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Date: WEEK 7 Time: Quarter THIRD QUARTER
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A. Content Standard Grammar
1. demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
Listening Comprehension
1. demonstrates an understanding of text types to construct feedback

B. Performance Standard Oral Language

1. Actively creates and participates in oral theme-based activities.
1. Reads aloud text with accuracy, automaticity, and prosody
Writing and Composition
1. Uses a variety of strategies to write informational and literary compositions
C. Learning Competency/ 1. Analyze a story in terms of its elements EN4RC-IIa
Objectives 2. Perform differentiated activities that will showcase students’ skills and talents
Write the LC code for 3. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and making comments or reactions -
each. EN4A-IIIa-28
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Powerpoint presentation, charts
Read the story and answer the questions that follow.
Flora’s Godmother
One Sunday Flora went to her godmother’s house. She did not see her Ninang Marta but someone
was there who looked like her. When she was about to leave, the woman laughed.
Why Flora,” she asked, “don’t you remember your own godmother?”
Flora was surprised. The woman was her godmother, but she looked different. She wore a black wig
that made her younger and prettier.
“I did not know you at once, Ninang,” Flora said. “You look different with that wig.”
“Is that so?” Aling Marta asked. ”A friend sold me her long hair and I had it made into a wig. A
hairdresser made it for me.”

1. When did Flora go to her godmother’s house?

a. one bright day
b. on her birthday
c. one Sunday
d. one Saturday

2. Whom did she see in the house?
a. an unknown woman
b. her godmother’s sister
c. a woman who looked like her godmother
d. no one
3. Where is the setting in the story?
a. in the farm
b. in godmother’s house
c. in a tailor shop
d. in a garden
4. Who is the most important character in the story?
a. Flora
b. Ninang Marta
c. friend
d. hairdresser
5. What was the problem in the story?
a. Ninang Marta wore a black wig.
b. Flora did not see her Ninang Marta
c. Flora was surprised to see her godmother.
d. Ninang Marta looked younger and prettier on her black wig.
6. What was the suspense in the story?
a. The woman laughed at Flora.
b. Ninang Martha showed her black wig.
c. Flora saw a woman who looked like her godmother.
d. Flora was about to leave the house of her Ninang Marta.
7. Which is the beginning event in the story?
a. Flora was surprised.
b. Flora’s godmother laughed at her.
c. Flora went to her godmother’s house.
d. Flora did not recognize her godmother.
8. Which is the middle event in the story?
a. Flora was about to leave the house.
b. Ninang Marta asked Flora if she knew her.
c. Flora went to her godmother’s house.
d. Flora did not recognize her godmother.
9. How did the story end?
a. Ninang Marta called Flora to come back.
b. Ninang Marta welcomed Flora inside her house.
c. Flora left her godmother’s house without seeing her.
d. Flora saw her Ninang Marta and they had a good time together.
10. What is the theme in the story?
a. Love
b. Loyalty
c. Respect
d. Honesty

2. Review of the previous lesson

Infer the tone/mood of the following characters or utterances. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. George threw a stone at the dog and laughed when the stone hit the dog on the side.
a. careless b. happy c. cruel
2. After supper, Josie quickly piled the empty dishes one a top the other and carried them to the kitchen,
leaving rice grains and fish spines untouched on the table.
a. untidy b. careful c. cruel
3. Rene bought pandesal before starting to boil water for coffee. He heated left overs and set out cups
and teaspoons for breakfast. Then he called his mother to join him at breakfast.
a. helpful b. generous c. proud
4. Linda shrank back against the fence, her heart beating violently at the sight of the dog, her eyes wide,
her hands trembling.
a. timid b. furious c. terrified
5. Ronaldo couldn’t believe that the winning number on the board was also right there on his ticket stub.

He shouted, threw his arms up in the air, and kissed the ticket he held aloft!
a. careless b. joyous c. anxious


What are the highlighted words in the story?

What are the encircled words in the story?
What are the underlined words in the story?

The highlighted words (one day, market, store, Francis’ bookshop, and old lady’s pet shop) in the
story are the places and time when the story happened. They are the setting of the story.
The encircled words (man, wife, his friend, Francis, old lady, baker’s wife, husband, and baker) are
the characters.
The underlined words are the series of events that gives the plot of the story. The plot of the story
includes beginning, middle, and ending. It also includes the conflict and the resolution. The man’s lack of
money for his wife’s medicine is the conflict. On the other hand, selling the donkey becomes the
resolution of the conflict/problem.


