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Introduction to Operations Management - COP4001

Tutorial Task 1
1. What is a project? Please provide an example of one of the largest construction projects.
2. What is the transformation process and explain one example of a country that
transformed over the years?

1) The term "project" may be simply defined as a concept which serves to organize action.
The New York Subway System is one of the largest undertakings in the world. Since it began
operating in 1904, the New York Subway System has expanded to become one of the largest and
most diversified mass transportation networks in the world, and it has undergone transformations
over the century.

2) Standard planning approaches and asset allocation procedures are hopelessly out of date given the
rate of change in the global corporate environment. Developing new degrees of business
complexity is a continuous process that necessitates swift asset reallocation in response to shifting
conditions. The firm needs a system that allows constant review and development, assuring
effective use of both organizational and business assets, to successfully complete this
reallocation. The ultimate goal of the transformation process is to give an organization the tools it
needs to better align its human resources and corporate assets with its business strategy and
customer needs. This will give it the ability to react more quickly and effectively to changes in
the global business environment.In simple terms any action, or collection of activities, that
accepts one or more inputs, transforms and adds value to them, and then produces outputs
more valuable than its original inputs. China is a great example of transformation over the
centuries from its past to the countries currents status they are to have the highest growing

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