадров осуществляется в
следующих учебных заведениях:
.+институтах усовершенствования врачей
.+академиях последипломного образование
.+факультетах усовершенствования врачей при медицинских
.-на базе областных медицинских учреждений
.?Основные методы социально-гигиенических исследований: .+исторический
.?Оптимальным путем развития здравоохранения на современном
этапе является:
.-государственная система
.+бюджетно-страховая медицина
.-частная практика
.?Медицинская этика - это:
.+специфические проявление общей этики в деятельности врача .+наука о гуманизме,
долге, чести, совести медицинских
.+способность врача к нравственной ориентации в ситуациях .?Биомедицинская этика
и деонтология - это:
.-проявление гражданского долга в профессиональной
деятельности медицинских работников
.-наука о гуманизме, долге и чести медицинских работников .-наука о совести,
достоинстве и нравственности медицинских
.+свод моральных правил и норм поведения медицинских
.?Медицинская деонтология - это: .+самостоятельная наука о профессиональном
медицинских работников
.+практическая часть разделов медицинской этики
.?Укажите основные функции ВОЗ
.+развитие национальных систем здравоохранения на основе профилактики,
первичной медико- санитарной помощи, ответственности государства
.+борьба с инфекционными заболеваниями посредством массовой вакцинации и
иммунизации .+подготовка и переподготовка медицинских кадров
.+оказание медицинской помощи отдельным группам населения
.+информатизация здравоохранения
.+охрана психического здоровья населения
.-разработка лечебной и диагностической аппарутуры
.?Назовите три главные организации из которых состоит ВОЗ
.+Всемирная ассамблея здравоохранения

.+Исполнительный комитет
.-Совет по международному сотрудничеству
.?Назовите основной документ, которым регламентируется деятельность ВОЗ .+Устав
.-Положение о деятельности ВОЗ
.-Международный договор о сотрудничестве стран, входящих в состав ВОЗ .?В каком
документе ВОЗ дано определение понятия "здоровье"
.+в Уставе ВОЗ
.-в Положении о деятельности ВОЗ
.-в Международном договоре о сотрудничестве стран, входящих в состав ВОЗ .?Имеет
ли право ВОЗ формировать и по мере надобности пересматривать
Международную статистическую классификацию болезней, травм и
причин смерти?
.+имеет право самостоятельно решать вопрос
.-не имеет права
.-имеет право с согласия других международных организаций .?Когда впервые на
международном уровне был рассмотрен вопрос о
первичной медико-санитарной помощи?
.+в 1978 г. в г.Алма-Ата на международной конференции ВОЗ (ЮНИСЕФ) .-на
заседании Панамериканского санитарного бюро (ПАСБ, 1902 г.)
.-на заседании Международного бюро общественной гигиены (МБОГ, 1907 г.)
.?Укажите, является ли сферой компетенции ВОЗ рассмотрение следующих
.+улучшение питания, жилищных и санитарных условий, условий труда и
отдыха, поощрение работы в области психогигиены
.+пересмотр "МКБ"
.+установление международных стандартов для пищевых, биологических,
фармацевтических препаратов
.?Как часто созываются очередные сессии Ассамблеи ВОЗ?
.-1 раз в 3 года
.+1 раз в 5 лет
.?Социальная гигиена и организация здравоохранения изучает:
.+общественное здоровье
.-индивидуальное здоровье
.?Структура предмета социальной медицины и организации здравоохранения:
.+социальная гигиена
.+организация здравоохранения
.+медицинская информатика
.+управление здравоохранением
.+история медицины
.?Имеется ли различие между понятиями "система охраны здоровья населения"
и "система здравоохранения"? .+да
.?Система охраны здоровья населения - это комплекс мероприятий: .+социально-
.-по организации лечебно-профилактических учреждений МЗ РФ .?Система
здравоохранения - это:

.-система мероприятий по поддержанию общественного здоровья .+система лечебно-

профилактических учреждений МЗ РФ .?Является ли производственная среда частью
окружающей среды? .+да
.?Является ли социальная среда частью окружающей среды?
.?Основные принципы здравоохранения:
.+ответственность государства за соблюдение прав граждан в области охраны
здоровья .+сохранение врачебной тайны
.+доступность медицинской помощи
.+социальная защищенность в случае утраты трудоспособности
.+приоритет профилактических мероприятий
.+приоритет интересов пациента
.?Социально-гигиенический мониторинг проводится на базе: .-лечебно-
профилактических учреждений
.-научно-исследовательских институтов
.-министерства здравоохранения
.-медицинских вузов
.?Окружающая среда включает в себя:
.+природную среду
.+производственную среду
.+социальную среду
.-образ жизни
.?Когда была открыта в России первая кафедра социальной гигиены?
.-в 1917 году
.-в 1941 году
.+в 1922 году
.-в 1960 году
.?Основными показателями индивидуального здоровья являются:
.+показатели заболеваемости
.+показатели инвалидности
.+показатели физического развития
.+демографические показатели
.+группы здоровья
.?Основными показателями общественного здоровья являются:
.+затраты на здравоохранение от ВВП
.+степень иммунизации и вакцинации населения
.+степень обследования беременных женщин
.+питание детей и подростков
.-группы здоровья
.?Основным методом изучения образа жизни является: .-наблюдение
.?Теоретическими основами социальной гигиены являются: .+диалектический

