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A boy who is bullied

The dad is quite questionable

(There is a flashback of where he used to be bright and happy, but the mother abandoned him)

He goes to school, meets someone opposite, the contrast, the opposite of him, a happy boy

Afterschool the boy comes to the tree to sit, think and cry

The bright boy talks to the sad boy and talks about this amazing life, and ends it off with the
hardships he had, just like the sad boy

The sad boy blinks and the bright boy was gone

The sad boy wanted to change

So i made like a hospital scene where he dies, then he relises hes in the after life like hes moving and
flyinf and all that, then hes on his way to heaven with good description then when he gets to
heavens gates i do a flashback paragraph to emphasise his preist life to show a bit on the character
development where he was ill. Then as he gets to the gates of heaven he gets rejected and goes to
hell. My title wasy a time where u pushed to ur limits so he was pushed to his limits in the agony of.
Then a voice who is god says this was your last test and then he goes heaven and then happilly ever

The ominous, lifeless clouds drifted across the source of light. Soon, the tyrant's dark, grey armoured
sky had succeeded in removing light, leaving not even a speck of hope had escaped, its malicious
manacles. Abruptly, nature had been disturbed, causing opaque rain to emerge from the ragged,
wretched clouds; the vile, sinister rain shot down like a bullet intending to harm.

Years and years passed slowly and malevolently as if it was torturing us. Every second, minute, and
hour: hope shatters in every despondent man. There I was in the abyss war which felt it was an
eternity. The rotten, unhygienic, ghastly trenches filled with millions of souls fluttering around
unstably and meaninglessly to seek for revenge of their enemies but not a single blow could they do
but a single slight chill they were able to do. Restlessly as if they were machines they will tirelessly
shoot every ounce of energy they have.
It was my turn and my faith to face the vile, obnoxious, sinister enemies.

I’m currently working a 12 hour shift in a remote railroad signal box, it has 360 degree panoramic
views. In front of me is the ocean and the sun is glinting on calm waters, behind me are mountains, I
can see tiny white specs moving up and down the mountains (sheep). Either side are lush green
meadows which produce vibrant beautiful colours from wild flowers in the summer time. The signal
box is an old Victorian wooden building. The old pendulum clock is tick ticking in a very mediative
rhythm on the wall. My dog is curled up asleep next to the old log burning stove . The wind is trying
to make its way through the thin panes of glass which makes a beautiful haunting sound . The
resident Robin is outside on the steps eagerly pecking at the bread & biscuits crumbs I’ve thrown out
for him. It’s a far cry from my last career in the city , I was well groomed and sharp suits , nice car
and big house until one day ( 3 years ago) I saw the light after being forced to lay off some people at
my company. It hit me hard & I just couldn’t live with myself anymore. I handed in my notice and
walked out . The Universe came to my rescue and found this job for me, now I have long hair &
beard and look like Grizzly Adams . I’ve taken up painting with water colours and I’m regularly
bringing my paint pads here to work. I regularly have this channel playing in the background. The
only person I see occasionally is an old farmer who drives by on an old open top tractor, he’s an old
man with a flat cap, bright red face, his sheep dog between his legs with its front paws placed on the
steering wheel . I call him “ Farmer Jones” although I’ve actually no idea what his real name is. He
acknowledges me by raising his index finger off the steering wheel of his 1950’s tractor that has seen
many many years of extreme mountain winters. Both Farmer Hones & his old sheep dog stare
straight ahead without flinching. Where they go is a mystery as the the old drovers track goes on for
miles way up into the mountains, they normally drive back past about 5.30pm and disappear back
into the mountains in the opposite direction. He’s a tall man with 1970’s hair cut , kind of reminds
me of an old Clint Eastwood stature . I’m sure he must have been a very handsome man in his day . I
imagine the local girls hoping to catch his eye on a Saturday night at the old village hall dance. I’m
guessing that there was once a Mrs farmer Jones but judging from the vacant stare of both him and
his dog that they both experienced “ THE DAY “ that life for them stood still . Mrs Jones was getting
ready to leave their old white washed mountain top farm to do the weekly shop in the local town ,
she’d been looking at a fancy catalog which had arrived in the post and had been looking at a
beautiful summer dress that she wanted to buy for their daughter who’d got married some years
before and had moved to the city suburbs with her husband and had recently had a child. As she was
leaving she noticed a dead rat laying under the kitchen table . She thought oh thank god ‘Dylan’ the
sheep dog finally killed that damn thing, it’s been raiding the pantry for months , he’s such a good
dog considering his young age, I do love him . Mrs J got into the old car which took a few turns to
start and slowly made her way down the old drovers track towards what can be loosely called a road
, she glanced up at the mountains opposite her and saw Mr J and Dylan as specs in the distance
rounding up sheep. She loved them both with all the love of a woman’s heart. She made her way
along the road until arriving at a T junction of a main road , to the left was the local town however
Mrs J turned right . ( if you asked her why she turned right on that particular day, all she could tell
you is that …. All intention , meaning, thought , feelings just evaporated, “ I was a whispy summer
cloud that drifts with absolutely no control , it came out of nowhere and yet I was connected to
everything in the universe!! I just kept on driving , I wasn’t aware I was driving!!). Mr J & Dylan had
arrived back many hours ago from the mountains as it was getting dark , he knew something was
wrong as did Dylan , both fearing the worst . The phone line was down as usual but he’d managed to
get the word out that Mrs J was missing. 3 days go by and Mr J looks at the open page in the catalog
and think … You stupid man, I should have bought her something fancy !! I should have noticed, he
wipes away a tear . Dylan noticed the rat he killed for his mama and had left it there so she could see
she didn’t have to fret no more about it eating food from the parlour. Dylan thought .. it’s my fault
she left I should never have left that rat in the kitchen. THE DAY !! Fast forward many years and that
vacant stare is still there as they both go over that day forever . Mrs J found herself in the suburbs of
a City she’d only visited once and followed a vaguely familiar road until she arrived and parked
outside a vaguely familiar house. Marie her daughter was playing in the front garden with her new 1
year old child , something made her look up and notice an old beat up car parked on the road just in
front of the gate. A female telepathy kicks in “ She knew “ she walks to the car and opens the driver
door . The Female glance of eyes meeting for a split second carries more information than any Male
could ever comprehend nor fathom. No words required, Marie took her mother by the hand sat her
down at the kitchen table whilst she prepared the spare guest portion of the house . Mrs J stayed for
a month until she left with a note to her Daughter “ Thank you “ . Mrs J these days is still with us but
not with us . THAT DAY she dissolved back into the universe . … so Anyway, I’ve another train coming
so I’d better go and pull a signal lever !!!

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