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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Oral Communication in Context

Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________________

Grade and Section: ________________________ Score: __________________

Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. A student has sent a message to his classmate about the activities that he missed for the day since he
was absent. What is the process of sharing and conveying messages or information to his absent
classmate called?
A. communication C. speech
B. presentation D. writing

2. Communication models elaborate the process of communication and elements. Every model has their
similarities and differences. What characteristic sets the Shannon-Weaver model apart from the other
A. It is cyclical and continuous.
B. It involves a sender and a receiver.
C. It is a two-way communication process.
D. It is the mother of all communication models.

3. What makes Schramm’s interactive model different from the Helical model of communication?
A. Schramm’s interactive model has a linear structure while the Helical model has a spiral structure.
B. Schramm’s interactive model has iterative linearity while the Helical model does not.
C. The Helical model has detailed communication elements while Schramm provides simple elements.
D. The Schramm’s interactive model is a two-way cycle between the sender and receiver while the
Helical model involves the evolution of communication from birth to adulthood.

4. How may the Mosaic Model of Communication and Interactive Communication model be differentiated
in terms of structure?
A. The Mosaic model of communication is cyclical while the Interactive Communication model is
B. The Mosaic model of communication is complex and dynamic while the Interactive
Communication model is simple and cyclical.
C. The Mosaic model has a limited number of elements while the Interactive Communication model
has a number of involved elements.
D. The Mosaic model has a flexible communication flow while the Interactive Communication model
is fixed.
For numbers 5-8, read the passage and answer the given questions.

The class president is announcing important dates for the upcoming intramurals. However, his/her
classmates could barely understand the details of the announcement because of the nearby building
5. What is the role of the class president?
A. context C. receiver
B. noise D. speaker

6. What is the role of the classmates in the communication process?

A. context C. receiver
B. noise D. speaker

7. Which of the following is the barrier?

A. building construction noise C. classmates
B. intramurals D. president

8. What is the context of the communication process?

A. building construction site C. classroom setting
B. classroom announcement D. intramurals

9. Student A was called to present his speech in front. Despite being absent-minded, he obliged and was
asked to present his piece but he just stared blankly. He said that he couldn't present his speech and went
directly to his seat. After class, the teacher asked what went wrong and student A stated that they had a
family problem just before he went to school and that he could not focus. How should the barrier be
addressed in this situation?
A. The teacher should talk to Student A in private and discuss the problem.
B. The teacher has to open the concern to the entire class so that it will not happen again.
C. Student A should be sent to the guidance office for his disrespectful behavior during class.
D. The situation should be allowed since these incidents happen and are beyond the student’s control.

10. Student B was chatting with her father who is based in another country. She was telling him about a
school task, but since the chat message provides no emotions, she thought her father was uninterested. How
could the communication breakdown be prevented?
A. Emojis can be used to express emotions.
B. Student B should continue with the chatting since she and her father will get used to it.
C. Voice or video calls should be done if Student B wants to see her father's emotion toward her
D. The student’s father should return to the Philippines since their relationship is more important than
11. A group of students were interviewing a microbiologist and inquired about one of her experiments.
Throughout the interview, the expert used technical terms that the students were not familiar with. The
students barely understood the situation. How can the expert help the students understand her discussion?
A. The microbiologist should speak loud and clear.
B. The students should have reviewed all possible terms before interviewing.
C. The microbiologist should use language that is easy for the students to understand.
D. The students should have their applications and smartphones ready for research if they don’t
understand anything.

For numbers 12-13, read the given speech excerpt.

“…As mentioned earlier, you are blessed and more fortunate than probably 99% of Filipinos your age.
The challenge is to use what you have learned both in and outside of the classroom, whether online or
physical, to positively impact those around you. There are many who are selfish and inconsiderate of
their fellow Filipinos. Let your kindness differentiate you. Be kind, be generous, and be considerate as
you live your life outside of these halls. I am certain that through kindness, you can make a difference.”
- Commencement speech by Jose Antonio Alonte Jr, 2022

12. What is the main topic of the speech?

A. being blessed
B. making a difference through kindness
C. being kind in all possible situations
D. using your education to spread kindness to others

13. Who are more likely the target audience of the speech based on the word choice?
A. businessmen C. graduates
B. experts D. scientists

For numbers 14-18, identify the speech context.

