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: 3S0m MecAanics of Naterwals ~ mech CERRRE. OF. BEES oy Men Ee Module 1 Mechanics of malenal LD a Lsuncl, of applied. mechanics Hat Seals with ta study of Sebavion of solicl. bodier subjected various 17 Pe of Loa, + A Bl He stresses strain § doismations " produced Lhe Load, The solid bodies Gnsilarad ans 7 Loacdle Le memberr, shafls #2 basior, Lin held, beams colummne etc Stress: Consider a eran ban of cores Sech> -onal arta A subjected & oun hung Perak | Be end>s ar cheur 1 Le Agere P= i >P tL Hh B CResistt a | port Ky —>P When this ban us subectel & an ecttennal fate P’ an tnlemnat mest fore 45 setup within fhe barn whch opposes the daprmation, Tke Mlenral sasieiog Ponca offe ned & He body againet te. bs B amation visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more a Capplied dead) per wut amen i called ao Stuss, TE US clensled & ‘om (sigma). Te Rp wp He mbesmal swsisticg Pre offesract by the booty then Stress B giver by Tntenrad menistig free, StPOSS = Are Cre A S01@ R=P Tyres of, Stowsses— D Nemmal Stress 2d shoan Stxess D Nozwral stress - The. Stresses acting we Lhe .clrne penjenchculan & Be Cros “Sechor oe Surface DB known ap nonmel Stress, In normal Stress Hens ane tuo bpm a) Tensil. stress b) Compressive Stress @) Tensile stress: ~ P= =p Wher a Porte us acting mm subhha sag Lar tt tends b pull te pantreles oF Sar ri RE coer: extersion #9 Ga Sa? male VTUCONTERTFORALL COM for more. 32 of applied faa, tan tHe ham 4 allel levi. Bra $ Ke Gnnesporclig stron 4H called. basil. Str0, OR Stross ich Caases sxlensior of te ban +5 Called as tensile Strauss 8) Compressive Stress)— a a wher a Paw B acting ™ sub a bat it Rade 6 push the pantiile of Lh mobewal neanen Cause shordening a He. dint of applred for, thea HE haa 0 ‘allel compressive Pree b He connasparding Stress 1 @lleck Comprassive, stress. OR the sthess which Gauser sho abe rig f He ban bs Called Conprsive Stross Shean St resS/— Pp VL SS \ / 7 Wha a fone 0 acting 1 @ din” parallel On tacgertial b He Cross “Setbiod on Suntan it as “allel ar shen pac. $+ Be cennespording sts Pp Calle ar shear Stross visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more 4 Strain: — wher a pre act 2 Q bool be chacges its dénunsioms. The zatio of LA in Glieosion & tHe oOnzinal dLimeasion” a called. an strain Tk 23° denoted & € cepsr- -lert) On @. ce Strah= hocge in dimension 7 enginal dimension ce Sb eee Tyee A, Staab 1) Teasile Strain 2D Compressive Shroin ® Volumetric Strain } Shap, Strain ) Tenstl. Strain: — Considom @ uniform tan of Legh a“ foed at ome ord & stdjectel bb tertile porte ‘Pak te otlen end, m7 i jalan a ee 4 ey Beause f tng ‘Pp’ He Legh of t4 tan incswases ar shown ta “Agunt. Tira -pre kesile Strain can be dofrect ar ratio of extension of te bay tb te onigeral deghh of He tan. fe, Tensile Strain = Eiersion_of bon fe ongimal deglh 4 ban e= 24 visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more 2 Comprussive strasn:— considast Q leifernr ban of Leg Ge which 3 Pixel ab or end 4 sidjected pf @ Gmpressive fc ‘Pat i fri end a shoum d2 the Bypeene. [hop Ft Because of pone ‘Pp the Jeet, of be ban reducer 07 shown 4 tha Byer © Therepine compressive Stain Can be definech or mabe f Shordening gf & tan hk oniginal teglh f Ye ban ce, compressive. Sen — Shorter’ the bar a emgeal tegth of ar SA e= ee 2) Volumetric Strain: — Te us the ratio of Sage 7 volume tb He erage volume . iC volumetarc strain = ae W) Shean Strain: ~ afee he 4 Peja i f / A Fp SMe f x vos visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more é Comsidin Qa rectacgulan block ABCD op height ‘L, subjected "a s fora. ‘P? acd tacgerdially ale Ke tp 8G. Tha bottr, face! of “he bce og Bored Le SL be & stmaanense displaament ab the &P fa@ ar showa in te BUN. Shean Strain us the matio of trarvense adsphamreat- fo th. aAstance from te Lowen fac, shoan strain — [mansvene Agpaanent ditana fem Be Lowen fac. — SH a Also frene Saperes tard = at Sine qd venz small tand= = of ior Poissovis, nadie: — Considen Q uniform ban subjected bo basil, Pre 07 showr 1 the Ppune, De & ts basil, tora the Legh f te tan meneares wm be din? 4d applet Leal 4 Ae dimension decrease? 