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G simple present: he, she, it \V jobs and places of work P third person -s; word and sentence stress He speaks English at work 1 GRAMMAR simple present: he, she, it a (264) Listen to the dialogue Girelda orb. 1a. Shelly and her husband live in Japan. by Shelly and her husband live in the US. 2 a Shelly's husband isa salesperson. by Shelly's husband isa tour guide. 3 a They like their obs. b They don’tlike their jobs. scen again and read the dialogue. Check your answers. Maria Wow! Your Japanese is fantastic. Shelly Thanks. | geta lot of practice. My husband's Japanese and i work for a Japanese company here in New York. Maria Oh, cool. What do youdo? Shelly ma salesperson. Maria Do you like your job? Shelly Yes, like it very much. Maria What does your husband do? Shelly He's a tour guide. He takes Japanese: tourists tomuseums. Maria Does he like his job? Shelly Yes, very much. Helikes art: Ande: Maria Do your children speak Japanese? Shelly little, but they prefer English. Where does she work? ‘She works ina factory. © (65) Listen and repeat the highlighted phrases. How do the verbs change when they are about Shelly's husband? Complete the chart. V/ you he/she What do you do? What your husband dc? Do you like your job? he like his job? Yes,llkeit very much. | Yeshe art. d_- > p.102 Grammar Bank 6A. Learn more about simple present: he, she, itand practice it 2 PRONUNCIATION third person -s a @67)) Listen and repeat the words and sounds. APR cebra | does has ives tens reads [Izy finishes watches teaches PD Saying third person-s The endings of simple present verbs with he, she, itfollow the same pronunciation ules as plural nouns. 1b @68)) Listen. Say the sentences in the third person, singular. 9) lear. He... He kes art. 3 VOCABULARY jobs and places of work a Can you remember? What does Shelly do? What does her husband do? bb >p.124 Vocabulary Bank Jobs and places of work. ‘© Ask five other students the question below. What do you do? 4 PRONUNCIATION word and sentence stress @ Underline the stressed syllable(s). 1 atealcher adoc|tor a fac|to|ry worker alawlyer 4 5 6 amalssis tant 7 apollice|man 8 asales|per|son b @72i) Listen and check. How is the final -er |-or pronounced? € @73)) Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. ‘She's a nurse. She works ina hospital. Does he work ina store? Yes, he does. Ishea salesperson? Yes, heis. 5 SPEAKING & WRITING a Think of ewo people you know who have jobs. Askand answer with a partner. What /do? Where / work? speak English at work? ‘ike his oF her job? Person number one) (What does ismy mother. she do? b Write about the two people. My mother isa nurse. She works in the Hospital Santa Cruz in Curitiba, She doesn't speak English at work She likes her job. READING Work in pairs. Where are these companies from? What languages do you think they use? Uniqlo LG Nissan Nokia Read the article and check your guesses in a. Comm Urs bet cI=12) We all know Nissan isa Japanese company, Ithas factories, offices, and salespeople alloverthe word tis partners witha French company, Renault e!now, andits CEO, Carlos Ghosn (gown! is Brazilian. But whatis the offi language of Nissan? English! ‘AtNissan's headquarters in Tokyo, the managers are from Japan, North America, and Europe. They have meetings in English. They alsoread documents, make phone calls, and ‘write emails in English. “Sometimes everyone in a meetingis Japanese, Then we speak Japanese," one Nissan manager says."Butwe area ‘multinational company and English isthe ‘only language we all know More and more big companies ‘only use English. English the official language of Uniglo and Rakuten, two other big Japanese ‘companies. tis also the oficial language of Nokian Finland, LGin Korea, and more. Read the article again. Then mark the sentences T (true) or F (False). Nissan and Renault are partners. __ Carlos Ghosn is from the US.