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THIS BOOK IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT A CURRENT FAA AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL, P/N 100-590032.1 PILOT'S OPERATING MANUAL PIN 100-590032-347 PIN 100-590032-3 Issued: April23, 1971 Revised: September 7, 1964 PUBLISHED BY ‘COMMERCIAL PUBLICATIONS BEECH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION WICHITA, KANSAS 67201 USA Peechcraft VEE ARayteon Conary a 96.4406, Listed below are tne pages requ for this publlation, with effectivity current through the revision and/er relate code shown nthe tomar tn coma of ns bay ano ee bape, Each age alone by om Om ha nats wer te bape LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES | Always destroy superseded pages when you insert ri King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manual PIN 100-590032-3, Original . April23, 1971 AL Revision ‘September 17, 1971 ‘A2 Revision nna January 15, 1973 ‘AB Revision vo May 30, 1975 ‘Ad Revision . November 14, 1975 ‘AS Revision sone January 30, 1976 AG Revision... vse Sune 21, 1976 AT Revision September 7, 1984 Title Page AT Lore. eee coe AT al conn : AT through j : “AT FAA Title Page o ‘See FAA Airplane Flight Manual Log of Revisions and foro See FAA Airplane Flight Manual Log of Revisions FAA Log of Revisions...0sns0 ‘See FAA Airplane Flight Manual Log of Revisions Sections | through 4 See FAA Airplane Flight Manual Log of Revisions Section $ /ss nu See FAA Airplane Flight Manual Supplements Log of Revisions 61 through 64 Original 9-23 through 9-31 6S and 66 : . nee AL 9.32 67, +. Original 10-1 68 and 69 occ enn Al 102 6-10 and6-11 nines 103, 7-1 tnrough 7-43 Original 104 Te ero cone AS os: 8.1 through 8-19 as 10-6 and 10-7 . 96) aNd 92 vase eetennenneieenencese NO 10-8and 109... 9.3 through 97 cs scsnnrnne nee OFiginal 10-10. eere 98, AG 10-11 through 10-17... Boerne nnnnnveneeee Final 10-18 through 10-21 9.10 enna 10-22 and 10-23 9-11 through 9-13. a6 10-24 through 10-26... G14 through 9-17 .nvvssnsnnssennnenenee AS 10-27 and 10-28 ee 9.18 nen Ogi loo eee AD 919 4949-20 ws sssevevoesnee AZ 10-30. ae ens Original 9-21 AT BL cron ad ID ane A 11-1 through 11-23... March 1981 ar ‘Basie pusications ave aulgned & part number which abpears on the tte page with the date ofthe sue, subsequent revisions ary Eosoleting's previous ue and outstanaing revisions thereto Ab thee replacement reaver ae made, the code wil a0 change FO ‘re mextsuccesve jeter ofthe alphabet at each sue For exams “or the second reisue, ae When ordering a manual, give the base numbe Up-to-date pubiieation Is ‘ured: Showid only Tevison pages be required, sive the basic number and revaion code forthe particular set of revision Dages ar THANK YOU.... for displaying confidence in us by selecting a BEECHCRAFT airplane. Our design engineers, assemblers, and inspectors have utilized their skill and years of experience to ensure that the new BEECHCRAFT King Air A100 meets the high standards of quality and performance for which BEECHCRAFT aigplanes have become famous throughout the world IMPORTANT NOTICE ‘This manual should be read carefully in order to become familiar with the operation of the King Air 100. Suggestions and recommendations have been ‘made within it to aid in obtaining maximum performance without sacrificing ‘economy. Be familiar with and operate the airplane in accordance with the Pilot's Operating Manual and FAA Approved Flight Manual andior placards which are located in the airplane [AS a further reminder, the owner and operator should also be familiar with the Federal Aviation Regulations applicable to the operation and maintenance of the airplane, and FAR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules, Further, the airplane must be operated and maintained in accordance with FAA Airworthiness Directives which may be issued against it ‘The Federal Aviation Regulations place the responsibility for the maintenance of this airplane on the owner and the operator, who should make certain that all maintenance is done by qualified mechanics in conformity ‘with all airworthiness requirements established for this airplane, All limits, procedures, safety practices, time limits, servicing, and maintenance requirements contained in this manual are considered mandatory for continued airworthiness to maintain the airplane in a condition equal to that ofits original manufacture. Refer to the shop manual for any exceptions Authorized BEECHCRAFT Parts and Service Outlets will have recommended modification, service, and operating procedures issued by both FAA and Beech Aircraft Corporation, which are designed to get maximum, utility and safety from the aisplane WARNING Use only genuine BEECHCRAFT or BEECHCRAFT approved parts obtained from BEECHCRAFT approved sources, in connection with the ‘maintenance and repair of Beech airplanes Genuine BEECHCRAFT parts are produced and inspected under rigorous procedures to insure airworthiness and suitability for use in Beech airplane applications. Parts purchased from sources other than BEECHCRAFT, even though outwardly identical in appearance, may not have had the required tests and inspections performed, may be different in fabrication techniques ‘and materials, and may be dangerous when installed in an airplane. Salvaged