Sampling Ecological Tree Communities

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Laboratory 6: Sampling Ecological Tree


Submitted To:

Dr. Catherine Tredick

(Natural Sciences & Mathematics Department, Environmental Science)

Submitted By:

Justin Saginor (undergraduate)

October 24th 2022


Southern New Jersey is home to some of the most diverse and ecologically productive

forests on the East Coast. The National Pineland Reserve making up much of southeastern New

Jersey is home to a wide variety of different tree species. These pineland forests are ecologically

unique to any other locations around the globe due to the unique composition of pin, oak and

cedar trees (Forman 1981). Stockton University located in Galloway Township New Jersey sits

right in the heart of the pine barrens reserve. The large acreage that Stockton occupies gives

environmental science students the ability to study different tree species and communities. On

Stockton property alone you can find various locations of pine trees, oak trees, cedar swamps,

and other unique locations (Korstian 1994). Pinelands all across the nation including the ones in

New Jersey rely heavily on fire (both controlled and naturally burning) to successfully reproduce

and have a healthy forest ecosystem (Forman 1981). The succession of pine trees and other fire

dependent species have a long history in the pine barrens(Forman 1981). New Jersey has become

one of the leading forest management states due to the state's ability to work and educate

students on a wide variety of different forest compositions.

As an ecological principle class we were taken out into the field on campus to strengthen

basic techniques of sampling and measuring trees. We also identified different tree species and

communities on campus. These communities included upland, lowland, cedar swamps, and

deciduous compositions. Upon observing and evaluating forest community composition on

campus we were then tasked with determining how various sites on campus differ from one

another and seek to better understand why. In the field we saw a variety of trees including pitch

pines and a variety of oaks, cedars, maples, and black gums. Below the thick canopy is a diverse
understory with a composition of small to medium shrubs including berry plants, small shrubs

and other photosynthesizers like moss. Since Stockton is home to these unique species in

different locations we were able to get a better understanding of how different tree species might

thrive within different micro environments. Some trees thrive better in wet soil while some do

better at higher elevations with dryer soil, others and so on (Korstian 1994).

Materials & Methods

In the field we practiced basic techniques of sampling, measuring, & identifying tree

species at two unique locations broken up into four sites each. Meaning the class as a whole

sampled eight locations using the circle quadrat method. At each site students measured out a

radius of 11.28 m and walked that circle in its entirety and sampled every tree within that pot.

Trees within this sample quadrant were only measured if they were above 10 cm or 4 inches in

diameter at breast height. Trees that were measured and were greater than 10 cm were recorded

and the species was identified.

Each group was given a specialized tape measure that accounted for the wrapping of the

tree and gave the diameter calculation already in the values. If a tree met the qualifying

parameters it was measured at the average breast height approximately 4 1/2 to 5 feet off the

ground. At one end of the tape measure is a hook that can be directly connected into the bark and

the other side is wrapped around until the zero lines up with a corresponding value. That value is

the diameter of the tree. Numeric values were taken for all tree diameters fitting qualifications

and then species identification was done.

Site one included a lowland area common species include Atlantic white cedar, red

maples, pitch pine, and lots of black gum. Upon the sampling and completion of the circular

quadrant students were then tasked with coming up with a site description of our sampled area.
The site that we tested had a high canopy cover and was composed of a lot of black gum trees.

On average there was about 6 feet between trees. There was not a lot of variety between species

(lots of dense blackgum). The understory was primarily composed of small shrubs and lots of

leaf litter due to the changing seasons. The soil within our site was relatively dry, only as wet as

one would expect after a light rain but directly to the north of our site was a Cedar Swamp

Location with lots of sitting water and Atlantic white Cedars.

Site two was an upland area primarily composed of pitch pines and a few Scarlet Oaks

mixed in. The site that we sampled had a pretty open tree canopy meaning the trees were not

densely placed on top of one another. Trees in this quadrant were very spaced out, giving way to

a thick understory, trees in this site were estimated to be farther than 10 feet apart on average.