9 thle ULalernal aden? 07 shown #2 Be bigunr. PPS I Fre p=4 Pop b! b ee j-}—_t | ,, aL re visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more + Here, Strain u7 He Ain? of @palred oak is Callecl ecpituclenal strain on Lean strasn. fe, Lgitehral stran = SL Tre strern penperticular & th applrel lead 8 allel oF Glenal Stra fe, Lefenat Strate = #2. Poissons ratio DB dehred a? tha mato of datenal Strata te tha Loogituclinal Stam Te us clenotect oy Bor) on = Poisson's Ratio = tenet Strate Logi buclinal trai Sh/, wat = hb a7 The valuz of poisons natio Lier 2 berr ores; f 0-ar fn mast of the melah. Hooke dats? — Hooke daw stab, that “urtthin th. ela Lint stress 2 Ainectly Propesdbionak bs strain” ce, stress 1stmam Cac o=EE he i ae of pr extionabitg f & matenal, meduber of elarraty on Youggs moduler . visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more zs Exclension. 04, shesdening oO. barn: Consider @ uaiforen a7 of cover sectional anen A) dength ‘yr Subjected & a7 oacial knsile pra ‘pao whoum 7 the Bur, Lee (‘SL be dafnrmation Coxtensioy) the ban, bee ‘E’ be He gege modulus of Le mater -cal of dhe bax stram = Aange in length oruginad length é€ = Se b According to Hooke: Lave Yourag’s moduler = Stross Shan eons Cire E= Lp Ff visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more _ PE bt =e The. above 639 3 aloo true fon Q bar subjected te Gmpnasive porte . Exctecsion of, Stepped tan on basa with Crtats Section , varying. i, Steps:— Considen Q Steppel tar subjected to an onal oad ‘P07 Shou m the Procure. lee Lytat by be th dength of section 1,2 43 rerpectiely LALAL A be Ge @n2e5 oF aneas of! He Sectionr ropectiel, Lee er be He yourgs modsslrr of be molénial of Le ban. o ® © P< A es ees be da ts | we know Gat exterior of a tan PL AE sL= J. Batension of sector A PL, AE Ealension of section ‘a’ SL, = Sl, = Plo Aa e Facganatha, Ass}. Prob. smvitr? Baatakot Mob: T7464 Gs visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more lo Ealensio of section ‘2° us PL §1, = 5 ° AE Total exfension of tha fan SL = SL, +51, FEL, PL, Pla lao ed RE arse él > a a ETE) Tt te sechor ante mack of dithaank matesualy then Pt, pe el. dh= ep Fea yp Mes . A\E: AE, AES = 2 a Cn ato P(g he. tae) Poeblems:— The Ste ban shows 02 Four. 8 made d i : as matentol of tam defhrent molerial 1 sae Youngs modeler of 2xtenmam® tokil, thal ot maknal au Ix 205 plan? Find the exleas’or of te ban undin @ pull of askN af Soth Le portior ane domm io thckass, @ ® bezomm | > P=askn P<—| b=eonm ja Seomm | sem UCONTENTFORALL.COM for more visit WWW.V1 nw ae . ool E, = axis’ nlm &= 1x1 / mri PeaskN, t=aemm Fon sector I: - PL, QSXI0 X $08 = ae ASKlO KS OS SL, = = ALE, ZORAO KAX Lo o. &,= 0.077) mM fom Secon 2: 3 sl,— Pla 2 QSx10 x FSO OE Bex BOX /x 1 Ip Ea Fly = OBlaT 7 Totel exthenrior oft te ban SL = 5L,F54, =O-OFF/ FOZAT 2. §L=OBIOS MM == ; 5 stbjec- aK arite ban shown © ager J sub 2 oe a keastle Porte. of 2okN, Tha oxtenr— Lon observed 1 O-FLmm, Frat he Yourgd modulu? of Snass, ag Youre mocltelun of seek us axle nfm 20 mm pac mm steel Bsmss |——=30kN Boo nr 00m i (VTU, Ton|Feb 2005) visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more (2 Sol? + —— P=ZekN, SL=0'74mm, E,=axie n/m Exfeasion of Steel ban ‘eS Pts AsEs A= Uda TY, C00 "= 726-86 nm™ SL. = BoxIox Foo gj eels Fob BEXAX 1 &l,= 0-17 mm we have, téel exterior of Ha ban 5L = SlsF SL, O74 SOF + SL, 2. Bxlearion of brass ban 3 bhp =0-S7mm Le dL, = Plo AsEn 2 ory = Zox!oxboe % (20)* Eg Youcg's modula A Rnass ne 005X108 Nfrrm* 7 Racgaratha, Ast Prat SMUT, Bantakel M08) FPYRQN EELS visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more 2 A ban of leglh 1coomm 4 dramofen 20mm aw Ceatnall, “bonecl fn oomm He bone cham- -elen being tomm an show2 un tle Bipare, Vrrder a dood of askn, ap te exctteasion of Cie bar a oissmm what I dhe mocltelor of ebony 4 & ban? askN=—| Sol?> — == 4, =lo00-koo = oomm hy =Goomm 4, = Ted? = ECaey%= Joe-8e emt A= Gere = 6285.32 mm : FL, =F. 2xloxéeo _ gh 220-6) AE Foawexe = iL, = Ply _ axle x Yoo SUS he Ane C2F°22> = Ee SL = FL PSL, olsss ee t ISUS- 4S = 200-725°% 16 whmen* Fanganatha Ast-Prot. pee ann SOVITM, Baotakal RNSIT Bengaluru Mob: T2Y-22 | 64 s— visit" WWW UCONTENTFGRALL.COM for'more RANGANATHA BE. M Tech, (PH. D) » a A mound Steppe ban 6 subjeck & an oxiak paw ZokKN. Dramelen 4 beplh of Ast portion ane yomm $& aoomm morpectively $ thase of 7 nHO7 ant gomm 4% loomn, swede. seen dacge % Aipsration wher a uniform tan with some volume + tog an Hat of sloped tan B subjected bh BokN, Take E=d00Gifa sol? — [Te bs 2okN 4omm em ea eee 4 p+ Beene {oO 7M ee A= dr= %, acyc 1456-6 on™ Ag= Ty de UY, C86) = Bi. a mm = PL Bore x2 FL, = Phi @ 20x10 RB00 9. 9925 mm AE J256- £ XQ00X/0 pecs 3 — Pho _ %xlo X10 Ase B)4-Q XRO00X 16" oa 0-047 74 mrt Total dapomation SL=SL FEL DO ORB? O04 TEY J. FL= 0.07154 volume of Steppecl ban Ve 1QS6- Cx G00 F 314-QX 100 So VE QBQZYO Mm nan Tee visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.