.-законодательные акты по здравоохранению

.-конституция РФ
.?По определению здоровье человека характеризуется состоянием: .-физического
.-физического и социального благополучия
.-физического, душевного и социального благополучия при
полной адаптации к условиям внешней среды
.+физического, психического и социального благополучия при
полной адаптации к условиям внешней среды
.?Среди факторов, определяющих здоровье населения, наибольшее
влияние оказывает:
.-организация медицинской помощи
.-природно-климатическая среда
.-биологические факторы
.+образ жизни
.?Медицинскими характеристиками здоровья населения являются: .+заболеваемость
.+физическое развитие
.+медико-демографические данные
.-образ жизни
.?Факторы окружающей среды:
.?Статистическими измерителями индивидуального здоровья
населения являются:
.+демографические показатели
.+физическое развитие
.-посещаемость ЛПУ
.?Основными источниками информации о здоровье населения
.+официальной информации о смерти населения
.-данных страховых компаний
.+эпидемиологической информации
.+данных мониторинга окружающей среды и здоровья .+регистров заболеваний,
несчастных случаев и травм
.?На сохранение и укрепление здоровья населения влияют
следующие факторы:
.+уровень культуры населения
.+экологические факторы среды
.+качество и доступность медицинской помощи
.+безопасные условия труда
.+сбалансированность питания
.?Под физическим развитием понимают:
.+совокупность всех антропологических признаков и результаты функциональных
измерений .+соматические признаки и показатели
.+данные о телосложении
.?Основные пути получения информации о заболеваемости:
.+по причинам смерти

.+по обращаемости
.-по данным переписи населения
.+по данным медицинских осмотров
.+по данным опроса
.?Первичная заболеваемость - это:
.+заболевания, впервые выявленные в этом году и нигде ранее
не учтенные
.-заболеваемость, регистрируемая врачом и записанная им в
медицинской документации
.-совокупность всех имеющихся среди населения заболеваний,
впервые выявленных в данном году или известных ранее,
по поводу которых больные вновь обратились в данном году .?Сущность термина
.-показатель заболеваемости по данным обращаемости .-заболеваемость,
регистрируемая врачом и записанная им
в медицинской документации
.+совокупность всех имеющихся среди населения заболеваний,
впервые выявленных в данном году или известных ранее,
по поводу которых больные вновь обратились в данном году .?Под статистическим
термином "обращаемость" понимается: .+число больных, впервые обратившихся за
помощью по поводу заболевания
.-соотношение числа всех первичных посещений по поводу
болезни к общему числу обслуживаемого населения .-абсолютное число всех
первичных и повторных посещений
больными медицинского учреждения
.?Заболевание, которым больной страдает в течение ряда лет
и ежегодно обращается к врачу поликлиники войдет в статистику .-первичной
.+общей заболеваемости
.-патологической пораженности
.?При анализе первичной заболеваемости населения учитываются .+статистические
талоны со знаком (+)
.-все статистические талоны
.-статистические талоны со знаком (-)
.?При анализе общей заболеваемости населения учитываются .-статистические
талоны только со знаком (+)
.+все статистические талоны
.-статистические талоны без знака (+)
.?Укажите, как регистрируется первичная заболеваемость населения .+статистический
талон со знаком (+)
.-статистический талон со знаком (-)
.?Укажите основные виды заболеваний:
.+эпидемическая заболеваемость
.+важнейшая неэпидемическая заболеваемость .+госпитализированная
.+заболеваемость с ВУТ
.+по данным обращаемости
.-диспансерная заболеваемость
.?В течение какого времени и в какое лечебное учреждение
направляется извещение о важнейшем неэпидемическом заболевании: .-в диспансер
соответствующего профиля в течение 1 месяца

