DCM2601 Study Guide

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Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering


Open Rubric
List of Tables...............................................................................................................4
List of Figures .............................................................................................................4
Course Overview............................................................................................................6
Introduction ...............................................................................................................6
Recommended books & works of literature..............................................................7
Unit 1: Construction Projects and the Project Cycle .....................................................8
1.1 What is a Project? ................................................................................................8
1.2 Key stakeholders in construction projects.........................................................10
1.3 The Project Life Cycle .........................................................................................12
1.4 Continued Learning and Self-assessment ..........................................................16
1.5 Works Cited ........................................................................................................18
Unit 2: Project Management .......................................................................................19
2.1 What is Project Management? ..........................................................................19
2.2 Scope Management ...........................................................................................22
2.3 Risk Management ..............................................................................................26
2.4 Time Management .............................................................................................29
2.5 Cost Management ..............................................................................................33
2.6 Communications Management .........................................................................36
2.7 Procurement Management................................................................................38
2.8 Human Resource Management .........................................................................39
2.9 Quality Management .........................................................................................41
2.10 Continued Learning and Self-assessment ........................................................43
2.11 Works Cited ......................................................................................................45
Unit 3: Tenders and Contracts .....................................................................................46
3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................46
3.2 Tenders...............................................................................................................48
3.3 Contracts ............................................................................................................50
3.4 Continued Learning and Self-assessment ..........................................................59
3.5 Works Cited ........................................................................................................60

Unit 4: Computer Applications ....................................................................................62
4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................62
4.2 Continued Learning and Self-assessment ..........................................................63
Unit 5: Bill of Quantities ..............................................................................................67
5.1 The Purpose of a BoQ ........................................................................................67
5.2 Compilation of a BoQ .........................................................................................68
5.3 Estimating Costs .................................................................................................71
5.4 Continued Learning and Self-assessment ..........................................................86
5.5 Works Cited ........................................................................................................87
Unit 6: Specifications ...................................................................................................88
6.1 Why Standard Specifications? ...........................................................................88
6.2 What do Specifications consist of? ....................................................................90
6.3 Concrete .............................................................................................................93
6.4 Cement ............................................................................................................ 103
6.5 Aggregates ...................................................................................................... 106
6.6 Admixtures ...................................................................................................... 109
6.7 Water .............................................................................................................. 111
6.8 Reinforcement ................................................................................................ 111
6.9 Continued Learning and Self-assessment ....................................................... 114
6.10 Works Cited ................................................................................................... 116
Works Cited in this Study Guide ............................................................................ 118
Appendices ............................................................................................................... 121
Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................ 121
Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................ 130
Appendix 3 ............................................................................................................ 167
Appendix 4 ............................................................................................................ 170

List of Tables
Table 1: Standard Headings and sequencing of documents when soliciting tenders.
From “Standard for Uniformity in Engineering and Construction Works Contracts” by
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), 2019, Construction Industry
Development Board (CIDB)..........................................................................................47
Table 2: Key feature comparisons between the GCC, FIDIC, JBCC & NEC contractual
systems (Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), 2005) ...........................52
Table 3: % usage of each contract system per construction sector (2013 results
published in 2014 report) (Marx, 2014, p. 16) ............................................................54
Table 4: Example of a part of a BoQ of an estimate for water supply pipeline to be
laid out for a recreational community centre .............................................................68
Table 5: Standard Layout for BoQ. From “CESMM3 – Civil Engineering Standard
Method of Measurement Southern African Edition”, by ICE, 2011, ICE Publishing,
p.11. Copyright 2011 by Thomas Telford Limited. Adapted with permission.............69
Table 6: Relevant Units of Measurement for BoQ. From “CESMM3 – Civil Engineering
Standard Method of Measurement Southern African Edition” by ICE, 2011, ICE
Publishing, p. 11. Copyright 2011 by Thomas Telford Limited. Adapted with
permission ...................................................................................................................70
Table 7: Breakdown of costs for tender ......................................................................71

List of Figures
Figure 1: Organogram of construction project participants........................................10
Figure 2: Representative construction project life cycle .............................................12
Figure 3: Materials for concrete. From “Construction Materials for Civil Engineering”
by E. van Amsterdam, 2013, JUTA Legal and Academic Publishers. Copyright 2013 by
JUTA Legal and Academic Publishers. Adapted with permission ................................94
Figure 4: Cube test & core test ....................................................................................95
Figure 5: Cylindrical sample of concrete undergoing compressive test (Essack, 2011)
Figure 6: Single point load at mid-span on beam undergoing flexural strength test .96

Figure 7: Two point loads at 1/3 span undergoing flexural strength test ...................97
Figure 8: Concrete beam at failure load during flexural strength test (Essack, 2011) 97
Figure 9: Tensile splitting test ......................................................................................98
Figure 10: Factors influencing the strength of concrete. From “Lecture Notes for
CIVN3001: Construction Materials I” by S.O. Ekolu, I. Luker, A. Akindahunsi, H.
Uzoegbo, 2013, University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and Environmental
Engineering. Copyright 2013 by University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering. ........................................................................................99
Figure 11: Types of slump from a slump test ........................................................... 100
Figure 12: Sample of concrete mix after undergoing a slump test (Essack, 2012) .. 100
Figure 13: Concrete moulds (Essack, 2012) .............................................................. 101
Figure 14: Basic materials that make up Portland Cement from “Lecture Notes for
CIVN3001: Construction Materials I” by S.O. Ekolu, I. Luker, A. Akindahunsi, H.
Uzoegbo, 2013, University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and Environmental
Engineering. Copyright 2013 by University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering. ..................................................................................... 104
Figure 15: Single point load at mid-span on beam with central deflection, then
reinforced ................................................................................................................. 112
Figure 16: Single point load at mid-span on beam with shear cracking, then
reinforced ................................................................................................................. 112
Figure 17: Simply supported square column with deflection, then reinforced ....... 113
Figure 18: Mild steel bars being transported (Essack, 2010) ................................... 114

Course Overview

Welcome to DCM2601 – Documentation. This module is a 12-credit semester
course; hence you will need at least 120 study hours over the semester to complete
it. There is no pre-requisite knowledge required for this module. This study guide is a
comprehensive guide to ensure that you develop competencies and skills in civil
engineering project management. This consists of developing an overall
understanding of management on a construction project, throughout the project life
cycle; developing and applying basic skills in computer applications, specifically with
a focus on Microsoft Word and Excel; developing the ability to comprehend
contractual documentation and apply South African law on construction projects;
developing Bill of Quantities; and developing the ability to recognise various
construction materials and their uses on site and subsequently, accurately specify
materials for tender documents.

On completion of this module, you should be able to:

 Apply engineering principles to diagnose and evaluate systematically broadly

defined engineering projects and the project cycle.
 Identify and apply project management concepts and techniques used by
engineering professionals to ensure that projects effectively meet economic
and social objectives.
 Use computer applications when necessary for effective project
 Apply knowledge of mathematics, basic management and engineering
sciences in estimating and costing of projects by developing Bill of Quantities
 Use SANS standard codes to specify materials which include aggregates,
cement, etc.

Recommended books & works of literature
1. SAICE. (2015). General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works. Third
Edition. (2015). SAICE.
2. Buchan, R. D., Fleming, E. F., & Grant, F. E. (2003). Estimating for Builders and
Surveyors Second. Edition. Great Britain: Butterworth-Heinemann. Download
free from EPDF: https://epdf.pub/queue/estimating-for-builders-and-
3. The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management
Professions. (2006). Construction Project Manager. Johannesburg: The South
African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions:
4. The Concrete Institute. (2013). Fundamentals of Concrete. Third Edition.
Johannesburg: The Concrete Institute.
5. ICE. (2011). CESMM3 – Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement
Southern African Edition. ICE Publishing.
6. Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2005, September). Best
Practice Guideline #C1 Preparing Procurement Documents. Download free
from Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):
7. Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2019, August). Standard
for Uniformity in Engineering and Construction Works Contracts. Download
free from Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

The authors of this study guide have made every effort to contact copyright holders.
If any copyright infringement should have occurred, please inform the lecturer so
that the error/s may be rectified for future use. Thank you.

Unit 1: Construction Projects and
the Project Cycle

On completion of this unit, you should be able to:

 Critically discuss the term “project” in the context of construction.

 Evaluate the unique features of a construction project.
 Identify and discuss the key participants and their roles in a construction
 Assess the stages of a project life cycle and apply it to construction projects.

1.1 What is a Project?

The term “project” often entails webs of interlinked activities and purposes that are
specific to a context; hence, a “project” can mean one thing to a corporate company
and another thing to a construction company. In the world of construction, a
project, at the highest level, means an undertaking involving a team of individuals
and entities to plan, design, build and maintain infrastructure for the
good/improvement of a community. The community could refer to the local town
(e.g. in a project to construct a local community study centre) or it could refer to a
much bigger population (e.g. in a project to extend an existing road network).
Projects are finite – they have a definite beginning and they come to an end.

However, the definition of a project is relative to the viewpoint of the person or

system. Let us look at an example of the construction of a new dam: to the client
who commissions the construction of the dam, the project entails the planning,
design, construction, evaluation and maintenance of the dam. To the contractor
hired for the construction work only, the project involves the service they will
provide by the planning, buying, on-site management, civil work/construction,
testing and assessment of the dam, but only within the construction phase of the

There are many factors to consider when deciding on whether to go ahead with a
civil engineering project or when deciding between various project options – this is
unlike many corporate business projects where the focus is often only on the
financial factor (i.e. to make money):

 Financial: the monetary cost vs. benefit factors.

 Economic: the infrastructure needs of the proximate community, and how it
will affect/influence the bigger economy of the country.
 Social: the needs and wants of the local community who will be directly
affected – for this, it is important to encourage community participation.
 Environmental: whether the project will have a negative impact on the
natural environment, and the size of the impact.
 Technical: the complexity of the project/s, and whether local or international
resources will be required, e.g. does the country possess the people
resources with the skillset and knowledge to design and construct effectively
for earthquake loads?

There are certain features that distinguish a construction project from other
business projects, some of which are:

 Occurs on a unique site/location.

 The finite nature of the project – every project has a definite start and end.
 The product or service output is unique for every project.
 There are distinct phases within a project that may overlap.
 Often brings together a unique set of individuals to form the project team.
 Often varies hugely in scale and input parameters.
 The scope and anticipated level of quality is clearly defined.

One of the key differences between construction projects and other business
projects is the dynamic nature of construction projects as compared to the routine,
repetitive cycle of many business projects, which makes construction much more
risky and unpredictable (Fitchett, 2011).

1.2 Key stakeholders in construction projects
Project stakeholders are all parties that are affected, directly or indirectly, by a
project. This can be during any phase of the project. The stakeholders of a project
need to be identified and effectively managed by the project management team in
order to ensure the smooth execution to completion of the project.

The below organogram illustrates the participants and their hierarchy in a

construction project. The thin blue lines represent direct management relationships;
the thick blue line for Regulators represents the umbrella overview of the project
that Regulators may monitor/be involved with; and the dotted lines represent a
possible relationship in a project, depending on the context of the project.

Figure 1: Organogram of construction project participants

Not all may be participants in every project – the context, location and size of the
project will play a role in determining the number and hierarchy of a given project’s

For example, the end-users of a construction project may play a role in initiating a
project if the project affects them directly, as in a rural development community. In
such a case, they may also be employed as the labourers to work on site.

The Client is often the sponsor as well as the initiator, but there may be a differential
between these roles in massive construction projects, e.g. in the building of the
Gautrain in South Africa.

In South Africa’s standard contracts, it is the norm for Project Managers to manage
all role players in a project on their own – the Project Manager may be either part of
the Client’s team/organisation or independently appointed by the Client. However,
in other countries, as well as other organisational structures, it is common practice
for the project to have a Supervisor, who is on the same hierarchical level as the
Project Manager and also assists in overseeing the project.

The below list is a non-conclusive list of definitions of some of the key participants in
a construction project.

 Client: the Client commissions the project, appoints consultants to ensure

that the needs are met, negotiates and enters into the contract with the
Contractor, and often is also the Sponsor/Employer of the project.
 Contractor: the Contractor manages the building process by hiring staff and
Subcontractors to do the building work.
 Consultant: the professional team that the Client appoints to design the
project and ensure that all the Client’s needs and requirements are met to
the highest possible standard.
 Customer: the Customer is often the end-user of the product/service.
 Project Manager: the Project Manager is responsible for the end-to-end
management of the project and its team, and to ensure deadlines are met.
The Project Manager may either be a part of the Client’s team, or may be
appointed by the Client.

 Resident Engineer: the Resident Engineer is appointed by the Project
Engineer to supervise and inspect all work on site and regularly report back
to the Project Engineer.
 Site Agent: the Site Agent is appointed by the Contractor to supervise and
manage all work on site, as well as manage all the suppliers, subcontractors
and labourers directly employed by the Contractor, and regularly report back
to the Contractor.
 Regulators: the Regulators are those bodies or representatives of bodies that
are involved in ensuring that standard laws and regulations are abided by.
This could refer to environmental regulations, labour laws, health and safety
laws, quality control, building inspections, etc.

1.3 The Project Life Cycle

Due to the unique and dynamic nature of construction projects, there is often a
degree of uncertainty and risk to the undertaking. To aid in managing this risk,
management teams will often divide the project into several manageable phases,
collectively known as the project life cycle.

If the objectives of each phase are clearly defined, timelines, deliverables, teams and
budgets will be more effectively and efficiently managed.

Figure 2: Representative construction project life cycle

A construction project life cycle conventionally consists of four stages:

1. CONCEPT: also known as the INITIATION or INCEPTION phase, the power to

change and influence (CONTROL) the designs and plans is highest in this
stage. Costs and numbers of staff are low in this stage. A FEASIBILITY study is
characteristic of this phase. The end of this phase is marked by the “GO”
decision for the project to commence (“NO-GO” for the project idea to be
2. PLANNING: also known as DESIGN AND DOCUMENTATION. The end of this
phase is marked by major contracts being let out. CONTROL is still relatively
high, and tenders are advertised in this phase for project construction. At the
end of this phase, the Client must make a decision whether there is sufficient
budget to carry the costs of Phase 3 and onwards.
3. CONSTRUCTION: also known as EXECUTION or IMPLEMENTATION; this phase
is characterised by its significant use of resources (time, labour, materials,
finances, etc.). There is very little CONTROL in this phase. The end of this
phase is marked by a significant portion of the construction works being
Costs and numbers of staff are low in this stage. The end of this phase is
marked by the product/service being fully operational.

A project is assessed prior to and at every stage during construction for its
economic, technical, institutional, financial, commercial, environmental and social
viability. Some of the ways in which the FEASIBILITY of a construction project may be
evaluated are:

 through community participation workshops and surveys to understand the

needs, preferences and concerns of the locals.
 cost analyses to determine the profitability of the project over the long and
short terms.
 deriving insights from historical relevant data/statistics to understand past
trends and forecast for the future.

 deriving insights from similar construction projects completed within the
country and/or internationally by understanding the parameters used,
problems encountered and solutions put forward.
 understanding and addressing legal constraints due to local/national laws
such as construction laws and BEE regulations.

Some construction projects, for example, rural development projects, also involve
two phases in addition to the above, namely the PRE-FEASIBILITY phase (occurring
prior to the CONCEPT phase), in which an evaluation is done to determine the
viability of the project idea, and the EVALUATION phase (occurring after the
TERMINATION phase), wherein assessment of the project and its impact/s are

Example 1.3.1
The City of Johannesburg (CoJ) has commissioned your company, SDF Design and
Construction Co., for a project to extend the Rea Vaya network into the northern
parts of Johannesburg. Put together a list of the activities (at a high level) that you
would present to the CoJ, within the four stages of a conventional project life cycle.

Life Cycle Stage Activity
Stage I: Feasibility  Derive full project understanding and objectives
 Complete feasibility studies for alternatives:
Option 1 plan; Option 2 plan; No-go option
 Appoint Project Manager
 Derive cost estimates
 Present feasibility studies, cost estimates, risks,
initial timelines, etc. to Client
 Obtain Client approval
Stage II: Planning and  Appoint design team (Consultants)
Design  Complete tender documentation: drawings,
specifications, scope of work, etc.

 Enhance cost and time estimates
 Define initial contractual terms and conditions
 Develop details for plans such as standards of
 Obtain Client approval
 Advertise for tenders
 Assess all tender bids. Make a decision on tender
 Finalise contract and tender documentation with
tender bid winner (Contractor)
Stage III:  Construction of works
Construction  Monitoring of construction work
 Project Management: Scope, Risk, Time, Cost,
Communications, Procurement, Human Resources,
 Assessment of quality standards
Stage IV: Turnover  Complete final testing and assessment of works
and Start-up  Complete final report to Client
 Complete final payments and administration
 Maintenance

It is important to notice that the project life cycle as shown in Figure 2 is very “this or
that”. It indicates that everything will proceed exactly as planned in each stage, and
that each stage will have a definite beginning and end. Is that truly how construction
projects happen though?

Time and budget over-runs are two very real concepts on a construction project; this
is often, as mentioned previously, due to the very unpredictable nature of
construction work. Thus, in a more modern way of thinking, only the very early parts
of a project may be planned in detail and changes and alterations may then be
accounted for as the project progresses – this is the agile approach. One way of
approaching this is by then bringing the design and construction phases closer

together, and allowing the Contractor, who is generally only hired for the
construction work, to then play a role in advising and directing both the design and
the construction phases (Fitchett, 2011).

This is why the concept of Project Management has become so important in today’s
modern construction world. Allowing the project life cycle to be more flexible
requires very good end-to-end management to manage the agile approach on
construction sites effectively, i.e. modifications and changes during the early and
middle stages in order to then save on time and cost in later stages (Fitchett, 2011).

1.4 Continued Learning and Self-assessment

1. The issue of violence against women in South Africa has recently become
more publicly known as brave women have started to speak up and support
groups have sprung up all over South Africa. In an effort to support this, a
well-known cereal brand company, Tellorgs, has decided to sponsor a home
for women who have experienced violence and abuse in Cape Town. They
have appointed your firm (which is considered an SMME) to manage the
project and ensure all their requirements are met. Who do you think the key
role players will be in this project? Consider the following, in addition to
anything else you may think of:
a. Tellorgs wants to encourage local participation.
b. Tellorgs wants to ensure the building will be made safe against fire
hazards, as fire dangers are often a problem in the Cape.
c. Tellorgs is looking at using solar panels and greywater tank systems in
the home.
2. A retail company has approached you with an idea to build a ‘creative park’
in Pretoria wherein anyone may come and get their creative design juices
flowing, be it by painting, scrapbooking, photography, clothing design, film-
making, etc. They would like you to put their idea to reality, but their vision is
vague at the moment. The creative park will consist of six enclosed lapa-style
buildings with thatched roofs, several work tables (+ benches) with at least
eight plug points per table (inside and outside the lapas), wall-to-wall storage

pigeon hole shelves, quiet zones for private thinking (inside and outside the
lapas), excellent lighting and cobblestone paving (inside and outside the
Put together a full project proposal in MS PowerPoint for the retail company
based entirely on the stages of the project life cycle, paying particular
attention to the relationship (if any) between each of the phases. Consider all
the aspects requested by the retail company, but remember that their vision
is vague and they are looking for you to advise them based on your own
research and expertise.
3. What is the triple bottom line, and where does it fit into the project life
4. Consider the following roles and problems of participants in a construction
project. Who would each of these participants go to for guidance or decisions
on their respective problems? Consider the hierarchy.
a. Subcontractor AK is experiencing delays in material deliveries from his
b. Miss Resident Engineer is concerned about the lack of commitment
she notices from two of the Contractor’s employees.
c. Guard JD would like to take leave for two days to visit his sick wife in
d. Mr Project Manager notices that the construction budget is being
over-run, and this is largely due to some accidents and unexpected
delays on site.
5. The City of Cape Town is considering two new tourist attractions:
a. Designating a recently discovered underground cave system as a new
tourist attraction.
b. Revamping a run-down municipal building in central town to house
historical artefacts in the building and open as a museum to the
You have been commissioned to assess both options and propose which
project is the most viable in terms of cost vs. benefits, attraction to tourists,
minimal environmental or local disturbance, etc.

Which of the project life cycle phases are you in at the moment? Describe
the process that will occur from the time that you accept the work from the
City of Cape Town until the time that a decision is made on which tourist
attraction to commission, keeping in mind the specific subject matters of
each of the above two choices for tourist attractions.
6. “The new Olifants River Bridge is approximately 166 metres long and
includes a 96-metre long arch. It carries the National Route 7 (N7), Section 4,
over the Olifants River near Trawal in the Western Cape. The new bridge is
part of the works for the upgrading of the N7 from a single carriageway to a
dual carriageway in the vicinity of the Olifants River” (Concrete Society of
Southern Africa NPC, 2019, pp. 7-14).
Read the article entitled “New Arch Bridge over the Olifants River” published
in the Nov 2019 issue (Number 159) of Concrete Beton, published by the
Concrete Society of Southern Africa NPC. The publication can be found at

In the article, an organogram for the key participants in the project is
provided. In addition, a detailed description of the project is provided.
a. Identify the activities that took place in order to make the bridge a
reality and classify the activities into phases of a project cycle. Were
all the phases of a conventional project cycle adhered to? Use the
Discussions forum on the DOC2601 myUnisa site to discuss your
approach and solutions with your UNISA peers.
b. Use the information provided in the article to complete the

1.5 Works Cited

Concrete Society of Southern Africa NPC. (2019, November). New Arch Bridge over
the Olifants River. Concrete Beton(159), pp. 7-14. Retrieved December 2019,
from https://concretesociety.co.za/ms-publications

Fitchett, A. D. (2011). Lecture Notes for CIVN2007: Economics and Management.

Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering.

Unit 2: Project Management

On completion of this unit, you should be able to:

 Appraise critically the concept of “Project Management” within the context

of construction projects.
 Explain the aspects of project management related to time, scope, risk,
quality, communications, procurement, human resources and cost
 Apply methods and techniques to manage and monitor effectively ongoing
construction projects with respect to time, scope, risk, quality,
communications, procurement, human resources and cost management.
 Use computer application tools such as MS Office Excel to manage
construction projects effectively.

2.1 What is Project Management?

Project Management in general is the end-to-end planning and controlling of a task
or set of tasks that has been defined in order to achieve a goal. Essentially, the
purpose behind project management is to ensure that project objectives are met
throughout the project life cycle, at the highest possible standards.
The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions
(SACPCMP) defines construction management as “the management of projects
within the built environment from conception to completion, including management
of related professional services” (The South African Council for the Project and
Construction Management Professions, 2006).

Managing a construction project typically includes, but is not limited to:

 Identifying requirements.
 Addressing the various needs, concerns, and expectations of the
stakeholders in planning and executing the project.

 Setting up, maintaining, and carrying out communications among
stakeholders that are active, effective, and collaborative in nature.
 Managing stakeholders towards the goals of meeting project requirements
and creating project deliverables.
 Ensuring that the project objectives are met in terms of all the various
aspects that form part of a construction project, i.e. scope, time, cost,
communications, procurement, human resources and quality.

Practically, project management entails a sufficient amount of record-keeping as

there is so much to keep track of on a construction project. Thus, it is of paramount
importance for a Project Manager to keep accurate, organised records of all aspects
of his/her project. This is with regard to contractual documentation, time delays,
minutes of meetings, invoices, etc. To this end, a Project Manager must be able to
use MS Office, particularly Word, Excel and PowerPoint effectively.

Watch the video “A Day in the Life: Construction Project Management” on YouTube,
located at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vStHoQJSvc,
which will provide you with a good understanding of a day in the life of a Project
Manager on a construction project.

It is recommended that the Project Manager keeps a daily logbook of all project
activities. This must be for construction activities as well as all cost activities. This
proper record-keeping will assist when having to communicate back to the Client
regarding progress, time delays, construction quality, incidents on site, invoices and
payments, etc. MS Office Excel is a good tool to use for keeping daily logs. The
format of the logbook will vary from project to project, and is also dependent on the
Project Manager him/herself. Each person will have their own unique style of
keeping records, but certain key information must always be included in order to
facilitate ease of reference and for future audit purposes. These are fields such as
Date, Owner, Project Name, Status of Activity, etc.

Example 2.1.1

Mr Y Fredericks, as the appointed Project Manager for a project to extend the

International Departures wing of the OR Tambo Airport in Johannesburg, keeps a
daily logbook to keep track of project activities, problems that arise, risks and
impacts. The following is an extract from his logbook.

Project: Extension of OR Tambo Airport

Client: City of Johannesburg
10 Feb 2020 - 05 Aug

Role of Impact
Date Day Activity Owner Owner Status Refer to Issue of Issue
Construction 1
of employee Activity
temporary hurt due delayed
steel Mrs D Contractor In to 2- by 1
09-Apr-20 Thursday scaffolding Buthelezi C progress N/A storey fall hour
of Verified Contractor
Contractor certificate B's
B's 6th has been "Payment"
payment Mr S submitted Folder +
09-Apr-20 Thursday certificate Morakeng Engineer to Client contract None N/A
10-Apr-20 Friday Good Friday N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

In the past, project management on construction sites was not common. However,
as projects became larger and more complex, the importance of having a Project
Manager became paramount – having someone to manage the people involved, to
ensure that budgets and deadlines were not over-run and to ensure that objectives
were met with the level of quality envisioned. Project Managers ensure that design
and construction are in sync at all stages of the project.

The competing, interdependent constraints that are common to all projects need to
be managed effectively by the Project Manager. We will be looking at the following
aspects that form part of project management in more detail:

1. Scope Management
2. Risk Management
3. Time Management
4. Cost Management
5. Communications Management
6. Procurement Management
7. Human Resource Management
8. Quality Management

2.2 Scope Management

Scope management entails defining all the processes and methods that will be used
over the course of the project that will ensure that the project is successfully
completed with all requirements.

A method used to define and manage the project scope effectively is the
development of a written Statement of Work, also called a Scope of Work. The
Scope of Work includes:

 the planned results of the project.

 justifications for undertaking the project.
 the approaches to be used to ensure that all deliverables are met.
 sub-products (content) that will be needed to complete the tasks such as
works specifications.
 definite and anticipated constraints as well as measures to address the
restrictions (Fitchett, 2011).