__ Nissan’s managers send emails in English, but they all speak English, 6 English isthe off Sometimes everyone in a meeting is Japanese, ‘The official language of Nissan is English. Ianguage of other Japanese companies. Look at the highlighted words and phrases. Guess their meaning. Check with your teacher or dictionary. Is iglish important for your job? Why (not)? Look at the list of jobs. Add two jobs to the list. Do you think English is important in these jobs? Write I (important), V (very important), or N (not important). a)adoctor 4d) awaitress 2 (youridea) h) (your idea) Compare your answers in f with a partner. dja factory worker e)anassistant ojalawyer fanactor Foradoctr nishisveryimpatant)(Fora.Enlshntinpotant ‘Online Practice 6 6A simple present: he, she, it (@)66)) Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. Fl le |z | |a lw. work Tdon'e work. Dol work? Yes,1do, No, dont. What dol do? Youwork. | Youdon'e work. | Doyouwork? | Yes,youdo. | No, youdon’t. | What do you do? Heworks. | Hedoesn'twork, |Doeshework? Yes, hedoes. | No,hedoesn't. | Whatdoes he do? ‘She works. | She doesn’t work. | Doesshe work? Yes,shedoes. |No,she doesn’t, Whatdoes she do? Ieworks. | Iedoesn'twork. | Doesitwork? —_Yes,itdoes. No, itdoesn't. | Whatdoesitdo? Wework. | Wedon'twork. | Dowework? | Yes,wedo. | No, wedon't. | What do we do? Youwork. | Youdon'twork. | Doyouwork? | Yes,youdo. | No, youdon’t. | What do you do? ‘They work, | Theydon'twork. | Dothey work? | Yes,theydo. | No, theydon't. | What do they do? + Simple present he/she Jt [Hl= verb +-s + Simple present he/she Jt [=]= doesn’ + verb + Simple present he | she Jit Z1= (Question word +) Daes + he [she [it + verb ‘work ‘works add-s live lives. ‘watch watches: add-es after ch, sh s,x finish finishes study studies consonant +y > ies + The spelling rules for he | she Jit forms are the same as for plural nouns (sce Grammar Bank 3A p.96). Have, go, do Have, go, and do are irregular in he | she fit form. Thave He She [Ie has ‘ive Ido He| She Ie does dy Igo He Ske It goes igoor 6B adverbs of frequency 100% ee aways 9/7) Listen and repeat. Then read the rules. usualy 1 Lalways have breakfast. 50% ‘They usually finish workat 5:00. He sometimes watches TV in the evening sometimes 2 Lamnever at home on Saturday evening 3. She never works on the weekend. 0% — never 1 Adverbs of frequency go before simple present verbs,e.g. Talways have breakjast. I usually get up at 7:00, NOT Fhave- always breakfast: getup usualy at 7:00, 2 Adverbs of frequency go after be, eg. fackis always late, NOT 3 With never, use a[z] verb: He never eats meat. NOT Hedoesn't never eat meat 6A a Rewrite the sentences. {in an apartment. She 1 They read magazines. He 2 Iwantacar. My sister 3 Doyou speak English? he ? 4 dont eat fish. My brother 5 Where do you work? your wife 6 Youdon'tspeak italian. Tom 7 Doyou like cats? she ? 8 have two brothers, Andrew: 9, What do you eat for lunch? he 10 Wedon't wateh TV. My mother 11 Do they drink coffee? yourson 12 Wedon't like our job. Maria a Order the words to make sentences. drink never coffee after dinner Inever drink coffe after dinner. bed [never before to 12:00 go. husband dinner my sometimes makes. are happy they always usually he breakfast has home at. hurry in ais usually she in the morning always bus goto they by work 7 a shower take morning the always lin. 8 tired amon Monday I morning sometimes. 9. sometimes sandwiches we lunch for have 10 closes the restaurant late usually 11 goes work she never shopping aftr. 12 at work on Friday are we never evening. GRAMMAR BANK 'b Patthe verb in (parentheses) in the right form, ‘They _ dont live _near here. (nottive) 1 She to KFMY on the radio. (listen) 2 Whattime you to work? (go) 3: My wife ton the weekend. (not work) 4 Where she 2 (live) 5 My husband cats. (not like) © What she for breakfast? (have) 7 He ‘TV onthe weekend. (watch) 8 he tea or coffee? (want) 9 Where your friend Japanese? (study) 10 Carlosand Linda soda. (not drink) 11 How Ton to work? (go) 12 Luisa brothers or sisters. (not have)

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