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CONGREGATION OF THE DOMINICAN SISTERS OF ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA April 26, 2022 DR. GILBERT T. SADSAD Director IV Department of Education Regional Office V Rawis, Legazpi City Dear Sir: Greetings of Peace! This is to inform your good office that Siena College Tigaon, Inc., Tigaon, Camarines Sur has no plan to increase the basic tuition fee in all levels of the Integrated Basic Education Department for the School Year 2022-2023. Attached herewith are the pertinent documents required for evaluation and approval of the Tuition for the SY 2022-2023. c. d. e. a. Cerlification of Veracity and Authenticity of all documents; b. Comparative Schedule of Tuition and Other School Fees SY 2021-2022 ‘and SY 2022-2023; Photocopy of the approved Tuition Fee and Other School Fees SY 2021- 2022; Photocopy of Government Recognition; and Latest Certificate of Corporate Filing and Information from Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). With your approval, we hope to post the new schedule of Tuition Fees on or before May 30, 2022. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration. President COMPARATIVE & PROPOSED TUITION AND OTHER FEES JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL School Year 2022-2023 A. Tuition Fee Increase for the School Year 2022-2023 Year Level | School Year | Amount of | Percentage | Proposed | 2021-2022 | Increment Increase Rate SY 7 7 2022-2023 Grade 7 16,369.41 o 0% 16,369.41 | Grade 8 15,589.90 _| or 0% 15,589.90 Grade % 15,589.90 _| 0 0% [15,589.90 {Grade 10 14,847.55 _| 0 0% 14,847.55 B. OTHER FEES 7 oh Year Level | School Year | Amountof | Percentage | Proposed | i 2021-2022 | Increment _|_ Increase Rate Grade 7 4,335.73 0 [ 0% 4,335.73 | Grade 8 4,335.73 | 0 | 0% 4,335.73 | Grade 9 4,335.73 0 | 0% 4,335.73 Grade 10 | 4,335.73 0 0% 4,335.73 J The above rate was based on: Provisions of DepEd No. 88, s. 2010 re: Manual of Regulations for Private Schools as amended by DepEd Order No. 1] s. 2011. Che 1 Vegified by: zl Gn Bora :MMYQIN R. ROPAO.P. Treasurer Noted ews bhogec SR. MAE ONO, O.P. ee G. TUY, Principal President CONGREGATION OF THE DOMINICAN SISTERS OF ST. CATHERINE OF BREAKDOWN OTHER SCHOOL FEES JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SY 2022-2023 OTHER FEES Registration —__ Medical/Dental Athletic Fee library Fee_ (Guidance Fee [Instructional Materials [Audio Visual Fee TLE Fee [Test Paper Report Card/Class Card brary 1D ‘School ID. _ [Red Cross/Anii1B Student Welfare Assistance / School Newsletter School Activities Membership Fees: CEAP {_ CBOPSEA Computer Laboratories ‘Speech Laboratories | Science Laboratories Prepared by: | hecked / Verified by: = Foowraen (a pes MS. G) JRANPIO. SR{ EMMYUN R. ROPA 0.P. jurance Cas Treasurer Note : : ot x haw tboyae, a SR. MAE/§. LOGRONO, 0.P. SR. LINA G. TUYAC, O.P.,Ph.D. Principal President Republte of the Philippines. Department of Education REGION V- BICOL 2™ Indorsement July 6, 2021 Respectfully retumed to the Schools Division Superintendent, DepEd Division of Camarines Sur, the herein request of SIENA COLLEGE TIGAON, INC., Tigaon, Camarines Old Rate: SY 2020-2021 Junior High School | [Paricuar Grade? | Grade8 | Grade Grade 10 Tuition Fee 16,369.41 [15,589.90 | 75,589.90 | 14,847.65 Other Fees 433573) 4.33573 4,336.73 4,335.75 Total [20,708.14 19,926.63 79,926.63 | 19.183.28 New Rate: SY 2021-2022 eet f Junior High School Pertculars | Grade? 1 oat 8 Grade 8 Grade 10 “Tuition Fee 76,368.47 7 589.90 15,589.90) 14,847.55 Other Fees 4,335.73 4,335.73 4,335.73 4,335.73 Total 20,706.44 6.83) 19,928.63 19,183.28 % of increase: an = T Junior High Schoo! | Particulars |—~Grade? Gnd Graded Grade 10 [Tuition Fee: 0% 0% 0% 0%] [Other Fees 0% [0% 0% | 0% The above rate was based on * Provisions of DepEd Order No. 8, 8. 