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University of San Agustin



I – Multiple Choice. Read the following questions carefully. Choose the letter that best
describes the statement. Write your answers on the blank provided before each number.

__C___1. It is the process of interacting and engaging students in activities that will enable
them to acquire the knowledge, skills, as well as worthwhile values and attitudes.

A.) Discussing C.) Teaching

B.) Labeling D.) All of the above

___C___2. This refer to methods used to help students learn the desired course contents and
be able to develop achievable goals in the future. This deals with specific actions.

A.) Teaching Methodologies

B.) Teaching Approaches

C.) Teaching Strategies

D.) All of the above

___A__3. This comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. Commonly

used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation,
memorization, or combinations of these. This deal with practical Nuts and Bolts

A.) Teaching Methodologies

B.) Teaching Approaches

C.) Teaching Strategies

D.) All of the above

___B___4. It is the process of interacting and engaging students in activities that will enable
them to acquire the knowledge, skills, as well as worthwhile values and attitudes.
A.) Teaching Methodologies

B.) Teaching Approaches

C.) Teaching Strategies

D.) All of the above

___A__5. Game-based learning is a teaching methos that works wonders for learners in the:

A.) KS3 C.) KS2

B.) KS4 D.) None of the above

___C___6. It is the process of educating others using the internet, whether that’s through
individual or group video calls, webinars, or messaging platforms.
A.) Game Based Learning C.) Online Teaching

B.) Guided Discovery D.) All of the above

___B___7. This learning theory comes from David Kolb’s which states that learning is a product
of experience.

A.) Interactive Teaching C.) Team Teaching

B.) Experiential learning D.) None of the above

____A___8. This is a canvas on which teachers can make diagrams, share pre-made templates
and charts, make sketches, write, etc. and works just like the classroom blackboard
but can digitize what teachers teach.
A.) Online Whiteboard C.) Peer Teaching
B.) Storytelling D.) All of the above
____A___9. This refers to a teaching method that tailors instructions to students depending on
their individual needs

A.) Differentiated Learning C.) Team Teaching

B.) Guided Discovery D.) All of the above

___C___10. This is a teaching strategy characterized by acting out a story. It utilizes language,
facial expressions, gestures and action.

A.) Oral Reading C.) Dramatization

B.) Storytelling D.) All of the above

___D____11. It is a medium used in learning language which is therapeutic because it provides

emotional release.

A.) Oral Reading C.) Dramatization

B.) Singing D.) All of the above
____A__12. A better way to approach is to teach in a variety of ways, including books, films,
images, and verbal presentations and should never be used to make some students feel inferior
to others. What is being referred to?

A.) Differentiated Learning C.) Online Teaching

B.) Modular Platform D.) All of the above

___A____13. This is a combination of traditional face-to-face learning and technology-based


A.) Blended Learning C.) Online Teaching

B.) Modular Platform D.) All of the above

____B____14. A method of instruction where the instructor performs an operation or shows the
students what to do, how to do it, and through explanations brings out why, where, and when it
is done.
A.) Learner- Centered Method C.) Teacher -Centered Method
B.) Demonstration Method D.) All of the above

___B____15. This type of teaching method includes small group discussions, simulations,
projects, and discovery or inquiry-based approach.

A. Learner- Centered Method C.) Teacher -Centered Method

B. Interactive learning D.) All of the above

II - Modified True or False

Direction. Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it’s false, change the underlined word or
group of words to make the whole statement true.

__TRUE______1. An Overall cluster of activities associated with a classroom teacher

includes explaining, questioning, demonstrating and motivating learners to participate in the
given activities.

____TRUE______2. Teaching is a SCIENCE because it is based on psychological research

that identifies “cause and effect relationship” between teaching and learning.

_____TRUE_____3. Teaching is an Art because it shows how those relationships are

implemented in successful and artistic teaching.

___FALSE/CHILDREN AND TEENAGER______4. When working with adults, it can be hard to

retain focus, manage behaviour, and encourage active participation.
____FALSE/EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING______5. Explicit teaching methods can be effective
during science experiments and group
____TRUE_______6. Teaching adults can have its own challenges – it can be difficult for adult
learners to absorb new things and change old thinking patterns.

_____FALSE/REFLECTIVE OBSERVATION_____7. Active Experimentation means that

after the concrete experience, the learner must reflect on their actions and watch others
perform that action.

___TRUE______8. Abstract Conceptualization is the final stage in which the learner

will consider their reflections and previous lessons and then retry the original experience
to see if any progress has been made.

____TRUE_____9. In making a good presentation, teachers can incorporate visuals

such as images, GIFs, videos, etc. to make it watchable and this way is comparatively
easy to pass on information to students.

___TRUE______10. A better way to approach differentiated learning is to teach in a

variety of ways, including books, films, images, and verbal presentations and should
never be used to make some students feel inferior to others.

___TRUE______11. Game-based learning, also known as gamification,  is a great

way to
motivate learners to enjoy classroom activities.

____FALSE/TEACHER CENTERED METHOD____12. Learner- centered classroom

is a type of learning environment where the teacher is looked upon by the learners as
an expert or an authority.

___TRUE______13. In role plays, participants use their own experiences to play a

real-life situation.

___TRUE______14. In Content-Focused Methods both the teacher and the learners

have to fit into the content that is taught. This helps students make logical connections
between ideas, words and objects.

___FALSE/TUTORIAL METHOD_____15. The Study Assignment Method is a

method of instruction in which an instructor works directly with an individual student.
III- Identification - Identify whether the following are teaching approaches, strategies or

1. Communicative Language Teaching 7. Simulation

2. Inductive 8. Content Based Instruction
3. Demonstration 9. Recitation
4. Explanation 10. Game Based Learning
5. Guided Discovery
6. Creativity

1. Teaching approaches
2. methodologies
3. Strategies
4. Teaching Approaches
5. methodologies
6. strategies
7. methodologies
8. Teaching approaches
9. Teaching approaches
10. strategies

IV- Essay (10 Points)

1. Why do we need to encourage independent learning in the 21 st century education?

Answer: We need to encourage independent learning in the 21 st century education because there is a
limit to the skills, attitudes, and dispositions that students can learn through formal schooling.
Therefore, educating them for the 21st century requires teaching them how to learn on their own. To do
so, students need to be aware of how they learn. By urging their students to consciously examine their
thinking, teachers can help their students grow in their metacognitive capacity. It's crucial for students
to form optimistic mental models about how learning works, its boundaries, and signs of failure. The
"incremental" model of intelligence, which holds that intelligence and capacity rise with effort, and that
mistakes and failures are occasions for self-exploration and development rather than judgments of value
or aptitude, is beneficial to students.

Arlyn Marie E. Montalban BPED 3-A

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