.-в СЭС в течение 5 часов

.+в диспансер соответствующего профиля в течение 1 недели .-в диспансер
соответствующего профиля в течение 2 недель .?Какие объективные факторы влияют
на уровень
заболеваемости (обращаемости)?
.+объем и доступность медицинской помощи .+санитарно-культурный уровень
населения .-материальное состояние пациента
.?Укажите основные методы изучения заболеваемости: .+обращаемость
.+профилактические осмотры
.+регистрация причин смерти
.?У больного язвенная болезнь желудка. Болеет 10 лет,
каждый год обращается к врачу. Сколько статистических
талонов на него будет заполнено и сколько из них со знаком (+)? .+10 статистических
талонов, первый их них со знаком (+)
.-10 статистических талонов, каждый их них со знаком (+)
.-1 статистический талон со знаком (+)
.?У женщины родился живой ребенок,который умер через 35 минут. Какие документы
на него требуется заполнить?
.+медицинское свидетельство о рождении
.+медицинское свидетельство о перинатальной смерти .-медицинское свидетельство о
.?Укажите единый нормативный документ для статистических
разработок госпитализированной заболеваемости: .-международная классификация
болезней, травм и причин смерти .+статистическая карта выбывшего из стационара,
ф. N066/у .-листок учета движения больных и коечного фонда стационара,
ф. N007/у
.-сводная ведомость учета движения больных и коечного фонда
по стационару, отделению или профилю коек, ф. N016/у
.?При изучении эпидемической заболеваемости применяется .-журнал регистрации
инфекционных заболеваний в ЛПУ .+экстренное извещение об инфекционном
заболевании, пищевом
отравлении, профессиональном заболевании
.-отчет ежемесячный и годовой о числе инфекционных заболеваний .?Впервые в
жизни установленный диагноз относится к понятию: .-первичное посещение
.+первичная заболеваемость
.-острые заболевания
.?При выявлении у больного инфекционного заболевания врач заполняет: .-
медицинскую карту больного
.+экстренное извещение об инфекционном заболевании, пищевом,
остром профессиональном отравлении
.-извещение о важнейшем заболевании
.-листок нетрудоспособности
.?Документ учета и регистрации выявленного туберкулеза: .-экстренное извещение об
инфекционном заболевании,
пищевом, остром профессиональном отравлении

.-медицинскую карту больного

.+извещение о больном с впервые в жизни установленным диагнозом
.-статистический талон для регистрации уточненного
(заключительного) диагноза
.?При выявлении онкологического заболевания или подозрении на
него врач заполняет:
.-экстренное извещение об инфекционном заболевании,
пищевом, остром профессиональном отравлении
.-извещение о больном с впервые в жизни установленным диагнозом
психического заболевания
.+извещение о больном с впервые в жизни установленным диагнозом
рака или другого злокачественного новообразования .-статистический талон для
регистрации уточненного
(заключительного) диагноза
.?Уровень заболеваемости по обращаемости среди женщин в
сравнении с мужчинами: .-ниже
.?Уровень заболеваемости по данным медицинских осмотров среди женщин в
сравнении с мужчинами:
.?Уровень заболеваемости детей в сравнении с взрослыми: .-ниже
.?Наиболее высокий уровень заболеваемости детей отмечается в
.-от 0 до 3 лет
.+от 1 до 3 лет
.-от 3 до 7 лет
.-от 7 до 10 лет
.-от 10 до 14 лет
.?Первое место в структуре заболеваемости детей в возрасте до
1 года занимают болезни:
.-инфекционные и паразитарные
.-нервной системы и органов чувств
.+органов дыхания
.-кожи и подкожной клетчатки
.-органов пищеварения
.?Уровень хронической заболеваемости среди женщин в сравнении
с мужчинами:
.?Первое место в структуре заболеваемости женщин занимают
.-системы кровообращения .-женской половой сферы

.+органов дыхания
.-нервной системы
.-костно-мышечной системы
.?Для оценки заболеваемости населения используются такие
критерии, как:
.+уровень заболеваемости
.+структура заболеваемости
.+кратность заболеваний
.?Количественным показателем заболеваемости является: .-средняя
продолжительность лечения
.-средняя длительность пребывания больного в стационаре .+уровень
.-структура заболеваемости
.-все перечисленное
.?Качественным показателем заболеваемости является: .-средняя продолжительность
.-кратность заболеваний в год
.-уровень заболеваемости
.+структура заболеваемости
.-все перечисленное
.?Уровень общей заболеваемости населения характеризуется
коэффициентом: .-экстенсивным .-соотношения .+интенсивным .-наглядности
.?В структуре заболеваемости населения по данным обращаемости на первом месте
стоят болезни:
.-системы кровообращения
.-системы пищеварения
.+органов дыхания
.-нервной системы
.-костно-мышечной системы
.?Основной учетный документ при изучении заболеваемости с
временной утратой трудоспособности:
.-амбулаторная карта
.+листок нетрудоспособности
.-экстренное извещение
.-статистическая карта выбывшего из стационара
.-статистический талон для регистрации уточненного диагноза .?Основной учетный
документ при изучении общей заболеваемости
по обращаемости:
.-амбулаторная карта
.-листок нетрудоспособности
.-экстренное извещение
.-статистическая карта выбывшего из стационара .+статистический талон для
регистрации уточненного диагноза .?Основной учетный документ при изучении
.-амбулаторная карта
.-листок нетрудоспособности
.+экстренное извещение об инфекционном заболевании, пищевом,

