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‘Alexandria University Hing Template 3 lek so swer in the 40 questions and shade your ANSWER SHEET. The Draft is not given any marks. wrong answer is or ech correct answer, the student is rewarded ane mark, while rewarded -1/3 mark, of air at 7 bara to SCMIL c D 103 a 1. Conve 6. Clearance ratio increase a B c bd Capacity T Capacity 1 Capacity 1 Capacity 1 Power — Powert Power? — Power! sues ! 2. Which of the ti ciprocating compressor? 7. Meat transfer between the gas and cylinder a c Dd 2 Fi Ventilat Ave con + cane can 1 fed 1 blenny tke entation (ME eapcty 1 Capacity T Capacity 1 Capacity . indivonne Power! Power! — Power! Power! 3. In the L-arrangement of reciprocating compressor, the second stage is usually A B c ) Vertical Horizontal 45%-inclined 60-inelined 8. Pressure ratio increase A B c Dd Capacity 1 Capacity 1 Capacity 1 Capacity 1 Power! Power! — Power Power! 4. Which of the following is used to protect the cylinder from wear? dé te vrix .° 9. Which of the following compressors utilizes £ Liner cooling jackets? bands rings ings “ 7 ° > Flooded Dry screw quid Centrifugal screw ng compressor What is the effect of each of the following on the reciproceting compressor performance? 10, An axial compressor is commonly driven by dD Gas turbine 5. Suction/discharge valve losses ‘Scanned with CamScanner Template 2 NOTE: For cach correct answer the student is rewarsed ane mark, while ea tot #3: Choose the correct answer for each of the following 18 questions and shade your vet in the ANSWER SHEET, ch wrong answer is rewarded -1/3 mark. 1. The fuinctro, e : Ss femlnset =. : 7 Which of the following it NOT used to contro! the Seale Seputste —Sepurte capacity of the RCP oil water dust Inject ot a B c ep Presiate ay sammtat SustR Slide 2 The reftigerstion unit used in compressed air swith TNSTMOMAE oaders valve Production lines are used for e A ¢ 7 8. An RCis to compress aur from | barata 12 bara. It Cooling Enhancing Separating wall probably have ~ air cfficieney moisture A B c D Vstage 2atages Stages 2 eylinders 3. Ina dey screw ‘Sompreator, a safety Valve is five he H c D 9 Ca screw compressor is designed to geterate a Ai on esnure ratio Of 1, then using if to raise presse receiver cparater BOC Neither * from I bara to haga may cauve eo B c D 4 Which ofthe following compressors is fubsicated by Under. Over- Flow Baek flow splashin compression compression cease to auction A BK c D tle Double Horizontal. Cresshead) {0 Timing gear ave needed fot each of the fallowang cling RC acting RC eyfinder RC RE eerie EXCEPT og A 8 ¢ D S.Bpsupared to the trunk design, the erstahead design Dry serew Roots Flaoded Straight Sompressor = blower crew Tobe A eu c D Mule Single ich of the following compressors can support Oilfiee —Leak-tight | Mi en T tessute tation? pier eating A B « D Vhishoft owing j wf of the crosshead Single Dry sctew Flow Scroll co aageRC compressor —acrew compressor a ae 12. Cavitation can eecue in e atomizer sake iisipeoatey : . Lint compressors SSte* Centrifugal ring pemp Scanned with CamScanner Template 2 ey Compared te pumps, compressor typically have 13, External seals of type “A Bb c D MIFEtpe Packing Carbon Oonimg seals seals ring seals seals ° 13. Speed and size A B Low speed size IS. Sizes of the stages in multistage units A a Cc D Increasing Decreasing Same e — Scanned with CamScanner 18. In a centrifugal compressor seal, a bufter gas is neededif A B c D The The The process process gas pressure is. All gasishot —_iscold low 19. In axial compressors, the shaft is integrated with bearings of the following types A B c D 2 thrust 1 thrust 2 thrust V thrust 2joumal 2 joumal I joumnal 1 journal 20. Compared to plain bearings, the tilting pad type is A B c D More Simpler Cheaper yy, Smaller 21. In any centrifugal compressor, the