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Kayts, St.

Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 1

2 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church
Parish House
Grand Reopening Souvenir

110th Anniversary
(1912 – 2022)

Published by Canada Kayts East Association

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 3

1. A song to St. Anthony 03
2. Message from the Bishop of Jaffna 06
3. Message from the Bishop Emeritus 08
4. Message from the Vicar General 09
5. Message from Rev. Mons. Camillus Johnpillai 10
6. Message from the Dean of the Islands Deanery 11
7. Message from the Parish Priest 14
8. Message from the Rector of St. Anthony’s College 15
9. Message from Rev. Fr. P. F. Rajasingham 16
10. Message from Rev. Fr. A. Mac Mayooran 17
11. Message from Rev. Fr. Jeyaraj Rasiah 20
12. Message from Rev. Fr. Charles Collins 21
13. Message from Rev. Fr. Vasanthan 22
14. Message from the Principal St. Mary’s Vidiyalayam 23
15. Message from Rev. Fr. Jude Angelo Amirthanayagam 24
16. Message from Rev. Fr. Antony Sylvester 25
17. Message from Rev. Sr. Naomi Rajanayagam 30
18. Message from Rev. Sr. Kamala Srinathan 31
19. Message from the President of Canada Kayts East Association 33
20. Message from the President of Jaffna Diocese Youth Federation 34
21. Message from Kayts, St. Joseph’s Parishioners 35
22. Message from Kayts, St. Mary’s Parishioners 36
23. Message from Kayts, St. James’ Parishioners 37
24. Message from Karampon, St. Sebastian’s Parishioners 38
25. Message from Naranthanai, St, Peter & Paul’s Parishioners. 39
26. Our Renovated Parish House 40
27. The History of the Parish House 43
28. Canada Kayts East Association Treasurer’s Report 47
29. Statement of Accounts 48
30. Donors’ List 49
31. Message from the Coordinator of Parish House Renovation Project 50
32. Virutham& Mangalam 52

Printed in Jaffna in June 2022

4 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

tho;f tho;fNt me;Njhdp kh KdPe;jpuNd!

Njbj; Njb te;jtu;fF

; ehb ehb ey; mUs;fs;;
NfhbNfhbahfr; nra; Nfhbaw;Gju; ePNu!

Njt jpUg; ghyid jhtpf; fl;b mizf;f

G+tpy; tuk; mile;j Gz;zpa KdPej
; puNd!

kPdpq;fs; Nfl;fNt Qhd cgNjrQ; nra;

Qhd nkhopauNr Qhdpfspd; rpuNr!

ntl;Lz;l fsfj;ij xl;litj;j FUNt!

J~;uhpLk; eQ;irAk; cl;nfhs;s ty;ytNu!

khjk; Mdp kUTk; Njjp gjpd; %d;wpNy

ehjfPjj;NjhL ck;ik jhijNa tho;jJ ; fpd;Nwhk;!

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 5

6 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 7
Message from the Bishop of Jaffna

I am very pleased to know that Kayts St. Antony’s Church parish house has been renovated
and is to be declared open closer to the feast of St. Antony in June this year. I wish to congratulate
the parishioners and all those who contributed immensely for this project.
The old parish house was built in 1912 by an Irish priest, Revd. Fr. William Owen OMI,
who was the parish priest at that time. It was he who inspired a young man, Victor Rajanayagam
to pursue priestly ministry and he became the first priest of the church. Then, we have Rt.
Revd. Dr. Thomas Savundaranayagam, Bishop Emeritus, from the parish.
This parish house was used by several Rectors of St. Antony’s college who found it very
comfortable as it was closer to the sea. Several parish priests also occupied and it has been a
very comfortable residence for them. As a young boy, I have seen priests living there and
serving the community. Recently the different parish priests made every effort to renovate this
with the help of the parishioners
I wish to congratulate the Canada Kayts East community for shouldering a major part of the
repairs. God willing this house will be used for religious purposes and also to conduct seminars
for various groups. I wish God’s blessings on all those who worked hard towards renovating
the parish house beautifully. May St. Antony protect you and intercede for you all.

Yours devotedly in the Lord & MI

Rt. Revd. Dr. Justin B. Gnanapragasam

Bishop of Jaffna

8 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 9
Message from Emeritus Bishop of Jaffna
Rt.Revd.Dr. Emmanuel Thomas Savundranayagam

We are very happy to honour the opening of the renovated parish house at “Kayts Island “
East. For a long time the people have been expecting the opening of the new parish house in the
East street Kayts. The people of St. Antony’s church worked hard for the renovation of the
parish house in the East of Kayts of St. Antony’s church.
On this occasion, also rejoice with the parish priest and the people of Kayts for the big and
beautiful house at St. Antony’s church Kayts. It can accommodate many people on festive
occasion. During the period 1911 -1913, Revd. Fr. Owen William was the parish priest of
Kayts and he was instrumental for constructing a residence for the priests adjoining the church.
Finally thank the parish priest and all those who tirelessly worked for the opening of this
house. May the joy of our Lord Jesus Christ will always keep this dwelling place a happy

Rt. Revd. Dr. Thomas Savundranayagam

The Bishop Emeritus
The diocese of Jaffna.

10 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

Renovated Presbytery of St. Antony’s Church, Kayts
A Monumental Presentation to the Diocese of Jaffna

I am very pleased to pen these lines on the occasion of the opening of

the newly renovated Presbytery of St. Antony’s Church, Kayts.
According to the historical reports the parish house was built during
the period 1911 – 1913 when Rev. Fr. Owen William was the Parish Priest
of Kayts. Therefore, the parish house is more than 110 years old. Due to
the long period of war and repeated displacements of people the house was
neglected without proper maintenance, and was almost in ruins for the last
so many years.
In the meantime, St. Antony’s Church celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2020 remembering
its graceful beginning in 1820 when it served as the Mission Church not only for the island of
Kayts but also for the islands around it. Following the bicentenary celebrations, the parishioners
of St. Antony’s Church took a courageous and timely decision to renovate the presbytery with
their generous contributions.
As a result of this the parish house is beautifully renovated and has been made to be a place
of elegant and graceful residence.
I appreciate and congratulate all those who are instrumental for this historical work of
renovation through their generous contribution and support in various ways. I also thank them
for maintaining the architectural structure of the original construction which truly brings the
nobility and dignity of the presbytery.
The newly renovated presbytery is a house surrounded with serene environment and gorgeous
beauty of nature. It will surely be an honour and privilege for anyone who is going to occupy
this house.
Once again, my greetings and appreciations to all the parishioners of St. Antony’s Church,
Kayts for their valuable contribution to the diocese of Jaffna by presenting this monumental

Very Revd. Fr. P. J. Jebaratnam

Vicar General

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 11

Greetings from Rev. Mons. Camillus Johnpillai
Vatican, 7 April 2022

Subsequent to the Bicentennial Celebration of St. Antony’s Church

(1820-2020) in Kayts, once again, I am pleased to send my warmest
greetings to all the parishioners.
It is edifying to learn of the initiative of the Christian faithful
belonging to St. Anthony’s Church to renovate the existing Parish House
in order to better serve the needs of the parish community. Thanks to
the generosity of the benefactors, especially those belonging to St.
Antony’s Church, this project has now become a reality. The renovated
Parish House is a concrete expression of their love for the Church. May God bless them
Each time when I visit the St. Anthony’s Basilica in Padua, old memories of Kayts
come back and where I had developed my devotion to St. Antony.
As preparations are underway for the opening of the Parish House, I would like to
express my heartfelt thanks to Fr. S.J.Q. Jeyaranjan the Parish Priest and the Church
Committee Members for their concerted efforts for the successful completion of this work.
I wish and pray that this special occasion may help all the Christian faithful in Kayts to
grow in their devotion to St. Antony and to ask for his intercession in their needs.
Moreover, may St. Antony obtain for us the choicest blessings of the heavenly Father
who calls us to a life of faith, imitating Christ ‘the pioneer and perfector of our faith’.

Rev. Mons. Camillus Johnpillai

Office Head
Dicastery for Evangelisation
00120 Vatican City

12 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

Cu;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj me;Njhdpahu; Myag;gzpkid

ePz;l tuyhw;iw nfhz;l Ch;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj me; Njhdpahu;

Myak; kpf mofhf Gduikf;fg;gl;L vk; md;gpw;Fk; ngUk;
; pw;Fk; cupa aho; Mau; a];uPd; Ngzhl; Qhdg;gpufhrk; mtu;
fshy;; jpwe;J itf;fg;gl;lij ,e;jNtisapy; epidT $Ufpd;
Nwd;. cs;ehl;L ntspehl;L gq;F kf;fspd; cjtpfspdhy; kpf
mofhf Myak; Gduikf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. ,e;j gzp epiwtile;j
xU rpwpa fhyg;gFjpapNyNa gq;Fkid Gduikf;fg; gl;Ls;sik
ghuhl;lg;gl Ntz;ba njhd;whFk;.
ngUk; nrytpy; ,e;j Myaj;ijAk;> gq;F kidiaAk; Gdu
ikj;j cs;ehl;L> ntspehl;L gq;F kf;fSf;F vdJ ghuhl;Lf;fis njuptpj;Jf;
nfhs; fpd;Nwd;. ,d;Dk; ,e;j ,uz;L gzpfisAk; kpfj;jpwikahf nra;J Kbj;
Js;s Kd;dhs; gq;Fj;je;ij mUl;gzp P.F ,uharpq;fj;jpw;Fk; kw;Wk; ,d;dhs;
gq;Fj;je;ij mUl;gzp S.J.Q n[awQ;rd; mtu;fl;Fk; vdJ kdkhu;e;j ghuhl;Lf;
fis njuptpj;Jf;nfhs;fpNwd;. Nfhb mw;Gju; Gdpj me;Njhdpah upd; ghpe;Jiufs;
vd;Wk; cs;ehl;L ntspehl;L gq;F kf;fis vy;yh MrPu;fshYk; epug;Gtjhf.
As our universal church is making its efforts to make our Church a synodal one, I find that
the concept of synodality is already in practice at St. Antony’s parish. Synodality involves
communion, participation and mission. St Antony’s church community is united not only in the
locality, but also has the ability to unite its parishioners all over the world. This means that it
has the ability to persuade everyone to participate in its activities and move forward towards
the mission. While congratulating its heroic efforts in the renovation of the Church as well the
parish house, I earnestly request them also to make their contribution towards the education of
its children both by assisting St. Antony’s college in its further development and to assist the
parish priest towards assisting the poor students of the area.

