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Principles of Membrane Adaptation Revealed

through Environmentally Induced Bacterial Lipidome
Graphical Abstract Authors
Grzegorz Chwastek, Michal A. Surma,
Sandra Rizk, ..., Magdalena Rucin
Helena Jambor, James Sáenz


In Brief
Patterns of lipidome remodeling involved
in membrane adaptation are poorly
understood. Using shotgun lipidomics,
Chwastek et al. reveal the simple yet
adaptive lipidome of Methylobacterium
extorquens. Their observations constrain
the lipid complexity required for an
adaptive membrane and implicate
headgroup-specific acyl chain
remodeling as a mechanism for fine-
tuning the membrane’s properties.

d We examine the lipidome of the Gram-negative bacterium
Methylobacterium extorquens

d At least 11 out of 27 total lipid species contribute to

adaptation to varying conditions

d Remodeling of acyl chains is unevenly distributed across all

lipid classes

d Headgroup-specific acyl chain remodeling is implicated as an

adaptive mechanism

Chwastek et al., 2020, Cell Reports 32, 108165

September 22, 2020 ª 2020 The Author(s). ll

Principles of Membrane Adaptation
Revealed through Environmentally
Induced Bacterial Lipidome Remodeling
Grzegorz Chwastek,1 Michal A. Surma,2 Sandra Rizk,1 Daniel Grosser,3,6 Oksana Lavrynenko,4 Magdalena Rucin
Helena Jambor,5 and James Sáenz1,7,*
1Technische Universität Dresden, B CUBE, Tatzberg 41, Dresden, Germany
2Lipotype GmbH, Tatzberg 47, Dresden, Germany
3DZD-Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden, Fetscherstraße 74, Dresden, Germany
4Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Pfotenhauerstraße 108, Dresden, Germany
5Technische Universität Dresden, Medizinische Fakultät, Fetscherstraße 74, Dresden, Germany
6Present address: DyNAbind GmbH, Dresden, Germany
7Lead Contact



Cells, from microbes to mammals, adapt their membrane lipid composition in response to environmental
changes to maintain optimal properties. Global patterns of lipidome remodeling are poorly understood,
particularly in organisms with simple lipid compositions that can provide insight into fundamental principles
of membrane adaptation. Using shotgun lipidomics, we examine the simple yet, as we show here, adaptive
lipidome of the plant-associated Gram-negative bacterium Methylobacterium extorquens. We observe that
minimally 11 lipids account for 90% of total variability, thus constraining the upper limit of variable lipids
required for an adaptive living membrane. Through lipid features analysis, we reveal that acyl chain remod-
eling is not evenly distributed across lipid classes, resulting in headgroup-specific effects of acyl chain vari-
ability on membrane properties. Results herein implicate headgroup-specific acyl chain remodeling as a
mechanism for fine-tuning the membrane’s physical state and provide a resource for using M. extorquens
to explore the design principles of living membranes.

INTRODUCTION example, in the bacterial lipidome reported here) to hundreds

of individual lipid species in mammalian cells (Sampaio et al.,
All organisms have at least one membrane that is crucial for 2011; van Meer et al., 2008). Complex lipidomes can be remod-
compartmentalizing and coordinating biochemical processes eled to modulate collective membrane properties, such as vis-
within the cell. And yet, nearly a century since the discovery cosity, lipid packing, thickness, and phase properties (Klose
that membranes are made of a lipid bilayer (Gorter and Grendel, et al., 2013; Levental et al., 2016). For instance, increasing the
1925) and half a century since integral membrane proteins were proportion of lipids containing double bonds (acyl chain satura-
proposed in the fluid mosaic model (Singer and Nicolson, 1972) tion) or changing the number or position of double bonds along
we still lack fundamental insight into the design principles the phospholipid acyl chains can alter the overall membrane vis-
required to engineer a functional cell membrane. Much of the cosity (Fan and Evans, 2015; Ma et al., 2015; Quinn, 1981; Sinen-
membrane’s functionality is associated with the activity of mem- sky, 1974). A major challenge in membrane research is, there-
brane proteins, which perform a diverse range of tasks from fore, to understand how cells regulate individual lipid
signaling to transport. The activity of such proteins is in turn abundances to maintain an adaptive, functional membrane.
crucially dependent on the physical properties of the membrane, Lipidomics has provided global insights into the complexity of
such as viscosity, thickness, curvature, and bilayer asymmetry cellular lipidomes from bacteria to mammals and can provide
(Hunte and Richers, 2008; Klose et al., 2013; Pomorski and Me- insight into how cells remodel lipid composition during adapta-
non, 2006; Sanders and Mittendorf, 2011). These properties are tion (Ejsing et al., 2009; Jeucken et al., 2019; Levental et al.,
largely dictated by membrane lipids (Ernst et al., 2016; van Meer 2017). However, singular observations of lipidome composition
et al., 2008). do not inform which properties the cell membrane senses and
Cells produce many lipids with different structures that, in their adapts to, nor which minimal suite of lipid structure is required
unique combinations, determine the membrane’s biophysical for swift adaptation. To date, there are still only a few studies sys-
state. Moreover, cellular lipidomes can vary from tens (for tematically characterizing lipidomic remodeling across a range

Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020 ª 2020 The Author(s). 1
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

