Clare Smith: Character Name: Gabrielle Nairi Devereaux Street Name: Dev

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20 Qs

Clare Smith
Character Name: Gabrielle Nairi Devereaux Street Name: Dev 1. Where is your character from? Butte, Sioux Nation. 2. Does your character have a family? Gabrielle is an only child; her mother and father are still married, and they own a drugstore. 3. Does your character have an ethnic background? Gabrielles family is Seminole dwarves. 4. What does your character look like? Gabrielle is thin, has long black hair down to her butt, and has tan skin. She stands about 3, weighs probably about 55 pounds, and has full lips and large, very dark brown almond shaped eyes. If not for her height, she would easily blend in with a crowd of Native Americans. As it is, she often gets mistaken for a child when around humans. 5. What does your character dress like? She makes her own clothes, and enjoys being in the very latest of fashion. Gabrielle likes to wear mid-length skirts or slacks, and interesting camisoles with sheer blouses. Her shoes are generally either knee-high boots or the latest crippling Italian heels. If going out on a night job requiring discretion, then she wears form-fitting armored clothing that allows for speed and silence, while being on the very cutting-edge of the latest in Shadowrunner style. 6. Does your character have any physical quirks? At 3 she is short, even for a dwarf. 7. Where did your character learn her active skills? Growing up in Butte, Gabrielle was close to both the city and the wilderness. Her mother was unable to bear any other children, and her father set about teaching her

everything he would have taught a son: wilderness survival, handguns, and knife fighting. Being raised to be an independent thinker, she became something of a wild child in the city. Gabrielle developed some of her athletic and stealth skills through getting into trouble with her friends and either sneaking away or, if cornered, fighting her way out with her six-inch switchblades. Most bullies arent used to having to defend their legs in a knife fight, and she managed to get away every time. At age 10 she was called by her totem, Owl, and the wild child was suddenly inundated with studies. Conjuring and sorcery became her new focus, and she tried to honor Owl as best as she could, but the excitement of the city streets would lure her back from time to time, where she kept her skills sharp. At the lodge where she studied magic, she was able to pick up aura reading from another shaman. 8. Where did your character learn her knowledge skills? Gabrielles mother, distressed at the impact that her father was having on her behavior, attempted to teach her daughter sewing. Her mother used logic to point out to Gabrielle that if she wanted to wear the latest fashions, she was going have to sew the clothes in her size herself. Gabrielle became adept in making and tailoring clothes to fit her uber-petite stature. Her father taught her how to analyze a situation when confronted with violence, and called it combat tactics. Both of her parents instructed her in tribal politics and Native American history, when they could get her to sit long enough to listen. During her instruction at the shamanic lodge, she picked up her background in magic, and learned some spirit lore. 9. Where did your character get your goodies? As soon as Gabrielle turned 14, her father presented her with two .38 revolvers that accommodated her smaller grip, while packing enough of a punch to defend herself with. Her switchblades were from a friend on the street in exchange for sewing some vests, complete with patches, for a freshly formed gang (The Howlers). 10. Where does your character live? Gabrielle lives in the metahuman district of Seattle with her boyfriend, Tyrion Lannister. The two have been together since an exchange program brought them together as teenagers, and they ran away to Seattle together. 11. Who are your contacts? Gabrielle has only one contact, who is a Talismonger. Her name is Tamika White Crow, of the Sioux. Tamika rents slots of time in her lodge to help pay the property rent.

12. Who are your enemies? She is too young to have pissed anyone off that well yet. 13. How did your character learn magic? At age 10 Gabrielle was called by Owl. Her studies started at the lodge closest to her familys home in Butte, but after she made it to Seattle, she was swept into The Golden Lions and studied at the gangs compound lodge in the Barrens before being ushered into city life. Gabrielle stumbled onto Tamika White Crow while in Seattle and uses her lodge to further her studies. 14. What are your characters likes and dislikes? Likes: gathering information, the city at night, hanging out with her boyfriend, Tyrion Lannister, fashion, sewing, and a well-mixed martini. Dislikes: information dead-ends, mornings, anyone who messes with her boyfriend, fashion disasters, people who arent kind to animals, and bad drinks. 15. What is your characters moral code? Gabrielle honors life, but will not hesitate to use lethal force to defend herself, her boyfriend, or those to whom she feels she owes allegiance. Knowledge is power; she gathers as much of it as she can, without harming anyone with what she knows if she can help it. Honesty is important, but shes not above lying to get out of a lethal situation. Her given word is as good as gold. She believes in defending animals, but if shes in the woods, she hunts for her food, and honors the spirit of the animal who gave its life so that she might live. 16. Does your character have goals? Gabrielle currently enjoys making clothes for the dwarves in the metahuman district of Seattle. She would like to own her own shop, discreetly using it as a front for her knowledge-gathering operation for her own purposes. There is always a shred of truth in gossip, and theres plenty of that to go around in the fashion industry. Gabrielle sees herself someday as being able to own enough property to build a lodge worthy of Owl inside the city, so that urban kids who are called can have a place to study. She would also like to someday be able to found a university that is non-restrictive as to levels of income the students would have a chance to work off their student debt as employees of the university over a period of time if they couldnt afford tuition.

17. Does your character have beliefs? Gabrielle honors her Seminole heritage, she believes in the spirit world, and therefore the afterlife. She celebrates the Seminole Green Corn Ceremony in the summer whether there is anyone who shares it with her or not, and makes sure to honor Owl when she gets up in the evening. 18. Does your character have personality quirks? Gabrielle has a very acute sense of what fashion should be. She tends to overlook those fashion faux pas which involve a uniform, or people who dress according to the job at hand, like construction workers. If she sees clothing which she considers to be visually offensive, but the person is genuinely kind or mentally handicapped, she will be gentle about steering that person in their fashion choices. If the person who commits the style fault is being a jerk for the sake of unpleasantness, or just a bully, Gabrielle becomes sarcastic, hostile, and will pick apart their taste in wardrobe in public. The only exception to this rule is if there is a person she needs something from. She will smile, and nod, and flatter the information out of the person and get out of visual range as fast as she can afterwards. 19. Why does your character run the shadows? Gabrielle is intrigued with the way the world works. There are ways of dealing with situations which are acceptable, but are manipulated by outside influences so that the acceptable ways are nearly impossible. Then there are those who influence those outside influences, and make the acceptable ways to deal with situations work. Gabrielle wants to be part of the unseen solutions to problems. 20. How does your character view her role as a shadowrunner? Gabrielle wants to be part of the unseen solutions to problems. She likes to be able to gather knowledge for the sake of wielding it like a sword, using it as a shield, and making positive changes to the world around her. Credit for deeds done is not important to her, just that the problem is resolved. And she gets paid. Shes got a university to found someday, thats not going to happen with just her good looks.

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