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Name of the Project: Livestock Dispersal Livelihood Program

Location: Barangay 1, San Carlos City
Number of Heads/Area: 50 households/5 hectares
Estimated Budget: PHP 500,000
Proponent: Barangay Officials of Barangay 1


The Livestock Dispersal Livelihood Program aims to provide a sustainable source of

income for the residents of Barangay 1, San Carlos City through livestock production. This
project will help alleviate poverty in the community and improve their overall quality of life.
The program will also promote the use of modern and efficient livestock production
practices, as well as provide technical assistance and training to the beneficiaries.


There is a high demand for livestock products such as meat, milk, and eggs in San
Carlos City and the surrounding areas.

Market Demand:
The growing population and increasing income levels have led to a significant
increase in the demand for these products.

Market Supply:
The current supply of livestock products in the area is insufficient to meet the growing
demand. Most of the products are imported from other cities and provinces, resulting in
higher prices and reduced quality.
Competitive Advantage:
The Livestock Dispersal Livelihood Program will have a competitive advantage over
other suppliers as it will provide locally-produced, fresh and high-quality livestock products
at a lower cost. The program will also promote sustainable and environmentally-friendly
production practices.


Cultural Practice:
The Livestock Dispersal Livelihood Program will involve the raising of cattle, goats,
and poultry. The animals will be raised using modern and efficient production practices such
as proper feeding, vaccination, and disease control. The program will also promote the use of
natural and organic feeds to ensure the quality and safety of the products.

Labor Requirements:
The program will require 10 skilled workers to manage the livestock and 2 managers
to oversee the overall operations. The estimated salary expenses for the workers and
managers will be included in the budgetary breakdown.

Budgetary Breakdown:
The estimated budget for the Livestock Dispersal Livelihood Program is PHP
500,000. This includes the cost of the livestock, feed and supplements, vaccines, and other
equipment needed for the production. The labor expenses for the workers and managers are
also included in the budget.

Sales Forecast and Assumption:

The program is expected to produce an average of 200 kg of meat, 100 liters of milk,
and 500 eggs per month. The estimated mortality rate and inflation rate are 5% and 3%,
Gantt Chart:

Task Start Date End Date Duration

Conduct community assessment 01/01/2024 01/14/2024 14 days
Develop project proposal 01/15/2024 01/28/2024 14 days
Secure funding 01/29/2024 02/11/2024 14 days
Procure livestock and equipment 02/12/2024 03/25/2024 42 days
Train beneficiaries on animal care 03/26/2024 04/08/2024 14 days
Distribute livestock to beneficiaries 04/09/2024 04/22/2024 14 days
Monitor and evaluate project 04/23/2024 06/30/2024 69 days


Revenue from Livestock Sales: 800,000 pesos
Cost of Goods Sold: 500,000 pesos
Gross Profit: 300,000 pesos

Operating Expenses:
Labor: 100,000 pesos
Feed and Supplies: 50,000 pesos
Transportation: 10,000 pesos
Total Operating Expenses: 160,000 pesos
Net Income: 140,000 pesos


Cash Inflows:
Investment: 500,000 pesos
Revenue from Livestock Sales: 800,000 pesos
Total Cash Inflows: 1,300,000 pesos

Cash Outflows:
Cost of Goods Sold: 500,000 pesos
Operating Expenses: 160,000 pesos
Taxes: 20,000 pesos
Total Cash Outflows: 680,000 pesos
Net Cash Flow: 620,000 pesos
Ending Cash Balance: 620,000 pesos

Net Income: 140,000 pesos
Total Investment: 500,000 pesos
ROI: (140,000 / 500,000) x 100% = 28%

Based on the above calculations, the Livestock Dispersal Livelihood Program is expected to
generate a net income of 140,000 pesos in its first year of operation, with a total investment
of 500,000 pesos. The ROI for the program is calculated to be 28%, which exceeds the
expected ROI of 15% set by the proponent. This indicates that the program is financially
feasible and has the potential to be profitable in the long run.


The Livestock Dispersal Livelihood Program will have a positive impact on the socio-
economic development of Barangay 1, San Carlos City. The program will provide a
sustainable source of income for the beneficiaries, thereby improving their overall standard of
living. It will also promote the use of modern and efficient production practices, which will
enhance the skills and knowledge of the workers and managers.