of conditions and stressors. The most comprehensive study of stresses, respectively. Cells were grown on two concentrations
this kind was performed on yeast (Klose et al., 2012), whose lip- of methanol (0.1% and 1% v/v) as the sole carbon source to eval-
idome contains over 150 unique lipids, providing unprecedented uate the effect of metabolism on lipidomic remodeling. Finally, to
insight into the adaptation of a complex eukaryotic lipidome. characterize lipidomic adaptation at varying cell densities, we
Complex organisms possess membranes with diverse and harvested cells at early, mid, and late exponential, as well as sta-
niche-specific functional requirements. Although understanding tionary growth stages. Growth at 30 C on succinate was taken
complex lipidomes is important, such systems are not ideal for as the ‘‘standard’’ condition, because this yields high growth
exploring the fundamental principles underlying lipidome adap- rates (>0.2 h1). Cellular lipid content (combined inner and outer
tation. Because all membranes require means to homeostati- membrane) was analyzed by high-resolution shotgun mass
cally adapt to perturbations (Kaiser et al., 2011), a simpler organ- spectrometry (Ejsing et al., 2009) to determine absolute abun-
ism that is capable of adapting to a broad range of environmental dances of 25 phospholipids and 2 hopanoid species, distributed
conditions would be a more suitable model system to elucidate among 5 lipid classes (Figure 1B) and representing over 90 mol%
the minimal lipidomic requirements for adaptation. Bacteria are of the lipidome of M. extorquens (Sáenz et al., 2015) (Figure 2).
an attractive target for this endeavor because some are among It has been previously shown that M. extorquens produces
the simplest organisms, capable of surviving over a broad range predominately lipids with 16- and 18-carbon atoms-long acyl
of environments, and many species have been well character- chains, and with up to two double bonds per acyl chain (Bradley
ized and established as model organisms for cell biology. et al., 2017; Wallace et al., 1990). Consistently, the major phos-
Here, we characterized the lipidomic adaptivity of the phatidylglycerol (PG), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and
Gram-negative bacterium Methylobacterium extorquens. phosphatidylcholine (PC) species have cumulative chain length
M. extorquens has a small lipidome, with 25 phospholipid spe- of 36 or 34 carbons with two double bonds per lipid (e.g., 18:1/
cies reported here, as compared with over 100 in E. coli (Jeucken 18:1 and 18:1/16:1) and minor species with up to 4 double bonds
et al., 2019). Despite its relatively small lipidome, as a plant- and per lipid. The detection of lipids with more than two double
soil-associated bacterium, M. extorquens must adapt to a broad bonds indicated the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids,
range of chemical and physical conditions (Vorholt, 2012). which have rarely been observed in Methylobacterium (Wallace
Furthermore, as a eukaryote-associated bacterium with poten- et al., 1990), possibly because of a paucity of studies at lower
tial for industrial production of chemicals from methanol (Zhang growth temperatures. We confirmed the presence of a di-unsat-
et al., 2018), understanding lipidome adaptation in Methylobac- urated C18 fatty acid by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS)
terium has broad relevance from bacteria-host interactions to spectra of PC 36:2, which showed fragments corresponding to
bioengineering. We explored lipidomic remodeling over varying C18:1 and C18:2 in equal proportions (Figure S1). Analysis of
temperatures, osmotic and detergent stresses, carbon sources, fatty acid methyl esters derived from whole cell biomass further
and cell densities. Globally, we observed that as few as 11 lipids, confirmed the presence of C18:2 (Figure S2) and revealed the
less than half of all available species, account for most lipidomic position of the double bonds to be located at u7 and u13 (Fig-
adaptation across all perturbations. Analysis of structural fea- ure S3). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
tures, such as saturation, acyl chain length, or headgroup type analysis also revealed low abundance of a hydroxylated C14
revealed previously undefined signatures of adaptive lipidomes. fatty acid that was not observed by shotgun MS. However,
Through lipid features analysis we show that acyl chain remodel- because GC-MS analysis was performed on whole cell biomass,
ing is not equally distributed across headgroups. Following on C14-OH could be derived from lipopolysaccharides that are not
this observation, we demonstrated that the effect of acyl chain extractable by solvents, or else were present below detection
remodeling on membrane properties is headgroup specific, limits in all samples and therefore not of significance for the pre-
and propose that this could represent a mechanism for fine-tun- sent study. We also observed methylation of diplopterol (mDIP),
ing membrane properties. The patterns of lipidome remodeling which has previously been reported in cyanobacteria and meth-
that we report here provide a resource for exploring the minimal ylotrophic bacteria, including Methylobacterium (Bradley et al.,
design principles of living membranes and for engineering an 2017; Rashby et al., 2007; Stampf et al., 1991; Summons et al.,
adaptive synthetic membrane. 1999). Recent work suggests that 2-methylation may be partic-
ularly prevalent among plant-associated bacteria (Ricci et al.,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2014). In the following sections, we dissect the data in Figure 2
in order to reveal patterns in lipidomic variation across experi-
Experimental Design mental conditions.
To determine lipidomic remodeling induced by environmental
perturbations, we measured the lipidomes of M. extorquens un- Lipidomic Variation across Experimental Conditions
der physical and chemical challenges to cellular membrane ho- To compare variation in general lipidomic features between each
meostasis (Figure 1A). To this end, we varied temperatures, os- individual experimental condition, we performed a principal-
motic conditions, detergent stresses, carbon sources, and cell component analysis (PCA) on lipid species abundances (Fig-
densities. Cells were harvested during early exponential growth ure 3A). PCA is a method that allows for the comparison of multi-
to minimize their impact on media chemical composition. Tem- dimensional data by reducing variations down to two dimensions
perature was varied from 6 C to 30 C to challenge the viscosity called principal components. Distance between each point on
of the membranes. Salt (NaCl) and detergent (Triton X-100) con- the PCA plot is proportional to variation in lipid composition be-
centrations were varied to produce osmotic and detergent tween conditions. Most conditions clustered closely with the

2 Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020


Figure 1. Overview of Experimental Outline and Lipids Analyzed in This Study

(A) Overview of experimental design and exemplary data obtained.
(B) Schematic of lipid structural features measured in this study: headgroups of phospholipids and isoprenoids, acyl chain length, and acyl chain saturation
(number of double bonds).

standard growth condition, shown in red. Thus, lipid composition late growth stage. In stark contrast, bacteria grown at low tem-
was not strongly affected by detergent, methanol, low salt con- peratures, in stationary growth phase, or at high salt conditions
centrations, or during the progression through early, mid, and (0.2 M NaCl) did not cluster with the standard growth condition,

Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020 3


Figure 2. Table of Lipid Species Abundances

Lipid species are annotated by class/headgroup (PG, PE, PC, CL, or diplopterol), total acyl chain length (32–72), and total acyl chain saturation (number of double
bonds per lipid, 0–4). For detailed analysis of polyunsaturated lipids, see Figures S1–S3. Abundance is shown as percentage of total lipids per experiment. The
range in abundance across all experimental conditions is indicated by individual gray dots; the abundances for the standard growth condition (30 C, early
exponential stage, 0.15 M sucrose) are shown in red. Analysis of each condition is based on three biological replicates with the exception of 13 C and TX-100,
where two biological replicates were considered.

