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CHC30121 – Certificate III in Early childhood Education and Care

CHCECE038 – Observe information to inform Practise

Assessment Task 2 – Placement 2 Observation Templates and Summative report

Student Name Sherin Subhan

Student ID 8064033

● Students are to select two (2) focus children

● Complete three (3) observations for each focus child Total - 6 observations
● Three different observation techniques must be used for each focus child.
● Observations for your focus children should be conducted over a period of time, in
different environments and times of the day and in a range of situations.
● On completion of observations (including analysis/interpretation) students are to complete
the summative report for each focus child

Observation Template:
A set of three different observation techniques used for each focus child, using provided templates
Techniques may include: Running Record

Event Sample Jottings Anecdotal Record

Time Sample
Work Sample Learning Story

Child 1 – 1 x jottings, 1 x learning story, 1 x anecdotal record
Child 2 – 1 x learning story, 1 x anecdotal record, 1 x work sample
Speak to your teacher if unsure.

Observations v 1.1 May 2022

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v3] [OCT] {2022]

Anecdotal Record
Written in Past Tense e.g. Sam ran across the yard. Shorter observation with some detail. May

include an image.

Child Name: Sienna Analysis : Insert Photo below or delete section:

LO2: Sienna is broadening her
understanding of the world in which
Date: 28/03/2023 Age: 3 years 9 months she lives by expressing her interest in
Location: Inside At: Puzzle Table flags of different countries and this will
lead her to explore the diversity of
Recorder: Sherin Subhan Time: 9:40 am
culture, heritage, background and
Observation: tradition and that diversity presents What Next:
opportunities for choices and new
Sienna was the the puzzle table with two other girls, flipping the wooden understandings. I would expand upon Sienna’s learning
picture blocks upside down and back again. They identified the pictures on Cognitive: With this observation, it can by having book about different flags
be seen that Sienna speaks in nad countries so that this would
the blocks and Sienna called out, “Thats a flower!” After a few more blocks
sentences and use many different extend upon her interest and learning
were identified, there were three pieces left and one of the children said,
words to express her ideas, asks many about the world and give her a
“They have flags on them.” Sienna then grabbed one of the pieces, looked broader view of the people in it.
questions, talks constantly and takes
over to me (educator) and asked, “Sheeerrrrin, whats this flag?” She pointed
part in and leads conversations.
to the wooden block with a picture of a man holding a white flag with the red
As Sienna employs the words and
cross on it. The educator replied, “Well I’m not sure, but maybe we can images she has learned to portray
research it?” to which she received a cacophony of positive replies. Sienna objects, she exemplifies Piaget’s
ran up to Missy (educator) to ask for the iPad, “We want to look up flags.” educational concept. When she
Sienna came back with the iPad and gave it to me, it was discovered that the creates mental images of the things in
internet wasn’t working. “Oh no!” Sienna exclaimed, “what wil be do now?” her environment, her prior learning is
After some thinking a poster of flags was brought to the table and Sienna and reflected and built upon. These
the girls crowded around it and began chattinging and pointing to the flags, includes depictions of things that
“I’m from here!,” as Sienna point to the Australian flag. aren't there right now, in this case, to
link a flag to a nation.

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v3] [OCT] {2022]

