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 This document has been produced to explain the Fire Evacuation and Emergency
Response Plan for the site offices, stores yard area, laboratory.
 Its purpose is to ensure that the emergency response is appropriate & evacuation
plan provided is to the very best practice.
 Our intention will be to update this document following the initial issue and after
practice drills are held.
 This plan will also be updated on a regular basis to align with the ongoing
construction process and changes in access routes.
 The Emergency Response Team (ERT) will respond to the emergency calls and
will dictate the initial response reactions.


The objectives of this Emergency Evacuation Plan are:

 To provide a functional emergency plan throughout the life of the project to notify
personnel and deal with orderly evacuation of site office and work areas in the
event of emergency or the major incident within the office and workshop
 To establish the strategy and escape routes for all employees in the event of
 To establish an Emergency Response Team for each site offices together with
strategies to deal with specific emergency incidents & day- to –day issues.
 The strategy for a fixed fire alarm and evacuation to be sufficiently developed to
form an integral part of Health and Safety plan.
 Establish quickly and efficiently the head counts of all offices occupant and other
employees including contractors and forward that information to the emergency
services up on their arrival on site.

 An Emergency Response Team has been set up to manage an incident. This team
is led by the Project Manager
The make of this team is as follows.
1. Project Manger/Site Agent
2. Site secretary/Office Boy
3. HSE Officer
4. Store keeper / Asst. Store keeper
5. Time Keeper/ Asst. Time keeper
6. General Foreman/ Foreman

Each team member will have a deputy, who will be well versed with the role
and responsibility of being deputy so that if the main team member is
unavailable, they are able to slot in into the ERT seamlessly.
In the event of a emergency identified call
Police - 999
Fire - 997
Ambulance - 998
 Assembly point areas are identified within the vicinity of each site offices. They
are identified by a green with white print board and are located a safe distance
from site offices and can easily be reached from all areas of each building.
 In the event of an emergency, alarm will be used to alert all site personnel through
sound. (Each blast will be 30 Second , duration of 10 second gap, again blast of
30 second duration)
 At this time ERT will be activated to handle the situation.
 The ERT member to take the appropriate action to fulfill the duties assigned to
 All office and workshop personnel (after making their machines safe will
assemble at respective assembly point.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

 General Evacuation Procedures

1. When the alarm is sounded, all personnel within there building to stop
work, switch off running plant and equipments.
2. Proceed to the nearest and safest identified assembly point swiftly (Don’t
run), while leaving the room, ensure that doors are closed.
3. Ensure that all above employees are assembled, unless otherwise someone
is trapped. While evacuating, inform ERT if there is any victim left behind
and give the exact scenario and location.
4. Stay at the assembly point for head count.
5. Section Incharge/ Head
 Do a quick count by asking all about their colleagues.
 Report all missing employee and some one gone for other work, to
Head Counting System – Overall responsibility is of Time Keeper to do head count
at earliest with the help of Section In charge/ Head and asking every body whose
colleagues is missing. to provide information.
Section In charge/ Head at each assembly point, will co-ordinate the head count.
The final count is then reported to Project Manger who would inform the emergency
services of any missing personnel.

Visitors, Sub contractor and site workers are to be accounted for leading them to
nearest assembly point.

Duties of the Emergency Management Team Leader (Project Manger )

1. To ensure the emergency plan is kept available and up to date and displayed on
notice board.
2. To ensure that the requirements of the plan are implemented.
3. To determine whether the local Civil Defence needs to be called for assistance.
4. To ensure that all fire fighting equipment is checked and serviced and that Fire
Exits and Escape Routes are checked to ensure they are kept clear at all times.
5. To ensure that nominated fire personnel are adequately trained and details
6. To ensure emergency procedures are displayed and fire exit routes clearly
7. To arrange an emergency drill at least every six months.
8. In the event of a emergency evacuation, to assume overall control of an
evacuation of the site office, workshop, with Fire Marshal reporting to them from
each assembly point.
9. To liase with the local Civil Defence.

Duties of HSE Officer.

1. On discovering the emergency, ensure the alarm is sounded, then inform the
Project manager.
2. On hearing a fire alarm, ensure that the site is completely evacuated( including
checking toilets, storerooms or any other special areas) and that employees and
visitor proceed in an orderly manner to the assembly point.
3. Once at the assembly point, remind the timekeeper not to allow the workers to re
enter the affected area. Contact the Project Manger to advise that all occupants
have been evacuated and give any further relevant information on the status of
4. Obey all instruction given by Project Manager.
Duties of Foreman

1. Ensure that employees working under him proceed to the nearest and safest
identified assembly point. Informing anyone is missing to the Timekeeper
2. Obey all instruction given by Project Manager.

Duties of Secretary

1. Communicate the emergency to Project Manager, HSE officer.

2. Follow instruction given by Project Manager.
3. Informing the police and other services as instructed by Project Manager.
4. Intimate the Store In-charge to keep the store open and issue all emergency
equipment and materials as per the requirement to the Emergency team

Duties of Timekeeper

1. Taking roll call at assembly point with help of Section In charge/ Head
2. Record the head count then compare to company sign on sheets.
3. Check the actual shift attendance manifest against the evacuation head count.
4. Giving name of missing persons to Project Manager
5. Co-ordinate with rescue team for rescue of missing person.

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