indicating a high extent of lipidome remodeling. Furthermore, To quantify the effect of environmental perturbations on mem-
temperature had an orthogonal effect compared with stationary brane remodeling, we evaluated the cumulative variability of all
growth and high salt conditions, indicating that a different set of lipid species for each range of growth conditions. We calculated
lipidomic features is involved in responses to those conditions. lipid species variability as the difference in mean abundance

4 Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020


Figure 3. Effect of Experimental Conditions on Lipidomic Variability

(A) Principal-component analysis (PCA) of the lipid species abundances shows the degree of variation between subconditions. The standard growth condition
(30 C, early exponential stage, 0.15 M sucrose) is indicated in red, and all other subconditions are gray. Again, lipidomes vary greatly in changing temperature
regimens, and also when bacteria enter stationary phase growth.
(B) Bacterial growth curves and sampling points for lipidomic analysis. Growth rate for the ‘‘standard condition’’ is shown in the temperature plot at 30 C. The
chart for growth phases is a conceptual drawing.
(C) Total lipidomic variability is given as the cumulative change in abundance of individual lipid species for each range of experimental conditions and as cu-
mulative change in abundance normalized to the change in growth rate from the standard growth condition to the most extreme growth condition (e.g., standard
growth rate relative to growth rate at 6 C). Analysis of each condition is based on three biological replicates with the exception of 13 C and TX-100, where two
biological replicates were considered.
TX, detergent.

Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020 5


between the standard growth condition and the endpoint of a 4A and 4B). However, there are some low-abundance species
particular condition (e.g., the difference between the standard that exhibit large variations, notably lipids with three and four
condition and 6 C). The total lipidomic variability was then calcu- double bonds. An important point of emphasis is that low-abun-
lated as the aggregate of the absolute value of change in abun- dance or undetectable species at standard growth conditions
dance for all individual lipid species (Figure 3B). For the range of can become major components under certain conditions, play-
conditions considered here, temperature had by far the largest ing a crucial role in adaptation. The most striking result is that
effect on lipidomic remodeling, with greater than 2-fold more the majority of lipid species do not vary substantially under any
variability than any other condition. The smallest effects were conditions, suggesting that only a small fraction of the lipidome
observed with detergent challenge and growth on methanol as is required for adaptive membranes.
a carbon source. We then asked how many and which lipid species are highly
It is surprising that a membrane destabilizing detergent at rela- variable for each set of conditions. We defined the highly variable
tively disruptive concentrations (Helenius and Simons, 1975) did lipid species as those that account for 90% of the total lipidomic
not result in lipidomic remodeling. This could possibly be attrib- variability within any given condition. By this measure we
uted to the ability of Gram-negative bacteria to resist chemicals observed that 11–13 lipids are highly variable over any given
through the robustness imparted by barrier function of lipopoly- condition (Figure 4C), meaning that only around 30% of the lipi-
saccharide at the cell surface and active removal of toxins by dome is involved in remodeling during adaptation. Of these 11–
multidrug transporters (Nikaido, 1996; 2003; Nikaido and Vaara, 13 highly variable lipids, 8 are highly variable over all of the con-
1985; Piddock, 2006). The insensitivity of the lipidome when the ditions tested. These results revealed that only a fraction of the
carbon source was switched to methanol instead of succinate lipidome is involved in adaptive remodeling and point toward
was also unexpected. Klose et al. (2012) showed that the yeast lip- the minimum complexity of lipid species required for membrane
idome varied greatly with differing carbon substrates based on a adaptation. In principle, it is possible that as few as eight lipid
similar PCA analysis. Our result suggests that methanol and suc- species could support adaptation over the range of experimental
cinate metabolism do not require different membrane lipid profiles conditions examined in this study.
in M. extorquens. Nonetheless, the dominant effect of temperature
is consistent with the large diurnal temperature variations that Variation of Lipid Structural Features
M. extorquens must adjust to in its native habitat on plant leaf sur- Membrane biophysical properties are modulated by changes in
faces and in soils. It is possible that the mechanisms of lipidome the abundance of lipid structural features. For instance,
adaptation and the lipidomic composition in M. extorquens have increasing the number of double bonds per lipid reduces mem-
evolved to be particularly well suited for temperature changes. brane viscosity during adaptation to decreasing temperature,
It is important to keep in mind that the magnitude of lipidomic whereas various lipid headgroups can impart curvature or sur-
change induced by each growth parameter is difficult to compare face charge (Klose et al., 2013). We analyzed how the various
directly. For instance, does the large effect of temperature versus structural features of M. extorquens lipids are modulated to
salt concentration suggest that membranes are more sensitive to glean insight into their sense and response mechanisms of mem-
temperature than ionic strength of the medium? By what measure brane adaptation.
can the sensitivity of lipidome variation to different conditions be At the class level, PC, PE, and PG were relatively plastic,
compared? One possibility would be to consider the effect of whereas cardiolipin (CL) and diplopterols were relatively invariant
each condition on suppressing growth rate. Growth rates varied (Figures 5A and 5C). For acyl chains, most of the variability is
considerably across the range of experimental conditions in this observed for lipids with 2 and 3 double bonds and with total chain
study (Figure 3C). Interestingly, when we normalized lipidomic length of 34 and 36 carbons (Figure 5B). By grouping acyl chain
variability to the change in growth rate relative to the standard features separately for each headgroup (e.g., PC-specific satura-
growth condition, the differences in variability for each range of tion), we revealed that PC shows the largest variability for both
conditions are reduced. Indeed, growth rate normalization sug- saturation and chain length, whereas PG acyl chain features are
gests that the sensitivity of the lipidome to salt and temperature nearly invariant. The difference in the degree of acyl chain remod-
is comparable (Figure 3B). However, the ‘‘stress’’ experienced eling for each headgroup can be more clearly seen by plotting the
by the membrane versus the organism as a whole is not neces- cumulative variability of acyl chain length or saturation for each
sarily coupled, and this comparison could be misleading without headgroup (Figure 5C). This shows that acyl chain features are
a mechanistic understanding of the relationship between the regulated independently within each headgroup, revealing a
stress condition and the membrane’s physical state. Nonetheless, more complex pattern of regulation involved in homeoviscous
suppression of growth rate could be useful as a rough guide for adaptation than previously documented.
choosing a comparable range for diverse conditions in future lip-
idomic adaptation studies. Progressive Remodeling of Lipids across Experimental
Variation in Individual Lipid Species Assessing lipidomic data for each step within each condition al-
We next examined the individual lipid species involved in mem- lows us to compare lipids as we go stepwise through the
brane adaptation in M. extorquens (Figure 4). We calculated indi- changes. For instance, how does the lipidome compare when
vidual lipid species as the standard deviation of abundances for the growth temperature is lowered from 30 C to 20 C to 13 C
a given range of conditions (Figure 4B0 ). The highest abundance and to 6 C, or as cells progress from early to mid, to late, and
species generally show the largest degree of variability (Figures finally to stationary growth phase? We again consider lipids