airplane parts, reworked parts obtained from non-BEECHCRAFT approved sources, or parts, components, or structural assemblies, the service history of which is unknown or cannot be authenticated, may have been subjected to unacceptable sitesses or temperatures or have other hidden damage, not discernible through routine visual or ususd nondestructive testing techniques. This may render the part, component or structural assembly. even though originally manufactured by BEECHCRAFT, unsuitable and unsafe for airplane use. BEECHCRAFT expressly disclaims any responsiblity for malfunctions, failures, damage or injury caused by use of non-BEECHCRAFT approved parts. King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manual USE OF THE MANUAL It is the Owner/Operator’s responsibility to have a current BEECHCRAFT King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manual. The following information is provided to show the divisions of the book and the proper manner of updating the revision records and amending the content of the book as the material becomes available. NOTE In an effort o provide as complete coverage as possibie, applicable to any ‘configuration of the airplane, some optional equipment has been included in the scope of the manual. However, due to the variety of airplane appointments and arrangements available, optional equipment described or depicted herein may fot be designated as such in every case. ‘The following information may be provided 10 the bolder of this manval automaticaly: 1. Original issues and revisions of BEECHCRAFT Service Bulletins 2. Original issues and revisions of FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplements. 3. _ Reissues and Revisions of FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manuals, Flight Handbooks, Owner's Operating Manuals, Pilot's Operating Manuals and Pilot's Operating Handbooks, ‘This service is free and will be provided only to holders ofthis handbook who are listed on the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch List or the BEECHCRAFT Intemational Owners Notification Service List, and then only if listed by Airplane serial number for the model for which this handbook is applicable. For detailed information on bow to obtain “Revision Service” applicable t0 this handbook or other BEECHCRAFT Service Publications, consult any BEECHCRAFT Aero Center or Aviation Center, International Distributor, Intemational Dealer, or refer to the latest revision of BEECHCRAFT Service Bulletin No. 2001 Beech Aircraft Comporation expressly reserves the right to supersede, cancel, and/or declare obsolete, without prior notice, any part, part number, kit, or Publication referenced in this handbook. The owner/operator should always refer to all supplements, whether STC Supplements or Beech Supplements, for possible placards, limitations, normal, emergency ond other operational procedures for proper operation of the ‘aisplane with optional equipment installed. DIVISIONS OF THE MANUAL ‘The Pilot's Operating Manual is divided into two-basic parts: the FAA Approved portion which includes the FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual and Supplements (each page being foticed as such with the FAA Approval and date), and the portion that is not FAA, Approved (folized as Supplememal Operational Data), which includes the remainder of the manual. The FAA Approved sections of the manual are distinguished from the non- approved sections in that the quick reference divider tabs are marked "FAA™ preceding, the title of the section ‘The FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual bears is own part number and is a complete manual in itself. The Pilot's Operating Manual bears a separate part number and is incomplete without the Flight Manual. Both manuals can be obtained by ordering only the Pilot's Operating Manual. King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manual ar ar PILOT'S OPERATING MANUAL REVISION RECORD When the Pilot's Operating Manual is originally issued, and each time it is revised or reissued, a new List of Effective pages is provided. Take a moment, now, to examine this page. A complete listing of all pages is presented along with the current stat ofthe material contained; i.e., Original, Revised or described in another section. Also, in the lower right, comer ofthe blocked portion isa box containing a capital letter which denotes reissue of the ‘manual. It will be advanced one letter, alphabetically, per reissue. A reissue of the manual or the revision of any portion that does not require another revision log, will be received with anew “A” Page to replace the previous one, FAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL REVISIOW RECORD Note the reference to the FAA Airplane Flight Manual Log of Revisions which is Ioested under the tab of that name in the first part of tke manual. This page is used for description ofall material covered under the FAA Approved portion except the Airplane Flight Manual Supplements. When a revision of any information contained in this portion fof the manual is made, a new Log of Revisions sheet will be issued for insertion immediately ahead of all previously issued Log of Revisions sheets. All Log of Revisions pages must be retained inthe manual to provide a curent record of material status