2010 re: Manual of Regulations for Private Schools as amended by DepEd Order No. 11,8, 2011 ansehen Regional Director ‘aaawoaaaes ————— REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS ‘Republic ofthe Phitppines) Kagawaran 1g EduKasyon (Department of Education) Rehiyon V. (Region V) LIINGSOD NC Lkeazpr (City of Legazpi) GOVERNMENT RECOGNITION (R-V) © ) | No. 3 nme vested by Act No. 2706 as amended and Batas Pambansa Bilang 232 (Education Act of 1982), 1, (School) ~ (Complete Address) for the cffective as of It is provided, however, that the Regional Director reserves the Fight to satisfy himself that the instruction and the conditions affecting instruction in this course comply with all the requirements of the Department of Education. In case of failure of the school to observe and maintain any of the required standards of the Department of Education aff cting the course herein approved, the authority hereby granted shall be revoked and the records of the students who attended this course shall be taken over and kept in the files of the Department of Education. The guaranty bond of the school shall be declared forfeited in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of act 2706, It is also stipulated that the Government Recognition hereby granted does not extend fo any branch of the said school nor to any other course. grade or eurricalun year. Given at the City of Legazpi, Philippines this day of Two Thousand and For the Secretary of Education: Al GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET (GIS) NON-STOCK CORPORATION FORTHE YEAR 2021, ‘GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: FOR USER CORPORATION: THIS GS SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITKIN THIRTY (0) CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING {AS STATED IN THE BY-LAWS. DO NOT LEAVE ANY ITEM BLANK. WRITE "NA" IF THE INFORMATION REQUIRED IS NOT APPLICABLE TO THE ‘CORPORATION OR “NONE” IF THE INFORMATION IS NON-EXSTENTF THE ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING IS WELD ON A DATE OTHER THAT STATED IN ‘THE BY-LAWS, THE GIs SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITHIN THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION OF THE DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES AND ‘OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION AT'THE ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING. | NO MEETING I HBLD, THE CORPORATION SHALL SUBMIT THE GIS NOT LATER THAN JANUARY 30 OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR. HOWEVER, SHOULD AN [ANNUAL MEMBERS" MEETING BE HELD THEREAFTER A NEW GIS SHALL BE SUBMETTED/PILED. ‘THIS Gis SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ENGLISH ANO CERTIFIED AND SWORN TO BY THE CORPORATE SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION. ‘AU CHANGES ARISING BETWEEN ANNUAL MEETINGS ANO AFFECTING THE INFORMATION STATED IN THE Gis, SUCH AS THE DEATH, RESIGNATION OR CESSATION OF HOLDING OF OFFICE OF A DIRECTOR, TRUSTEE, OR OFFICER, SHALL BE REFLECTED IN AN AMENDED GIS LABELED AS SUCH AND THE (CHANGES CLEARLY HIGHLIGHTED. THE AMENDED Gis SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITHIN SEVEN [7] DAYS AFTER SUCH CHANGES OCCURRED OR BECAME -RCTIVE SUBMIT FOUR () COPIES OFTHE Gis TO THE RECEIVING SECTION AT THE SBC MAIN OFFICE, OR TO SEC SATELLITE OFFICES OR EXTENSION OFFICES. ‘ALLCOPIBS SHALL UNIFORMLY BE ON A OR LETTER-SI2ED PAPER. THE PAGES OF AL COPIES SHALL USE ONLY ONE SIDE. ‘ONLY THE GIS ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS COMPLIANT WITH EXISTING RULES AND REGULATIONS. ‘THIS GIS MAY BB USED AS EVIDENCE ACAINST THE CORPORATION AND ITS RESPONSIBLE DIRECTORS/TRUSTERS/OFFCERS FOR ANY VIOLATION OF [STING LAWS RULES