@eft'forvhore Volume of stepped ban = volums af unithson ban QERF4O = uy QIQIzYo= MY, L&z00 2. diamelen of Unifoam tar A= Sh-E mm A= yd Y, AG 6) Ph.0 eae mam Deharmation of untfham ban S&L = LL. 20% 101300 AE 940 8Sx axe = OLGFTE mm “ charge bhamatier = OONSY-~ 0 ob te¢ = 0°0836F7 mm Extension of a. ucifberwnty, fopening Concerta ban: Considen a tecuifoanndy tapeniog cinteelan bax tapening trom ao cdameles; ‘of,’ “ak one ercl t @ diamelen ‘dy at Ke otken ercl subjected & an arcal feasile deack ‘P° ar shoun in He byuns bee bo be te dergth of Ke ban be bé He yous medulur ef" te material of te ban. | ke QE | He A | owe al Le visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more 74 charge in diarwln over He Seg Lo Cd;-ds) -. Rote of chacge of damelea = Gnd L Gnsiden an elemental Loge lx’ of Le ten, at a ditana ‘x’ bom be. brgen red het ol be Le diameln f Be tan Ge Ks Section, - i given 4 dad, - (diode) ot d= ai- kc hens ka dindte L Cress SecHonal anea 4 Be clomont A= d> Mp A= I (d.- kay iy kay we know Hak extension of a ban Pp sea Pe AE Hen, Loox, A = Rod Katy Extension of be ebomenk- l= Pode Ede kaye Exclersion of tHe entine ban 1 given y L gla Pde ike visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more ' Sh= oP. E 4 (aka L ~Y/ (dhe x) “he. W 4P [eee en Gk) + | TE -att 4 | 1 yf TER Gk], 1 = 4e t _ = Trek Medi-kKeD Subsbtedieg He value of & fe ae | aie TE Cd,— psa) | a dm tCairs Cyd) el, ene ee TE CA, —dy)|d,-d, toy a = PL dia. TE Cd,-d,) ] GPL sh= Tedd, Nolei- Seiensioa of unifoam cinculan ton P giver G pe Tee visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more Ig Eoctersion ff eecifpswaly tapenig Cincelan bon uv veo & gre M4itae “Thun a Pooge 0 tristead f 2 fa vnihan ban, djdy fem appeam if te ban tapens acifiroaly, Ealesion of Oo. Laioart, dopening zweetang ular bas: Corsiden a eeaigonrnly lapenirg recta gular ban of uniform eicknoss “¢ tape eng ee som @ width (b at one end fo ‘by’ ak an was feby 4 6 re naan be mdelealeer of elacticity of te erate rige 4 La bn us subjected b an" axial fers) ‘pe = a as. ¢ {24 | ce Lal charge in widlh th a degh ee 2. . i = bc bo . Rake of chacge. of will = Consider a2 elemental deaglh ‘ox of he ak @ distant. ‘x from He en enrol Lel— ae He width de ban ob Hi section $2 pues oy bbe b= b- (25%) < on bob Kee visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more lohent ke bob kb cooss sectional anea of He elsount Az bt = (h-kxDt we know Hat, extenrion of a tan B — PL L= RE Hene “Leda, Aa Chy-kode . Eattersion of a element gh Poe @-kObE Total extenrion of Ke ton wb fi Pode sh = LOH ROVE = Pf ~ ve JG-E* = P_f legco— e = taf IG< rep] BL = FEZ [leg Cy —be)—bag 6] Sabstitutig Ae Value f k [#afe- Cet). ftps] él= -P LE (b,~ 42) A — PL = EG,-5) Clogs, legty) visit WWW. VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more SL= :~ beg ba) = 5) Problems :— nal A sk tam ss subjected to ay exten D 4 sk a shou Bene, &larbbe. th cha of xn Loge ct an, ke Ex 2coGfa fn cleed, E= 7o Gila Aa alunvntum $ E=100 GPa pn Cppen cospee—S20pe7 .D ose Steel & 2 So Yokw. ae oF hh 4okn sam smn |emon CVTU Tun [Seu Bory) E,= 80°G Pa = 200x18N/nm? E,= 70 GPa = Fox10 n/n E, = 1009 &€a = 100 x10 N/mm Ealension of Scebion AR: - SlLl= = Pls _ hoxtox3e0 As Es erm aoeris SL,= 0:19 mm Fanganatha Asst Pf, SOmVIT™, Bantakol iM Fer mors RANGANATHA S.E.M Tech, (PH. 0) Assistant Professor RNSIT Bengaluru visit WWARACONTENTFORAL aw) Baclension of sector Bo? Sly = FP La _ &xXtoxie x 200 TEA A, I xPoKISxSox20 SL, = o-lyssmm Exkmion of sebon cp: ol = Ple _ 4oxtexaoo AcE. WSS r 100 x16 +. §L.= 0:0407 mm Total extennion f the ban SL= Sl fF SL, +51, SOA POlyss to-oboz SL= O-3B7ERamMmM 2 A steel flak of Eckras lémm tapenn eniborieaty trom gomm at ont end f& somm at ba obs enc 2 @ deyth of seomm, TH Ka flat 0 Subjeck- ced & @ deadl of IRekN fink be exteniarn of be fat E=axl Mpa, Ale alewlaee te Pencolage een if Arenage arta 0 Uufecl pr Gleubating ts extension. sol”: - Tr x 30 ce l20kn i 1QoKN zoom visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more BQ Sol” - b= tomm, b= sem, L= Foomm PalackN, t=lemm, B=axit MPa Total extemicr df & vactogular topenia ban ts — PL / b> = TG 28 () 120x16 x FOO L eo aS - ore (Se) IGX8X10( 0-50) §L= 0: 47mm uel Cress sechoral arta at K& brgen ert A abba Fox 16 = Qt mm = 2. Ay = bgt = SOIC = Boo Meni Aresage. Ceass Sectional asea a = SS = Soft it a a ee patension of Ha ban cnvidenieg Qrenage Coeds sectional area ee 2 1Q°Xlo X FOO set = UROZ OHSS AE 1040 axpo Sla= 0-4eleomm == . : 1 percentage exer in extension af = O4F— O° 46S O-Ol? x}oo = hey. o-44 visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more aD A brass ban hovieg of udiham Comss- Sectional anea of seomot “wu sobjectecl Q@ dead ar shown belece, Find th péatl elogation of tan , the nitud. of dead Ps Youegs modledus is 5h Gla. A B S D ra EN fet Scomm |. ltyoomm Jose nn CVTU Dec acis/sa> 2016, Teas] Tely 2012.) Equating oppesite Pe PH2ctio = 70 P=S0 KN ate pontion AB: - A 8 Sekn<— p> Fo-g0-10= SKN Eatesion of pontion AB suo fee oe Sox16 Seo AE B00 FYXIo" bL,= 0°99 mm 1 ae Considsriag Peabor Bc: & e $o-Se=30kN— * 20 FIO=30kN compression of portion Bc!