6 Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020



Figure 4. Variability of Individual Lipid Species across Experimental Conditions

(A) Average abundances of lipid species for all conditions sorted from highest (PG 36:2) to lowest (CL 64:0) lipid species. Mean and range are shown for each lipid.
(B) Heatmap of lipid species variability across experimental conditions; high variability is indicated in red and no variability in light yellow.
(Bʹ) Exemplary calculation of standard deviation (SD).
(C) UpSetR plot (Conway et al., 2017) showing the overlap of lipids adapting their amounts across the experimental conditions. Eight lipids vary their abundance in
all experimental conditions, and four lipids vary abundance specifically in changing temperatures. Stage: bacterial growth stage/phase; TX: varying detergent
concentrations. Analysis of each condition is based on three biological replicates with the exception of 13 C and TX-100, where two biological replicates were

grouped by their features because this allowed us to monitor stage. These results suggest that lipid class distribution is
structural variations that directly impact the membrane’s bio- adjusted only under extreme conditions.
physical properties (Figure 6). Double Bonds
Class The total number of double bonds (DB) per lipid varies substantially
Lipid class abundances are relatively invariant over most condi- with temperature and is nearly invariant for other conditions (Fig-
tions (Figure 6A). PC abundance increases with decreasing tem- ure 6A). As temperature decreases, the abundances of DB3 and
perature, with a pronounced change at 6 C. PE abundance in- DB4 lipids increase, whereas abundances of DB1 and DB2
creases considerably when cells are in stationary growth decrease. This contrasts with other organisms, such as yeast,

Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020 7

Figure 5. Variability of Phospholipid Structural
A C Features across Experimental Conditions
(A) Abundances of lipids grouped by lipid class show
overall low variability and lowest variability of CL.
(B) Abundances of phospholipid headgroup binned
by acyl chain length and acyl chain saturation,
respectively, reveal group-specific differences in acyl
chain remodeling (headgroups: blue = PG; green =
PE; olive = PC; magenta = CL). (A and B) Each data
point represents % abundance of individual biolog-
ical replicates.
(C) Variability of lipid features calculated from SD of
abundances shown in (A) and (B). Analysis of each
condition is based on three biological replicates with
the exception of 13 C and TX-100, where two bio-
B logical replicates were considered.

must be matched with membrane proteins

transmembrane domain length, it is not sur-
prising that this feature is so invariant. The
large change in total chain length at extreme
low temperature suggests that the mem-
brane must take extreme measures to adapt
as it approaches the end of the range of
viable growth temperature.
Similar to saturation, chain length within
each headgroup class shows much higher
variability than total chain length (Figure 6B).
For instance, from 30 C to 20 C, total chain
length remains constant, while PC chain
length decreases and is compensated for
by increased chain length in PG, PE, and
CL. Similar remodeling is also observed for
growth stage and salt concentration. Addi-
tionally, PC exhibits the highest chain length
Our lipidomic features analyses highlight
three characteristics of structural lipid adap-
tation. First, we observed that adaptivity of
features over a particular range of condi-
tions (e.g., temperature) does not involve a
where primarily DB1 and DB2 are adjusted with temperature monotonic pattern of feature remodeling, but rather can involve
change (Klose et al., 2012). It is possible that having additional dou- different features over intervals of a given condition. Second,
ble bonds enhances the ability of Methylobacterium to adapt to certain features, such as acyl chain saturation, are highly variable
broad temperatures that they experience on plant surfaces and and are remodeled over a broad range of conditions. However,
in soils. other features, such as lipid class and acyl chain length, are rela-
The variation of double bonds per lipid within each headgroup tively invariant except under extreme conditions of low tempera-
class is not evenly distributed across classes (Figure 6B). For ture and stationary growth stage, suggesting that chain length
instance, for varying temperatures, PC shows the highest remod- and headgroup distribution have multiple constraints (e.g., main-
eling, whereas PG is nearly invariant. Additionally, for varying salt taining membrane thickness or surface charge). Notably, even
and growth stages where total saturation has little or negligible the tightly constrained features are adjusted under extreme pertur-
variability, class-specific PC-DB and CL-DB vary considerably. bations (Figure S4). Third, acyl chain features are regulated inde-
These variations in PC-DB and CL-DB are nearly equal and oppo- pendently within each headgroup class.
site, resulting in no apparent change in total DB content.
Chain Length Headgroup-Specific Acyl Chain Remodeling
Total chain length is highly conserved across all conditions and Differentially Affects Membrane Properties
varies substantially only at 6 C (Figure 6A). Because total chain One of the most striking observations from our analysis of varia-
length has a large effect on membrane thickness, which in turn tion in lipidomic features was the variation in extent of acyl chain

8 Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020



Figure 6. Stepwise Adaptation of Lipids by Feature at Changing Environmental Growth Conditions

(A) Abundances of lipids grouped by class, acyl chain length, and acyl chain saturation when changing growth temperature, probing at different growth stages,
and varying salt (NaCl) concentration of the growth media.
(B) Abundances of phospholipids grouped by acyl chain features, with headgroups indicated by color (blue: PG; green: PE; olive: PC; magenta: CL). This reveals
compensatory effects in lipid adaptability: while abundance of PC with two double bonds increases with increasing temperatures, PC with three double bonds
decreases from 6 C to 30 C. In each panel, the most variable features are highlighted in bold (see also Figure S4). Analysis of each condition is based on three
biological replicates with the exception of 13 C and TX-100, where two biological replicates were considered.