The Scope of Work is a dynamic, living document, and can change throughout the
course of the project.

The Client/Employer will issue the Scope of Work in the tender document when
calling for tender bids for a construction project. The scope will then evolve as a
contractor is decided upon and the project commences.

Example 2.2.1

The local municipality of Franschhoek is planning the construction of a water

reticulation system project for a small suburban community. The Client and the
appointed Professional Design Team (including the Project Engineer) are putting
together a project tender document. What should the Scope of Work section in the
document consist of, at a high level?


Section C3: Scope of Work

1. Description of Works
a. Employer's Objectives
b. Overview of the Works
i. Description of the site
ii. General description of the scope of works
iii. Work breakdown structure
c. Extent of Works
i. Get Council approval
ii. Clear vegetation
iii. Survey and peg
iv. Order materials
v. Excavate
vi. Lay piping
vii. Testing
viii. Backfill
d. Location of the works
e. Temporary works
2. Engineering

a. Design
b. Drawings and Applicable Drawings’ List
c. Design Procedure
3. Procurement
a. Preferential procurement
b. Local community participation
c. Participation and advancement of SMMEs (start-up, small and micro
4. Construction
a. Works specifications
i. SANS 1200
b. Site establishment (available resources)
i. Water infrastructure
ii. Electricity infrastructure
iii. Transport infrastructure
iv. Wastewater infrastructure
v. Space for Contractor's office establishment
vi. Site maintenance
vii. Nearby residential areas
c. Labour
d. Plant and materials
i. Supplied by the Employer
ii. Supplied by the Contractor
e. Construction equipment
i. Supplied by the Employer
ii. Supplied by the Contractor
5. Health and Safety
a. Scope
b. Health and safety plan
c. Rehabilitation plan
d. Emergency plans
6. Environmental Management

a. Scope
b. Environmental management plan
c. Rehabilitation plan
d. Emergency plans

Work Breakdown Structure

One of the most commonly used tools to assist in defining the scope of a project is a
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Characteristics of WBS:

 WBS are representations of the work in a family-tree orientation.

 Covers every aspect of a project. Items omitted will not be considered as part
of the project, and if they have been omitted erroneously, then those items
will be seen as expensive extras that may cause delays.
 Is completed and evaluated by every person that may have a part to play in
any deliverables over the course of the project.
 Is hierarchical in that each descending level represents a greater level of

Generally, WBS templates can be reused once they effectively represent a task/type
of project/organisation’s approach. There are many ways to break down a project.
The best way is subjective to the context, environment, requirement, use-purpose
and organisation. E.g. a WBS can be broken down into phases, tasks, structural
materials (steel, concrete, etc.), participants, etc.

Example 2.2.2
The below represents part of an example of a WBS for the construction of a house:

Example 2.2.3
The below represents part of an example of a WBS for the construction of a new
netball court:

2.3 Risk Management

Every decision we make in life has repercussions, whether negative or positive.
Often, the results of our actions are deemed as positive or negative relative to the
way we perceive things and our own value systems. For example, we could choose

to sleep in tomorrow and not go to work. This can make us happy, but will not be
taken well by our managers.

The unique, dynamic, large-scale nature of civil engineering projects makes them
inherently very risky. Watch the video “Risk Management in Construction” on
YouTube, located at the following link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s47F40QNf4, which will provide you with a
good understanding of risk management on a construction project.
Risk is managed by being able to predict accurately the likelihood of certain events
occurring, as well as the cost that would be associated with fixing or dealing with the
negative consequences of the event. Construction project risk management is then
the effective dealing with risks through planning, control, monitoring and evaluation
of definite and potential causes of risk in relation to contingency plans to minimise
or mitigate the negative effects of the risk events.

Some common sources of risk include poor initial planning and design, lack of
activity supervision, design errors, late changes in requirements, and poorly skilled
Quantifying the potential risks is of vital importance: for the sake of appropriate
prevention and damage-control planning; for full disclosure to the Client and
relevant stakeholders (communication); and for opportunities for early measures to
be put in place to control/mitigate the risks.

Project Managers may use certain tools and methods to quantify risk:

1. Assessment of the situation: develop a complete big-picture understanding

of the situation and all the likely outcomes, weigh the pros and cons from
each outcome, and understand fully the consequences of each decision that
could arise from making a certain decision.
Example 2.3.1
A bridge is to be constructed over the highway spanning Johannesburg and
Pretoria. 250 tenders have been received for the project. After many internal

discussions and much research, the Client is left with two competitive tender
proposals to choose between:
a. Tender 1:
i. A small civil engineering firm;
ii. a start-up with only one other major project on their
portfolio but with an excellent reference from that project;
iii. cost estimate is high;
iv. company is based in Gauteng;
v. there is an opportunity to create new jobs by hiring this
firm and grow SA’s skill base; and
vi. new, imaginative project solutions from a young team.
b. Tender 2:
i. A large, well-known engineering firm with a proven track
record in the construction business, with several good
ii. cost estimate is medium to low;
iii. company is based in the Cape; and
iv. safe, standard project design from an experienced team.

Should the Client choose Tender 1 or 2? There are multiple variables to

consider per option, and each way of looking at the options will produce a
different outcome. The Client needs to weigh the pros and cons from each
situation, understand fully the consequences of each decision, and then use
this knowledge to make a more informed decision.

2. Use of analysis, design and detailing programs (software) to model the

behaviour of various situations: in today’s digital world, this is a vital strategy
that engineers need to use. A key advantage of modelling is that it allows for
parameters and variables to be quickly changed or modified so that
performance can be tested, hence leading to the optimal solution faster and
more effectively. Examples of software include Prokon (for structural
analyses), Simile (for environmental interactions’ analyses), and HEC-RAS (for
hydraulic analyses).

3. Break-even Analysis: this technique is often used for private sector
projects/endeavours. Essentially, the aim is to find the point at which the
business will begin to turn out profits, i.e. the minimum price at which the
goods must be sold to ensure that the business can survive (Fitchett, 2011).
𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 + (𝐹𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠 × (1 − 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑇𝑎𝑥 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒) −
(𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑇𝑎𝑥 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒)
(𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 − 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠) × (1 − 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑇𝑎𝑥 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒)

Sometimes, no matter how much planning and testing has been done, the risk event
cannot be avoided. The important thing in such situations is to be able to respond to
the threat in a manner that the repercussions are minimised, and/or to ensure that
the relevant stakeholders (affected or otherwise) are properly informed, and/or to
ensure that effective corrective action/s are put in place timeously.

2.4 Time Management

Time management is a term that many of us will have heard before. We all realise
the importance of it just by looking at our own personal lives and how, if our time is
well managed and planned, we get more done with less stress, and how if our time
is poorly managed, we get very little done and often finish the day unproductively.

The purpose of managing timelines on construction projects is to ensure the timely

completion of the project. Project Managers need to ascertain the expected
duration of time to completion of tasks and activities, with appropriate risk metrics
in place to allow for activity delays and unforeseen circumstances. Estimating the
duration of planned activities is tricky and may need to incorporate an investigation
into past trends from similar projects, deeper understanding of the skills and
capabilities of the team members, and awareness around the possible limitations
and constraints that can arise (community and local constraints, budget constraints,
etc.). Watch the video “Time Management in Construction Planning” on YouTube,
located at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lBqLlz40F4,
which will provide you with a good understanding of the role and importance of
time management on a construction project.

The Work Breakdown Structure defines fully the work packages that are needed to
see the project through to completion. These need to then be broken down to
actual activities in order to ascertain the duration of the activities, i.e. identifying the
deliverables at the lowest level (smaller components of the higher level work

Example 2.4.1
Refer back to Example 2.2.3 under Scope Management. Break down Level 3 in the
WBS for the netball court into its activity components.

A. Earthworks
i. Measure dimensions for all components
ii. Excavate the surface to the required level
iii. Create trenches for drainage conduits
B. Drainage
i. Install drainage channels
C. Base and Compact
i. Layer waterproof geotextile membrane
ii. Place concrete base
iii. Place tension-releasing cuts in the concrete slab within two days
D. Fencing
i. Install rebound fencing
ii. Install floodlighting infrastructure
iii. Install ball-stopping net over the court
iv. Install goalposts
E. Surfacing
i. Surface with acrylic
ii. Layer with non-slip paint
F. Finishing
i. Paint line markings

Activity Sequencing
Activity sequencing involves determining the flow or sequence of project activities,
often having to account for the interdependency of activities. We will look at some
of the tools commonly used to document the flow of activities (Fitchett, 2011):

1. Time Chainage Chart: this is an effective tool for projects that have a linear
sequence of activities, with no relationship/interdependency between

Example 2.4.2
The below time chainage chart represents the flow of activities for the
construction of a retaining wall on an apple farm field.

2. Network Diagram: this is an effective tool for showing the

relationship/interdependency between activities. In construction projects,
the finish-to-start dependency relationship is most common: the ‘from’
activity needs to end before the ‘to’ activity can begin.

Example 2.4.3
Refer back to Example 2.2.1 under Scope Management. The below table
represents the list of activities, durations and dependencies for the
construction of a water reticulation system for the small community in
Franschhoek as described in Example 2.2.1. Sketch a network diagram to
represent the activity dependencies.

Label Activity Duration Dependency

A Get Council 5 days None
B Clear Vegetation 2 days A
C Survey & Peg 1 day B
D Order Materials 1 day A
E Excavate 4 days C

F Lay Piping 3 days D&E
G Testing 1 day F
H Backfill 2 days F&G


Managing Time

As a Project Manager, these tools, and various others, are vital to use in planning
activity durations and accounting for any anticipated delays on site. However,
management does not stop there. Once work commences, it is important for the
Project Manager to keep track of progress and report back to the Client.

Although there are many software tools available to assist construction Project
Managers to manage project times effectively, MS Office Excel is also a very useful
tool that may be used to keep track of project dates and delays. One of the key
advantages of MS Office Excel is that it can easily be used to tailor/design specific
time management templates to suit a given project, as well as allow for easy content
modification as the project progresses.

Example 2.4.4

Refer back to Example 2.4.3 above (Time Management). The water reticulation
system project has commenced, starting on the 6th of January 2020. As the Project
Manager for the project, use MS Office Excel to keep track of the work-time


The table below represents the record-keeping for timing on the project from start
to finish. To note:

 The Delay/Gain Duration column indicates a delay when the number is

positive and a gain in days when the value is negative.
 A start date indicates work commencing at the beginning of that work day
(e.g. at 08:00), and an end date signifies work ending at close of business that
day (e.g. at 17:00).
 The below table is just one possible format in which record may be kept.
There are many different ways – use Excel’s built-in functions to be creative
and automate your templates!

The time over-run was one day (the actual end date was 24 Jan 2020, whereas the
plan had been to complete on 23 Jan 2020). The project finished one day later than
it should have, and this can be attributed to the delay in getting council approval.

Planned Actual Actual Durati
Depen Duration Planned Planned Start Actual Duration on
Activity dency (Days) Start Date End Date Date End Date (Days) (Days)
Get Council
A Approval None 5 06-Jan-20 10-Jan-20 06-Jan-20 13-Jan-20 8 3
B Vegetation A 2 11-Jan-20 12-Jan-20 14-Jan-20 15-Jan-20 2 0
Survey &
C Peg B 1 13-Jan-20 13-Jan-20 16-Jan-20 16-Jan-20 1 0
D Materials A 1 11-Jan-20 11-Jan-20 14-Jan-20 14-Jan-20 1 0
E Excavate C 4 14-Jan-20 17-Jan-20 17-Jan-20 20-Jan-20 4 0
F Lay Piping D&E 3 18-Jan-20 20-Jan-20 21-Jan-20 22-Jan-20 2 -1
G Testing F 1 21-Jan-20 21-Jan-20 23-Jan-20 23-Jan-20 1 0
H Backfill F&G 2 22-Jan-20 23-Jan-20 24-Jan-20 24-Jan-20 1 -1

2.5 Cost Management

Budgets and costs are one of the most publicly known aspects of any project, and
major deviances from the approved budget will often not be tolerated. Hence, all
tasks, activities, processes, and phases need to be monitored continuously in

relation to the approved budget, always keeping in mind the interdependency of all
project aspects to their costs.

Stakeholders of a project sometimes define costs differently, depending on the

context in which the costs affect them. Broadly, costs can be categorised into
economic costs and financial costs (Fitchett, 2011). Economic costs represent the
cost to the larger environment, e.g. the local communities or the country as a whole.
Financial costs are monetary and generally closer to the project – how much must
the Client pay for the project to happen? Project cost management on a
construction project is generally primarily concerned with the financial costs.

In general, construction costs are made up of the following:

1. Labour
2. Materials
3. Equipment
4. Profit
5. Risk
6. Any other special costs

Hence, project cost management will primarily be concerned with 1, 2 and 3: the
Project Manager needs to manage costs associated with wages and salaries
(Labour); cement, admixtures, steel, etc. (Materials); and bulldozers, trucks, cement
mixers, etc. (Equipment).

Construction project cost management typically involves intensive planning and

monitoring techniques throughout all the phases of the project. However, project
cost management also needs to factor in the long-term effects of decisions
regarding costs, particularly the future repercussions on the end-users of the
project. This economic view of costs is often referred to as life-cycle costing.

Cost estimating occurs in the early phases of the project, and entails figuring out
what resources (materials, labour, equipment, etc.), and quantities thereof, would

be needed in order for the objectives of the project to be fulfilled. Some of the tools
that are vital to ensuring that resources are sufficiently accounted for and costs are
correctly estimated are:

 Scope of Work: since the scope of work defines the project objectives and
justifies the project, it should be considered at every stage of resource
planning and cost estimating.
 Work Breakdown Structure: the WBS defines the activities that fall within the
scope of the project (scope of work). Thus, all the activities in the WBS need
resources and need to be costed. If the WBS has been done meticulously and
thoroughly, all possible financial costs related to resources and activities
should get covered.
 Knowledge and Experience: the professional team that estimates the costs
on a project should have an understanding of typical market prices and
availability of materials, labour, etc., and should make use of information
derived from past projects of a similar nature that will provide insight into
resources, if available.

The cost estimate that will be produced (also known as the Bill of Quantities, which
will be studied in a later chapter: Bill of Quantities) must include costs of all
resources that will be charged to the project – labour, equipment, materials,
legislation costs, etc., as well as any special costs that are anticipated such as fuel
price hikes, inflation, environmental rehabilitation costs, etc. The cost estimate will
be produced after the Professional Team completes the design documents
(drawings, specifications, etc.).

The monitoring of costs will then take place throughout the project duration, but
particularly in the construction phase, involving:

 Full documenting/record-keeping of any changes to cost quotes, budget

over-runs, etc., with full detail and justifications for the changes.
 Communication to all relevant stakeholders (particularly the Client) as to
reasons and impacts behind the changes (if any).

For effective cost control, a daily logbook will be very useful to a Project Manager.
All financial activities that occur on the project must be well documented, e.g.
payments, debts to suppliers delivering materials, anticipated and actual budget
over-runs, movement within the project bank account, etc. In addition, it is of
paramount importance for the Project Manager always to refer back to the Bill of
Quantities, as well as any and all prior discussions on budgets and general finances
between the Project Manager and the Client.

2.6 Communications Management

Communications management entails the effective documentation, storage, and
parting of information throughout the course of a project. It allows for the gaps
between project stakeholders to be bridged.

The importance of communications management may often be underestimated, but

a Project Manager must be able to communicate effectively in every way. The
Project Manager has to be able to communicate to a variety of different parties, and
since each party needs different information in different ways, there is a risk that
there will be misunderstandings in project requirements/objectives if not
communicated effectively, e.g. the Customer will be interested in the impact that
the project will have on the noise levels within their community, while the
Contractor will be more interested in costs and materials to be used for the project.
Some modes of communication prevalent on construction projects include:

 Oral:
o Presentations
o Meetings
 Written:
o Email
o Letters
o Presentations (Recommended: use MS Office PowerPoint to create.)
o Minutes of Meetings (Recommended: use MS Office Word to create.)

o Plans/Statements of Work (Recommended: use MS Office Word to
o Professional Reports (Recommended: use MS Office Word to create.)
 Drawing:
o Sketches
o Designs (Fitchett, 2011)

In general, formal/professional reports are written in the following basic outline:

1. Cover Page
2. Executive Summary
3. Contents
4. Body
a. Introduction
b. Main Report
c. Conclusions and Recommendations
5. References
6. Appendices

In general, minutes of meetings are written in the following basic outline:

1. Project Title
2. Date, Time, Location Details
3. Attendees and Apologies
4. Agenda
5. Items from last meeting
6. Meeting Minutes (with action items having Owner and Due Date)

Tips for writing good reports:

 Make use of MS Office Word’s built-in features to ensure that your reports
are professional at all times:
o Spell-check: Review tab  Spelling & Grammar
o References: References tab  Citations & Bibliography
o Contents: References tab  Table of Contents

o Cover Page: Insert tab  Cover Page
 Proofread your work for grammatical and spelling errors.
 Always ensure that you are using the correct format for the specific
report/mode of communication you are writing.
 Remember your audience – the jargon you use must be appropriate for the
level of understanding and language of the people you are speaking to, e.g.
very technical jargon regarding engineering designs and specifications will be
appropriate for Engineers and Contractors, but not for the end-
users/members of the public.
 Always write in a professional manner.

2.7 Procurement Management

Procurement in the context of construction projects refers to the acquiring of goods
and/or services in order to fulfil the requirements and objectives of the project.
Procurement could be done through direct purchasing of materials, direct hiring of
staff, contractual agreements with Contractors/Subcontractors, etc. Within the
context of project management, we will look at procurement from the perspective
of the stakeholder that is procuring the goods or services – this could be the Client
or the Project Manager or the Professional Team.

In general, once a design has been selected by the Client from the various designs
proposed by the Engineer/Professional Team, the tender documents are prepared,
after which the tender is advertised. Once the tender selection process has run its
course and a Contractor has been selected, work can commence (we will look more
closely at procurement documentation in a later chapter – Contracts and Tenders)

The Contractor will begin work once the contract documentation is in place, and the
Project Manager then needs to ensure that the agreement is managed effectively.
The Contractor must also ensure that any specific procurement requirements from
the Employer/Client be met, for example, the Client may require that a certain
portion of the work (e.g. 40%) be completed by small local businesses (SMMEs), or
that a portion of the work ensures effective community participation, or that the

project be more labour intensive, or perhaps the converse – that the project be
more machine intensive (the Client will generally define the requirements by the
context of the project as well as the local natural and residential environment).

Once work commences, the Project Manager must ensure that:

 The Contractor executes the tasks as agreed upon.

 The performance is measured and monitored regularly.
 The work is up to standard in terms of quality.
 Any changes are properly approved and documented.
 Invoices for payments due to the Contractor are received and paid timeously.
 The contractual agreement is seen to completion/closure and properly
documented for future use.

It is recommended that all contractual documentation be properly filed (hard and

soft copies) for easy reference. The same goes for all procurement documentation.
The Project Manager must ensure that initial documentation plus signed
documentation are kept. Invoices, in particular, should be stored with paid receipts
attached, as well as any motivations (e.g. approvals/rejections from the Engineer,
etc.). In addition, when storing soft copies of documentation, it is often a good idea
to save copies of relevant emails that have been exchanged between parties, within
the same folder/s.

2.8 Human Resource Management

Essentially, an organisation is nothing without its people. The same applies for a
project – if the people involved are well managed, satisfied with their working
conditions, motivated, and trusted, they will produce more and better work. It is a
Project Manager’s duty to ensure that the people involved in the project (human
resources) are managed effectively. This refers to all stakeholders, from the
sponsors to the direct employees to the local community.

Within a construction project context, the transitory, dynamic nature of the project
makes managing human resources very tricky:

 New, unique, diverse team of individuals.
 The team changes at various stages of the project as it progresses.
 Development and managing may not be the direct responsibility of the
Professional Team, due to contracting/subcontracting.

The Project Manager, as the high-level manager for the project, needs to be aware
of such human resource elements within the project team/s:

 Assignment of project roles and reporting lines.

 Development and skills training.
 Team-building events and activities.
 Wages – fair wages and timeous payment by relevant parties (e.g.
 Working hours and overtime.
 Levels of expertise.
 Who the decision-makers are.

Example 2.8.1

Mr T. Rooney has recently been promoted and assigned as the Project Manager on a
RDP housing development project on the outskirts of Durban. Three weeks into the
project, and he is already struggling to keep track of the people – the various team
members, their special requirements, etc. How should he keep track of the human


Mr T. Rooney develops a system to keep track of his human resources, making use
of MS Office Excel. Here are some of the people profiles that he develops. He keeps
the profiles in a list in rows on MS Office Excel.

Team Contractor's team
Name Miss Wanda
Project Role Site Agent
Reporting to
 Name Mrs Mahlangu
 Title Contractor
Level of Expertise Degree without Honours: BSc. Civil
Experience 3 years
Salary Band Level D
Anticipated Duration of Full Contractor duration (4 months)
Working Hours (p/day) 9
Wage/Salary R30 000 p/m
Special Notes Attends skills training every 2nd Tuesday

Team Subcontractor's team
Name Mr Henry
Project Role Paver Operator
Reporting to
 Name Miss Diedricks
 Title Subcontractor
Level of Expertise General labourer
Experience 10 years
Salary Band Level A
Anticipated Duration of Paving work (2 weeks)
Working Hours (p/day) 9
Wage/Salary R40,41 p/hr
Special Notes Is prepared to work overtime at 2x normal
hourly rate

2.9 Quality Management

Quality Management in the context of construction projects refers to ensuring that
performance standards are met for every aspect of the project objectives so that the
objectives of the project are satisfied. This is in relation to the quality of the

materials used, structural requirements, etc., as well as in relation to project

Example 2.9.1

 Rushing the Contractor and his/her team may ensure that deadlines are met,
but may mean that the Contractor skimps on quality, which is then
overlooked by the management team due to the rush in time and work.
 Spending too much time on quality inspections may ensure workmanship
and materials of a high quality, but may slow down the project, thus making
the Client and end-users dissatisfied.

For effective quality management, there should be proper planning and monitoring
strategies in place.

The standard/s to be used for the project is/are identified in the planning stage. In
South Africa, the SANS/SABS Standardised Specifications, which guide the Engineer,
Contractor and Client in all aspects of construction projects and define standards for
uniformity and quality, are commonly used (this will be studied in a later chapter:
Specifications). For quality planning, the Professional Team should make use of the
scope of work, as well as standards used historically within the organisation for past
similar projects. The ISO 9000 (International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
9000) series is recommended to be used as a template for this phase (Fitchett,
2011). The output from this stage will typically be a quality management plan, which
will detail how the team plans to implement the chosen quality policy.

The implementation and outcome of the quality management plan should be

tracked throughout the project. This entails the monitoring and measuring of
specific project results to ensure that the activities/outputs meet the requirements
of the quality standard, and if not, implementing corrective action. One of the
methods used on site to compare actual outcomes to previously predicted/planned
outcomes is through inspection – assessing the quality by examining and testing (if
applicable), then comparing against the applicable standards.

It is important to note that every participant in a construction project plays a role in
quality control. Each worker, the Contractor, the Resident Engineer, the Site Agent,
etc., must all ensure that each and every aspect of the project they are working
on/supervising, is up to standard. In addition, the Project Manager must continually
monitor the quality and ensure that all work meets the pre-defined objectives, aligns
with the scope of work and the quality management plan, and meets the standards
set out in the relevant specifications.

2.10 Continued Learning and Self-assessment

1. Your Client has approached you to design and manage the construction of a
new indoor soccer field for the community school. Your job as Project
Manager will be the end-to-end supervision and management of the project.
To do this effectively, you decide to put together a Work Breakdown
Structure, which will help you to coordinate tasks, your team, timelines and
the budgets.
a. Sketch the full WBS for the project. For more information on building
an indoor soccer field, see the following website:
b. Now that you have a WBS for your indoor soccer field project, break it
down to activity level. Sketch a network diagram, then use MS Office
Excel to record dates and durations and dependencies of activities as
2. As the recently appointed Project Manager for the extension of a wastewater
treatment plant in Mpumalanga, you have been holding weekly meetings
with your design team. The project is still in Stage 1 of the life cycle, and this
is your third meeting. Chair the meeting and note down the minutes of the
meeting in the correct format using MS Office Word, with the following
aspects to be included:
a. Three team members have sent apologies.

b. One team member is absent with no apology received.
c. Sum up the meeting’s agenda in no more than four points.
d. The meeting’s minutes should consist of no more than seven points.
3. You have just been promoted from Assistant Manager to Project Manager
and subsequently assigned your first project. The project entails the design
and construction of an airplane hangar at Lanseria Airport that will house a
small passenger aircraft. The advice your mentor gives you is: “As a Project
Manager, always remember that time, cost and scope are interlinked in a
project. Get the management of one of these wrong and you’ll see a ripple
effect of repercussions on your project.” Explain what you understand by this


Cost Scope

4. Sketch a detailed WBS for the construction of a new hydro-electric dam that
is planned as part of a bigger water scheme to address the water-scarcity and
debilitating existing water infrastructure in South Africa. Use the Discussions
forum on the DOC2601 myUnisa site to discuss your approach and solutions
with your UNISA peers.
5. You have been approached by a start-up hydraulic design software business
owner and designer to explain the following concepts:
a. Simulation Analysis
b. Cost Control
How will you explain these concepts to her? Write down your explanation to
her, using no more than 150 words for each concept. She designs hydraulic-
engineering software to model dam designs, stormwater drainage systems,
pipe systems, etc., and has both local and international clients. With this in
mind, also use one practical example each to aid your explanations of the

6. The civil engineering firm that you work for has just landed a huge contract,
entailing the extension of an existing hospital in the North West. The current
hospital has only two wings and one parking lot. The extension must cater for
the following:
a. Construction of three new wings for the hospital.
b. An extension of the parking lot.
c. Upgrade of the two existing wings.
d. An office block for 12 new medical specialists and surgeons.
e. An MRI scanning machine that will cost R4 m and weighs 4 t.
Based on your experience, you are requested to make a comprehensive list
of the risks involved (potential and definite risks) in this project, based on
general construction risks and specific risks that may arise due to the
sensitive nature of this project. You are also requested to propose solutions
to minimise and/or mitigate the risks.
Risk Solution Anticipated Outcome of
a) a) b) Minimise? Mitigate? Etc.