thrust bearing has A B c D 2 collars 2 collars 1 collar locollar 2 thrust | thrust 2 thrust V thrust rings ring rings ring 22. The compressor surge can be adapted by utilizing A B c bd Double Double face Kingsbury. Taps face thrust journal Michell an. bearmg bearing bearing bearing 23.For a simple stage centrfigal following design ts prefirreat A u Sommpeessoe, the integrally u : : eval Overhung konicontally ‘ertwally split wp Pat 24 Which of the fotl tollow ing comin men designs is leak-tighr? ale = A 8 € lntey legratly Overh Voraemtatty ® grored — of Vertcaty ahi ty wy Scanned with CamScanner Template 3 25. Which of 2 ditine of th ee vonant Oi Arrangements Nong centrifugal compressor | 32. tn the centrifuge! om nts Is prefered for high-pressure delays : A B 7 B c Dd Knocking Sup es ™ delays 26. The -back impeller arrangement of A c S Centn fuga! compressor is aimed mainly to Knocking Sepe | Copmator A B c D Double Reduce Utilize Enhance 34. In the roteung stall the stall propepms = tie the flow axial thrust intercooling efficiency following direcnos 27. Th id 1 4 5 © = The side-stream impeller arrangement Comme centrifugal compressor is aimed mainly to of | asst Rata! Rouse meet A B c D Double the Reduce axial Utilize Enhance 35. Surge can cause cack of Ge follower flow: thrust imercooling — efficiency A B c - Piming «Nose Vides hee 28. Which of the following compressors is preferred . for gas transportation from offshore platforms? 36. A ceatifigal congress: pao Pees A B c D be supphied with Reciprocating Centrifugal Scroll Vane a 2 Blowoft on 29.As the flow rate though the centnifugal | valve compressor impeller increases, the following ABSOLUTE velocity component increases 37. In a comin system, as te ped A B c D compressor mereases, the flow st Inlet A 8 c D> Inlet radial op Inlet axial All pects tangential ingen Increases Descreases y a centrifixgal : 30.As the flow rate toch th ca no = _ ‘quntiol of the fitlowmng coma B G compressor impeller INLET velocity component angle changes A B Absolute D A an Owe SENS 5 cee } pouce oyels sade? c D RS Newer ‘Scanned with CamScanner xia] compressor reaction ratio is the ratio of B c D aT, AP rot AVrotor STerage AVetage SP sage 1c axial compressor, the blade twist is intended nly to B c D | Enbancethe Prevent Delay | efficiency -—=scavitation choking following gas turbine is used as an engine for smmercial aizplanes . B c D fen Turbojet Turboshaft Turboprop Which of the following is not part of the cemerifugal compressor anti-surge system? A B c D Cooter APESES Blowoff valve ive valve Which of the following compressors discharges the bighest pressure in an empty air tank? A B c D Cecmnfors! Axial «Reciprocating Equal £5 The balance piston back pressure is kept as A 8 c D is Suction Discharge SS pressure pressure 425 Cocleng takes place in the centnfugal compressor A 8 c D Les ign AP Low oa a ° Exther Ao A echecea! veal wna in a centrifugal compressor 1s behead by A a c b a wee Gay Not lubricated o exer Prot ht Ford wnat B Dr, Eatam Reds 48. What is the correct arrangement of the follow components on a compressor shaft? A B c D Impeller— —Impeller~ Bearing- Seal - bearing- ——seal——impeller~__ianpeller seal bearing seal bearing —— It is required to compress 0.4 ky’s of Hz (R= 41 Ikg-K & y= 1.4) from 10 bara & 47 °C to 120 bara 49. The suitable number of stages A B c D 1 2 3 4 50. The discharge temperature (°C) is A B c 47 60 los 51. The suction capacity (m’s) is A B c D 0.04 0.078 0s Los 52. If the piston stroke is 127 mm, the may allowable speed (rpm) is A B c D $00 800 1,000 10 53. 