- Stoo Pato Beri (4-00 — = 2eslort0e faba 2 229 4 visit WWW°8FFUCON TENTEORALL.COM for more Consiclening ferkho cD:— e D> shonlening of portion CD si, — Bhs loxtextoco AE Boor BEXIS* *. 5L,= 39% OM Total difrmator of Ha san 5L= 5L,- 54, — 2, = O-99- 1-67-0297 c gL=-loxmm Totol barge din deglh of Ya tan SL= [08mm CotnactionD a) A meth ban wilh skppedl pontior us subjected. bo te forces 07 shou 7 biguas, Delenmre He eraghitadse of Pace P Such Kat nee hofrm -ation iy He ban doe mk exceed Imm ‘E fn steel is Qe0GPq $¢ alanivum w FomPq. Bi end. diameen | Strall end Liamelen of Le tapeni- 9 tan ane komm & Ig-smen renpechvely, piv Be | yore - Qeomm “p< bap Px 3p ——__ | : Steel SEE : gece |, “Joo mm |, comm Tone] Tuhy so16) visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for Tote we Sol”: SLaimm, Fo =dcc@Pa = 2000 nme E, = FoGPa = 70x10 Mmm Conside-nicg Portion }:- P= YP (Tension) Bactersion of portion | 5L,= Par = 4Px600 =, Yala FexIOATE xyorian se ‘Ly = P-7BXIOSP Gnsidenieg proretio? 2:- — =| of a Ra =aP (Teasile) Exltemnior of portion 2 si.= lo _ aPxtee a men el Ag Es. 400 *200 X16" SL =lISKIS P corsidening Portion 3:-

® —_— > SEN P= SOKN Cleasit.) Eater of sector 3 gl, = Pets 8 G0 XIEXISO SAE, EGsyx19sKI8 - SL, = O-al7E mm visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more . aS D Tatal chage m Jeglt of th ban SL = §b,-Fly +5L, = 0:/62Q— 0: GIFF FO-AlFE . SL ~O-02F( mm ii) herglh of La micklle Segrunt, so that tHe ban 2 oth dognok Aarge. fn fe, §L=o0 on §l,- §l,+5l,= 0 0-163a- ata 4 9.2/76 =o An by 2 e0xle x ba = ego papas) Oo: 370 FO CasQRlaexie ¢ tua lP2aSTmMM QA ban of goomm Legh ws attacked nage ak A+’ B a? shown “DR # ByUrL, Fires of 2okN $ 60KN ack a sown o te fan. Te E=2006:Pa, determine seachorn at Le tx ends Tp te tan Aamekn Ww acmm Bind the strasier ‘ chage mM segth of Bh pontoon. 4 = D & | conn Ky 4 [aaxw ~ | >Re as 10. 33Smm Sol”: Let Ry & Ry be the support neachon at support ‘Ro 4B visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more or Equatig He opposite. hacer Rab sotRy =6o RatRp = 2° — OW Cee perber Ac:- 4A © a 60-30—-Ry = 30-Ry Shortening of Portion Ae: 5h, 2 Fh) RxQar _ (G0~ Ry are ALE, AE AE consideniag portion CD;- © D> Bot Ry —> K— So- Ry Shonlening of portion cd Sty= PE aGor Ry) 150 — Go- Rg) 1s ae AE- AE Considend poction DB:— D a cocserngtertie | fo *s Eccleasin of pontior DE Sha PL = Com R)BIT . ReXP7T KE AE AE visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more : ze Since both endo of te ban p fred §L=o fe -$l,~SL, t+ SL,=0 ~B4SR, _ (20tR ISO +375 Re - AE AE we. ° —BISR, — S00 ~ |SOR, T275R, =0 425Ry + 87S Ry, — GS-00 =o ~4SR, +375 Ry = 4sv0 @ Solvieg er? OM Ry = B-4BFOKN Ry = Qh Seas kN Cross Sectiorel anea of He ban A= a d= a sy = 490-8735 mm Stress th pontion Ac: - oa Pi Re PIERS A a“ 490° 373F . Of = 1F-le8? [eam C compressive Strouss tn pontior cD: gab = 2ethe _ Got F-4335)I0 a - 40. FFar oo Op = 78-2042 N[mm* — ( Compressivs) cdi, visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL |Gtdifaganareys— Stswss in Postion DB: oS =fa ~ ®e _ Ql Saxo a A 490. 8735 » OR = YS 1268 Nimm® — CTe8'b) Shosfening of postion Ac: Sb = Pity B42 PSK 1 KAA pS tbh = SEER ees Ges 490: BFEBX Q0oxo sl, = C:02ZEMnr? Shontening of pontion CD: Ly = Fabs — Gort IIo x ISO RE 490.872 RQ00X 0" bl, = OOsSeFemM Extension of portion DB: SL, = Fata _ ah Sear xle x37 ° AE 440-8732 X2Q00X% 10° + 6h, = 0-0F AE MIM ? A vention’ cerrculan steel bar of degth "24° Aoc0t. ak both tH ends WW deacksel at “infenmetiab- section ; foacer W 4 QW a shoum 0 Byere | Delenmine Le ercl reaction uf Waren. A dBA cvTy Dec dors/ Jan go14)) ea BG aw} ly < | le . > visit WWW. VTUCONRSENTFORALL.COM for more BQ Sol? bee Ry Ry be He support reaction at- ALD, & shown ™m dhe above Bigs | Equatig opposite. pce, Ry t Rp =2wtew RatRno=eS — CO G@rstlenig Portion AB: Re A & BWW Ry = S—Ry | Exclension of pontion AB 5b, = Pi, = yh 2G SRL BE AE RE Consiclening Portion Bc: Qw-Ry = 3- Ry Ry WS Rye Shan tening of portior Bc: Shy = Pata o@“Rat Rpt L ASES AE AE RANGANATHA Assistant Professor RNSIT Bengaluru lob:9742216445 visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for mare! easicleniog Postion cD: QWHWR, = YS Ry shoatenieg of Preatior co: Sl, = Bhi Ge S-RDL _ Rok AG AE AE Since both ead> ane ted loo te, §l,-$§l,-5L,=0 Rah Ro 4 Rod RE AE RE — CRp-h' 5) — Rp =0 Ry - Rp FS Rp =e Ry-QRp=-l-S —@ Solvig ep wot @ Ry = VS KN Rp =AKN Rarganatha Acit-Pret. aie Pantakatl - b: 92 4RR CYGS— visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more By Paachice Problems: DA member AbcD 4 Subjectecl & Point Loadba PB Ps + Py o shoum i #unr. Clelate the forex PR recestary por eyulitnium TA Raerkn, P= USOKN £ “Py=lBokN, Dekermine Strasser 0 each member abo dolenmine He tal elecgator of Le member auumiag te E fo be 21x18 Mn 2500 ma Ra] coco Le | ascot Lo, eas | 100mm ecomm | qeomm CUTY, Tent] Suly 2oe Ture 2012.) 3) A stepped ban Gs subjected & force. a> Showa pyre. Delermune Le mapritude of Fo taking the allewasl. stress po th material of tar ar’ amfa, Also find. nek duration tndiuced Take E= Pyar a Boo mr7 cos pnt dozen at | Pe or o-3e7 o4m eam aA Step pet ban wd made of Steel 1s Achl bet? teso f galleg supports 07 shown m Agu, 2 subjected & leade, B= PoKN, Boéokn, Ark ta reaction developed at err Ad B. 4s. a D Ei a Re 0 » ba t 1Senm | bso Beam visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more yy A comPoundh. bast Consits of bstenze. adumi— * ntum § Skel segments 1 deadsol axial ao shown ™ sau, Determine th mazithum allowobl yalua! of ‘Pr if te tacge 0» becgth of tHe tan J not exceed tmm - the womlkirg Strwsses 0 Gach matenal gf He ban mdbintel m table below ws not be exceedtad. Material | Axea | Elastic. wonkirg | | A (me?) | medulur! stress Boonze. | 4So ©°B3XxIF| 120 E (MPa) | (oe) Aluminum | Geo oFoxi| so | | Steel B00 axis | lyo [Eee po Alarinium Boonge | steel 3P 2 a | ee on — peer _—__ | | goomm Jeee nnn | oom CV TU, Dec. aor) Stnesses in Composite. Sections:— A structenal maumben Composek of te on mone elements of diffsent- maleniobl uhh ane sugidy Gmnectedl together b somm a Panallel anmargemat & subsectecl t anial Leading is ferme an ampourk ban on Gompasite Gectim, The diffesont- rralenialo of te member mag have ame Legh on differeat Segth. Ea visit WWW. ALL.COM for more oe “7 ZF Fon Composite Sections '- 1) etal lead = loacl oa maknal 1 + look on material 2Q em Ta aici’ — © PHGA Tt &Aa 2 charge fa tegtt "layth a cor m He, SL, = SL, Plt = Bla ( — @ Ae, AES. From tHe obsve ten eration, the unkro- - wr car be cletesunineed visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more st Problems: — A ampeurcl tan of Leglh soo mr esnsists of a strip of aluminium sommn wile x gorm thick £ Q@ Strip of Steel somm unilexismm thick sup rl “y Joined. ot ends. Tf He tan od sbjedel a dead of SokN find te stresser clave oped. ah motesval § Le extension of tHe ban. Take elarée medutur of aluminium $ Steel or bie nam axien/mm sunpectvel Sol? = E = (x10 nlmm* | = a Eg = axe n[mnt Seo & g P=SokN § ° L=Soomm at ae sectional aver of alunarum Soky Ay = 50x20 = 1000 mm* cxwss Sechonal anea of Steol ban As = SOXIS = F750 mm* bee Fa § Ps be Ha Leal shanack gy aluwrniun y steel ban mespectively , Fates =p FatPs= 50 —() Extension of aluminium tara Extension of sfeel bar 5Lq = 5h, Pala Pols fy AM fal, AG oruispne visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORAI'LCOM for more an PaXSeo _ Psxseo [000 x1 X 10% FSOXKAX1 Ps=lS Pa —@) Substituting e? @m O Paths = Se Pat lS Pa = 0 Pa=aokN Substitutig ov ex? C2) Pools x20 2. Py =ZokN stress developed ™ Gach ban oa Pa, BOXKIS a =a a BOK IE 1000 a 5 = 20 N]mm* 1 oy = PE. = BOK 10 As Foo os = bo N/mm Bxlersion of He ban _ — Pala — 20xlsxS0o es Aa Ea 1006 Xl Xo -. Sla = Sls = O-lmm RANGANATHA Be. M Tec! Assistant Professor ” RNSIT Bengaluru Mob:97422164 5:9, a visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALC COM tor more” een Asst Prog SPIT Bartakol 9 A compouncl tan Consists of Q conculer sel of steel of diameten aomm mizidl, Atted mh a coppen bute of mlennal diameer"somm ¢ tHck- cress Smm an shoum to ke Poune Tf Ke ban is subjectesl tb a toatl of teok, Prd Ee stne- -s50 dlereloped m te tar material. Tale Es =axtonfam £5 6-2x10% N/mm - copeet | onl SL. Sol?s- d= aomm, “Cress Sechomal eneg of steal stecl As = Y= Cer 2. Ag = 31-16 mm* Tnnem diamekea of Gppen tube d; =8omm culen cdiamelen of Gppen tube d, =adot+aCs) = 207m vcaess Sectional anez of Gppen tube A=, Cd-d;*) = %, (2% aot) a Ag = 3924 19m visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more a i Paleokn. This doa x shared ty steel rod $ copper tube. 2 PstP.