Nutritional and Environmental Effects On

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CSIRO PUBLISHING Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2004, 16, 491–501

Nutritional and environmental effects on reproduction

in small ruminants

G. B. MartinA,B,C , J. Rodger A and D. Blache A

A School of Animal Biology, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Western Australia,
Crawley, WA 6009, Australia.
B CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity, University of Western Australia,

Crawley, WA 6009, Australia.

CTo whom correspondence should be addressed. email:

Abstract. Animals live in environments that are both complex and continually changing, so they have to respond
to short- and long-term variations in a wide range of factors, such as photoperiod, nutrition and sociosexual signals.
Before they were domesticated, animals developed reproductive strategies that coped with these changes and often
took advantage of them. The physiological processes that implement these strategies have been modified to some
extent during several millennia of controlled breeding, but most persist. Thus, many genotypes still exhibit profound
responses to external inputs, such as the induction of ovulation by sociosexual signals and the doubling of litter size
by a change in nutrition. The complexity in these responses is now becoming clearer. For example, with sociosexual
signals, we now need to consider the stimulatory effects of males on females, of females on males and of females
on females. Similarly, the impact of nutrition has been extended beyond the control of puberty and the production
of gametes to include phenomena such as ‘fetal programming’, with its potentially profound effects on the life-long
performance of the animals. Fortunately, our capacity to research these phenomena has been greatly enhanced
by technical improvements in hormone assays, molecular and cellular biology, and real-time ultrasound. This has
brought us a better understanding of several of the environmental influences on reproduction, including: the cellular
processes within ovarian follicles that mediate the effect of nutrition on ovulation rate; the neuroendocrine pathways
through which nutritional inputs affect the brain centres that control appetite and reproduction; and the intracerebral
pathways through which sociosexual signals (olfactory and non-olfactory) stimulate the reproductive axis. Impor-
tantly, we are now beginning to realise that, as well as considering interactions between environmental inputs and
genotype, we need to take into account interactions between the environmental factors themselves, just as the ani-
mals do. We still have a long way to go for a complete understanding, but we are nevertheless in a position where we
can begin to use this information to develop new management systems for our animals to improve their productivity.

Extra keywords: female effect, fetal programming, male effect, pheromone, season.

adapted to these situations have developed strategies that
During evolution, animals developed reproductive strate- are opportunistic and relatively flexible with respect to the
gies to ensure that periods of abundant food coincide with timing and intensity of reproductive effort. These opportunis-
late pregnancy and lactation. The typical view is that this tic strategies usually have an underlying annual cycle driven
is achieved by linking sexual activity to changes in pho- by photoperiod, but the final reproductive outcome is mod-
toperiod, a reliable predictor of the seasons and, therefore, ified by responses to other environmental inputs. This was
future food supplies. However, this view is not universally elegantly demonstrated by Bronson (1985), who studied the
applicable for three reasons. First, photoperiods may change reproductive strategies of species of rodent, lagomorph and
imperceptibly in regions close to the equator, where many deer in a wide range of environments between the equator
sheep and goats are used in production systems. Second, and the arctic circle. The same perspective can be used to
in many environments, the annual pattern of food supply is study the domestic ruminants, as we have done by compar-
determined by factors other than photoperiod, particularly ing the Suffolk and Merino genotypes. Suffolk rams follow
rainfall. Third, in semi-arid environments in particular, the the ‘photoperiod-driven’ model typical of animals that were
pattern of food supply varies greatly from year to year because developed in temperate regions, whereas Merino rams fol-
the timing of rainfall is very unpredictable. Animals that are low changes in food availability more than photoperiod and