остром профессиональном отравлении

.-статистическая карта выбывшего из стационара
.-статистический талон для регистрации уточненного диагноза .?При расчете
показателя собственно заболеваемости учитываются: .-талоны на прием к врачу
.+статистические талоны со знаком (+)
.-статистические талоны со знаком (-)
.-листки нетрудоспособности
.?При расчете показателя болезненности учитываются:
.-талоны на прием к врачу
.+статистические талоны со знаком (+)
.+статистические талоны со знаком (-)
.-листки нетрудоспособности
.?Отчетным документом по заболеваемости с временной утратой
трудоспособности является:
.-годовой отчет ЛПУ
.-сводная ведомость зарегистрированных заболеваний в поликлинике .+форма 16-ВН
.-дневник врача
.-отчет-вкладыш по туберкулезу
.?Показатели общей заболеваемости по обращаемости рассчитываются
на стандарт: .+1000
.-10 000
.-100 000
.?Показатели важнейшей неэпидемической заболеваемости рассчитываются
на стандарт:
.-10 000
.+100 000
.?Показатели госпитализированной заболеваемости рассчитываются
на стандарт: .-100
.-10 000
.-100 000
.?Показатели заболеваемости с временной утратой трудоспособности
рассчитываются на стандарт: .+100
.-10 000
.-100 000
.?Международная классификация болезней - это: .-перечень диагнозов в
определенном порядке
.-перечень симптомов, синдромов и отдельных состояний,
расположенных по определенному принципу
.+система рубрик, в которые отдельные патологические состояния
включены в соответствии с определенными установленными критериями .-перечень
наименований болезней, диагнозов и синдромов,
расположенных в определенном порядке
.?Карта выбывшего из стационара является учетным документом заболеваемости: .-с
временной утратой трудоспособности
.-по данным медицинского осмотра
.?Уровень первичной заболеваемости населения края находится в
.?Уровень общей заболеваемости населения края находится в
.?Уровень первичной заболеваемости туберкулезом населения края: .+141,7
.?Уровень распространенности туберкулеза среди населения края: .+335,2
.?Уровень смертности от туберкулеза населения края: .+34,7
.?Уровень первичной заболеваемости сифилисом населения края: .+60,7
.?Уровень первичной заболеваемости злокачественными
новобразованиями населения (на 1000) края: .+389,1
.?Уровень больных с психическими расстройствами состоящих под
наблюдением (на 100 тыс. населения) в крае: .+1190,2
.?Уровень случаев нетрудоспособности населения края находится в
пределах (на 100 работающих): .+44,1-45,1

.?Уровень дней нетрудоспособности населения края находится в
пределах (на 100 работающих): .+657.4-660,3
.?Средняя длительность случая нетрудоспособности населения края
находится в пределах (в днях): .+14-15
.?Уровень первичного выхода на инвалидность населения края
находится в пределах (на 10 тыс.): .+134,5-143,8
.?Основными причинами выхода на инвалидность населения края
.+болезни системы кровообращения
.+злокачественные новообразования
.+болезни костно-мышечной системы
.+психические расстройства
.?Общий показатель смертности населения вычисляется по формуле: .+(число
умерших за 1 год х 1000) / среднегодовая численность
.-(число умерших за 1 год х 1000) / численность населения .-(число умерших старше 1
года х 1000) / средняя численность
.-(число умерших старше 1 года х 1000) / численность населения
старше 1 года
.-(число умерших х 1000) / численность населения на конец
.?Показатель материнской смертности вычисляется по формуле: .+число умерших
беременных, рожениц и родильниц (в том числе
и случаи смерти спустя 42 дня после родов) х 100 000
живорожденных / число живорожденных
.-(число умерших беременных х 1000 живорожденных) /
суммарное число беременностей
.-(число умерших после 28 недель беременности х 100 000
живорожденных) / суммарное число беременностей .-(число умерших беременных х
100 000 живорожденных и
мертворожденных) / суммарное число беременных после 28
.-(число умерших беременных после 28 недель х 100 000
живорожденных) / суммарное число беременностей после 28
.?Демография - это наука, изучающая: .-здоровье населения

