Grace Berger - Project - Tissues in Nature 2022

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Scavenger Hunt: Tissues in Nature (30 pts)

DUE BY Thursday 11/3/22 IN CANVAS

● Review and practice Histology terminology.
● Apply usage of Human Anatomy and Physiology terms and concepts to the outside world.

Goal: Find a representation of each of the cell types listed and shown below in nature.

Background: All of us are spending far too much time inside and on the phone. Not only is this terrible for our eyes, but we are missing out on
the great benefits of going outside! Reserving time to go outside, breathe fresh air, and visually observe your surroundings can lead to a
significant reduction in stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, every year, students spend less and less time outside. This trend is so widespread that
Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, has created the term “Nature Deficit Disorder” to describe it. The cure? Get outside!

Directions: For this assignment, I am asking each of you to spend time outside: going for a walk and really looking at the world/space/nature
around you. As you explore, you will find features that remind you of some major tissues and cells you have learned about in this Histology unit!
Do not stress if you are not able to find a perfect example for each, I only ask that you do your best and spend time outside!
● Day 1: To prepare for this task, explain the function and location of each cell type (about 10 mins). Then, we will go outside to start
looking for histology representations. Spend around 15 minutes outside and take photos as you come across examples.
● Day 2-3: On your own time (outside of class, at home, while out, etc.) continue your photo quest for another 20-25 minutes.
● Day 4: Attempt to find any missing representations. Upload your photos and copy them into this document. Explain how your image
represents the anatomical structure.
1. Choose 5 out of the 8 tissues to complete. There is an option to choose a tissue that is not listed.
2. Your representation can be literal (looks similar), metaphoric (has a similar role or function), or abstract (requiring more extraordinary
imagination and includes an explanation of how the item in nature represents the tissue.)
3. Each nature representation may only be used once.
4. You are allowed two “cheats”: 1) drawing/creating your own representation of human tissue on the ground using outdoor, natural items
and 2) by finding a representation around the house (indoors).
5. Have fun and stay safe! This includes social distancing as needed, looking both ways when crossing the street, do not trespass, wearing
appropriate clothing for the changing weather, etc.

EXAMPLE: Microscopic Image of Representation in Nature Explanation of

DESCRIPTION Human Tissue (insert your images below) Representation




Absorption and secretion On the
#WalkItOutWednesdays, we
Small intestine and stomach
came across this painted rock.
lining The feathers of the turkey
reminded me of the cells you
would find in simple columnar
epithelium: long and slender,
like columns.

EXAMPLE: Microscopic Image of Representation in Nature Explanation of

DESCRIPTION Human Tissue (insert your images below) Representation
FUNCTION: This is a strip of grass I always
pass by on my morning walks.
DIFFUSION It reminded me of the function
of simple squamous because it
is one layer attached to the
Alveoli and blood vessels
ground; similar in function so
that water can easily seep
through just like oxygen
quickly passes through simple

1. Stratified Squamous TYPE OF

Epithelial Tissue REPRESENTATION:
FUNCTION: Abstract/metaphoric

Protects underlying tissues in areas EXPLANATION:

subjected to abrasion.
On my pre-Halloween walk with
LOCATION: mom I was looking around and my
mother though themes looked the
Non-Keratinized type forms the moist same that's why I think there more
lining of the esophagus, mouth, and abstract because you kind of see it
vagina with a gap of light to dark shades
though also the types of rocks act as
Keratinized variety forms the the different tissues and abrasion.
epidermis of the skin, a dry membrane


Forms stroma of organs; binds EXPLANATION:

smooth muscle tissue cells; filters
and removes worn-out blood cells On a Sunday walk with my mom,
in spleen and microbes in lymph we stopped, and talked to a
nodes neighbor. Me being me in la la
land I noticed that my neighbor's
tree has a similar literal figure of a
LOCATION: reticular function. Reticular tissue
and trees have something in
Stroma of the liver, spleen, lymph common where they both filter
nodes; red bone marrow; reticular and remove worn-out material.
lamina of the basement membrane; With reticular tissue, it's usually
around blood vessels and muscles. blood cells while with trees it’s


Reduces heat loss through the
skin; serves as an energy EXPLANATION:
reserve; supports and protects
organs. In newborns, BAT Whiles walking my dog I noticed
generates heat to maintain that the concrete in the street has
proper body temperature. the same pattern as adipose tissue.
They also serve the same person
of protecting something… street
LOCATION: concrete supports and protects
cars from driving as well as
Areolar connective tissue is protects areas around, while
located: in the subcutaneous layer adipose tissue supports and
deep to the skin, around the heart protects organs
and kidneys, yellow bone marrow,
padding around joints, and behind
the eyeball in the eye socket.
3. Skeletal Muscle Tissue TYPE OF

move bones/body EXPLANATION:

LOCATION: As I was getting home from a

long day at school, I never really
notices how much my steps had a
attached to bones
similar structure as Skeletal
Muscle tissue. Both my steps and
skeletal tissue have wave lives
with different color tones.

4. Osteocyte TYPE OF
(compact Bone) REPRESENTATION:

Weight-bearing, weight transfer,
protection, site for muscle When on a nature walk at
attachment school I came across a tree
trunk that looked like compact
LOCATION: bone tissue. Compact bone
tissue and tree trunks both have
a circular middle with lines and
Peripheries of most bone; detail circling the middle.
thicker in the diaphysis of long
5. Spongy Bone Tissue TYPE OF
It consists of lamellae that are
arranged in an irregular pattern EXPLANATION:
of thin columns called
The sky and spongy bone tissue
aren’t the same in which they act
but the sky during this picture
LOCATION: almost shaped a similar
perspective of spongy bone tissue.
Spongy bone tissue is always The blue in the sky acted as the
located in the interior of a bone, adipose tissue while the clouds
protected by a covering of shaped the form of bone
compact bone. trabeculae.

6. Neuron TYPE OF
(nervous tissue) REPRESENTATION:

Literal/ abstract
transmit impulses
Now you might be asking why is
LOCATION: there a picture of the floor but if
you look closely you can see the
central nervous system and same pattern of Nervous tissue in
peripheral nervous system the floor. There's a
faded/washed-out look that acts as
the nerves while the rest is just a
tissue or cell base. There are even
those small dots on the floor as
7. Red Blood Cell TYPE OF
the main function is to carry
oxygen & other gases through EXPLANATION:
the body
This is a very abstract photo of
red blood cells, when on my
LOCATION: Sunday walk with my mother
there wasn’t really anything
To ferry oxygen and blood to all that stood out to me though the
cells throughout the body. more I looked at the street and
curbs I saw that the bass that is
there for blind peoples safety
almost looked like red blood
cells because of all the circles.

8. Dense regular TYPE OF

Provides strong attachment
between various structures. EXPLANATION:
Tissue structure withstands
pulling along the long axis of When looking at this dense
fibers. regular tissue picture it screams
tree siding. When walking my dog
I looked at a tree and pictured
dense regular function. They both
have the same pattern of lines and
provide strong attachments with
Forms tendons, most ligaments, various structural shapes.
and aponeuroses. Which
sheetlike tendons attach muscle
to muscle or muscle to bone.

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