Anecdotal Record
Child Name: Zoey Analysis: Insert Photo below or delete section:
LO1: When feeling upset, Zoey
acknowledged her emotions in her
Date: 29/03/2023 Age: 3 years 11 months interactions with the educator, she
Location: Indside At: Home Corner -> Art Table responded to ideas and suggestions from
others when turning down possible
Recorder: Sherin Subhan Time: 9:01 am
suggestions, and she demonstrated an
Observation: What Next:
increasing capacity for self-regulation
when she stopped herself from being
Zoey was in the home corner with another child (Child A)and they were I will extend on Zoey’s interest in the
upset anymore and decided to join in play.
play-cooking and mixing sometiging in the tiny bowl. Child A dropped a red, home corner and her social and
Social & Emotional: This observation
emotional milestones by creating
Mickey-Mouse spoon and Zoey swooped in an picked in it. Child A gasped and demonstrates that Zoey may have a
particular friend that she enjoys playing
Emotions Discovery bottles, which can
looked at the educator for some help. The educator walked over to Child A
with, shares, smiles, and cooperates with be used to help us name our
and asked “Is that you toy from home that Zoey is holding?” and when she emotions. The idea behind the
peers after feeling upset and being
received a affirmative reply the educator asked Zoey to return the red, comforted, develops independence and emotion discovery bottles is for Zoey
Mickey-Mouse spoon to Child A, Zoey the became upset and began to cry social skills that will be used for learning to reach for the correct bottle when
after thweoing herself on the ground. Zoey contined to cry and threw herself and getting along with others, during her they experience the associated
on the floor when the educator attempted to reason with, explain and play, Zoey enforced gender-role norms emotion, but she prefers to keep them
comfort her, but she continued to cry for another few minutes. After given with a peer in the home corner. all close by and get them to engage.
Erikson's Theory Initiative vs. Guilt
her comfort toy and some time to cool down, Zoey joined the educator for an Theory can be seen in this observation,
activity which pasting was painting and paper to make an Aboriginal Flag. She when Zoey displays enthusiastic in her play
showed much enthinterat and enthrasam which led to her creating two in the home corner and displays eagerness
artworks. when she takes the other child's toy, and
then things take a turn and Zoey displays
Guilt in the form of embarrassment and
frustration when the toy is taken away and
she becomes upset at the result.

Observations v 1.1 May 2022

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v3] [OCT] {2022]

Learning Story
Written in Past Tense. There is no distinction between the observation and the analysis; they are written together.
Learning stories focus on dispositions & what learning has taken place.

Title of Observation: Cookie Catastropy

Age:3 years 9
Date/s: 28/03/2023 Child Name: Sienna
Location: Home Corner At: 3:39 pm
Recorder: Sherin
Learning Story:
It was such a cold and cloudy day today that Sienna and Z and spent most of
their time inside. With it being so warm inside, it was the perfect time to bake
Sienna and Z were in the home corner, standing over a mixing bowl,
continuously mixing and stirring. "It needs some water," Sienna declared to Z.
Z peered into the bowl and gave a serious nod, “It does,” and marched over to
the play fridge and pulled out a wooden jug and mimed pouring and whooshing
sounds. Z spills the contents of the wooden jug with the yelp, which drops to
the ground with a thud.
As Z beings gatherin up the paper confetti that was in the jug, Sienna exclaimes
“put it in here,” holding out a metal bowl as big as her hands put together. They
begin attempting to pick up all the of brown paper confetti.
Sienna suddenly got up and rushed to the bathroom and came back with wet
hands, which she began pressing on the paper confetti. “You have to pat your
hands to make it stick,” and when She presed down on the carpet covered in
the confetti her hand came back up it was covered in confetti.
With that, Z and her newly wet hands begin pick up all the paper confetti and
tidy the mess on the carpet.
The day was saved! And so the girls go to continue making their yummy
raspberry cookies and all was well.

Sienna was able to co-operate and work collaboratively with her (LO 1.1) and participate with Z to solve
problems and contribute to group outcomes (LO 2.4). Sienna used play to investigate, imagine and explore
ideas follow and extend their own interests with enthusiasm and help Z make cookies. (LO 4.1)

What next:

Playdough cookies and cupcakes to build on the interest in home corner play and baking. This can be set up
outside on a table, so children have space to spread out what they are making. I will provide a range baking
utensils like cookie cutters, muffin tray and paper cupcake-wrappers to allow for play.

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v3] [OCT] {2022]

Learning Story
Written in Past Tense. There is no distinction between the observation and the analysis; they are written together.
Learning stories focus on dispositions & what learning has taken place.