.-факторную обусловленность здоровья

.+численность, состав и воспроизводство населения в его
общественном развитии
.-вопросы брачности и плодовитости
.?Тип возрастной структуры населения России в настоящее время: .-стабильный
.?К видам движения народонаселения относят:
.+механическое и естественное
.-механическое естественное и социальное
.-механическое естественное, социальное и возрастное .?Основным методом
изучения естественного движения населения
следует считать:
.+текущую регистрацию демографических событий
.-перепись населения
.-выборочные демографические исследования
.-социологический опрос населения
.?Показателями естественного движения населения являются: .+смертность
.-смертность по возрастным группам
.-суммарный коэффициент рождаемости
.+естественный прирост
.?Демографические коэффициенты выражаются, как правило:
.-в процентах
.+в промилле
.-в продецимилле
.?При вычислении показателя общей рождаемости учитывают число
родившихся за год:
.-живыми и мертвыми
.?К факторам, регулирующим рождаемость, относят: .+миграцию населения
.+охват населения контрацепцией
.+возраст вступления в брак
.+социально-экономические условия
.+состояние здоровья родителей
.?Гражданская регистрация рождаемости в России проводится: .-с 1822 г.
.-с 1897 г.
.+с 1917 г.
.-с 1925 г.
.-с 1937 г.
.?Гражданская регистрация смертности в России проводится: .-с 1822 г.
.-с 1897 г. .-с 1917 г. .+с 1925 г.

.-с 1937 г.
.?Документами для гражданской регистрации рождения ребенка
в России являются:
.-свидетельство о рождении
.-свидетельство о браке
.-заявление двух свидетелей
.+медицинское свидетельство о рождении
.-все перечисленное
.?Документами для гражданской регистрации смерти в России
.-свидетельство о рождении
.-заключение патологоанатома
.+медицинское свидетельство о перинатальной смерти .+медицинское свидетельство
о смерти
.?Ведущее место в структуре общей смертности занимают: .-травмы
.+болезни системы кровообращения
.-болезни органов дыхания
.-онкологические заболевания
.?К специальным показателям смертности относят: .+смертность в трудоспособном
.+смертность по возрастным группам
.+смертность по половым признакам
.+смертность по сезонам года
.?Естественный прирост населения - это разница между: .-рождаемостью и
смертностью в трудоспособном возрасте .-рождаемостью и смертностью по
возрастным группам .+рождаемостью и смертностью за год
.-рождаемостью и смертностью по сезонам года
.-все перечисленное
.?Оптимальным уровнем естественного прироста населения
является уровень: .-от 0% до 2%
.-от 1% до 3%
.+от 3% до 5%
.-от 5% до 7%
.-свыше 7%
.?Естественный прирост населения зависит:
.-от миграции населения
.-от младенческой смертности
.+от рождаемости
.+от смертности
.?Обобщающим показателем естественного движения населения является: .-миграция
.+естественный прирост
.-средняя продолжительность жизни
.?Материнская смертность вычисляется:
.-на 100 родов
.-на 1000 родившихся живыми

.+на 100 000 родившихся живыми

.-на 1000 женщин
.-на 1000 женщин фертильного возраста
.?Демографическая ситуация в России характеризуется:
.-увеличением естественного прироста населения
.-нулевым естественным приростом
.+отрицательным естественным приростом
.-демографическим взрывом
.-волнообразностью демографического процесса
.?Основным статистическим методом изучения статики населения является: .-
.-метод стандартизации
.+перепись населения
.?Виды переписи населения:
.+на территории деятельности поликлиники
.+на территориальном участке
.?Срок заполнения "медицинского свидетельства о смерти":
.-24 часа
.+3 суток
.?Перинатальная смертность включает в себя смерть детей в период: .-
антенатальный, ранний неонатальный, постнатальный
.-интранатальный, антенатальный, поздний неонатальный
.+антенатальный, интранатальный, ранний неонатальный .-интранатальный, ранний
неонатальный, поздний неонатальный .?Смертность новорожденных включает в себя
смерть детей: .-внутриутробно
.-в первый год жизни
.+в первый месяц жизни
.-в первую неделю жизни
.?Мёртворождаемость включает в себя смерть детей в период: .+антенатальный,
.-интранатальный, ранний неонатальный
.-ранний неонатальный, поздний неонатальный
.-антенатальный, интранатальный, ранний неонатальный
.?Младенческая смертность включает в себя смерть детей:
.+в первый год жизни
.-в первый месяц жизни
.-в первую неделю жизни
.-в первые три года жизни
.?Показатель младенческой смертности рассчитывается на:
.+1000 живорожденных
.-100 живорожденных
.-1000 живорожденных и мертворожденных
.-1000 населения
.?Показатель перинатальной смертности рассчитывается на:
.-1000 живорожденных