Rev Fr. Manuelpillai David

Dean of the Islands

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 13

14 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 15
gq;Fj;je;ijapd; ,ja tupfs;

Cu;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj me;Njhdpahu; Myag; gq;Fkid

mikf; f g; g l; L 110 tUlq; f spd; gpd; d u; kP s Tk;
GJg;nghypNthL Gduikf;fg;gl;Lj; jpwf;fg;gLfpd;w
,t; Ntisapy; cq;fs; kfpo;tpy; ehDk; ,izfpd;Nwd;.
kfpo;fpd;Nwd;. ,g;gzp RKfkhf Kd;ndLf;fg;gl jpahf
cs;sj;NjhL cte;jspj;j xt;nthUtUf;Fk; kdk; epiwe;j
ed;wpfSk; ghuhl;Lf;fSk; cupj;jhFf. ,g;gzpapidNa
my;Yk; gfYk; jkJ vz;zj;jpYk;> vOj;jpYk;> Ngr;rpYk;
jhq;fp ,jidr; rpwg;Gw topg;gLj;jpa jpUthsu; A.F.A.A.
,uh[FNye;jpud; mtu;fSf;Fk;> mtNuhL xj;Jioj;j xt;nthUtUf;Fk; vdJ
rpwg;ghd ed;wpfSk;> ghuhl;Lf;fSk; cupj;jhFf.
gq;Fkidg; gzpfSk;> Myag;gupghydg; gzpfSk; Neh;j;jpahf> rpuj;ijahf
Kd;ndLf;fg;gLfpd;wd. xd;wha; ,ize;J fuq;Nfhu;jJ ; g; gazpf;f ,t;tpoh vk;ik
tho;j;jp tuNtw;fpd;wJ. vk; ghJfhtyu; Nfhbaw;Gju; Gdpj me;Njhdpahupd;
gupe;Jiuapy; vz;zw;w mUis MrPiug; ngw;Ws;s epiyapy; ts;sd;ikNahL
jpahfg; gfpu;tpy; ePq;fs; mfj;jpYk; Gyj;jpYkha; ,ize; Js;sPu;fs;. ePq;fs; vq;F
tho; e ; j hYk; cq; f s; ,ja vz; z q; f s; nray; f s; ,t; t hyaj; i jr; Rw; w pNa
mike;Js;sd. cq;fSf;F ,iwtd; mUspa Mw;wy; fs; jpwikfis ms;sp toq;fp
MyaKk; gq;FkidAk; vopYw ePqf ; s; vLf;Fk; xt;nthU Kaw;rpAk; ngWkjpahdJ>
Nghw;Wjw;FupaJ> rhl;rpag; gfpu;th dJ. mu;gg ; zpg;ghd xt;nthU nraYk; mtutu;
,iwek;gpf;ifapd; Moj;ij ntspr;rk; Nghl;Lf; fhl;Lfpd;wJ.
“cq;fs; xsp kdpju; Kd; xspu;f. mg;nghOJ mtu;fs; cq;fs; ew;nray; fisf; fz;L
cq;fs; tpz;zf je;ijiag; Nghw;wpg; Gfo;thu;fs;.” (kj; 5:16).
I express my profound gratitude to everyone from home and abroad for rendering your
generosity for the Renovated Parish House to be splendid. Hearty thanks go to all coordinators
and collaborators. Let us continue to grow in our concerted efforts for the betterment of the
Church and the Parish House. May our Heavenly Patron powerfully intercede for all of us!
May the blessings of the Almighty God be showered upon us always and everywhere.
‘ ,iwad;gpy; epiyj;jpUg;Nghk; ,iwahrPu; ngw;wpLNthk;’.

,iwgzpapy; md;Gld;>
Fr.S.J.Q. Jeyaranjan,
Parish Priest, Kayts

16 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

Gdpj me;Njhdpahh; fy;Yhhp mjpghpd;
; r; nra;jp!

moFw mikf;fg;gl;l Myag; gzpkidapd; mgptpUj;jpapy;.

fhtY}h; kz;zpy;> Nfhb mw;Gjuhf> midj;J kf;f Sf;Fk;
milf;fyk; nfhLf;Fk; mUl;Rluhk; Gdpj me;Njhdpahh; vk;
ghJfhtyuhf ,Ug;gJ ngUikf;Fhpa tplakhFk;. flyiy
jhyhl;Lk; flw;fiujdpy; ngUtpUl;rkhf kpspUk; MyaKk;>
mjNdhL ,ize;j gzpkidAk; vy;Nyhh; fz;fSf;Fk; ,iw
ek;gpf;ifia Cl;Lk; tpUl;rq;fshf khwpapUf;fpd;wd.
Myaj; N jhL ,ize; J mikf; f g; g l; b Uf; F k; gzp kid
ahdJ 110 Mz;Lfs; goik tha;e;j jskhFk;. ,j;jskhdJ
,g; N ghJ GdUj; j huzk; nra; a g; g l; L Myaj; J f; F kFlk;
Nrh;f;Fk; fskhf khwpapUf;fpd;wik vk; midtUf;Fk; kfpo;r;rpjuf;$bajhFk;.
,t; t Ulk; Nfhbaw; G juhd Gdpj me; N jhdpahhpd; jpUtpohit Kd; d pl; L
GdUj;jhuzk; nra;ag;gl;l gzpkidahdJ vkJ aho; Mah; mjp. te;jidf; Fhpa
a];hpd; Ngzhl; Qhdg;gpufhrk; mth;fspdhy; jpwe;J itf;fg;gLfpd; wik vk;
midtUf;Fk; ngUk; re;Njhrj;ij Vw;gLj;jf;$ba tplakhFk;. ,g;gzpkid
ahdJ Myaj;jpd; tsu;r;rpf;Fk;> gq;Fj; jpUr;rgigapd; vOr;rpf; Fk; Gj;Jzh;itAk;>
Gjpa ek;gpf;ifiaAk; Cl;Lk; fskhf khw Mrpfs; $wp epw;fpd;Nwd;.
In the Development of Church Parish House…
I take this opportunity to write down a few words regarding St. Antony’s Church Parish
House, which is situated just infront of our college. We have been maintaining a special link
with our St. Antony’s Church for a few decades, as we fulfill all our spiritual oriented matters
in the church itself. Though the church takes priority in that spot, the parish house that is
annexed with it, gives sound beauty for everyone. The parish house also has its own history. In
the past many Rev. Fathers, who were as Rectors, stayed there and did their mission profoundly.
This year the parishioners commemorate 110 year for this parish house. On this occasion I
convey my good wishes to everyone associated with the parish house, especially the parish
priest, parish committee, parishioners and devotees who make the parish house very
accommodative for everyone.
Finally, I join with you all in praying that God may bless and empower you all!

Rev. Fr. M. Anton Amalathas

St. Anthony’s College, Kayts.

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 17

Kd;dhs; gq;Fj; je;ij mUl;gzp gh. gp. ,uh[rpq;fk;
mtu;fspd; tho;jJ; r; nra;jp
Ch;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj me;Njhdpahh; Mya gq;Fg;gzp kid
GJg;nghypTld; mikf;fg;gl;L ,Ug;gijapl;L ngUkfpo;r;rp
nfhs;tNjhly;yhky; ,k;Kaw;rpapy; <Lgl;l midtiuAk;
kdkhu tho;j;Jfpd;Nwd;.
,t;Ntisapy; ,j;jpl;lk; fUthf cUntLj;j xU epfo;it
cq;fNshL gfph;e;J nfhs;s tpUk;Gfpd;Nwd;.
2014k; Mz; L kh h; f op khjk; ehd; C h; f htw; W iw gq; F j;
je;ijahf epakdk; ngw;Wf; nfhz;Nld;. Kjy;Kjypy; khu;fop 9k;
jpfjp nrt;tha;f;fpoik Gdpj me;Njhdpahh; Myaj;jpy; jpUg;gyp
xg;Gf;nfhLj;J vd; gzpia Muk;gpj;Njd;. me;ehl;fspy; gq;Fg;gzpkid $iuaw;W
rpije; j epiyapy; ,Ue; j J. vtUk; mijf; ftdj; j py; nfhs; stpy; i y. Gjpa
fl;llj;jpw;fhd Kaw;rp xd;W vLf;fg;gl;lJ. Mdhy; Kbatpy;iy.
me;ehl;fspy; tPjp Gduikg;G Ntiyfspd; epkpj;jk; Mya gpujhd tPjp kjpy;
cilf;fg;gl;L mijf; fl;Ltjw;fhd nghWg;G vd;dplj;jpy; jug;gl;lJ. kjpy;
Ntiyfs; 2017k; Mz;L G+h;j;jpaile;J gpujhd tPjpapy; Gdpj me;Njhdp ahh; RUgk;
xd;Wk; epWtg;gl;lJ. A+d; khjk; 13k; jpfjp 2017k; Mz;L Gdpj me;Njhdpahh;
jpUtpohj; jpUg;gypf;F Kd;djhf gpujhd tPjpapy; mikf; fg;gl;l Gdpj me;Njhdpahh;
R&gk; kiwkhtl; l FUKjy; t h; mUl; g zp N[.gp.nrgwl; z k; mt h;f shy;
MrPh;tjpj;J kf;fspd; tzf;fj;jpw;fha; jpwe;Jitf;fg;gl;lJ.
tpoh epfo;Tfs; epiwtile;J fhiy czT FUf;fSf;Fk; mUl;fNfhjhp fSf;Fk;
Myaj;jpd; iff;NfhtpypYk;> miof;fg;gl;l nghJkf;fSf;F Mya tpwhe;ijapYk;
ghpkhwg;gl;lJ. mg;NghJjhd; FUKjy;th; vd;dplk; xUtplaj;ij $wpdh h;.
“Myaj;Jf;Fs; czT ghpkhWtJ Kiway;y> ,dptUk; ehl;fspy; Ntwplj;jpy;
ghpkhw topnra;Ak;gb $wpdhh;” mf;fzj;jpy; vd; vz;zj;jpy; Njhd;wpkiwe;j xU
rpwpa nghwpjhd; “,g;Gduikf;fg;gl;l gq;Fg;gzpkid”.
md;wpypUe;J gzpkid Gduikg;Gj; jpl;lq;fs; gyUlDk; gfpug;gl;L> gyhpd;
cjtpfs; ngw; W $iuNtiyfs; G+h; j ; j pahf; f g; g l; L > Rt h; G +r; R NtiyAk;
Muk; g pf; f g; g l; l J. ,e; e piyapy; NtWgzpf; f hf ehd; epakdk; ngw; N wd; .
gq; F g; g zpkid Gduikg; G g; gzpfs; njhl h; e ; J k; jpUthsh; f s; V. vt; .
,uh[FNye;jpud; kw;Wk; gpwPlN ; lh ,wl;zrhkp MfpNahh; njhlh;ghsh;fsha; ,Uf;f
gq; F j; je; i jah; f spd; jiyikapy; jw; N ghJ G+h; j ; j p mile; j pUg; g ijapl; L
ngUkfpo;r;rp milfpd;Nwd;.
gq;Fg;gzpkid Gduikf;fg;gl;L GJg;nghypTld; fhzg;gLtjw;F fhuz
; hf;fshf ,Ue;j cs;ehl;L> ntspehl;L ed;nfhilahsh;fs; midtiuAk; ehd;
ed;wpNahL ghuhl;LfpNwd;. Ehw;wpg;gj;jhz;Lfs; goikahd ,f;fl;llk; GJg;
nghypTfhz cjtpa midtiuAk; Gdpj me;Njhdpahh; vd;Wk; jk; ghpe;Jiuapy;
mUl;gzp ,uh[rpq;fk;
jkpo; fj;Njhypf;f Md;kPfg;gzpafk;>
ehg;Nghyp> ,j;jhyp.
18 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Felicitations from a Former Pastor

Congratulations on the opening of the renovated Parish House at St.

Antony’s Church, Kayts! With immense joy, I take this opportunity to
appreciate the coordinators of this collaborative project.
It is really wonderful that we are still living with people who love to
preserve the beautiful old signs of our heritage, especially our 110-year-
old Mission House. The people of East Street are remarkable in desiring
to renovate this Old House into a New Home for the priests, and to
maintain a Library with historical records, while some struggle even to
maintain church buildings.
Often our Bishop mentions that in the past, this Mission House was the residence of
former Rectors of St. Antony’s College, Kayts. It is hoped that this renovation would lead
to the presence again of priests in the Mission House.
I am glad that once I was guiding this team of collaborators. It’s really beautiful that
many have volunteered and contributed for this construction.
May God shower His blessings on all your families and all your endeavours and may
our patron, St. Antony of Padua, continue to intercede for us in the presence of the Almighty.

Rev.Fr. A. Mac Mayooran

J/St.James’ MahaVidyalayam

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 19

20 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 21
Message of Felicitation

It gives me immense joy to send this message of felicitation at the

opening of the renovated Parish House of St Anthony’s Church, Kayts on
11th June 2022 in commemoration of its 110th Anniversary. This historic
building which was built in 1912 by Fr. Owen William, a European
Missionary, then Parish Priest, has served as residence to many eminent
priests, including future Bishops of the Diocese, when they served as Parish
Priest and Rectors of St. Anthony’s College, my own alma mater. From
the annals of history, it may be gleaned that St. Anthony’s Church
functioned, for a long period, as the administrative Centre for the Catholics
of the whole of Kayts as well as for the adjoining islands of the Diocese of Jaffna.
Due to the ravages of war over 30 long years and due to neglect since 1975, the last Rector
to reside there being Fr. B. Soosaipillai, the building was totally rendered unusable and could
not be demolished either, as it is vested with the Archeological Department due to its antiquity
and the scenic surrounding. A new parish house too cannot be built in the vicinity due to its
proximity to the seashore. Thus, the onus of renovating it fell on those responsible and Fr. P. F.
Rajasingham, then Parish Priest began the work in 2017 which was continued by his successors
Frs. Mac Mayooran and S. J. Q. Jeyaranjan, the present Parish Priest. With the unstinted support
of the parishioners and generous financial assistance of Canada, Kayts East Committee and the
parishioners living worldwide the project is now completed and well furnished with all facilities.
Customarily, in the by gone days, the parish house was used rotationally as the Parish Priest
moved from church to church for the feast. The last Parish Priest to have resided there was Fr.
S. A. Gnanapragasam and his successor Rev. Fr. M. Mariampillai started to reside permanently
at St. Mary’s Church parish house. As the parish house is also a place where the parish community
finds a ‘common home,’ not only for spiritual needs but also for community building, educational
and for recreational activities, this renovated parish house may be used as a ‘Community Centre’
to serve the parish community. That is the aspiration of all those who have contributed immensely
to the renovation of this historic building. I wish and pray that their aspirations be considered
favourably and projects implemented to the satisfaction and benefit of all concerned.

