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It is very well said that In the present scenario its not the fittest that survives instead the

glory is reserved for the adaptable. Change is inevitable but we resist change. This book helps us to cope up with change. The change can be at workplace, in family life or anywhere. People resist change because they are comfortable with their routine habits. This book tells us not to resist change but to handle change in a very lucid manner. If you adapt, you can fit in any environment and survive. Who Moved My Cheese is a motivational book in the form of a parable. How one should deal with changes in ones life is the nervecentre of the story. The four imaginary characters depicted in the story-the mice Sniff and scurry and little people Hem and Haw- are intended to represent the simple and the complex parts of ourselves, regardless of our age, gender, race or nationality. It is story about change that takes place in one life where four amusing characters look for cheese. Cheese being the metaphor for what we want to have in life whether it is a job or relationship,, freedom, health spiritual peace or even an activity like jogging etc. In the story the 4 characters are searching for cheese. They go in the maze everyday to search for it. One day they find it at cheese station C. They get excited. But we see that the 2 little people get accustomed to it. Instead of their regular routine they reach at the station late. On the other hand the mice are always quick. One day Sniff and Scurry arrive at Cheese Station C to find no cheese left but they are not surprised. Noticing the cheese supply decreasing, they have mentally prepared for it, but inevitable task of finding more cheese beforehand. Leaving Cheese Station C behind, they begin their hunt for new cheese together. Later that day, Hem and Haw arrive at Cheese Station C only to find the same thing, no cheese. They get shocked on seeing this. They were bewildered and horrified. They had never imagined it to happen Angered and annoyed, Hem demands "who moved my cheese?"...They dont get adjusted to the change. They keep on wondering the cause for it but are not ready to find new cheese. Meanwhile, Sniff and Scurry have found "Cheese Station N", a new supply of cheese. Back at Cheese Station C, Hem and Haw, affected by their lack of cheese, blame each other for this loss. Hoping to change, Haw again proposes a search for new cheese He realizes that they must go into the maze and look for new cheese. Hem disagrees with him. He was comforted in his old routine and did not want to change. Haw goes out and looks for cheese. It takes him time to get used to the surroundings. He writes many quotations on the wall so that Hem ponders on them and if he comes into the maze some day he could find him. One-day haw finds the cheese at cheese station N. Later on Hem also comes there. Final comments Everyone likes success, happy moments, every day new excitements, praises, adventure and eternal bliss. But do we get all NO. Next we should ask ourselves do we really strive for what we like? Majority will say that they only think but dont do. Now this book basically provokes us to break those guards which are preventing us to follow our bliss. Dont be afraid to take on any change. In following our wishes if you failed, then dont take it seriously as life is fast and we should go on with it. In professional life dont be afraid of organizational and technological changes and be adaptive .By this one can become a person with immense knowledge. After reading the book this is a promise that you will feel free of fears and that is what important to live in utterly blissful way. So by reading this book one can feel proud on his or her failures and that is what important; is to feel important In my opinion it is a must-read book. The book teaches us to respond to change. People waste a lot of time analyzing the change and hoping that the situation will be favorable again. The biggest lesson that I got from this book is that

we should not waste time in analyzing the situation instead they should respond and move. The Quicker You move, you will get it sooner. Movement in a New Direction may help you to attain it. Noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger changes that are to come. Conquer your fear and behave as you are courageous. Fear is the greatest impediment to change.

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