.-100 живорожденных
.+1000 живорожденных и мертворожденных
.-1000 населения
.?Показатель мёртворождаемости рассчитывается на:
.-1000 живорожденных
.-100 живорожденных
.+1000 живорожденных и мертворожденных
.-1000 населения
.?Уровень рождаемости является высоким при показателе рождаемости: .-до 15 на
1000 населения
.-15-25 на 1000 населения
.+более 25 на 1000 населения
.?Уровень рождаемости является средним при показателе рождаемости: .-до 15 на
1000 населения
.+15-25 на 1000 населения
.-более 25 на 1000 населения
.?Уровень рождаемости является низким при показателе рождаемости: .+до 15 на
1000 населения
.-15-25 на 1000 населения
.-более 25 на 1000 населения
.?Уровень смертности является высоким при показателе смертности: .-до 9 на 1000
.-9-15 на 1000 населения
.+более 15 на 1000 населения
.?Уровень смертности является средним при показателе смертности: .-до 9 на 1000
.+9-15 на 1000 населения
.-более 15 на 1000 населения
.?Уровень смертности является низким при показателе смертности:
.+до 9 на 1000 населения
.-9-15 на 1000 населения
.-более 15 на 1000 населения
.?Воспроизводство населения является расширенным, если
брутто-коэффициент равен: .+1,5
.?Воспроизводство населения является стационарным, если
брутто-коэффициент равен: .-1,5
.?Воспроизводство населения является суженным, если брутто-коэффициент
равен: .-1,5
.-1,2 .-1,1 .+1,0

.?Воспроизводство населения является расширенным, если
нетто-коэффициент равен: .+1,5
.?Воспроизводство населения является стационарным, если
нетто-коэффициент равен: .-1,5
.?Воспроизводство населения является суженным, если нетто-коэффициент
равен: .-1,5
.?Воспроизводство населения является расширенным, если
коэффициент детсности равен: .+2,5
.?Воспроизводство населения является стационарным, если
коэффициент детсности равен: .-2,5
.?Воспроизводство населения является суженным, если
коэффициент детсности равен: .-2,5
.?Кратность проведения всеобщей переписи населения: .+1 раз в 10 лет
.-1 раз в 7 лет
.-1 раз в 5 лет
.-1 раз в 2 года
.-1 раз в год
.?Кратность проведения переписи населения на территориальном участке: .-1 раз в 10
.-1 раз в 7 лет
.-1 раз в 5 лет
.-1 раз в 2 года
.+1 раз в год
.?Кратность проведения переписи населения на территории деятельности
.-1 раз в 10 лет
.-1 раз в 7 лет
.-1 раз в 5 лет
.+1 раз в 2 года
.-1 раз в год
.?Правила проведения всеобщей переписи населения: .+используется сплошной
.+единство программы и плана исследования .+одномоментность
.+машинная обработка полученных данных .+непосредственное получение
информации от исследуемого .-обязательность
.-в кратчайшие сроки
.?Срок регистрации случая смерти в ЗАГСе:
.+3 дня
.-4 дня
.-6 дней
.-10 дней
.?Срок регистрации рождения ребенка в ЗАГСе:
.+один месяц
.-два месяца
.-три месяца
.-две недели
.?Медицинская демография изучает
.+"статику" населения (численность, расселение, плотность и т.д.) .+"динамику" -
движение населения (механическое и естественное) .-заболеваемость с временной
утратой трудоспособности
.?К общим показателям воспроизводства (естественного движения) относится: .-
.+естественный прирост
.+средняя продолжительность жизни
.?Коэффициент рождаемости рассчитывается путем
.+соотношения численности родившихся в данном году к среднегодовой
численности населения
.-соотношения численности умерших к численности родившихся .-вычитания числа
умерших из числа родившихся
.?Уровень общей рождаемости населения (на 1000) в нашей стране
в настоящее время находится в пределах: .+до 10
.-от 10 до 15
.-от 15 до 20
.?Уровень общей рождаемости населения (на 1000) в крае находится в пределах:
.+10,1-10,3 .-9,7-10,0 .-14,5-16,1

.?Общий коэффициент смертности - это:

.+отношение числа умерших к среднегодовой численности населения .-отношение
числа умерших к численности населения на
01.01. данного года
.-общее количество умерших в течение межпереписного периода .?Уровень общей
смертности (на 1000) населения в нашей стране
в настоящее время находится в пределах: .-от 5 до 10
.+от 11 до 15
.-от 16 до 20
.?Уровень общей смертности (на 1000) населения края в настоящее время находится
в пределах:
.?Показатель материнской смертности вычисляется по формуле .+(число умерших
беременных, рожениц, родильниц в течение
42 дней после прекращения беременности х 100000)/
число живорожденных
.-(число умерших беременных х 1000 живорожденных)/суммарное
число беременностей
.-(число умерших после 28 дней беременности х 100000 живорожденных)/
суммарное число беременностей
.-(число умерших беременных х 100000 живорожденных и мертворожденных)/
суммарное число беременных после 28 недель
.?Уровень материнской смертности в крае составляет:
.?Уровень младенческой смертности в крае составляет:
.?Повозрастные показатели смертности рассчитываются путем: .+соотношения
численности умерших в каждой возрастной
группе к численности данной возрастной группы .-вычитания родившихся и умерших в
каждой пятилетней
возрастной группе
.-соотношения числа умерших в каждой возрастной группе
к среднегодовой численности населения территории
.?В структуре смертности населения экономически развитых
стран ведущие места занимают:
.-инфекционные и паразитарные заболевания;болезни системы
пищеварения; психические заболевания
.+болезни системы кровообращения; новообразования; травмы
и отравления
.-новообразования; травмы и отравления; болезни органов дыхания .?Укажите страну,
где отмечается наибольшая разница в продолжительности
предстоящей жизни мужчин и женщин: .+Россия

