Earth and Life Science - Earth Science Q1 Summative Test 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of Catanduanes
Gigmoto, Catanduanes


Name: ____________________________________ Date: September 2, 2022

Grade and Section: 11 STEM NOBILITY

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Direction: Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct
1. This describes the universe in which the universe is inside a ‘cosmic egg’, or Brahmanda.
a. Genesis c. Sir Isaac Newton’s theory
b. Hindu text Rigveda d. Multiverse
2. This theory states that the whole universe is made up of non-uniformly distributed fragments of
a. Stoic universe c. Atomic universe
b. Primordial universe d. Oscillating universe
3. This model of the solar system states that the Earth is the center of the solar system.
a. Geocentric model of the solar system
b. Heliocentric model of the universe
4. This model of the solar system puts the sun at the center of the solar system.
a. Geocentric model of the solar system
b. Heliocentric model of the solar system
5. ________________ presumes that the solar system began as a cloud of dispersed interstellar gas called nebula.
a. Kant-Laplace Nebular Hypothesis c. Tidal theory
b. Planetesimal theory d. Protoplanets theory
6. Is a modified version of the nebular hypothesis, which incorporates modern knowledge of matter.
a. Kant-Laplace Nebular Hypothesis c. Tidal theory
b. Planetesimal theory d. Protoplanets theory
7. The following are the reasons why Earth can sustain life, EXCEPT.
a. The presence of oxygen c. The ability to maintain heat.
b. The presence of liquid water d. The presence of atmosphere
8. The amount of time it takes for the sun to return to the same spot.
a. One mean solar day c. Annual motion
b. One sidereal day d. Daily motion
9. The amount of time it takes for the stars to return to the same spot.
a. One mean solar day c. Annual motion
b. One sidereal day d. Daily motion
10. _________________ is an imaginary line about which a body rotates.
a. Equator c. Axis
b. International date line d. Orbit
11. ____________________ is the amount of time that it takes to turn around once on its axis.
a. Rotation b. Revolution
12. __________________ is the amount of time that it takes to turn around once on its orbit.
a. Rotation b. Revolution
13. The different seasons the Earth experiences for the whole year is caused by the Earth’s ____________.
a. Rotation b. Revolution
14. The Earth’s change from day to night is caused by the Earth’s ________________.
a. Rotation b. Revolution
15. This is the gaseous layer that envelops the geosphere.
a. Atmosphere c. Biosphere
b. Geosphere d. Hydrosphere
II. Fill in the blank. Complete the statement below by choosing your answer from the box provided
below. Write the letter on the space provided before the item.

Atomic universe
Stoic universe

__________________1. This is all the water composition of the Earth.

__________________2. This is the set of all life forms of the Earth.
__________________3. According to this theory, the universe is made of indestructible atoms.
__________________4. This theory believes that the universe functions as a whole body.
__________________5. One of the Earth’s subsystems comprising all the landforms and the layers of the Earth
from the inner core to the crust.

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