1f the isentropic and mechanical cfficioocses NSB re 90%, the total compressor shaft prwer (MAU) & A B c Db 1s 600 ° os ieacting orbinier PST stage, 2 abe what ws the 54. Assuming 12% elearance tat and 1% man ston diameter (an) A c b 120 210 ue aso Scanned with CamScanner Template 3 62 Speed and size a ft “ a satucnl yas (Re voy PRA ad y= 1.3) 4g | Mw spent Seal ze Cte a disel ban Le 200m ne Me 8 125 | Sines the ges in mute se Senn pt Bed per stipe 7 ° Crees Pees to be Way aye Decreasing Same erent of the impetters coettie 096, Consider —_WT_—— an 42% polytropic il elficiency. GA The Function ofa ernister isto efficiency and a 75% meet The polyteapre * 2 : © A ie © Separate Separate Separate 12 a b cil water ast wee ‘s 16 56 ‘The total polytropie he Polytropie hea Ash is eeineet fo, A : Oo i © Dd © o 18 102 175 « Separating Enhancing Separating coal efficiency — men 57 The number of stages is A i c b 66. a dry screw compressor, 9 safety var 3 4 5 7 an A B b 58. The firs stage smpeler diameter (mum) is Air oil A 8 c D receiver separator OH 200 500 1,000 1.400 67. Which of the following compressors 1s lubricate 59. The shaft speed (pm) is by splashing? A u Cc D A Bb c 1,450 2,800 3,200 5,200 Single Double Morzontal. acting RC acting RC cylinder RC BE 6 0 aft power (MW) is a ‘ ies . reset dD 68. Compared to the thunk design, the crnashead 87 design 1s 2 ” B c dD inder Single acting . is part of the Compared to pumps, compressors typical Dd 1. External seals o type Poppet “ valve PTFE tape — Packing seals seals 5 Gaaminers: Prof. M. ‘Scanned with CamScanner Template 3 70, Wluct of the following is NO used to contrat the eapocity atthe her ‘ h © b resnune sont EM wave lean valve FL AD RE ts to ce air from | bara to 12 bara. I will probably have A i c D Fotaye — Qstages Stages 2 cylinders 72 1f a serew compressor is designed to generate @ pressure ratio of 3, then using it to raise pressure from | bara to 5 bara may cause A RB c D Under- Over- Flow Back flow compression compression to suction cease 73. Timing gears are needed for cach of the following / compressors EXCEPT ° A B c D Dryserew Roots Flooded Straight compressor blower sere lobe 74, Which of the following compressors can support the highest pressure-ratio? 771. Which of the following is considered as x blower? A " c D Ventitation ca emtition—negay EME None fans compressor We refrigeration unit used in compressed air production lines are used for A B Cc D Cooling Separating Enhancing Separating air oil efficiency — monsture 70. Ina dry serew compressor, a safety valve is fixed on A B c D Air Oil receiver separator Both Neither 80. How many silica gel towers are there in 2 desiccant dryer? A B c D 0 1 2 3 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Template 3 nswer ALO Won, obblem 1. At axial Now tibine epenites under a heal of 21.4 mand develops 21 MW when running at Vhe typ diameter is 4.4 mand hub diameter is 2.0m. The hydraulic efficiency is 94% and the overall effi S8%. Q- The inlet blade angle of blades at inner diameter is approximately equal to a | 2 3 Mae 96.2 162° [168 2. The exit blade angle of blades at mes f | : R2° Mme ie if ft 30.8 Vhe daily load curve af certain city ts: 2000 MW for 12 hours, 4000 ‘ for 12 ben MW for 10 hours, and 9 for fret Werte dene ones it which supplies eleutrivity te this city is ofeapacity $000 MW. / Q¥ Whe peak load that ean he covered by this a agement will be | 4 Greater than 5000 MW bower plant with overall turbine system =r 1 ? | 4000 MW | 4200 MW AL parnped st efficiency 91 i ayaten elfivieney 90%, Q4-The maximum peak baad to be covered bry this a vement in “sae TORE we a a] ee Ketween 15000 | 8 cu Meat sa ot) | Between 20000 and 2000) 25000 MW QS. The upper storage reseivalr — | ; ee will be approximately - 10°6 m3 welv at the ballon veh [sane Q7 The pnmped stenaye Owe win Dey ‘ut iti | ACOaws re At Agee LD. Fata tee Scanned with CamScanner (HO Te Pelton wheel the dise Turbines Rules ine (Pelton Wheel aulic Tu \eH =z DNOO & Py=w Oy & Qe n Cyarrg - t inp storage system: Scanned with CamScanner

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