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INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the .

Background of the Study The Philippines is listed as one of the high-density populated countries in the world. People experiencing poverty think of different approaches just to survive. One of their alternatives is to live illegally under the bridge. Poverty has always been a major problem of the Philippines. In fact, Philippines as of 2006, placed twelfth of the poorest country in the world. One of the reasons why poverty exist is the over population. As of 2010, the population of the country... National Capital Region (NCR) has the second largest population in the country, next to Central Visayas. NCR, otherwise known as Metro Manila, has the highest population density in the country. The poverty circumstances continue to vary across regions and in Metro Manila, slums are located in all the cities and municipalities. These slums are usually located along rivers and creeks, in dumpsite,

along railroad tracks, under bridges, and beside factories and other industrial establishments. Most of the informal settlers are from the rural areas or provinces who move to the city with the hope of going a better life. For them, Metro Manila offers more job opportunity than the provinces or homelands. The Philippines is considered second-largest archipelago in the world because it is composed of over 7,100 islands. The country have enormous amount of bodies of water that connects almost 300,000 square kilometres land area. It is composed of different bodies of water that separate land areas. For the purpose of connecting the communities, bridges were built. These are intended for pedestrian, roads and pipeline or waterways for water transport. These also serve as an avenue for transporting goods and services; in fact it is the primary means of handling passengers and freight movements. Bridges are subject to unintended uses as well. Some bridges in Metro Manila have now become shelters for a number of deprived and homeless migrants.

Bridge dwelling has become rampant in the society today. As more people resorts in settling under the bridges, different risks to their health, safety and security arise. Many diseases might be acquired by the residents such as Leptospirosis, Dengue and Diarrhea. Leptospirosis is caused by the entry of the leptospira bacteria through wounds when in contact with flood waters, vegetation, and moist soil contaminated with the urine of infected animals, especially rats. Dengue is an acute infectious disease manifested initially with fever and it is a known killer disease. Aedes aegypti, the transmitter of the disease, is a day-biting mosquito which lays eggs in clear and stagnant water found in flower vases, cans, rain barrels, old rubber tires, etc. The adult mosquitoes rest in dark places of the house. Diarrhea is acquired from Ingestion of contaminated food and water. Different elements that force people to settle under the bridges includes poverty, increase in number of unemployment rate, inadequate housing and relocation, not sustainable monitoring of the government to prevent the proliferation of informal settler communities

settlers. As years pass, the scenario worsens which results to continuous increase of the population of the informal settlers under the bridge. Due to lack in source of income of people in the rural areas, they seek opportunities in the Metro because of the perception instilled in their minds that success is a step away they are in the grounds of Metro Manila. The Philippine government, specifically, the Department of Health, Department of Public Works and Highways, National Housing Authority, Department of Social Welfare and Development and Metropolitan Manila Development Authority have the primary concern for matters about the informal settlers under the bridge.

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