= loo — ) , bfswvetion of Steal red 6 esual & chon: -ation of Gppen tude. fe Sheol, Pets @ Bebe | AsEs AcE. i Ps Pe Bielexaxios 392-7 XI-2Xjor— Py = 1-33P. — @) eee er? @ nH® 133Pe Pe = 100 mS Pe = 42-92 KN Frem eq? Ci) $4a-I2= loo Py = St08 KN Stress m Steal sod 3 oss aPs _ S#08x!IC As Bible Os = 18) 2 [mm Strugs (4 @ppen bebe oe fe = 48: 7AxI0" Ae 292-7 visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more et » © = 109-3 Nlenm* aaa Modular matio: — we us Ha sotio of Young's moaulur oF stswgon masesunt és Yorey's medilur of- weakest = mMaterual, ie, Modular matte = E1- where, B= You's moduler of Siegen matenial Ey = Yougs medulen of weaken malenial DA seindacel Cucrete column of Size QBonm x koomm har 8 Steel bas of lamm ciamelen 07 shoum 4 gue TH Be Gluma DB svbyected & an arial Gmpsresion of bookn, dnd the Strutier dayelepecl om steal & G@ncneke.. Taka meclular atic ==. Se e tania dia Seel riod. 7 230 mon Cress seCHhonal area of Steel bar As = %, aA % (12)*= 113-09 mm* Total cl area of Steel tar As =HB-OVIXF= Fok: %s mm ALTAR AQWAH 1 atown wENZEe visit WWE GE ONTENTFORALL.COM for-more 4a Csess sectioal aneg of @acreke Ae = 230x400 ~— As x QoX Goo ~ Joh- Fe os he = 09S 22 mm bet fF, be He teak shanacl 4% Stel wre FP! be He Load Laken by He Concrete. “. Pst@. = 600 —() Ce a Pe foe. Fe fe F09s22 Ps = IP 67x Pe VOW aa Fou FE Ps = o-lgsyp. — @ Substitetig ep C/) O1S4Pe HP = E00 Po = SO6-1E kW Subst hating He vole xf po my e? oy = 2 Rs Ps, Feo Sox ar Ps=laokn P. = aPrPa -. Py = 1% O Cae Pa = 98:75 KN “Total deal. P=Pstara = 120 FFE FTX QD . P= 308: SKN visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more 46 2 Troluced Stross aluminium pillar doe to 93-95 KN deat, ‘ Sind = 93-25x10° m {000 oe Chal = 93-2 N [end > 6 /mmP SiGe Stress Inducecl y aluminum pillen 2 mone Hor dle Wonk! ste, af aluminium, be aluminium pillen Canrol uithstarck 93-7°KN Load. + Actual Load Gaming Gpacig of Le congpasite section ut P= Qlb.2KN 2. Aeblitiorat Leak thar ao be applet 2s P = 213-2200 -. P=I3z-Q2KN 5) A Compeurd ban amsists of a yomm dromokn steed bar swrtouncad a chasely Bib ant tneq tebe of 4mm well Urckness Leg d te compound bar & rem, Delermine th teak rege — eh to compress te compouncl bar so Kat th deformation duce m9 Bm, Take LA value of Yourg's modulus 07 &,= 2004 Ez, = 'eoGPa Sol? — ——" cmoss sectional anca of steel ban Ay = U,cle= 1, Cas? 2. As = 1256-64, mm visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more cross sectional anea of Cr. tube Ae = Cl h*) = 1, (48 40%) aw. Ay, = F52-92 m0 SL, = Psts AsEs _ Ps xl-8XI0" I eS 1256-64 xXQX1o~ > Ps =139-E3KN Sb e, = Per ter Ae, Ee, pa PaXvPxic S52-92Xx100x/o° - Po, = 30: FQ kN Total teak rezuinocl @ypria Lk Conmpouncl ban is P=PstPer P = 139: 6330°F2 + P= 1 FO:BSKN 2) A chad of yookn 6 applied on a Shosd~ Cne- -sete. column asommxasomm, The @lumn w@ mermpoced usth steel bam of bel anea asig mo If He modulur of elorbicct, for steel wo 1s Gm thot ob Grcnele tind Ke Stresser Goncre $ Steel, Tf Ae stress ™ @nCnete shall nol exceed ynjmm find Ke asca of Steal rephincl visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more 4g so Hok Le Glumn rey support @ Loach of Sookn. sof D wher columa Gnrier @ cleacl of. boo kN} — Asmasiamn Es _)¢ Fe Ag = ASOxase— asta ote 9,985 mm™ Pot Pe = hor ~ CO bhg = She Os _ we Co Leet ees aa Cr SsHl¥ oe — Ca) Also, trom e97 CD Ps the =4oo OsAstTeAc = 400 18S.As TF Oc he = 400 (laxasiay SU 956) 2 = Yoo oe = Booxie® loSRe4y Oe = 3-8 N/mm visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more From e7? Ca) Opa lBOe SH IPKET +. Oe = 68-4 N[mm ii) whea tHe Columa Gasrisr a doack of Soolen: Take 62= 4N/mni* | OE SIE xy = FQN[rrm* P=PstPe So00xlo = OAs Foc Ac Se0xlo = PASH UAL Sooxle = 724s + 4 (Asoxaso—As) Seoxle = FaAs $ ASOXlo— yAs As = 3676+ mm? DA solid steel bar soomm dong $ Fonwr cbiam- eeten i placed msl an aluminium tebe have: asmm insvds dametes, $ loomm eutside dia~ -melen, The aluminium Gg brkn ww O-1omm cen tan te sleol ‘ban. Aa arial leak of 6eokn us applied to tke bar - te Gy Grchn, Brough gusiol coven plote a7 shetua uh Agent. Find Ye stresier davelopel m steol bar } te alemin- ne |Seokn 5 sol’: — ~~ Cswss secHonal anta %, Crys BEGT AS mn fa= Choad?) = "Y, (00? 45) Ag = 348612 mre load regtuisecl tf Compress te aluminium tube a Os men sha Pte Ag ba bets = PR SOO I 3436-1aX Foxlo” P= 7214 KN 2. Remainicg loacl = 600-Fa-Ib = S2F-86 EN This doak ull be shared by te steel ban 4 aluminium tee. te, AtPs =P Pat Ps = Sates — CO P,x Seo Pax Sd BBUB-YSKAIX/e> — 3Y861AX 0-710 Ps =3-36Pe_ — CH) subst tating 9 5? CY) RANGANATHA BLE. M Tech, (PH.D) Pat 3-36 Pq = 527-86 Assistant Professor RNSIT Bengaluru visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL COM SPR HE Pa = IQ OF KN Py = 2:26Pg = 3-BER IB OF ee) = 406-F kN Totol load. shane a alumintund Pa lal OFF FQ-1y ~+ Fa=l93-a1 kN Te bal toad shorek Steal rool Ps = 406. ? KN Stresser developed! Os Pn 4o6-Fx/o, As Bree bs Os = 1057 [mm Oo, a fa = 1B XIS eee tenia Aa BY36-12 2. 