.?Средняя продолжительность предстоящей жизни - зто: .+число лет, которое
предстоит прожить данному поколению
родившихся при условии, что на протяжении всей жизни
повозрастные показатели смертности останутся неизмененными .-число лет, которое
предстоит прожить данному поколению
родившихся при условии, что на протяжении всей жизни
повозрастные показатели рождаемости останутся неизмененными .?В общей
структуре смертности населения России травмы и
отравления занимают место: .+третье
.?В общей структуре смертности населения России злокачественные новообразования
занимают место:
.?В общей структуре смертности населения России болезни системы
кровообращения занимают место: .+первое
.?Специальные показатели детской смертности: .-перинатальной смертности
.+поздней неонатальной смертности
.+ранней неонатальной смертности .-мертворождаемости
.+младенческой смертности
.? Показатель младенческой смертности вычисляется по формуле: .-(число детей,
умерших в возрасте до 1 мес) 10000/
число родившихся живыми и мертвыми .-(число детей, умерших в возрасте до 1 года +
число детей, родившихся мертвыми) х 1000/ число всех
родившихся (мертвых и живых)
.-(число детей, умерших до 1 года х 1000)/средняя численность населения .-(число
детей, умерших до 1 года х 1000)/число мертворожденных .+(число детей, умерших до
1 года в данном календарном году х
1000)/(2/3 родившихся живыми в данном году + 1/3 родившихся
живыми в предыдущем году)
.?Показатель перинатальной смертности вычисляются по формуле: .-число детей,
родившихся мертвыми + число детей,
умерших в течение первого года жизни) х 1000/ число
детей, родившихся живыми
.+число детей, родившихся мертвыми + число детей,
умерших в течение первых 7 дней жизни) х 1000/ число
детей, родившихся живыми и мертвыми
.-число детей, родившихся мертвыми + число детей,
умерших в течение первых 28 дней жизни) х 1000/ число
детей, родившихся живыми и мертвыми
.-число детей, родившихся мертвыми) х 1000/ число детей,

родившихся живыми и мертвыми

.-число детей, родившихся мертвыми + число детей,
умерших в первые 7 дней жизни) х 1000/ число детей,
родившихся живыми
.?Показатель мертворождаемости вычисляются по формуле: .-число детей,
родившихся мертвыми + число детей,
умерших в течение первого года жизни) х 1000/ число
детей, родившихся живыми
.-число детей, родившихся мертвыми + число детей,
умерших в течение первых 7 дней жизни) х 1000/ число
детей, родившихся живыми и мертвыми
.-число детей, родившихся мертвыми и недоношенными) х
1000/ число детей, родившихся живыми и мертвыми .+число детей, родившихся
мертвыми) х 1000/ число детей,
родившихся живыми и мертвыми
.-число детей, родившихся мертвыми + число детей,
умерших в первые 7 дней жизни) х 1000/ число детей,
родившихся живыми
.?Показатель ранней неонатальной смертности вычисляются
по формуле:
.-число детей, родившихся мертвыми + число детей,
умерших в течение первого года жизни) х 1000/ число
детей, родившихся живыми
.-число детей, умерших в течение первых 7 дней жизни)
х 1000/ число детей, родившихся живыми и мертвыми .-число детей, умерших в
течение первых 28 дней жизни)
х 1000/ число детей, родившихся живыми
.-число детей, умерших в течение первых 28 дней жизни)
х 1000/ число детей, родившихся живыми и мертвыми .+число детей, умерших в
первые 7 дней жизни) х 1000/
число детей, родившихся живыми
.?Показатель постнеонатальной смертности вычисляются
по формуле:
.-(число детей, умерших в течение первого года жизни)
х 1000/ число детей, родившихся живыми
.-(число детей, умерших в течение первых 6 месяцев жизни)
х 1000/число детей, родившихся живыми
.-(число детей, умерших в возрасте от 29 дней до 1 года)
х 1000/число детей, родившихся живыми и мертвыми
.-(число детей, родившихся мертвыми и умерших в возрасте до 1 года)
х 1000/ число детей, родившихся живыми и мертвыми .+(число детей, умерших в
возрасте от 29 дней до 1 года)
х 1000/число детей, родившихся живыми
.?Назовите основные причины младенческой смертности с
учетом занимаемого ими места:
.+отдельные состояния возникающие в перинатальном периоде,
врожденные аномалии развития,заболевания органов дыхания .-прочие болезни,
родовой травматизм и пороки развития,
желудочно-кишечные заболевания
.-родовой травматизм и пороки развития, пневмония,
прочие болезни
.?Назовите основные причины перинатальной смертности со стороны