until a Feissue of the manual is made at which time all pages are removed. On this page, under the column labeled Revision Number, there will be a letter indicating the current issue, followed by « number indicating the numerical revisions, The revised pages wil be listed slong with the description, As noted at the bottom of this page, each revised portion of ‘the page issued will have a black border indicating the portion changed. All revised pages listed in the new Log of Revisions are to be removed and replaced with the current page. AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL SUPPLEMENTS REVISION RECORD Within the section entitled FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplements is a Log of Revisions page. Provided here is a listing of the FAA Approved Supplemental Equipment Available for installation on the BEECHCRAFT King Air A100. When new supplements are received the new “Log” sheet will replace the previous one, since itcontains a listing of all previous approvals, plus the new approval. The Supplemental material willbe added 10 the section in accordance with the sequence specified on the "Log" page. King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manual INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK King Alr A100 Pilot's Operating Manual a7 ar DIVISION TABULAR INDEX FAA DATA FAA AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL 100-590032.1 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS isi FAA REVISION LOG FAA LIMITATIONS. SECTION I MW FAA NORMAL PROCEDURES SECTION If 2 FAA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SECTION IIL 31 FAA PERFORMANCE SECTION IV TABLE OF CONTENTS 41 INTRODUCTION 42 GRAPHS 44 FAA AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL SUPPLEMENTS SECTION V. LOG GF REVISIONS SUPPLEMENTAL OPERATIONAL DATA. PERFORMANCE ‘SECTION VI ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ol INTRODUCTION 62 GRAPHS 64 CRUISE CONTROL, SECTION VIL TABLE OF CONTENTS a INTRODUCTION 72 GRAPHS AND CHARTS, 75 WEIGHT AND BALANCE SECTION VILL ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 81 SYSTEMS SECTION 1X TABLE OF CONTENTS 94 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 94 SERVICING SECTION X ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 101 SERVICING DESCRIPTION AND CHARTS : : 103 SAFETY INFORMATION SECTION XI eo Met 14-23 King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manuat INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manual a7 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMINOLOGIES ‘The following Abbreviations and Terminologies have been listed for your convenience and ready interpretation where used within this manual. Whenever possible, they have been catagorized for ready reference, AIRSPEED TERMINOLOGY 1as cas. Tas cs M Ywca va Ymo™MmMo. ve Yee ar Indicated airspeed is the speed of an aircraft as shown on its pitot static airspeed indicator, Calibrated Airspeed is indicated airspeed of an aircraft, corrected for position and instrument error. ‘True Airspeed is calibrated airspeed corrected for temperature and pressure, Ground Speed, though not an airspeed, is directly calculable from True Airspeed if the true wind speed and direction are known. Mach Number is the ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound. Ait Minimum Control Speed is the minimum flight speed at which the airplane is directionally controllable as determined in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations. The airplane certification conditions include one engine becoming inoperative and windmilling, a S-degree bank towards the operative engine, take-off power on operative engine, landing gear up, flaps in take-off position, and most rearward C.G. For some conditions of weight and altitude, stall can be encountered fat speeds above VCA as established by the certification procedure described above, in which event stall speed must be regarded as the limit of effective ‘directional control. Maneuvering Speed - The maximum speed at which application of full available aerodynamic control will not overstress the airplane. Maximum operating limit speed Design flap speed is the highest speed permissible at which wing flaps may be actuated, Maximumn “flap extended speed” is the highest speed permissible with wing flaps in a prescribed extended position. Maximum Janding gear extended speed is the maximum speed at which an aircraft can be safely flown with the landing gear extended, ‘Maximum Landing gear operating speed is the maximum speed at which the landing Bear can be safely extended or retracted. ‘The stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is, controllable. ‘The power off stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration, ‘The best angle of climb speed. ‘The best rate of climb speed King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manust METEOROLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY Indicated Pressure Altitude Pressure Altitude Altimeter Setting oat Wind Isa, Icao ‘The number actually read from an altimeter when the barometric subscale has been set to 29.92 inches of mercury (1013.2 millibars), Altitude measured from standard sea level pressure (29.92 in. Hg) by a pressure or barometric altimeter. It is the indicated pressure altitude corrected for