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A supporters reply to statements made:

I like to address Izzy comment about Matt Harrington.

The Link to the Beacon News Article Dated August 22, 2011

Matt, was a long time member of the democratic party, his family member's where elected as Committeeman, worked as Chief of Staff for Illinois Sec. of State and to a U.S. Senator & U.S. Ambassador. Matt as well as members of his family, Has ran large and small campaigns for Major Democratic candidate.. And has, continue to advise National and & Local elected and community leaders from all sides. But Matt, unlike some family members has switched and became a Republican. Matt told me on many occasions that he, like Reagen, he found the democratic party to be out of touch with the financial problems of not just the state, but of the country. And that we need to bring about a new way of working together, "if they like and respected the ideas and efforts before why would they now?" As to Matt alleged runs for office in the past. Only part of izzy statement is correct. Matt Has Vote in the primaries from 18 years old until 2008 at the age of 46 as a democratic. But on many of the general election he voted for what he thought of as the better candidate's. Matt voted for, Jim Thompson , Jim Eger, Ronald Reagan and in the 2010 Primary, Matt voted as a Republican in the primary and voted for as well as endorsed many of the republicans whom went on to victory. Matt continue to bring key Analyses some forecast the 2010 Race's and what the margin of victory would finally be for the candidates he speak to.

Now what is a total misstatement from Izzy, Matt has only run twice before as a candidate, and as a democrat. First for the 2008 to become a Presidential Congressional Delegate for Illinois 7th District. . For the Former U.S. Secretary of State, U.S. Ambassador & New Mexico Governor . Mr. Bill Richardson. The only other time Matt Has attempted to run as a Democrat, was in the 2010 Primary Where he submitted then with drew his Petitions for Illinois State House Seat, in the 9th Dist. against Art Turner Jr. He did that because of two reasons, Matt was no longer put up with the Democrat leadership and he was also moving to Aurora. Matt has work with many Republican Candidates, and as an Adviser for community, to act as a liaison to political leaders. And Yes Matt is working as the Acting Campaign Director, for Frederick Collins. Who is running against Rep. Bobby Rush in the 1st Congressional Dist.

On a personal note, Matt If you run for State rep. We will Back You, or whom ever you might like to back in this race.

Humbly, Jim E. of Aurora's East-side

paul smyth
2:56 PM on August 22, 2011 This comment is hidden because you have chosen to ignore paul smyth. Show DetailsHide Details Matt Harrington is running as a republican. Don't know where you got he is a Dem from? Reply

frank craig
6:15 AM on August 23, 2011 This comment is hidden because you have chosen to ignore frank craig. Show DetailsHide Details Kifowit would be an improvement over the ethically challenged Arroyo. Please wait while we perform your request. Reply

3:48 PM on August 23, 2011 This comment is hidden because you have chosen to ignore izzy. Show DetailsHide Details Harrington has been a life long democrat. He ran in Chicago as one several times.

paul smyth
7:30 AM on August 24, 2011 This comment is hidden because you have chosen to ignore paul smyth. Show DetailsHide Details well, you could have fooled me. His youtube videos at the Tea Party meeting sure seems like he's a republican. Also, isn't he running a replublican's campaign for congress?

10:26 PM on August 25, 2011 This comment is hidden because you have chosen to ignore izzy. Show DetailsHide Details Well it just shows you how often candidates will say anything to get elected. Harrington ran as a Democrat at least 4 times, two of them are easily documented: A 2003 run for Alderman in Chicago and a 2004 run for Ward Committeeman, both runs were as a Democrat and can be found here: ddlLastNameSearchType=Starts+with&txtLastName=harrington&ddlFirstNameSearchType=Starts+with&txtFirstNam e=&ddlAddressSearchType=Starts+with&txtAddress=&ddlCitySearchType=Starts+with&txtCity=&ddlState=&txtZip =&txtZipThru=&txtCanElectYear=&ddlCanElectType=All+Types&ddlCanOffice=All+Offices&ddlCanDistrictType= All+Types&txtCanDistrict=&ddlCanParty=All+Parties&chkFairCampYes=False&chkFairCampNo=False&ddlOrderB y=Last+Name+-+A+to+Z

His voter record also shows he has been a life long Democrat. He is much like Irvin. simply a chameleon leftist infiltrating the Republican party. The Democrats do not want to lose the now run a Democrat as a Democrat and a Democrat as a Republican and people are dumb enough to fall for it. Look who helped Irvin into office: Tom Cross. Irvin is as far to the left as they come. His actual voting record and statements reflects that. And yet he calls himself a Republican, well at least when he is not in minority churches on the east side. Harrington is cut much from the same cloth. It is all about personal ambition and a desire to suckle on the public teat with Kifowit, Irvin, and Harrington.

I would not vote for any of them.

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