2.11 Works Cited

Fitchett, A. D. (2011). Lecture Notes for CIVN2007: Economics and Management.
Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering.

The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management
Professions. (2006). Construction Project Manager. Johannesburg: The South
African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions.
Retrieved from http://sacpcmp.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/IDOW-

Unit 3: Tenders and Contracts

On completion of this unit, you should be able to:

 Assess the purposes of procurement uniformity and tender documentation

as related to the Client versus the Contractor.
 Differentiate between various forms of contract and their applicable uses
and contexts.
 Evaluate applicable laws from the General Conditions of Contract (GCC 2015)
as related to the Client, Contractor, Engineer and other relevant parties.
 Effectively apply relevant laws from the GCC (2015) to scenarios on
construction projects.

3.1 Introduction
In general, the process with regard to procurement documentation that is followed
within a construction project is as outlined below:

1. The Client briefs the Professional Team/Engineer on the project idea.

2. The Engineer puts together several designs.
3. The Professional Team puts together project estimates for the various design
4. The Client chooses one design.
5. The Professional Team puts together tender request and design documents,
consisting of (as applicable):
a. Project objectives
b. Cost estimates
c. Drawings
d. Specifications
e. Scope of work
f. Timelines
g. Quality management plan
h. Applicable standards

i. Performance measures
j. Construction and site specifics
k. Regulations
l. Initial contractual terms and conditions
m. Work breakdown structure
n. List of documents to be included in submission
o. Any special requirements.
6. The Professional Team advertises for bids for the tender/s.
7. One or more tenders are chosen after certain processes and selection criteria
have been adhered to.
8. Contractual Documentation is prepared and signed by both parties (tenderer
(from here on referred to as Contractor) and Client).
9. The chosen Contractor/s put together teams and commence/s work.

Thus, there are three broad classifications under which procurement documentation
may fall (Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), 2019):

1. Tender Documents (Volume 1): information regarding the project which

needs to be advertised to invite tenders. Compiled by the Professional
Project Design Team.
2. Tender Bid (Volume 2): all information regarding the tenderer’s bid for the
project work. Compiled by the Contractor.
3. Contract (Volume 3): Compiled by the Professional Team, but has to be
agreed upon by both parties. Note that once the final contract is signed, it
supersedes the tender documentation.

Table 1: Standard Headings and sequencing of documents when soliciting tenders. From “Standard for
Uniformity in Engineering and Construction Works Contracts” by Construction Industry Development Board
(CIDB), 2019, Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)

Volumes Contents
Number Description Number Heading
Part T1: Tendering procedures
Volume 1 T1.1 Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender
T1.2 Tender Data
Returnable Part T2: Returnable documents
Volume 2
Documents T2.1 List of Returnable Documents

C1.1 Form of Offer and Acceptance
C1.2 Contract Data
C2.2 Activity Schedule or Bill of Quantities
T2.2 Returnable Schedules
Part C1: Agreement and Contract Data
C1.2 Contract Data
Part C2: Pricing data
C2.1 Pricing Instructions
Volume 3 Contract Part C3: Scope of Work
C3 Scope of Work
Part C4: Site information (engineering and construction works contracts
C4 Site Information

3.2 Tenders
Tender documents are generally put together to serve the following purposes:

1. Outline the requirements so that appropriate Contractors may apply.

2. Outline the terms and conditions of the contract for the specific project.

Tender documents should be clear and unambiguous, and should be drafted in such
a way as to be fair for any interested person/party to be able to understand, and
hence bid for the tender. This ensures that small contracting agencies are not
prejudiced in any way and that the tender documents do not favour only bigger
companies. Also, it ensures that the criteria (submission and work expectation) are
not misunderstood in any way, and is thus fairly costed and interpreted by the
tenderer, accounting for all possible risks and work pieces.

To achieve this uniformity, we use the SANS 10403 standard for the Formatting and
Compilation of Construction Procurement Documents as the guideline for drafting
tender documents in South Africa.

In general, a tender document consists of the following:

1. Tender Notice: the announcement of the project that tenders are needed for
and an invitation to apply.
2. Tender Data: the conditions and requirements of the tender.

3. Returnable Documents and Schedules: the documentation that the
Contractor is required to submit with the tender bid.

From the Client’s Perspective

When a tender is advertised, it is a request for proposals from sellers (Contractors) –
what can the Contractor offer the Buyer/Client in terms of resources (labour,
equipment, etc.) to complete this project in the shortest duration of time and at
what cost. The bid for proposals must be detailed enough to allow the Contractor to
produce a proposal that can meet the requirements, with enough flexibility to allow
the Contractor to suggest more optimal ways to fulfil the requirements.

A tender proposal may then be chosen based on criteria determined by the

Client/Project Management Team; criteria such as level of experience required in
the Contractor/Contractor’s team, price vs. cost, time factors (duration estimates vs.
actual planned deadlines), etc. Before a decision is made, it is important to carry out
certain relevant activities to ensure that the Contractor’s proposal is fair and
accurate. This can be done through research into past similar projects, preparation
of independent estimates so as to have a basis for comparison, negotiating of the
contract terms, etc.
Often, a Client/Project Management Team will select multiple tender proposals to
fulfil different project aspects.
Once the tender proposals have been selected, a contract needs to be entered into
with the seller.

From the Contractor’s Perspective

The Contractor has to consider multiple aspects within his own business before
making a proposal for a tender. The Contractor has to consider that there are costs
that will certainly be a part of any project – “fixed” costs which the Contractor has to
fund before he/she will get paid by the Employer. These are costs such as materials,
staff (labour), insurances, transport costs, etc. Thus, the Contractor must be able to
carry these costs as he/she will only see profits from his/her efforts later in the
project or after the project. To carry these costs, the Contractor may spike costs

more within the earlier part of the project (this is termed as ‘front-loading’ the
tender proposal cost estimate), or the Contractor may request establishment costs
from the Client (i.e. upfront deposits from the Client, which will be subtracted from
later payments) (Fitchett, 2011).

The Contractor will put together a cost estimate for the project tender proposal
based on:

1. Unit costs for materials, labour and equipment (Direct Costs).

2. Fixed costs such as head office running costs (finance and accounts,
electricity, water, laptops and computer software licences).
3. Profit margin, which is decided upon by the Contractor (the Contractor wants
to make a substantial profit, but wants to ensure that his/her estimate is very

The Contractor is responsible and accountable for non-monetary aspects of the

construction work that fall under his/her scope of work (detailed below under
contractual obligations as outlined in the GCC (2015)). These are such aspects as
health, safety, care of the works, wages, etc. There are also more general things that
may occur during the course of the project that the Contractor may be affected by,
such as labour strikes, poor weather, fuel price hikes, etc. Thus, the Contractor
needs to consider all these aspects when putting together a tender price.

3.3 Contracts
A contract is a binding agreement between two or more parties that ensures that
one party (Party 1) receives goods and services which are then paid for by Party 1 to
the other party (Party 2) that is providing the goods and services. A contract is
actionable in law. It is of vital importance for all engineering projects to be agreed
upon by all relevant parties in the form of a binding agreement.

The Construction Industry Development Board defines construction and engineering

contracts as “a contract for the provision of a combination of goods and services,
arranged for the development, extension, installation, repair, maintenance, renewal,

removal, renovation, alteration, dismantling or demolition of structures, including
building and engineering infrastructures” (Construction Industry Development Board
(CIDB), 2015). Construction projects, as previously noted, are generally of a very
risky nature, and a binding contractual agreement will assist in protecting all the
different stakeholders from any damaging/unexpected consequences arising within
or due to the project.

There are many different forms of standard contractual documentation. In South

Africa, the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) recommends the use of
one of four commonly used contractual systems in the construction industry in order
to maintain a standard for uniformity (Construction Industry Development Board
(CIDB), 2019). Collectively, these four contractual systems generally cover the
various contract strategies that are encountered globally:

 GCC: General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works (GCC 2015)

See the SAICE website at http://www.saice.org.za/.
 FIDIC (French acronym for International Federation of Consulting Engineers):
o Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering
Works, designed by the Employer (“Red Book”).
o Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build for Electrical and
Mechanical Plant and for Building and Engineering Works, designed
by the Contractor (“Yellow Book”)
o Conditions of Contract for EPC Turnkey Projects (“Silver Book”)
o Conditions of Contract for Design, Build and Operate Projects (“Gold
o Short Form of Contract (“Green Book”)
See the FIDIC website at http://fidic.org/.
 JBCC (The Joint Building Contracts Committee):
o JBCC series 2000 Principal Building Agreement
o JBCC series 2000 Minor Works Agreement
See the JBCC website at http://www.jbcc.co.za/.
 NEC (New Engineering Contract):

o NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract
o NEC4 Engineering and Construction Short Contract
See the NEC website at http://www.neccontract.com/.

The table below outlines some of the key similarities and/or differences between
the four forms of contract systems (Construction Industry Development Board
(CIDB), 2005). The characteristic features of each contractual system will guide their
use in construction projects.
For example, the NEC Contract is known for its focus on process and detail with
regard to project management; hence this may be a good contractual
documentation option if the Client is aspiring toward a high level of supervision and
project management. Another situation may entail a project occurring in another
country for which your South African-based company has been commissioned – in
this situation, it may be valuable to assess which of the four contractual systems
may be best suited for the region and specific project.

It is important to note that these four contractual systems do not encompass all
within the construction industry that are available nationally and globally. However,
understanding the below one of several contractual systems will enable you to have
a broader understanding of contracts within the construction industry in general, so
as to then be able to apply your knowledge to any given situation/project and/or
any given contractual documentation system.

Table 2: Key feature comparisons between the GCC, FIDIC, JBCC & NEC contractual systems (Construction
Industry Development Board (CIDB), 2005)

Contractual Systems
Consists of a
set of various
Comprises forms of
only one form contract Comprises one
Consists of a
Contractual of contract (books) for main form of
series of
Documentation that can be different uses, contract that can
Structure applied for with some be applied for
various common various purposes
purposes clauses across
the various

Applicable to Applicable to all
all building & Only applicable building &
construction for building construction
Applicable to
works, works & is not works, with
all building &
Application including suitable for use additional focus
major with other on risk
international forms of management &
turnkey contract process/project
projects management
Tender & Separates Combines Combines Separates
Contract Tender & Tender & Tender & Tender &
Structure Contract Contract Contract Contract
Contractor is
Does not cover
liable for latent
liabilities for
Contractor is Contractor is defects up to a
latent defects.
liable for liable for latent maximum value
Hence, any
Latent Defects latent defects defects in works as stated in
latent liability
Liability in works for for five years Contract Data,
will be dealt
10 years after after otherwise must
with according
completion completion be dealt with
to the local
according to the
local law
The Employer Does not cater
may delegate for an
A Principal
his duties to Employer's
Agent acts on
appointed Agent. A Project
An Agent acts behalf of the
personnel Manager &
on behalf of Employer for all
according to Supervisor act
the Employer contractual
any of the on behalf of the
Administrator for all matters arising
contractual Employer for all
of Contractual contractual with the
books, & each contractual
Obligations matters Contractor, but
book also matters arising
arising with certain
provides for with the
the prescribed rules
different rules Contractor, but
Contractor and situations
& situations any action taken
are also
regarding the is as if by the
accounted for
administrator Employer
of the contract directly
All time or Claims may be
All time or
payment- made for Claims may be
related claims prescribed made for
related claims
made by the circumstances. prescribed time
made by the
Contractor All claims made or payment-
must be within by the related
must be
Claims the time frame Contractor circumstances.
within the
as stated in must be within All claims must
time frame as
the the time frame be first notified
stated in the
contractual of becoming and quoted-for
GCC, after
book, after aware of the within a strict
which the
which the circumstance, time frame
Employer failing which no

cannot be cannot be held compensation
held liable liable will be made

Disputes are
referred to a Disputes will be
Disputes will Dispute solved by an
be solved by Adjudication "State" contract independent
Amicable Board, for disputes will be Adjudicator, who
Settlement or which General solved by is paid equally by
Adjudication, Conditions are Litigation, while both parties,
Disputes then if included in "non-state" then if
unresolved, each book. If contract unresolved, the
by Arbitration unresolved, disputes by matter is
or Court the matter is Arbitration or referred to a
Proceedings referred to Mediation "tribunal" (either
(Litigation) international Arbitration or
arbitration Litigation)
under ICC

The below graph shows the percentage usage of each contract system per
construction sector (2013 results published in 2014 report), as per CIDB (Marx, 2014,
p. 16).

Table 3: % usage of each contract system per construction sector (2013 results published in 2014 report)
(Marx, 2014, p. 16)

Special Works

Electrical Works
Mechanical Works FIDIC
Civil Works
Non-Residential Building GCC

Residential Building

0 20 40 60 80 100

As can be seen from the graph above, the GCC is generally the most popular form of
contract for civil works, which is the focus of this course. Hence, for the purposes of
this course, we will refer to the General Conditions of Contract for Construction
Works (GCC 2015). The Table of Contents for the GCC 2015 can be found in the
Appendix (Appendix 1).
In general, a contract consists of the following:

1. The Agreement
2. The Conditions of Contract
a. General
b. Specific
3. The Supporting Documents
a. Activity Schedules
b. Bill of Quantities (BoQ)
c. Drawings
d. Scope of Work

Below are some key highlights from the GCC in relation to documents, the BoQ, the
Engineer’s role, Payments due to the Contractor, Risks addressed, and Disputes.
Note that for a comprehensive understanding and full conditions, the GCC must be
referred to at all times.
In the GCC, construction works is defined as:
Clause 1.1.1 – the “Works” is defined as both the Permanent and Temporary Works

 Permanent Works: complete product as defined in the contract.

 Temporary Works: any products that may be needed to complete the
Permanent Works, e.g. surveying of the landscape, etc.

Contract Documents
Within the GCC, there are templates for forms that must be agreed upon/signed
when using the GCC to govern a construction project. These form documents will
form part of the contract. See Appendix 2 for the forms.

 “Form of Offer and Acceptance” document: This must first be signed by the
Contractor, then signed by the Client once the Contractor has signed.
 “Contract Data” document: Legal names and contact details of the parties
involved in signing the agreement, contract durations and dates, penalties
and liabilities, and guarantees for agreed-upon items.

Bill of Quantities
Clause 6.7.1 –The GCC allows for room for changes within the Bill of Quantities
proposed by the Contractor, i.e. it does not bind the Contractor to the initial
estimation of the work by considering the estimation as the final Bill of Quantities.

The Engineer
Heading 3 – The 2015 version of the GCC caters for an amendment from the use of
the word “Engineer” to the term “Employer’s Agent”. The Employer’s Agent, who is
often the Engineer within construction projects, administers the contract on behalf
of the Client. The Engineer is thus not directly involved in the contractual agreement
that is entered into between the Client and the Contractor. The Engineer will need
to perform certain duties that have been detailed in the contract, but the Client is
accountable and responsible for these duties, since the Client is entering into the
direct contract with the Contractor/s. The Engineer may also choose to appoint a
representative to supervise the Contractor’s works on site, to report back to the
Engineer, etc.

Payments due to the Contractor

Sub-heading 6.10: This deals with payment due for the work performed by the

 The Contractor will submit monthly statements detailing what he/she

believes is due to him/her, which the Engineer will confirm after considering
the Permanent Works that had been executed, Temporary Works, additional
amounts due, etc. The Engineer will certify the amounts by submitting signed
payment certificates issued to the Client and the Contractor.

 The Engineer must deliver the payment certificates received from the
Contractor to the Client within 7 days, and the Client must then ensure that
the payments are made within 28 days after receiving the approved payment
certificates from the Engineer.
 Clause 6.10.8 – The Contractor is obliged to provide a completion statement
to the Engineer within 14 days of the issuing of the Certificate of Completion,
indicating the conclusion of the works by the Contractor and the full value of
the Works completed. The Engineer will ensure that the payment certificate
for completion of works is delivered to the Client and the Contractor within
14 days of receiving the completion statement, after which the Client will
have to ensure that payment is completed within 28 days.
 Clause 6.10.9: The final payment that will be made to the Contractor is after
the works has been finally approved as stated in a Final Approval Certificate
issued by the Contractor.

Addressing Risk

 Clause 8.1.1: The Contractor insures the Employer against any claims from
the public by implementing effective measures within the project works such
as signage, lights, barricades, as well as preventing encroachment onto public
roads and private property. The Contractor is fully responsible and
accountable should any claim be made from a “third party” such as a
member of the public.
 Sub-heading 8.4: If, while carrying out the Works, there is damage to the
property and/or injury or death, and/or damage to the Client’s property that
is not part of the works, then the Contractor is fully responsible and
accountable. However, any damage from the Client, injury or death as a
result of the Client’s actions/employees, noise, disturbance, or interference
of public access that is an unavoidable part of carrying out the Works, will be
the full responsibility of the Client.
 Sub-heading 8.2: The Contractor is fully responsible and accountable for the
Care of the Works. There is damage that the Contractor will insure, which
includes injury/death that occurs due to/with structural support elements,

and would have to repair at his own cost. However, there are also risks that
may be out of either of the parties’ control such as war, rebellion mutiny,
meteorites, etc. The GCC allows for the Client to keep an insurance policy for
these special risks with the South African Special Risks Insurance Association
(SASRIA) over and above the insurance that the GCC covers.
 Clause 4.3.1 – The contract entered into between the Client and the
Contractor will be in force in conjunction with other applicable laws in the
country and locally. In particular, the Contractor must provide proof of
compliance with local wages and safety laws if requested by the Engineer.

Heading 10: This deals with claims and disputes as related to the construction work.

 Sub-heading 10.1: All claims made by the Contractor must be within 28 days,
after which the claim may not be made.
 Sub-headings 10.3-10.8: The Contractor may request that the Engineer
considers any disagreement which he raises. This is to be a written notice,
which the Engineer has to respond to within 28 days on receiving the notice
– this will be the Engineer’s ruling on the disagreement. Should the
Contractor wish to dispute the ruling, this will be in the form of a Dispute
Notice, which will be addressed in the manner stated in the Contract Data:
Amicable Settlement, then if unresolved, by Arbitration or Court
 Sub-heading 10.5: If the matter is referred to Adjudication, then this will be
by an appointed Board. The Adjudication Board Rules must be referred to as
standard rules/laws, which is included in Appendix 5 of the GCC.

Example 3.3.1

Case Study of a claim

A massive roads construction company in Cape Town, TransportCo, has raised a

dispute because they feel they are being undercut by the local government on a
highway extension project they had been commissioned for. They believe that there

have been time delays which they have been unjustifiably held accountable for, as
well as not being timeously paid for their work though all payment certificates had
been timeously submitted from their end. TransportCo has submitted a claim with
the Engineer in charge, and is now waiting for the Engineer to respond, after which
the dispute process as outlined in the GCC (2015) will be followed.

3.4 Continued Learning and Self-assessment

With reference to the General Conditions of Contract (GCC 2015), answer the
following questions:

1. A member of the local adjacent town is driving along the road, which runs
parallel to the construction site on which you and your team are working to
build a new community centre, when an accident occurs. On investigation, it
is found that the accident was due to bricks lying on the road where they
should not have been. The member of the public now wants to sue. What is
the ruling regarding responsibility for handling the claim?
2. Read the following article entitled “Construction worker injured as concrete
block falls on him in KZN”, written on 24/11/2019
worker-injured-as-concrete-block-falls-on-him-in-kzn-37877405). Is the
Employer or the Contractor responsible for the construction worker’s
medical treatment due to the injury sustained?
3. Load-shedding has become a common occurrence in South Africa. Contractor
A, who is busy putting together a tender bid for a proposed mall construction
project in Lydenburg, Mpumalanga, is wondering whether to cater for this
risk within her risk mark-up in the tender cost estimation. What would you
advise her to do?
4. In the following article written on 02/12/2019 (https://city-
collapse-that-killed-two-20191202), it is stated that Murray & Roberts
Construction failed to appoint an Engineer for the required duties regarding
the design of a temporary steel structure that subsequently collapsed

(Slabbert, 2019). Why would it have been valuable for MRC to appoint an
Engineer, and what would his/her other duties have been on the M1
Highway Bridge project? Summarise in five points the duties of an Engineer
as outlined in the GCC.
5. What are the pros and cons of each of the four contractual systems GCC,
FIDIC, JBCC & NEC, for use in a South African context vs. an international
context? Use the Discussions forum on the DOC2601 myUnisa site to discuss
your thoughts with your UNISA peers.
6. In the article “The Lottery and the mystery multimillion-rand Eastern Cape
‘boxing arena’” written on 28/11/2019, (https://citizen.co.za/news/south-
eastern-cape-boxing-arena/), Lukwe indicates that “Problems arose when
Nunnovation failed to pay me on time. They came with various excuses that
the NLC was not paying them. They would pay me per stage and at times
they would take time to authorise the next stage,” he said. Lukwe said he
finally quit the project as a result of “intermittent payments” (Chirume,
2019). Explain how and when Lukwe was entitled to receive payments for
work performed. When should the final payment be made to him and under
what conditions? Use the Discussions forum on the DOC2601 myUnisa site to
discuss your approach and solutions with your UNISA peers.

3.5 Works Cited

Chirume, J. (2019, November 28). The Lottery and the mystery multimillion-rand
Eastern Cape ‘boxing arena’. Retrieved from The Citizen:

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2005, September). Best Practice

Guideline #C1 Preparing Procurement Documents. Retrieved from
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2005, September). Best Practice

Guideline #C2 Choosing an appropriate form of contract for engineering and

construction works. Retrieved from Construction Industry Development
Board (CIDB): http://www.cidb.org.za/publications/Pages/Procurement-

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2008). Basic Guide General

Conditions of Contract for Construction Works (GCC 2004). Retrieved from
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2015, July). Standard for

Unoformity in Construction Procurement. Retrieved from Construction
Industry Development Board (CIDB):

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2019, August). Standard for

Uniformity in Engineering and Construction Works Contracts. Retrieved from
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

Fitchett, A. D. (2011). Lecture Notes for CIVN2007: Economics and Management.

Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering.

Marx, H. J. (2014, December). Construction Industry Indicators. Retrieved from

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

SAICE. (2015). General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works Third Edition
(2015). SAICE.

Slabbert, A. (2019, December 02). Damning report into M1 highway bridge collapse
that killed two. Retrieved from City Press: https://city-

Unit 4: Computer Applications
On completion of this unit, you should be able to:

 Use computer application tools such as MS Office Excel to draft professional

documents and effectively and efficiently manage projects.
 Prepare Excel spreadsheets with appropriate layouts for the purpose of
solving a variety of problems.
 Use and apply Excel’s basic built-in functions (Sum, Average, etc.) to solve

4.1 Introduction
In today’s digitised world, many engineering functions, particularly in the design
stage, are performed on computers. The programming and software range from
simple to complex and it is the duty of an Engineer and Project Manager to be able
to use, and/or understand, the fundamental principles behind computer software
for the various purposes and functions as required. This can entail the use of
computer software to optimise designs, store and manage data, derive insights from
information and data, draft and write various reports, etc.

In this section, we will focus on developing skills in drafting professional documents

on a computer. Often, built-in computer software and applications are sufficient to
be able to do what is required, and we will make particular use of Microsoft Office,
specifically MS Office Excel in this section of the course.

Hint: Make use of MS Office Excel’s ‘Help’ function (internal and online Help
libraries) when you need assistance with Excel functions and other aspects. In
addition, make use of online training and tutorials made available by Microsoft at
the following link: https://support.office.com/en-us/excel

4.2 Continued Learning and Self-assessment
1. MS Office Excel Spreadsheet

Skills to acquire: Introduction to spreadsheets, inputting data, basic

mathematical functions, formatting and labelling, saving, dates and units,
following instructions.

Type out the contents of the below table into a new Excel worksheet and
then follow the instructions below to complete the task.

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11
1 5 2 7 0
2 1 1 69 8 1 7 0 50
3 63 1 3 9 63 7 60
4 2 11 1 0 5 2 7 7 10
5 6 3 2 1 20 6 0 3 4 2
6 7 9 66 8 5 8 9 2 33 14 4
7 7 0 5 9 5 0 33 8 6
8 0 22 0 5 0 10 20 36 0 17 8
9 2 1 20 0 8 8 6 10
10 33 2 8 12 18 0 6
11 9 2 3 18 7 7 1 9
12 5 2 33 7 4 13 0 5 9 3
13 20 0 8 9 14 15 14 2 8 9 6
14 10 0 31 0 6 0 9 9 9
15 8 0 7 6 6 6 16 5 19 12
16 12 0 9 9 9 11 20 20 15
17 9 3 0 3 7 8 1 18

A. Save your worksheet to your Documents folder on your computer and

rename it CA_Task_1.
B. Neaten the table by inserting 0s in all the blank cells.
C. Insert a column before column C1. Name this column AVERAGE.
D. Use the Average built-in Excel function to calculate the average of each
row, in the new column you have just inserted before column C1.
E. Use the Sum built-in Excel function to calculate the sum of each column
in a new row after row 17. Name this row TOTAL.
F. Change the Number Format of the cells to Accounting, in rand (R).

G. Subtract the values in column C8 from the values in column C10, for each
row, and record your answers in a new column after C11. Name this
column C8-C10.
H. Multiply the values in column C2 with the values in column C11, for each
row, and record your answers in a new column after C8-C10. Name this
column C2 x C11.
I. Insert a new row before the main row of headings (C1 to C11). Merge all
the cells above columns C1-C11 using Excel’s Merge feature.
J. Type in the date in the merged cell in the format ' YYYY-MM-DD’.
K. Use the Max built-in Excel function to find the maximum of each column
in a new row. Name this row MAX.
L. Use the Min built-in Excel function to calculate the minimum of each
column in a new row. Name this row MINIMUM.