© CSIRO 2004 10.1071/RD04035 1031-3613/04/040491

492 Reproduction, Fertility and Development G. B. Martin et al.

their annual cycle can be completely overridden by sociosex- we use will be derived from studies with sheep, particularly
ual interactions (Martin et al. 1999, 2002; Walkden-Brown Merinos, but the physiological principles and most of the
et al. 1999; Blache et al. 2003). The same applies to the many reproductive responses can be applied to all ruminants.
breeds of sheep and goats that have their origins in the cli-
Environmental inputs into reproduction: general
matic zones between 35◦ N and 35◦ S, probably one-third of
the world’s population; hence, our argument against ‘temper-
ate chauvinism’ in research into seasonal breeding (Martin Most reproductive responses to environmental factors are
et al. 1994; Martin 1995). coordinated at brain level, where all external and internal
In the first part of this paper, we will present a brief inputs ultimately converge into a final common pathway that
overview of the physiological linkages that animals use to controls the secretion of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
coordinate their reproductive output with environmental fac- (GnRH). In turn, this neurohormone controls the secretion
tors, with a particular focus on the roles of nutrition. A more of the gonadotrophins, the pituitary hormones that determine
detailed coverage of this area, taking into account interactions the activity of the reproductive axis (Fig. 1). The activity of
with genotype, can be found in the recent review by Blache these neurons is coordinated and synchronised so GnRH is
et al. (2003), although that paper only dealt with neuroen- released as a stream of pulses, the frequency of which is crit-
docrine integration. Thus, in the second part of the present ical: a high frequency promotes gonadal activity and a low
paper, we will also mention several effects of nutrition on the frequency allows gonadal activity to subside. Each pulse of
reproductive system that cannot be easily linked into brain- GnRH releases a pulse of the gonadotrophin luteinising hor-
controlled reproductive strategies for coping with seasonal mone (LH) from the pituitary gland. In the male, each LH
environments. They are perhaps more easily seen in the con- pulse stimulates the Leydig cells in the testes to release a
text of survival of a shortfall in nutrition and may even fit into pulse of testosterone, which completes the loop by exerting
the category of stress responses. The final part of the paper ‘negative feedback’ on the hypothalamic control system to
will deal with sociosexual stimuli. Most of the information reduce the frequency of the GnRH and LH pulses (Fig. 1).

Sociosexual signals Food supply

including pheromones

Auditory Olfactory Vision Pineal

system system system system

GnRH Apetite
pulsar Orexin, NPY ... control
GnRH centres
? continuum

GnRH Negative
dependent feedback
Leptin, insulin
LH, FSH Sex steroids

Uterus and feto-
placental unit

Gametogenic Endocrine GnRH
metabolites and
functions functions independent?
metabolic hormones

Gonad Mammary gland Colostrum

Fig. 1. Environmental inputs into reproduction operate through a variety of pathways, many of which
ultimately affect the activity of the ‘GnRH Pulsar’ (Martin 1984) and, thus, the pulsatile secretion
of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The relative importance of these GnRH-dependent
responses to photoperiod and nutritional and sociosexual stimuli depends largely on genotype (for
reviews, see Martin et al. 1986; Blache et al. 2000, 2002, 2003). In addition, there are nutritional and
other inputs into gonadal, uterine and mammary function that also affect reproductive output.
Environment, nutrition and reproduction Reproduction, Fertility and Development 493