remodeling for different headgroups. When we consider the de- viscous adaptation response, characterized as the adjustment of
gree of acyl chain remodeling in each headgroup class, PC acyl chain saturation to temperature changes, is well established
showed the highest variability in both acyl chain length and satu- (Sinensky, 1974). However, our feature analysis reveals an addi-
ration, while acyl chains were essentially invariable in the PG tional layer of adaptive fine-tuning in the differential regulation of
class. Consequently, PC acyl chain remodeling accounts for lipid acyl chains across headgroups. Interestingly, the biophysi-
nearly 50% of total acyl chain remodeling observed, despite cal consequences of this differential acyl chain remodeling per
PC comprising only 15% of the total phospholipids. The homeo- headgroup have not been explicitly explored.

Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020 9


A B Figure 7. Headgroup-Specific Acyl Chain Re-

modeling Differentially Affects Membrane
(A) Conceptual schematic illustrating in vitro
experimental design.
(B) Lipid packing measured by c-laurdan general
polarization (GP) index for liposomes demonstrates
that the effect of acyl chain remodeling is head-
group dependent (average of three independent
experiments ± SD).
(C) Total variation in saturation for each headgroup
calculated from M. extorquens lipidomic data
shows that the distribution of variation in saturation
between headgroups changes over the three tem-
perature intervals (for comparison with
S. cerevisiae; see also Figure S5). Analysis of each
condition is based on three biological replicates
with exception of 13 C and TX-100, where two
biological replicates were considered.

lipid packing than the 20 mol% PO homo-

geneous mixture (Figure 7B). However,
unexpectedly, each of the three mixtures
in which acyl chains were varied in only
one headgroup exhibited markedly
different changes in lipid packing (Fig-
ure 7B). DPG had the smallest effect,
DPC showed a moderate effect compara-
ble with Dall, and DPE had the largest ef-
fect on lipid packing. These results
demonstrate that the degree to which
variation in acyl chain composition is
To probe how headgroup-specific acyl chain remodeling af- distributed among PG, PC, or PE can yield very different effects
fects membrane physical properties, we designed an in vitro on membrane properties.
experiment in which we varied the acyl chain distributions (Fig- Because the effect of acyl chain remodeling is headgroup spe-
ure 7A). Utilizing the fluorescence emission of c-laurdan (Kim cific, it seems essential that cells would have the capacity to
et al., 2007) incorporated in a lipid bilayer of large unilamellar differentially regulate acyl chains across lipid classes. It might
vesicles (LUVs), we calculated so-called general polarization be of advantage, for example, to decrease saturation of partic-
(GP) index (Parasassi et al., 1991). This parameter yields a ular lipid classes while keeping constant those that might desta-
value linked to lipid packing density, which is correlated with bilize the membrane. For instance, it is known that unsaturated
a broad range of physical properties, including viscosity and PE destabilizes the membrane, and that addition of PC counters
bending rigidity (Ma et al., 2018; Steinku€hler et al., 2019). The this effect (Cullis and de Kruijff, 1979). PC could take on the
c-laurdan GP index thus serves as a sensitive semiquantitative burden of acyl chain remodeling, while keeping PE acyl chain
estimate of the membrane’s physical state. To start, we pre- composition within a stable range. It has been observed, for
pared LUVs with an equimolar mixture of the three most abun- example, that there is a correlation in bacteria between the pres-
dant phospholipid classes in M. extorquens: PC, PE, and PG. ence of PC and high acyl chain saturation (Goldfine, 1984). More-
To study acyl chain remodeling, each of the classes was addi- over, it has been shown that hydrogen bonding between PG and
tionally composed of two common acyl chains combinations in PE lipids is an important factor that might determine bulk prop-
M. extorquens: C16:0 and C18:1 (palmitoyl and oleoyl [PO]), as erties of the lipid bilayer (Murzyn et al., 2005). Although only
well as C18:1 and C18:1 (dioleoyl [DO]). In the first set of exper- PO lipids were previously studied in that respect, we speculate
iments, we investigated how lipid packing changes when the that more unsaturated, bulkier DO acyl chains might be disrup-
PO:DO ratio is changed for all PE, PC, and PG headgroups tive to these headgroup-headgroup interactions, which would
from 20 to 40 mol%. As expected, a higher ratio of PO acyl lead to a less ordered membrane. Varying the relative amount
chains increased the lipid packing of LUVs. Next, we investi- of acyl chain remodeling across classes could thereby provide
gated the effect of changing the PO:DO ratio for one head- an additional degree of freedom to adjust the biophysical state
group only, while maintaining the overall PO concentration at of the membrane.
40 mol% (referred to as DPC, DPE, and DPG further in the To determine whether the relative amount of acyl chain remod-
text). All heterogeneous 40 mol% PO mixtures show higher eling is variable across conditions, we reanalyzed our in vivo

