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Counter Argument/Opposing Argument: Writer presents the ideas that are opposite to the
writer’s ideas or acknowledge the opposing view to avoid sounding narrow-minded.

Concession/Opposing argument elaboration: Writer explains the other side of the issue/
opposing point.

Refutation/Rebuttal: Writer uses logical evidence to explain why the opposing view is


Counter-Argument Paragraph:

Some students may argue that because of their situation, they sometimes have no choice but to
buy essays off the internet. It is understandable that students are under pressure to produce
well-written essays to pass their classes, but this does not justify plagiarism. When students
plagiarise, the development of writing and critical thinking skills fail. As a result, passing exams
become a difficult task. In the end, plagiarism is harmful to the student’s own academic success.

Counter-argument: Some students may argue that because of their situation, they sometimes
have no choice but to buy essays off the internet.

Concession: It is understandable that students are under pressure to produce well-written

essays to pass their classes, but this does not justify plagiarism.

Refutation/Rebuttal: When students plagiarise, the development of writing and critical thinking
skills fail. As a result, passing exams become a difficult task. In the end, plagiarism is harmful to
the student’s own academic success.
Exercise 1: Identify the counter-argument, concession and refutation from the following

Some scholars and researchers claim that there are negative impacts of technology on a child’s
developing mind. According to one research study, scholars claimed that “moderate evidence
also suggests that early exposure to purely entertainment content, and media violence in
particular, is negatively associated with cognitive skills and academic achievement” (Kirkorian,
Waltella, and Anderson, 2008, p. 8). Although there is validity to the presented argument, this
theory excludes educationally driven programming, some of which is specifically designed to
educate children beyond what they might experience by age-appropriate schooling alone. There
is incredible value in formal education and the public-school system; however, classroom
modalities are not the only way children learn about the world around them.


Some scholars and researchers profess there are negative impacts of technology on a child’s
developing mind


Although there is validity to the presented argument, this theory excludes educationally driven
programming, some of which is specifically designed to educate children beyond what they
might experience by age-appropriate schooling alone


There is incredible value in formal education and the public-school system; however, classroom
modalities are not the only way children learn about the world around them.

Exercise 2: Write an introductory paragraph of 100-120 words for an argumentative essay

on the topic “Should everyone be required to recycle?”.

Even those who advocate reducing garbage may not always find recycling to be simple, and
many people still hold onto the notion that recycling is pointless. Did you know that the Maldives
discards enough rubbish each month to construct a whole village of structures? We have
alternative ways to turn the trash we put out every day into items we need in a country like ours,
which is 99 percent water. Yes, my friends, you have now implanted the meaning of recycling in
your minds. Now consider if recycling should be made mandatory for everyone. The facilities for
each resident to recycle are supplied but are rarely used, which is regrettable because it is
easier than it seems. Leaving a significant amount of dirty waste—waste that might have been
recycled—to wind up flooding our seas. Agreed, Recycling cannot always be so easy, and
recycling inconsistencies are bad for the environment. Additionally, it can be difficult and
intimidating for customers to understand what can be recycled and how to do it. Customers
want to handle their garbage responsibly. Governments and businesses, however, are not
doing more. Although it may appear that recycling lowers your standard of life now, it really
raises it in the long run.

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