14. After the day's tasks, Student C reflects on his actions for the day. He recalls how he talked to his
classmates and his teachers. What is the type of communication as he talks to himself through introspection?
A. interpersonal C. public
B. intrapersonal D. small-group

15. The teacher discusses the importance of punctuality to five (5) tardy senior high school students since
this will be helpful for their tertiary education and even for their employment. What type of communication
happens between the teacher and the students?
A. interpersonal C. public
B. intrapersonal D. small-group

16. This type of communication happens when a student whose grade went low from first quarter to second
quarter approaches her teacher during the consultation period.
A. dyad C. public
B. mass D. small-group
17. This type of communication occurs when student D reads online news articles to be updated with the
recent happenings, trends, and issues in the country and worldwide.
A. dyad C. public
B. mass D. small-group

18. This kind of communication transpires when a candidate for the student government delivers a
memorized speech during the miting de avance.
A. dyad C. public
B. mass D. small-group

19. Student E and Student F are close friends who have been classmates since elementary grade. They share
each other’s dreams, problems, and even personal struggles. What kind of speech style do they use?
A. casual C. formal
B. consultative D. intimate

20. The office secretary is requesting another department. She ensures that the words she uses are carefully
chosen but at the same time short and simple since this will be an office correspondence. What type of
speech style is employed?
A. casual C. formal
B. consultative D. intimate

21. The president of the country will meet his cabinet members. He will use complex sentences and technical
vocabulary but will still be very respectful. What type of speech style is used?
A. casual C. frozen
B. consultative D. intimate

22. The class valedictorian was tasked to deliver the valedictory address. He was permitted to prepare his
speech in advance and have a copy of it onstage. Which speech should the class valedictorian prepare?
A. extemporaneous C. manuscript
B. impromptu D. memorized

23. Before the campaign, the student candidate was given a topic that she has to elaborate on in front of the
students. She was given three minutes to prepare but was told to avoid using notes. What type of speech
should the student deliver?
A. extemporaneous C. manuscript
B. impromptu D. memorized
24. In a debate, one of the students wants to express his belief that the power of persistence and willpower
can be used to overcome gaps brought by the lack of resources to succeed in life. Which illocutionary act
should be used?
A. assertive C. directive
B. commissive D. expressive

25. After the debate, one of the students reacted to the belief of persistence and willpower as important
factors to succeed in life. What illocutionary act was done?
A. illocution C. locution
B. interlocution D. perlocution
For numbers 26-27, identify the communicative strategy being used in the given statements/lines.
26. While waiting at the bus stop, you start a conversation with the person standing next to you by asking
what time the next bus will arrive. What type of communicative strategy are you employing?
A. nomination C. topic control
B. restriction D. turn-taking

27. After you ask about the next bus trip, the person standing next to you asks you simple details which you
respond with answers. You also ask questions along the way. What type of communicative strategy is used?
A. repair C. topic shifting
B. topic control D. turn-taking

For number 28-32, identify the communicative strategy being used in the given statements/lines.
28. “I have to go. I will see you later.”
A. termination C. topic shifting
B. topic control D. turn-taking

29. "To add to what you said about intelligence and skills as needed for academic success, honesty, and
integrity are values that every senior high school should also possess to be holistically developed."
A. repair C. topic control
B. restriction D. topic shifting

30. "Oh! Sorry to interrupt you, but please go on with what you are sharing."
A. repair C. termination
B. restriction D. turn-taking

31. “Okay, for your impromptu, you picked the topic Attitude vs. Altitude. You have a maximum of five
minutes to talk about it.”
A. nomination C. termination
B. restriction D. turn-taking

32. “Please share your ideas first. I will allow you to finish before I share mine.”
A. termination C. topic shifting
B. topic control D. turn-taking

For numbers 33-35, choose the letter of the correct answer.