Title of Observation: Cupcakes & Hoddies

Age: 3 years 11
Date/s: 28/03/2023 Child Name: Zoey
Location: Outside At: 4:28 pm
Recorder: Sherin
Learning Story:
Though the day started out rainy, once it cleared, Zoey was able to go outside
with her friend and play.
Zoey walked up to the sandpit and picked up an orange metal spade, while
her friend S reached for the matching blue one.
Together they looked for something to fill them up when Zoey exclaimed,
“Cupcake!” and ran off.
S thinking that Zoey meant the cupcake tray, went to go find it, and when she
returned to their spot, she found that Zoey was holding a purple
cupcake-shaped sand toy. “Oh,” she exclaimed.
Zoey and S then used their spaces flipped backwards to clear away some
leaves and then dug into the sand and filled up their separate cupcake
themsed sand-toys.
Once Zoey had filled up the sand cupcake, she began patting sand around the
cupcake in a thin circle. “It’s wearing a hoodie,” she explained, and S giggled.
“A cupcake wearing a hoodie?” Asked the educator, to which she received
the reply of, ''Yeah!” and a histerical giggle followed it.
The first continued to make up stories about their cupcakes, and when they
left, there were two cupcakes wearing hoodies left on the curb.


Zoey was able to work together with Z to create their sand cupcakes. Zoey is playful and responded positively to
S's company and friendship. (LO 2.1)
Zoey was sharing humour and happiness with S and the educator (LO 3.1)
Zoey followed and extended their own interests with enthusiasm, and concentration (LO 1.1).
Zoey used play to investigate, imagine and explore ideas follow and extend their own interests with
enthusiasm. (LO 4.1) S and Zoey showed great interest in creating cupcakes.

What next:

Extend in the their interest in sand play with creating kinetic sand. this can be seet up ioutside in a tray, so
children have space to spread out with their play. Provide a range of sand toys to assist their play experience.

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v3] [OCT] {2022]

Include a page per child – this is where you write down information about the child that is not written in any of the
other observations. E.g. what the child has said, liked etc. Add a jotting page in your observations for each child.

Child Name: Sienna


For Harmony Week, Sienna beaded an orange bracelet that she spent a considerable amount of time making.
When she creating it, she observed the bracelet with a smile on her face. Sienna said that she would return when
there were more colors ro thread with because she wanted to make a colorful one.

Sienna and some of her peers spent half an hour making braclets in the morning after some breakfast. they sat at
the table with an educator and practiced their threading, with the end goal of creating a bracelet or ring to keep
or gift to their friends/parents. Sienna was determined to create a multicolored bracelet, but with pink and green
as the main colors. She spent twenty minutes doing that and then made a rainbow ring.

Sienna) is sitting at the art table doing a puzzle as her friend Zoey draws. She paused for a bit and gets a paper to
draw with Z and designed to draw the puzzle, “this one is a leopard.”

The puzzle table was where Sienna spent at least ten minutes. She finished a frog puzzle and tried a
color-association task. When she was finished, she brought me—the educator—over to have a look at all the
puzzles on the table. She went through the puzzle that she was stuck on, and ask me to help.


Sienna seems interested in puzzles and threading. She spent a considerable amount of time focusing on the
threading which demonstrates her growing concentration span.
Sienna co-operates and work collaboratively with the educator to do the puzzle. (LO 1.2) Sienna sometimes
enjoys moments of solitude whic hcan be seen when she sits quietly and doest an activity without help or talking
with other children. (LO 3.1)

Observations v 1.1 May 2022

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v3] [OCT] {2022]

Include a page per child – this is where you write down information about the child that is not written in any of the
other observations. E.g. what the child has said, liked etc. Add a jotting page in your observations for each child.

Child Name: Zoey


Zoey comes over to the educator and asks for them to read Dolly the Donut Fairy book. As the educator reads,
Zoey makes many facial expressions and narrates along with hand gestures. she tells the educators, “I’m Dee!”

28/03/2023 - 9:16 am
Zoey is collecting brown paper confetti that has spilled off of the table and put them back in a pile on the table.
after tiding up the mess she grabs a Facial Expression Paddle. she flips it back and forth between angry and loved,
staring “I’m angry.”

28/03/2023 - 9:26 am
Zoey bring a book to the art table that she wants the educator to read. They move to the library corner and tow
other children join them. Zoey enjoys turn the page and competing against Sienna to point out object and
pictures from the book. The book is Orchestra 4 Four Seasons that plays music that they enjoy pressing the
button for.