position and instrument error. In this handbook, altimeter instrument errors are assumed to be zero. Position errors may be obtained from the altimeter correction graphs. Barometric pressure corrected to sea level Ousside Air Temperature - The free air static temperature, obtained either from ‘ground meteorological sources or from inflight temperature indications adjusted for instrument error and compressibility effects. ‘The wind velocities recorded as variables on the charts of this manual are to be tunderstood as the headwind or tailwind components of the actual winds at $0 feet above runway surface (tower winds). International Standard Atmosphere in which (1) The air is a dry perfect gas: (2) The temperature at sea level is 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degress Centigrade). G) The pressure at sea level is 29.92 inches Hg.: (4) The temperature gradient from sea level to the altitude at which the temperature is -69.7 degrees Fahrenheit is -0.003566 Fahrenheit per foot and zero above that altitude, International Civil Aviation Organization POWER TERMINOLOGY Take-off Power ‘Maximum Continuous Power Cruise Climb Moximum Cruise Power High Tate Low Idle Reverse Is the maximum power rating and is limited to a maximum of 5 minutes operation. Use of this rating should be limited to normal take-off operations and emergency situations, Is the highest power rating not limited by time. Use of this rating is intended for ‘emergency situations at the discretion of the pilot. Is the maximum power approved for normal climb. These powers are torque or temperature (ITT) limited, Is the highest power rating for cruise and is not time limited, Obtained by placing the condition lever in the high idle position. This limits the ower operation to a minimum of 70% Ny rpm. ‘Obtained by placing the condition lever inthe low idle position. This limits the power operation to a minimum of 60% Ny rpm. Either full or partial reverse power is obtained by lifting the power levers and moving them aft of the idle position. King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manual ar ar CONTROL AND INSTRUMENT TERMINOLOGY Power Lever (Gas Generator oF Ny RPM) Propeller Controt Lever (Nz RPM) Condition Lever (Fuel Shut-tt Lever) ITT Giterstage ‘Turbine Temperature) Ni Tachometer (Gas Generator RPM) Torquemeter Propeller Governor Beta Range This lever serves 10 modulate engine power from Full Reverse Thrust to Take-off. ‘The position for Idle represents the Jowest recommended level of power for flight operation, This lever requests the control to maintain rpim at 2 selected value and, in the ‘maximum decrease tpm position, feathers the propeller. ‘The fuel shut-off lever regulates a valve in the starting unit which controls the flow of fuel atthe fuel control outlet and regulates the idle range from Low to High Idle. Ten probes wired in parallel indicate the temperature between the compressor and power turbines. ‘The tachometer registers the rpm of the gas generator with 100% representing a gas generator speed of 37,500 rpm. When the gas generator is at Idle, the tachometer should read approximately 60% to 63% rpm, ‘The torquemeter system determines the shaft output torque. Torque values are ‘obtained by tapping into two outlets on the reduction gear case and recording the differential pressure from the outlets. The relationship between torquemeter pressure and propeller shaft power is shown in Section I. (Limitations). Instrument read out is in ft Ibs. This governor will maintain the selected speed requested by the propeller control lever, except on reverse selection where the power lever interconnection to the integral pneumatic area of the governor will sclect a lower speed. The pneumatic area during normal selection will act as an overspeed limiter. ‘The region on the power lever control which is aft of the low pitch stop and forward of reversing range where blade pitch angle can be changed without change of Gas Generator rpm. CHART AND GRAPH TERMINOLOGY Climb Gradient Best Rate of Climb Best Angle of Climb Demonstrated Crosswind Accelerate-stop distance ‘Theratio ofthe change in height during a portion ofa climb, tothe horizontal distance traversed in the same time interval ‘The best rate-of-climb speed is the airspeed which delivers the greatest gain in altitude in the shortest possible time with gear and Slaps up. ‘The best angle-of-climb speed is the airspeed which delivers the greatest gain of altitude in the shortest possible horizontal distance with gear and flaps up. ‘The demonstrated crosswind velocity is the velocity of the crosswind component for which adequate control of the airplane during takeoff and landing was actually demonstrated during certification tests. The value shown is not considered to be limiting. ‘The distance required to accelerate an airplane to a specified speed and, assuming failure of an engine at the instant at speed is attained, to bring the airplane toa stop. King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manual CHART AND GRAPH TERMINOLOGY (Continued) ‘Take-ott Weight Landing Weight Ramp Weight Maximum Zero Fuel Weight MEA Route Segment The gross weight of the aircraft at lift-off from runway, ‘The weight of the aircraft at landing touch-down. ‘The gross weight of the aircraft before engine start. Included is the take-off weight plus a fuel allowance for statt, taxi, run-up and take-off ground roll to liftoff. ‘Any weight above the value given must be loaded as fuel. Minimum enroute IFR altitude. A part of a route, Each end of that part is identified by: (1) a geographical location; of (2) a point at which a definite radio fix can be established. King Air A100 Pilot's Operating Manual ar F.A.A. APPROVED WOO PLANE FLIGHT TUL OFUE FOR THE Yn" KING AIR A100 OQ O0000 MER’S KING AIR A100 Mfr's Serial No. Registration No. .. 