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School Iligan City National School of Fisheries Grade Level 7/8

Teacher Khia Cristel E. Dapat Learning Area TLE
Time & Dates October, 2022 Quarter 1st Semester


A. CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates an

understanding of concepts in the
preparation of materials and
tools using the different forms in

B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner independently

prepares appropriate masonry
materials and tools using the
different forms in tile setting based
on industry standards.

C. LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the students will be

Write the LC code for each.
1.1 Identify the masonry tools and equipments.




1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Most Essential Learning Competencies Matrix-

K to 12 Curriculum.

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials from Learning 13 Essential Masonry Tools List: Different

Resource (LR) Portal Types & Their Uses | House Grail
A. OTHER LEARNING RESOURCES PowerPoint Presentation, Pictures, Video Clips,
Activity Sheets.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


a.) Greetings All: Good morning ma'am!

Good morning class! Chel: Okay ma'am.

May I call on Chel to lead the prayer. Make a sign of the cross. In the name of the
Father, the Sun, the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear Lord and Father of all, thank you for today.

Thank you for your ways in which you provide
for us all. Guide us by your eternal light, as we
discover more about the world around us. We
ask all this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Sun, the Holy

Spirit. Amen.

b.) Classroom Management

Once again class, Goodmorning!

Before you take your seats, please pick up the All: Good Morning Ma'am.
pieces of papers on the floor , and arrange your
chairs properly.

Okay done. You may now take your seats.

(All participated)

c. ) Checking of attendance

Okay, class monitor. Is there an absent today ?

All: None ma'am.
Alright, no one is absent. Very good.
Keep it up class.
Before we start our lesson for this morning, can
Jenny: Last meeting, we discussed the
someone give us a recap of what we have introduction of masonry and its job
discussed in the last meeting? Yes, Jenny? opportunities.

Okay, who can give me an example of job Eric: Brickmasons maam.

opportunities in masonry? Yes eric?

Joanni: Stonemasons maam.

What else? Yes Joanni?

It is good that you all still remember our

discussion from the last meeting.

So are you ready for our new lesson today?

Okay that's good to hear. All: Yes ma'am!


But before that,we will have an activity. I have a

mystery box here containing different pictures.I
want you to take one from this mystery box and
figure out what it is.

(The teacher distributed the box)

There are 3 mystery pictures in your hands now.

So who would like to volunteer to identify the

first object? Yes Gene?
Gene: What I have here is called Shovel ma'am.

Yes, very good! It is a Shovel or what is called

"Pala". How about the second object ? Yes Pearl?

Alright, it is a Cement Mixer.

Pearl: What I have here is a Cement Mixer
And for our last object? Yes Joy?

Very good, it is a Trowel.

Joy: It is a Trowel ma'am.


So, based on the 3 objects you have identified Chel: Those are the masonry tools and
earlier, what do you think are those objects? Yes equipment ma'am.

Alright, where do we see those masonry tools

and equipment? Yes pearl? Pearl: In building construction sites ma'am.

Very good class!


Now that we are done with the introduction, I

want you to focus your attention on my
presentation so that you will be guided from our

Our topic for today is all about Masonry Tools

and Equipments. This is our objective for today.
Can someone read the objective ? Yes Joy? Joy:
1. Identify the masonry tools and equipments.
2. Understand the use of masonry tools and
equipment for a specific job.
3. Demonstrate how to use masonry tools and
Actually, there are numerous masonry tools and
equipment present in the construction sites ;
however, we will only discuss the most
important masonry tools and equipment.

10 Most Essential Masonry Tools and



1. Shovel- It is the most common tool for

mixing the mortar and for filling the

2. Masonry hammer- It can be used for

cutting, cleaning and setting bricks, stone
or masonry.

3. Pointing Trowel- It is used to pick up

mortar and spread it onto the brick you
are about to put in place.
4. Plastering trowels- is used to apply the
plaster onto the surface and to even the
materials out for a smooth finish. When
using this tool, the correct amount of
plaster should be placed on its flat
surface to be applied on the wall or floor.

5. Masons line - is a product used to make

straight lines and a leveled surface. It is
useful when laying patios, posts, footings,
and more. The product is necessary
during such jobs as you will no longer
need to pick up the level numerous
times. Another excellent part about this
twine is that it won't sag like other

1. Circular Saw- This power tool uses a

round metal blade edged with sharp
teeth to cut an array of material such as
woods, metals, cement block, brick,
fiberglass, plastics and slate.

2. Cement Mixer- a machine with a

revolving drum used for mixing cement
with sand, gravel, and water to make

3. Sand Screening Machine- is used to

sieve sand for use in construction work.
Sand is poured on the mesh or sieve
which vibrates and enables fine grain
sand to be separated easily.
4. Stationary concrete pump -is the
concrete which is transported to heights
by means of pumping using concrete
pumps. This method is used where a
large quantity of concrete work is
involved at greater height, where other
means of transporting is not easy to do.

5. Cement Vibrator Machine- is used for

removing air void from concrete mass
and preventing formation of honeycomb.

Alright, those are the most essential masonry

All: None Maam.
tools and equipment. Any questions from our
Very Good. Let’s have a recap, what are the All: Shovel, Masonry Hammer, Pointing Trowel,
masonry tools? Finishing Trowel, and Masons Line

All: Circular Saw, Cement Mixer, Sand Screening

What about the Masonry Equipments?
Machine, Concrete Pump, and Cement Vibrator
Alright. Very Good class!

E. Elaborate

Now that you're familiar with the masonry tools

and equipment, we will have a group activity. I
will show you a short video, and right after the
video presentation, you need to discuss with
your group about the given questions. You will
only be given 2 minutes to discuss with your
group, and each group should have their
representative to discuss their answers in the
front . Alright, understood? All: Yes ma'am.

(The teacher plays the video)

Okay, these are the questions you need to


● Group1: Why is it important to be

familiar with the masonry tools and
● Group 2: In general, why is masonry
important in industry?

Alright, time is up! Please go back to your seats.

Representatives please present your answers.
(Group 1 and 2 share their answer to the class)

Alright, very good class! All your ideas are


F. Evaluate
Since you already understood the masonry tools
(All participated)
and equipment , we will now have a short quiz.
But before that, please keep your notes inside
your bags, and all I need to see is your ballpen.

(The teacher presents her screen to the class )


1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Okay, done class? Alright please pass your papers

in the front, at the count of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10!

G. Extend

Okay class, for your assignment. Make a 1-2

minutes video of yourself demonstrating the
Proper use of Masonry Tools or Equipment. Only
one of these tool or equipment class. Submit
All: Okay ma'am.
your video in our Google Classroom before
October 30.

This will be the rubrics in grading your



Content 40%

Execution 40%

Clarity of Voice 10%

Creativity 10%

TOTAL 100%

Alright, any questions and clarifications to our All: None Ma'am.


Okay, I guess this ends our lesson today. Thank All: Goodbye Ms. Khia. Thank you for teaching
us. God bless you!
you for your cooperation. Goodbye class.


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