Understory was primarily composed of blueberry bushes and the young saplings of pitch pine.

The ground was very dry due to elevation and surrounding sites seem to have the same soil

composition / moisture levels. It was evident that this location was at one point burned as part of

the Stockton forest management program. Due to the burning, high sunlight, and open tree

canopy the forest is likely in a regeneration phase and in the coming years a healthy dense forest

will begin to grow.

Once all data was collected in class on October 19th we processed and analyzed the data

in the computer lab on October 26. Students were tasked with a variety of quantitative statistical

skills including calculating the basal area of each tree species in a plot. Create a pivot table to

calculate the total number of trees in each plot, total number of each species in each plot, the

average height at DPH, and the total density of trees in each plot. A pivot table is an excel

function that makes calculating data of several values simple and easy. We were then tasked with

calculating the frequency of each of the tree species in a given plot, frequency is simply the ratio
of trees within that plot for example if the frequency ratio was 3 pines out of 6 total trees the

frequency of the tree would be 0.5 .

We then calculate relative density, relative dominance, relative frequency and the

importance value of each species. These calculations give forest management scientists a better

understanding of what type of trees are in certain areas. Tree count, tree size, and density of a

forest gives forest management an idea of how locations and others like it would respond to a

variety of environmental variables. How a certain area with a certain density of pine trees for

example responds to a burning gives researchers an idea of how other regions of similar makeup

would respond. These calculations can be used in the scientific field as well as economics.

Importance value is used by logging companies to determine if a plot of land is important enough

or economically viable to harvest the lumber. Finally we were tasked with calculating Shannon‘s

diversity index for each plot. The Shannon’s adversity Index is widely used for comparing

diversity between various habitats. The equation is as follows; taking the number of each species

then the proportion of each species with the total number of individuals, and sums the proportion

multiplied by the natural log of the proportion for each species. For this lab we were calculating

the index to determine the diversity between each plot of the same site (upland and lowland).
Lowland Results

Table 1A: Lowland Pivot Table

Table 1A: Tree count, average DBH, and total BA for

tree species in each plot of the lowland area of Stockton University campus

This table shows the results of the raw data collection of the lowland areas on campus.

Species count was averaged per plot as shown in the tree count area; on average in all the plots

black gum was the most frequently seen tree species. After identification was done the tree was

measured at DBH. The diameter was averaged once again by species as seen in the DBH
column. Trees throughout all plots seem to follow similar trends in average diameter. Pitch pine

being the largest around 33cm, then white cedar (if prevalent)28cm, then pitch pine and black

gum around the same size 12 - 14 cm. As seen in table 1A the total density of each species was

calculated comparing the tree area to the total area of the site. The species with the highest count

would be assumed to have the highest density M2 but due to the relatively small size of the black

gum trees the pitch pines on average between all plots have the largest M2.

Table 2A: Lowland Importance Values

Table 2A: Species density, relative dominance, and importance values

of all species found in the Lowland area of the Stockton University Campus.
This table shows the species density, relative dominance, and the calculated important

values of all the species found in the lowland area on the Stockton University campus. The

density percentage is just the proportion of species total over total number of trees within their

plot. On average just like discussed in table 1A the most common tree was the black gum, So on

average the black gum had the highest density of any tree in most of the plots. The relative

dominance was calculated by taking a proportion of the tree's basal area to the total basal area.

As discussed in table one egg the species with the widest diameter, taking up the most area was

the pitch pine. The Pitch pine on average had a diameter of 33 cm and a relative dominance of

42% between all sites. Site one in sight for head relative dominates pitch points greater than

50%. Important values are calculated by adding the relative density relative dominance and

relative we can see all together. Black homes and pitch pines have the highest important values

on average between all sites.

Table 3A: Lowland Shannon Diversity Index

Table 3A: Shannon Diversity Index of each plot of the

lowland area of Stockton University campus

This table shows the Shannon Diversity Index for each plot plot. The proportions were

taken and then the natural log of the portion was taken. These two values were multiplied for

each species and added together for each plot the results of the Shannon Diversity Index are
shown in the right column highlighted in the light green.The Shannon-Weaver diversity index is

one widely used index for comparing diversity between various habitats (Clarke and Warwick,

2001).Index values closer to one show a uniform distribution between all species within that plot.