Fr. Jeyaraj Rasiah, SJ

Jesuit Residence,
105 Power House Road,
Sri Lanka.

22 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

Message from Rev. Fr. Charles Collins

Dear Parishioners of St. Anthony’s Church, Kayts.

I hereby extend my affectionate greetings & blessings to the parishioners
of St. Anthony’s Church at Kayts, on this happy occasion. May it bring
forth added joy to all those who contribute towards this memorable &
effort painstaking milestone achievement in completing a community
building and new rectory. No doubt this is yet another way to explore the
creativity, growth and empowering the community.
This is indeed a moment of great joy for the Catholic Community
belonging to St. Anthony’s Church at Kayts who are known for their great devotion to their
Patron Saint. As a parishioner of Kayts, I recall the times I celebrated mass at St. Anthony’s
Church on various occasions.
How well I remember my visits to St. Anthony’s Church whenever I visit my hometown,
and the incredible warmth of reception there! We were overwhelmed by the welcome and the
hospitality from all the parishioners at Kayts, and also those who live in Colombo or in the
Western countries. These qualities that I experienced in Kayts are alive and will in Toronto
where I am currently serving as the Parish Priest of Our Lady of Good Health Tamil Parish.
May your celebrations reflect the joy of the indwelling Holy Spirit as you mark 100 years of
a life of devotion, of faith and fellowship in witness to the love of God in Christ Jesus and that
all your requests and wishes be whispered by St. Anthony into the ears of the Infant Jesus.
My parents, my family members and I have had a very close relationship with the lovely
parishioners of St. Anthony’s Church, Kayts. It was my privilege to visit the parishioners in Sri
Lanka and in many other countries on several occasions, conduct prayer services, baptism or
perform marriages. I have always enjoyed your fellowship and was happy to see your enthusiasm
and vibrancy.
The values of brotherhood, unity and justice in our present-day society is slowly deteriorating,
due to which great challenges are posed before our lives. One who abides ever against these
challenges proves victorious & successful in life. Perseverance is one of the secrets of success.
As you celebrate the successful completion of the new rectory and community building, my
best wishes to all of you that this historic monument help us all to grow in spiritual formation
and secular education.
I am so delighted to congratulate you for the steps you have taken in this direction, and I
wish you all blessings as you begin another phase of your journey as people of God.
Greetings in Christ,
Fr. Charles W. Collins
Parish Priest
Our Lady of Good Health Parish
Toronto, Canada,
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 23
mUl;gzp tre;jd; mbfshhpd; tho;jJ
; r; nra;jp

“Mz;ltNu vd; KO ,jaj;jhYk; ck;ikg; Gfo;Ntd;.”

fhtY}hpd; tuyhw; W r; rpwg; G kpf; f Gdpj me; N jhdpahu;

Myaj;jpd; gzpkid jpwg;G tpoh ed;ehspNy ,k; kyUf;F Mrpr;
nra; j papidAk; > tho; j ; J f; f isAk; $Wtjpy; kfpo; r ; r p mil
“fy; kdk; fiua fz;fSk; gdpf;f iffisf; Ftpj;Njd; ,iwth!”
ghuk;ghpa JiwKf efuhf tpsq;Fk; fhtY}u; fj;Njhypf;f
kf;fspd; kiw tsu;r;rpapy; nghJ epiyapdhpd; gq;fspg;G fhj;jukhdJ vd;gjw;F
mq;F fhzg;gLk; gpukhz;lkhd Myaq;fNs rhd;WfshFk;. Gdpj me;Njhdpahu;
myaj; j pypUe; J gy FUf; f Sk; > JwtpfSk; rpwg; g hf Mau; f Sk; cUthfp
,Uf;fpwhu;fs; vd;ij ,q;Nf Fwpg;gpl;lhf Ntz;Lk;. ,t;thya gq;F kf;fs; gq;fpd;
tsu;rr; papy; fhl;Lk; mf;fiw> tpRthrk;> ciog;G ,tw;iw thu;ji
; jfspd; thpfSf;Fs;
mlf;fp tpl KbahJ.
,lg;ngau;Tfis re;jpj;j epiyapy; goikaile;J fhzg;gl;l gzpkidahdJ
Gyk; ngau; cwTfspd; NgUjtpAlDk; gq;Fkf;fs;> gq;Fj; je;ij ,tu;fspd;
,iltplhj xj; J iog; G lDk; kP z ; L khf Gdu; e pu; k hzk; nra; a g; g l; L GJg;
nghypTld; Njhw;wkspf;fpd;wJk; Nghw;Wjw;F chpajhFk;.
FUf;fspd; gzp tho;tpid czu;eJ ; NgUjtpapid Nkw;nfhs;tjw;fhf Kd;dpd;W
cioj;jtu;fs;> nghUs; gz cjtpfis toq;fpatu;fs;> MNyhr fu;fs; ,tu;fisg;
ghuhl;b ,iw MrPu; ,ue;J epw;fpd;Nwd;.

mUl;gzp tre;jd;
gq;Fj; je;ij

24 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

Ch;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj khpahs; ghlrhiy mjpghpd;
tho;jJ; r; nra;jp

xU r%fj; i j Md; k P f j; j pYk; > mwptpYk; tsh; j ; n jLg; g J

Myaq;fSk;> ghlrhiyfSNk. fhtYhiuf; fhj;J top elj;Jk;
Myaq;fshf J}a me;Njhdpahh;> J}a md;id> J}a #irag;gh;>
J}a ahfg;gh; Myaq;fs; gpukhz;lkhd moFj; Njhw;wj;NjhL>
kf;fis Md;kPfj;jpy; <h;f;fpd;w top ghl;L ];jyq;fshf fhzg;
“ek;gpf;ifapy; epiyj;jpUq;fs;
JzpTld; ele;J nfhs;Sq;fs;
typikAld; nraw;gLq;fs;
midj;ijAk; md;NghL nra;Aq;fs;”

vd;w gTypd; thh;ji ; jia jkjhf;fp fj;Njhypf;f ghuk;ghpaj;ijf; nfhz;L Md;kPf

thQ; i rAs; s kf; f shf ,f; f puhk kf; f is mtjhdpf; f KbfpwJ. vt; t hwhd
,og;Gf;fs;> ,lh;fs;> rthy;fs; Neh;e;jhYk; mj;jidiaAk; vjph;nfhz;L jkJ
Md;kPfj;ij tsh;j;J tUfpd;whh;fs; vd;gij GJg;nghypT ngw;w Myaq;fSk;>
kf;fspd; tho;f;if KiwfSk;> kj topghLfSk; vLj;Jf; fhl;Lfpd;wd.
jpU mitapy; gzpahw;w miog;Gg; ngw;wth;fis Fwpg;ghf gq;Fj;jsq; fspy;
mth; f isg; guhkhpj; j Yk; > mth; f spd; Njitfis epiwNtw; W tJk; gq; F
kf; f Sila flikahFk; . me; j tifapy; Gdpj me; N jhdpahh; Mya kf; f s;
jq;fSila nghWg;Gf;fisAk;> flikfisAk; czh;e;J> FUf;fs; jq;fpapUe;J
jkJ gzpia KOikahf kf;fSf;F toq;f VJthf vy;yh trjpfNshLk; $ba
gq; F kidia ntspehLfspy; thOk; ,t; t hyaj; i jr; Nrh; e ; j gq; F kf; f spd;
jk; K ila jhuhs gq; f spg; g pdhYk; cs; e hl; b y; thOk; kf; f spd; mauhj
ciog;gpdhYk; Gduikf;fg;gl;l kid ,d;W FUf;fspd; ghtidf;fhf jpwe;J
itf;fg;gLtij ,l;L kfpo;r;rp milfpd;Nwd;.
Mya tsh;r;rpf;F kl;Lky;y ,t;T+hpy; fhzg;gLk; ghlrhiyfSf;Fk; ,t;thya
kf;fspd; gq;fspg;G fpilj;j tz;zkhfNt cs;sJ. Fwpg;ghf Gdpj khpahs; Nwhkd;
fj;Njhypf;f ngz;fs; ghlrhiyf;Fk; ,g; gq;ifr; Nrh;e;j ntspehLfspy; thOk; rpy
FLk;gq;fs; jdpg;gl;l Kiwapy; jq;fsJ jhuhs gq;fspg;gpid toq;fpaikapdhy;
ghlrhiyapy; rpy Ntiyj; jpl;lq;is epiwNtw;w Kbe;jJ.
,g; gq; F kf; f spd; jq; f Sila ,f; f puhkj; i j gy topfspYk; tsh; f ; f
Ntz; L nkd; w Mh; t j; i jAk; > mauhj ciog; i gAk; > jhuhs cs; s j; i jAk; >
mh; g ; g zpg; g hd NritiaAk; tho; j ; j p epw; f pd; N wd; . ghJfhtyuhk; Jha
me;Njhdpahhpd; ghpe;Jiu ,t; Mya kf;fs; midtUf;Fk; epiwthff; fpilf;f
Mrpj;J epw;fpd;Nwd;.
mUl;rNfhjhp fpNw];Nkhp ];udp];y];>
ah/ Ch; Gdpj khpahs; Nwh.f kfsph; tpj;jpahyak;.

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 25

Message from
Rev. Fr. Amirthanayagam Jude Angelo OMI
The people who are the living stones of the Church Community (1Peter 2:4,5)

It is a great deal of honor have been invited to jot and title a few lines
on my reminiscences of the past involvement with the church in Kayts and
my love and dedication for the Church at large. I write this article with
deep feeling of nostalgia.
St Anthony church is situated in the silk route, professional sailors to
the clan of a famous Tamil mariners who had weathered many seasons.
Consequently, the people of Kayts were successful navigators. Also, Kayts
called in Tamil name ‘Oorkavalthurai ‘along with other famous
Valvettithurai, Kankesanthurai and Paruthithurai of Jaffna peninsula, the
coastal regions.St Anthony’s Church holds fond and unforgettable memories in my life. During
the middle 80’s when I went to Kayts for summer vacation, my Grand Mother drew her strength
from her daily attendance at Holy Masses and her entire life was a Mass. Sacrifice and
thanksgiving were the hallmark of her Christian faith. In this celebration of Holy Mass each
day, she found her fulfillment and strength in the Eucharistic Lord. This is a testimony of a
great devotion to the Mass. I too as lad reluctantly attended and served as an altar server. This
is how my connection with St. Anthony’s church began. In this place the seed of vocation to
priesthood fell in my heart which inspired later me to become a priest.
During that period of time weekly Holy Masses were celebrated at St. Mary’s, St. James, St.
Joseph’s and St. Sebastian churches respectively. St. Anthony’s church had Masses twice a
week. It is impossible to forget how I enjoyed my school vacation during summer at Kayts.
Further, I would like to mention that the church has historical prominence, where we could
able to see the foot prints of our Emeritus Bishops Rt. Rev. Dr. Kingly Swarmpillai and Rt.
Rev. Dr. Thomas Suvundranayagam, and various other Bishops and priests those who were
instrumental for many development in this church. During that period the St. Anthony’s church
building was very prominent with corridors on two sides of the church was very well known
because many lay people enjoyed the cold sea breeze during the day time. my family members
were no exception and my aunties were competing along with other Parishioners to share their
Christmas sweet meats with the parish priests.
After lunch time I was not allowed to play the Gramophone at my mom’s uncle home,
which is directly situated at the rear entrance of the-church. Since the Parish priest was having
his siesta. This is simple event which shows how the parishioners showed their concern and
love towards their priests.
“If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do its builders labour”(Psalm 126:1)
On this historic occasion, I’m certain that the Catholic Community of Kayts will definitely
remember and pray with gratitude all those who have served the Lord over the years. I would
like to giving praise and thanks to Our Lord for all the blessings He has showered on the
Parishioners during the past, and for all the love and kindness my family and I have received
through the intercession of our patron Saint Anthony.
Ad multos annos!