10 Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020


lipidomic data from M. extorquens to estimate the variation of species monitored in this study, as few as 11 lipid species are
each headgroup with respect to total change in saturation over variable for any given range of conditions. Our results provide
three temperature intervals (Figure 7C). Indeed, in a constraint on the upper limit of the number of lipid species
M. extorquens, we observe that the relative amount of acyl chain required for membrane adaptation.
remodeling differed between PC and PE headgroups when Homeoviscous adaptation is among the most well-estab-
growth temperatures were varied. For example, when lowering lished concepts in membrane biology. Although the role of
growth temperature from 30 C to 20 C, PE and PC had relatively acyl chain remodeling has received significant attention, the
comparable variation in saturation, versus 20 C to 13 C where importance of the combination of acyl chains and headgroups
PE is roughly twice as variable as PC (Figure 7C). We then per- has not been widely appreciated. Our analysis revealed that the
formed the same analysis on lipidomic temperature adaptation degree of acyl chain remodeling can vary for each lipid class
data from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Klose et al., 2012) (e.g., PC versus PG), and that the effect of acyl chain remodel-
to determine whether variation in headgroup-specific saturation ing on membrane properties is headgroup dependent. In cya-
occurs in a eukaryotic organism (Figure S5). Similar to our obser- nobacteria, PG was shown to have very low acyl chain remod-
vations in M. extorquens, PC and PE are typically the most var- eling, similar to our observations in M. extorquens (Pittera et al.,
iable with respect to saturation, and the relative degree of varia- 2018). Lipidomic remodeling data from Klose et al. (2012)
tion in saturation for PC and PE varies across different showed that yeast also exhibits headgroup-specific acyl
temperature intervals. Thus, variable headgroup-specific acyl chain remodeling. Our own reanalysis of data from Klose
chain remodeling is found in both a bacterial and a eukaryotic or- et al. (2012) shows that PC and PE contribute the most to total
ganism. The physical basis of our finding described here remains saturation variability over varying temperatures, similar to
to be fully explored. Nonetheless, our observations suggest that M. extorquens. Additionally, tissue-specific differences in PC
the relationship between membrane bulk properties and differ- acyl chain composition relative to other classes have been re-
ential acyl chain remodeling across headgroup classes could ported in mammals, and it appears that there is an exception-
be a means of fine-tuning homeoviscous adaptation. ally large diversity of acyl chain remodeling pathways for PC
(Harayama et al., 2014). Thus, although there is a paucity of
Summary and Outlook comprehensive lipidome adaptation studies to compare with,
In this study, we systematically characterized the lipidome of there is evidence that headgroup-specific acyl chain remodel-
M. extorquens over a range of growth conditions to gain insights ing could be a common strategy for homeostasis in bacterial
into membrane homeostatic adaptation. Countless studies have and eukaryotic membranes.
addressed phospholipid acyl chain composition (e.g., as The high degree of acyl chain remodeling exhibited by PC in
measured by GC or GC-MS) and have revealed an important M. extorquens is particularly interesting with regard to bacte-
role of membrane lipid composition to various phenotypic as- ria-host interactions. Although relatively few bacteria synthesize
pects. However, phospholipid headgroups and acyl chains PC, the majority of studied bacteria associated with a eukaryotic
jointly determine membrane properties. Using shotgun lipido- host, including many pathogens, contain PC in their membranes
mics, we provide a near-complete lipidome down to the lipid (Aktas et al., 2010; Geiger et al., 2013). Synthesis of PC was pre-
species level. This allowed us to map how structural features viously shown to be essential for host colonization (Minder et al.,
of lipids (e.g., headgroup, saturation, chain length) are recom- 2001) and for pathogen virulence (Conde-Alvarez et al., 2006;
bined to achieve adaptation. We demonstrated that membranes Wessel et al., 2006). The specific physiological role of bacterial
composed of only a few lipid species are capable of adapting PC, however, is still unclear. Our results that PC accounts for
specifically to a broad range of conditions. Additionally, by as- nearly half of the acyl chain remodeling in M. extorquens could
sessing how lipid structural features are recombined through suggest a pivotal role of membrane adaptation through PC re-
adaptation, we revealed that even a simple lipidome exhibits modeling for bacteria-host interactions.
complex patterns of adaptation, such as headgroup-specific There is growing interest in understanding how membranes
acyl chain remodeling. We propose that it is essential to assess sense changes in their biophysical state and respond through
lipidomic data in terms of the composite structural features lipidome remodeling. Elucidating the mechanisms involved in
conferred by binned combinations of lipids, because the combi- membrane responsiveness would address a fundamental ques-
nation of these structural features ultimately dictates the physical tion about what is required for a system to exhibit lifelike respon-
state and functionality of membranes. siveness and provide a blueprint for engineering synthetic mem-
One of the outstanding challenges in membrane biology is to branes from the bottom up. It has emerged only in recent years
identify the unifying principles that underlie lipidome adaptation. that there can be dedicated membrane sensors, which are
Progress toward this goal has been hampered by the fact that involved in regulating lipid biosynthesis pathways in response
even a relatively simple organism like E. coli has over 100 phos- to perturbed membrane properties (Ernst et al., 2016; Puth
pholipid species (Jeucken et al., 2019). Indeed, understanding et al., 2015; Saita and de Mendoza, 2015). It has been shown
why there are so many lipids has been an open question for de- that membrane property sensing can sense lipid packing at
cades (Dowhan, 1997, 2017). Bypassing this problem, the lipi- membrane surfaces, within the hydrophobic core, or even
dome of M. extorquens demonstrates that an organism capable across the membrane by sensing membrane stiffness and hy-
of adapting to a broad range of environmental conditions can drophobic thickness (Ballweg et al., 2019; Covino et al., 2018).
subsist with a relatively small number of lipid species and an The headgroup dependence of acyl chain remodeling on mem-
even smaller number of variable lipid species. Out of the 27 lipid brane properties reported here presents an additional layer of

Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020 11


complexity that must be accounted for in the sense and AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
response mechanisms of membrane adaptation.
S.R. and D.G. performed bacterial growth experiments. O.L. performed MS
Our observations reveal that M. extorquens possesses one of
analysis. M.A.S. performed MS data analysis and editing. G.C. performed
the simplest quantitatively characterized bacterial lipidomes. in vitro experiments and contributed to writing, editing, and data analysis.
Despite its simplicity, the lipidome of M. extorquens possesses M.R. performed bioinformatics analysis. H.J. conceived and designed the fig-
most of the key lipid structural features of more complex organ- ures. J.S. conceived the project, obtained funding, supervised the project, and
isms, including poly-unsaturated fatty acids, PC, and sterol ana- wrote the manuscript. All authors read, edited, and approved the final
logs. Furthermore, M. extorquens occupies ecologically diverse manuscript.
habitats, which necessitates flexibility of the lipidome for
handling a variety of possible conditions that this organism can DECLARATION OF INTERESTS
encounter. For example, M. extorquens can adapt to a relatively
The authors declare no competing interests.
broad range of temperatures, comparable with that of yeast.
Thus, this experimentally tractable organism combines relative Received: July 22, 2019
simplicity of the lipidome with high robustness, providing a Revised: August 20, 2020
means to investigate membrane composition-organization rela- Accepted: August 27, 2020
tionships. The observations we present here lay the groundwork Published: September 22, 2020
for using M. extorquens as a living model membrane system to
study fundamental questions underlying membrane adaptation. REFERENCES

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TU Dresden, a Simons Foundation Fellowship (to J.S.), a German Federal Min- Acad. Sci. USA 106, 2136–2141.
istry of Education and Research BMBF grant (to J.S., project 03Z22EN12), and Ernst, R., Ejsing, C.S., and Antonny, B. (2016). Homeoviscous Adaptation and
a VW Foundation ‘‘Life’’ grant (to J.S., project 93090). the Regulation of Membrane Lipids. J. Mol. Biol. 428 (24 Pt A), 4776–4791.