1, AM be bace CHESTER A. REMSCESKE BEECH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION DOK ce.2 FAA Appro: Date of Approval April 23, 1971 ra 100-590032.1 NOTE: THE FAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL MUST BE KEPT WITHIN REACH OF THE PILOT DURING ALL FAA Approved based on FAR 23, Normal Category. FLIGHT OPERATIONS 0 -00-8 TABLE OF CONTENTS FAA REVISION LOG ‘SECTION |, LIMITATIONS ENGINE LIMITS 1 TEMPERATURE LIMITS 1 MINIMUM OIL TEMPERATURE REQUIRED FOR FLIGHT 1 FUEL, 1 OILS. 1 FUEL CAPACITY 1 FUEL MANAGEMENT 1 ‘STARTERS, 1 PROPELLERS 1 EMERGENCY PROPELLER RPM LIMITS 1 INSTRUMENT MARKINGS 1 AIRSPEED INDICATOR (CAS) 7 AIRSPEED LIMITS (CAS) 1 ALTITUDE LIMITATIONS 1 OXYGEN REQUIREMENTS 1 MANEUVERS I FLIGHT LOAD FACTORS 1 MAXIMUM WEIGHT 1 CENTER OF GRAVITY LIMITS 1 CABIN PRESSURIZATION MINIMUM CREW AFT FACING SEATS PLACARDS SECTION I, NORMAL PROCEDURES PREFLIGHT BEFORE STARTING ENGINES ENGINE START ENGINE CLEARING PROCEDURE AFTER STARTING AND TAXI BEFORE TAKEOFF ‘TAKEOFF cue CRUISE OPERATIONAL SPEEDS DESCENT LANDING. MAXIMUM REVERSE POWER LANDING 28 BALKED LANDING 28 AFTER LANDING 28 ENGINE SHUTDOWN AND SECURING 29 NIGHT OR INSTRUMENT FLIGHT (BEFORE TAKEOFF) 29 ICING FLIGHT 29 BLENDING ANTI-ICING ADDITIVE TO FUEL, 212 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS 212 OXYGEN SYSTEM 23 PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM 2s NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY CONDITION CHECK 2s FAA Approved Revised: September 7, 1984 King Alr A100 Airplane Flight Manual SECTION III, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SINGLE-ENGINE PROCEDURES 34 ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF al ENGINE FAILURE OR FIRE IN FLIGHT/ILLUMINATION OF MAGNETIC CHIP DETECTOR ANNUNCIATOR 32 ENGINE FLAME.OUT (2nd ENGINE) 32 ENGINE FAILURE IN FLIGHT BELOW MINIMUM SINGLE ENGINE CONTROL SPEED 32 ENGINE FIRE (GROUND) 32 FIRE EXTINGUISHER OPERATION 32 SINGLE ENGINE LANDING 33 SINGLE ENGINE GO-AROUND 33 AIR START 33 STARTER ASSIST 33 WINDMILLING ENGINE AND PROPELLER (NO STARTER ASSIST) 34 CROSSFEED 34 BOOST PUMP FAILURE 34 PITCH TRIM INOPERATIVE 34 MAIN PITCH TRIM SYSTEM INOPER ATIVE 34 STANDBY PITCH TRIM SYSTEM INOPERATIVE . 34 BOTH MAIN AND STANDBY PITCH TRIM SYSTEMS INOPERATIVE 3.5 UNSCHEDULED PITCH TRIM 35 GO-AROUND (PITCH TRIM INOPERATIVE) 35 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FAILURE 35 GENERATOR INOPERATIVE 35 EXCESSIVE LOADMETER INDICATIONS 38 CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPPED 36 SUBPANEL FEEDER CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPPED, 36 INVERTER INOPERATIVE 36 ELECTRICAL SMOKE OR FIRE 36 ELECTROTHERMAL PROPELLER DEICE 36 LANDING GEAR EMERGENCY EXTENSION 37 EMERGENCY STATIC AIR SOURCE 37 PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM 37 LOSS OF PRESSURIZATION 37 BLEED AIR LINE FAILURE WARNING SYSTEM 37 EMERGENCY DESCENT PROCEDURE 38 EMERGENCY EXIT 38 SPINS 38 ILLUMINATION OF CABIN DOOR WARNING LIGHT 39 FAILURE OF FLIGHT (FLECTRICAL) LOW PITCH STOP 39 SECTION IV, FAA APPROVED PERFORMANCE ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: at SECTION V, FAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL SUPPLEMENTS CONTENTS Seo FAA Airplane Flight Manusl Supplements Log of Revisions Page King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revise FAA Approved june 21, 1976 LOG OF REVISIONS King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual, PIN 100-590032-1 el eee Se | Aiea ee so | ais | hed -Pesonuton Stn ad Pet Nk atnun Eee Conon ee tooo Mnalt belt Seer nn — er, oe LOG OF REVISIONS King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual, P/N 100-590032-1 [Revision | Revised scription of Revision Number. Pages ee Re aa | ianait | change Tobe of Contents aa | 23 Change Sequence of Fuel Quantity Check and Voltmaters Chock in "BEFORE STARTING ENGINES” Procedures Revise CAUTION in "BEFORE STARTING ENGINES” Procedures Revise Condition Levars Procedure in “ENGINE START” Procedures aa | 2a [Add CAUTION on Chip Detect Anmurwiator Light Illumination During Runup Rearrange Material as | 25 Revise Overspeed Governors Test in “BEFORE TAKEOFF" Procedures Change Sequence of and Revise Power Levers Checks in "BEFORE TAKEOFF” Procedures ‘Add Eegin lo Protection Controls Check to "BEFORE TAKEOFF” Procedures {Change Sequence of and evte Autofeather Check in "BEFORE TAKEOFF” Procedures Ghange Sequence of and Revise Procedure for Propelier Low Pitch Stops Test in" BEFORE TAKEOFF" Procedures Revise Procedure for Propeller Feathering (Marval) Check in "BEFORE TAKEOFF” Procedures ‘dd WARNING on Chip Detect Annuniator Light lamination During Takeott Rearrange Materiat aa | 26 ‘Add WARNING on Chip Detect Annunciator Light lluminetion During Cruise Revise Single-Engine Bost