Amirthanayagam Jude Angelo- OMI

26 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
mUl;jpU md;udp rpy;nt];uh; mbfshhpd;
Mrpr; nra;jp!

vdJ Myaj;jpd; Gduikf;fg;gl;l FUkid jpwg;G tpoh

kfpo;r;rpapy; fye;J> Mz;ltdpd; msg;ghpa nray;fSf;F ed;wp
$wpf;nfhz;L> vdJ ,ja G+h;tkhd MrpfisAk; tho;j;Jf;fis
Ak; $Wfpd;Nwd;.
Myak; Md; k P f j; j pd; ikak; . Myak; nrd; W ,iwtidr;
re;jpg;gJ vkJ Md;kPfj;jpd; MNuhf;fpaj;ijAk;> Mde;jj;ijAk;>
md;igAk;> mikjpiaAk; ntspg;gLj;J fpd;wJ. fle;j gytUl
,lg;ngah;Tfshy; vkJ Myaj;jpd; mutizg;igAk;> Mju
tpidAk; ehk; ,oe;jpUe;Njhk;. MapDk; 2020k; Md;by;> A+gpyp
tpoh vk;nkht;nthUtiuAk; ,iwtdpd; tpLjiy jUk; kfpo;tpw;F> tho;Tf;F
mioj;J epd;wJ. A+gpyp Mz;L ,iwtdpd; ,y;yj;jpd; Nkd;ikia> khz;ig>
Gdpjj;ij> ,iw gpurd;dj;ij czh;j;JfpwJ. ,iw tdpd; Kfj;ijf; fhz;gpf;fpwJ.
,iwtdpd; guhkhpg;gpid ehk; ,oe;J tpltpy;iy.
gJitg; Gdpjh; me;Njhdpahh; Myaj;jpd; FUkid 1912k; Mz;L je;ij Xtd;
tpy;ypak; mbfshuhy; fl;lg;gl;lJ. cs;ehl;L Aj;jj;jpdhy; ,f; FUkid gy
ghjpg; G f; f isr; re; j pj; j pUe; j hYk; > vkJ nrgj; j hYk; > Kaw; r pah Yk; > fbd
ciog; g hYk; Gjpa moFld; jpUj; j g; g l; l J. gy Nehf; F fis ,f; F Ukid
jd;dfj;Nj nfhz;bUe;jhYk;> fhyj;jpd; Njitia ed;Fzh;eJ ; jd;idg; GJg;gpj;J
,e; j kfpo; r ; r pahd ehspy; ehDk; vdJ Mrpfis ,jaG+h; t khf toq; f p
tho;j;Jf;fisf; $Wfpd;Nwd;.
Mya Kw;wj;jpy; ,iwtdpd; mUfpy; ehk; ciwe;jpLNthk;. ,iwtdJ jpl;lj;ij
gJitg; Gdpjh; me;Njhdpahhpd; mUSk; MrPUk; epiwthf ngw;wpl Ntz;b

gzp. m. rpy;nt];uh;

kiwAiuQh; FOkk;

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 27

28 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 29
30 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 31
Message from Rev. Sr. Naomi Rajanayagam

My soul give thanks to the living God. All my being bless his holy name (PS102)

I’m much pleased to take this opportunity to extend my felicitation to

the souvenir of your opening ceremony of this refurbished hall at St.
Anthony’s church, Katys. This church was constructed during Dutch rule.
During that period it was an administrative centre among adjoining
surrounding micro-Islands. Due to Dutch persecution the believers took
risked their lives and the St. Anthony’s statue hidden within a large cavity
of a rotten tree. During the British period it was found by wood cutter and
placed in the palace of prominence. This is brief history of the Miracles of
Statue of St. Anthony
St. Anthony is the saint who is most sought after in the world next to Blessed Virgin Mary &
he is called as “The Saint of Miracles”.
Further St. Anthony’s was a Portuguese Saint. His devotion did not diminish even during
the Dutch persecution. The only religious icon that was possession of the lay faithful
It was the practice of the Catholics gather around the statue and pray. This practice continued
throughout the persecution present nearly 150 years. Great!
The Catholics at Kayts too have similar devotion and really rally round St. Anthony to pray
and received much favours through the ‘Miracle Worker” in the past.
Finally, as we celebrate the opening of the newly renovated Parish House let us make this
platform to unite among ourselves to praise and thank God for all ourselves to praise and thank
God for all the Spiritual and Material favours that we as a community have received throughout
yester years and in the days to come!

Sr. Naomi Rajanayagam

Sisters of Charity of Jesus & Mary

32 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

mUl;rNfhjhp Nkhp fkyh rpwPehjd; mth;fspd;
tho;jJ; r; nra;jp

fhtYhhpd; fhtyDk; > GJikfs; gyTk; nra; J k; > ehb

tUNthh; eyd; fhf;Fk;> Gdpjuhk; me;NjhdpahNu! ckJ ,y;yk;
Aj; j fhyj; j py; tP r g; g l; l vwpFz; L fs; > Njhl; l hf; f s; jid
ck;kfj;Nj <h;j;J> kf;fs; fhag;gl;L mope;J Nghfhky; fhg;ghw;wp
vOe;J epd;wha;. ck; ,y;yk;jhd; fhag;gl;lNj! ,ijg; ghh;;j;J
vk; kf;fs; kdk; frpe;J> rPh; nra;jdh; md;Nwh? ck; ,y;yk;jid
moF gLj;jp> nkU$l;b> mq;F tUNthh;> ,iwtid tho;j;jTk;>
Nghw;wTk; tif nra;Js;sdh;. Nfhb mw;Gjh; Clhf gyUk;
,iwtid mwpe;J> mth; ghpRj;jj;jpy; gq;F ngw Ntz;Lnkd
,g;gzp Ghpe;jdh;. mjpy; gq;Fngw;Nwhh; midtiuAk; ,iwtd; MrPh;tjpj;Jf;
fhf;fTk;> topelj;jTk; Ntz;Lnkd;W kdkhu tho;j;jp epw;fpd;Nwd;.

mUl;rNfhjhp Nkhp fkyh

ey;yhad; rig
erNuj; fd;dpah; klk;

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 33

34 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Message from the President of
Canada Kayts East Association

It is a great honor and privilege for me to represent a vibrant Kayts East

community in Canada.
When we took over the office in August 2020, there was much work to
do and we started right away. For instance, there was an urgent need of a
sacristan, to open and close the church, manage the lights and ring the
church bells as required. With the advice of former parish priest Rev. Fr.
Mac Mayooran, we appointed Mr. Valentine as our sacristan with an
allowance of Rs. 5,000.00 per month. Also, we needed to manage cleaning
inside and outside the church. So, I like to take this opportunity to thank
the members of Kayts St. Anthony’s Arudpani Sabai and Mr. Alex’s family for the wonderful
job they have done. We really appreciate their time and effort. During holy days such as
Christmas, Easter, and St. Anthony’s feast, we donate some household essential items to their
families as a token of our deep appreciation.
Our biggest accomplishment is our parish house renovation project. I would like to take this
opportunity to thank our past and present parish priests, Rev. Fr. Rajasingham, Rev. Fr. Mac
Mayooran and Rev. Fr. S.J.Q. Jeyaranjan. Their advice and support are the pillars of this project.
Last, but not least, our parishioners around the globe are a major part of the success of this
project. Their monetary support has been tremendous and generous. When we started this project
on 16th of February 2021 right after the Grotto feast and our original plan was just to cover the
parish house with walls, roof, doors and windows, but due to the enormous support from our
parishioners, we were able to complete the project within a year, and now it feels like a brand-
new building.
I like to take this opportunity to thank our Canada Kayts East Association members who
have been working tirelesdy around the clock from day one.
A big thank you to our Colombo Coordinators, Mr. Anthony Fernando Rajakulendran and
Mr. Britto Sritharan Ratnasamy, as their consistent commitment and guidance played a major
role in the success of this project.
As we celebrate the 110th anniversary of our parish house. I can think of no better time to
reopen this space.
I am aware that just saying thank to everyone is not sufficient. I hope that the entire Kayts
will benefit from this building.
May we all pray to St. Anthony for our unity, good health, and peace!

Ramkumar Linus
President of Canada Kayts Esst Association

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 35

jPtf kiwf;Nfhl;l nghJ epiyapdh; fofj; jiythpd;
; r; nra;jp

tuyhw; W rpwg; G k; goikAk; kpf; f fhtY}u; kz; z py;

mike; j pUf; f pd; w vkJ ghJfhtyuhk; Gdpj me; N jhdpahu;
Myaj;jpd; KOik epiy gy ,lu; epiwe;j tsu;r;rpg;gbfis
nfhz; l J. me; j tifapy; E}w; w hz; L fisf; f le; J tskhd
tuyhWfis jd; d fj; N j nfhz; L vk; tpRthrj; j pd; Ntuhf
tpsq;Fk; Cu;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj me;Njhdpahu; Myaj;jpd; Gjpa
iky; f y; y hf Myaj; j pd; Gduikg; G nra; a g; g l; l gq; F g;
gzpkid tpsq;Ffpd;wJ.
Gyk; ngau;e;J thOk; vk; gq;F kf;fspd; mu;g;gzpg;gpdhy; GJ
nghypT ngw;Ws;s ,e;j gq;F gzpkid mtu;fspd; tpRthr tho;T kw;Wk; vk; gq;fpd;
kPJ mtu;fs; nfhz;Ls;s mf;fiw>md;G vd;gtw;iw ntspg;gilahf fhl;b
1912,y; Gjpjhf Njhw;wk; ngw;w ,g; gq;Fkid xt;nthU fhyf;fl;lj;jpYk;
gy;NtW gb epiyfisf; fle;J ehl;bd; mrhjhuz R+o;epiyahy; Kw;W KOjhf
Nrjkile;J ,d;W E}w;Wg;gj;jhtJ Mz;by; GJg;nghypT ngw;W moFld;
fhl;rpaspg;gjw;F vkJ gq;ifr; rhu;e;j xt;nthU nghJ epiyapdUk; fhuzkhf
vkf;nfd;W xU Myak; vkf;nfd;W xU gq;F gzpkid ,d;W vk; ghJfhtyu;
Gdpj me;Njhdpahupd; MrPut
; hjj;jhy; edthfpAs;s ,e;j kfpo;thd jUzj;jpy; ,jw;F
fhuzkhf mike;j xt;nthUtUf;Fk; vk; Gdpjupd; gupe;JiuAk; MrPUk; epiwthf
fpilf;f Ntz;LtNjhL> aho; kiwkhtl;l nghJ epiyapdu; fofk; rhu;ghfTk; jPtf
kiwf; N fhl; l nghJ epiyapdu; fofk; rhu; g hfTk; tho; j ; J f; f isAk;
ghuhl;Lf;fisAk; njuptpj;J nfhs;fpd;Nwd;.
Qhdfud; yf;];kd;
(jPtf kiwf;Nfhl;l nghJ epiyapdu; fofk;)
cg jiytu;
(kiwkhtl;l nghJ epiyapdu; fofk;)

36 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

fhtYhh; Gdpj tsdhh; gq;F kf;fspd;
tho;j;Jr; nra;jp

fhtY}h; kz;zpy; 200 tUlq;fSf;Fk; Nkyhf Myak; nfhz;L

mUs; g hypj; J tUk; gJitg; Gdpjuhk; Gdpj me; N jhdpahh;
fhtY}h; kf;fspd; Njitfspy; vz;zpy;yh ed;ikfisg; nghope;J
te;Js;shh;. ,t;thyak; 200 Mz;Lfisf; fle;jpl;l NghjpYk;
,d;Wk; gq;F kf;fspd; mauhj Kaw;rpapdhy; GJg;nghypTld;
jpfo; t jpy; Ch; kf; f shfpa ehk; midtUk; ngUik
nfhs;fpd;Nwhk;.2020k; Mz;L nfhz;lhlg;gl;l 200tJ Mz;L
tpohitnahl;b Myak; kPzL ; k; Gduikf;fg;gl;L GJg; nghypT

1912k; Mz; L fl; l g; g l; l gq; F g; g zpkid Nghh; f ; f hy mdh; j ; j q; f spdhy;

ghjpf;fg;gl;L ePz;lfhyg; guhkhpg;gpd;wpr; NrjKw;wpUe;jJ. gq;Fkf;fspd; ghhpa
gq;fspg;gpdhy; Gduikf;fg;gl;L kPz;Lk; GJg;nghypT ngw;Ws;sJ. tuyhw;Wr;
rpwg;Gkpf;f ,g;gzpkid vjph;tUk; Mdp khjk; 11k; jpfjp aho; Mah; NkjF [];hpd;
Qhdg; g pufhrk; Mz; l if mth; f spdhy; > Xa; T epiy Mah; NkjF Njhk];
rTe;juehafk; mth;fSld; ,ize;J Nfhyfykhfj; jpwe;J itf;fTs; sikia
mwpe;J vk; kz;zpYk; Gyk;ngah; ehLfspYk; thOk; Gdpj tsdhh; Myag; gq;F
kf;fshfpa ehq;fs; midtUk; kdkfpo;tilfpd;Nwhk;.