0a = 56-23. /mm™ Practice. Paeblams:— D A compound tube consists of a steed debe tsomm mlennat diamelen $+ 1omm theckress $ aa cater brass tube IFomm inkennal adrameler ¢ porm thick ness, “The two tube ane of He Same Jecth Th compound tase Gammrien aq arial load of” so00 len, Find He strasser b the toad caries by each bute + te ameurk tt horterd, Lergth f ach kbe 2 lsomam, Take Es = axiom & = 1x y/o visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more sa Stnesser, clu to fempesatens, charge: Ever, nrakerial expands whan Lemperatenre suse? + @ntnacts wha tmpenaturs fal. The dufonmatien Caused due fo chacge Mm lemperatune J dinecth Paepentioal be degth of kx member ale & dase dy kempenatune , te, SLe eh o on [seawtl where oy Sarge in deged fa] Hage 2 Lenqpesnatuss La Lenght, of He momten (= Gastant of Prepoxtional’ty caltedt. act ficient of thermal expansion TR te cbiprriotion due & chage m -fempen— -afene US Penmuttect Freely No StRsler Ane duced my Ha momben. consitlen @ ucifeann bar of Cross Fechdoral anta length L subjectcl b nite iy Lempen— -atwe ‘te or k—__; tthe New, change ia segth due b ne iq Lenpena- -fure is given 4 gha 4th visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more Dus t ks charge. no strusce, ane mtneda~ eced, sinew re a pre f exqandl. Tp ks fre expansion J preven bed on pantiall Hon Be Shuster arnt mtneducedl "mn be palo - Buse stresier an Galle Lmpena— ~ fare Stree, Cnsidan a unites ban of cress seationak ana *, deg ‘Le Subjected. & WE Ma Repena— tune “ES L——4 Te Hs tan B pose bo exter whkag tempes- -afase cnegsed ee rls extersion Gare expansion) would fave se0o 5L = tte But His exparclor BS Corp lebely Preveereol Yis cose by jeator drclopad, af a 1 has The. Support toe ‘pos rk Cause shonkering of & bar y tet . SLaxtth PLO ph a oo att a i visit WWW. VTUCONTENTFORALL COM for more & om Xb sa! where ; 0” 6x Parppenatuns strasi which 13 CompPnssie wm Ks ase Te Pree expanioa 2 Parvertect panbially as shown in pisent below P aAsE ; “ Aten ke bP l Free expansion = tL Expansion penmitted = § 2. Bxponsten prevected = GUL §) 5. Shontening coud by support saacten P’ aw given E (4tL- & wa & (etl ©) Ett) RANGANATHA : _ eae enero aan tant Prot fal. “ENSIT Bengatury | sew Banta’ Mob:374224 64 4 i ; ig visit WWW VTUCONTENTFORALL. COM for fare * Tempenakur., Stresser, 02 Composite om Gomp- ae ee Consicdor a Compound bar mads of ter difksanrte materials ar shown 2 Lhe ayer. he “L= Lecwth of Ka compound bar tasuise 1 tempenaturt Ak A= Cass sechomal Qnea of fan i 42 E,§ B= Yous moduler of bar pk 2 bt, = @effaet of Henmol exponen of tan 1 $2 Assume > %y < Free expansioa of bon | = 4,tL yb i Free expansion of ban 2 Te dnee expansion B pennutlel then the position of tum barr will be ak AA f BB a? showa wm LHe fryune Bet He two tanr ant reg idly Brrected fo each can, Tensfont Le position of & two tann afler expansion will be Srmotwhone bet? AA & BB. Say ab Co, 07 Showa m he visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more Sé secune His position Comprekive. pre B will ack m ban | & a & Prredece sheateniog & &, $a kash haa p atl act un! ban g & preduce an extension of bguu. Te Shy um ban 2. But for execlibriun of the Canpound tan R= P C Say) Front Figure net cledsrmation i ban} = 4 4h- SL, Net diformation 37 ban a= Saez Pr @mpesite tan net dibrmetion i tan! D equal & me defamahdn i ban 2 ¢th- SL, = Ath tly SL, tol, = Ath - Gel PLO 4 PL (4, Re Aa Ct) ~ 4) A Geta) eed p (ABt4S-) = €C4-4) AVE Age P= (See ye ALE, Aa 5, *, Teogpenatune Stress un ban | Aa Ea, oj =(—4+ 3 ) (+, - ; Ge ra) cv ee mpractive) visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more SJ) or Tempenatunr Struss ™ ban 2 a fe) Cynade AE t AG. C Teast) Pneblenns: — FRailo ane dotd sich Hat tere op no str i fim at ay'c, TH Le nak ane 2am bos, delesuming D The Stus tke naib at ec, who Lene BD ne allowance pon expansion ~ ti) TRe Stross 9 the math at sxc, when bor D Qn Prfersiog allowance. of gmm pen rail, ji) The expeasisr allewana fo no Streti m bh. voih at oC Gethcnk of knean expaosion ¢arixis Se b Yoargs modulur E= 205 Opa 7 Vt, Dec. de!s/Far.201%') Sol? — . 