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Reflection 2: Unsavory Subject

Fu*k No! Donald J. Trump

In 2008 Douglas Reinhart created a tumblr titled “F*ck Yeah! Ryan Gosling” which

featured various photos

of Gosling with captions

reading “hey girl,…” and

some flirty statement to

an unknown woman as

memes. The “Hey girl…”

memes were popular and

even Gosling himself became aware and read some outlaid during a couple television


In the same vein, “Feminist Ryan Gosling” was created. Feminist Ryan Gosling 2011

tumblr page was created by Danielle Henderson and most intentionally meant to be a

derivative version born from both the need for comic relief

and the need to remember and understand dozens of

feminist theorists while working on a graduates degree in

gender studies. Meant to be seen by herself and a handful

of friends, the tumblr page began to see serious traffic as

word spread about the clever juxtaposition of Ryan Gosling

photos and feminist theoretical assertions. When asked why

she didn’t consider the

“hey girl…” tag and the white

male avatar to be “not very feminist” she explained that
was the point. She explained (and she shouldn’t have had to) that the “hey girl…” is

intentionally pejorative and the use of a white male is wonderfully and perfectly

subversive to her as “a black woman who has lived every moment of my black life as a

black person in a country that never lets me forget that I’m black (and who has an

academic focus on intersectionality, representations of race, and examining the feminist

relationship to racism)”. She even turned it into a book titled Feminist Theory (as

Imagined) from Your Favorite Sensitive Movie Dude written by Danielle Henderson . It is

simply brilliant. I discovered “Feminist Ryan Gosling” while working on my B.A. in Women

and Gender Studies in 2011-2012 and still find new ones caught in the web .

When challenged with creating a reflection piece about something current and

unsavory from 2 different perspectives I immediately knew the subject but was unsure

as to how I could convey my contempt creatively. I was looking through some pictures of

the subject at hand and thought about using their own quotes to illuminate their

unsavoriness. That is when I remembered “Feminist Ryan Gosling” and endeavored to

create “Anti-Feminist Donald Trump (aka Fu*k No! Donald Trump.)

The sharp juxtaposition between absurd, narcissistic, inaccurate, false, crass, and

delusional statements and the narrator’s insincere proclamations of love, condescending

apologies (which is unicorn-esque for this narrator), and general garden variety gas-

lighting is laid out in fragments by topic. Just as the narrator’s moral (a term I use very

generously) degeneration culminates in extreme histrionic episodes of narcissism, so too

does this mock-heroic. In the end his snide comments and fake love and compassion are

reduced to the love he has for himself. He is like the Shadow King to our flawed but

peaceful Legion.

When I connected our narrator to Swift, my first thought was the miscalculating

Laputa and the delusional Balnibarbi. Both groups are convinced that they have the best

ways to improve society, but actually have the worst ideas and even worse execution. The

only one who made any sense was Munodi of Balnibarbi who was under constant pressure
to conform to their irrational changes. These ideas for change were inspired by time
spent with the Laputas who may be intelligent, but have no grasp on practical application.

The overall impressions I get from these 2 populations is their belief that they are more

intelligent than they actually are; the solutions to problems make no sense; and they are

trying to solve things that don’t need to be fixed - making more of a mess than

improvement. The criticism of Munodi adds to their ignorance and defiance of reality.

Perhaps a bit ‘on the nose’ Swift’s Gulliver describes women in grotesque ways from

various physical perspectives as he moves from large, to small, and back to normal.

However it is interesting to not that when he finally returns to his family- as a normal

size man - now it is the assault on his sense of smell and he finds the small of his wife

repugnant. A whole dissertation could be written comparing “forty-five” to Gulliver and as

questionable as some of Gulliver’s decisions and perspectives may be he, his character and

drive for something better will always trump the narrator. I have created 2 ½

perspective in one satirical interpretation of the unsavory: Trump himself in the picture

was one perspective when it was originally photographed (that’s the ½ ), the statements

he makes that are indicative of the actual person, and the completion of the thought with

suspicious, condescending, and manipulative declarations of love.

So this is a send-off to our little (pseudo) Machiavellian Prince who thought lack of

character and devaluation of pretty much everything was the only way to gain the upper-

hand and the only way to an attempt autocracy.