In the female, each LH pulse stimulates the follicles to release nutrition, sociosexual signals and photoperiod. The role of
a pulse of oestrogen and this steroid fills a role equivalent to photoperiod and the physiological systems linking this input
that of testosterone in the feedback loop. A major difference with the brain–pituitary–axis have been extensively covered
between the sexes is that, during the breeding season, the elsewhere (see Tricoire et al. 2003), so will not be detailed in
female gonad also produces progesterone and the feedback the present paper. However, we must emphasise the impor-
loop relies primarily on this steroid and its synergistic interac- tance of the interaction between photoperiod and genotype.
tion with oestradiol (for a review, see Martin 1984). However, Many of the responses of the hypothalamic–pituitary system
recent research is revealing a key similarity between the sexes: to other inputs, including nutritional and sociosexual signals,
in male sheep, oestradiol is arguably more important in neg- depend on the degree to which the genotype under consid-
ative feedback than testosterone and the testosterone from eration responds to photoperiod (Blache et al. 2003). For
the Leydig cells effectively acts as a prohormone and is con- example, in genotypes that are very responsive to photope-
verted to oestradiol by aromatase in testicular, hepatic and riod, nutritional inputs can be dominated to the point where
brain tissues (Sharma et al. 1999; T. P. Sharma, D. Blache, rams can be gaining testicular mass at the same time as they
C. E. Roselli and G. B. Martin, unpublished observations). are losing body mass (Martin et al. 2002).
In our studies of environmental effects on the reproductive
system, we have focused on pulsatile LH secretion because it
Effects of nutrition on the reproductive process
is a simple and effective bioassay of GnRH cellular activity
and, therefore, an excellent indicator of responses to inputs The importance of nutrition in the breeding of production
from the sensory systems that detect external stimuli. The animals has probably been understood since domestication,
obvious risk of this approach is that it ignores the other major although serious scientific investigation and documentation
endocrine loop that controls reproduction – that involving only began approximately 100 years ago (for a review, see
pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and the actions Clark 1934). Nutrition was known to affect many aspects of
of gonadal hormones at pituitary level. The secretion of FSH the reproductive process (Fig. 2) and much research effort
is not pulsatile, so it does not provide the same type of infor- was devoted to puberty, gamete production (particularly ovu-
mation about cerebral responses, but it is vital in controlling lation rate), placental growth and lactation. In recent years,
the production of gametes as well as the secretion of sex there have been major developments in two more areas of
steroids and inhibin. In addition, it may play a role in the the process, namely fetal development (‘fetal programming’)
‘GnRH-independent’ pathways that seem to be particularly and colostrum production in relation to survival of offspring.
important in the effects of nutrition (Fig. 1), as discussed The various responses to nutrition, as indicated in Fig. 2, can
below. be incorporated into management practices, as we have dis-
Because of the feedback loop, the hypothalamic– cussed elsewhere (Martin et al. 2004) so, here, we will outline
pituitary–gonadal system is theoretically in equilibrium, but it only briefly as a means of emphasising our views on where
the balance can be shifted by exteroceptive factors, such as more research is needed.

Nutritional inputs

Sperm Embryo
production survival Fetus and placenta Colostrum
– fetal programming? production Pubertal development
Bloomfield period? ? ? ?

Weeks ⫺8 0 6 12 18 24 30
Mating Pregnancy Birth Lactation Wean

Fig. 2. Periods during the reproductive process of small ruminants when supplementary feeding may affect the reproductive success of the flock.
Generally, nutritional supplements are beneficial, but early embryo development may be an exception because there is some evidence that overfeeding
during that process can provoke embryo mortality. The postulated impact of undernutrition during the 90-day periconceptual period, as evidenced
by Bloomfield et al. (2003), is also indicated. Modified after Martin et al. (2004).
494 Reproduction, Fertility and Development G. B. Martin et al.