2. MS Office Excel Graphs

Skills to acquire: Copy and paste, inputting data, formatting and labelling,
saving, graphs and charts, following instructions.

Copy your spreadsheet CA_Task_1 into a new Excel worksheet and then
follow the instructions below to complete the task.

A. Save your worksheet to your Documents folder on your computer and

rename it CA_Task_2.
B. Use Excel’s Charts feature to plot a line chart for C1 to C11, all on one
chart. Use the 2-D Line Chart: Line with Markers. Name your chart C1 TO
C11 COMPARISON (Hint: click on the completed chart, then use Excel’s
Layout  Labels features to format your chart).
C. Plot a line chart for C7 and C9 data only, on one chart.
D. Use Excel’s Charts feature to plot column charts for C1 to C11, each on its
own chart. Use the 2-D Column Chart: Clustered Column.
E. Give each of your charts appropriate chart titles and axes titles.

3. MS Office Excel Spreadsheet 2

Skills to acquire: Inputting data and text, basic mathematical functions,

precision formatting, saving, text boxes, following instructions.

A. Type out the contents of the below table into a new Excel worksheet. Pay
very careful attention to:
a) the size of the columns (Hint: widen/reduce the widths of
columns as rows as necessary, and make use of Excel’s Wrap Text
b) the use of bold font, italics and regular font;
c) the units;
d) the orientation of the text (left; right; centre);
e) the table borders;
f) etc.

General Items
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A110 Labour sum R 20 000,00
A120 Install lighting infrastructure sum R 14 500,00
A130 Survey site sum

Site Establishment
A210,1 Set up offices: fixed cost
A210,2 Set up toilet facilities: fixed cost
A210,3 Set up security fences: fixed cost
A210,4 Remove offices: fixed cost
A210,5 Remove toilet facilities: fixed cost
A210,6 Provide electricity during
construction: time and electricity-
related cost
A210,7 Provide water during construction:
time and water-related cost

B. Save your worksheet to your Documents folder on your computer and

rename it CA_Task_3.
C. Calculate the sum total of Amount in the relevant cell.

D. Insert a text box on the right-hand side of your table, and type in Typical
General Items Example.
4. Within Excel:
a. What is a “cell”?
b. What is a “function”?
c. What does A23:A44 refer to?
d. What is the difference between a sheet and a workbook?

Unit 5: Bill of Quantities
On completion of this unit, you should be able to:

 Discuss the purposes and unique features of Bill of Quantities in construction

 Compile a BoQ in accordance with South African standard layouts.
 Calculate tender costs for items within the Bill of Quantities, with a focus on
direct (labour, equipment and materials) and indirect (overheads and risk)

5.1 The Purpose of a BoQ

“The use of bills of quantities on construction contracts permits three important
objectives to be achieved, these being:

 Tenderers are provided with adequate information regarding the extent of

the work required to enable them to prepare accurately and confidently
tenders which may readily be compared with other tenders.
 Employers can pre-determine with a high degree of accuracy the costs of
contracts and the impact of possible variations to the works.
 A sound basis is provided for the valuation of work carried out at any stage of
a contract” (ICE, 2011, p. Foreword 1).

A Bill of Quantities (BoQ) for a project is a list of all pieces of work that need to be
completed in the construction project, with brief descriptions, quantities and rates
per item, which is drawn up by the Professional Team of Consultants working on the

Example 5.1.1

The below shows a portion of a BoQ example of an estimate for a water supply
pipeline to be laid out for a recreational community centre being built.

Table 4: Example of a part of a BoQ of an estimate for water supply pipeline to be laid out for a recreational
community centre

Item Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
3.1 Mark the water supply line Per m of
with all pipe elements marked
included line
3.2 Excavate trench & water Per m3 of
supply connection excavated
manholes to a depth of 1 m soil
3.3 Level the trench bottom to Per m2 of
Engineer’s specifications levelled

Note that you may sometimes come across the term ‘Schedule of Quantities’ or
‘Schedule of Rates’, used in place of ‘Bill of Quantities’. The term ‘Schedule of
Quantities’ is commonly used in CEQ73 (Civil Engineering Quantities 1973: the
Standard System of Measurement of Civil Engineering Quantities for South Africa
and South West Africa).

5.2 Compilation of a BoQ

Conventionally, a BoQ consists of the following (ICE, 2011):

1. Work Items, which must be grouped into sections/subsections, each with its
own headings/sub-headings.
2. Grand Summary: consisting of each Work Item section’s total amount and
the Grand Total of all the sections’ totals summed together.

Characteristics of a BoQ:

 A list of:
o Items of work
o Quantities with Units of Measurement

o Rates
o Total per item.
 Total Tender.
 Brief but sufficient detail in the descriptions.
 Unique items listed and described in sufficient detail.

Some guidelines to follow when developing the Work Items section of a BoQ:

 The BoQ must be divided into parts, with work of a similar nature/location or
other, grouped together, e.g. the Work Items section of a BoQ for a
reticulation sewerage pipe system to be constructed for a suburb might
contain the following:
1. General items
2. Earthworks (Site Clearance)
3. Earthworks (Excavation)
4. Pipework
5. Manholes
6. Bedding (Pipes)
7. Erf connections
 Each part must be distinguished by its own heading, then under each part,
subsections will have their own sub-headings, with lines drawn below the
final item of the heading/sub-heading to indicate that the section/subsection
has ended. Note: headings/sub-headings must be repeated on each new
page if the section/subsection continues onto the new page (ICE, 2011).
 The following standard layout is used in South Africa for all BoQs, and must
be adhered to, to fit on A4-sized paper (ICE, 2011, p. 11):

Table 5: Standard Layout for BoQ. From “CESMM3 - Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement
Southern African Edition”, by ICE, 2011, ICE Publishing, p.11. Copyright 2011 by Thomas Telford Limited.
Adapted with permission

Section Heading Section

Column Heading Item Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Width of
20 90 10 20 20 28
Column (mm)

Unit price Quantity x
See Units of Count of
Description of Item See Description for each Rate = Total
Measurement number
each column Number below item, in for item, in
below of items
rand (R) rand (R)


 The description should be at project item level, not the lower level of specific
tasks, e.g. rather say: Excavate trench and water supply connection manholes
to a depth of 1 m, instead of Excavate trench and water supply connection
manholes by removing soil at least 500 mm from the trench, then loading
and transporting excess soil.
 Be as specific as necessary to ensure there is no ambiguity with regard to
tasks, as this will influence the pricing (but avoid unnecessary details in the
description), e.g. excavate trench and water supply connection manholes to
a depth of 1 m, excluding loading and transportation of excess soil from the
 The Scope of Work and Contract Data documents will be used in conjunction
with the BoQ for the full outline of the work. If necessary, reference the
precise location within the Scope of Work and/or Contract Data where the
detail for a particular item may be found (ICE, 2011).

Units of Measurement:

Table 6: Relevant Units of Measurement for BoQ. From “CESMM3 - Civil Engineering Standard Method of
Measurement Southern African Edition” by ICE, 2011, ICE Publishing, p. 11. Copyright 2011 by
Thomas Telford Limited. Adapted with permission

Unit Name Unit Abbreviation

Millimetre mm
Metre m
Square Millimetre mm2
Square Meter m2
Hectare ha

Cubic Metre m3
Kilogram kg
Litre l
Pocket pkt
Ton t
Sum sum
Number nr
Hour h
Week wk

5.3 Estimating Costs

“Estimating is the process of pricing work based on the information/specification
and/or drawings available in preparation of submitting an offer to carry out the work
for a specified sum of money” (Buchan, Fleming, & Grant, 2003, p. 2) – this is the
‘tender sum’.

It is essential for Contractors as well as Engineers to be able to produce accurate

estimates of proposed work. In this sub-chapter, we will focus on estimating costs
for items within the Bill of Quantities.

Conventionally, cost rates will be broken down into the following key categories to
be priced:

Table 7: Breakdown of costs for tender

Direct Costs Equipment
Indirect Costs
Any special cost considerations that will constitute a risk to the Works

We will go through each of these in more detail. The examples shown below will be
examples that require step-by-step calculations for full understanding, but it is
advised to use MS Office Excel to calculate and record the cost estimates accurately.
The below table represents an example of a possible Excel layout when estimating
and recording costs for a project (Peurifoy & Oberlender, 2014).

Item Description Calculations Quantity Unit Cost Material Labour Total Cost (R)
(R) Cost (R) Cost (R)
e.g.#1 2 General = 36 hrs 36 h 37,04 p/h - 2666,88 2666,88



The Contractor needs to answer the question, based on his/her experiences, team
and understanding of the work: How many pairs of hands will it take to complete
this item of work?

In general, construction labour rates are calculated on an hourly basis. A Contractor

will generally have to use some guesswork based on his/her knowledge and past
experience of similar projects to estimate labour hours due to and in consideration

 Actual labour time for construction

 Travelling to and from the site
 Overtime (if required) and/or Night-time work
 Holidays (public holidays and/or annual leave)
 Lunch breaks and other breaks
 UIF and/or pension allowance
 Other (e.g. Any bonus schemes)

In South Africa, all wage and salary rules are governed under the following Act: Basic
Conditions of Employment Act 1997, of which there have been various recent
amendments to certain clauses, for example, to the minimum wage clause. The Act
makes provision for temporary and full-time employment, minimum wages, number

of working hours, overtime, breaks, and various other relevant clauses applicable to
employment, and must be referred to by the Contractor at all times to ensure that
labour costs are estimated in accordance with the law.

Below are some key rules applicable to employment in South Africa:

 Minimum working days/hours: 45 hours per week – this is then either 9

hours a day for 5 days a week (Monday to Friday), or 7.5 hours a day for 6
days a week (Monday to Saturday).
 Minimum Wage = R20 in SA, but applicable minimum wages within the Civil
Works sector by job type:
Table from “Minimum Wage – Civil Engineering Sector by WageIndicator”,
2020, WageIndicator – Mywage.co.za. Copyright 2020 by WageIndicator –
Mywage.co.za – Minimum Wages. Explanations of the Task Grades can be
found within Appendix 2.

Job Type Per Hour (R)

Task Grade 1 37,04
Task Grade 2 37,9
Task Grade 3 38,96
Task Grade 4 40,41
Task Grade 5 45,73
Task Grade 6 51,91
Task Grade 7 59,46
Task Grade 8 66,66
Task Grade 9 75,35

 Overtime: Hours may not exceed 10 hours in a week. Overtime pay should be
at least 150% of the normal hourly rate.
 Night work: This is work performed between 18:00 and 06:00. The Act does
not specify the rate at which employees must be paid for night work, but of

regular practice is to reduce the employees’ day work hours to compensate
for the night work.
 Weekends: This refers specifically to Sundays. If an employee usually works
on Sundays, they are entitled to 150% pay of the normal hourly rate; if they
do not usually work on Sundays, then 200%.
 Public Holidays: Pay on public holidays should be 200% of the normal hourly
 Breaks: Employees are entitled to 1 hour unpaid breaks after 5 hours of
continuous work (WageIndicator, 2020).

Example 5.3.1

A construction crew is required for a job 16 km from the local town in which they
reside. Calculate the labour costs based on the following:

 The work will take 40 hours in total.

 Work will begin on Monday morning, and must be complete by that Friday.
 Friday is a national public holiday.
 There will be two general workers, one material tester, five bricklayers, and
one supervisor Gr I.
 The Contractor will organise transport to and from the site each day.


Description Cost (R)

General Workers
2x @ R37,04 p/h (Task Grade 1) 2 666,88
Material Tester
1x @ R40,41 p/h (Task Grade 4) 1 454,76
Monday to Thursday = 36h
5x @ R45,73 p/h (Task Grade 6) 8 231,4
1x @ R66,66 p/h (Task Grade 8) 2 399,76
General Workers
2x @ R37,04 p/h (Task Grade 1) x 200% 888,96
Friday Public Holiday = 4h
Material Tester
1x @ R40,41 p/h (Task Grade 4) x 200% 484,92

5x @ R45,73 p/h (Task Grade 6) x 200% 2 743,8
1x @ R66,66 p/h (Task Grade 8) x 200% 799,92
Total (R) 19 670,40


Plant and equipment costs are generally estimated on a similar basis to labour costs,
i.e. at an hourly rate that the equipment is used for a piece of work. A Contractor
can either own the machinery, which is usually the case when the machine is of
regular use to the Contractor, or rent it for a particular piece of specialised work.

Equipment costs are estimated by taking the following factors into consideration, as

 Purchase price
 Funding method (financing of the equipment)
 Interest on the capital borrowed
 Depreciation
 Life expectancy
 Scrap value
 Sinking funds (savings accounts set up to save for the future replacement of
worn-out equipment)
 Fuel and maintenance
 Repairs
 Inflation
 Special costs such as unplanned replacement of parts, etc.

To calculate the hourly costs of the equipment, the number of hours that the
machine will be used for the year must be estimated – on average, the number of
working hours for a site should be approximately 1 900 hours, but this value may
drop due to factors such as operator inefficiencies, weather conditions and/or
machine breakdowns (Buchan, Fleming, & Grant, 2003).

The following represent important formulae for calculating equipment costs (Note:
the following are sourced from (Gauteng Department of Education (CAPS version),
2015), Grade 12 Financial Mathematics. You are advised to revise your Grade 10–12
Financial Mathematics work for this section):

 Applicable to Interest:
o Simple Interest: 𝐴 = 𝑃(1 + 𝑖𝑛)
where A = Final amount, P = Initial amount, i = interest rate, n =
number of years
o Compound Interest: 𝐴 = 𝑃(1 + 𝑖)
where A = Final amount, P = Initial amount, i = (interest rate/period
compounded), n = (number of years x period compounded)
 Applicable to Depreciation:
o Straight-line Depreciation: 𝐴 = 𝑃(1 − 𝑖𝑛)
where A = Final amount, P = Initial amount, i = interest rate, n =
number of years
o Reducing Balance Depreciation: 𝐴 = 𝑃(1 − 𝑖)
where A = Final amount, P = Initial amount, i = interest rate, n =
number of years
 Applicable to loans and investments:
o Future Value where there is a final payment which does not earn
[( ) ]
interest: 𝐹 =

where x = regular payment amount, i = interest rate, n = number of

[ ( ) ]
o Present Value: 𝑃 =

where x = regular payment amount, i = interest rate, n = number of


Example 5.3.2

Construction Co. buys an 8 t tower crane for R1 689 000 (including VAT), which is
expected to last 10 years. The crane had barely been used by its previous owner,
and is expected to still have a usage of approximately 3 400 hours. It depreciates at

14% p.a. on a reducing balance. The cost of a new tower crane is expected to
escalate at 13% p.a. over the same period, and the CEO of Construction Co. wants to
start budgeting and saving from now for a new tower crane replacement in 10 years’
time. She thus sets up a sinking fund, earning interest of 9.8 % p.a. compounded
monthly. Assist her with the financial calculations as per below (all at the time of
purchase of the new crane):

a. The scrap value of the old crane (to the nearest hundred rand).
b. The expected cost of the new crane (to the nearest hundred rand).
c. The value that the sinking fund must attain, if the old crane is used as
a trade-in.
d. The value of the monthly payments paid into the sinking fund if
payments commence one month after the current crane is purchased
and continue until the new crane is bought.


a. Depreciate the old crane to determine the scrap value of the crane in
10 years’ time.
A = 1 689 000(1− 0.14)10 = 373 778.37
The crane is worth R373 778 in 10 years’ time.
b. Determine the cost of the new crane after 10 years.
A = 1 689 000(1+ 0.13)10 = 5 733 424.32
A new crane will cost R5 733 424 in 10 years’ time.
c. To determine how much money must be saved over the 10 years, we
subtract the scrap value of the old crane from the expected cost of
the new crane.
Sinking fund = R5 733 424 – R373 778 = R5 359 646
d. i = 0,098/12
n = 10 years x 12 months = 120
[( . / ) ]
5359646 = . /

Therefore, x = 26 465.42
The sinking fund requires deposits of R26 465.42 per month.

Example 5.3.3

You require a concrete mixer for your construction firm as the one you currently use
has reached the end of its life cycle. Your friend has a second-hand concrete mixer
for sale, with which you are happy. You thus purchase the second-hand concrete-
mixing truck, which can carry approximately 18 000 kg of concrete, for R273 000.
What will the book value of the concrete mixer be after three years if the rate of
depreciation is 18% per annum, using:

a. the straight-line method

b. the reducing balance method
a. The straight-line method: A = P(1 – in)
A = 273 000(1 – 0.18×3)
A = R125 580
b. The reducing balance method: 𝐴 = 𝑃(1 − 𝑖)
A =273 000(1 – 0.18)3
A = R150 523.46

Example 5.3.4

Henry has recently landed some big construction jobs that will require the use of a
bulldozer to move large amounts of earth and soil, as well as for preliminary site
clearance activities. He thus decides to invest in a bulldozer. When enquiring about
prices, he is interested in one particular 2016 bulldozer with a usage of
approximately 4 300 hours, selling for R2 250 000.

How much will it cost Henry over five years if he purchases the bulldozer on a
monthly instalment plan paying 12.50% interest p.a. compounded monthly? He also
has some cash which he is prepared to use for an upfront purchase payment =
R300 000.


Henry is borrowing the money now, that is, the lump sum of the money is in the
present, so we use the present value (Pv) formula.

𝑥[1 − (1 + 𝑖) ]
𝑃 =

Pv = R2 250 000 – 300 000 = R1 950 000

n = 5 yrs x 12 months = 60 payments
i = (0.1250)/12 = 0.0104167
Therefore, x = R43 870.98 per month

It will thus have cost Henry R43 870.98 x 5 yrs x 12 months = R2 632 258.77 (interest
being paid = R682 258.77) over 5 years.

Example 5.3.5

Calculate the plant rate per hour for an excavator based on the following:

 Purchase price = R390 000.

 Interest rate = 12% compounded yearly.
 Payment instalments are made yearly.
 Fuel consumption = 0.45 litres per hour of Petrol fuel at R14 per litre.
 Oil and grease = 10% of fuel.
 Life of the mixer = 6 years.
 Hours worked per annum = 1 300.
 Scrap value at the end of life = R156 000.
 Cost of tyres = R4 000 each (8 tyres required in total).
 Life of tyres = 2 300 hours (Buchan, Fleming, & Grant, 2003).

Depreciation per annum = Purchase price – Cost of tyres – Scrap value = 390 000 –
(4000 x 8) – 156 000 = R202 000/6 years = R33 666.66 per annum.

Use the present value (Pv) formula to determine the yearly payments.

Pv = R390 000
n = 6 yrs = 6 payments
i = 0.12
Therefore, x = R94 858 p.a.

Total interest paid over the 10 years = (94 858 x 6) – 390 000 = R179 148.
Interest per annum = 179 148/6 = R29 858 p.a.

Thus, total annual cost of the concrete mixer = Depreciation + Interest = R63 524.69
Divide by hours per annum = 63 524.69/1 300 = R48.87 p/h.

Fuel = 0.45 l/h x R14 = R6.30 p/h.

Oil and grease = 10% x R6.30 = R0.63 p/h.
Tyre depreciation per annum = (R4 000 x 8 tyres)/2 300 = R16.70 p/h.

Therefore, total rate per hour = R48.87+ R6.30 + R0.63 + R16.70 = R72.50 p/h.

Example 5.3.6

Calculate the rate per hour for a 6 m3 truck using the following information:

 Purchase price = R210 000.

 Interest rate = 12.5% compounded yearly.
 Payment instalments are made yearly.
 Fuel consumption = 0.5 litres per hour of Petrol fuel at R14.87 per litre.
 Lubrication costs = 10% of fuel.
 Life of the truck = 7 years.
 Depreciation is on the straight-line method at 12% per annum.
 Hours worked per annum = 2 000.
 Cost of tyres = R1 900 each (6 tyres required in total).
 Life of tyres = 1 500 hours (Buchan, Fleming, & Grant, 2003).

Depreciate the old mixer to determine the scrap value of the mixer in 7 years’ time.
A = (210 000-(1 900 x 6)) (1− (0.12 x 7)) = 31 776
The mixer is worth R31 776 in 7 years’ time.
Per year, the mixer depreciates by 198 600 – 31 776 = R166 824/7 years = R23 832

Use the present value (Pv) formula to determine the yearly payments.
Pv = R210 000
n = 7 yrs = 7 payments
i = 0.125
Therefore, x = R46 746.65 p.a.

Total interest paid over the 7 years = (46 746.65 x 7) – 210 000 = R117 226.55.
Interest per annum = 117 226.55/7 = R16 746.65 p.a.

Thus, total annual cost of the concrete mixer = Depreciation + Interest = R40 578.65
per annum.
Divide by hours per annum = 40 578.65/2 000 = R20.29 p/h.

Fuel = 0.5 l/h x R14.87 = R7.44 p/h.

Oil and grease = 10% x R7.44 = R0.74 p/h.
Tyre depreciation per annum = (R1 900 x 6 tyres)/1 500 = R7.60 p/h.

Therefore, total rate = R20.97 + R7.44 + R0.74 = R36.07 p/h.

Example 5.3.7

Using the rates per hour calculated in Example 5.3.5 for the excavator and the rates
per hour calculated for the 6 m3 truck in Example 5.3.6 (section Estimating Costs),
and the information given below, calculate the rate per m3 for the excavation of a

trench 550 mm wide and the disposal of the excess soil from the excavation to a
dump 9 km away from the site.

 Backhoe excavator: 500 litres bucket; 1 cycle per 40 seconds, costing R120/h.
One general operator operates it at R40.41/h.
 Truck: 6 m3; tips soil at an average speed of 40 km/h and takes 3 min to tip a
full load, costing R100/h. One general driver/operator operates it at
 Overheads and profit = 20% (Buchan, Fleming, & Grant, 2003).

Calculate the time taken to excavate 6 m3 of earth:
6 m3 truck capacity/0.5 m3 excavator bucket = 12 cycles for the excavator to fill the
Thus, 12 cycles at 40 s per cycle = 8 minutes for the excavator to fill the truck.

To calculate the truck cycle time:

Travelling from the site to the dump = 9 km/(40 km/h) = 0.225 h = 13.5 min =
14 min.
Therefore, total time = 14 min travelling + 8 min loading + 3 min tipping = 25 min
cycle time.

Thus, number of trucks required for the excavation activity = 25 min/8 min = 3.125

Will it be more economical for the contractor to use three trucks, or four trucks?
Check both options:
A. Cost for using 3 trucks:
Excavator + Operator = 120 + 40.41 = R160.41/h
3 Trucks + Truck Drivers = 3 x (100 + 40.41) = R421.23/h
Total Cost = R581.64/h

With fewer trucks, the time dependency will be on how fast the
trucks can complete their cycle time. The volume of earth that the
truck can operate per hour = (60 min/25 min) x 6 m3 x 3 trucks = 43.2
m3 of earth.
Thus, cost = R581.64/43.2 = R13.46 per m3.
B. Cost for using 4 trucks:
Excavator + Operator = 120 + 40.41 = R160.41/hr
4 Trucks + Truck drivers = 4 x (100 + 40.41) = R561.64/hr
Total Cost = R722.05/hr
With more trucks, the time dependency will be on how fast the
excavator can operate. The volume of earth that the excavator can
excavate per hour = (60 min/8 min) x 6 m3 = 45 m3 of earth.
Thus, cost = R722.05/45 = R16.04 per m3.

Thus, the operation with three trucks is more economical (Option A).

Then, the rate per m3 for the excavation of a trench 550 mm wide with disposal =
R13.46 + 20% overheads and profit = R16.152 per m3.


Material costs are based on the actual purchase prices + any associated costs such as
transportation, storage, wastage due to material losses, edge-wastage when
materials are cut, discounts negotiated, etc. Below are some key notes with regard
to concrete and bricks, but this does not represent an exhaustive list of material
costs. Material costs often form a very large component of a contractor’s tender
cost, and so need to be carefully costed and accounted for.

Concrete: Concrete consists of cement, admixtures, fine and coarse aggregates and
water. Costing for work involving concrete as a material should be developed by
weight, as constituent materials that form concrete are sold by weight. Then, costs
will be converted to costs by 1 m3 volume (Buchan, Fleming, & Grant, 2003).

The Contractor should also factor in specific characteristics of concrete when

calculating costs, such as shrinkage and reinforcement, as and if applicable.

Bricks: Bricks can be obtained in various shapes and compositions such as clay
bricks, lime bricks, etc. In general, costing of brickwork is developed by weight (with
dimensions length x breadth x height, and the hollow spaces and perforations within
the brick are generally not considered when assessing labour costs for bricklaying
and transportation. Then, the costs are converted to costs by the number of bricks
that can be laid in 1 square metre of wall (Buchan, Fleming, & Grant, 2003).

Site Clearance: Site clearance, while not necessarily considered as “material” cost, is
mentioned here as often, a component of a contractor’s work will entail clearing of
the site before actual construction work can begin. This involves removal of trees,
shrubs and the like, which can be done using various methods such as sawing,
bulldozing or burning (fire). Costing for site clearance must take into account
equipment costs (e.g. hiring of a bulldozer for a day), labour wages for the
day/period, transportation of the items for disposal, and any excavation and other
costs involved. The costs are often quoted as the rate per plant if possible (Buchan,
Fleming, & Grant, 2003).

Profit and Overheads

 Profit: The profit margin is decided upon by the Contractor (the Contractor
wants to make a substantial profit, but wants to ensure that his/her estimate
is very competitive).
 Overheads: The overhead percentage is decided upon by the Contractor, but
is usually derived from past data/similar projects. Overheads may consist of
such head office running costs as finance and accounts, electricity, water,
laptops and computer software licences, etc.

The overheads and profit percentages may be either added:

 to the final tender amount,

 to all individual rates,
 to selective tender costs, or
 to one item in the tender.

It will be dependent on the Contractor, and will often define how competitive the
Contractor’s tender bid finally is.

In this course, we will assume that the overheads and profit percentage is added to
the final tender amount.