5 2 — =a Cc, =WC La=ZQmM = 22AxXlo mm 2) Strass wn fe saib, who Kan D ne allewarg:. * oe tte = xls >< (Fo —24) 205xI0° +, OH 126-AT N[rnen* if) Strat to the marl when kere 1 07 erpParvier QUevanGa of Form per soil. s=emm oa Ee (*4L— =) visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more ss = 20. * - 4 ee (11 x05 Sxes6 x a0n08'~ ¥) 3 o= 5-03 N/mm ili) Expansion alloworg nezwnecl pon no Struts an He veil: - sL= eth -¢ 2 = UXIO Xx SEX 2aXlo . 6L=19-H2 mM 2) The bronze ban 2m og with 220 rap Csrncs Sectoral anea i placed bel? two rigicl wall, Ab -actc thane 2 gap A=2-5mm @ showa uh ager. Fird Le magni tucks & & type. of stress’ induced. in Ke ban wkin 1b us heatecl Qa ftemperatunet S0-6*c, Pon Sreaze tar_ taka Mpa leexle rc ¢ E= Toma ee pe | Lares am ——s Las mo CVTY, Dec. dou) sol?)- : L=am=2XKlomM, S=2-5mm, A=320mm* bf-ectc, ha SOOO) tale oxi re 2 E= 90 GPa = F6x10 N/m Enee expansion of Ke ban = ttl = lexis §(50-€- Cas) 3x18 visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more = 3 Flag¢mm Expansion peamittel = Q:-Smm Since free expansion mene Hao the exparsio’ permitted dempenaturs stnas fl Phe — -ced % He ban. ~. Expanpler praventecl FL aS - F124 -Q-— PE = 1.3124 AE oe Ex 324 2 = OKI 51-3124 3X10 2. Oe 3 Nferne™ 3) Fon He Stepped ban shourr in figure, wha ws he marimar lempenatuns rise whch will ret Produce strod % K ban Alto ond streés induced pha tk lerpenatun. nise 1 gore. Take Eg= Q00Gfa_ Ey= 1oeGPa_ <= laps: fa= EXIT Yee, Steed Atuminiunn dyomm | gacenm face ole gos, 95 [rm Ceompoess ive) Fawr e7? (2) Olg = 0 SEIS XK 30°95 2. Os =1E ML Mra C Compressive) “Rargaratha, Asst: Prot. RANGANATHA ee Bantakal M Tech Pm, Assistant Professor vistenbrteges/T UCONTEN FAL OR far or more ©) A composite bar as maply rete a Ae suppents A $¢ B @7 shew 1 the bourne. peenmine He reaction at 4 supponts token lempenatunr 2% by aoc, Takk Ea= Fo & N/m? E, = a0c Mr Gq alixid ic, %, Flaxte ‘fee Aga boon ae = 3eamot far ON As Aluminium steel | om Kt t= aoe, Ex= Fo@N/m* = Foxe Nlmm? Sol? E, = 200 GNI" = 200xLe N/mm tq auasf-c, dg = jad Ste. Fras ox[Panstea of stepped tar athe + Xs ths = 1x18 R2OXIXIO FAIS §x20X3X10™ = o7gmm “Tas tne expansion D Praverted. by He Support swackior Slat Fl = OC Pla 4 Pls _ 9.49 Aa Ea TRE u 7 3 IXlo 3x1 pe (——— .. +S. J aor 600x Foxlo 200X200%< Jo P= 1273S SN visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM'fti' iidre 5) A compasite. bar cnn of Steel 4 aluminium Gomponeats Shown po. as Aeded Bram ly bet? ter grip at the endr at a lempenature ob boc, Fnd Ke strster un Ke two seed2 whan lemperatus gallo b @o°< T# 2) The erd> de net yield ij) The endo yrell & oarmm Take. Es=&xio nim p51 axis re Eg = oto nlnm 4g = 2-3 XIE oe steal Alaminnuor y acon 295mm oe eee ooo | CvTu, Fess] Sealy R015) Sal? - eT ES eore, sare E 5 = 2x 10% u/orm? Asal lb /ec, Eg =O Fxl0 nlm? tgQaarieTe ange in dempenatun. t= Cé0 — a) Ree i) Strsier in te modo if be oct to rot viel Free @ntnaction of the Lan = 4sths Fel = NIAXLES x box 90 $ Q-3LXIS*xYoXx Goo =o- Fess Ths free Gatnacton 2 pruren beck 4 Be Support. TRanéhors. lensile Strusie, are taclucol m dle ban, visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more oy le Slat = 0-eer Pols = bees = 0 7GrE As Es Aa Ea SEX FO SaX402 _ 6. zy 90 ax lo O-F Xo = - 400 KIS” Og F SPS KIC Oy =O-FurE — c+) Also, f Ps= Pe i OAs = On 4g Os XQ50 = OR X3B2s- Os =I Ss Cae ca) substi katig in ef? CD - - 4OORIE XS qf SHib EXIT 6% = 0-768 F 2 04 = 63:92 W/m Exem e3? C2) Os SISK EB-FD oe 6 TS BE [eM ii) Te the ends yield & ©-Bs mm - Tetel Grtnaction prevented = 0-H eF 0S =O bd8tMM 2. GOoKle SKIS 64 FSF: G3XIS7 Oy = 0-498E visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more ox On = 42:58 N/mm Frena ef? C2) Op SSX Ga: SF . 6 = 63:87 ifr” 9 A herizertal nigil tare AL woshing Q20KN 4 Bree verbal nedr, €adr of tn tegth 4b seam? iy capes secton as shown gn the apen. The Certnal nad D & Steel - Be euler 20> are ceppen, Tp te temperature. suse 1 $o'c erbinate te dead annie by exch nel + ty hoce much be dead. will chscert. Take: Ey, = 200 GN |? Eesjootufm® es SL axial exw Le (TU, Tune 2012) i) Batterson of He bane due © doo kn toast: Pot PtP. =P Pe tPs = 200 — CD Als, ba Cmpasite. bans ble = SLs visit WWW.VTUCONTENTFORALL.COM for more 66 Pehe _ Pshs AcE. ASE, Rice oe 4c= 4) Ee &s Po = toomie’ deo X 107 7 Pe=osPs — Ca) Subsbiectiog iy e592? CD QxO-SPs PRs = 200 2. Ps= leokn C7ensik) From es? Ca) Pe = O'S X00 P.=SOKN CTeas&) ~. Extlensier due bo ge0kNn Leak Sle Sle = Pats = Looxl exixle Sf = ee = mae, As Es SeOx 20010 bl5=FL-=1mm Beclension of He ban dua t leopenatens Stress:— visit WWW.VTUC@NTENTFORALL.COM for more oF Bakrsion db steal ban= Gatrachisn of Coppen kan 4th thls = teth- SL, Flot She = th (Xe -

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