,g;ghhpa gzp rPuhf epiwNtw mauhJ cioj;j> gq;fspj;j midtiuAk; ghuhl;b>

jpwg; G tpoh epfo; T fs; midj; J k; rpwg; g hf ele; N jwpl Gdpj me; N jhdpahh;
JizGhpa Ntz;Lnkd Ntz;b fhtYhh; Gdpj tsdhh; gq;F kf;fs; rhh;gpy;
tho;j;Jf;fisj; njhptpg;gjpy; kl;lw;w kfpo;tilfpd;Nwd;.

jpNahNlhw;u]; Njtjh];
fhtY}h; Gdpj tsdhh; gq;Fr; rig

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 37

Cu;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj Njt khjh Myag; gq;F kf;fspd;
; f;fs;

,e;J rKj;jpuj;jpd; Kj;jhk; <oj; jpU ehl;bd; tl Gyj;jpy; Mop #o;

rg;j jPTfspd; kFlkhk; iyld; jPtpy; 202 tUl tuyhw;Wg; ngUik
kpF Cu;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj me;Njhdpahu; Myag; gq;F kid GdUj;jhdk;
nra;ag;gl;L aho; kiw khtl;l Mau; NguUl;jpU fyhepjp a];upd;
Ngzhl; Qhdg; g pufhrk; Mz; l ifAk; Xa; T epiy aho; Mau; mjp
te;jidf;Fupa fyhepjp ,k;kDty; Njhk]; rTe;juehafk; Mz;lifAk;
,ize;J Mdp khjk; 11k; jpfjp 2022k; Mz;L kPs; mq;Fuhu;g;gzk;
nra;ag;gLk; Ntisapy; kdkhu;e;j tho;j;Jf;fisf; $Wtjpy; ngU
kfpo;r;rp milfpd;Nwhk;.
,g;gq;F kid Cu;fhtw;Wiw gq;Fj; je;ijahf ,iw gzpahw;wpa mUl;je;ij Xtd;
tpy;ypak; mtu;fshy; 1912k; Mz;L fl;lg;gl;lJ. ,uz;L miwfs; nfhz;l ,e;jg; gzp
kid gy gq;Fj; je;ijau;fSk; Gdpj me;Njhdpahu; fy;yY}up mjpgu;fSk; ,ize;J thOk;
trpg;gplkhf mike;jJ. nea;jy; fhw;W jto;e;J tUk; ,aw;if tdg;G kpF #oypy; mike;j
,g;gq;F kid ntspehl;L FUthdtu;fshy; ngupJk; tpUk;gpa jq;FkplkhdJ. Muk;g
fhyj; j py; jP T g; gFjpapd; fj; N jhypf; f gupghyd gpujhd fl; b lkhf ,Ue; j J. Gdpj
me;Njhdpahu; fy;Y}up mjpgupd; trpg;gplk;> fhY}u; Gdpj kupad;id Myag; gq;F kid
,uz;Lk; fl;lg;gl;ljd; gpd;du; ,g;gq;F kidapd; ghtid Fiwtile;jJ. vdJ
rpWguhaj;jpy; mg;Nghija gq;Fj;je;ijahf ,Ue;j tzgpjh S. A. Rthk; gps;is mbfshiu
,g;gq;F kidapy; re;jpj;jJ vd; epidtpw;F te;jJ.
ehl; b d; mrhjhuz #o; e piyahy; eP z ; l fhy ghtidapd; i k. guhkupg; g pd; i k
fhuzkhf gOjile;j ,g;gq;F kidapd; jpUj;j Ntiyfs; 2017k; Mz;L Muk;gpf;fg;gl;L
gq;Fkf;fspdJk;> eyd; tpUk;gpfspdJk; msg;gupa cjtpAld; gy trjpfs; epiwe;j
fl;blkhf GJg;gupkhzk; ngw;Ws;sJ. ,iwaUshYk; Gdpj me;Njhdpahupd; MrpAlDk;
GJg; n ghypT ngw; W s; s gq; F kidapd; 110tJ Mz; L epiwT tpohitAk; > kP s ;
mq;Fuhu;gz itgtj;ijAk; nfhz;lhLk; Gdpj me;Njhdpahu; Myag; gq;F kf;fSf;F
Gdpj kupad; i d Njthyag; gq; F kf; f spd; ey; tho; j ; J f; f is kP z ; L k; njuptpj; J f;
“tho;f fhtY}u; kf;fs;! tsu;f mtu;fs; ,iw gf;jp!!

Cu;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj kupad;id gq;F kf;fspd; rhu;ghf

md;udp yt;ypd; nry;tehafk;>

38 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

St. James Church Kayts Association Canada

St.Anthony’s Church,

I wish to convey my heartiest congratulations to the parishioners of

St.Anthony’s Church, Kayts as you are gathering to celebrate opening of
the newly developed Parish House and a beautifully renovated church. I
also wish to extend the greetings on behalf of all the parishioners of St.James
Kayts Association of Canada, and all the parishioners of St.James Church
Kayts, for the 200th Anniversary of your church that you have celebrated
As I pen this letter of greetings, it reminds me of all the stories narrated
to me by my parents about Kayts, and the wonderful relationships our families built and main-
tained over the years. Our friendships, companionships, studying and playing together, swim-
ming across Kayts and Karainagar and many more fond memories of how we all lived together
in that beautiful town of Kayts are crossing my mind. The yearly celebration of St.Anthony’s
feast, the procession, decorations, lighting and sound system that kept us all alive for days, and
the true and cordial relationships our families enjoyed together at Kayts shall always remain
young in our hearts.
The successful re-construction of the church, parish house, parish hall and the surroundings
do bring back all the lively memories of how our town of Kayts was active with school children
and college students moving around and our people go around with shopping and worshipping
freely. The prosperity attained as the result of the remodeling of the church is no small task. We
are truly proud and honoured to see the beautiful facelift of St.Anthony’s Church and Parish
House, as well as the unity and collaboration of the parishioners in Sri Lanka and the Diaspora
parishioners around the world.
I would also like to express our appreciation for the significant role the youngsters of your
parish in strengthening of relationships and the potential for a bright future for the church.
May I take this opportunity to reiterate once again that we will continue to extend our sup-
port and friendship as we work together for the continued success of the lovely Parish of Kayts.
Wishing all the Anthonians happiness and prosperity.

Deroshan Jesuthasan
St.James’ Church Kayts Association of Canada

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 39

fuk;nghd; Gdpj nrg];jpahh; Mya gq;F kf;fspd;
tho;j;Jr; nra;jp!

110 tUl goiktha;e;j Ch;fhtw;Wiw Gdpj me;Njhdpahh; Mya gq;Fkidia

Gduikj;J GJg;nghypT nfhLj;J> mjidj; jpwe;Jitf;fpd;w cd;djkhd ehspy;
ehq;fSk; mjpy ; ,ize;J cq;fSila Kaw;rpf;F tho;j;Jf;fSk; ghuhl;Lf;fSk;
njhptpg;gjpy; kfpo;tilfpd;Nwhk;.
mj; J ld; eP q ; f s; Nkw; n fhs; S k; midj; J Kaw; r pfSk; ntw; w paspf; f
kdepiwTld; tho;j;Jfpd;Nwhk;.

fuk;nghd; Gdpj nrg];jpahh; Mya gq;F kf;fs;.


40 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

Message from Mr. Valentine Gerard a parishioner of
Naranthanai St. Peter and Paul’s Church

It gives me great pleasure to provide a message for this souvenir maga-

zine, to mark the occasion of the grand re-opening of the newly renovated
Parish House of St. Anthony’s Church, Kayts.
I have been associated with this Parish from my school days at
St.Anthony’s College and have many pleasant memories related with this
miraculous church.
One vivid memory is that during school exams, I would genuflect in
front of the statute of St. Anthony and beseech him for guidance and suc-
Another fresh memory that lingers in my mind is that of the recitation of the rosary in the
form of a procession from St. Anthony’s College to St. Anthony’s Church. This took place every
morning … Monday to Friday. We attempted our best in trying to recite the rosary in English
and our teachers always spotted us if we were trying to deceive them!
My father the late Mr. Gerard Nicholas, a former teacher at St. Anthony’s College was in-
strumental in instilling in me a great devotion towards St. Anthony. My father's life, heart and
soul were always entrenched in our school, St. Anthony’s church and last but not least in the
community of Kayts.
I trust that this reference library which is to be a part of this Parish House will be of great
service to the residents of Kayts and our neighboring villages.
Congratulations and Good wishes. May God Bless all those who are involved in this noble

Best Wishes,
Valentine Gerard
Toronto, Canada

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 41

Our Renovated Parish House!

The history of St. Anthony’s Church and the Parish House is based on
Rev. Fr. S. Gnanapragasar OMI, a well-known historian in his life time.
It’s worthy to mention that the history of our church is recorded by the
famous journalist and teacher, Mr. J. F. Jegarajasingham who was a
parishioner of St. Anthony’s Church. The parish house was built during
the time when Rev. Fr. Owen William was the parish priest of Kayts in
1912. He was an European. Fr. William was also supposed to have baptized
Rev. Fr. Victor Rajanayagam who was the first priest of the St. Anthony’s
Community. He studied for his priesthood in Kandy and belonged to the
community of the Order of St. Benedict. Fr. William encouraged the youngsters of Kayts to
join the priesthood but he succeeded in encouraging the young Victor Rajanayagam to become
a priest in the Kayts East Community.
For many years St. Anthony’s Church was the Administrative Centre for the entire Kayts
Region as well as the adjoining islands of Jaffna. The parish house was built to accommodate
priests with a hall and a common room for the general public to gather for meetings. The house
was built near the seaside hence it attracted many European priests and local priests to stay to
enjoy the seabreeze. Notable residents were Bishops Henry Joulain, Theophile Melizan and
Kingsley Swampillai when they were assistant parish priests of Kayts Parish.
The parish priest belongs to the four churches namely St. Anthony’s, St. Joseph’s, St. Mary’s
and St. James’. Until a few years the parish priest used to move to the three churches during the
festive seasons. Now the priests permanently stay in St. Mary’s church. The last priest to move
from one parish to another was Fr. S. A. Gnanapragasam and the first priest to make St. Mary’s
permanent residence was Fr. M. Mariampillai.
When Fr. A. S. Joseph was the Rector of St. Anthony’s College, he stayed in the room of the
parish house close to the seaside from 1938 to 1948. During the time of Fr. A. S. Joseph, the
building was extended with the Dining Room and the Library. The fund for this extension was
provided by Captain M. P. Rajammuthu the Senior Master of the Colombo Port Commission.
When Fr. Joseph passed away after an operation all the other Rectors namely Frs. William
Jesuthasan, Arulnesan, Karunakarar, Jeevaratnam and Soosaipillai stayed in the parish house.
Fr. Soosaipillai from 1973 to 1975. After his transfer the parish house was not used by any
Since 1975 the building was not used and was empty, further the war damaged the building
and most of the residents evacuated from Kayts in 1990, and returned home after few years.
Later the church was renovated but not the parish house. According to the Archaeological
department of Sri Lanka, our parish house is a listed building which means it is a historical
building that cannot be demolished. A foundation stone was laid in 2015 after the feast of Our
Lady of Lourdes at the Grotto but the government did not allow us to proceed with our plan
hence, we gave up the idea of building a new extension adjoining the existing building. The
reason given to us by the government due to the Tsunami rule that the building should be
constructed certain distance from the seacoast.