There will always be potential sources of risk to the Contractor that will push costs
up. These are uncertainties and hence generally need to be estimated based on
experience, knowledge of the site, locality and team of labourers, as well as general
potential risks.

Some sources of risk may be:

 Fires
 Theft or vandalism
 Inflation
 Weakening of the rand
 Fuel price increases
 Extreme weather conditions
 Strikes and protests
 Load shedding
 No water supply due to burst pipes

The Contractor would need to take out insurance for those risks that can be insured
– this will be added to the tender within Preliminaries/General in the Bill of

The Contractor must make estimations of cost for those items that cannot be
insured against, e.g. an estimation of the cost of maintaining the site while a severe
thunderstorm is taking place can be made, which will reflect the cost of that risk.

This will be added to the tender within Preliminaries/General in the Bill of

5.4 Continued Learning and Self-assessment

1. Mfundo purchases 6 hand-drills for R5 000 each (including VAT), using cash.
He decides that he will sell them in exactly 2 years' time and buy another 6
more hand-drills of the same model. He calculates that each drill will
depreciate on a reducing balance at 16% per annum, and he will use the
money from the sale of these drills towards the cost of the new drills. He
anticipates that the inflation rate will be 3.5% per annum. Calculate:
a. The worth of the 6 drills at the end of the 2 years.
b. The price of a new drill of the same model in 2 years' time.
c. The amount that Mfundo will need to invest each month (beginning
exactly 1 month after the purchase of the initial 6 drills) in order to
have the required amount of money at the end of the 2 years if he
decides to invest a set amount of money each month in a sinking
fund, so that by the end of the 2 years he will have sufficient funds to
buy his new drills for cash. The sinking fund pays interest at the rate
14.5% per annum, compounded quarterly.
2. A theodolite, which is an instrument used for surveying and construction,
was bought for R20 000. What will the book value of the instrument be after
3 years if the rate of depreciation is 13% p.a. on:
a. the straight-line method.
b. the reducing balance method.
3. You have recently left your job to pursue an opportunity to start your own
small construction firm. As a start, you wish to invest R450 000 of your
savings for 2 trucks you want to purchase for your construction firm. The
bank offers the following two options. Analyse them and state which one is
best. Show all calculations.
a. Investment for 3 years at 12.99% simple interest.
b. Investment for 3 years at 10.05% interest compounded monthly.

4. Calculate the tender rate per cubic metre of fill for road works of 14 km
travel distance, with costs for loading, transportation, spreading, levelling
and compacting, given:
 1 front-end loader costing R150/h with operator earning R40.41/h,
having capacity of 36 m3/h.
 5 trucks of 5 m3 capacity, costing R105/h with drivers earning
R40.41/h. Assume half an hour per trip (loading, travelling, off-
loading/tipping and returning to the site).
 1 grader for spreading and levelling the soil costing R210/h with an
expert operator earning R51.91/h, with capacity of 45 m3/h and
efficiency of 80%.
 6 rollers for compaction, each costing R79/h, with operators earning
R37.90/h, and capacity of 14 m3/h.
Assume a profit mark-up = 12%, overheads mark-up = 24%, and a risk mark-
up of 1%.

5.5 Works Cited

Buchan, R. D., Fleming, E. F., & Grant, F. E. (2003). Estimating for Builders and
Surveyors Second Edition. Great Britain: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Department of Labour. (2018, September 14). Wage and Task Grade Collective
Agreement. Retrieved from South African Government: https://www.gov.za/

Gauteng Department of Education (CAPS version). (2015). Lesson Preparation CAPS

Grade 12 Term 1. Gauteng: Gauteng Department of Education.

ICE. (2011). CESMM3 - Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Southern

African Edition. ICE Publishing.

McCutcheon, P. R., Quainoo, M. H., Van Steerden, M. V., & Ilemobade, D. A. (2007).
Lecture Notes for CIVN3016: Infrastructure Planning and Management.
Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental ENgineering.

Peurifoy, R. L., & Oberlender, G. D. (2014). Estimating Construction Costs Sixth

Edition. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Quainoo, M. H., & Ilemobade, D. A. (2008). Lecture Notes for CIVN3016:
Infrastructure Planning and Management. Johannesburg: University of the
Witwatersrand, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

WageIndicator. (2020). WageIndicator 2020 - Mywage.co.za. Retrieved from

Mywage.co.za: https://mywage.co.za/

Unit 6: Specifications
On completion of this unit, you should be able to:

 Assess the purposes of uniformity in standards of quality for construction

 Compile a specification in accordance with South African standard layouts.
 Use SANS standard codes to specify standard properties of concrete and its
constituent materials, which include cement, aggregates, admixtures, water
and reinforcement (if applicable).
 Use SANS standard codes to specify correctly standards of quality for any
relevant building, design and construction work (as available).

6.1 Why Standard Specifications?

SABS 1200A (General) defines and outlines the objectives behind Standard
Specifications, in the specific context of construction and building works:
The prime purpose in the production of these standardised specifications
was to arrive at a set of standard and unambiguous documents acceptable to
employer, engineering, and contractor bodies, and thereby to save money
through lower contract prices and to reduce the number of engineering
hours spent in administering contracts by establishing, for all classes of civil
engineering construction, practical standards of workmanship and

administrative control that would be adequate but not excessive and with
which all parties would, in due course, become familiar.
The standardised specifications are so framed that the responsible engineer,
instead of spending time on researching and framing clauses to cover basic,
routine, standard, and often quasi-legal matters, can devote his energy and
time to thorough pre-contract investigation, to design, and to the framing of
specification clauses that are of special application to the project concerned.
(South African Bureau of Standards, 1986, p. Preface 1)

Standardised specifications have thus been created to guide the Engineer,

Contractor and Employer in construction projects. Note that the emphasis here is on
guide – the specifications do not supersede the liabilities and/or obligations of any
of the parties as agreed to in the contract, nor do they limit the parties in deriving
special or specific project specifications to suit the particular project. Rather, the
standardised specifications are meant to be used in conjunction with the General
Conditions of Contract (GCC) as a how-to carry out the relevant clauses, as well as
expectations regarding duties and obligations as set out in the contract.

In addition, standardised specifications ensure uniformity and quality in

construction; ensure that the locals and End-Users’ health and safety are protected
and that their economic interests are protected (SABS). Note also that although we
will focus on the SANS standards (previously known as SABS standards) in this
course, there are numerous other applicable standards that may be referred to as
deemed necessary during the course of a construction project, e.g. specifications by
the British Standards Institution, the American Society for Testing and Materials, etc.

How do specifications work in practice? To illustrate, let’s think of an example of a

small upstairs outhouse building being constructed. To ensure that the construction
work meets a standard of quality, we will follow standard specification clauses
applicable to bricks, steelwork, cement, sand, woodwork, paintwork, etc. In
addition, there will be clauses applicable to the actual execution of the work.

In this chapter, we will learn what the various types of specifications that form part
of tender documents consist of, as well as focus on material specifications.

6.2 What do Specifications consist of?

A Project Specification is an overall description of the project that provides an
overview of the Works, e.g. the location and site facilities, site conditions such as soil
conditions, the details of the contract and construction programme, as well as any
particulars pertaining to the project that deviate or differ or are in addition to the
standard specifications.

A Project Specification consists of 2 portions:

Portion 1 – The Works

1. General description: an overall outline of the project and contract

(objectives, etc.);
2. Description of site and access: detailed description of the site in terms of
boundaries, and any special natural, physical and/or local conditions;
3. Nature of ground and subsoil conditions: factual data regarding the natural
state of the ground on-site and the applicable surrounding areas;
4. Details of contract: an overview of the Works and related contract, and
cooperation with authorities and other contractors;
5. Construction programme: construction works programme with durations and
6. Site facilities available: information regarding water supply, power supply,
facilities available for the engineer’s office and contractor’s camp, and
railway facilities;
7. Site facilities required: the available and/or required facilities for the
construction works – temporary offices, laboratory, sanitary, telephone,
parking and engineer’s housing facilities;
8. Features requiring special attention: services/aspects on or around the site
that will be affected by the Works, special requirements for the temporary

facilities, replacement requirements of survey beacons where disturbances
are expected;
9. Other particulars of the project (if any);
10. Applicable standardised/particular specifications: a list of applicable
standardised specifications; and

Portion 2 – Variations to standardised/particular specifications and additional

clauses, if any (South African Bureau of Standards, 1986).

A Standardised Specification, in the context of this study, refers to construction and

building Works’ specifications published by the South African Bureau of Standards.
A standardised specification deals with the following Works:

A. General
B. Site investigation
C. Site clearance
D. Earthworks
E. Geotechnical and other specialist processes
F. Piling, caissons and cylinders
G. Concrete in situ, including concrete ancillaries and precast concrete
H. Steelwork and other metalwork
I. Structural timberwork
J. Masonry work
K. Pipework
L. Road surfacing and pavings
M. Railway track work
N. Harbour and marine works (void)
O. Electrical works
P. Mechanical works
Q. Builder's work
R. Sundries including waterproofing (South African Bureau of Standards, 1986)

Within each of the above Work Classifications that are applicable to the project, the
following clauses must be addressed:

1. Scope: an overall outline of the subject matter and points covered/objectives

of the section specification.
2. Interpretation: appropriate definitions and abbreviations.
3. Materials: a list of SABS or other standard specification materials that are
required for the project, as well as any material tests/samples required
For the umbrella standard specifications applicable to construction works,
the SANS 2001 series is most widely used (see Appendix 4 for full list as well
as link to SABS catalogue). Note that the catalogue is updated regularly and
users should always ensure that they stay abreast of changes to standard
specifications and new publications.
In addition to the SANS 2001 series, SANS has published several standards
that are relevant to the construction industry, including aggregates, cement,
steel, concrete and water. The below list is a comprehensive grouping of the
standards into broad categories that are relevant to the construction
industry, as listed on the Concrete Institute’s website (The Concrete Institute,
2019) (see Appendix 4 for full list).
o Admixtures
o Aggregates
o Cementitious materials
o Concrete
o Concrete and related products
o Design and construction
o Laboratory practice and equipment in general
o Other standards
o Reinforcement
o Water
4. Plant: a list of required project equipment, with broad frameworks regarding
the types and sizes of equipment.

5. Construction: the sequence of project activities, with durations and expected
6. Tolerances: the acceptable amount that the project deliverables may deviate
from the defined requirements.
7. Testing: checks and control measures that will be carried out to ensure that
the final project deliverable/s meet the required quality, objectives, etc.
8. Measurement and Payment: defining the manner in which project payments
will be made – as a lump sum, time-related, by volume of work completed,
by area of work completed, etc.
Below are some important definitions relating to Measurement and
Payment, extracted from SABS 1200A (General):
 Fixed charge: A charge for work that is executed without reference to
 Method-related charge: The sum for an item inserted in the schedule
by the Contractor when tendering, to cover items of work relating to
his intended method of executing the Works.
 Schedule: The schedule of quantities.
 Schedule rate: The unit rate or price entered in the schedule at which
the Contractor undertakes to execute the particular work or to
provide the required material, article or service, or to do any or all of
these things, as set out in the item concerned.
 Time-related charge: A charge for work the cost of which, to the
Employer, is varied in proportion to the length of time taken to
execute the particular item scheduled.
 Value-related charge: A charge that is directly proportional to the
value of the contract (South African Bureau of Standards, 1986, p. 5).

6.3 Concrete
Concrete is a construction material made up of Cement + Admixture + Fine/Coarse
Aggregate + Water. The figure below summarises the materials that make up

Figure 3: Materials for concrete. From “Construction Materials for Civil Engineering” by E. van Amsterdam,
2013, JUTA Legal and Academic Publishers. Copyright 2013 by JUTA Legal and Academic Publishers. Adapted
with permission

Concrete is the most widely used construction material due to its versatility in its use
and application, strength, durability, environmentally friendly properties and cost-
effectiveness. Some common structural uses of concrete are for concrete
foundations, concrete dams, beams and slabs.

Concrete is traditionally designed with a focus on strength and/or consistency.

Often, it is the Engineer who specifies the required strength of concrete, while the
Contractor specifies the consistency.

In its fresh state (newly mixed and for a short time thereafter), concrete is volatile
and can be handled, transported, placed and compacted. It is thus crucial to ensure
that the properties of the concrete mix meet standard specifications during this

Quantities of materials used in a concrete mix are specified either by volume or

mass, e.g. 1:2:3 cement, sand, water volumetric mix refers to 1 part cement to 2
parts sand to 3 parts water. On site, volume is often measured in bags or
wheelbarrow loads (1 wheelbarrow is approximately 2 bags of cement) (van
Amsterdam, 2013).

Below are more detailed explanations regarding the general specification criteria to
address when designing a concrete mix.


Different strengths of concrete are used for different purposes. For instance, a lower
strength of concrete may be required for a foundation as opposed to the strength
required for railway sleepers.

The strength of concrete is specified in MegaPascal (MPa), which refers to the

pressure that the concrete can withstand in a standard test within testing machines
that can be either compressive, tensile (direct and indirect), or shear tests. Some
standard South African tests for testing strength are listed below (refer to the
applicable SANS codes for full methodologies and detailed specification rules).

a) Cube Test: crush 3 cubes from a sample of concrete in a saturated

environment. The compressive strength is then taken as the average
of the maximum load that each cube can carry per unit area. Refer to
SANS 5860, 5861-2, 5861-3, and 5863.
b) Core Test: crush samples of cores taken from existing structures to
assess the strength of the structure. Refer to SANS 5865.

The dotted lines

indicate cracking at
failure of the
concrete sample

Figure 4: Cube test & core test

Figure 5: Cylindrical sample of concrete undergoing compressive test (Essack, 2011)

2. Tensile:
a) Flexural Strength Test: concrete beam samples are subjected to point
loads (e.g. a single load at mid-span). The load at failure of the beam
is taken as the maximum tensile strength. Refer to SANS 5864.

Figure 6: Single point load at mid-span on beam undergoing flexural strength test

Figure 7: Two point loads at 1/3 span undergoing flexural strength test

Figure 8: Concrete beam at failure load during flexural strength test (Essack, 2011)

b) Tensile Splitting Test: cylindrical or cubic samples of concrete are

subjected to nominal line loads. The load at failure of the beam is
taken as the maximum tensile strength. Refer to SANS 6253.

Figure 9: Tensile splitting test

The long-term strength of concrete depends on the type of cement (a.k.a.

cementitious material) as well as the ratio of water:cement (w/c). Some typical w/c
ratios that are applicable and dependent on the strength requirement of the
concrete are (van Amsterdam, 2013):

High-strength concrete 0.25 – 0.40

Conventional concrete 0.45 – 0.80
Sand-cement floor screed 0.55 – 0.60
Cement mortar 1.00 – 1.15

The below figure provides a summary of the factors that influence the strength of

Figure 10: Factors influencing the strength of concrete. From “Lecture Notes for CIVN3001: Construction
Materials I” by S.O. Ekolu, I. Luker, A. Akindahunsi, H. Uzoegbo, 2013, University of the Witwatersrand, School
of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Copyright 2013 by University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering.


This is a measure of how stiff/fluid the concrete mix is, and will affect the ease of
handling, placing and compacting depending on requirements. It is possible for the
strength of concrete to be kept consistent, but to still adjust the consistency in order
to make it easier to compact or place. In South Africa, the Slump Test is commonly
used to measure consistency, though the Vebe Test is also used in special cases,
depending on the requirement for use of the concrete.

1. Slump Test: a sample of the mix is filled in a mould, after which the mould is
lifted from the compacted sample. The sample will “slump”, and the distance
from the highest point of the slumped mix to the top of the mould is the
measurement of the slump, which is an indication of the amount of water in
the mix. Refer to SANS 5862-1.

Figure 11: Types of slump from a slump test

Figure 12: Sample of concrete mix after undergoing a slump test (Essack, 2012)

2. Vebe Test: a sample of the mix is filled in a mould, after which the mould is
lifted from the compacted sample. This is done on a vibrating machine
surface. Measure the slump, if any, then switch on the vibrating table and
measure the time taken for the concrete to be fully compacted. Refer to
SANS 5862-3.

Figure 13: Concrete moulds (Essack, 2012)

In general, concrete mixes may be more liquid for normal construction activities
such as foundations as opposed to structures that would require stiffer concrete
such as dams.


This is the indication of the ease with which the concrete can be placed and
compacted without any separation of the material mix constituents occurring. Note
that consistency is not the same as workability – concrete mixes may have the same
slump (a.k.a. consistency), but vary in workability. The following factors will affect
the workability of the mix:

 Stone size: the bigger the stone size, the less workable the mix. Smaller stone
size generally ensures easier workability.
 Fine content of sand: finer sand content allows for a more cohesive mix, but
too much very fine sand may make for a sticky mix, which is difficult to work
 Stone content: although more stones in the mix is more cost-effective, it may
make the mix more difficult to compact and work with. Hence, aim for an
optimum stone content.
 Cement content: higher content allows for a more cohesive mix, but too
much cement may make for a sticky mix, which is difficult to work with.

The workability of the concrete mix may be assessed by one or more of the
following methods:

1. Slump Test: evaluate the ease with which the concrete is able to be tamped
into the mould. The stones in the mix will shift easily when tamping if the mix
is well proportioned. Refer to SANS 5862-1.
2. Compacted Concrete: compact a sample of the mix in a container, then
examine the top surface to evaluate the stone content. If stones protrude,
then the content is too high. If stones cannot be found a few millimetres
from the surface, then the stone content may be too low (van Amsterdam,


This refers to the ability of the concrete mix to remain well mixed. When the mixture
is cohesive, then all constituent materials are able to stick together, but when the
mixture is too wet, or has too high a stone content, then a separation of the
constituents will occur. When this happens, the strength of the concrete may be
compromised (van Amsterdam, 2013). Cohesiveness may be improved in a mix by
ensuring that the optimum stone content, cement content, water content and stone
size is found.


This refers to the ease with which air may be expelled from the concrete after
placing, and while in the process of compacting the concrete (van Amsterdam,


Cement and stone particles will tend to settle downwards as the mix stiffens and
dries. While this is occurring, some water from the mix may be displaced and rise to
the top. This is referred to as bleed water. Bleeding may be harmful if water gets
trapped under aggregate particles and/or reinforcement bars, which may create
voids and/or reduce the bonds between constituents thus weakening the concrete.

Bleeding may be reduced or avoided by using lower water content, and/or more fine
material and/or cement (van Amsterdam, 2013).

Plastic Shrinkage

This occurs when there is a rapid removal of moisture from concrete before it sets
completely, e.g. due to evaporation. The volume of concrete is thus reduced by the
amount of water removed, which we refer to as plastic shrinkage. Plastic Shrinkage
may result in the concrete cracking. Avoid plastic shrinkage by taking counter-
measures such as covering concrete slabs with sheets while it is setting and/or pre-
wetting soil before placing concrete on it (van Amsterdam, 2013).

6.4 Cement
Cement can be considered as the binder (glue/adhesive) that binds the aggregate
particles in a concrete mix together. In South Africa, we generally make use of
Portland Cement (PC), which is supplied in powder form. Once mixed with water, it
will set and develop strength. Portland Cement is economical, easy to use as it does
not require special treatment to set or develop strength, and adds strength to
concrete when added to mixtures.

Portland Cement typically consists of the following basic materials:

Figure 14: Basic materials that make up Portland Cement From “Lecture Notes for CIVN3001: Construction
Materials I” by S.O. Ekolu, I. Luker, A. Akindahunsi, H. Uzoegbo, 2013, University of the Witwatersrand, School
of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Copyright 2013 by University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering.

In South Africa, the following cementitious materials are available, designated and
sold as CEM I – CEM V (refer to the applicable SANS codes for full methodologies and
detailed specification rules for cementitious materials’ composition, strength,
fineness, setting times and other applicable properties) (Cement and Concrete
Institute, 2012).

1. Common Cements: used in concrete, but can also be used in mortar and
plaster, e.g. Portland Cement (CEM I); blends of Portland Cement and
cement extenders (CEM II – CEM V). Refer to SANS 50197-1:2013 and SANS
50197-2:2000 for standard specifications.
2. Masonry Cement: used in mortar and plaster, not concrete, e.g. a blend of
Portland Cement and finely ground limestone. Refer to SANS 50413-1:2014
and SANS 50413-2:2006 for standard specifications.
3. Cement Extenders (Cement and Concrete Institute, 2012):
a) Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GGBS): GGBS is a secondary
product of the iron-making process. When mixed with water, GGBS
hydrates in a similar manner to PC, but at a much slower rate. Thus,

GGBS is most optimally used when used in conjunction with PC
because the PC speeds up the hydration of GGBS. GGBS should never
be used on its own as a binder for concrete. GGBS is also often used
to increase the setting time of concrete. Refer to SANS 55167-1:2011
and SANS 55167-2:2011. A common blend proportions (by mass) of
Portland Cement to Extender is 50% CEM I: 50% GGBS.
b) Fly Ash (FA): FA is sourced from the ash of furnaces that burn finely
ground coal. FA hydrates slower than PC when mixed with water. This
thus affects the blend proportions of PC:FA. FA is also often used to
increase the setting time of concrete. Refer to SANS 50450-1:2014,
SANS 50450-2:2011, SANS 50451-1:2011 and SANS 50451-2:2011. A
common blend proportions (by mass) of Portland Cement to Extender
is 70% CEM I: 30% FA.
c) Condensed Silica Fume (CSF): CSF is a secondary product of the ferro-
silicon smelting process. CSF is a very fine powder, and is best used
when used in conjunction with PC. CSF should never be used on its
own as a binder for concrete. CSF blends are expensive; hence, blends
with CSF are generally used only for specialised applications, and the
CSF proportion in the ratio is often very small within the mix, e.g. 92:8
PC: CSF. Refer to SANS 53263-1:2011 and SANS 53263-2:2011 for
standard specifications. A common blend proportions (by mass) of
Portland Cement to Extender is 92% CEM I: 8% CSF.

Note that cement should be stored and handled properly in order to ensure that the
cement powder stays dry until ready for use. Avoid contact with air (air contains
moisture) and water. Some key activities to ensure proper storage and handling of
cement entails, amongst other activities, the packing of cement bags close together
to reduce air circulation between the cement bags; storing of the bags in a
weatherproof storage house in an orderly, tidy fashion (not haphazardly); avoiding
storage of the cement bags close to sharp edges; and storage of different cement
types separately (van Amsterdam, 2013).

6.5 Aggregates
Aggregates are crushed rock particles that are mixed with cement and water to
make concrete. Proportionately, aggregates will make up approximately two-thirds
of the volume of the mix. Adding aggregates to a concrete mix reduces its cost and
makes the concrete more stable by reducing the paste content. Aggregates can be
either fine (sand) or coarse (stone):

 Sand: aggregate particles that will pass through a sieve with 4.75 mm square
 Stone: aggregate particles that are retained in a sieve with 4.75 mm square

Since aggregates make up such a significant proportion of a concrete mix, they must
be optimally and carefully chosen using standard specifications to assess their
characteristics (Cement and Concrete Institute, 2012).

1. Grading: grading refers to characterising the size of the particles. To assess

grading, we perform the Particle Size Distribution Test (also called Sieve
Analysis). Put a sample of the aggregate into standard-sized sieves and
record the mass that is left in the sieve after shaking (refer to SANS
201:2008). Standard sieves have square openings. Standard sieve sizes:
a) Sand: 4.75, 2.36, 1.18, 0.30, 0.15, 0.075 mm
b) Stone: 75, 37.5, 19.0, 9.5, 4.75 mm.
Once grading has been performed using the sieve analysis, the Fineness
Modulus (FM) for the aggregate particles may be calculated: low FM
indicates sand with a large proportion of fine material; high FM indicates
sand with a large proportion of coarse material.
2. Bulk Density: bulk density is a measure of the mass of aggregate that would
fill a 1 m3 container. Refer to the test procedure set out in SANS 5845:2006.
3. Particle Relative Density: this is the density (mass/volume) of an aggregate
particle relative to the density of water. For the test procedure, refer to SANS

4. Particle Shape: the shape of the particle can vary tremendously from chunky
to spherical to angular to flaky to flat. This can largely be assessed by eye, but
the flakiness of the particle may also be tested (refer to SANS 5847:2008).
5. Surface texture: the roughness or smoothness of the particles may be
assessed by eye.
6. Strength: the strength of the particles is tested by measuring how resistant
the aggregates of a specified size are to being crushed (refer to SANS
5841:2008 and SANS 5842:2006 for 2 testing methods).
7. Shrinkage: test the inclination of the aggregate to shrink as it dries. The
shrinkage of the aggregate should be much lower than the shrinkage of the
hardened cement paste. In order to test shrinkage, we measure the
shrinkage of a sample of the concrete mix that contains the aggregate under
scrutiny. Refer to SANS 5836:2007, SANS 6254:2006 and SANS 6085:2006 for
test methods.
8. Geological type: knowing the origin and history of the aggregate can help in
determining and deciding how suitable an aggregate is for the concrete mix.
In South Africa, most stone and sand aggregates are manufactured by
crushing rock such as quartzite, dolerite, sandstone, granite, dolomite, tillite
and basalt. Refer to SANS 1083:2014.
9. Alkali reactivity: alkali-silica reactivity refers to a chemical reaction that
occurs between some elements found in some aggregates and the alkali pore
solution of concrete. The alkali reactivity of the aggregate may be measured
through a laboratory test as detailed in SANS 6245:2006.

Example 6.5.1

You are provided with samples of pit sand, river sand and crusher sand. Assess the
characteristics of the samples of sands and evaluate how well each sample will do in
a concrete mix.