Gamete production ovarian transplant. However, sustained incremental refine-

The effects of nutrition on testicular growth and sperm pro- ments in hormone assays, cell biology and ultrasound have
duction in mature males has been researched in some detail greatly improved our capacity for testing new hypotheses.
(for a review, see Martin and Walkden-Brown 1995), but there Ultrasound has proven to be particularly valuable for fre-
is still a great need for fundamental investigations into the quent and repeated measurements of ovarian follicles in the
physiological processes involved. For the GnRH-dependent same animal during pre-ovulatory growth and development
pathway (Fig. 1), we still have a poor grasp of the links (Viñoles et al. 2002).
between nutritional and metabolic inputs and their effects Two current areas of focus are: (1) the roles of intrafollic-
on gonadotrophin secretion. Different signals and different ular energy metabolism (glucose transport, cytokine activity)
target organs seem to be responsible for the short- and long- in follicle development; and (2) the role of apoptosis in fol-
term aspects of the response. Short-term dietary treatments licular atresia. Both these processes can respond rapidly to
lead to changes in blood concentrations of glucose, fatty extra-ovarian stimuli and, thus, may be able to explain, for
acids, insulin and leptin, as well as in cerebrospinal fluid example, the increase from one to two follicles entering the
(CSF) concentrations of glucose, insulin, leptin and some pre-ovulatory stage after only 3 days of supplementary feed-
amino acids. Among these, the most important factors seem ing. Scaramuzzi et al. have been working on the hypothesis
to be fatty acids, insulin and leptin, all of which can increase that short-term nutritional supplements increase ovulation
GnRH/LH pulse frequency. Current studies are suggesting rate in the ewe by increasing the glucose supply (e.g. Downing
that there are neuroanatomical linkages between the cen- et al. 1995). At the same time, Iglesias et al. (1996) showed
tres that control reproduction and those that control appetite that a glucogenic drench also increases ovulation rate in
(Blache et al. 2002, 2003), with both perhaps controlled by a sheep. Before these reports, most workers had been con-
‘metabolic sensor and integrator’ (Blache et al. 2000). These centrating on the roles played by the gonadotrophins, but
acute neuroendocrine responses stimulate GnRH secretion the glucose work extended the scope of fundamental stud-
within hours of a change in diet and then disappear after ies on folliculogenesis to include several metabolic factors,
3–4 weeks as the feedback system re-establishes an equilib- such as insulin, growth factors, glucosamine and leptin, many
rium. However, as long as the dietary treatment is maintained, of which appear to play a role in the effects of nutrition
the testes continue to grow and produce more spermatozoa on ovarian output (Williams et al. 2001; Muñoz-Gutiérrez
and these longer-term effects do not depend on changes in et al. 2002). We are being convinced that, for the control
GnRH output (i.e. on brain control) and, thus, depend on the of ovulation rate, the actions of nutritional signals inside the
other pathway that we have labelled ‘GnRH-independent’ in ovarian follicle are far more important than nutrition-induced
Fig. 1 (Hötzel et al. 1995). changes in the activity of the centres in the brain that control
We know very little about these ‘GnRH-independent’links GnRH secretion.
between nutritional input and gonadal output, although it is
difficult to avoid a fundamental role for the factors that con- Effect of nutrition on sexual behaviour
trol energy balance in the animal (Boukhliq et al. 1997). It has The sexual behaviour of small ruminants does not seem to be
long been known that metabolites and metabolic hormones affected by nutrition unless there has been an extreme change
can be absorbed from the blood and will evoke responses in in body mass and energy reserves that has affected motor
the uterus and mammary gland with a large degree of inde- activity. In the ram, sexual behaviour decreases with severe
pendence from brain control. Similar pathways are becoming undernutrition simply because of the general weakness of the
evident for the gonads. In the female, the process of ovulation animal (Parker and Thwaites 1972). Conversely, overnutri-
is GnRH dependent, but nutritional effects on ovulation rate tion decreases the effectiveness of mating behaviour because
seem be mediated primarily through pathways that depend overweight animals become clumsy (Okolski 1975). Among
very little on a change in the secretion of GnRH, LH or FSH. adult ewes, severe undernutrition may alter the expression of
A critical observation here is that as little as 4 days of supple- sexual behaviour because the oestrous cycles have become
mentation will increase ovulation rate (Stewart and Oldham irregular or even arrested (Hafez 1952; Allen and Lamming
1986), so the mechanism is confined to the final stages of fol- 1961; Lamond et al. 1972). It is not clear whether this is
liculogenesis. There are some reports suggesting that these due to a specific behavioural response or to a reduction in
acute dietary treatments can stimulate gonadotrophin secre- GnRH pulse frequency that prevents the cascade of events
tion in ewes (e.g. Rhind et al. 1985), but most have failed to leading to ovulation: these same events are necessary for the
demonstrate robust and consistent effects (e.g. Rhind et al. induction of behavioural oestrus (for a review, see Blache
1989) matching those we have seen in males. Progress in this and Martin 1995). We need to be careful not to confuse
area over the past 20 years has often been discouraging, per- the incidence of oestrus detected in a flock with quantifi-
haps because experimentation is difficult: ovulation rate is cation of the behaviour displayed by a female (e.g. duration
a discrete variable with a narrow range and follicular activ- and intensity, as measured by Fabre-Nys and Venier (1987)).
ity is difficult to study without complex models, such as the There is no evidence showing that undernutrition affects the
Environment, nutrition and reproduction Reproduction, Fertility and Development 495

