Week 11

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Discuss the following topics:

a) Why are meetings important?

b) What type of subjects should not be discussed at work meetings?
c) Are there differences between formal and informal meetings? If so, what are they?


Read the definitions and find the corresponding word:

1. a list of topics that will be discussed at a meeting. _____________________________________

2. to hold a meeting at a later time. ___________________________________________________
3. the person who leads a meeting. ___________________________________________________
4. to suggest something. ___________________________________________________________
5. not at the meeting; not present. ____________________________________________________
6. to work together in order to create new ideas. ________________________________________
7. to finish. ______________________________________________________________________
8. to give someone work to do._______________________________________________________
9. a written record of what was said in a meeting. ________________________________________
10. to go to a meeting. ______________________________________________________________

absent to postpone to attend minutes agenda chairman to assign to propose to brainstorm to wrap up




1. Listen to Bernie and tick the things that he does:

1- He starts with a few formalities and some organizational maters. □

2- He explains the items on the agenda. □
3- He mentions that two people are absent from the meeting. □
4- He introduces the finance director. □
5- He introduces his personal assistant. □
6- He says that his PA will take the minutes. □
7- He says that lunch will be at one o’clock. □
8- He points out that there will be a tour of the factory at about three p.m. □
9- He talks about transport to the hotel after the tour. □
10- He invites everybody to dinner. □

2. Listen again and answer the following questions:

1- Why isn’t Renate Bromma at the meeting?

2- Who had an accident while practising sports?
3- What role does Bernie’s PA have in the meeting?
4- What sort of lunch are they having?
5- What are they doing immediately after the meeting?

What is your opinion on meetings? Are they useful, or a waste of time?
Write a short composition on the topic.

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