42 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

After the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the feast of our patron St. Anthony the refreshment
was served in the church due to the lack of space and the Catholic church did not agree to serve
the food in the church. Hence, the former parish priest Fr. P. F. Rajasingham was compelled to
commence renovating the parish house in 2017. Initially, he repaired the roof of the parish
house and many well-wishers as parishioners provided timber for the roof from the palmyra
trees found in their gardens. While the parish priest Fr. Rajasingham was actively and
enthusiastically involved in the project, he was transferred but his successor Fr. Mac Mayooran
continued the project with the support of the parishioners and well-wishers. When he was
transferred the present parish priest, Fr. S. J. Q. Jeyaranajan took over the responsibility of
supervising the project and now is almost completed with the support of the well-wishers and
parishioners living all over the world especially the ardent support of the Kayts East Community
living in Canada. The rapid acceleration of progress in completing the renovation was possible
due to the support of Canada Kayts East Association formed in 2020. The committee was the
driving and dynamic force for the early completion of the project.
Now the parish house is satisfactorily renovated and furnished as well as modernized with
all the amenities and facilities. Parishioners expect the parish house to be used for various
religious celebrations and functions. We request the Bishop of Jaffna, Rt. Rev. Dr. Justion B.
Gnanapragasam to help us by accommodating a priest at the parish house and use it for various
religious activities.
Our aim is to have the building as the Community Centre for the Kayts parishioners and let
the parishioners make use of the facilities available in the building. Also, to have a library with
an archive of the works of the talented members of our community and provide reference
opportunity to the residents of the surrounding area.
The grand opening of the parish house by the Bishop of Jaffna, Rt. Rev. Dr. Justiin B.
Gnanapragasam along with the Bishop Emeritus, Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Savundaranayagam will
be a historical and remarkable event in the history of the Catholics of Northern Province. Both
bishops were familiar with the old parish house as students and their opening of the modernized
parish house is also a memorable episode in their life.
My memory of our parish house!
As a teenager, I was an alter server together with bishop Thomas, Anton, Joulain, Vincent,
Kingstan, Thasan and Annistan when Fr. Benedict was the parish priest. Then Fr. William
Jesuthasan, he was also a Rector for some time as Fr. Joseph, Rector passed away. Then Fr.
Nicholas became the Rector and afterward Fr. Karunakarar. Fr. William Jesuthasan was replaced
by Fr. Philip Ponniah as the parish priest. Fr. Ponniah just returned from Europe after completing
his Ph.D. in Canon Law in Rome. At the time he was young and energetic priest and an excellent
handyman. He was highly mechanical minded and had a motor cycle. He organized night
classes in the library near St. Joseph’s Church. He also built a yacht and most of us sailed on it.
He sowed the seeds of vocation in the mind of young Thomas Savundaranayagam, who later
became the bishop of Jaffna.
In my time the parish priests did not have a permanent residence and they move from one
church to the other. We the altar boys helped the priests to shift them from one church to the
other. The parish priest usually occupies the first room at the entrance, next to his room was a
common room another room was Rector’s room, and next to that was the dining room. It also
had a large hall. The kitchen and toilets were separate. The cooks were men and there was a

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 43

separate room for the cooks attached to the kitchen. Our Late Robinson was a cook during the
time of Fr. Benedict. In my time an English priest who was a teacher at St. Patrick’s College,
Jaffna used to stay in Rector’s Room during the College vacations as Fr. Joseph always tried to
be away during the holiday season. Fr. Joseph was very familiar with our community as he
used to pray and walk along the seacoast near the parish house. He was well known to many of
the members of our community and used to have conversations with them.
I shall be failing in my duties if I don’t mention the three arch pillars of our church, during
our time. They were Tindal Nadcestram, S. Anthonysamy and Udyar Rasam. They really looked
after the church and the parish house as care takers and servers. Tindal Nadchestram used to
open and close the church. Anthonysamy used to provide gas lamps for our evening services
and celebrations. He was a born artist and he cultivated his talent in order to embellish our
churches during church feasts and on important occasions. He used to make beautiful long
garlands or buntings with colored tissue papers which were in great demand for the decorations
in the churches. He did wall painting hangings of figures of Apostles, Martyrs and Saints
which were used in the churches for festive occasions. Udaiyar Rasam was the sacristan and
public relations person who used to visit the parish house to meet the parish priest with complaints
and complements. They took an extraordinary interest in the welfare of our church and parish
I am delighted that the Parish house has been renovated and modernized far beyond my
expectations with electricity, water supply and other facilities. I congratulate all the members
of our community who live at home and abroad for their generous contribution. Our church
and the parish house are our identities. Let us preserve them through our regular maintenance.
Let us also be united in life with our unity in diversity. We can always lead a harmonious life
with compromise, compassion, patience, and understanding. Let us pray for each other.
Please remember “United we stand divided we fall.”


Linus Aloysius

44 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

fhtY}h; Gdpj me;Njhdpahh; Myag; gq;F gzpkidapd;
gq;Fg; gzpkidapd; ];jhgfh;!

,aw;if vopy; nghq;Fk; fhtYhhpd; Eiothapypy;> fk;gPukhff;

fhzg;gLk; ,U Ehw;whz;L fz;l Gdpj me;Njhdpahh; Myaj;jpd;
mUfpy; mike; J s; s FUkid 1912k; Mz; L ml; j pU Xtd;
tpy;ypak; mbfshuhhpd; mauhj ciog;gpdhy; fl;lg;gl;lJ.
,th; Ch; f htw; W iwg; gq; F j; je; i jahf ,Ue; j NghNj> kz;
jiuahf ,Ue; j me; N jhdpahh; Myaj; j pd; epyk; rP N ke; J
jiuahf;fg;gl;lJ vd;Wk; ey;Y}h; Rthkp Qhdg;gpufhrh; mbfshh;
vOjpa “25 tUl aho; fj;Njhypf;f kiwkhtl;l tsh;r;rp” vd;Dk;
Ehypy;; Fwpg;gpl;Ls;shh;. INhhg;gpag; gpui[ahd ,th; jkpo;
nkhopia ruskhfg; NgRtJld; ed;whfj; jkpo; thrpf;Fk; Mw;wYk; ngw;wth;.
fhtY}h; cjajpir r%fj;jpy; Njhd;wpa Kjw; FUthd mUl;jpU tpf;uh; ,uh[ehafk;
mbfs;> Xtd; tpy;yak; mbfshhpd; jpUf;fuq;fspdhNyNa jpUKOf;Fg; ngw;whh;
vd;Wk;> rpWtd; ,uh[ehafj;jpd; kdjpy; fj;Njhypf;f tpRthr tpj;jpid tpijj;J>
mtiuf; FUthfj; Jhz; b atUk; ,tNu vd; W k; ,uh[ehafk; mbfshhpd;
FUj;Jtg; gts tpoh kyhpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sJ.

FUkidapd; mikg;gGk; ghtidAk;!

tprhykhd ,uz;L miwfisAk;> gpukhz;lkhd kz;lgj;ijAk; nfhz;l ,e;jf;

FUkid flyiy jhyhl;Lk; ,aw;if vopy;kpf;f Ch;fhtw;Wiwf; flw; gug;Gf;F
mz;ikapy;; mike;Js;sjhy; ntsp ehl;Lj; JwtpfSk;> RNjrj; FUf;fSk; ,q;F
trpg; g jw; F g; nghpJk; Mh; t k; fhl; b dh; . njw; F g; gf; f khfTs; s miw gq; F j;
je;ijah;fshYk;> tlf;Fg; gf;fkhfTs;s miw fy;Yhhp mjpgh;fshYk;> fhyh
fhykhfg; gad;gLj;jg;gl;ld. gq;Fj; je;ij jpUtpohf; fhyq;fspy; kl;LNk jkJ
miwapidg; gad;gLj;Jthh;. Vnddpy; ve;j Myaj;jpy; jpUtpoh eilngWfpd;wNjh
me;j Myaj;jpd; gq;F kidapy; jq;FtNj fhtY}h; gq;Fj; je;ijah;fspd; ghuk;ghpa
tof;fkhftpUe;jJ. khrp khj Y}h;J nfgpg; ngUehs;> Mdp khj me;Njhdpahh;
jpUehs; > [g; g rp khj nrgkhiy khjh tzf; f khj fhyq; f spy; ; ekJ Myag;
gzpkidapy; gq;Fj; je;ij jq;Fthh;. ej;jhh;> gh];fh jpUtpohf;fs; ekJ Myaj;jpy;
eilngWk; NghJk; ,q;F ,Ug;ghh;. Gdpj ahfg;gh; Myaj;jpy; jpUtpohf;fs;
eilngWk;NghJ gq;Fj; je;ijah;fs; me;j Mya miwtPl;bidg; gad;gLj;jtJ
tof;fk;. Vida ehl;fspy; Gdpj khpahs; Myag; gq;FkidapNyNa jq;Fthh;fs;.
gq; F j; je; i j mUl; j pU khpahk; g ps; i s mbfshhpd; fhyk;
njhlf;fk; ghuk;ghpa eilKiw khw;wg;gl;L> Gdpj khpahs; Mya
miwtP l ; b NyNa gq; F j; j e; i jah; f s; epue; j ukhf trpf; F k;
eilKiw Muk; g khdJ. ml; j pU v]; . V. Qhdg; g pufhrk;
mbfshNu ,Wjpahf ekJ gq;F kidiag; gad;gLj;jpa gq;Fj;
je; i j Mth; . ,tuJ fhyj; j pNyNa Gjpa Fspayiw
fl; l g; g l; l Jld; Myaj; j p; d ; jw; N ghija Kfg; g pw; f hd
mbf;fy;Yk;> md;iwa aho; Mah; NkjF vkpypahD];gps;is
Mz;lif mth;fshy; 1968k; Mz;L ehl;lg;gl;lJ. khpahk;gps;s
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 45
Rthkp mth;fs; gq;Fj; je;ij MfTk;> fy;Yhhp mjpguhfTk; gzpahw;wpa fhuzj;jhy;
Ch;fhtw;Wiwg; gq;Ff;F xU cjtpg; gq;Fj; je;ijAk; epakpf;fg;gl;lhh;. cjtpg; gq;Fj;
je;ijah;fshfg; gzpahw;wpa FUf;fs; tz. gpjh fpq;rpyp Rthk;gps;is> tz.gpjh Nkhp
N[hrg; > tz. gpjh n[arP y d; > tz. gpjh tpf; u h; FWh]; > tz. gpjh nw[p];
,uhN[];tud; MfpNahUk; ,f; FUkidiag; gad;gLj;jpdh;.

Gdpj tsd; Jwtw rigiar; Nrh; e ; j mUl; r Nfhjuh; f splkpUe; J fy; Y hhp
eph;thfj;ijg; nghWg;Ngw;w mjpgh; tz gpjh V. v];. N[hrt; mbfshh; me;Njhdpahh;
Myag; gq;F kidiaNa jdJ tjptplkhfg; gad;gLj;jpdhh;. mth; 1938;k; Mz;L
Kjy; 1948k; Mz;Ltiu fy;Y}hp mjpguhfg; ew;gzpahw;wpdhh;. ,tuJ fhyj;jpNyNa
,e;jf; FUkidapy; Nkyjpfkhf xU miwAk;> thrpfrhiyAk;> ,yq;ifj; JiwKf
mjpfhu rigapy; RNjr ,Oitf; fg;gy; mjpfhhpahfg; gzpahw;wpa jpU. vk;. gp.
,uh[Kj; J mth; f spd; ed; n fhilapy; fl; l gl; l d. fy; Y hhp mjpguhfg;
gzpahw;Wk; fhyj;jpy; rLjpahf Neha;tha;gg
; l;l N[hrt; mbfshUf;F rj;jpurpfpr;ir
Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;lJ. rj;jpurpfpr;ir gydpd;wp mfhy kuzkhd mtuJ gphpTr; nra;jp
fhtYh; kf; f Sf; F g; Nghpbaha; mike; j J. N[hrt; mbfshiuj; njhlh; e ; J
mjpgh;fshfg; gzpahw;wpa mUl;jpU tpy;ypak; NaRjhrd;> mUl;jpU mUs;Nerd;>
mUl;jpU fUdhfud;> mUl;jpU [Ptul;zk;> mUl;jpU #irg;gps;is MfpNahUk;
ekJ FUkidapy; trpj;j rpy FUf;fshth;;.