Sand Type Photograph of Sample Representation of


Sand A

Sand B

Sand C

Sand D

Property Description Sand A Sand B Sand C Sand D
Type of Pit, river or Crusher Crusher River Pit
source crusher sand
Dominant Fine, average Coarse Coarse Average Fine
size or coarse
Particle Spherical or Angular Angular Spherical Spherical
shape angular
Surface Smooth, Average Rough Rough Smooth
texture average or
Grading Single sized Evenly Evenly Evenly Single
or evenly
Concrete Good, Good Good Average Poor
making average or
properties poor

6.6 Admixtures
In addition to water, cement, extenders and aggregates, chemical admixtures are
also added to concrete mixes for various purposes such as to compensate for
deficiencies in the aggregate particles; change the properties of the fresh or
hardened concrete; reduce the cost of the concrete; and/or increase the rate of
strength gain of the concrete. Typically (van Amsterdam, 2013):

 The amount of admixture that may be added should be kept below 5%, but
admixtures consist of between 0.3 – 1.5% by mass of cement.
 Laboratory tests should be performed on samples to assess the effects of the
admixtures on the concrete mix. This is of particular importance when adding
two or more admixtures to a mix.
 Admixtures are added to concrete mixes during the mixing stage, either with
the last portion of water or in accordance with manufacturers’
 Storage and handling of the admixture must be in accordance with
manufacturers’ recommendations, e.g. kept away from heat, away from
frost, etc.

 Admixtures must be added to concrete mixes according to a properly
designed mix. Follow manufacturers’ recommendations with regard to
dosage and time.
 Admixtures must comply with the requirements of SANS 50934. Refer to
SANS 50934 standards for detailed specifications.

Admixtures are generally classified according to their functions and effects on

concrete. Some of the most commonly used admixtures in South Africa are (van
Amsterdam, 2013):

1. Plasticisers (water-reducing agents): Plasticisers increase the fluidity of the

mix (also called dispersing admixtures). They may be used to increase the
slump of the mix at a given water content, or reduce the water content of
the mix at a given slump to improve the strength and durability of the
2. Superplasticisers (high-range, water-reducing agents): Superplasticisers have
a similar effect on concrete as plasticisers, but to a greater degree. They are
good for use when high-strength concrete is needed.
3. Retarders: Retarders extend the setting time of concrete. This may be a
vitally required function when, for example, the concrete is to be transported
over a long distance before being placed. Cognisance must be taken of
ambient temperatures, the use of fly ash and/or GGBS cement extenders,
and any other factors that will also affect the setting time of the mix.
4. Accelerators: Accelerators speed up the hardening and/or early strength
development of concrete. Two types of accelerating admixtures are
available, namely, set accelerating admixtures, and hardening accelerating
5. Air-entraining agents: Air-entraining agents are chemicals that allow very
small separate air bubbles to form in fresh concrete. In fresh concrete, the air
bubbles have many benefits such as improving workability of the concrete,
improving cohesion, reducing bleeding, reducing the density and improving
compaction of low-workability concrete. In hardened concrete, the trapped
air improves the resistance of the concrete to frost damage, but may also

reduce the concrete’s strength, and hence, cognisance of the water:cement
(W:C) ratio must be taken.

6.7 Water
Water is an essential component of a concrete mix, and the quality of the water
used will affect the setting time and the strength development of the concrete.
Water is the lubricant in the mix. Too high a water content can make the mix too
sloppy, but too low a water content can make compacting tougher and the mix less

SANS 51008:2006 should be referred to in order to ensure that the standardised

quality of water is maintained in mixes (Cement and Concrete Institute, 2012).

6.8 Reinforcement
Steel rods placed within concrete in strategic positions will “reinforce” the concrete
structure. Concrete is reinforced because although concrete is strong in
compression, it lacks in its tensile strength, and the steel reinforcement will provide
the tensile strength needed within the concrete. In addition, the steel bars will
provide added compressive strength if used for that purpose, e.g. in concrete
columns. Thus, reinforcement in concrete may be used to control bending, shear or
compression (van Amsterdam, 2013).

1. Bending: When concrete beams or slabs are subjected to point loads, they
will tend to sag in the middle, causing compression at the top of the
beam/slab and tension at the bottom. This may eventually lead to failure of
the member at the bottom (tension). To prevent this, steel reinforcement is
used near the bottom of the member, thus increasing the beam/slab in
tensile strength.

The dotted lines
represent the
deflected beam. The
red lines represent
the steel

Figure 15: Single point load at mid-span on beam with central deflection, then reinforced

2. Shear: When concrete beams or slabs that are supported at their ends
(simply supported) are subjected to point loads, not only do they tend to sag,
but they have a tendency to shift downwards on their end-supports. This
may eventually lead to cracking of the beam/slab at the ends. To prevent
this, steel reinforcement is used (inclined bars or links).

Figure 16: Single point load at mid-span on beam with shear cracking, then reinforced

3. Compression: Some structures are subjected to high compressive forces, and

the compressive strength of concrete may not be sufficient to withstand
these forces, e.g. in structural columns. In these cases, steel reinforcement
may be used to increase the member in its compressive strength.

Figure 17: Simply supported square column with deflection, then reinforced

Since reinforcement is an important part of a concrete structure, it must be

designed carefully according to standard specifications (refer to SANS 282). Some of
the factors that must be accounted for are:

 Size and shape of the reinforcement bars.

 The concrete’s compressive strength.
 Compaction, bleeding and settlement of the concrete.
 The reinforcement cleanliness (no rust, oil, etc.).

In South Africa, there are two types of reinforcing that are generally used:

 Mild steel (hot-rolled, mild steel plain bars of round cross-section): these
bars are suitable for most types of construction and can easily be bent, cut
and welded. They have a characteristic strength of approximately 230 MPa.
Mild steel bars can be identified by their characteristic smooth surface, as
well as by the prefix ‘R’, e.g. R16 = a mild steel 16 mm diameter bar.

Typically, the following mild steel bars are applicable for the relevant
Foundations, Retaining Walls, Beams >16 mm bars
Floor Slabs, Roof Slabs <16 mm bars
Stirrups, Column Links 8 – 12 mm bars

Figure 18: Mild steel bars being transported (Essack, 2010)

 High-yield steel (hot-rolled, high-yield stress deformed bars): these bars are
used for structures requiring high-strength concrete such as dams. They have
a characteristic tensile strength of approximately 450 MPa. High-yield steel
bars can be identified by their characteristic ribbed surface, as well as by the
prefix ‘Y’, e.g. Y10 = a high-yield steel 10 mm diameter bar.

6.9 Continued Learning and Self-assessment

1. A concrete mix has a w/c = 0.6, but it needs to be modified for a new use.
Keeping all other factors the same, how would the following adjustments
affect the properties of the concrete in its fresh or hardened state:
a. Adding 25% GGBS to the mix;
b. Reducing the w/c to 0.5;
c. Adding coarse stones to the mix; and
d. Using a set accelerating admixture to the mix.
2. A concrete foundation is being constructed, but is anticipated to be severely
exposed to sulphate attacks over its lifespan. How would you go about
modifying ordinary Portland Cement to deal with this problem?

3. As the most experienced materials engineer in your company, you have been
called to provide a comparison of the properties of fresh or hardened
concrete between the following 4 mixes (all designed to achieve the same
28-day strength):
a. Ordinary Portland cement (100% CEM I)
b. 60:40 CEM I:GGBS
c. 90:10 CEM I:CFS
d. 60:25:15 CEM I:GGBS:FA
4. The company you work for has landed a contract to construct an arch dam in
Mpumalanga, and you have been tasked to design the optimal concrete mix.
The mix must:
a. Allow for minimal bleeding;
b. Have a high compressive and tensile strength; and
c. Harden as quickly as possible.
Which admixture/s would you use in the mix for the dam wall, and why?
Explain how adding too much admixture can result in poor quality concrete.
5. You are the owner of a construction firm and have just won the bid for
tender for construction work in Qatar. The project entails the construction of
a stadium for the upcoming FIFA World Cup to be held in Qatar. Although
you are generally happy with the use of Portland Cement in mixes that you
design for concrete structures, it is not available in Qatar. How do you
account for this? Provide a description of the factors to consider in designing
the concrete mix, taking into account factors specific to Qatar (e.g. weather
conditions, standard specification codes used in Qatar, etc.).
6. Research and describe the concrete slump test in full, with step-by-step
instructions. Use diagrams (your own sketches) to aid your descriptions of
the test process. What is the purpose behind the slump test for concrete
7. True or False: Retarders are used when the ambient (outside) temperature is
colder than usual.
8. One of the workers on the construction site where you are the manager, has
received the delivery of 10 bags of cement and negligently left them outside

next to the storage house. You discover this the next day. How do you
explain to the worker why the proper storage and handling of cement is so

6.10 Works Cited

Cement and Concrete Institute. (2012). Fundamentals of Concrete. Johannesburg:
Cement and Concrete Institute.

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2019, August). Standard for

Uniformity in Engineering and Construction Works Contracts. Retrieved from
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

Ekolu, S. O., Luker, I., Akindahunsi, A., & Uzoegbo, H. (2013). Lecture Notes for
CIVN3001: Construction Materials I. Johannesburg: University of the
Witwatersrand, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Essack, F. Mild steel bars being transported. University of the Witwatersrand,


Essack, F. Concrete beam at failure load during flexural strength test. University of
the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Essack, F. Cylindrical sample of concrete undergoing compressive test. University of

the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Essack, F. Concrete moulds. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Essack, F. Sample of concrete mix after undergoing a slump test. University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

SABS. (n.d.). Standards - Overview. Retrieved from SABS:


South African Bureau of Standards. (1986). Code of Practice for use with
Standardized Specifications for Civil Engineering Construction and Contract
Documents Part 1: Format and Contents. Pretoria: South African Bureau of

South African Bureau of Standards. (1986). Standardized Specification for Civil

Engineering Construction A: General. Pretoria: South African Bureau of

The Concrete Institute. (2019). Concrete Standards. Retrieved from The Concrete
Institute: https://www.theconcreteinstitute.org.za/concrete-standards

van Amsterdam, E. (2013). Construction Materials for Civil Engineering. Cape Town,
South Africa: JUTA Legal and Academic Publishers.

Works Cited in this Study Guide
Buchan, R. D., Fleming, E. F., & Grant, F. E. (2003). Estimating for Builders and
Surveyors Second Edition. Great Britain: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Cement and Concrete Institute. (2012). Fundamentals of Concrete. Johannesburg:

Cement and Concrete Institute.

Chirume, J. (2019, November 28). The Lottery and the mystery multimillion-rand
Eastern Cape ‘boxing arena’. Retrieved from The Citizen:

Concrete Society of Southern Africa NPC. (2019, November). New Arch Bridge over
the Olifants River. Concrete Beton(159), pp. 7-14. Retrieved December 2019,
from https://concretesociety.co.za/ms-publications

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2005, September). Best Practice

Guideline #C1 Preparing Procurement Documents. Retrieved from
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2005, September). Best Practice

Guideline #C2 Choosing an appropriate form of contract for engineering and
construction works. Retrieved from Construction Industry Development
Board (CIDB): http://www.cidb.org.za/publications/Pages/Procurement-

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2008). Basic Guide General

Conditions of Contract for Construction Works (GCC 2004). Retrieved from
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2015, July). Standard for

Unoformity in Construction Procurement. Retrieved from Construction
Industry Development Board (CIDB):

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). (2019, August). Standard for
Uniformity in Engineering and Construction Works Contracts. Retrieved from
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

Department of Labour. (2018, September 14). Wage and Task Grade Collective
Agreement. Retrieved from South African Government: https://www.gov.za/

Ekolu, S. O., Luker, I., Akindahunsi, A., & Uzoegbo, H. (2013). Lecture Notes for
CIVN3001: Construction Materials I. Johannesburg: University of the
Witwatersrand, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Essack, F. Mild steel bars being transported. University of the Witwatersrand,


Essack, F. Concrete beam at failure load during flexural strength test. University of
the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Essack, F. Cylindrical sample of concrete undergoing compressive test. University of

the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Essack, F. Concrete moulds. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Essack, F. Sample of concrete mix after undergoing a slump test. University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Fitchett, A. D. (2011). Lecture Notes for CIVN2007: Economics and Management.

Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering.

Gauteng Department of Education (CAPS version). (2015). Lesson Preparation CAPS

Grade 12 Term 1. Gauteng: Gauteng Department of Education.

ICE. (2011). CESMM3 - Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Southern

African Edition. ICE Publishing.

Marx, H. J. (2014, December). Construction Industry Indicators. Retrieved from

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB):

McCutcheon, P. R., Quainoo, M. H., Van Steerden, M. V., & Ilemobade, D. A. (2007).
Lecture Notes for CIVN3016: Infrastructure Planning and Management.
Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, School of Civil and
Environmental ENgineering.

Peurifoy, R. L., & Oberlender, G. D. (2014). Estimating Construction Costs Sixth
Edition. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Quainoo, M. H., & Ilemobade, D. A. (2008). Lecture Notes for CIVN3016:

Infrastructure Planning and Management. Johannesburg: University of the
Witwatersrand, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

SABS. (n.d.). Standards - Overview. Retrieved from SABS:


SAICE. (2015). General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works Third Edition
(2015). SAICE.

Slabbert, A. (2019, December 02). Damning report into M1 highway bridge collapse
that killed two. Retrieved from City Press: https://city-

South African Bureau of Standards. (1986). Code of Practice for use with
Standardized Specifications for Civil Engineering Construction and Contract
Documents Part 1: Format and Contents. Pretoria: South African Bureau of

South African Bureau of Standards. (1986). Standardized Specification for Civil

Engineering Construction A: General. Pretoria: South African Bureau of

The Concrete Institute. (2019). Concrete Standards. Retrieved from The Concrete
Institute: https://www.theconcreteinstitute.org.za/concrete-standards

The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management
Professions. (2006). Construction Project Manager. Johannesburg: The South
African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions.
Retrieved from http://sacpcmp.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/IDOW-

van Amsterdam, E. (2013). Construction Materials for Civil Engineering. Cape Town,
South Africa: JUTA Legal and Academic Publishers.

WageIndicator. (2020). WageIndicator 2020 - Mywage.co.za. Retrieved from

Mywage.co.za: https://mywage.co.za/

Appendix 1
Applicable to Unit 3: Contracts and Tenders  Contracts.
Table of Contents for General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works 3rd
Edition, 2015, as sourced from https://store.saice.org.za/book-store/general-
(SAICE, 2015).

General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works

3rd Edition, 2015
Table of Contents

New clauses indicated as (new) and changed clauses indicated as (changed)

1.1 Definitions 1
1.1.1 Definitions 1
1.2 Interpretations 5
1.2.1 Delivery of notices 5
1.2.2 Extent of indemnification 5
1.2.3 Authority of representatives 5
1.2.4 Singular and plural, masculine and feminine 6
1.2.5 Marginal notes or headings 6
1.3 General provisions 6
1.3.1 Concessions not to constitute waivers 6
1.3.2 Governing law 6
1.3.3 Language 6
1.3.4 Supplementary Agreement 6
1.3.5 Contractor’s copyright 7
1.3.6 Employer's copyright (new) 7
2.1 Available data and information 8

2.1.1 Available data 8
2.1.2 Inspection of the Site (changed) 8
2.1.3 Obtaining information (changed) 8
2.2 Adverse physical conditions 8
2.2.1 Adverse physical conditions 8
2.2.2 Further notices 9
2.2.3 Contractor to carry out additional work 9
2.2.4 Contractor’s right to claim 9
2.3 Technical data 10
2.3.1 Technical data 10
2.4 Ambiguity or discrepancy 10
2.4.1 Ambiguity or discrepancy 10
2.4.2 Additional cost due to ambiguity 10
2.5 Assignment 10
2.5.1 Assignment 10
3.1 Qualifications of the Employer's Agent 11
3.1.1 Qualifications of the Employer's Agent (new) 11
3.2 Functions of the Employer's Agent 11
3.2.1 Function of the Employer's Agent 11
3.2.2 Employer's Agent to consult with Contractor and Employer 11
3.2.3 Specific approval of the Employer required 11
3.2.4 Employer’s agent for health and safety 11
3.3 Employer's Agent’s Representative 12
3.3.1 Nomination of Employer's Agent’s Representative 12
3.3.2 Authority of Employer's Agent’s Representative 12
3.3.3 Limitation of authority of Employer's Agent’s Representative 12
3.3.4 Employer's Agent’s authority to delegate 13
3.3.5 Limitations on delegations 13
3.3.6 Contractor’s right to refer to Employer's Agent 13
4.1 Extent of obligations and liability 14
4.1.1 Extent of Contractor’s obligations 14
4.1.2 Contractor’s liability for own design errors 14
4.2 Employer's Agent’s instructions 14
4.2.1 Works to comply to Employer's Agent’s instructions 14
4.2.2 Instructions from Employer's Agent only 14
4.3 Legal provisions 14
4.3.1 Compliance with applicable laws 14
4.3.2 Proof of good standing 14
4.4 Subcontracting 15

4.4.1 Subcontracting whole Contract 15
4.4.2 Subcontractor to be approved (new) 15
4.4.3 Liability for subcontractors 15
4.4.4 Selection of subcontractors in consultation with Employer 15
4.4.5 Contractor’s liability unaffected by selection of subcontractors 15
4.4.6 Assignment in the case of termination 15
4.4.7 Assignment of benefit of subcontractors 15
4.5 Notices and fees 16
4.5.1 Giving of notices and payment of fees 16
4.5.2 Employer’s responsibility for approval 16
4.5.3 Contractor’s responsibility for consents 16
4.5.4 Contractor to be compensated 16
4.6 Patent rights 17
4.6.1 Patent and protected rights 17
4.6.2 Payments for rights 17
4.7 Fossils 17
4.7.1 Fossils etc 17
4.8 Facilities for others 18
4.8.1 Facilities for others 18
4.8.2 Additional compensation for providing facilities 18
4.9 Construction Equipment 19
4.9.1 Prohibition on removal of Construction Equipment 19
4.10 Contractor’s employees 19
4.10.1 Engagement of employees 19
4.10.2 Information in respect of employees 19
4.11 Competent employees 19
4.11.1 Competent employees 19
4.11.2 Removal of incompetent employees 20
4.12 Contractor’s superintendence 20
4.12.1 Contractor’s superintendence 20
4.12.2 Construction Manager 20
4.12.3 Construction Manager to receive instructions 20
5.1 Time calculations 21
5.1.1 Time calculations 21
5.2 Commencement of the Contract 21
5.2.1 Commencement of the Contract 21
5.3 Commencement of the Works 21
5.3.1 Commencement of the Works 21
5.3.2 Unacceptable documentation 21
5.3.3 Time to instruct commencement of the Works 22

5.4 Access to the Site 22
5.4.1 Access to and possession of Site 22
5.4.2 Access not exclusive 22
5.4.3 Delays in giving possession 22
5.5 Time for Practical Completion 22
5.5.1 Time for Practical Completion 22
5.6 Programme 23
5.6.1 Programme of Works 23
5.6.2 Contents of the programme ( changed) 23
5.6.3 Approval of the programme 24
5.6.4 Review and adjustment of the programme 24
5.6.5 Approval means no relief of Contractor’s responsibilities 24
5.7 Progress of the Works 24
5.7.1 Rate of progress 24
5.7.2 Night work (changed) 25
5.7.3 Acceleration 25
5.8 Non-working times 26
5.8.1 Non-working times 26
5.8.2 Notice for work during non-working times 26
5.9 Instructions 26
5.9.1 Drawings and instructions 26
5.9.2 Further drawings and instructions 26
5.9.3 Contractor to give notice timeously 26
5.9.4 Documents to be provided timeously 27
5.9.5 Contractor to give effect to drawings etc 27
5.9.6 Employer's Agent’s failure to comply timeously 27
5.9.7 Employer's Agent to approve Contractor’s designs and drawings 27
5.10 Delays attributable to the Employer 28
5.10.1 Delays attributable to the Employer 28
5.11 Suspension of the Works 28
5.11.1 Suspension of the Works by Contractor (new) 28
5.11.2 Suspension of the Works by Employer's Agent 28
5.11.3 Protection of the Works during suspension 29
5.11.4 Claim as a consequence of suspension 29
5.11.5 Proceeding with the Works after payment (new) 29
5.11.6 Suspension lasting more than 84 days 29
5.12 Extension of time for Practical Completion 30
5.12.1 Extension of time for Practical Completion 30
5.12.2 Some reasons for extension of time 30
5.12.3 Relevant adjustments to General Items 30
5.12.4 Acceleration instead of extension of time 30

5.13 Penalty for delay 31
5.13.1 Penalty for delay 31
5.13.2 Reduction of penalty 31
5.14 Completion 31
5.14.1 Practical Completion (changed) 31
5.14.2 Issue of Certificate of Practical Completion 32
5.14.3 Consequences of Practical Completion 32
5.14.4 Certificate of Completion 33
5.14.5 Consequences of completion 33
5.14.6 Occupation by the Employer 33
5.14.7 Different dates of Practical Completion 34
5.15 Clearance of Site 34
5.15.1 Clearance of Site on completion 34
5.16 Approval 34
5.16.1 Final Approval Certificate 34
5.16.2 Approval only by Final Approval Certificate 35
5.16.3 Latent defects liability 35
6.1 Payment to Contractor 36
6.1.1 Payment to Contractor 36
6.2 Security 36
6.2.1 Delivery of security 36
6.2.2 Contractor failing to select or provide security (changed) 36
6.2.3 Validity of performance guarantee 36
6.3 Variations 37
6.3.1 Variations ( changed) 37
6.3.2 Orders for variations to be in writing 37
6.3.3 Changes in quantities 38
6.4 Value of variations 38
6.4.1 Valuation of variations 38
6.4.2 Delivering and applying the valuation 39
6.4.3 Delay in delivering valuation 39
6.5 Dayworks 39
6.5.1 Basis of payment for dayworks 39
6.5.2 Quotations for materials 40
6.5.3 Details to be recorded 40
6.5.4 Dayworks statement 41
6.6 Provisional sums and prime cost sums 41
6.6.1 Provisional sums 41
6.6.2 Prime cost sums 42
6.6.3 Provisional/prime cost sums and contingency allowance 42

6.6.4 Supporting documents 42
6.7 Measurement of the Works 42
6.7.1 Quantities 42
6.7.2 Work to be measured 43
6.7.3 Employer's Agent’s intention to measure 43
6.7.4 Contractor’s failure to comply 43
6.7.5 Method of measurement 44
6.8 Adjustment in rates and/or prices 44
6.8.1 Rates and prices final and binding 44
6.8.2 Application of the Contract Price Adjustment Factor 44
6.8.3 Variation in cost of special materials 44
6.8.4 Subsequent changes in legislation 44
6.9 Vesting of Plant and materials 45
6.9.1 Vesting of Plant and materials 45
6.9.2 Definition of “materials” 45
6.9.3 Identification of Plant and materials 45
6.9.4 Prohibition on removal of Plant and materials 45
6.9.5 No approval by vesting 46
6.10 Payments 46
6.10.1 Interim payments 46
6.10.2 Valuation of material brought onto Site 47
6.10.3 Retention money 48
6.10.4 Delivery, dissatisfaction with and payment of payment certificate 48
6.10.5 Payment of retention money 48
6.10.6 Set-off and delayed payments (changed) 49
6.10.7 Corrections to payment certificates 50
6.10.8 Contractor’s completion statement 50
6.10.9 Final Payment Certificate 50
6.11 Variations exceeding 15 per cent 51
6.11.1 Variations exceeding 15 per cent 51
7.1 Quality of Construction Equipment 52
7.1.1 Quality of Construction Equipment 52
7.2 Quality of Plant, workmanship and materials 52
7.2.1 Quality of Plant, workmanship and materials 52
7.3 Access to the Works 52
7.3.1 Access to the Works 52
7.4 Samples and testing 53
7.4.1 Samples of materials 53
7.4.2 Test specimens from the Works 53
7.4.3 Tests 53

7.4.4 Cost of test specimens and tests 53
7.4.5 Exchange of reports on tests 54
7.5 Examination of the Works 54
7.5.1 Examination of work before covering up 54
7.5.2 Delivery of Plant to Site 54
7.5.3 Notice to be given when ready for testing 54
7.5.4 Delay by Employer to take delivery of Plant 55
7.5.5 Uncovering and making openings 55
7.6 Defective Plant, materials and work 55
7.6.1 Making good and retesting of Plant 55
7.6.2 Consequences of failure of retesting Plant 56
7.6.3 Removal of improper work and materials 56
7.6.4 Default of the Contractor in compliance with Employer's Agent’s orders 56
7.7 Search for defects 57
7.7.1 Contractor to search for defects 57
7.8 Defects 57
7.8.1 Making good of defects in Defects Liability Period 57
7.8.2 Cost of making good of defects 58
7.8.3 Remedy on Contractor’s failure to carry out required work 58
7.9 Urgent remedial work 58
7.9.1 Urgent remedial work 58
8.1 Protection of the Works 60
8.1.1 Protection of the Works 60
8.1.2 Pollution prevention and interferences 60
8.1.3 Excessive loads and traffic 60
8.1.4 Indemnity by Contractor 60
8.1.5 Prices for protection of the Works 60
8.2 Care of the Works 61
8.2.1 Care of the Works 61
8.2.2 Damage or physical loss 61
8.3 Excepted risks 62
8.3.1 Excepted risks (changed) 62
8.3.2 Claim for excepted risks (new) 63
8.4 Indemnifications 63
8.4.1 Injury to persons and damage to property 63
8.4.2 Indemnity by Employer 64
8.5 Reporting accidents 64
8.5.1 Reporting of accidents 64
8.6 Insurances 65
8.6.1 Insurances to be effected ( changed) 65

8.6.2 Liability of deductibles 66
8.6.3 Requirements relating to subcontractors 66
8.6.4 Contractor to effect insurances obtainable 67
8.6.5 Employer to approve insurance policy 67
8.6.6 Contractor to produce proof of payment 67
8.6.7 Remedy on Contractor’s failure to insure 67
9.1 Termination of Contract 68
9.1.1 Termination due to external events (changed) 68
9.1.2 Termination due to internal events (changed) 68
9.1.3 Existing structure destroyed 69
9.1.4 Increased costs 69
9.1.5 Payment if Contract is terminated 69
9.1.6 Over-riding provisions 70
9.2 Termination by Employer 70
9.2.1 Termination by the Employer ( new) 70
9.2.2 Payment to complete the Works 73
9.2.3 Notices to trustee/liquidator 73
9.3 Termination by Contractor 73
9.3.1 Termination by the Contractor (changed) 73
9.3.2 Removal of items and payment to Contractor 74
9.3.3 Other rights of the Contractor 75
9.3.4 Notices to trustees/liquidators 75
10.1 Contractor's claim 76
10.1.1 Contractor's claim 76
10.1.2 Extended period for claim 77
10.1.3 Records of facts and circumstances for claim 77
10.1.4 Contractor’s failure to comply with notice period 78
10.1.5 Employer's Agent’s ruling on Contractor's claim 79
10.2 Dissatisfaction claim 79
10.2.1 Dissatisfaction claim 79
10.2.2 Failure to claim dissatisfaction 79
10.2.3 Employer's Agent’s ruling on dissatisfaction 80
10.3 Dispute notice 80
10.3.1 Dispute notice 80
10.3.2 Dispute to be referred 80
10.3.3 Ruling in full force 81
10.4 Amicable settlement 81
10.4.1 Dispute resolution by amicable settlement 81
10.4.2 Amicable settlement failure 81

10.4.3 Binding amicable settlement 81
10.4.4 No reference of amicable settlement outcomes 81
10.5 Adjudication 82
10.5.1 Dispute resolution by standing adjudication 82
10.5.2 Dispute resolution by ad-hoc adjudication 82
10.5.3 Rules for adjudication 82
10.5.4 Implementation of decision (new) 82
10.6 Disagreement with Adjudication Board’s decision 82
10.6.1 Disagreement with Adjudication Board’s decision 82
10.6.2 Failure to comply with a decision 83
10.6.3 Failure to give a decision in time 83
10.7 Arbitration 83
10.7.1 Reference to arbitration 83
10.7.2 Rules for arbitration 84
10.7.3 Reasoned award 84
10.8 Court proceedings 84
10.8.1 Reference to court 84
10.9 Appointment 84
10.9.1 Appointment of dispute resolving persons 84
10.10 Common provisions 84
10.10.1 Contractor’s right to court proceedings 84
10.10.2 Employer's Agent as witness 84
10.10.3 Arbitrator and court’s power regarding a ruling or a decision 85
10.11 Continuing validity 85
10.11.1 Continuing validity 85
Contract Price Adjustment Schedule (changed) 86
Adjudication Board Rules 89
Pro Formas 96
Appendix 1: Form of Offer and Acceptance 97
Appendix 2: Contract Data (changed) 103
Appendix 3: Performance Guarantee (changed) 110
Appendix 4: Disclosure Statement 114
Appendix 5: Adjudication Board Member Agreement 115
Alphabetical subject index 117 (SAICE, 2015)

Appendix 2
Applicable to Unit 3: Contracts and Tenders  Contracts  Contract Documents.
Templates for forms that must be agreed upon/signed when using the GCC (2015) to
govern a construction project (extract/screenshots below). The latest version of the
forms as released by the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (March 2018)
can be accessed at the following link: https://saice.org.za/wp-
Forms-AA.doc (SAICE, 2015).