.+асфиксия, респираторные состояния, пороки развития,инфекции .-родовой
травматизм, кишечные инфекции, заболевания органов
дыхания,врожденные аномалии развития
.?Назовите основные причины мертворождаемости:
.+асфиксия, врожденные аномалии развития, инфекции, родовая травма .-родовой
травматизм, кишечные инфекции, заболевания органов
дыхания,врожденные аномалии развития
.?Назовите основные причины ранней неонатальной смертности: .+респираторные
состояния, пороки развития,асфиксия,инфекции .-родовой травматизм, кишечные
инфекции, заболевания органов
дыхания,врожденные аномалии развития
.?Назовите основные причины неонатальной смертности: .+отдельные состояния
возникающие в перинатальном периоде,
врожденные аномалии развития,заболевания органов дыхания .-родовой травматизм,
кишечные инфекции, заболевания органов
дыхания,врожденные аномалии развития .?Коэффициент естественного прироста это
отношение: .-годовое число родившихся/ годовое число умерших .-годовое число
умерших / годовое число родившихся .+(годовое число родившихся - годовое число
х 1000)/ среднегодовая численность населения
.?Среднее число девочек, рожденных одной женщиной за всю
ее жизнь и доживших до фертильного возраста, называется: .+нетто-коэффициент
.-индекс Покровского
.?Назовите типы воспроизводства населения: .-прогрессивный, регрессивный
.+суженный, стационарный, расширенный .-стационарный
.?Назовите типы возрастной структуры населения:
.-суженный, стационарный, расширенный
.+прогрессивный, регрессивный, стационарный
.?Какой самый низкий уровень показателя младенческой смертности
в мире?
.?Показатель младенческой смертности рассчитывается: .-в процентах
.+на 1000 родившихся живыми
.-на 10000 родившихся
.?Какие из перечисленных показателей являются составляющими
младенческой смертности?
.-перинатальная смертность
.+ранняя неонатальная смертность
.+поздняя неонатальная смертность
.+неонатальная смертность
.+постнеонатальная смертность
.?Укажите возрастные структурные компоненты перинатальной

.+ранняя неонатальная смертность
.-неонатальная смертность
.?В структуре перинатальной смертности недоношенных новорожденных
наибольший удельный вес приходится на период: .-антенатальный
.+ранний неонатальный
.?В структуре перинатальной смертности переношенных новорожденных наибольший
удельный вес приходится на период:
.-ранний неонатальный
.?Показатели перинатальной заболеваемости и смертности выше среди: .+первенцев
.-детей, рожденных от повторных родов
.?Какие документы должны представить учреждения здравоохранения
в органы ЗАГСа для регистрации смерти новорожденного? .+медицинское
свидетельство о перинатальной смерти .-медицинское свидетельство о смерти
.-история болезни
.-протокол патологоанатомического (судебно-медицинского) вскрытия .?Основная
причина смерти - это:
.+основное заболевание, приведшее к летальному исходу .-заболевание,
непосредственно приведшее к смерти
.-ведущий синдром, явившийся непосредственной причиной смерти .?Показатель
младенческой смертности рассчитывается:
.-по месту смерти ребенка
.-по месту жительства матери
.-по месту жительства отца
.+по месту жительства ребенка
.?На основании какого документа формируется государственная
статистика младенческой смертности? .-справка врача
.-медицинское свидетельство о смерти .-история болезни
.+на основании записей актов гражданского состояния .?Наименьшее влияние на
уровень материнской смертности
региона оказывает:
.-индекс здоровья рожающего контингента
.-уровень развития здравоохранения
.+удельный вес первородящих в структуре рожавших .?Ведущей причиной в структуре
материнской смертности в
регионах с низким уровнем этого показателя является: .-акушерские кровотечения
.+экстрагенитальная патология
.?Показатели материнской смертности выше среди:
.?На каком из этапов резерв снижения перинатальных потерь наибольший? .-женская

.-родильный дом
.+неонатальная служба родильного дома
.?Какая существует зависимость между показателем младенческой
смертности и возрастом матери в момент родов?
.-не существует
.+существует, он выше в группе женщин моложе 18 лет и старше 35 лет .-существует,
чем ниже возраст, тем выше показатель

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