pre-ovulatory surge of LH or the release of oestrogen, but aspects of sheep production are affected by nutrition during
it does affect the responsiveness of ovariectomised ewes to pregnancy (review: Martin et al. 2004): (1) the initiation and
exogenous oestrogen (Gibson and Robinson 1971). Overnu- development of secondary fibre follicles in the skin, a key
trition appears to have little influence on the sexual behaviour determinant of wool quality in later life; (2) the formation
of the ewe because overweight ewes mainly stand still during of muscle fibres, perhaps a major determinant of growth and
sexual encounters. However, proceptivity may be impaired carcass quality; and (3) the differentiation and development
because overweight ewes may not be able to actively search of the reproductive system (in this case, we still need studies
for a male. Similarly, the behavioural interactions that under- that test whether any effects of nutrition during this process
pin male–female interactions in the ‘male effect’ (see below) have long-term consequences on reproductive efficiency).
may be compromised in animals with low levels of activity For the effects of nutrition on some of the aspects of the
and this may explain the poor responses seen in underfed reproductive process, we have a reasonable idea of the physi-
ewes by Wright et al. (1990). There is very little literature in ological mechanisms involved. However, we do not have solid
this area for small ruminants and more research is needed to hypotheses for periconceptual losses and fetal programming,
at least define the importance, or otherwise, of the issues. particularly with respect to responses to long-term nutritional
deprivation. There is a reasonable possibility that long-term
Periconceptual losses stress mechanisms are brought into play, particularly the hor-
Severe undernutrition is one of the many factors suggested mones that are involved in responses to metabolic stress and
as a cause of embryo loss in sheep but, paradoxically, there the control of metabolic homeostasis.
is also evidence that overfeeding in the first few weeks after
Perinatal mammary function
fertilisation can cause problems. This is apparently due to an
increase in the clearance of progesterone and, thus, a degra- In sheep, a nutritional supplement during the final week of
dation of the uterine environment (Martin et al. 2004). A pregnancy can double the volume of colostrum that will be
recent study from New Zealand has generated a lot of inter- available to the lamb at birth, even in ewes grazing high-
est in this part of the reproductive process (Bloomfield et al. quality pasture (Banchero et al. 2002, 2004). In addition to
2003). When ewes were underfed from 60 days before until supplying food energy and immunity, distension of the gut by
30 days after conception (Fig. 2), there was a marked increase colostrum improves the ability of a lamb to recognise its own
in premature births, with some lambs being born before Day mother and, therefore, contributes to the early establishment
130 of pregnancy and half the group delivering at more than of the ewe–lamb bond (Goursaud and Nowak 1999). Under
two standard deviations earlier than normal. Remarkably, the extensive management systems, these outcomes are probably
underfeeding was not severe (the ewes only lost 15% of their most important for multiple births.
body mass) and all ewes had regained normal body mass There are two parallels between the effects of nutrition
at the time of parturition. In the underfed ewes, the lambs in the very early and very late stages of pregnancy. First, in
that were born at the normal time had a normal birth weight. both situations, the supplement appears to act by hastening
Under extensive management, it seems unlikely that the very the clearance of progesterone (Parr 1992; Parr et al. 1993;
premature births would have been noted, so this phenomenon Banchero et al. 2002); in early pregnancy, this may lead to
may be quite common. poor implantation but, at the end of pregnancy, it acceler-
This whole area is obviously fundamental to production ates the onset of lactogenesis. Second, as in early pregnancy,
systems because there may be a conflict between strategies there is a potential disadvantage of a nutritional supplement
used to increase ovulation rate and strategies that promote in the period leading up to parturition. If a supplement that is
early embryo survival. Moreover, there may be long-term designed to promote colostrum production is fed for too long,
consequences for the embryos that survive because of the it may cause excessive fetal growth and, therefore, dystocia
phenomenon of ‘fetal programming’. and an increase in lamb mortality.

Fetal programming Responses to sociosexual signals

In addition to the potential impact on periconceptual devel- We can control the timing of events in the reproductive
opment, nutrition plays a vital role in the development of the process by using the male effect: in sheep and goats, the
placenta (for a review, see Bell 1984) and other organs in the sudden introduction of novel males can induce ovulation in
fetus between Days 60 and 120 of pregnancy. Undernutrition females that are reproductively quiescent because they are
can have serious effects on these processes and the conse- out of season or lactating (for reviews, see Martin et al.
quences may not become evident until much later in life, 1986; Walkden-Brown et al. 1999; Álvarez and Zarco 2001).
by which time the link between cause and effect may have The male effect may also work for advancing the first cycle
been lost. This ‘fetal programming’ is currently receiving a in young ewes, although this needs experimental verifica-
lot of attention in human medical research. In humans, it is tion because the relevant literature is conflicting. Sexual
usually linked to susceptibility to disease, but at least three behaviour accompanies the first ovulation in goats, but is
496 Reproduction, Fertility and Development G. B. Martin et al.