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The South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) provides this document in
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General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015)


The General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015) has
been compiled on the basis that the following supplementary documentation in the
format of pro formas, once completed by the party or parties as relevant, shall form
part of the Contract.

Appendix 1: Form of Offer and Acceptance

Appendix 2: Contract Data

Appendix 3: Performance Guarantee

Appendix 4: Disclosure Statement

Appendix 5: Adjudication Board Member Agreement

Appendix 1

General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015)





The Employer, identified in the Acceptance signature block, has solicited offers to
enter into a contract in respect of the following works:


The Tenderer, identified in the Offer signature block below, has examined the
documents listed in the Tender Data and addenda thereto as listed in the Tender
Schedules, and by submitting this Offer has accepted the Conditions of Tender.

By the representative of the Tenderer, deemed to be duly authorised, signing this part
of this Form of Offer and Acceptance, the Tenderer offers to perform all of the
obligations and liabilities of the Contractor under the Contract including compliance
with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and meaning for an
amount to be determined in accordance with the Conditions of Contract identified in
the Contract Data.



…………………………Rand (in words); R…………………………………… (in figures).

This Offer may be accepted by the Employer by signing the Acceptance part of this
Form of Offer and Acceptance and returning one copy of this document to the
Tenderer before the end of the period of validity stated in the Tender Data,
whereupon the Tenderer becomes the party named as the Contractor in the
Conditions of Contract identified in the Contract Data.

For the Tenderer:

Signature: ………………………………………………………..

Name: ………………………………………………………..

Capacity: ………………………………………………………..
Name and address of organisation:




Signature and name of witness:

Signature: ………………………………………………………….

Name: ………………………………………………………….

Date: ………………………………………………………….


By signing this part of this Form of Offer and Acceptance, the Employer identified
below accepts the Tenderer’s Offer. In consideration thereof, the Employer shall pay
the Contractor the amount due in accordance with the Conditions of Contract
identified in the Contract Data. Acceptance of the Tenderer’s Offer shall form an
agreement between the Employer and the Tenderer upon the terms and conditions
contained in this Agreement and in the Contract that is the subject of this Agreement.

The terms of the contract, are contained in

Part 1 Agreements and Contract Data, (which includes this


Part 2 Pricing Data

Part 3 Scope of Work

Part 4 Site Information

and drawings and documents or parts thereof, which may be incorporated by

reference into Parts 1 to 4 above.

Deviations from and amendments to the documents listed in the Tender Data and any
addenda thereto listed in the Tender Schedules as well as any changes to the terms
of the Offer agreed by the Tenderer and the Employer during this process of offer and
acceptance, are contained in the Schedule of Deviations attached to and forming part
of this Agreement. No amendments to or deviations from said documents are valid
unless contained in this Schedule, which must be duly signed by the authorised
representative(s) of both parties.

The Tenderer shall within two weeks after receiving a completed copy of this
Agreement, including the Schedule of Deviations (if any), contact the Employer’s
agent (whose details are given in the Contract Data) to arrange the delivery of any
bonds, guarantees, proof of insurance and any other documentation to be provided
in terms of the Conditions of Contract identified in the Contract Data at, or just after,

the date this Agreement comes into effect. Failure to fulfil any of these obligations in
accordance with those terms shall constitute a repudiation of this Agreement.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, this Agreement comes into effect on the
date when the Tenderer receives one fully completed original copy of this document,
including the Schedule of Deviations (if any). Unless the Tenderer (now Contractor)
within five days of the date of such receipt notifies the Employer in writing of any
reason why he cannot accept the contents of this Agreement, this Agreement shall
constitute a binding contract between the parties.

For the Employer:

Signature: ……………………………………………………….

Name: ……………………………………………………….

Capacity: ……………………………………………………….

Name and address of organisation:




Signature and name of witness:

Signature: ………………………………………………………….

Name: ………………………………………………………….

Date: ………………………………………………………….

Schedule of Deviations


1. The extent of deviations from the tender documents issued by the

Employer prior to the tender closing date is limited to those permitted
in terms of the Conditions of Tender.

2. A Tenderer’s covering letter shall not be included in the final contract

document. Should any matter in such letter, which constitutes a
deviation as aforesaid become the subject of agreements reached
during the process of offer and acceptance, the outcome of such
agreement shall be recorded here.
3. Any other matter arising from the process of offer and acceptance
either as a confirmation, clarification or change to the tender
documents and which it is agreed by the Parties becomes an obligation
of the contract shall also be recorded here.

4. Any change or addition to the tender documents arising from the

above agreements and recorded here, shall also be incorporated into
the final draft of the Contract.

1 Subject .......................................................................................................
Details ……………………………………………………………………………

2 Subject ..…………………………………………………………………………
Details ……………………………………………………………………………

By the duly authorised representatives signing this Schedule of Deviations, the

Employer and the Tenderer agree to and accept the foregoing Schedule of Deviations
as the only deviations from and amendments to the documents listed in the Tender
Data and addenda thereto as listed in the Tender Schedules, as well as any
confirmation, clarification or change to the terms of the offer agreed by the Tenderer
and the Employer during this process of offer and acceptance.

It is expressly agreed that no other matter whether in writing, oral communication or

implied during the period between the issue of the tender documents and the receipt

by the Tenderer of a completed signed copy of this Agreement shall have any meaning
or effect in the contract between the parties arising from this Agreement.

For the Tenderer: For the Employer:

……………………………………… Signature …………………………………………

……………………………………… Name …………………………………………

……………………………………… Capacity …………………………………………

Name and address of organisation: Name and address of


……………………………………… ………………………………………….

……………………………………… ………………………………………….

……………………………………… ………………………………………….

…………………………………….. Witness signature ………………………………………….

……………………………………… Witness name ………………………………………….

……………………………............... Date ………………………………………….


The Tenderer, (now Contractor), identified in the Offer part of this Agreement
hereby confirms receipt from the Employer, identified in the Acceptance part of this
Agreement, of one fully completed original copy of this Agreement, including the
Schedule of Deviations (if any) today:

the …………………………… (day)

of ……………………………. (month)

20….. (year)

at ……………………………… (place)

For the Contractor:

Signature: ……………………………………………………….

Name: ……………………………………………………….

Capacity: ……………………………………………………….

Signature and name of witness:

Signature: ………………………………………………………….

Name: …………………………………………………………..

Appendix 2

General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015)



Please note that the words in italics are guidance notes and do not form part of the
Contract Data.

CONTRACT DATA FOR...The title of the Works



The General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015)
published by the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, Private Bag X200,
Halfway House, 1685, is applicable to this Contract and is obtainable from


The following contract specific data, referring to the General Conditions of Contract
for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015) are applicable to this Contract:

Please refer to the Management Guide to the General Conditions of Contract (2015),
published by SAICE, for detailed guidance on the clauses requiring Contract Data.
Compulsory Data


The Defects Liability Period is ... A time measured from the date of the Certificate of

If there is no Defects Liability Period required, for instance for maintenance contracts,
then state "Not required".


(Omit if the Contractor is to state the time for achieving Practical Completion.)

The time for achieving Practical Completion is … A time measured from the

Date preferably in equal time measurement units like days, weeks or years.

Or, if Practical Completion in portions is required,

The times for achieving Practical Completion for the portions as set out in the Scope
of Work are:

For portion 1 within …

followed by further portions as required.

The time for achieving Practical Completion of the whole of the Works is …


The name of the Employer is …………………………………………………………………………………...

The legal name of the Employer.


The address of the Employer is ………………………………………………………………………………...

The physical address, postal address, e-mail address and/or fax number where the
Employer will receive notices.


The name of the Employer's Agent is


The legal name of the Employer's Agent.


The address of the Employer's Agent is


The physical address, postal address, e-mail address and/or fax number where the
Employer's Agent will receive notices.


The Pricing Strategy is …………………… Either Re-measurement Contract or Fixed Price


Clauses 5.1.1 and 5.8.1:

The non-working days are ……………………… Usually Sundays.

The special non-working days are:

1. Usually the public holidays or a selection of the public holidays, for example
certain religious holidays.

2. The year-end break commencing on …………… and ending on ………..…

Clause 5.3.1:

The documentation required before commencing with the Works are:

1. Health and Safety Plan (Refer to Clause 4.3)

2. Initial programme (Refer to Clause 5.6)

3. Security (Refer to Clause 6.2)
4. Insurance (Refer to Clause 8.6)
5. … Other requirements
Clause 5.3.2:

The time to submit the documentation required before commencement of the Works
is ………… days.

A reasonable time is 28 days.

Clause 5.13.1:

The penalty for failing to complete the Works is


Monetary value per day.

Or, if completion in portions is required:

The penalty for failing to complete portion 1, as set out in the Scope of Work,

followed by further portions as required.

The penalty for failing to complete the whole of the works is

Clause 5.14.1:

The requirements for achieving Practical Completion are


State all the requirements for the Works to reach a state of readiness, fit for the
intended purpose and occupation without danger or undue inconvenience to the

Or, if completion in portions is required:

The requirements for achieving Practical Completion for portion 1, as set out in the
Scope of Work, are …

Followed by further portions as required.

Clause 5.16.3:

The latent defects period is ………..… Usually 10 years for civil engineering works, 5
years for building works but shorter for certain electrical and mechanical engineering


The percentage allowance on the net cost of materials actually used in the completed
work is ……….
Omit if the Contractor is to state the overhead charges, otherwise state the percentage

The percentage allowance on the gross remuneration of the workmen and foremen
actually engaged is ………………..

Omit if the Contractor is to state the overhead charges, otherwise state the percentage


The percentage advance on materials not yet built into the Permanent Works is ... A

The percentage advance on Plant not yet supplied to Site is ………….. A percentage.
(State "Not required" if Plant is not fabricated or stored on other places than the Site.)

Clause 6.10.3:

The limit of retention money is ………………….... A monetary value usually decided in
conjunction with the security to be provided in terms of Clause 6.2.1. For financially
stronger contractors the liability for the performance guarantee is usually a higher
percentage with the limit of retention money at a lower amount.


The value of Plant and materials supplied by the Employer to be included in the
insurance sum is …...
Monetary value. (State "Not Required" if no Plant and materials are supplied by the


The amount to cover professional fees for repairing damage and loss to be included
in the insurance sum is …………………….. Monetary value.


The limit of indemnity for liability insurance is ………………………. Monetary value.

Clause 10.5.3

The number of Adjudication Board Members to be appointed is …………………… Either

one or three.

Optional data Only the statements applicable to the options chosen should be

Clause 1.3.2: If the governing law is not the law of South Africa then:

The governing law is ... The law of the applicable country or jurisdiction.

Clause 1.3.3: If the language of the Contract and for written communications is not
English, then:

The language of the Contract and for written communications is … The applicable

Clause 3.2.3: If the Employer's Agent must get specific approval from the Employer to
carry out any part of his functions or duties then:

The Employer's Agent shall obtain the specific approval of the Employer before
carrying out any of his functions or duties according to the following Clauses of the
General Conditions of Contract:

1. Clause ... Number, function or duty and if required, the financial or other
limit applicable.
2. Further Clauses as required.
Please note that getting specific approval from the Employer will delay decision-
making and this may increase the completion time and cost of the Works.

Clause 5.4.2: If the access and possession of the Site is not exclusive to the Contractor

The access and possession of Site shall not be exclusive to the Contractor but as set
out in the Site Information.

Clause 6.8.2: If the value of payment certificates is to be adjusted by a Contract Price

Adjustment Factor then:

The value of the certificates issued shall be adjusted in accordance with the Contract
Price Adjustment Schedule with the following values:

If the value of x is not 0.1 then:

The value of “x” is ... The portion, expressed as a decimal of unity, not subject to

The values of the coefficients are:

a = ... Labour

b = ... Contractor’s equipment

c = ... Material

d = ... Fuel

Please note that the total of all the coefficients must equal 1.0.

The indices for “L”, “P”, “M” and “F” are the following as published by Statistics
South Africa: (If the indices are published by a different organisation, for example
SEIFSA, then delete "Statistics South Africa" and replace by the applicable publishing

1. “L” is the “Labour Index” and shall be the

Give the name of the relevant labour index and as published in the


Give the name of the statistical publication where the index can be found.

2. “P” is the “Contractor's Equipment Index” and shall be the

Give the name of the relevant Contractor's Equipment index and as published
in the


Give the name of the statistical publication where the index can be found.

3. “M” is the “Materials Index” and shall be the
Give the name of the relevant materials index and as published in the

Give the name of the statistical publication where the index can be found.

4. “F” is the “Fuel Index” and shall be the

Give the name of the relevant fuel index and as published in the

Give the name of the statistical publication where the index can be found.

The base month is ……………………………….… Month and year prior to the closing of the

Clause 6.8.3: If price adjustments for variations in the costs of special materials are
allowed then:

Price adjustments for variations in the costs of special materials are allowed.

Clause 8.6.1: If a completely different type of insurance scheme than the scheme, with
additions, stated in the General Conditions of Contract is required, then:

Delete Clause 8.6.1 and replace it with ..... The requirements and/or details of the
insurance scheme.

If the Employer is to arrange the insurance, details of the insurance should be given to
allow the Contractor to arrange further insurance he might require.

Clause If special risk insurance from Sasria is not required then:

A Coupon Policy for Special Risks Insurance issued by Sasria is not required.

Clause If ground support insurance is required, then:

The Contractor shall effect and maintain ground support insurance as set out in the
Scope of Works.

Clause If additional insurance is required then:

In addition to the insurances required in terms of General Conditions of Contract

Clauses to the following insurance is also required ... The requirements
and/or details of the additional insurance.

Clause 8.6.5: If insurance is to be effected with an insurance company not necessarily

in South Africa then:

The insurances shall be effected with an insurance company registered in … Any
country or name of country.

Clause 10.5.1: If the preferred method of dispute resolution is by standing adjudication

instead of ad-hoc adjudication then:

Dispute resolution shall be by standing adjudication.

Clause 10.7.1: If the preferred method for the determination of disputes is arbitration
instead of litigation then:

The determination of disputes shall be by arbitration.



The name of the Contractor is ……………………………………….... The legal name of the



The address of the Contractor is ………………………………………………………………………………..

The physical address, postal address, e-mail address and/or fax number where the
Contractor will receive notices.


(Omit if the Employer is to state the time for achieving Practical Completion).

The time for achieving Practical Completion is


A time measured from the Commencement Date.

Or, if Practical Completion in portions is required:

The times for achieving Practical Completion for the portions as set out in the Scope
of Work are:

For portion 1 within ………………….……..…

followed by further portions as required.

The time for achieving Practical Completion of the whole of the Works is

Clause 6.2.1:

The security to be provided by the Contractor shall be one of the following:

Type of security Contractor's

(Indicate if Value Added Tax is excluded from the Contract Sum and
the value of the Works for calculating the percentages) (Indicate

"Yes" or "No")

Cash deposit of ..…% of the Contract Sum.

Fixed Performance Guarantee of ..… % of the Contract Sum.

Variable Performance Guarantee of ….. % of the Contract Sum for the

first period and ….. % of the Contract Sum for the second period.

Retention of ..…% of the value of the Works.

Cash deposit of ..…% of the Contract Sum plus retention of …..% of

the value of the Works.

Fixed Performance guarantee of ..…% of the Contract Sum plus

retention of …..% of the value of the Works.

Variable Performance Guarantee of ….. % of the Contract Sum for the

first period and ….. % of the Contract Sum for the second period plus
retention of ..… % of the value of the Works.

Note: In the ‘Standard for Uniformity in Construction Procurement’ in Section

it is stated that: "Retention monies that are held shall not exceed 10% of any amount
due to a contractor. Where guarantees of an insurance company or bank that are
provided are equal to or greater than 10% of the contract price, the total amount of
retention monies held shall not exceed 5% of the contract price."


The percentage allowance on the net cost of materials actually used in the completed
work is …….…
Omit if the Employer is to state the overhead charges, otherwise state the percentage

The percentage allowance on the gross remuneration of the workmen and foremen
actually engaged is . . Omit if the Employer is to state the overhead charges, otherwise
state the percentage value.

Clause 6.8.3: If price adjustments for a variation in the costs of special materials is
allowed then:

The variation in cost of special materials is

Type of special material Unit Rate or price

(The type of special materials may be listed, leaving the unit and rate or price to the
tenderers to fill in or the tenderers are allowed to state the type of special materials,
the unit and the rate or price.)

Appendix 3

General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015)


For use with the General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third
Edition (2015).
“Guarantor” means: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Physical address: …………………………………………………………………………………………
“Employer” means: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
“Contractor” means: ………………………………………………………………………………………
“Employer's Agent” means:
“Works” means: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
“Site” means: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
“Contract” means: The Agreement made in terms of the Form of Offer and
Acceptance and such amendments or additions to the Contract as may be agreed in
writing between the parties.
“Contract Sum” means: The accepted amount inclusive of tax of R
Amount in words: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
“Guaranteed Sum” means: The maximum aggregate amount of R
Amount in words: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Type of Performance Guarantee: ………………………………. (Insert Variable or Fixed)
“Expiry Date” means: ……………………………… (Give date) or any other later date set by
the Contractor and/or Employer provided such instruction is received prior to the
Expiry Date as indicated here.

Employer's Agent issues: Interim Payment Certificates, Final Payment Certificate and
the Certificate of Completion of the Works as defined in the Contract.

1.1 Where a Variable Performance Guarantee has been selected, the Guarantor's
liability shall be limited during the following periods to diminishing amounts of
the Guaranteed Sum as follows:
1.1.1 From and including the date of signing the Performance Guarantee up to and
including the date of the interim payment certificate certifying, for the first
time, more than 50% of the Contract Sum:
(Amount in words …………………………………………………………………………..)
1.1.2 From the day following the date of the said interim payment certificate up to
and including the Expiry Date, or the date of issue by the Employer's Agent of
the Certificate of Completion of the Works, whichever occurs first:
(Amount in words ……………………………………………………………………………)
1.2 The Employer's Agent and/or the Employer shall advise the Guarantor in writing
of the date on which the interim payment certificate certifying, for the first time,
more than 50% of the Contract Sum, has been issued and the date on which the
Certificate of Completion of the Works has been issued.
2.1 Where a Fixed Performance Guarantee has been selected, the Guarantor’s
liability shall be limited to the amount of the Guaranteed Sum.
2.2 The Guarantor’s period of liability shall be from and including the date on which
the Performance Guarantee is signed, up to and including the Expiry Date, or
the date of issue by the Employer's Agent of the Certificate of Completion of the
Works, or the date of payment in full of the Guaranteed Sum, whichever occurs
2.3 The Employer's Agent and/or the Employer shall advise the Guarantor in writing
of the date on which the Certificate of Completion of the Works has been issued.
3.1 The Guarantor hereby acknowledges that:
3.1.1 Any reference in this Performance Guarantee to the Contract is made for the
purpose of convenience and shall not be construed as any intention
whatsoever to create an accessory obligation or any intention whatsoever to
create a suretyship.

3.1.2 Its obligation under this Performance Guarantee is restricted to the payment
of money.
3.2 Subject to the Guarantor’s maximum liability referred to in 1.1 or 2.1, the
Guarantor hereby undertakes to pay the Employer the sum certified upon
receipt of the documents identified in 3.2.1 to 3.2.3:

3.2.1 A copy of a first written demand issued by the Employer to the Contractor
stating that payment of a sum certified by the Employer's Agent in an Interim
or Final Payment Certificate has not been made in terms of the Contract and
failing such payment within seven (7) calendar days, the Employer intends to
call upon the Guarantor to make payment in terms of 3.2.2;
3.2.2 A first written demand issued by the Employer to the Guarantor at the
Guarantor’s physical address with a copy to the Contractor stating that a
period of seven (7) days has elapsed since the first written demand in terms
of 3.2.1 and the sum certified has still not been paid;
3.2.3 A copy of the aforesaid payment certificate which entitles the Employer to
receive payment in terms of the Contract of the sum certified in 3.2.
3.3 Subject to the Guarantor’s maximum liability referred to in 1.1 or 2.1, the
Guarantor undertakes to pay to the Employer the Guaranteed Sum or the full
outstanding balance upon receipt of a first written demand from the Employer
to the Guarantor at the Guarantor’s physical address calling up this Performance
Guarantee, such demand stating that:
3.3.1 the Contract has been terminated due to the Contractor’s default and that this
Performance Guarantee is called up in terms of 3.3; or
3.3.2 a provisional or final sequestration or liquidation court order has been granted
against the Contractor and that the Performance Guarantee is called up in
terms of 3.3; and
3.3.3 the aforesaid written demand is accompanied by a copy of the notice of
termination and/or the provisional/final sequestration and/or the provisional
liquidation court order.
3.4 It is recorded that the aggregate amount of payments required to be made by
the Guarantor in terms of 3.2 and 3.3 shall not exceed the Guarantor’s
maximum liability in terms of 1.1 or 2.1.
3.5 Where the Guarantor has made payment in terms of 3.3, the Employer shall
upon the date of issue of the Final Payment Certificate submit an expense
account to the Guarantor showing how all monies received in terms of this
Performance Guarantee have been expended and shall refund to the Guarantor
any resulting surplus. All monies refunded to the Guarantor in terms of this
Performance Guarantee shall bear interest at the prime overdraft rate of the
Employer’s bank compounded monthly and calculated from the date payment
was made by the Guarantor to the Employer until the date of refund.
3.6 Payment by the Guarantor in terms of 3.2 or 3.3 shall be made within seven (7)
calendar days upon receipt of the first written demand to the Guarantor.
3.7 Payment by the Guarantor in terms of 3.3 will only be made against the return
of the original Performance Guarantee by the Employer.

3.8 The Employer shall have the absolute right to arrange his affairs with the
Contractor in any manner which the Employer may consider fit and the
Guarantor shall not have the right to claim his release from this Performance
Guarantee on account of any conduct alleged to be prejudicial to the Guarantor.
3.9 The Guarantor chooses the physical address as stated above for the service of
all notices for all purposes in connection herewith.
3.10 This Performance Guarantee is neither negotiable nor transferable and shall
expire in terms of 1.1.2 or 2.2, where after no claims will be considered by the
Guarantor. The original of this Guarantee shall be returned to the Guarantor
after it has expired.
3.11 This Performance Guarantee, with the required demand notices in terms of 3.2
or 3.3, shall be regarded as a liquid document for the purposes of obtaining a
court order.
3.12 Where this Performance Guarantee is issued in the Republic of South Africa the
Guarantor hereby consents in terms of Section 45 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act
No 32 of 1944, as amended, to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court of any
district having jurisdiction in terms of Section 28 of the said Act, notwithstanding
that the amount of the claim may exceed the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s

Signed at …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Guarantor’s signatory (1) ………………………………………………………………………………….
Guarantor's signatory (2) …………………………………………………………………………………..
Capacity ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Witness signatory (1) ………………………………………………………………………………………
Witness signatory (2) ………………………………………………………………………………………

Appendix 4

General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015)



Please note that words in italics within brackets are items which should be


Contract: (Name)

Contractor: (Name)

Employer: (Name)

Employer's Agent: (Name)

Dear Sirs

I am willing and available to serve as (ad-hoc/standing) Adjudication Board

Member in the above-mentioned Contract.

