Module 1 - Human Resource Management

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Ricky D. Gliponeo Jr.



1. How are personnel management and human resource

management compared?
- Personnel management and human resource management are
similar in many ways. Both are concerned with the hiring, training,
and retention of employees. Both have a role to play in developing
and maintaining organizational culture. They differ, however, in how
they are approached.

Personnel management is focused on the recruitment, selection, and

placement of employees into specific positions within an
organization as well as those specific positions of the employees.
Human resource management on the other hand is focused on the
recruitment, selection, training, development, supervision, and
retention of employees within an organization. Additionally, Human
Resource Management includes processes for addressing
compensation, welfare, and benefits for employees and is more
focused on all the employees of an organization regardless of the

There are many similarities between the two fields, such as both
being concerned with attracting, communicating with, and retaining
employees. However, personnel managers interact with an
organization's workforce while human resource managers focus on
all employees within an organization.

2. How do you define General Management?

- General management is about managing the company as a whole so
that it runs smoothly and efficiently. It's about making sure that all
of your employees are doing their jobs well, that they have enough
money to do them, and that they're getting paid on time. General
Management is the process of managing multiple departments
within an organization to reach a common goal.

The goal can be anything from increasing revenue to improving

customer satisfaction. In order to achieve that goal, General
Management must ensure that every department is doing its part in
order to increase profitability.
In order to do this, General Management must be able to clearly
understand what each department's responsibilities are and how
they fit together into one cohesive whole.

3. What is the relationship between personnel management and

human resource management with general management?
- General management is a combination of both these departments,
but it goes beyond them: it's about making sure that you have a
culture that supports the needs of your workforce, be they internal or
external. It's also about making sure that people are able to do their
jobs without feeling like they're being micromanaged or harassed by
their superiors.

4. Give the four functions of human resource Management.

- When we talk about Human resource management, we're talking
about four functions, Job organization, job analysis, job design, and
job evaluation.

1. Job organization is the process of putting together a set of jobs

that are suited to the needs of a company. It involves looking at what
we already have and trying to determine whether it's possible to
reorganize those jobs into something that can serve our current and
future needs better.

2. Job analysis is an important part of job organization because it

helps us figure out what kind of job it would be if it were redesigned
from scratch, that is, what exactly would be involved in doing each
part? What skills would we need to have? What kind of training
would be necessary? How much time? Where would these new roles
fit into existing systems and processes?

3. Job design is an essential part of this process, figuring out how we

can make the new roles more efficient or effective so that they're not
just taking up space in your organization but actually improving
productivity and efficiency. We can also look at redesigning jobs so
they're more flexible with respect to when they need to be done and
who has access to them at any given time which can help with

4. Job evaluation is a process of measuring the performance of

employees based on their output and input. In other words, it’s a way
to measure how much work an employee has done, and how effective
they are at doing it.

5. What is the importance of people in the organization?

- People are the lifeblood of any organization, whether it's a small
office or a large corporation. People are what make our organization
thrive, and without people, it doesn't matter how much money we
have or how many assets we keep on hand, without people, there is
nothing for us to run.

Without people, our organization will fail. But if we have the right
kind of people, people who are committed to the success of our
company and work hard every day to make it happen, then our
organization can achieve greatness by its own merit and power.


6a. Identify how many departments are there in your school.

- All in all, there are a total of 13 departments in St. Louise de Marillac
College of Sorsogon, Inc.

6b. Name its departments and know the positions occupied by

the people in the department.

1. Board of Trustees Department

2. ADHOC and Standing Committee Department
3. Administrative Services and Finance Department
4. Auxiliary and General Services Department
5. MIS, Physical Plant, and Maintenance Department
6. Academics, Research, and Christian Vincentian Formation Department
7. Alternative Education Department
8. Academic Council Department
9. Registrar Office
10.Higher Education Department
11. Graduate School Department
12. Research Department
13. Student Wellness and External Linkages Department

6c. List the positions.

1. Board of Trustees
2. Legal Counsel
3. External Audit Officer
4. School President
5. ADHOC and Standing Committees
6. Human Resource Development Officer
7. Management and Mission Audit Team
8. Vice President for Administrative Services and Finance
❖ Director of Auxiliary and General Services
❖ Director for MIS, Physical Plant, and Maintenance
● Auxiliary Services Team
● Eco-Waste Management Team
● Security Team
● Risk Management and Disaster Preparedness Team
● Coordinator, Physical Plant, and Maintenance
● MIS Team
● Finance Procurement and Distribution Team
9. Vise President for Academics, Research, and Christian Vincentian
❖ Alternative Education Team
❖ Academic Council
❖ Registrar
● Director, Co-Academics
○ Librarian
○ Co-Academics Team
● Director for Christian Vincentian Formation
○ RE and CL Coordinator
○ Campus Ministry Team
○ CES Coordinator
● Principal
○ Subject Area Coordinators
○ Formation Officer
● Dean, Higher Education Department
○ Program Coordinators
○ NSTP Coordinators
○ Student Affairs Coordinator
● Dean Graduate School
● Research Director
10.Vice President for Student Wellness and External Linkages
● Student Affairs and Services Team
● Guidance Services Team
● Health Services Team
● External Linkages Team

6.d Classify the positions as personnel management and human

resource management relative to our lessons.
- The following positions are qualified between personnel
management and human resource management.


● Board of Trustees
● Legal Counsel
● External Audit Officer
● School President
● ADHOC and Standing Committees
● Human Resource Development Officer
● Management and Mission Audit Team
● Vice President for Administrative Services and Finance
● Director of Auxilliary and General Services
● Director for MIS, Physical Plant, and Maintenance
● Vise President for Academics, Research, and Christian Vincentian
● Alternative Education Team
● Academic Council
● Registrar
● Director, Co-Academics
● Librarian
● Co-Academics Team
● Director for Christian Vincentian Formation
● RE and CL Coordinator
● Campus Ministry Team
● CES Coordinator
● Principal
● Subject Area Coordinators
● Formation Officer
● Dean, Higher Education Department
● Program Coordinators
● NSTP Coordinators
● Student Affairs Coordinator
● Dean Graduate School
● Research Director
● Vice President for Student Wellness and External Linkages


● Board of Trustees
● Legal Counsel
● External Audit Officer
● School President
● ADHOC and Standing Committees
● Human Resource Development Officer
● Management and Mission Audit Team
● Vice President for Administrative Services and Finance
● Director of Auxilliary and General Services
● Director for MIS, Physical Plant, and Maintenance
● Auxiliary Services Team
● Eco-Waste Management Team
● Security Team
● Risk Management and Disaster Preparedness Team
● Coordinator, Physical Plant, and Maintenance
● MIS Team
● Finance Procurement and Distribution Team
● Vise President for Academics, Research, and Christian Vincentian
● Alternative Education Team
● Academic Council
● Registrar
● Director, Co-Academics
● Librarian
● Co-Academics Team
● Director for Christian Vincentian Formation
● RE and CL Coordinator
● Campus Ministry Team
● CES Coordinator
● Principal
● Subject Area Coordinators
● Formation Officer
● Dean, Higher Education Department
● Program Coordinators
● NSTP Coordinators
● Student Affairs Coordinator
● Dean Graduate School
● Research Director
● Vice President for Student Wellness and External Linkages
● Student Affairs and Services Team
● Guidance Services Team
● Health Services Team
● External Linkages Team

Reference for the Departments in St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon, Inc.

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