CHARACTERS are the people or animals in the story.
ex: the bat, the birds, and the beasts
SETTING refers to the place and time that the events in the story happened.
ex: long ago, in the forest
PLOT is made up of the events that happened in the story.

THEME is what a story all about. It can be expressed in one word like “love,” “friendship,” etc. It is the

“central idea” or “main message” the author wants his readers to understand and to live by.

B. DEVELOPMENT Read the story carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
My Bestfriend
Mary Santos is my best friend. We walk together. We walk home in the afternoon. We study our
lessons together.
One morning, she did not show up. I waited for her. Then her sister came.
She gave me a letter from Mary. Mary said that she had a headache.
I went to see her in the afternoon. I showed her the assignment. I told her what we did in school. I
stayed with her until supper.
The next morning, we walked to school together again.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

a. Mary Santos, her sister and I
b. Mary Santos and my best friend
2. What is the setting of the story?
a. one day
b. one morning
3. What is the problem of the story?
a. Her sister lost the letter for me.
b. One morning, Mary Santos did not show up.
4. How was the problem solved?
a. The character went to her best friend’s house to tell her what she missed in school.
b. The character went home and called her best friend.
5. What is the theme of the story?
a. friendship
b. loyalty

Read the story carefully and answer statements if it is yes or no.

The Milkmaid and Her Pail
A Milkmaid had been out to milk the cows and was returning from the field with the shining milk pail
balanced nicely on her head. As she walked along, her pretty head was busy with plans for the days to
“This good, rich milk,” she mused, “will give me plenty of cream to churn. The butter I make I will take
to market, and with the money I get for it I will buy a lot of eggs for hatching. How nice it will be when they
are all hatched and the yard is full of fine young chicks.”
“Then when May day comes, I will sell them and with the money, I'll buy a lovely new dress to wear to
the fair. All the young men will look at me. They will come and try to make love to me, but I shall very
quickly send them about their business!”
As she thought of how she would settle that matter, she tossed her head scornfully, and down fell the
pail of milk to the ground. And all the milk flowed out, and with it vanished butter and eggs and chicks and
new dress and all the milkmaid's pride.

1. The title of the story is “The Milkmaid and Her Pail”.

2. The setting of the story is in the forest.
3. The character in the story is the milkmaid.
4. The beginning of the story is: the milkmaid is out to milk the cows.
5. The middle of the story is: in May, she will sell them and will buy a lovely dress.
6. The ending of the story is: she stood up after collecting the milk and stored them in the storage
7. Theme of the story is about love.
8. The moral lesson of the story is: “do not count your chickens before they are hatched”.
9. The conflict of the story is: she tossed her head scornfully, and down fell the pail of milk to the
10. Did all the milkmaid’s plans happen?

C. ENGAGEMENT Group activity

Each group will be given a certain task based on the same story.

Group 1
Task: Identify the characters in the story and describe each of them.
Group 2
Task: Draw the setting of the story
Group 3
Task: Act out the story.



CONTENT Expresses the intended idea (elements of a story), 5
hence easily identified.
CREATIVITY Demonstrates high-level of creativity and originality. 5
TEAMWORK All the members participate and cooperate. 5

D. ASSIMILATION Read the story carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
The Crow and the Pitcher
In a spell of dry weather, when the birds could find very little to drink, a thirsty crow found a pitcher
with a little water in it.
But the pitcher was high and had a narrow neck, and no matter how he tried, the crow could not reach
the water.
The poor thing felt as if he must die of thirst.
Then an idea came to him. Picking up some small pebbles, he dropped them into the pitcher one by
one. With each pebble the water rose a little higher until at last it was near enough so he could drink.

1. What is the title of the story?

a. the crow
b. the pitcher
c. the crow and the pitcher
d. the lovely crow
2. What is the setting of the story?
a. sunny day, in the forest
b. nighttime, in the mountains
c. rainy day, in the city
d. winter, in the house
3. What was the problem or the conflict of the story?
a. The pitcher got broken.
b. The pitcher got lost.
c. Other birds came by and drank the water in the pitcher.
d. The crow was so thirsty. He could not drink because the pitcher was high and had a narrow
4. How did the story end?
a. The crow flew away and found a river nearby.
b. The crow was able to drink after dropping pebbles into the pitcher which made the water
c. The pitcher burst because of the hot weather.
d. The crow wasn’t able to drink water from the pitcher.
5. What is the theme of the story?
a. selflessness
b. determination
c. honesty
d. happiness
In your notebook, write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompt below.

I understand that _______________________________________________________.

I realize that __________________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about _______________________________________________.

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