delayed until after the first long cycle in ewes because pro- physiological mechanisms involved so we can manipulate
gesterone priming is needed for the expression of sexual them to improve their value in animal management.
behaviour in that species (for a review, see Martin et al. 1986).
In male sheep and goats, mating behaviour is always instan- Effects of genotype on responses to nutrition
taneously induced by encounters with females, even during and sociosexual stimuli
the non-breeding season.
To reveal the nature of the genotype by environment interac-
In mature females, the induced ovulations are sufficiently
tions that affect the reproductive axis, we have compared the
synchronised in a herd or flock to allow the use of artificial
responses of Merino and Suffolk rams to the female effect
insemination, as well as focused feeding for litter size, fetal
under two levels of nutrition and in different seasons (Fig. 3).
programming and neonatal survival (Martin et al. 2004). In
As expected, Merino rams responded to the female effect
addition to the synchrony of births, the male effect has a
in both seasons, although the response was not significant
second advantage of control over the season of births, so
with the high diet in the breeding season, perhaps because
we can take advantage of seasonal changes in lamb markets.
the pulse frequencies were already very high, making it dif-
Finally, with research and development, it may allow us to
ficult to evoke any further increase. In contrast, Suffolk rams
avoid the use of exogenous hormones in controlled breeding
showed little sign of an increase in LH secretion under any
programmes: this seems to be an almost inevitable trend in
circumstance. Their reproductive axis is very strongly inhib-
modern export markets.
ited by photoperiod in the non-breeding season (Martin et al.
We need to find out why some acyclic females do not
ovulate, how to ensure oestrous behaviour and normal luteal
phases, and how to maintain cyclicity following the ini- (a) Non-breeding season
tial induced ovulation. These questions are discussed by * *
Ungerfeld et al. (2004), who have recently combined ultra-
sound with endocrine and behavioural data to greatly improve
LH pulses per 8 h

the prospects of successful research in this field.
We would like to focus on three other areas of research: 3
(1) the contribution of social behavioural interactions to the
outcome of the male effect; (2) interactions between genotype 2
and nutrition that affect the GnRH/LH response; and, at a
more fundamental level, (3) the neural pathways that link
sociosexual signals with the GnRH secretory system. 0
— ⫹ — ⫹ — ⫹ — ⫹
Social–behavioural interactions Low diet High diet Low diet High diet
In addition to the ‘male effect’, in which sexually active males (b) Breeding season
induce pulses of GnRH/LH and then ovulation in anoestrous 5
females, there is also a ‘female effect’, in which oestrous
LH pulses per 8 h

females induce pulses of GnRH, LH and testosterone in

males, and also a ‘female–female effect’ in which oestrous
females improve the induction of ovulation in anoestrous herd
mates (goats: Walkden-Brown et al. 1993; Restall et al. 1995; 2
Álvarez et al. 1999; ewes: Zarco et al. 1995). These interac-
tions are self-reinforcing and enhance the final reproductive 1
outcome in the flock (Walkden-Brown et al. 1999). A further
level of complexity is added by social interactions. For exam- 0
— ⫹ — ⫹ — ⫹ — ⫹
ple, in red deer (Cervus elaphus), dominant females become
Low diet High diet Low diet High diet
pregnant earlier than subordinates apparently because they
respond more rapidly to the male effect (Clutton-Brock et al. Merino Suffolk
1986). A recent study in goats has shown that the domi- Fig. 3. Effect of introduction of oestrous ewes on the frequency of
nant females establish closer contact with newly introduced pulses of luteinising hormone (LH) in Merino and Suffolk rams fed
bucks and, therefore, ovulate earlier than subordinate females to maintenance (low diet) or with a high energy and protein supple-
(Álvarez et al. 2003). In experiments on the female–female ment (high diet) for 13 days during (a) the non-breeding season and
(b) the breeding season. The frequencies were measured for 8 h (09.00–
effect, Álvarez (2000) has also observed that the subordinate
17.00 h) over consecutive days in the absence and presence of oestrous
does tend to ovulate later than their dominant partners. We ewes. Significant (P < 0.05) ‘female effects’ are indicated (J. S. Fisher,
need to determine how these interactions affect reproductive M. J. Hötzel, S. W. Walkden-Brown and G. B. Martin, unpublished
efficiency and we need an understanding of behavioural and observations).
Environment, nutrition and reproduction Reproduction, Fertility and Development 497