We bid you adieu!
Fragment: ELECTION

Hey girl.

As I said in my
campaign :

“I will take care of

women…I have great
respect for women… I
You know do cherish women…”
what would and of course that
make America means you too!
great again?


Like I said:
Hey girl. “I like
people who
don’t get
Hey captured”

I vow to be
SO but you
“unpredictable” have
that no one will captured
touch our nation,
my heart.
but I will
touch you.

“I will be the
greatest job
president that Hey girl.
God ever created”

I am bringing winning back

… and I will always create a show and the U.S. will win so
of my HUGE love for you. much everyone will be
begging me to let us lose,
but we will never lose and
that includes my love for

Having the MOST people
at my inauguration

shows you

just how
lovable I am.
Fragment :
Hey girl. WEALTH /
(of sorts)

Hey girl.
My fans don’t mind that I use their
donations to buy you that mansion They don’t need to see my taxes
you always wanted. in order to prove I’m honest
because I honestly want you.

It’s ok
Hey called
girl. Ivanka
“a piece
Hey of ass”
girl. because
I didn’t mean the only
to hurt you piece of
when I said ass I
“if I wasn’t care
married and… about is
her father … yours.
I’d be dating
Fragment: RELIGION
Hey girl.

Our love story

Hey I don’t believe in God because
is only second
you are the only heavenly body
to my
I need.
obsession with
my book The
Art of the
Deal …. I mean
third because
I tell people I
love the Bible
the most.

So many, many, many so instead I only pray that

people love me you never stop
and pray to God for me
all the time

Hey girl.

Hey girl. Converting from pro-choice to pro-life was

a game changer for my election,
I couldn’t hold but you are the only one I truly
that Bible want to play with.
walking across
the street for
a photo op
Hey girl.
because I
needed my
hands free to
wave to you.

Like I said, men have

it rough right now —- Hey girl. —-
because of
#MeToo bullshit —
but you like it
rough don’t you? I only call women
— dogs and pigs —
because they are
—- Hey girl. —-
nothing compared to
— you. —

— Hey girl. —

It doesn
read, al ’t matter that
the signl I need to re I don’t
from yo ad
yes. u that sis
——- Bu
t if it s
ays NO
I know y ——-
ou real
ly mean

—- Hey girl. —-

I know you’re not part of the #MeToo movement because you

never say no to me unless I don’t pay you).
Fragment :
Hey girl.
“There are
RACISM good people
on both but I want
(WHITE SUPREMACY) sides”, you right
in the middle!

Hey girl.

I told the proud boys to

“stand back and stand by”
only to best protect you from antifa.


Hey girl.

“I am the LEAST
racist person
They can’t make me denounce white supremacy because that anybody is
clearly I am a supreme leader and a white man… going to meet.”
who happens to be in love with you.


Hey girl.

Hey girl.

I love Black people.

I love Black people MORE than ANYONE else -
except of course you. My fear of the ‘other’
will never outweigh
my fear of losing you.
Fragment : ELECTION (reprisal)
Hey girl. Democrats always lie, but I won’t always lie to you.

Hey girl. I will never concede the election, but will give in to win with you.

Hey girl. Of course I am the real winner of the election.

Hey girl. They stole the election from me, but you are the one who stole my heart.

Hey girl. Clearly, I am the real winner of the election.

Hey girl. Democrats always lie, but I won’t always lie to you.

Hey girl. The patriots that peacefully protested at the capitol were “zero threat” and were “hugging
and kissing” law enforcement, which just made me want to hug and kiss you.

Hey girl. I might be banned from Twitter, but they can’t shut down my communication with you.

Hey girl. Democrats always lie, but I won’t always lie to you.

Hey girl. Just don’t forget- I am the real winner of the election.

Hey girl. My fans will put me back in the White House in 2024, but I remain in your heart forever.

Hey girl. I am the real winner of the election.

Hey girl. No one loves women more than me.

Hey girl. No one loves Black people more than me.
Hey girl. No one has done more for the Black community than I do.
Hey- no one has done as much as I have in the White House.
Hey- no one has more fans that worship them than me.
Hey- no one does better in real estate than me.
No one is more truthful than me.
No one is healthier than me.
No one is smarter than me.
No one won the election accept me.

Hey girl.
Hey girl.

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