Rate-o-Climb Speed Revise Two-Engine Best Rate-of-Cimb Speed Rearrange Material as | 26a Rearrange Material as | 32 Add “ILLUMINATION OF MAGNETIC CHIP DETECTOR ANNUNCIATOR” to “ENGINE FAILURE OR FIRE IN FLIGHT” Procedure as | 39 Add “FAILURE OF FLIGHT (ELECTRICAL) LOW PITCH STOP” Procedure as | 4 Change Table of Contents we | ate Revise Landing Distance Graph rs | a9 ‘Add New (ding Distance Graph | * 420 Shift Existing Stall Speeds Graph from Page 4.19/27, 3 crs ei 3 Beech Aircraft Corporation a DOA CE-2 "black baron a revived page shows the current change FAA Approved Revised: June 21, 1976 LOG OF REVISIONS King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual, P/N 100-590032-1 —-~] Revision | Revised scription of Revision Number Pages a Ar 13 Revise Fuel Limitations Revise Fuel Management Limitations ar V4 Revise Instrument Markings Limitations _ ; Mi Atotr- ha bree ombleke DP coccn sivcrat Corpeffion boa ce? FAA Approved Rovised: March 5, 1976 ‘A black bar on a revised page shows the current change LOG OF REVISIONS King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual, P/N 100-590032-1 Revision | Revised scription of Revision Number | Pages miele a6 ii ‘Add Illumination of Cabin Door Warning Light a6. 18 ‘Add New Cabin Door Placard a6. 39 ‘Add Cabin Door Security Warning Mie DOA ce-2 FAA Approved Revised: November 14, 1975 ‘A bilack bar on a revised page shows the current change LOG OF REVISIONS King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual, P/N 100-590032-1 se-qeaoun Revision] Revieed Meabes | ee Description of Revision AS 28 ‘Add Caution to Icing Flight AS 29 arrange Material AS 240 ‘Add Fuel Vent Heat to Icing Flight Hs ‘Chester A. Remblesks Beech Aircraft Cor DOA CE2 ‘A black bar on a revised page shows the current change 28.44oan aay Ve LOG OF REVISIONS King Air AT00 Airplane Flight Manual, P/N 5900321 Revision | Revised ie nae Description of Revision a ii ‘Added Spin Information to Table of Contents a 13 ‘Added Engine Overhaul Period and Two Steps to Fuel Management Aa 4 ‘Added Fuel Quantity Indicators A 15 ‘Added Pressurization Information ry 22 ‘Added Emergency Locator’Check Aa 2 ‘Added Oxygen Duration Information aa 34 ‘Added Caution aa 38 ‘Added Spin Information aa 43 ‘Added Information on Use of Performance Graphs ‘Chehter A. Rembleske Beech Aircraft Corpgcfion DOA CE ‘A black bar on a revised page shows the current change FAA Approved Revised: May 20, 1974 oe s4aoan LOG OF REVISIONS King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual, P/N 100-590032-1 ee pi) Description of Revision Spe ooo | [semmronmnona wo] | astmntoeninn 22 ca ean | 2 Sesser ts] [eames to] 2 | Seesensenae LA tml olen a ee vm Revised: August 1, 1973 Log of Revisions 9834404, LOG OF REVISIONS King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual, P/N 100-590032.1 Remon] Rater Number | Parcs Desription of Revision FAA Approved a2 tand ii | Change Indexing a2 1 Change Take-off and Maximum Continuous Power and Correct ITT Daring Acceleration ad ‘Add Cruise Torque to Engine Limits Ad (Change Starter Limitations and Add Emergency Propeller RPM Limits a2 14 Airspeed Indicator Change, Airspeed Limits Correction a2 16 ‘Add Macard and Note Correction AQ 17 Rearrange Material a2 23 ‘Change Check for Current Limiters AQ 28 Preflight Before Take-Off Procedures Change and Correct Gear Retract Speed During Take-Off AQ ‘Add Static Aie Source to Teing Flight ad Regulation of Bleed Air Valves for Cooling on the Ground a2 Change Air Start-Starter Assist a2 Moved Emergency Propeller RPM Limits to 1-3 ad ‘Change Crossfeed and Discontinue Crossfeed a Change Electrical System Failure Generator Inoperative AD ‘Change Electric Smoke or Fire Procedures 2 Change Landing Gear Emergency Extension and Change Emergency Static Air Source Procedures a2 Change Bleed Air Line Failure Warning System Ad Altimeter Correction - Normal System Graph Change ee tis a Vdeke Beech Aircraft Corporation DOA CE-2 FAA Approved Revised: January 15, 1973 ‘A black bar om a revised page shows the current change Log of Revisions 98-34408 LOG OF REVISIONS King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual, P/N 100:590032-1 red inl Deseiption of Revision [Fan Approved & Dee at | 16 | Fuet Panet Paid ar | 34 | crosteed cutions at | 44 | Graph conection ar | 46 | Guapnconction at | 47 | Graph Conetion ar | 48 | Graph correction ar | 413 | airspeed Correction av | 414 | aicpeed Correction at | 41s) | aicpeed Correction | tbh Al 417 Airspeed Correction ie QHESTER A. REMBLESKE BEECH AIRCRAFT CORP at | 418. | Airspeed conection DOA CE-2 2/2e/7) — ee FAA Approved Revised: September 17, 1971 AA black bar on a revised page shows the current change Log of Revisions ox a4 LOG OF REVISIONS King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual P/N 100-590032-1 Revsion | Raed A tite | Original A i tou | Original a La tha | Original 110 a 2 thru} Original 2 MPROVED a [ous Miobhete tha | Original 2. 