1999, 2002; Hötzel et al. 2003) so, in contrast with the Meri- Jansen et al. (1998) and Lévy et al. (1999) have traced afferent
nos, they show no response to either sociosexual inputs or and efferent pathways between the olfactory bulbs and the
nutritional supplements (Fig. 3). This difference between rest of the brain in female sheep and found that they are
the breeds may be an important tool for future research similar to those in rodents. However, sheep seem to differ
because, by comparing the neurosensory pathways involved, fundamentally from rodents because their main tract mediates
we may be able to pinpoint genetic interferences and, thus, the male effect and the female effect does not seem to involve
develop ways to overcome the block in the genotypes that are odours at all (Cohen-Tannoudji et al. 1989; Gonzalez et al.
dominated by photoperiod. 1991a). For maternal recognition of offspring in sheep, there
Despite the effect of level of nutrition on the activity of the is disagreement over which tract is most important (Lévy
reproductive axis in the Merino rams (Fig. 3; for a review, see et al. 1995; Booth and Katz 2000).
Martin and Walkden-Brown 1995), nutritional treatments did
not affect the size of the increase in GnRH/LH secretion that Visual, tactile and auditory inputs
was induced by the female effect, so it seems likely that inde-
Non-olfactory signals are important in both the male and
pendent physiological processes mediate responses to these
female effects in goats and sheep (Shelton 1980; Cohen-
two factors. Interestingly, this outcome differs from that in
Tannoudji et al. 1986, 1989; Gonzalez et al. 1991a). As
Australian cashmere goats (Walkden-Brown et al. 1994), sug-
well as stimulus substitution, we must remember that there
gesting variation between the two species, although there are
are synergistic and additive effects among the various sig-
several major differences in experimental design that may
nals and that efficient reproductive outcomes may depend on
also explain the difference.
these combinations (Shelton 1980; Pearce and Oldham 1988).
However, in contrast with Merino rams, the ovulatory
Auditory signals play a role in several aspects of behaviour in
response of Merino ewes to the male effect seems to be better
sheep, so they need to be taken into consideration. Tactile sig-
in ewes of good body condition (score 3 on a scale of 5) than
nals may be important because placing a wire fence between
in ewes of poor body condition (score 1.5; Fisher et al. 1993).
the males and females can reduce the efficacy of the male
Similar sorts of studies need to be performed with the male
effect (Shelton 1980; Pearce and Oldham 1988; Bartlewski
effect and the female–female effect in other genotypes.
et al. 2002). Visual stimuli have not been linked to GnRH
Neural pathways linking sociosexual signals secretion either, but it is clear that sheep can visually assess,
to GnRH secretion identify and remember individuals (Kendrick et al. 2001);
can they visually differentiate males from females?
In sheep, the critical GnRH cells for sociosexual inputs
seem to be those located in the mediobasal hypothala-
mus (Boukhliq et al. 1999), but we have little idea of Sex steroid inputs
how the olfactory and visual signals from rams reach that In the sheep model, we have shown that males can
region. Obviously, the same applies to the female effect and increase LH pulse frequency in ovariectomised females, but
the female–female effect. This will be relatively difficult the response is difficult to detect and greatly improved when
research, but not as difficult as unravelling the interactions the ovariectomised females are pretreated with oestradiol (for
with photoperiod, nutrition and genotype (Fig. 1; Blache et al. a review, see Martin et al. 1986). This suggests that, some-
2003). Perhaps most intriguing of all are the roles played by where among the brain pathways, there is a confluence of
novelty and familiarity and, thus, learning. these two major inputs into the control of GnRH activity
(Fig. 1). The GnRH cells themselves do not seem to con-
Olfactory inputs tain receptors for oestradiol in any species, so there must be
In rodents, the pheromones that advance puberty and block at least one set of interneurons involved. For female sheep,
pregnancy stimulate the vomeronasal organ through a set of Goubillon et al. (2000) have begun to develop a neuroanatom-
specific receptor molecules for which the genes have now ical framework for steroid inputs, but rams and ewes have
been identified (for a review, see Dulac 2000). This organ different types of network and this may explain differences
innervates the accessory olfactory bulbs, which, in turn, have between them in their responses to all environmental inputs,
connections to the anterior medial hypothalamus. The main including sociosexual stimuli. In any case, it seems likely that
olfactory bulbs also have connections to the hypothalamus: the sex steroids amplify the responses in ewes by sensitising
they apparently terminate in lateral areas, well away from the olfactory pathways to the sociosexual stimulus. There is
the centres that control gonadal function, although the main evidence for this sort of interaction in mice (Halem et al.
olfactory bulb and the lateral hypothalamus can respond to 2001) and a recent study with voles has shown that changes
male odours and apparently have some connection with the in photoperiod can change the sensitivity of female olfactory
centres that control GnRH release (for a review, see Martin pathways to a male urinary stimulus (Hairston et al. 2003).
et al. 1986). Thus, there are two sets of linkages through This is interesting because there are also strong interactions
which chemical signals could affect the secretion of GnRH. between inputs from photoperiod and those from sex steroids,
498 Reproduction, Fertility and Development G. B. Martin et al.