In accordance with the General Conditions of Contract for Construction

Works’ Adjudication Board Rules relating to disclosure statements by selected
or nominated persons to the adjudication, I hereby state that:

 I shall act with complete impartiality and know of nothing at this time,
which could affect my impartiality.
 I have had no previous involvement with this project.
 I do not have any financial interest in this project.
 I am not currently employed by the Contractor, Employer or
Employer's Agent.
 I do not have any financial connections with the Contractor, Employer
or Employer's Agent.
 I do not have or have not had a personal relationship with any
authoritative member of the Contractor, Employer or the Employer's
Agent which could affect my impartiality.

 I undertake to immediately disclose to the parties any changes in the
above position which could affect my impartiality or be perceived to
affect same.
Should there be any deviation from the foregoing statements, details shall
be given.

I further declare that I am experienced in the work which is carried out

under the Contract and in interpreting contract documentation.

Name in full: ………………………………………………………

Signature: …………………………………………………………

Appendix 5

General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, Third Edition (2015)



Please note that words in italics within brackets are items which should be

This Agreement is entered into between:

Adjudication Board Member: (Name, physical address, postal address, e-mail

address, fax number, telephone number and mobile number.)

Contractor: (Name, physical address, postal address, e-mail address, fax number,
telephone number and mobile number.)

Employer: (Name, physical address, postal address, e-mail address, fax number,
telephone number and mobile number.)

The Contractor and the Employer will hereinafter be collectively referred to as the

The Parties entered into a Contract for (name of project) which provides that a dispute
under or in connection with the General Conditions of Contract for Construction
Works, Third Edition (2015) must be referred to (ad-hoc adjudication/standing

The undersigned natural person has been appointed to serve as Adjudication Board
Member and together with the undersigned Parties agree as follows:

1. The Adjudication Board Member accepts to perform his duties in

accordance with the terms of the Contract, the General Conditions of

Contract for Construction Works’ Adjudication Board Rules and this
2. The Adjudicator undertakes to remain independent and impartial of the
Contractor, Employer and Employer's Agent for the duration of the
Adjudication Board proceedings.
3. The Adjudication Board Member agrees to serve for the duration of the
Adjudication Board proceedings.
4. The Parties may at any time, without cause and with immediate effect,
jointly terminate this Agreement.
5. Unless the Parties agree, the Adjudication Board Member shall not act as
arbitrator or representative of either Party in any subsequent proceedings
between the Parties under the Contract. No Party may call the
Adjudication Board Member as a witness in any such subsequent

6. The standing Adjudication Board's duties shall end upon the Adjudication
Board Member(s) receiving notice from the Parties of their joint decision
to disband the Adjudication Board.
7. The Adjudication Board Member shall be paid in respect of time spent
upon or in connection with the adjudication including time spent traveling:
7.1 A monthly retainer of (amount) for (number) of months, and/or
7.2 A daily fee of (amount) based on a (number) hour day, and/or
7.3 An hourly fee of (amount), and/or
7.4 A non-recurrent appointment fee of (amount) which shall be
accounted for in the final sums payable.
8. The Adjudication Board Member's expenses incurred in adjudication work
shall be reimbursed at cost.
On submission of an invoice for fees and expenses to the Parties, the Parties shall pay
the full amount within 28 days of receipt of the invoice. Late payment of such invoice
shall attract interest at prime plus 3% points compounded monthly at the prime rate
charged by the Adjudication Board Member's bank.

This Agreement is entered into by:

Contractor's signature: ……………………………………

Contractor's name: ………………………………………

Place: ……………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………

Employer's signature: ……………………………………..

Employer's name: …………………………………………..

Place: ……………………………………………..

Date: ………………………………………………..

Adjudication Board Member's signature: ……………………………………………....

Adjudication Board Member's name: …………………………………………………....

Place: …………………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………… (SAICE,


Appendix 3
Applicable to Unit 5: Bill of Quantities  Estimating Costs  Labour.
Appendix B within the Document containing Task Grades and recent minimum wage
rates in South Africa (extract/screenshots below). This document can also be
accessed at
1.pdf (Department of Labour, 2018).

Bargaining Council for Civil Engineering Industry Extension of wage and task grade.pdf

(Department of Labour, 2018)

Appendix 4
Applicable to Unit 6: Specifications.

For the umbrella standard specifications applicable to construction works, the SANS
2001 series is most widely used (listed below as extracted from the SABS website
STANDARDS CATALOGUE 2019, which can be obtained at
https://www.sabs.co.za/Standard-Sales/) (SABS).

SANS Number Title

SANS 2001-BE1:2008 Construction works Part BE1: Earthworks (general)
SANS 2001-BE3:2012 Construction works Part BE3: Repair of sinkholes
and subsidences in dolomite land
SANS 2001-BS1:2008 Construction works Part BS1: Site clearance
SANS 2001-CC1:2012 Construction works Part CC1: Concrete works
SANS 2001-CC2:2007 Construction works Part CC2: Concrete works
(minor works)
SANS 2001-CG1:2018 Construction works Part CG1: Installation of glazing in window and door
SANS 2001-CM1:2012 Construction works Part CM1: Masonry walling
SANS 2001-CM2:2011 Construction works Part CM2: Strip footings, pad footings and slab-on-
the-ground foundations for masonry walling
SANS 2001-CS1:2017 Construction works Part CS1: Structural steelwork
SANS 2001-CT1:2011 Construction works Part CT1: Structural timberwork (flooring)

SANS 2001-CT2:2011 Construction works Part CT2: Structural timberwork (roofing)

SANS 2001-DP1:2011 Construction works Part DP1: Earthworks for buried pipelines and
prefabricated culverts
SANS 2001-DP2:2010 Construction works Part DP2: Medium pressure
SANS 2001-DP3:2010 Construction works Part DP3: Cable ducts
SANS 2001-DP4:2010 Construction works Part DP4: Sewers

SANS 2001-DP5:2010 Construction works Part DP5: Stormwater drainage
SANS 2001-DP6:2012 Construction works Part DP6: Below-ground water installations

SANS 2001-DP8:2011 Construction works Part DP8: Pipe jacking

SANS 2001-EM1:2007 Construction works Part EM1: Cement plaster

In addition, the below list is a comprehensive grouping of the standards into broad
categories that are relevant to the construction industry, as listed on and extracted
from the Concrete Industry’s website at
https://www.theconcreteinstitute.org.za/concrete-standards (The Concrete
Institute, 2019).

SANS 50934-1:2011. (EN 934-1:2008). Admixtures of concrete, mortar and grout,
Part 1, Common requirements
SANS 50934-2:2011. (EN 934-2:2009). Admixtures of concrete, mortar and grout,
Part 2, Concrete admixtures: definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and
SANS 50934-3:2012. Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout, Part 3, Admixtures
for masonry mortar - definitions, requirements, conformity and marking and
SANS 50934-4:2012. Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout, Part 4, Admixtures
for grout for prestressing tendons - definitions, requirements, conformity, marking
and labelling
SANS 50934-5:2012. Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout, Part 5, Admixtures
for sprayed concrete - definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
SANS 50934-6:2011. Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout, Part 6, Sampling,
conformity control and evaluation of conformity

SANS 195:2006. Sampling of aggregates
SANS 197:2006. Preparation of test samples of aggregates
SANS 201:2008. Sieve analysis fines, content and dust content of aggregates
SANS 202:2006. Chloride content of aggregates
SANS 794:2009. Aggregates of low density
SANS 1083:2014. Aggregates from natural sources - Aggregates for concrete
SANS 1090:2009. Aggregates from natural sources - Fine aggregates for plaster and
SANS 3001-AG1:2014. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG1, Particle size analysis
of aggregates by sieving
SANS 3001-AG2:2009. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG2, Determination of
the average least dimension of aggregates by direct measurement

SANS 3001-AG3:2014. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG3, Determination of
the average least dimension of aggregates by computation
SANS 3001-AG4:2015. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG4, Determination of
the flakiness index of coarse aggregate
SANS 3001-AG5:2015. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG5, Sand equivalent
value of fine aggregates
SANS 3001-AG10:2012. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG10, ACV (aggregate
crushing value) and 10% FACT (fines aggregate crushing test) values of coarse
SANS 3001-AG12:2016. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG12, Soundness of
aggregates (magnesium sulphate method)
SANS 3001-AG13:2013. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG13, Determination of
the soundness of mudrock aggregates
SANS 3001-AG14:2013. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG14, Determination of
the ethylene glycol durability index for rock
SANS 3001-AG15:2012. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG15, Determination of
rock durability using 10% FACT (fines aggregate crushing test) values after soaking in
ethylene glycol
SANS 3001-AG16:2013. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG16, Determination of
the durability mill index values for aggregates
SANS 3001-AG20:2014. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG20, Determination of
the bulk density, apparent density and water absorption of aggregate particles
retained on the 5 mm sieve for road construction materials
SANS 3001-AG21:2014. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG21, Determination of
the bulk density, apparent density and water absorption of aggregate particles
passing the 5 mm sieve for road construction materials
SANS 3001-AG23:2014. Civil engineering test methods. Part AG23, Particle and
relative densities of aggregates
SANS 5831:2006. Presence of chlorides in aggregates
SANS 5832:2006. Organic impurities in fine aggregates (limit test)
SANS 5833:2006. Detection of sugar in fine aggregates
SANS 5834:2006. Soluble deleterious impurities in fine aggregates (limits test)
SANS 5835:2006. Estimation of the effect of fine aggregates on the water
requirement of concrete
SANS 5836:2007. Effect of fine and coarse aggregate on the shrinkage and expansion
of cement: aggregate mixes (mortar prism method)
SANS 5837:2008. Low density materials content of aggregates
SANS 5838:2006. Sand equivalent value of fine aggregates
SANS 5840:2008. Shell content of fine aggregate
SANS 5841:2008. Aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregates
SANS 5842:2006. FACT value (10% fines aggregate crushing value) of coarse
SANS 5844:2014. Particle and relative densities of aggregates
SANS 5845:2006. Bulk densities and voids content of aggregates
SANS 5846:2006. Abrasion resistance of coarse aggregates (Los Angeles machine
SANS 5847:2008. Flakiness index of course aggregates

SANS 5848:2008. Polished-stone value of aggregates
SANS 5849:2008. Total water-soluble salts content of fines in aggregates
SABS Method 850-1: 1998. (SANS 5850-1) Sulfates content of fines in aggregates.
Part 1, Water-soluble sulfates in fines in aggregates
SANS 5850-2:2008. Sulfates content of fines in aggregates. Part 2, Acid-soluble
sulfates in fines in aggregates
SABS SM 851:2002. (SANS 5851). Liquid limit of fines in aggregates for base-courses.
SANS 5854:2006. pH value of fines in aggregates for base-courses
SANS 5855:2013. Free water content of aggregates
SANS 5856:2006. Bulking of fine aggregates
SANS 6239:2012. Aggregate impact value of coarse aggregate
SANS 6240:2008. Electric conductivity of fine aggregate
SANS 6241:2006. Particle size distribution of material of diameter smaller than 75
micron in fine aggregate (hydrometer method)
SANS 6242:2008. Acid insolubility of aggregates
SANS 6243:2008. Deleterious clay content of the fines in aggregate (methylene blue
adsorption indicator test)
SANS 6244:2006. Particles of diameter not exceeding 20micron and not exceeding
5micron and smaller, respectively, in fine aggregate (pipette method)
SANS 6245:2006. Potential reactivity of aggregates with alkalis (accelerated mortar
prism method)
SANS 6246:2006. Treton impact value of aggregates

SANS 1491-1:2005. Portland cement extenders. Part 1, Ground granulated blast-
furnace slag
SANS 1491-2:2005. Portland cement extenders. Part 2, Fly ash
SANS 1745:2003. Cementitious grouting capsules for use with tendon-based support
SANS 5748:2010. Specific surface of cement
SANS 5754:2007. Autoclave expansion of cement
SANS 6151:2013. Free water content of Portland cementitious materials
SANS 6152:2013. Available alkali content of cement extenders (complying with SANS
SANS 6154:2006. Glass content of granulated metallurgical slag (transmitted-light
microscopy method)
SANS 6155:2006. Effect of extenders, used with cement, on the reduction of
expansion caused by alkali-silica reaction (accelerated mortar prism method)
SANS 50196-1:2006. (SANS EN 196-1:2005) Methods of testing cement. Part 1,
Determination of strength
SANS 50196-2:2014. (EN 196-2:2013) Methods of testing cement. Part 2, Chemical
analysis of cement
SANS 50196-3:2006. (SANS EN 196-3:2005) Methods of testing cement. Part 3,
Determination of setting times and soundness
SANS 50196-4:1993. (ENV 196-4:1993) Methods of testing cement. Part 4,
Quantitative determination of constituents

SANS 50196-5:2014. (EN 196-5:2011) Methods of testing cement. Part 5,
Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cement
SANS 50196-6:2014. (EN 196-6:2010) Methods of testing cement. Part 6,
Determination of fineness
SANS 50196-7:2009. (EN 196-7:2007) Methods of testing cement. Part 7, methods of
taking and preparing samples of cement
SANS 50197-1:2013. Cement. Part 1, Composition, specifications and conformity
criteria for common cements
SANS 50197-2:2000. (EN 197-2:2000) Cement. Part 2. Conformity evaluation
SANS 50413-1:2014. (EN 413-1:2011) Masonry cement. Part 1, Composition,
specifications and conformity criteria
SANS 50413-2:2006. (SANS EN 413-2:2005) Masonry cement. Part 2, Test methods
SANS 50450-1:2014. (EN 450-1:2012) Fly ash for concrete. Part 1, Definition,
specifications and conformity criteria
SANS 50450-2:2011. (EN 450-2:2005) Fly ash for concrete. Part 2, Conformity
SANS 50451-1:2011. Method of testing fly ash. Part 1, Determination of free calcium
oxide content
SANS 50451-2:2011. Method of testing fly ash. Part 2, Determination of fineness by
wet sieving
SANS 53263-1:2011. (incorporating EN amdt 1) EN 13263-1:2005. Silica fume for
concrete. Part 1, Definitions, requirements and conformity criteria
SANS 53263-2:2011 (incorporating EN amdt 1) EN 13263-2:2005 (incorporating amdt
1). Silica fume for concrete. Part 2, Conformity evaluation
SANS 55167-1:2011. EN 15167-1:2006. Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use
in concrete, mortar and grout. Part 1, Definitions, specifications and conformity
SANS 55167-2:2011. EN 15167-2:2006. Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use
in concrete, mortar and grout. Part 2, conformity evaluation

SANS 878:2012. Ready-mixed concrete
SANS 5860:2006. Concrete tests - Dimensions, tolerances and uses of cast test
SANS 5861-1:2006. Concrete tests - Mixing fresh concrete in the laboratory
SANS 5861-2:2006. Concrete tests -Sampling of freshly mixed concrete
SANS 5861-3:2006. Concrete tests - Making and curing of test specimens
SANS 5862-1:2006. Concrete tests - Consistence of freshly mixed concrete - slump
SANS 5862-2:2006. Concrete tests - Consistence of freshly mixed concrete - flow test
SANS 5862-3:2006. Concrete tests - Consistence of freshly mixed concrete - vebe
SANS 5862-4:2006. Concrete tests - Consistence of freshly mixed concrete. Part 4,
Compacting factor and compaction index
SANS 5863:2006. Concrete tests - compressive strength of hardened concrete
SANS 5864:2006. Concrete tests - flexural strength of hardened concrete

SABS method 865:1994 (SANS 5865) Concrete tests - the drilling, preparation, and
testing for compressive strength of cores taken from hardened concrete
SANS 6085:2006. Concrete tests - initial drying shrinkage and wetting expansion of
SANS 6250:2006. Concrete tests - density of compacted freshly mixed concrete
SANS 6251:2006. Concrete tests - density of hardened concrete
SANS 6252:2006. Concrete tests - air content of freshly mixed concrete - pressure
SANS 6253:2006. Concrete tests - tensile splitting strength of concrete
SANS 6254:2006. Mortar tests - initial drying shrinkage and wetting expansion of
SANS 6255:2006. Mortar tests - compressive strength of mortar
SANS 50206:2015 (EN 206:2013) Concrete - specification, performance, production
and conformity


SANS 266:2003. Gypsum plasterboard
SANS 470:2012. Concrete poles for telephone, power and lighting purposes
SANS 508:2012. Concrete retaining blocks
SANS 541:2012. Precast concrete paving slabs
SANS 542:2015. Concrete roofing tiles
SANS 676:2010. Reinforced concrete pressure pipes
SANS 677:2010. Concrete non-pressure pipes
SANS 685:2006. Fibre-cement sheets (flat and profiled)
SANS 803:2005. Fibre-cement boards
SANS 819:2013. Fibre-cement pipes, couplings and fittings for sewerage, drainage
and low-pressure irrigation
SANS 927:2013. Precast concrete kerbs, edgings and channels
SANS 975:2015. Prestressed concrete pipes
SANS 986:2012. Precast reinforced concrete culverts
SANS 1058:2012. Concrete paving blocks
SANS 1215:2008. Concrete masonry units
SANS 1223:2010. Fibre-cement pressure pipes and couplings
SANS 1294:2012. Precast concrete manhole sections and components
SANS 1372:2010. Prefabricated concrete components for fences
SANS 1504:2015. Prestressed concrete lintels
SANS 1879:2013. Precast concrete suspended slabs
SANS 1882:2003. Polymer concrete surface boxes, manhole and inspection covers,
gully gratings and frames
SANS 50771-3:2015 (EN 771-3:2011) Specification for masonry units. Part 3,
Aggregate concrete masonry unite (dense and lightweight aggregates)
SANS 50771-4:2014 (EN 771-4:2011) Specification for masonry units. Part 4,
Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units
SANS 10904:2014 (ISO 10904:2011) Fibre-cement corrugated sheets and fittings for
roofing and cladding


SANS 204:2011. Energy efficiency in buildings
SANS 993:2010. Modular co-ordination in building
SABS 1200 G-1982 (SANS 1200 G-1982). Standard specifications for civil engineering
construction, G, Concrete (structural)
SABS 1200 GA-1982 (SANS 1200 GA-1982). Standard specifications for civil
engineering construction, GA, Concrete (small works)
SABS 1200 GB-1984 (SANS 1200 GB-1984). Standard specifications for civil
engineering construction, GB, Concrete (ordinary buildings)
SABS 1200 GE-1984 (SANS 1200 GE-1984). Standard specifications for civil
engineering construction, GE, Precast concrete (structural)
SABS 1200 GF-1984 (SANS 1200 GF-1984). Standard specifications for civil
engineering construction, GF, Prestressed concrete
SABS 1200 MJ-1984 (SANS 1200 MJ-1984). Standard specifications for civil
engineering construction, MJ, Segmented paving
SANS 1921-5: 2004. Construction and management requirements for works
contracts. Part 5, Earthworks activities which are to be performed by hand
SANS 2001-CC1:2012. Construction works. Part CC1, Concrete works (structural)
SANS 2001-CC2:2007. Construction works. Part CC2, Concrete works (minor works)
SANS 2001-CG1:2007. Construction works. Part CG1, Installation of glazing in
window and door frames
SANS 2001-CM1:2012. Construction works. Part CM1, Masonry walling
SANS 2001-CM2:2011. Construction works. Part CM2, Strip footings, pad footings
and slab-on-the-ground foundations for masonry walling
SANS 2001-EM1:2007. Construction works. Part EM1, Cement plaster
SANS 2394:2003 (ISO 2394:1998) General principles on reliability for structures
SANS 10021:2012. The waterproofing of buildings (including damp-proofing and
vapour barrier installation)
SANS 10062:2012. Fixing of concrete interlocking roofing tiles
SANS 10070:2012. The installation of resilient thermoplastic and flexible floor
covering materials
SABS 0100-1:2000 (SANS 10100-1). The structural use of concrete. Part 1, Design
SANS 10100-2:2014. The structural use of concrete. Part 2, Materials and execution
of work
SANS 10102-2:2011. Selection of pipes for buried pipelines. Part 2, Rigid pipes
SANS 10109-1:2012. Concrete floors. Part 1, Bases to concrete floors
SANS 10109-2:2013. Concrete floors. Part 2, Finishes to concrete floors
SABS 0120 (SANS 10120). Code of practice for use with standard specifications for
civil engineering construction and contract documents
SANS 10145:2013. Concrete masonry construction
SANS 10155:2009. Accuracy in buildings
SANS 10160-1:2011. Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and
industrial structures. Part 1, Basis of structural design
SANS 10160-2:2011. Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and
industrial structures. Part 2, Self-weight and imposed loads
SANS 10160-3:2011. Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and
industrial structures. Part 3, Wind actions

SANS 10160-4:2011. Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and
industrial structures. Part 4, Seismic actions and general requirements for buildings
SANS 10160-5:2011. Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and
industrial structures. Part 5, Basis for geotechnical design and actions
SANS 10160-6:2011. Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and
industrial structures. Part 6, Actions induced by cranes and machinery
SANS 10160-7:2011. Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and
industrial structures. Part 7, Thermal actions
SANS 10160-8:2011. Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and
industrial structures. Part 8, Actions during execution
SABS 0161-1980. (SANS 10161). Code of practice for the design of foundations for
SABS 0164: Part 1-1980. (SANS 10164-1). Code of practice for the structural use of
masonry. Part 1, Unreinforced masonry walling
SANS 10164-2:2008. The structural use of masonry. Part 2, Structural design and
requirements for reinforced and prestressed masonry
SANS 10209:2003. The design and construction of private swimming pools.
SANS 10249:2012. Masonry walling
SANS 10400-A:2010. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part A,
General principles and requirements
SANS 10400-B:2012. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part B,
Structural design
SANS 10400-C:2010. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part C,
SANS 10400-D:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part D,
Public safety
SANS 10400-F:2010. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part F, Site
SANS 10400-G:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part G,
SANS 10400-H:2012. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part H,
SANS 10400-J:2010. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part J,
SANS 10400-K:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part K,
SANS 10400-L:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part L,
SANS 10400-M:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part M,
SANS 10400-N:2012. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part N:
SANS 10400-O:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part O,
Lighting and ventilation
SANS 10400-P:2010. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part P,

SANS 10400-Q:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part Q,
Non-water-borne means of sanitary disposal
SANS 10400-R:2012. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part R,
Stormwater disposal
SANS 10400-S:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part S,
Facilities for persons with disabilities
SANS 10400-T:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part T, Fire
SANS 10400-V:2010. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part V,
Space heating
SANS 10400-W:2011. The application of the National Building Regulations. Part W,
Fire installation
SANS 10400-XA:2011. Application of the National Building Regulations. Part X,
Environmental sustainability. Part XA, Energy usage in buildings
SANS 53670:2014 (EN 13670:2009). Execution of concrete structures
SANS 55392:2016. Sustainability in building construction: general principles


SANS 1649:2014. Non-automatic self-indicating, semi-self-indicating and non-self-
indicating weighing instruments with denominated verification scale intervals
SANS 2859-1: 2004. Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes. Part 1,
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
SANS 3310-1:2000. Test sieves - technical requirements and testing. Part 1, Test
sieves of metal wire cloth
SANS 3310-2:2015. Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing. Part 2, Test
sieves of perforated metal plate
SANS 6150:2010. Verification of compression testing machines for concrete:
calibration of load scale
SANS 10378:2012. General requirements for the competence of verification
SANS 17025:2005. General requirements for the competence of testing and
calibration laboratories

SANS 28:2010. Metal ties for cavity walls
SANS 227:2007. Burnt clay masonry units
SANS 289:2013. Labelling requirements for prepackaged products (prepackages) and
general requirements for the sale of goods subject to legal metrology control
SANS 458:2011. Tolerances permitted for the accuracy of measurements of products
(including prepackaged products) in terms of legal metrology legislation
SANS 523:2009. Limes for use in building
SANS 795:2014. Wheelbarrows
SANS 1077:2009. Sealing compounds for the building and construction industry,
two-component, polyurethane-base
SANS 1449:2012. Ceramic wall and floor tiles
SANS 1575:2007. Burnt clay paving units

SANS 1841:2015. Control of the quantity of contents in prepacked packages within
the prescriptions of legal metrology legislation
SANS 5030:2015. Paints and varnishes - panels for testing: fibre-cement panels
SANS 9000:2015. Quality management systems - fundamentals and vocabulary
SANS 10107:2011. Design and installation of ceramic tiling
SANS 53584:2010. Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete
structures: test methods: determination of creep in compression for repair products

SANS 282:2011. Bending dimensions and scheduling of steel reinforcement for
SANS 920:2011. Steel bars for concrete reinforcement
SANS 1024:2012. Welded steel fabric for reinforcement of concrete
SANS 10144:2012. Detailing of steel reinforcement for concrete

SANS 241-1:2015. Drinking water. Part 1, Microbiological, physical, aesthetic and
chemical determinants
SANS 241-2:2015. Drinking water. Part 2, Application of SANS 241-1
SANS 376: 2015. Standard test methods for arsenic in water
SANS 5201:2010. Water - cadmium contents
SANS 5203:2010. Water - copper content
SANS 5207:2010. Water - iron content
SANS 5208:2010. Water - lead content
SANS 5209:2010. Water - manganese content
SANS 5210:2010. Water - nitrate and nitrite content
SANS 5214:2010. Water - zinc content
SANS 5217:2010. Water - free and saline ammonia content
SANS 5218:2007. Water - albuminoid ammonia content
SANS 5220:2010. Water - oxygen absorption
SANS 6047:2007. Water - dissolved oxygen content
SANS 6048:2010. Water - chemical oxygen demand
SANS 6049:2010. Water - suspended solids content
SANS 6050:2010. Water - sodium content
SANS 6054:2010. Water - chromium content
SANS 6055:2006. Water - orthophosphate content
SANS 6056:2007. Water - sulfide content
SANS 6168:2010. Water - pretreatment for metal analysis
SANS 6169:2010. Water - aluminium content
SANS 6170:2010. Water - cobalt content
SANS 6171:2010. Water - nickel content
SANS 6310:2005. Sulfate content of water (turbidimetric method)
SANS 7888: 2005. Water quality - determination of electrical conductivity
SANS 51008:2006. Mixing water for concrete - specification for sampling, testing and
assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the
concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete (The Concrete Institute, 2019)


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