AND REGULATIONS soneonnenmsenmscnnee= PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ~o=-ovveovesccescce=oc=soneneosnoe CORPORATE NAME: DATE REGISTERED: 05/11/1066 |BIENA COLLEGE TIGAON, NC DATE OF ANNUAL MBETING PER BY-LAWS: ‘SRD SATURDAY OF MARCH ‘DATE OF ACTUAT MEETING: aR GREER” [nconaino pon acon ToA0H anes COMPLETE BUSINESS pean |AGUINALDO ST., POBLACION, TIGAON 4420 [CAMARINES SUR, ‘OFFICIAL E-MAIL ADDRESS "ACTERNATE E-MAIL ‘OFFICIAL MOBILE NUMBER ADDRESS Senaco), ~tiegon @ yale cal O4B2U6 FO PRIMARY PURPOSE ENGAGED IN: [TO GVEA SOUND, COMPLETE AND CATHOLIC EDUCATION TO CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN THE [Prurenes xo TOPRONOTE THER INTELLECTUAL AND MORAL DEVELOPUENT WANE OF EXTERNAL AUDITOR StONING aren |voBey c. cRUZ IF ENGAGED IN MICROFINANCE BUSINESS, CHECK SERVICES nna DOpORS Insurance Products cn bans Payment Services Money Transfer — oters correced by. Manica fuilp GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET NON-STOCK CORPORATION ssscsssssssssss=_PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY = [Corporate Name: SIENA COLLEGE TIGAON, ING. *X Is the Corporation a covered person under the Anti Money Laundering Act — veg @ No ), as amended? (Rep. Acts. 9160/9164/10167/10365) [Please check the appropriate bax: Db. offshore Banking Units Ge Quasi-Banks Ca Trustentities Ce Non-Stock Savings and Loan Associations CE Pawnshops De Foreign Exchage Dealers On. Money Changers OE Remittance Agents Dk Blectronic Money Issuers Ok Financial institutions which Under Special Laws are subject to ‘Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) supervision and/or regulation, {including their subsidiaries and affiliates. T= Trsurance Companies 1b. Insurance Agents Te insurance Brokers Da Protessional Reinsurers Cle reinsurance Brokers 1 £ Hotaing companies le Holding Company ystems (Gn. Pre-need Companies 1 t Mutual Benent Association CJ. another Persons and entities supervised and/or regulated by the Insurance Commission (1C) [Li = Securities Dealers >. Securities Brokers Bi « securities Salesman a 4. Investment Houses Te investment Agents and Consultants O 6 trading Advisors Cg other entities managing Securities or rendering similar services (1h. Mutual Funds or Open-end investment Companies D1. close-end investment Companies 5. Common Trust Funds or Issuers and other similar entities Ck Transfer Companies and other similar entities © 1 other entities administering or otherwise dealing in currency, ‘commodities or financial derivatives based there on Cm, Entities administering of otherwise dealing in valuable objects Cin Entities administering or otherwise dealing in cash Substitutes and ‘other similar monetary instruments or property supervised and/or ‘ogulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 4. _Pwetry dealers in precious metals wi, asa business, 7 ‘trade n precious metals Jewelry dealers n precious stones, who, asa business, so ‘rade in precious stone Company service providers which as a business, provide any ofthe following services to third parties: La. acting asa formation agent of juridical persons Do. acting as (or arranging for another person to act a8) a director or corporate secretary ofa company, partner ‘ofa partnership, ora similar postion in relation to other Juridical persons De providing a registered office, business address or ‘accommodation, correspondence or administrative address fora company, a partnership or any other legal person or arrangement (a acting as or arranging for another person oats) 2 tominee shareholder for another person 7. Persons who provide any of the following services Ta: managing of cent money, securities or other assets Hb. management of bank. savings or securities accounts De organization of contributions for the