Plot one and plot for have a value very near one. Plot one has a SDI value of 1.08, plot four has a

SDI value of 0.98. Plot two and plot three have SDI values over 31.35. This value is high but not

extremely high meaning there is some variation between species and other flocks but not to a

large extent. Plot two has an SDI value of 1.37, plot three has an STI value of 1.39.
Upland Results

Table 1B: Upland Pivot Table

Table 1A: Tree count, average DBH, and total BA for

tree species in each plot of the lowland area of Stockton University campus

This table shows the results of the raw data collection of the Upland areas on campus.

Species count was averaged per plot as shown in the tree count area; on average in all the plots
pitch pine was the most frequently seen tree species. After identification was done the tree was

measured at DBH. The diameter was averaged once again by species as seen in the DBH

column. Trees throughout all plots seem to follow similar trends in average diameter. Pitch pines

were the largest around on average 30cm, then scarlet oak and white oak 20cm. As seen in table

1B the total density of each species was calculated comparing the tree area to the total area of the

site. Unlike table 1A this upland location shown in table 1B followed the trend of the most

common tree species having the highest BA since the trees were the most common and the

largest. The pitch pine was seen no less than 8 time (plot #4) and as many as 12 times (plot #1 &

2). The fact that tree count and diameters was consistent between all four sites means that this

upland location is more widely alike the the lowland location table 1A.

Table 2B: Upland Importance Values

Table 2B: Species density, relative dominance, and importance values
of all species found in the Upland area of the Stockton University Campus

This table shows the species density, relative dominance, and the calculated important

values of all the species found in the upper area of the Stockton University campus. The density

percentage is just a proportion of the total species over the total number of trees within that plot.

On average dress as discussed in table one be the pitch pine has the highest density due to it

being the most common species within all sites of all of the plots. Which pines in the upland area

are also the widest round covering up the biggest basil area. Therefore the Pitchpine had the

highest relative dominant values than most other trees. Dominant values of the pitch pints

average no less than 60%. Site one had a dominant value as high as 83%. important values of the

sites follow a similar trend. Pitch pines were the most economically important species with an

important value no less than 130, site one had the important value of 208. Pitch pine to watch the

predominant species throughout the upland area with the scarlet oak coming in second.

Blackjack oak, white oak, and shortleaf pines for all distributed across all four sites with an on

frequent pattern.

Table 3B: Upland Shannon Diversity Index

Table 3B: Shannon Diversity Index of each plot of the

Upland area of Stockton University campus
This table shows the Shannon Diversity Index for each plot plot. The proportions were

taken and then the natural log of the portion was taken. These two values were multiplied for

each species and added together for each plot the results of the Shannon Diversity Index are

shown in the right column highlighted in the light green.The Shannon-Weaver diversity index is

one widely used index for comparing diversity between various habitats (Clarke and Warwick,

2001).Index values closer to one show a uniform distribution between all species of a diversity

plot. Plot one and plot for had SDI values less than one. Plot one had an index value of 0.56, this

was the lowest value seen within table 3A or 3B. This index value does fairly represent the raw

data because plot one only had two species of trees located and very few of them meaning it did

not fit into the average trend with the other upland plots. Table 2 table 3 had index values right

around 1.20.


This laboratory experiment was primarily completed to help students strengthen basic

techniques of sampling and measuring trees. We are also seeked to identify different tree species

and communities on the Stockton campus. The class was brought to two different locations and

separated into four plots (so eight in total). Our first location was the lowland area composed

primarily of Atlantic white cedar, black gums, pitch pines, and red maples. These species are

found here because they need soils with high moisture levels. The water table of the lowland area

was very close to the surface. Plot 4 of the lowland location has a wide portion of it covered by

stagnant water. If you take a look at table 1A you will see the results of the analysis of the raw

data. Tree counts average DBH and total density in meters^2 are all displayed on this table.