,f; FUkidapy; mike; j pUe; j > thrpfrhiy cja jpir ,isQu; f spd; r%f>
fyhr; r huj; NjitfSf; F g; gad; g L; j ; j g; g l; l J. ,jid ikakhff; n fhz; L
,aq; f pte; j “rz; iw]; ” tpisahl; L f; fofj; j pdh; gy; N tW tpisahl; L g;
Nghl;bfspYk;> fiy epfo;r;rpfspYk; gq;Fnfhz;L gy rhjidfisg; gilj;jdh;.
cr;rg; gad;ngw;w nghw;fhyk;!

,yq;ifapy; Mq;fpNyah; Ml;rpf; fhyj;jpd; ,Wjpg; gFjp; njw;fhrpaf; fg;gy; Nghf;F

tuj;jpy; Cu;fhtw;Wiwj; JiwKfk; NfhNyhr;rpa fhyk;. nfhOk;Gj; JiwKfj;Jf;F
mLj;jjhf mjpf Rq;f tUkhdk; ngw;;wJ fhtY}h;j; JiwKfNk vd;W> fhtY}h;f;
ftpQh; vOjpa “tq;ff; flypy; fg;gNyhl;ba rpq;fj; jkpod;” vd;w fl;Liuapy;
Fwpg;gpLfpd;whh;. Fwpf;fl;Lthd; ghyk; mikf;Fk; tiuf;Fk; jPtfj;jpd; rg;jjPT
fSf;fhd Nghf;Ftuj;Jf;fs; midj;Jk; Ch;fhtw;Wiwj; JiwKfj;jpD}lhfNt
eilngw;wd. “Ch;fhtw;Wiw fj;Njhypf;f kf;fspd; tuyhw;wpy; Gdpj me;Njhdpahh;
Myak; kfj;jhd ,lj;ij tFj;Js;sJ. fhtYhh; kf;fspd; tpRthr tho;f;ifapy;
,t;thyaj;jpd; gq;fspg;Gr; rpwg;ghf ,Ue;jij ,t;thya tuyhW vLj;jpak;GfpwJ.
,J jPTg;gFjp KOtjw;Fk; eLepiyakhfTk; jiyikj;Jt ,lkhfTk; tpsq;fpaJ.
gy gq;Fj; jsq;fs; Njhd;Wtjw;F Kd; ,t;thyaNk jPtfj;jpd; epUthf myfhfr;
nraw;gl;lJ. jpUr;rigapd; MSiff;Fj; jiyikg;gPlkhf tpsq;fpajdhy; rfy
gjpTfSk; mq; N fjhd; ,lk; ngw; w d vd; g jw; f hd Mtzq; f Sk; > Rtbj;
njhFg; G f; f Sk; Mjhukhf cs; s d.” vd; W k; “aho; Mah; f shapUe; j nkyprd;
Mz;lifAk;> mtiuj; njhlh;e;J nfd;wp A+yd; Mz;lifAk;> fhtY}hpy; cjtpg;
gq;Fj; je;ijah;fshf gzpGhpe;jNghJ Gdpj md;Njhdpahh; Myaf; FUkidapNyNa
jq;fpapUe;jdh;.” vd;Wk; Mrphpah;> jpU. N[. vt;. n[fuh[rpq;fk; mth;fs; vOjpa Gdpj
me;Njhdpahh; Mya tuyhw;wpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sJ. Xa;Tepiy Mah; NkjF fpq;rpyp
Rthk;gps;is Mz;lif mth;fSk; Ch;fhtw;Wiw gq;fpy; cjtpg; gq;Fj; je;ijahfg;
gzpahw;wpaNghJ ,e;jg; gzpkidapy; trpj;jhh; vd;gJk; Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. 1912k;
Mz;L fl;;lg;gl;L jw;NghJ jpUj;jp mikf;fl;Ls;s FUkidf;F Kd;Gk; nfhl;bw;
46 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
FUkid xd; w pUe; j pUf; f pwJ vdWk; > mq; f pUe; J FUf; f s; kfj; j hd kf; f s;
gzpahw;wpdhh;fs; vd;Wk; ehk; mwpaKbfpwJ. 1981k; Mz;L Mauhf mgpN~fk;
ngw;w NkjF Njhk]; rTe;juehafk; Mz;lif mth;fSf;F fhtY}h; kf;fshy;
mspf; f g; g l; l tuyhW fhzhj kfj; j hd tuNtw; i gAk; > gq; F kz; l gj; j py;
eilngw; w rpwg; g hd tpUe; J gruiziaAk; . ehk; Neubahfg; ghh; j ; J
kf;fisj; Juj;jpa Nghh;f; fhyk;:!

fy;Y}hp mjpgh; mUl;jpU #irg;gps;is mbfshNu ,Wjpahf ,e;jf; FUkidiag;

gad; g Ljjpa FUththh; . 1975k; Mz; L #irg; g ps; i s mbfshh;
Ch;fhtw;WiwapypUe;J khw;wyhfpr; nrd;w gpd;G vtUNk ,e;jf; FUkidiag;
gad;gLj;jhikahy; gbg;gbahf ghoilaj; njhlq;fpaJ. Kg;gJ Mz;LfSf;F
Nkyhfj; njhlh;ej; nfhba Aj;jj;jhy; NkYk; Nrjkile;J gad;ghbd;wpf; fple;jJ.
1990k; Mz;L fhtY}h; kf;fs; ahtUk; Ciutpl;L mfjpfshfg; gy;NtW ,lq;fSf;F
,lk;ngah;e;jdh;. rpy Mz;Lfspd;gpd; Ch; jpUg;gpa kf;fs; jkJ ,y;yq;fisAk;>
Myaq; f isAk; jpUj; j pg; gad; g Lj; j j; njhlq; f pdh; . Mdhy; gq; F kidNah
gad;ghL VJkpd;wpj; njhlh;e;Jk; ghoile;Nj fple;jJ.
gq;Fg; gzpkidapd; Gduikg;Gg; gzpfs;!

,f;fl;blk; mofpa Guhjhd fl;llf; fiyaikg;igf; nfhz;L fl;lg;gl;lJ.

vdNt> ,yq;if mfo;thuhr;rp jpizf;fsj;jpd; fz;fhzpg;Gf;F cl;gLj;jg;gl;lJ.
,f;fl;lj;ij ,bg;gjw;Fj; jilAk; tpjpf;fg;gl;lJ. ghoile;j FUkidf;F
mUfpy; Gjpa FUkidia fl; L tjw; F Kaw; r p Nkw; n fhs; s g; g l; L > Gjpa
fl;blj;jpw;fhd mbf;fy; ehl;Lk; epfo;Tk; 2015k; Mz;L khrp khj Y}h;J khjh
jpUtpohtpidj; njhlh;e;J eilngw;wJ. Rdhkp mdh;j;jj;jpd; gpd; flYf;fUfpy;
Fwpg;gpl;l Jhuj;Jf;Fs; ve;jg; Gjpa fl;blKk; fl;lf;$lhJ vd;W ,yq;if muR
tpjpj;j jilahy; ,k;Kaw;rpAk; if$ltpy;iy.

gq; F g; gzpkid ,y; y hj fhuzj; j pdhy; jpUtpohf; f spd; gpd; FUf; f Sf; F k; >
tpUe;jpdh;fSf;Fk; nfhLf;fg;gLfpd;w tpUe;J cgrhuKk; Myaj;Jf;Fs;NsNa
eilngwNtz; b a mtyepiy Vw; g l; l J. njhlh; r ; r pahf ,e; e ilKiwiag;
gad;gLj;Jtij aho; Nkw;whrd Nkyplk; tpUk;ghj fhuzj;jpdhy; mg;Nghija
gq;Fj; je;ij mUl;jpU ,uh[rpq;fk; mbfshh; ghoile;j gq;F kidiaj; jpUj;Jk;
Kaw; r piaj; njhlq; f pdhh; . gq; F kf; f s; nfhLj; j Nguhjuthy; ,k; K aw; r p
ntw;wpfukhfj; njhlh;e ; j
; J. gq;F kf;fs; gyh; gz cjtp nra;jdh;. ,d;Dk; rpyh; jkJ
fhzpfspypUe;j gid kuq;fisf; nfhLj;Jjtpdh;. ,g;gid kuq;fisg; gpse;J
vLj; j jP u he; j pfisAk; > rpyhiffisAk; nfhz; L Gjpa $iu mikf; F k; gzp
Mug;gkhfpaJ. ,uh[rpq;fk; mbfshh; ntspehl;Lf;F khw;wyhfpr; nrd;wjhy;
,tiuj; njhlh; e ; J fhtY}h; g ; gq; i fg; nghWg; N gw; w mUl; j pU kf; kA+ud;
mbfshUk; ,e;ew; gzpapidr; rpwg;ghfj; njhlh;e;jhh;. 2021k; Mz;L gjtpNaw;w
jw; N ghija gq; F j; je; i jath; f Sk; rpwg; g hfr; nraw; g l; L ,f; F U kidia
ntw;wpfukhff; fl;bKbj;jhh;. fdlh fhtY}h; cja jpirr; rq;fj;jpdh; ,e;ed;
Kaw; r pf; F f; ifnfhLf; f Kd; t e; J epjp Nrfhpg; g py; Mh; t j; J ld; <Lgl; l dh; .
ghnuq;Fk; gue;J tho;fpd;w fhtY}h; kf;fs; ,e;epjpaj;Jf;F jq;fs; ed;nfhilfis
thhptoq;fpdh;. gq;F kf;fspd; Nguhjuthy; gq;Fg; gzpkid kpfr; rpwg;ghfj;
jpUj;jpaikf;fg;gl;lJ. 2022k; Mz;L Mdpj; jpq;fs; 11;k; ehs; aho; Mah; NkjF

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 47

[];bd; Qhdg;gpufhrk; Mz;lif mth;fSk;> Xa;Tepiy Mah; NkjF Njhk];
rTe;juehafk; Mz;lif mth;fSk; ,ize;J gy FUf;fSk;> fd;dpah;fSk;> gy;NW
,lq; f spypUe; J tUifje; j cs; e hl; L > ntspehl; L g; gf; j h; f Sk; Gil#o
Nfhyhfykhfj; jpwe;J itf;fg;gLfpwJ. ,t;tuyhw;W epfo;tpid epidTgLj;Jk;
tifapy; gy tho;j;Jr; nra;jpfslq;fpa epidT kyh; xd;Wk; ntspaplg;gLfpwJ.
tpUe;jpdiu cgrhpf;fr; rpwe;j kjpa Nghrd tpUe;Jk; eilngWfpwJ.
njhiy Nehf;Fj; jpl;lq;fs;!