The Livestock Dispersal Livelihood Program will promote sustainable and

environmentally-friendly production practices such as the use of natural and organic feeds,
proper waste management, and disease control. The program will also reduce the need for
importing livestock products from other areas, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of the


Name of the Project: Improvement of the Cultivation of Field Crops and Forages in
the Marginalized Areas in Barangay Palampas
Location: Barangay Palampas, Philippines
Number of Heads/Area: 50 farmers covering 10 hectares of land
Estimated Budget: PHP 1,000,000
Proponent: Local Government Unit of San Carlos City


The proposed project aims to improve the cultivation of field crops and forages in
marginalized areas in Barangay Palampas. This will provide opportunities for farmers to
increase their income and promote food security in the community. Through this project,
farmers will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to improve their farming
practices, resulting in better yields and higher-quality produce. Additionally, this project will
support the local economy by providing a sustainable source of income for farmers and
increasing the supply of locally-grown produce.


Market Demand:
There is a high demand for field crops and forages in the local market, particularly for
livestock feed and human consumption. The demand is expected to grow due to the
increasing population in nearby areas.

Market Supply:
Currently, the supply of field crops and forages from Barangay Palampas is low due
to the lack of proper cultivation practices and resources. However, with the implementation
of this project, we aim to increase the supply and fill the gap in the market.
Competitive Advantage:
The project offers a competitive advantage to the farmers in Barangay Palampas
through the provision of training, tools, and resources to improve their cultivation practices.
This will enable them to produce high-quality crops and forages that can compete with other
sources in terms of quality and price.


Cultural Practice:
The project will involve the use of modern cultivation practices such as crop rotation,
intercropping, and soil nutrient management to optimize the yield of field crops and forages.
The farmers will also be provided with training on pest and disease management and proper
harvesting techniques.

Labor Requirements:
The project will require 40 farmers to work on 10 hectares of land. The laborers will
be paid a salary of PHP 250 per day, while the manager will be paid PHP 20,000 per month.

Budgetary Breakdown:
Training and seminars: PHP 100,000
Tools and equipment: PHP 300,000
Seedlings and fertilizers: PHP 120,000
Labor expenses: PHP 270,000
Miscellaneous expenses: PHP 130,000

Sales Forecast and Assumption:

Based on the market study, it forecast an initial yield of 50 tons of field crops and
forages, with a selling price of PHP 20 per kilogram. We assume a mortality rate of 5% and
an inflation rate of 3%.
Gantt Chart:

Task Start Date End Date Duration (days)

Research and Planning 01/01/2024 02/28/2024 59
Identify Target Areas 03/01/2024 03/15/2024 15
Soil and Crop Analysis 03/16/2024 04/15/2024 31
Farmer Selection and Orientation 04/16/2024 05/15/2024 30
Land Preparation and Planting 05/16/2024 07/15/2024 61
Forage Production and Management 07/16/2024 09/15/2024 61
Crop Maintenance and Fertilization 09/16/2024 11/15/2024 61
Harvesting and Post-Harvesting 11/16/2024 12/31/2024 46
Evaluation and Documentation 01/01/2025 02/28/2025 59


Sales revenue: 1,000,000 pesos
Cost of goods sold: 500,000 pesos
Gross profit: 500,000 pesos

Labor: 80,000 pesos
Seeds and fertilizers: 120,000 pesos
Water and electricity: 30,000 pesos
Miscellaneous expenses: 10,000 pesos
Total expenses: 240,000 pesos
Net profit: 260,000 pesos

Sales revenue: 1,000,000 pesos

Labor: 80,000 pesos
Seeds and fertilizers: 120,000 pesos
Water and electricity: 30,000 pesos
Miscellaneous expenses: 10,000 pesos
Capital expenditures: 200,000 pesos
Total outflows: 440,000 pesos
Net cash flow: 560,000 pesos

ROI = (Net profit / Total investment) x 100%
Total investment = Budget + Capital expenditures
Total investment = 500,000 + 200,000 = 700,000 pesos

ROI = (260,000 / 700,000) x 100%

ROI = 37.14%


The proposed project will have a positive impact on the socio-economic development
of the community. By providing opportunities for farmers to increase their income, the
project will contribute to poverty reduction and promote economic growth. Additionally, the
project will support the development of sustainable and resilient agriculture, which will help
to mitigate the effects of climate change.


