Billionaire's Challange vs. Negative Reaction To Charity Campaign

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1. Create a chart.
2. Give Source Information: Author, title, Date
3. Do not copy the questions, number the response instead.
4. All answers must be in complete sentences.
5. Author’s argument must be in your own words, do not quote.
6. Evidence can be quoted or paraphrased. If you quote the
evidence, use quotation marks and cite (pg. 3 and para. #)
7. You must submit a PDF of your work or use the text box to write
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Read #6. Buffet, Gates, and Read #7. Negative reaction to Charity
Billionaire's Challange p.375 and Campaign p.377 and complete the
complete the following questions. following questions.

1. e intended audience is middle to 1. The intended audience is middle

lower class, the author of the story to lower class. The author is
also speaking of a situation in
is speaking of a situation between
Germanys super rich rejecting
Bill Gates and Warren Bu fet but Bill Gates ans Warren Buffet.
Gates and Bu fet wanted to
persuade fellow billionaires. 2. The writings main point is to
inform middle class citizens to
2. The author wrote about how lower class citizens on how
superwealthy people are getting wealthy individuals are just
“hit hard” for their money from throwing there money at
charities and higher taxes. The organizations for safety and not
author mentions Bill Gates and for a real purpose.
Warren Buffet that are two very
wealthy men, and how they are 3. As billionaires and wealthy
asking other billionaires to make individuals are wanting to not be
the Giving Pledge which taxed higher they are throwing
donaties to charities. there money at organizations
with out action, instead of
3. Thirty-eight billionaires have researching organizatons and
been won over by Warren Buffet making the right decision on
and Bill gates to set a better where there money is going
climate in the political debates long term. Wealthy people are
with over ending the Bush tax donatating half of there money
cuts on the rich. because they can because
4. there rich and les to
“But the debate on Capital Hill organizations that actually need
mostly centers on data and it to grow.
arguments from economists
about the effects of tax rates on 4. What evidence is presented to
private investments and the support the argument?
budget deficit, or the tax “It would make more sense, for
burdens on each income group.” example, to work with and
(pg.#379 para 8) donate to established
organizations,”(pg.#378, last
“In Coming weeks, Congress sentence)
will decide weather to eliminate
the Bush-era tax cuts for 5. Theres definitely two strategies
families earring more than used in the writing, one the
250,00- the other proposal to author is definitely trying to
wrest money for the public good persuade the audience
away from the rich,”(pg. 379, purpsoley to think about how
para 5) billionaires are just throwing
there money way. The second
5. There is a sense of reason in order strategies is reasoning and
to appeal to the audience the author is bring forth facts of what
straightly talking about what is billionaires outcomes are turning
happening with the Bush-era tax and into.
how Billionaries are trying to work
around and win over the case. Theres 6. Consider the overall writing, I
also a clear sense of what the author think the strategies used are
is talking about throughout the writing. less effective then the other
writing though I do think it was
Personally, I think so… the author is an overall strong piece because
simply informing there audience on of the different opinion and
what is happening in society and what values brought up throughout
the rich are doing. As a the writing. In the end, I don’t
reader/audience I think the author did think it is as effective towards
a good job with informing me on what the audience though might
is happening with this “challenge”. make an audience agree that
wealthy people are just throwing
away there money without a
true reason dn action.

7. Overall, I think billionaires are 7. Personally, I don’t agree with the

being self-centered individuals issue of billionaires donating there
that are only worry about money without purpose and more to
themselve.Bill Gates and denfit themselves. I agree with the
Warren Buffet don’t want to pay authors argument, I think billionaires
higher taxes so they are just need to really think where there
throwing out there money to money is going. Yes, I understand that
seem poor. Where I think if you some organization might not want
pay higher taxes it might be the there money but I think it is still
same as donating to important to donate to people indeed.
organizations. Yes, billionaires
probably don’t want to give
there money to governments but
in the long run they are making
the situation worse for
themselves and might be thrown
in jail by the IRS.

In the end, I think I side more with Peter Kramer because he brings up
strong points on why donating money to organizations is leading to
negative impact. Peter Kramer also bring in a great perspective on how
the idea of state and society is different aroun the world. When donating
money I don’t think billionaires think about where there money is going
and what short term and long term impact it can have, I think Peter
Kramer does a great job in asking and then answering misunderstood

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