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Name: Samuel Rios Ramirez

Teacher: Beatriz Vargas
Course: A04
Schedule: 18:45 – 20:27

4 years ago, I was participating for the men's volleyball team at my school, at that time
we qualified for the national stage that was going to take place in the city of Trujillo
and the best of all is that I went with my best friends and they also went with We
selected the women's volleyball team from Tingo Maria and because everything was
happiness and chacota between both teams, we traveled on the same bus, I remember
that we were stranded for one night and all of us, as we were between 14 and 15 years
old, we crashed on the trip and when We arrived in Trujillo as if we lost concentration
or lost the idea of why we went, because between the two teams we dedicate
ourselves to other things, such as staying awake, escaping at dawn to go and play the
drunk bottle and things like that and then in the days of the matches we had no
performance, we lost the 4 matches we played because we did not take care of
ourselves as we should, we were not concentrated and in the case of the women's
team the same thing happened and well at the end of the championship They all
became aware and began to think about what we should have done and good
between my colleagues and I came to the conclusion that we should not have kept
awake almost daily, that we should eat well, that we had to have rested well to On
match days, in my position I told them that we should have concentrated more on
what we were going to do, which was to play and win the championship, than to be in
love with the girls of the women's team. But hey, this served as an example for us to
become aware and that is why the following year we also qualified for the national
stage and then we were able to achieve the championship because we were already
more mature and we knew what mistakes we must not make.

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