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Name: Om Shinde

Class: TE Comp C
Roll No: 663
Batch: C3
Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Experiment 5

Neural Network
A neural network is a type of machine learning model inspired by the structure and function of the human
brain. It is a mathematical model composed of interconnected nodes, also called neurons, that process
information in a way that enables it to learn patterns and make predictions based on input data.
In a neural network, information is fed into the input layer and passes through one or more hidden layers,
where the data is transformed and processed. The output layer then produces the final result or prediction.
During training, the neural network adjusts the connections between the neurons to improve its accuracy in
predicting the correct output for a given input. Neural networks have been successfully applied in a wide range
of tasks, including image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous vehicle control,
among others.

Conclusion: This is how we performed the experiment on nerual networks.

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