33. When talking to teachers, students speak formally and courteously. They refrain from talking to their
teachers the way they talk to their classmates as a sign of respect. Which is observed in the given situation?
A. duration of interaction C. relationship of speaker
B. language form D. role and responsibility of the speaker

34. To prevent misunderstanding, the content of serious matters/concerns is better to be expressed face to
face since chats do not have emotions. Which must be highly regarded in the scenario?
A. delivery C. relationship of the speaker
B. message D. role and responsibility of the speaker
35. As the candidate persuades the voters, she considers how she uses her words and her movements in
presenting her speech. She ensures that eye contact is maintained as recommended by her teachers. Which
is considered by the speaker?
A. delivery C. language form
B. duration of interaction D. message

For numbers 36-40, read the given dialogue.

While walking, Student A saw a wallet within the space of Student B.

Student A: Hi, is that wallet yours? *points down*
Student B: What wallet? Oh. Yes! Thank you for telling me. I could have lost my allowance.
Student A: No problem. See you around. Be careful next time.
36. This communicative strategy was used by Student A when he said “No problem. See you around. Be
careful next time”.
A. nomination C. termination
B. repair D. topic shifting

37. This is the speech style used in the dialogue.

A. casual C. intimate
B. consultative D. frozen

38. This is the type of speech that happened between Student A and Student B.
A. intrapersonal C. mass
B. interpersonal D. public

39. What type of speech act is the opening statement of Student A “Hi, is that wallet yours?”?
A. illocutionary C. locutionary
B. interlocutionary D. perlocutionary

40. This is the perlocutionary impact of the dialogue as Student A approaches Student B.
A. being grateful for the situation
B. student B picking up the wallet
C. reminders about being careful with the wallet
D. student A informing Student B about the wallet

For numbers 41-50, choose the letter of the correct answer.

41. A renowned female speaker ensured that she prepared for the seminar. However, she forgot to consider
the age of the audience and their current jobs. She struggled with connecting with the rest of the trainees.
What did she fail to do?
A. audience analysis C. speech analysis
B. context analysis D. topic analysis

42. Before delivering her speech, the speaker wanted to check if all the main points were summarized and
the reader would be given matters to reflect on. Where should she check?
A. body C. introduction
B. conclusion D. thesis statement
43. The speaker noticed that she lacked details and would want to elaborate more on some points. Where
should she add these details?
A. body C. introduction
B. conclusion D. thesis statement

44. The speaker wants to capture the interest of the learners in the speech that she will deliver about honesty
by using striking statements, statistics, or rhetorical questions. Where should she put these?
A. body C. introduction
B. conclusion D. thesis statement

45. The speaker wanted to amuse the audience through a humorous personal story. What kind of speech
should she give?
A. argumentative C. informative
B. entertainment D. persuasive

46. While reciting, the student who was called to answer kept on saying, “uhm, uhm, ahhh.. uhm.” What
vocal aspects of delivery are these?
A. pauses C. vocal variety
B. verbal fillers D. volume

47. As the host was presenting, he was varying the highness and lowness of his voice. What was he varying?
A. articulation C. pace
B. fluency D. pitch

48. Numerous speakers recommend that to be a good public speaker, one should consider the effective use
of stance, hand gestures, and the manner of projecting oneself on stage. What is being described?
A. appearance C. speech tone
B. body posture D. stage space

49. The following can be done to improve one’s posture as a speaker EXCEPT for one.
A. Straighten one’s back with chin up.
B. Wear attire that is suitable to your body type.
C. Stand with your back arched at times for comfort.
D. Use the rostrum effectively when delivering the speech.

50. The following are tips for effective speech delivery EXCEPT for one.
A. Use pauses when necessary.
B. Avoid fillers like “uhm”, “like”, “ah”, “uhm”.
C. Use understandable language to establish expertise.
D. Stick with a fixed speed during the speech delivery.

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