Zoey seems interested in reading with the educator and the dramatic aspect of that. She gravitates towards the
library corner multuple times a day, which demonstrates her interest and growing concentration span.
Zoey views and listens to printed, visual and multimedia texts and respond with relevant gestures, actions,
comments and/or questions (LO 5.2). Zoey follows and extends her own interests with enthusiasm, energy and
concentration (LO 4.1) Zoey manipulates objects and experiments with cause and effect, trial and error, and
motion (LO4.2)

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v3] [OCT] {2022]

Summative Report Child 1
Child’s First Name: Sienna

Summary of learning and development Date: 29/03/2023

Current interests:
Dramatic play, threading, puzzles, reading with educator

Learning and development progress:

Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity

● Sienna openly express her feelings and ideas in her interactions with others (LO 1.1)
● Sienna confidently explores and engages with social and physical environments through
relationships and play
● Sienna explores aspects of identity through role play
Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
● Sienna broadens her understanding of the world in which they live, by learing about world flags (LO
● Sienna expressed an opinion in matters that affect her
● Sienna is playful and responds positively to others, reaching out for company and friendship
● Sienna participates in play with others to solve problems and contribute to group outcomes (LO 2.4).
Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
● Sienna demonstrates trust and confidence
● Sienna shares humour, happiness and satisfaction
● Sienna recognises the contributions they make to shared projects and experiences
Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
● Sienna is curious and enthusiastic participants in thhereir learning
● Sienna uses play to investigate, imagine and explore ideas
● Sinena follows and extended her own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration
● Sienna used play to investigate, imagine and explore ideas follow and extend their own interests
with enthusiasm and help her friend make cookies.
Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators.
● Sienna engages in enjoyable interactions using verbal and non-verbal language
● Sienna uses language to communicate thinking about quantities to describe attributes of objects
and collections, and to explain mathematical ideas
● Sienna view and listen to printed, visual and multimedia texts and respond with relevant gestures,
actions, comments and/or questions
Family comments and goals:

Planning to support further learning and development

Moving forward the following goals will be set for child:

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v2] [July] {2022]
Educator/Family feedback: Add any verbal feedback received from Educators/Families during

Date: Feedback:
21/03/23 Sienna tells me she enjoyed making bracelets with you today.

28/03/23 I hear you’re leaveing soon, she really going to miss you reading the
donut fairy book.

Summative Report Child 2

Child’s First Name: Zoey

Summary of learning and development Date: 30/03/2023

Current interests:
● reading with educator, dramatic play, home corner play, drawing with coloured pencil and
Learning and development progress:

Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity

● Zoey is open to new challenges and discoveries

● Zoey co-operate and work collaboratively with others
● Zoey explores different identities and points of view in dramatic play
Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

● Zoey understands different ways of contributing through play and projects

● Zoey demonstrates a sense of belonging and comfort in their environments
● Zoey is playful and responds positively to others, reaching out for company and friendship begin to
show concern for others
Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

● Zoey acknowledges and accepts affirmation

● Zoey assert her capabilities and independence while demonstrating increasing awareness of the
needs and rights of others
● Zoey recognises and communicates thhereir bodily needs (for example, thirst, hunger, rest, comfort,
physical activity)
● Zoey is happy, healthy, safe and connected to others

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v2] [July] {2022]
Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

● Zoey persists even when she find a task difficult

● Zoey explores her environment
● Zoey manipulates objects and experiments with cause and effect, trial and error, and motion
Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators

● Zoey expresses ideas and feelings and understand and respect the perspectives of others
● Zoey views and listen to printed, visual and multimedia texts and respond with relevant gestures,
actions, comments and/or questions
● Zoey sing and chant rhymes, jingles and songs
Family comments and goals:

Planning to support further learning and development

Moving forward the following goals will be set for child:

Educator/Family feedback: Add any verbal feedback received from Educators/Families during

Date: Feedback:

28/03/2023 Zozo showed me the butterfly stickers you guys made this morning.

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[CHC30121] [CHCECE038] [Assessment Task 2] [v2] [July] {2022]

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