vj;jid ,lh; te;jNghJk;> fUkNk fz;zhapUe;J> fr;rpjkha; fUkkhw;wpa mj;jid

nray; tP u h; f isAk; > Njitahd epjpia ms; s p ms; s pf; nfhLj; j mj; j id
md; g spg; g hsh; f isAk; mw; G jtuj; j uhk; Gdpj me; N jhdpahh; epiwthf
MrPh;tjpg;ghuhf! 202 Mz;Lfs; fz;l Myaj;jijAk;> 110 Mz;Lfs; fz;l
gq;FkidiaAk; vd;Wk; GJg; nghypTld; fhl;rpjUk; tz;zk; njhlh;r;rpahfg;
gq;fspg;Gr; nra;J Ngzpg; ghJfhj;J tUfpd;w gq;F kf;fspd; Ch;g;gw;wpidAk;>
ek;Kd;Ndhh;fspd; topKiwfisg; gpd;gw;Wk; ew;gz;gpidAk; fz;L ngUik
nfhs;fpd;Nwhk;. ,e;ew;gz;Gfis ek; vjph;fhyr; re;jjpapdUk; tsh;;j;Jte;jhy; ekJ
MyaKk;> gq;F kidAk; ,d;Dk; gy;yhz;Lfs; epiyj;jpUf;Fk; vd;gjpy; Iakpy;iy.
ghnuq;Fk; gue;J thOk; fhtY}h; cja jpir kf;fspd; mopahj milahsr; rpd;dkhf
tpsq;Fk; ,k; kz;lgj;jpid r%fj;jpd; kj;jpa ew;gzp epiyakhf khw;wp> rpwe;j r%fg;
gzp Mw;WtNjhL> Ehyfj;jpid> jpwikkpf;f fhtY}h; kf;fspd; Mtzf; fhg;gfkhf
khw;WtJk; vjph;fhyj; jpl;lq;fspy; rpythFk;.

gy ,yl;rk; nrytpy;> ghh;gN; ghiuf; ftUk;tz;zk;> gy etPd trjpffSld; moFw

mikf; f g; g l; l gq; F kz; l gk; > gq; F kf; f spd; Md; k P f > r%fj; Njitfis
epiwNtw;Wk; kj;jpa epiyakhf khw;wk; ngw> aho; kiw khtl;l Mah; topfhl;Lthh;
vd;W thQ;irAld; vjph;ghh;f;fpNwhk;.! ed;wp!

md;ud; nwf;rp

48 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

Message from the Treasurer
Canada Kayts East Association.
Dear Parishioners of East Street Katys,

It has been my immense pleasure to be appointed as treasurer of Canada

Kayts East association. The house meant a lot to our community and has
been treasured for centuries. Nonetheless, I never imagined that this project
will become such a huge success in a short span of time. The success of
this project is owed to the parishioners and volunteers of our community. I
am really grateful to all the parishioners who made turned this project
from a dream into a reality through to their generosity. Hence, I would like
to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all the parishioners who
contributed their money and time selflessly to the cause and became a
strong foundation of this project. Another pillar of strength are our Volunteers. Their contribution,
time and dedication to this project is immeasurable and I am sincerely grateful to all that you
have done for this project.
On behalf of the entire community of East Street Katy’s, I want to thank every one who
supported our project and turned it into a huge success. We as a community get to celebrate a
great achievement; that the re-construction of Parish House enables the House to be cherished
and loved by our future generations as much as it has been by us. May our Patron; St. Anthony’s
blessings be with us Always and Forever.

Reginold Saverimuthu
Treasurer Canada Kays East Committee

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 49

50 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 51
ed;wp etpyy;

,e; J kh flypNy ,dpaKj; j ha; jpfOk; ,yq; i fj; jP t py;

kzpKbaha; jpfOk; aho; Flhehl;by; Ch;fhtw;Wiw cja
jpirapy; jpUg;gjp nfhz;L vOe;jUspapUf;Fk; 202 Mz;Lfs;
fz;Ls;s Gdpj me;Njhdpahh; Myaj;Jld; ,ize;jhw;Nghy; 110
Mz;Lfis vl;bg;gpbj;jpUf;Fk; Myag; gq;Fg; gzpkid 1912
Mk; Mz;L Ch;fhtw;Wiw gq;Fj; je;ijahf ,Ue;j tzgpjh Xtd;
tpy; y pak; mbfshh; mth; f shy; fl; b Kbf; f g; g l; l J vd
rhpj;jputhapyhf mwpa KbfpwJ.
30 Mz;Lfshf eilngw;w td;Kiwr; rk;gtq;fshy; ahUk; ftdpg;ghuw;W epuh
juthd epiyapy; > nrb nfhbfs; gw; i wfshYk; #og; g l; L > mofope; J >
nghyptpoe;J> J}h;e;JNghd ,g; Guhjdf; fl;blj; jpUj;jNtiyfs; 2017 Mk;
Mz;by; gq;Fj; je;ijahff; flikahw;wpa mUl;gzp P.F.,uh[rpq;fk; mth;fspd;
Kaw; r pahy; Muk; g khf; f g; g l; L > mtiuj; njhlh; e ; J gq; F j; je; i jahff;
flikahw;wpa mUl;gzp kf; kA+ud; mbfshhpd; fhyj;jpYk; njhlug;gl;L jw;NghJ
gq;Fj; je;ijahfg; gzpGhpAk; mUl;jpU. S.J.Q.n[auQ;rd; mth;fs; fhyj;jpy; G+h;jj ; p
mile;Js;sik kpfTk; kfpo;r;rpf;Fhpa tplakhFk;. ,g;gzpkidapd; jpUj;j
Ntiyfis fr;rpjkhfr; nra;J Kbg;gjw;F Nkw;fz;l %d;W gq;Fj; je;ijah;fSk;
vkf;fspj;j G+uz Mju Tf;F vkJ kdkhh;ej ; ed;wpfisr; nrYj;JtJ ,j;jUzj;jpy;
nghUj;jkhd njhd;whFk;.
vkJ gq;F kf;fs; cyfpd; gy ghfq;fspYk; gue;J tho;e;J te;jhYk; ,d;W vk;
jha; ehl;by; thOk; vk;kth;fSld; Nrh;e;J ,t;tpohitr; rpwg;gpg;gjpy; kfpo;
tiltNjhL> ,j;jpUj;jg; gzpf;fhf jq;fsJ gq;fspg;Gfis thhp toq;fpa gq;F
kf;fs;> eyd; tpUk;gpfs;> Gdpjhpd; gf;ju;fs; midtUf;Fk; ed;wpAzh;NthL gq;F
kf;fs; rhh;gpy; vdJ ed;wpfisj; njhptpf;ff; flikg;gl;Ls;Nsd;. ,g;gzp epiwNtw
murpd; fk;gnuypa jpl;lj;jpd; fPo; vkf;F cjtp nra;j ghuhSkd;w cWg;gpdh; nfsut
rp. rpwP j ud; mth; f Sf; F k; > jf; f jUzj; j py; vk; N khL ifNfhh; j ; j “fdlh
Ch;fhtw;Wiw cjajpir xd;wpaj;jpdUf;Fk;” tpNrltpjkhf vkJ ed;wpfisf;
$wpf;nfhs;fpNwd;. gzkhf kl;Lky;y gy gq;F kf;fs; jq;fs; fhzpfspy; cs;s gid
kuq; f isj; je; J jtp As; s hh; f s; . ,d; D k; gyh; jq; f sJ xj; J iog; i gAk; >
MNyhridfisAk;> rfy cjtpfisAk; toq;fp vk;ik Cf;Ftpj;J te;Js;shh;fs;.
,t; t pjkhf MjuT toq; f pa midtUf; F k; vdJ cs; s j; j pd; Moj; j pypUe; J
ed;wpfisj; njhptpj;Jf; nfhs;fpNwd;.
jpUj;jpaikf;fg;gl;l gzpkidapd; jpwg;G tpoh kyh; KOikngw tho;j;Jr;
nra;jpfis toq;fpa aho; Mah;> Xa;T epiy Mah;> FUKjy;th;> jPTg;gFjp kiwf;
Nfhl;l Kjy;th;> Vida mUl;je;ijah;fs;> mUl;rNfhjhpfs;> vk; gq;F kf;fs; mid
tUf;Fk; rpuk; jho;jj
; p vdJ ed;wpfisj; njhptpj;Jf; nfhs;fpNwd;. tpNrlkhf gy;NtW
rpukq;fSf;F kj;jpapYk; jq;fsJ Ntiyfis xJf;fp chpa fhyj;jpy; ,k;kyh; ntsp
apl Mf;fq;fisr; Nrh;j;jth;fs;> njhFj;jth;fs;> tpsk;kguq;fisj; je;Jjtpath;fs;>
Gifg; glq;fisj; jahhpj;jth;fs;> mr;rf chpikahsh; midtUf;Fk; vdJ ed;wpfs;

52 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

<w;wpy; ,g;gzpkidj; jpUj;jNtiyfis nrt;tNd nra;J Kbg;gjw;F vdf;F
xj;Jiog;G je;j midtUf;Fk; gq;F kf;fs; rhh;gpy; vdJ ed;wpfisj; njhptpj;Jf;
nfhs; t Jld; > jdpj; j dpahf mth; f sJ ngah; f isf; Fwpg; g pl Kbahikf; F
Gduikf;fg;gl;l ,g;gzpkidj; jpwg;G tpohtpy; fye;J rpwg;gpf;f tUifje;
jpUf;Fk; vkJ aho; Mah; NkjF [];hpd; Qhdg;gpufhrk; Mz;lif> Xa;T epiy Mah;
NkjF Njhk]; rTe;juehafk; Mz;lif mth;fl;Fk;> Vida mUl;je;ijah;fs;>
mUl;rNfhjhpfs;> mur> tq;fp mYtyh;fs;> fhtY}h; gq;F kf;fs; MfpNahUf;Fk; vdJ
csk; fdpe;j ed;wpfs; chpj;jhFf.

A.F.A.A.,uh[FNye;jpud; (J.P)
Kayts St. Anthony’s Parish House Renovation Project.

Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 53

rPu; G+j;j gJitak; gjpaNd cyfpy; eP
nra;j gy mw;Gjq;fs;
nrg;g KbthFNkh fly; kPd;fs; cdJ nrhw;
nrtp nfhz;L Nfl;f tpy;iyNah!

Neu;G+j;j Myaj;jhw; jtwp tPo;e;jtid

epWj;jp eP itf;f tpyiyNah!
ePUz tpy;yhf; fOij epd; thh;j;ij Nfl;ld;W
epkyidg; gzpa tpy;iyNah!

ghh; G+j;j kq;ifjU kfdpwe;jtid

ghpTw; nwOg;gg tpy;iyNah!
gzpf; fQ;rpNa nrd;w tQ;rfd; JQ;rkJ
gbAaph; nfhLf;f tpy;iyNah!

Ngh;G+j;j rjNfhb GJikfs; ,aw;wp tUk;

Nghpd;g kh KdptNd!
gpd; nrd;W kd;whLk; mbNahiu vd;WNk
Ngzp Ml; nfhs;SthNa!

kq;fsk;> kq;fsk;
kq;fsk;> kq;fsk; epj;jpahde;j kq;fsk;> kq;fsk;
ka;fsk;> kq;fsk; epj;jpahde;j kq;fsk;> kq;fsk;

jpq;fspd; NknyOe; jd;Rlh; Nkdpaha;

gq;fkpy;yh jUs; vq;Fk; gpufhrpf;f
mUs; ghypj;Jah; guNyhfj; jpUe; njk;ik
,ul;rpf;f te;j re;j me;Njhdp KdPe;jpuDf; nfd;Wk;
kq;fsk;> kq;fsk; epj;jpahde;j kq;fsk; kq;fsk;.

nts;isf; Fjpiu NkNywp tprpj;jpukhd Njhh;

ths;nfhz;L ,];ghdpa Njrj;jpy;
ms;spg; GJik nra;jhd ahf;Nfhg;Gf;Fk;
,q;fpj kq;fsk; Njhf;jpuj; NjhL
kq;fsk;> kq;fsk;> epj;jahde;j kq;fsk;> kq;fsk;.

fs;sp kuj;jpy; fuj;ijf; nfhLj;jpl;l

fhtydhk; nrg];jpah Kdpth;f;Fk;
ms;spg; GJik nra; Rj;jthsh; midth;f;Fk;
,q;fpj kq;fsk; Njhj;jpuj; NjhL
kq;fsk;> kq;fsk; epj;jpahde;j kq;fsk;> kq;fsk;

jj;Jkp> jj;Jkp jhsk; Koq;fpl

re;jpjNahFikNahUk; jhndOe;J tu
ms;spg; GJik nra; Rj;jthsh; midth;f;Jk;
,q;fpj kq;fsk; Njhj;jpuj; NjhL
kq;fsk;> kq;fsk; epj;jpahde;j kq;fsk;> kq;fsk;.
54 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir
Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir 55
56 Kayts, St. Anthony’s Church Parish House Grand Reopening Souvenir

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