38 cHester a. nefctesv2 BEECH AIRCRAFT CORP. ie “41 DOA CE-2 thre | Original San 419 - a ‘A black bar on a revised page shows the current change FAA Approved Issued: April 23, 1971 Log of Revisions 1. VER day and night 2. TER day and night 3. Known icing areas 4. with, ENGINE LIMITS SECTION | LIMITATIONS ‘This airplane is approved for the following type operations when the required equipment fs installed and operational as defined herein: FAR 91 operations when all pertinent limitations and performance considerations are complied ‘The following limitatioas are to be observed in the operation of this airplane equipped with two United Aircraft of Canada, Ltd. PT6A-28 engines. Each column is a separate limitation, The limits presented do ‘not necessarily occur simultaneously OPERATING LIMITS OPERATING CONDITION Toraue| maximum | cascenenaron | prop | ont on sne| rrie | osseaven|__ npn; (2) APM Press | Temp ITP aT 2 psig | °C TAKE-OFF 620 | 1628 | 750 aero | 101s | 2200 | sor 100 | 101099 fw {6 min Limit) maxcontit) | 680 | 1628 | 750 ae100 | 11s | 2200 | 80% 100 | 10%099 ls cruisecume | 620 | 1628 | 710 se100 | 101s | 2200 | e010 100 | 01099 cRUISE 620 | 162819) | 750 seo | 1018 | 2200 | 010100 | 0199 fm HLIDLE (4) - 7 40 10.99 LOADLE (6) - 660 (8) 1250 | aon) | 2010.99 iN. STARTING 1090 (6) - - -40 (ain ACCELERATION 210016) | 95016) | 38500 | 1026 | 2420 | - — oroso |e MAX REVERSE (7)| ~ 750 88 2100 | B0t0 100 | or099 (i) Maximurs Continuous Power is intended for Emergency use atthe disretion of the pilot. 1 (2) Forevery 10°C below -30°C ambient temperature, reduce maximum allowable.Ny by 2.2%. (3) Normal oil presture is 80 10 100 psig at power settings above 27000 rpm (72% N1). Oi pressure below 80 psig i undesirable, and should be tolerated only for the completion of the Aight, preferably at reduced power setting, Oil pressures below normal should be reported as an engine discrepancy and should be corrected before the next take-off. Oi pressures below 40 pig are unsafe and equite that either the engine be shut down or a landing be made a soon as possible, using the minimum power required to sustain flight (4) At approximately 70%N} FAA Approved Revised: January 15, 1973 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manust “ 12 (6) AtS8% Nj minimum. (6) These values are time limited to two seconds. (7) This operation is time limited to one minute, (8) High ITT at ground idle may be corrected by reducing accessory load and/or increasing Ny pm. Observe the following generator load limits: ‘GENERATOR LOAD MINIMUM Ni, 010.9 60% 9101.0 63% (9) Cruise torque limits vary with altitude and temperature TEMPERATURE LIMITS Aircraft shall not be operated when take-off ambient temperature exceeds ISA + 37°C. MINIMUM OIL TEMPERATURE REQUIRED FOR FLIGHT Engine oil is used to heat the fuel on entering the fuel control. Since no temperature measurement is available for the fuel at ths point, it must be assumed to be the same as the OAT. The graph below is supplied for use as a guide in preflight planning, based on known or forecast operating conditions, to allow the operator to become aware of operating temperatures Where icing at the fuel control could occur. Ifthe plot should indicate that oll temperatures versus OAT are such that ice formation could occur during take-off or in fight, anting additive per MIL--27686 should be mixed with the fuel at refueling to insure safe operation, CAUTION Anti-icing additive must be properly blended with the fuel to avoid deterioration of the fuel cell. The additive concentration by volume shall be a minimum of .060% and a maximum of 15%, Approved procedure for adding anti-icing concentrate is contained in Section TI. JP4 fuel per MIL4-5624 has anti-icing additive per MILI-27686 blended in the fuel at the refinery and no forther treatment is necessary. Some fuel supplies blend anti-cing additive in their storage tanks. Prior to refueling, check with the uel supplier to determine if fuel has been blended. To assure proper concentration by volume of fvel on board, blend only enough additive for the unblended fuel. ALTITUDE ~1,000 FT, “60 “80 to to 20 “10 ° "FUEL TEMPERATURE (OAT) ~°C senses FAA Approved King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revised: January 15, 1973 FUEL Jet A (NATO F-30, F-34), Jet Acl (JP'S, NATO F-42), Jet B (JP-4, NATO F-40), and all grades 80/87 through 115/148 commercial aviation fuels conforming to PWA Specification No. 522 and later revisions. (See Consumable Materials, SERVICING section.) CAUTION Operation with the fuel pressure light on is limited to 10 hours between main engine driven fuel pump overhaul or replacement period. One standby pump may be inoperative for takeoff (Crossfed of fuel wil not be available from the side ofthe inoperative standby pump.) Operation on aviation gasoline: Operation is limited to 150 hours dusing any one engine overhaul period. 2. Operation is limited to 18,000 feet altitude with either standby fuel pump inoperative 3. Operation on main tanks only (Auxiliary tanks not to be filled with aviation gasoline). ols Synthetic type conforming to the current CPW 202 and PWA 521 respectively. (Check Consumable Materials SECTION X.) FUEL CAPACITY ‘The total system capacity is 470 gallons of usable fuel. Main fuel system capacity : 388 gallons (usable fuel) ‘Auxiliary fuel system capacity - '82 gallons (usable fuel) FUEL MANAGEMENT . Auxiliary tanks are not to be filled unless the main tanks ae fll If fuel isin the auxiliary tank, it must be depleted before using fuel from the main tanks, Do not take off if fuel quantity gages indicate less than 265 pounds of fuel in each main tank (al serials) or in yellow arc (serials with fuel quantity gages marked with yellow arcs). 