creation, operation ‘or management of companies [Dla creation, operation oF management of uriical persons ‘or arrangements, and buying and sling business entities '. Has the Corporation complied with the requirements on Customer Due Diligence (CDD) ‘or Know Your Customer (KC), record-keeping, and submission of reports under the AMILA as amended, since the last ling ofits GIS? @ No Describe natureof | EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION business: ‘CORPORATE NAME: SIEWA COLLEGE TIGAON, INC. GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET ~ [NON-STOCK CORPORATION sevezee=_ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY DIRECTORS 7 OFFICERS NATIONALITY FILIPINO TAX IDENTIFICATION] NUMBER 215840426 © SRLLINATUYAG OP “AGUINALDO ST, POBLACION, TIGAON, ‘CAMARINES SUR FILIPINO 935478096 SR ROSALEA BUSILAC, OP 127 SFA CATALINA ST. 1114 QUEZON CHV FILIPINO 123867216 “+ SREMMYLIN ROPA, OP "AGUINALDO ST, POBLACION, ‘CAMARINES SUR FILIPINO 251244901 5 'SR-MA TERESA CRUZ, OP 127 STA. CATALINA ST. 1114 QUE FILIPINO 941534326 GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET NON-STOCK CORPORATION [CORPORATENAME: SIENA COLLEGE TIGAON, INC. 1. INTERCOMPANY AFFILIATIONS ‘PARENT COMPANY. 'SECREGNO- WA TA CAPRICIATE SCREEN NA. NA NOTE: USE ADDITIONAL SHRET IF NECESSARY 2, INVESTMENT OF CORPORATE "AMOUNT (in PRP) ‘DATEOF BOARD RESOLUTION FUNDS IN ANOTHER CORPORATION 21 STOCKS A Wa Z2_ BONDS/COMMERCIAL PAPER Wr Wa ((ssued by private corporations) 723 LOANS/ CREDITS/ ADVANCES WA Wr ‘GOVERNMENT TREASURY BILLS cy Wa ‘OTHERS wr fs, INVESTMENT OF CORPORATE FUNDS IN ACTIVITIES UNDERITS DATE OF MEMBERS ‘SECONDARY PURPOSES (PLEASE SPECIFY! RATIFICATION. Ey WA WA 32 wa WA 33 wr WA v WA WA 35 cry Wr [e—FOND BALANCE (in PRP) I5~ SECONDARY LICENSE/ REGISTRATION /AUTHORITY/ACCREDITATION OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY? ‘S_ NAMEOF AGENCY: 7 conassion on | reemacassucsriow a | ‘aie |" scuusoemarwcer nePiupnas | coxpassion a ——) 32 DATEISSUED: ‘33 DATESTARTED OPERATIONS: 7 TOTALNO. OF OFFICERS TOTAL MANPOWER ‘COMPLEMENT "NOTE: USE ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY 1, SR. EMMYLIN ROPA, OP, Corporate Secretary of SIENA COLLEGE TIGAON, INC. declare under penalty of perjury that all matters set forth in this GIS have been made in good faith, duly verified by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief are true and correct. Thereby attest that all the information in this GIS are being submitted in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the collection, processing, storage and sharing of said information being necessary to carry out the functions of public authority for the performance of the constitutionally and statutorily mandated functions of the SEC as a regulatory agency. | further attest that I have been authorized by the Board of Directors/Trustees to file this GIS with the SEC, J understand that the Commission may place the corporation under delinquent status for failure to submit the reportorial requirements three (3) times, consecutively or intermittently, within a period of fi (Section 177, RA No, 11232). FE’ ; Done this___day of. 20__ in_ Tigaon, Camarines Sur ; Rape. Oy SK EMI IN ROPA , OP (Signature over printed name) ligaon, Camarines Sub JUN 29>, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me in. on. by affiant who personally appeared before me and exhibited to me his/her competent evidence of identity consisting of TIN-251244901 issued at______on ATTY. RYAN JUDE ONRARN NABAIC Doc. No.: rove Roll No 50544 Book No.: BP AR No. 0742. 