Between the sites the tree counts were relatively within the same range however site 4 did have a
larger number of trees than the others; made up primarily of black gums of a smaller size. This

was likely due to the high water levels in these areas. Pitch pines on average are the widest

around while the black gums were at the most narrow around.Total density however shows that

the black gum species was the most prevalent within those plots. Observation I made in the field

is that the pitch pines were fewer then the black gums but the size difference made up in the BA.

I wonder if this inverse correlation follows other tree species.

Table 2A shows the importance values of each site. Importance values are calculated with

the intent of helping logging companies determine if plots of land are economically viable to

harvest. Once again the black gum species has the highest density within the most plots. Between

table 1A and 2A it can be determined that black gum is the most predominant species of tree in

the lowland area. Table 3A examines the Shannon Silvercity index of all the lowland plots the

purpose of this index is to determine the comparing up diversity between various habitats or in

this case various plots but in the same habitat. The results of the lowland testing and harvesting

confirms the fact that these lowland wet areas are dominated by black gums and other trees like

white Cedars that require moist soil (Roman 1990). Hypothetically, the logging company was to

come into this location and looked to see what plot would be the best to harvest; they would

possibly choose plot 1 or 4 due the high counts of economically important trees like pines and

cedars (Naficy 2010).

The second location that we were brought to was the upland location. This location was

primarily composed of Pitch Pines, Scarlet Oaks, Blackjack Oaks, and White Oaks. However

plot 3 appeared to locate one shortleaf pine tree with a diameter of 58 cm. I wasn't in this plot so

I never actually saw this tree but if this is the correct measurement it would be the largest tree

DBH between both locations tested. Plot 4 located a sassafras tree with a diameter of 15 cm, this
seems like a pretty rare tree. I don't know the frequency of these unique species but i'm sure

someone with more forest management skills would easily be able to identify and explain their

history in these pinelands . Between all sites the pitch pine is the most abundant and the second

most abundant being the scarlet oak. The pitch pine also appears to be on average the widest

around at the DBH, and the mixture of other trees were much smaller.

Table 2B shows the importance values of the upland sites. Pitch pine between all three

sites had a very high importance value. Pitch fines are a highly sought after economically viable

species. Density percentages and dominance values are also shown in the table. It can be inferred

that pitch pines are pretty dense in the area and therefore the important values of these locations

are higher than that of the lowland locations. Table 3A shows the Shannon diversity index

between each plot. Most values were within one another the only plot that is considered an

outlier would be plot 1 for it only had pitch Pines and Scarlet Oaks with a total count of 16.

The studies that were conducted here Stockton is not a wide range study. The plots were

composed of quite small diameter circles. In order for a study to be stronger, larger areas and

more results were needed. The main goal of this exercise was once again to let students gain

experience in the field work and analysis of results / raw data. If a study was conducted in order

to collect data to support an actual hypothesis several statistical testing factors needed to be met.

Statistically significant studies of a wider scale than we did in class need to have large numbers,

randomization of plot location, and blocking to account for confounding variables. The study we

did in class did not account for any of these statistical testing requirements making the study and

values collected near useless for a real study. Skill building however did greatly increase as the

laboratory went on.

Roman, C. T., Good, R. E., & Little, S. (1990). Ecology of Atlantic white cedar
swamps in the New Jersey Pinelands. Wetland Ecology and Management: Case
Studies, 163-173. link

Forman, R. T., & Boerner, R. E. (1981). Fire frequency and the pine barrens of
New Jersey. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 34-50. Link

Korstian, C. F. (1924). Natural regeneration of southern white cedar. Ecology,

5(2), 188-191. Link

Naficy, C., Sala, A., Keeling, E. G., Graham, J., & DeLuca, T. H. (2010).
Interactive effects of historical logging and fire exclusion on ponderosa pine
forest structure in the northern Rockies. Ecological Applications, 20(7), 1851-

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