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Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga   

  Jimco, Maarso 31 2023

Guriga _ War-saxaafadeed _

WAR-SAXAAFADEED - Hargeysa, Somaliland. Maarso 31, 2023

Hargeysa, Somaliland.
Maarso 31, 2023
Maarso 31, 2023

Siidaynta degdega ah

Hargeysa, Somaliland. March 31, 2023 –

Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ayaa
beesha caalamka la wadaagaysa walaaca ku
saabsan shaqaaqada sii socota ee ka taagan
magaalada Laascaanood, ee ka dhalatay dilkii
loo gaystay siyaasi reer Somaliland ah bishii
December, ka dib markii ay soo galeen ciidamo
shisheeye, iyo weerarro lagu qaaday. Goobo
rayid ah oo ay ka mid tahay guriga ay ku
sugnaayeen qaar ka mid ah Golaha Wasiirada
Somaliland oo ay kaga hadlayeen tabashada
xubnaha bulshada.

Dadaal niyad sami leh iyo sidii loo xakamayn

lahaa shaqaaqadaasi loona soo celin lahaa
xasiloonida, dawladda Somaliland waxay dib
ula soo noqotay ciidamadeeda ammaanka
Laascaanood, waxay ku dhawaaqday xabbad-
joojin hal dhinac ah, waxaanay ku dhiirigelisay
dhammaan dhinacyada kale inay ku soo
biiraan. Xukuumadu waxa kale oo ay
taageertay Ergo Nabadeed oo ay wadaan
Isimada beelaha Somaliland si ay wada hadal u
furaan, waxaanay soo dhaweeyeen go’aanka
ay dawladaha jaarku ku dhexdhexaadiyeen
joojinta colaada.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dadkii kiciyay

khilaafkan ayaa diiday dhammaan
dadaalladaas. Taas beddelkeeda waxa ay sii
wadeen hurinta, colaadda iyo war-xumada si ay
u sii khalkhaliyaan xasiloonida mandaqada,
ugana hor yimaadaan qarannimada
Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Labadii bilood ee u
dambeeyay, ciidamada Somaliland waxa ay ku
jireen weeraro joogto ah oo aan loo meel dayin,
iyaga oo ku dadaalayay sidii ay u xakamayn
lahaayeen xasilooni darada iyo in ay ka
fogaadaan in ay sii kordhaan ciidanku si ay uga
hortagaan waxyeelo soo gaadho dadka rayidka

Ilaa hadda, wada xaajoodkii lala yeelan lahaa

hoggaamiyeyaasha bulshada deegaanka
waxaa lagu fashiliyay weerarro sii kordhaya oo
ay geysanayaan kooxo hubeysan oo badan.
Kooxahan ayaa isugu jira xubno ka tirsan Al-
Shabaab oo laga soo barakiciyay goobihii ay ku
noolaayeen ee nabad-gelyada ah ee
Soomaaliya oo uu Maraykanku taageerayo
hawl-gallada ka dhanka ah argagixisada,
saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Puntland iyo kuwa
xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed oo uu ku jiro
Taliyaha ugu sarreeya ee guutada 4-aad ee
Maraykanku tababaray. "Danab Brigade", oo
markii dambe lagu dilay weerar lagu
beegsaday cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada

Sida dawladaha kaleba, Jamhuuriyadda

Somaliland waxay xaq u leedahay inay
difaacdo madax-banaanideeda dhuleed,
Ciidankeena Ciidankuna si is-xakameyn iyo
karti-xirfadeed ayay ku joogeen.

Despite this difficult situation, the Somaliland

government’s requests for U.S. support to
convince Puntland authorities to stop the flow
of fighters and arms from their territory into
Las’anod, or to allow local elders to engage in
talks, have yet to be answered. As a result,
armed militias have operated with impunity in
Las’anod, intimidating local leaders who desire
to engage in political dialogue with the
government and enabling a permissive
environment for terrorists. Failure by the U.S.
and others to engage constructively,
objectively, and dispassionately risks
emboldening these militias and prolonging the

The Government of the Republic of Somaliland

once again urges the United States, the African
Union, and the International Community to work
in solidarity with our people to restore security
in Las’anod and support a long-lasting solution
that includes recognition of Somaliland’s

Regardless of these challenges, we are

determined to implement democratic elections,
a right that the government has protected and a
process that serves as a model for the region.

In accordance with our laws, the National

Electoral Commission is mandated to organize
elections in our country. Therefore, it is the
responsibility of the National Electoral
Commission to develop the roadmap for the


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