12/73/2020, Camarines Sur PTR No. 0225425 Gy/04/2021, Camarines Sur MCLE Coraptiance Ato, VI-0021947/ 03/29/18 oft 12/3021 SERIES OF 2024, ENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP DECLARATION FORTHE YEAR: 2021 SHCREGISTRATION NUMBER: 11848 ‘CORPORATE NAME: SIENA COLLEGE TIGAON, IC. 1 2 3 Instructions: dentity the Beneficial Owner/s of the corporation as described in he Categories of Beneficial Ownership in tems Ato 1 below. List down as many a you can dent. You may use an addtional sheet necessary. Filia the required information onthe beneficial owner in the fields provided for. In the “Category of Beneficial Ownership” column, indicate the letters) corresponding thereto, Inthe event thatthe person identified as beneficial owner falls under several categories, Indeat al the laters corresponding to such categories. If the category Is under letter“, indicate the position held (Le, Director/Trusee, President, Chit Executive Ofce, Chief operating mcr, Clef Fnancal fier, et). Donotieave any item blank, Wete "N/A" Ifthe information required Is not applicable or "NONE" Ifnon-exstent “Beneficial Owner” refers to any natural persons) wh ultimately own(s) or contra() or exertse() ultimate eect contol ‘over the corporation. This defntoncovesthe natural person(s) who actualy own or contol the corporation as dstinguished rom) ‘he legal owners Such beneficial ownership maybe determined onthe bass othe following: category Description a "Natural person(s) owning, directyor indirectly or through a chain of ownership, atleast twenty-five percent (25%) of the voting rights, voting shares or capital ofthe reporting corporation. Natural person(s} who exercise control over the reporting corporation, alone o together with others, through any contract, understanding relationship, intermediary or tered entity Natural person(s having the abit to elec a majority ofthe board of lrectors/tustees or any similar body, of {he corporation. "Natural person(s) having the ability to exert a dominant influence over the management or policies ofthe corporation. [Natural person(s} whose directions, instructions, or wishes in conducting the afar ofthe corportion ar carried ‘ut by majority ofthe members ofthe board of directors of such corporation who are acrustomed or under an ‘obligation to atin accordance with such person's directions, Instructions or wishes. "Natural person(s) acting 2s stowardsof the properties of corporations, where auc properties are under the care ‘or administration of sal natural persons) "Natural person(s} who actually own or control the reporting corporation through nominee shareholders or ‘nominee directors acting for or on behalf of such natural persons. "Natural person(s) ultimately owning or controling or exercising ultimate effective contol over the corporation ‘through other means not falling under any ofthe foregoing categories. "Natural person(s) exercising control through positions held within corporation (Le, responsible for strategic decisions that fundamentally alec the business practices or general direction of the corporation sich asthe ‘members ofthe board of directors or trustees or similar body within the corporation; or exercising executive control over the daly or regular affis ofthe corporation through a enlor management postion). This catogory ‘sonly applicable in exceptional cases where no natural person Is dentifale who ultimately ows or exerts control over the corporation, the reporting corporation having exhausted all reasonable means of identiction and provided there are no grounds for suspicion. Tireor COMPLETE NAME swor | sewer. (Gimme Given | sppane iH ax caracony oF ime MidieName,| resborTaL |anoutrry] ATESP | worinexnon OWNERSHIP owNER’ | Sree Name Excension s,| ADDRESS rot) ORvOTNGge| OWNERS ‘resi ane [mare TAINGD Sew | TSA CATALIN MGNODS UA [LTS CTALMAT uo | ajoaioni| aisesowns | 20m | Wa (807) a Trac aon S ronucor ren 73/09/1940| 925476056 | 20% | wa _| ragor. pessoa)

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