nutrition and sociosexual stimuli into the reproductive axis To balance the problem of complexity, there has been a coa-
of sheep (Blache et al. 2003). lescence of techniques for working with animals, cells and
molecules, plus the emergence of new perspectives about the
The role of learning ways that animals and their tissues respond to the wide variety
of inputs that confront them every day. This has brought us to
The importance of learning is evident from the need for
the brink of a better understanding of the importance of, for
unfamiliar males to elicit endocrine and ovulatory responses
example, the role played by cellular processes within ovarian
in the male effect and from the fact that previous experience
follicles in the effect of nutrition on ovulation rate, the neu-
with mature rams seems to improve the responses of young
roendocrine pathways through which nutritional inputs affect
ewes to the male stimulus (Bartlewski et al. 2002; Gelez et al.
the brain centres that control appetite and reproduction, and
2003). Similarly, with the female effect, sexually experienced
the intracerebral pathways through which sociosexual signals
rams are more responsive than inexperienced rams (Gonzalez
(olfactory and non-olfactory) stimulate the reproductive axis.
et al. 1991b). Olfactory learning is also important for recog-
A paper this brief cannot be thorough (e.g. we have not
nition of kin, mates and offspring; for example, ewes rely on
dealt with issues as important as stress), but it can point
learned olfactory signals to distinguish their own offspring
out areas of research priority. Indeed, we hope that we have
from others, a process mediated by the main olfactory tract
revealed the threshold of an exciting new era of investigation
(Lévy et al. 1995, 1999). A similar process may also underpin
into ways that external factors affect the reproductive sys-
the male effect. The ram pheromone is a mix of long-chain
tem of farm animals. Inevitably, a paper such as this gives
fatty acids, so may be sufficiently complex to carry the signa-
an impression of complexity. It is no surprise that animals
ture of an individual (for a review, see Walkden-Brown et al.
live in a complex world and it is equally no surprise that
researchers often study only one factor at a time. Compre-
The olfactory bulb itself is capable of the long-term synap-
hensive, balanced, multifactorial experiments are technically
tic changes that lead to the learning of important odours. In
difficult to manage, analyse and interpret and it may be that
addition, memory development may involve the generation of
we should turn to mathematical models as a guide for future
new neurons. New neurons originate from proliferating cells
research programmes (Blanc et al. 2001). In the meantime,
in the subventricular zone, then migrate rostrally towards the
we can use much of the information that we already have to
main olfactory bulb along a pathway known as the rostral
develop management systems to improve the productivity of
migratory stream (Rochefort et al. 2002). On arrival, they
our animals.
differentiate into local interneurons and functionally inte-
grate into circuits (Carlen et al. 2002). Integration is faster
after stimulation by novel odours. In addition to this process,
environmental factors modulate the constitutive turnover of For the discussion that led to many of these ideas, we thank our
neurons in many brain regions, including the hypothalamus, colleagues, particularly Lorenzo Álvarez, Rex Scaramuzzi,
as observed in female voles exposed to males (Fowler et al. John Milton and Carolina Viñoles. Much of the work from
2002) and in hamsters following a change in photoperiod our laboratory was funded through the Australian Research
(Huang et al. 1998). Council and the National Health and Medical Research
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