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14 Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020





Bacterial and Virus Strains
Methylobacterium extorquens PA1 Dcel Delaney et al., 2013 M. extorquens PA1 Strain CM2730
(strain CM2730)
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
c-laurdan Stratech Scientific Ltd. T0001-SFC-1
17B(H),21B(H)-22-hydroxyhopane Chiron AS C1391.30-1MG
DOPC Avanti 850375C-200MG
POPC Avanti 850457C-200MG
DOPE Avanti 850725C-200mg
POPE Avanti 850757C-200MG
DOPG Avanti 840475C-200mg
POPG Avanti 840457C-200mg
Deposited Data
Lipid abundance data from this study


Lead Contact
Requests for resources should be addressed to the lead contact, James P. Sáenz (

Materials Availability
This study did not generate new unique reagents.

Data and Code Availability

Lipidomic data generated during this study are available at Zenodo with https://


Media, growth conditions

For all cultivations a defined media, here referred to as Hypho-TMM, was used (Delaney et al., 2013). All liquid cultures were grown at
30 C and pH 7 with shaking at 150 rpm unless stated otherwise. For all experiments we used a strain of M. extorquens PA1 with the
cellulose synthase genes knocked out to minimize clumping and improve cell density measurements (Delaney et al., 2013;
M. extorquens PA1 Dcel; strain CM2730). Cultures were started from a glycerol stock stored at 80 C and were plated on Hy-
pho-TMM agarose plate and grown at 30 C. A liquid pre-culture was set up by sterile picking a single colony and transferring it to
5 mL of Hypho-TMM. This pre-culture was grown over night to near stationary phase. The experimental culture was started by inoc-
ulation to OD600 nm 0.02 with pre-culture and grown until a final OD600 nm of 0.2–0.3 (early log-phase) was reached. Several conditions
were tested including the influence of salinity, carbon source (0.1 and 1% v/v MeOH and 15 mM succinate), detergent (up to 5% w/v
Triton X-100) and temperature (6–30 C). Cells were also harvested at mid-, late- and stationary growth stages. A defined volume rep-
resenting 6 OD units (1 OD unit = 1 mL of OD 1) was sampled and pelleted. The harvested cells were washed twice with fresh media.
The pellet was snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored until further processing at 20 C.

Hypho-TMM recipe
1.45 mM K2HPO4; 1.88 mM NaH2PO4; 45.6 mM sodium citrate; 1.2 mM ZnSO4; 1 mM MnCl2; 18 mM FeSO4; 2 mM (NH4)6Mo7O24; 1 mM
CuSO4; 2 mM CoCl2; Na2WO4; 0.5 mM MgCl2; 8 mM (NH4)2SO4; 20 mM CaCl2

30 mM PIPES pH 7
15 mM succinate unless stated otherwise

Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020 e1



Shotgun mass spectrometry

For the lipidomic analysis by mass spectrometry the lipids of harvested cells were extracted twice by the method of Blight and Dyer
(Bligh and Dyer, 1959). The total lipid extracts representing 6 OD units of M. extorquens were analyzed by quantitative shotgun lip-
idomics (Ejsing et al., 2009) adapted for the quantification of hopanoids (diplopterol and 2-methyl-diplopterol), as described below.

Measurement of phospholipids
For absolute quantification extracts were diluted with MS mix (7.5 mM ammonium acetate in isopropanol/methanol/chloroform 4:2:1)
containing the 0.5 mM PC (34:0), PE (34:0), PG (34:0) mixture and 0.05 mM CL (57:4). MS spectra were acquired on Q Exactive tandem
mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany) equipped with a robotic nanoflow ion source TriVersa NanoMate
(Advion BioSciences, Ithaca NY). Spectra were acquired in negative MS mode with the mass resolution of Rm/z 400 = 280000 with AGC
target value of 106 and maximum injection time of 1 s in the range of masses 400–1000 m/z. Raw data were processed using Lip-
idXplorer software (Herzog et al., 2011, 2012). Based on high accuracy and resolution masses, species belonging to 4 phospholipid
classes including phosphatidylcholine (PC), detected as an acetate adduct, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylglycerol
(PG), both detected as deprotonated anions, and cardiolipin (CL), detected as a doubly deprotonated anion, were identified.

Measurement of diplopterol
The extract was dried down and re-dissolved in MS mix (7.5 mM ammonium acetate in isopropanol/methanol/chloroform 4:2:1) con-
taining the 0.13 mM cholesterol D7 standard. MS spectra were acquired on Q Exactive tandem mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher
Scientific, Bremen, Germany) equipped with a robotic nanoflow ion source TriVersa NanoMate (Advion BioSciences, Ithaca NY).
Spectra were acquired in positive MS mode with the mass resolution of Rm/z 400 = 140000 with AGC target value of 106 and maximum
injection time of 1 s in the range of masses 360–455 m/z. Raw data were processed using LipidXplorer software. Diplopterol and 2-
methyl-diplopterol were detected as M - [H2O] + H+ ... and cholesterol D7 as M - [H2O] + H+. Absolute concentrations of diplopterol
and methyl-diplopterol were determined using calibration curves and response factors established alongside with cholesterol D7 and
purified diplopterol mixed at various ratios.