The proposed project will have a positive impact on the environment by promoting
sustainable and organic farming practices. This will help to reduce the use of harmful
chemicals and promote soil conservation, which will contribute to the long-term health and
productivity of the land. Additionally, the project will support biodiversity by promoting the
use of diverse crops and crop rotation practices.


Name of the Project: Solar Fish Drying

Location: San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Number of Heads/Area: 50 fisherfolk families
Estimated Budget: Php 2,000,000
Proponent: San Carlos City Fisherfolk Association (SCCFA)


The fishery industry plays a crucial role in the economic development of the
Philippines. It provides employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, and research
development. In San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, the poverty incidence rate of families in
2018 was recorded at 17.3%, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority. The fishery
industry is one of the sectors that can help alleviate poverty in the city. However, many
fisherfolk in San Carlos City face challenges in post-harvest fisheries due to limited access to
proper drying facilities, which leads to lower-quality dried fish and lower incomes. This
project aims to address these challenges by introducing an alternative fish drying method
using solar dryers, which can improve the quality and quantity of dried fish production.


Market Demand:
The demand for dried fish is high in San Carlos City and neighboring towns. With the
increasing number of tourists visiting the area, the demand for high-quality dried fish
products is expected to increase.

Market Supply:
There is a limited supply of high-quality dried fish in San Carlos City due to the lack
of proper drying facilities.
Competitive Advantage:
The use of solar dryers in fish drying can produce high-quality dried fish products,
which can provide a competitive advantage over traditional drying methods.


Cultural Practice:
The flow of the process in the overall operation will involve the collection of fresh
fish from the fisherfolk, cleaning and preparing the fish for drying, and drying the fish using
solar dryers. The solar dryers will be constructed and installed in a centralized location
accessible to all fisherfolk. The dried fish products will be sold in the local market or to
traders for export.

Labor Requirements:
The project will require a manager and six laborers to operate the solar dryers and
manage the drying process. The laborers will be provided with a fair salary and benefits.

Budgetary Breakdown:
The budgetary breakdown includes the construction and installation of solar dryers,
purchase of necessary equipment and supplies, labor costs, and other operational expenses.
The total cost of the project is estimated at Php 2,000,000.

Sales Forecast and Assumption:

The sales forecast is based on the current demand for dried fish products in the local
market and the potential increase in demand due to tourism. The sales forecast will be
reviewed and updated annually to reflect changes in market demand and other factors.
Gantt Chart:

Task Start Date End Date Duration (days)

Project planning and preparation 07/01/2023 07/15/2023 15

Site selection and preparation 07/16/2023 08/15/2023 31

Solar dryer construction and installation 08/16/2023 09/30/2023 46

Training and capacity building 10/01/2023 11/15/2023 46

Pilot testing and product development 11/16/2023 01/15/2024 61

Monitoring and evaluation 01/16/2024 06/15/2024 151

Reporting and documentation 06/16/2024 07/15/2024 30


Sales of dried fish and other fishery products PHP 3,000,000
Cost of goods sold:
Direct materials used PHP 800,000
Direct labor PHP 500,000
Overhead costs PHP 600,000
Gross profit PHP 1,100,000

Operating expenses:
Salaries and wages PHP 300,000
Rent and utilities PHP 200,000
Marketing and advertising PHP 100,000
Depreciation PHP 100,000
Total operating expenses PHP 700,000
Net income before taxes PHP 400,000

Cash inflows:
Sales of dried fish and other fishery products PHP 3,000,000
Total cash inflows PHP 3,000,000

Cash outflows:
Direct materials used PHP 800,000
Direct labor PHP 500,000
Overhead costs PHP 600,000
Salaries and wages PHP 300,000
Rent and utilities PHP 200,000
Marketing and advertising PHP 100,000
Depreciation PHP 100,000
Total cash outflows PHP 2,600,000
Net cash flow PHP 400,000


Total investment PHP 2,000,000
Net income before taxes PHP 400,000
ROI 20%


The project will have a positive impact on the socio-economic conditions of the
fisherfolk families in San Carlos City by providing a new source of income and employment
opportunities. The project will also contribute to the development of the local economy by
increasing the supply of high-quality dried fish products.


The use of solar dryers in fish drying is an environmentally-friendly method

compared to traditional drying methods, which use wood or charcoal. The project will also
promote sustainable fishing practices by ensuring that only fresh and properly-sized fish are

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