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The jobs will disappear, as I read in the article “Jobs that will likely disappear in the next

five years”. Roxanne Calder, the author talked about jobs that will change are even likely to
disappear in the next 5 years because of talent shortage of labors and the development of
technology. Calder started with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that could even
significantly change job profiles. For example, Calder says that in this day, people are more often
ordering food online than coming directly to the place. She also added for that reason in the next
years she will consider wait-staff jobs will be gone. Besides that, Calder also says that jobs will
likely disappear due to the changing mindset of the collective. The Covid-19 pandemic is what
causes this to happen. In this case, I agree with Roxanne Calder. But I disagree with some of her
Roxanne Calder said that the wait-staff jobs will be gone. I agree with that, cause with the
development in the current era, people can order food without having to come directly to the
restaurant. “Countless people staying home and having food delivered, and restaurants
increasingly depending on takeout and delivery” (O'Brien, 2020). From the statement, we can
assume that in the pandemic era people order food online more often than they come to
restaurants. If this happens continuously in the future, it will make people even lazy and make
them order food online more often. With online delivery, it will make it easier for people to order
food so that wait-staff jobs are not really needed. So in the next few days, I am sure and I agree
with the authors that the job of wait-staff will disappear in the next five years.
I slightly disagree with Roxane Calder who included the teaching profession as one of the
jobs that will likely disappear in the next five years. Roxanne Calder said, one of the factors that
can influence teaching work will change is due to the change in the teaching system from face-
to-face learning to online learning. “Public school teachers in the U.S. were twice as likely to
experience job-related stress than the general employed adult population” (Blasi, 2021). From
this statement we know that teachers are more prone to stress, this is what the author says. But I
think teachers can certainly solve the problems that occur. People who choose this job are
usually moved by their hearts. The person who chooses this job is mentally prepared to face
various problems in the future, so in my opinion, the work of teachers will not change or
Another statement that also makes me disagree with the author is that he says all health
professional’s jobs will be changed. We indeed have robotic-assisted surgery that can help in the
surgery process, but doctors certainly need nurses to help them if some things happen “I believe
robots will not replace humans because automation in the workforce complements human skill
causing the job market to evolve into something that values furthering knowledge rather than
focusing on algorithmic tasks that a robot can even do” (Khalil, 2021). I agree with his opinion
because I think some factors cause human work to be irreplaceable for robots. Robots certainly
have limits to something they can't do, but humans with their creativity can solve the problems
they exist. Moreover, in my opinion, people will feel safer if they are handled by humans, not
robots. With the reasons I have already explained, I don't think all health professional’s jobs will
be replaced by robots.
The changes that occur are certainly not only detrimental but some changes are
beneficial, although they can make a job disappear. Such as online delivery which makes it
easier for us to order the food. In the conclusion, I agree with the author, that in the future there
will be jobs that change or will be lost. But for some of the statements said I disagree with the
author. Because I think the problems resulting from the Covid-19 Pandemic and the development
of technology is still can be solved and also even if the job profile changes slightly, it will not
completely change the job. So that even if a change occurs, it will not change the work as a
whole, and it will not make the jobs will disappear.

Blasi, W. (2021, June 18). Market Watch. Retrieved from Nearly one in four teachers say they may quit
by the end of the school year — here’s why:

Khalil, M. (2021, October 27). The Analyst. Retrieved from Will robots replace humans?:

O'Brien, S. A. (2020, December 6). CNN Bussiness. Retrieved from The pandemic boosted food delivery
companies. Soon they may face a reality check:

Link: Jobs that will likely disappear in the next five years (

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