GC-MS analysis
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and 3-pyridylcarbinol esters (PC) were prepared from whole cell biomass and analyzed according to
Albuquerque et al. (2011), Miller (1982), and Wait and Hudson (1985). 4,4,-dimethyloxazoline derivatives (DMOX) were prepared from
analyzed according to Svetashev (2011). Separation of all derivatives was conducted on an Agilent GC-MS 7000D using an Agilent
HP-5 ms UI 30 m x 250 mm x 0,25 mm column with a helium flow of 1.2 mL with an injection of 1 ml with split ratio of 7.5:1. The oven
program for the separation of FAME and DMOX derivatives was as followed: initial temperature 170 C, ramp 3 C/min to 200 C, ramp
5 C/min to 270 C, ramp 120 C/min to 300 C and hold for 2 min. The inlet temperature was set to 170  C and then linearly increased
with 200  C/min up to 350  C and hold for 5min. The oven program for the separation of PC derivatives was as followed: initial tem-
perature 190 C, hold for 4 min, ramp 2 C/min to 290 C, hold for 5 min. The inlet temperature was set to 190  C and then linearly
increased with 200 C/min up to 290 C. The MS parameters were set to aux temperature 230 C, source temperature 230 C, and elec-
tron impact ionization at 70 eV with mass range of m/z 40-600 or 40-800, respectively.

Liposome preparation
Lipids were pipetted in the form of stock solutions in chloroform (25 mg/ml) into a glass vial, and a thin lipid film was formed on the vial
inner surface under the stream of dry nitrogen. Subsequently, the lipid films were kept in vacuum overnight to remove traces of the
organic solvent. To form vesicles, the vials containing the lipid films were filled with 10 mM HEPES buffer with 150 mM NaCl at pH 7
and at 23 C for 30 min. Samples were then subjected to 10 cycles of freezing and thawing procedure which was followed by extrusion
through a polycarbonate filter with 100 nm pores (10 times). By this means, suspensions of lipid vesicles with the total lipid concen-
tration of 4 mM were formed. Directly before measurements, the vesicle suspensions were diluted to 0.4 mM lipid concentration and
c-laurdan (purchased from Stratech Scientific Ltd., product no. T0001-SFC-1) from a stock solution in DMSO (1 mM) was added to
the final concentration of 1 mM resulting in the 400:1 lipid-to-dye ratio. Samples were then incubated for 60 min at 23 C and 20 rpm.
After incubation, the samples where pipetted into the 96-well plate in the amount of 200 ml per well pairwise so that each labeled
liposomal suspension had corresponding blank (unlabelled) liposomal suspension.

Fluorescence measurement
All spectroscopical measurements were carried out using a SPARK 20 plate reader (Tecan, Grödig, Austria) equipped with a ther-
mostat capable of maintaining the temperature with the accuracy of ± 1 C. The measurements were carried out at 20 C. Upon reach-
ing a temperature, the sample was first incubated for 30 minutes at 150 rpm using internal sample holder to ensure thermal equilib-
rium. Fluorescence emission was measured in the ‘top reading mode’ of the setup in the epi-configuration using a 50/50 mirror and

e2 Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020


two monochromators (for selecting excitation and emission wavelengths). The sample was excited with xenon flash lamp with the
excitation monochromator set to 385 nm (20 nm bandwidth. The fluorescence emission was measured at 440 nm and 490 nm wave-
length (30 nm bandwidth each).

General polarization
General polarization (GP) was calculated using following formula:
I440  I490
GP =
I440 + I490
where I is the fluorescence emission intensity at given wavelength after a subtraction of the signal measured for the blank suspension.


Lipidomic Data analysis

Lipid abundances (mol% of total) of biological triplicates for all conditions are available at Zenodo
3269761#.Xz6QRR1S-jg. Biological triplicates represent three separate batch cultures grown under the same conditions. One of
the replicates at 13 C and at TX-100 1% w/v yielded erroneous abundance data due to a problem with the internal standard in those
replicates and we have therefore excluded them from our analyses.
Variation of lipid species across experimental sub-conditions (e.g., temperature, salt, etc.) was calculated by taking the differ-
ence in the mean abundance between the standard growth condition and the most extreme range of a particular experimental con-
dition. For example, variation over temperature was calculated as the difference in lipid species abundance between 30 C and 6 C.
Total lipidomic variation for each range of experimental conditions (Figure 3B) was estimated as the cumulative absolute values of the
variation of individual lipid species. Estimating lipid species variability over all experimental conditions (Figure 4B) required a different
approach since several experimental conditions with multiple extreme endpoints are considered. In this case, calculated the stan-
dard deviation of lipid abundances for replicates over for all experimental conditions. Total lipidomic variation was then calculated as
the cumulative variation of individual lipid species for a given range of conditions. A linear regression comparing the variation calcu-
lated by cumulative change in abundance versus cumulative standard deviation over temperature shows that these two parameters
are tightly correlated (r2 = 0.99) and provide a comparable relative measure of lipidomic variation (not shown).
Visualization of lipidome variation for all conditions was investigated with principle component analysis (PCA). PCA was performed
by using the R prcomp function in RStudio with default parameters, where the calculation is carried out by a singular value decom-
position of the (centered and scaled) data matrix. Visualization in single plots performed using the ggbiplot function. PCA allows the
identification of latent variables (principal components) in the data based on 14 observed variables. The plot is based on principal
components 1 and 2, which explain 50.1% and 16.5% of the total variance of the data, respectively.
Variations in abundance of lipid features were analyzed by binning lipid species according to structural features including total
chain length, saturation, class (e.g., phospholipid headgroup and diplopterols), and 2-methylation of diplopterol. Acyl chain length
and saturation were binned for all phospholipids (global acyl chain features), and separately within each headgroup (headgroup spe-
cific acyl chain features).

Liposome c-laurdan lipid packing data analysis

For a statistical analysis, all data points from three independent experiments (liposomes were prepared and measured three separate
times) of a given sample were pooled together and the variance homogeneity was verified using Levene test. The result of the test was
not significant thus it allowed us to accept the null hypothesis and to further study a significance of differences between samples
using t test for two independent samples. The statistical analysis was carried out in R programming language using t.test and leve-
neTest function from stats and car packages, respectively.
P values for t test of GP measurements:

Samples p
Control ; DAll < 0.001
DPE ; DAll < 0.001
DPC ; DAll < 0.05
DPG ; DAll < 0.001

Cell Reports 32, 108165, September 22, 2020 e3

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