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My “Eras Tour”

Sarabeth McClain Leadership Portfolio | HDF 492

Table of Contents/
- Releasing Music - Self Leadership
- Selling Tickets & Platform Issues - Critical Thinking
- Logistics & Impact Consideration - Inclusive Leadership
- Setlist Design - Leadership Theories
- Performing - Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership
- Enjoying the Show - Most Valuable Learning
- Resume & Marketable Skills
Releasing Music | Self-Leadership
- Before an artist like Taylor Swift can go on tour, they have to release music
- Central to the theme of a tour, developed and perfected over the years
- Identification and growth in Clifton Strengths
- Learner
- Ideation
- Individualization
- Intellection
- Input

- Growth through leading projects start to finish (Sarabeth’s Version)

- Internships, Capstone Papers
Internship evaluation

Honors project approval &

My strengths!
Selling Tickets & Platform Issues | Critical Thinking

- Eras Tour Ticketmaster fiasco was met with contingency planning and working
through issues
- Throughout my college experience, I have used decision making and conflict
management methods to meet and address challenges I have faced
- Decision making: Brainstorming, RAPID method, delphi method, multi-voting decision making,
nominal group technique
- Conflict management: accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, competing, compromising
- Sorority leadership and civic action projects during COVID, navigating remote
team based internships
First (zoom) civic action

Greek Week Planning

Zoom Interviews
Executive Board Position
Logistics and Impact Consideration | Inclusive Leadership
- A massive concert tour will have disruptive impacts on local communities
- Performers and guests must consider their privilege and impact on local environments
- Taylor Swift is making donations to local charities on every stop of tour
- Throughout my college career, I have taken opportunities to unpack my privilege from my “invisible
knapsack” as described by Peggy McIntosh
- I am privileged in ways that I didn’t even realize at first - my socioeconomic status, race, sexual
orientation, ability, etc.
- Through experiences in classes, diversity dialogues in extracurriculars, etc., I have come to identify
my privilege, unpack it, and use it to advocate for others
Second Civic Action Project -
Social Identity & Privilege Activity
fundraising for Youth Pride Inc
Setlist Design | Leadership Theories
- Before the Eras Tours started, Taylor Swift had to decide which songs to pick for the setlist - a
difficult and important decision
- She plays over 40 songs on tour, but had to narrow this down from over 300
- “Surprise Songs”
- In making decisions related to my major, internships, extracurriculars, and career path, I have
had to narrow down my preferences and make important decisions
- I have applied leadership theories in this process, especially Kolb’s experiential learning model
- This focuses on learning through concrete experiences, reflective observation, abstract
conceptualization, and active experimentation
- Internship experiences, particularly my one in financial regulation last summer allowed me to
apply economic concepts and learn more about day to day work, which helped me to realize I
want to work in that area
Office days at the Fed Data for ECN capstone

Postgrad job offer!

Performing | Interpersonal & Organizational Leadership
- After logistics have been planned, designed, and tested, Taylor Swift gets to perform!
- Performing is a lot of fun but requires strong public-facing skills and coordinating with backup
- As I’ve grown as a student and person, I’ve had useful experiences in informative and
persuasive public speaking
- Formal class presentations
- Presentations to employers
- Less formal persuasive speech in extracurriculars, etc.
- I’ve also had countless experiences working in groups to build trust and productivity
- Tuckman’s group development model
Group Bonding
Growth in public speaking
Most Valuable Learning: Enjoying the show!
- I’m someone who really appreciates theory - as someone who wants to work in policy it allows
me to make sense of things
- The most valuable connections and growth I had within the leadership minor was about putting
that theory into practice - engaging with hands on experiential learning, leadership
opportunities, public speaking
- Trying new things and leaving my comfort zone allowed me to really grow as a person, develop
skills that I used to get my post grad job, and enjoy so much more of my college experience
Dixita. (2020, November 3). 5 Conflict Management Styles To Improve Your Productivity. Matter.

5 Group Decision-Making Techniques. (2018, August 18). Retrieved from

McIntosh, Peggy, "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" (1990). Retrieved from “Gendered Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and
Contemporary Readings (7th Edition).

Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice‐Hall.

MindTools. (n.d.). Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing: Tuckman's Model for Nurturing a Team to High Performance.

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