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TAB Reaction Prompts

Write a brief paragraph about your reactions to the TAB experience you went through in class.
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability...

1.) How did the TAB experience effect you as a learner?

TAB affected me as a learner by making me think creatively and allowing me to do
whatever I wanted with the materials I had. This was very hard for me because I am not
the most creative person, and in college I am always told here is what you need to do so
this made me think a different way and it was difficult at first but I enjoyed being able to
use water colors and lines and just run with it.
2.) What are the strong points to a TAB based classroom/lesson set up? What are the down
The strong points are students get to be creative, create art how they want, students
have choices. It also allows students to focus on improving their skills for one form of art
or explore many different forms of art.
The down sides are that some students do not do well in a classroom that gives them
choices. It can also cause students to only work on one form of art and not learn a lot of
other forms of art.
3.) What are some educational theories of practices that are used/highlighted in the TAB
Vygotsky’s model for student centered learning, and student choices.
Metacognitive theory- planning then moving into steps on how to complete the plan.
Best practice
Differentiation model- students can self scaffold
Gardner- students can meet their own needs and what they are most drawn to.

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