Operation Management Questions

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Name: Izkaan Mohamed Shinan Student Id: S2202182

Program: C4PM
Introduction to Operations Management - COP4001
Tutorial Task 1
1. What do you think a typical operations manager does? Explain in your own words.

As a result of the many products or services involved, operations managers' jobs vary
depending on the type of firm. Using the management process of planning, organizing,
staffing, directing, and controlling, the operation manager must always coordinate the
utilization of resources. To ensure that the entire business is lucrative and runs well,
operation managers are in charge of distributing resources among the many

2. Which strategic operations decisions could a manager apply to improve the service or
goods standards?

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a strategy that many businesses may use to satisfy
customers by always seeking to improve the caliber of their products and services. The
capacity of a product or service to meet explicit or implicit demands may be determined
by the sum of all of its qualities and attributes.

3. What is the transformation process?

The operation management transformation process may be summed up as any action,

or collection of activities, that accepts one or more inputs, transforms and adds value to
them, and then produces outputs for consumers or clients. The goal of resource
combination is to produce commodities and services that are more valuable than the
original inputs.

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