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Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
Tagudin District


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to
a. distinguish the different properties of sound
b. cooperation with one another in different activities
c. classify sounds if it is pleasing or unpleasing


II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Properties of Sound
B. Reference: Science Beyond Borders 5 p. 126-129
C. Materials: powerpoint presentation, guitar, crossword puzzle and

III. Procedures


Before we start our lesson, let us pray first.

Good morning class!
Before take your seats kindly arrange your chairs and pick up the
scattered papers under your seats and throw them in the trash

The class will be divided into three groups. Each group will do
different activities.
Group 1:
By the use of the guitar answer the following questions.
1. Which string of the guitar produces the highest notes?
2. Which string produces the lowest notes?

Group 2:
Listen to the two different music, and answer the following
1. What is the difference between the two songs?
2. What song is more pleasing to hear?

Group 3:
Listen to a single song, adjust the volume of the song to high and
low, and answer the following questions.
1. What have you observe when the volume of the song you are
listening is high, how about when its volume is low?
2. Which do you prefer to listen, the higher volume or the lower

What sense organ did you use to accomplish the activity?
What is the function of our ear?
May you give some examples of sounds.
Right now, I want you to put your fingers on your throat, and hum
the national anthem.

What have you observed?

But if we are not speaking, singing or humming, does our throat

vibrate? Why?
So, if there are no vibrations does it mean also that there are no
It is because vibrations produced sound waves which move
through several mediums such as air and water before reaching
our ears.
Now, let us go back to our activity a while ago.
Choose a leader and an assistant to share the observation of each
group in front of the class.

Group 1:
1. Which string of the guitar produces the highest notes?
2. Which string produces the lowest notes?
In your music subject, what do you call the highness and
lowness of notes?
Pitch is one of the properties of Sound.
When the vibrations are fast it produces high notes while when
the vibrations are slow it produces low notes.
In string instruments, the length, thickness and tension on the
strings have effects on the pitch of the sound they produce.
Do you understand class?

Group 2:
1. What is the difference between the two songs?
2. What song is more pleasing to hear?
The second group tells us that the classical music was more
pleasing to hear than the rock music.
Will you agree? Why?
If rock music was too loud are you saying that its quality was
How about the classical music? Is it good or bad?
Quality is also a property of sound. It refers to the shape of
sound waves an object produces.
Smooth sound waves produce pleasant or good sounds.
Rough sound waves produce unpleasant or bad sounds.
Group 3:
1. What have you observe when the volume of the song you are
listening is high, how about when its volume is low?
2. Which do you prefer to listen, the higher volume or the lower
When you lower the volume of the music what have you
observed does the sound becomes louder or softer?
How about when you increase the volume?
Loudness is another property of sound. It refers to the volume
of sound pressure produced by the vibrations of the object.
If the pressure increases the sound becomes louder, and a
softer sound was produced by a lower pressure.
Are you grateful that you can hear sounds with your ears class?
What do you think will happen to us if we lost our ability to
So will you agree that sound is very important? Why?
Did you understand our lesson class?

Now, you will be divided into three groups, each group will have a
different activity so listen and follow the instructions carefully.
Group 1:
Graphic Organizer
Based on our lesson, make a graphic organizer about sound and
its different properties.
Group 2:
Crossword Puzzle
Answer the questions and find it on the crossword puzzle.
Group 3:
Decoding Words
Answer the following questions below using the clues.

Have you seen a peacock?
How about a peacock without a tail?
I have here a peacock without a tail. Do you want to know why
this peacock lost its tail?
Let me tell you a story.

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful peacock, named Pia. One
day, she was lost in the middle of the forest, and then she saw a
plant. Without knowing that there is a fairy in that forest, she
pecked the plants. The fairy who owned the plant saw Pia’s wrong
doing and then she got mad. As a punishment, the fairy removed
all the peacock’s tail. Now to get Pia’s tail back, she must face the
consequences which is answering the questions.”
Do you want to help Pia?
True or False:
____1. Loudness refers to the volume or pressure produced by the
vibrations of an object.
____2. Our throat vibrates if we are speaking.
____3. Quality refers to the highness and lowness of note.
____4. Thinner strings produced higher pitch.
____5. Smooth sound waves produce bad or unpleasant sound.
____6. We use our eyes to hear sounds.
____7. When vibrations are slow high notes are heard.
____8. Sound can be useful and harmful.
____9. The higher the volume the softer the sound is.
____10. The thickest string of the guitar produces the lowest note.

Create a song about the importance of sound in our daily lives.

Prepared by:

T II/Class Adviser

Observed by:

Master Teacher I


School Principal I

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