4. Crossfeed only during single-engine operation. STARTERS Use is limited 0 40 seconds on 60 seconds off, 40 seconds on, 60 seconds off, 40 seconds on, then 30 minutes off. PROPELLERS ‘Two fullfeathering, constant speed, reversing, four-bladed propellers are equipped with T10173EB-12-1/2 blades and HC-B4TN-3 hubs. Blade angles are measured at the 30 inch station: Feathered 86.5°, Reverse - 11°, set flight idle stop to obtain 600 + 40 ft Ibs torque at 2000 «pm (prop) at Sea Level, Standard Day conditions. Set ground idle stop to obtain 440 + 40 ft Ibs torque at 2000 rpm (prop) at Sea Level, Standard Day Conditions. EMERGENCY PROPELLER RPM LIMITS ‘The maximum propeller overspeed limit is 2420 rpm, Propeller speeds above 2200 rpm indicate failure of primary governor. Propeller speeds above 2288 rpm indicate failure of both primary and secondary governors, FAA Approved Revised: March 5, 1976 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual 13 INSTRUMENT MARKINGS: Interstage Turbine Temperature: Green Are 400°C to 750°C, Red Radial 750°C, Dashed Red Radisl 1090°C Torque Meter: Green Are 400 ft bs to 1628 Ft Ibs, Red Radial 1628 Fe Ibs Propeller Tachometer, N2: Green Are 1800 rpm to 2200 rpm, Red Radial 2200 rpm Gas Generator Tachometer, Ny: Red Radial 101.5% rpm Oil Pressure: Red Radial 40 psi, Green Are 80 psi to 100 psi, Red Racial 100 psi Oil Temperature: Green Are Arc 10°C to 99°C, Red Radial 99°C. Deice Ammeter Engine Air inlet: (Narrow Green Are) - 14 to 18 amperes Propeller: (Wide Green Ate) 18 to 24 amperes ‘Vacuum (Suction): 30,000 ft to 15,000 ft: (Narrow Green Ate) 3.0 in. Hg t04.3 in. Hg 15,000 ft to SL: (Wide Green Arc) 4.3 in. Hg to 5.9 in. Hg Pheumatic Gage: Green Are 12 psi to 20 psi, Red Radial 20 psi Dual Altimeter and Dierental Pressure: Green Arc 0 psi to 4.7 pai, Red Ate 4.7 psi to end of scale Pitch Trim Indicator: Green Arc 0° to 2° nose up Fue! Quantity Indicators 0 Ibs to 265 ibs, No Takeoff (Yellow Arc, when marked on Gage) AIRSPEED INDICATOR (CAS) Maximum Operating Speed (Red Radial) 226 knots Normal Operating Range (Green Are) : 90 t0 226 knots Full Flap Operating Range (White Arc) 75 10 140 knots Maximum Approgch Flap Speed (White Triangle) : : 182 knots Single Engine Best Rate of Climb Speed (Blue Racial) as 120 knots ‘Minimum Single Engine Control Speed Vgc (Red Radial) 85 knots AIRSPEED LIMITS (CAS) Maximum Operating Speed YMO. Lo : 226 knoes ‘Maximum Operating Mach Number MMO, + 46 mach NOTE VMolMMo may not be deliberately exceeded in any regime of flight (climb, cruise or descent). Maximum Flap Extension Speed: ‘Approach Position 30% | ++ 182 knots Full Down Position - 100% : + +140 knots Maximum Gear Extended Speed te 156 knots Maximum Gear Operating Speed Extension. : . = 156 knots React 2 | : 130 knots of 146 knots Maximum Design Manewwering Speed : : + 170 knots Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind . i. , 25 knots FAA Approved King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revised: March 5, 1978 ALTITUDE LIMITATIONS 31,000 feet 1. Operation with aviation gasoline 4, Both standby fuel pumps operative 31,000 feet b.Bither standby fuel pump inoperative 18,000 feet OXYGEN REQUIREMENTS 1. One mask per minimum crew and one mask per 10 passengers with a 10 minute supply of oxygen when operating above 15,000 feet to 25,000 feet, 2. One mask coupled to the outlet and immediately available with a 10 minute supply of oxygen for each occupant when operating above 25,000 feet, MANEUVERS: This is @ normal category aircraft. Acrobatic maneuvers, including spins, are probibited. FLIGHT LOAD FACTORS [At the designed gross weight of 11,500 pounds: 3.27 G - Positive 1.31.G - Negative CAUTION Do not use controls abruptly above 170 knots CAS. For turbulent air penetration, use maneuvering airspeed of 170 knots, Avoid over-action ‘on power levers. Turn autopilot off, Keep wings level, maintain attitude and avoid use of stabilizer trim. Do not chase airspeed and altitude. Penetration should be at an altitude “which provides adequate maneuvering margins when severe turbulence is encountered. MAXIMUM WEIGHT. Maximum Take-off Weight 11,500 pounds or as limited by Maximum Take-off Weight Permitied By Enroute Climb Requirement (Section IV) Maximum Landing Weight 11,210 pounds Maximum Ramp Weight : 11,568 pounds Maximum Zero Fuel Weight [Any weight above 9,600 lbs must be loaded as fuel in the main fuel tanks, CENTER OF GRAVITY LIMITS (Landing gear extended) Aft Limit: 191 inches aft of datum at all weights. Forward Limits: at 11,500 Ibs., 184.5 inches aft of datum; at 9580 Ibs. or less, 177 inches aft of datum, CABIN PRESSURIZATION Maximum cabin pressure differential is 4.7 ps Fuselage pressure vessel structural life limit - 20,000 hours. FAA Approved Revised: May 20, 1974 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual MINIMUM CREW (One Pilot. STABILIZER TRIM SYSTEM Flight will not be initisted with any malfunction of either the main or standby trim systems. The Main Pitch Trim System master switch and the Standby Pitch Trim System master switch shall not be in the ON position at the same time, These systems shall be operated independently of each other. AFT FACING SEATS Only aft facing seats (placarded as such on the leg crossmesmber) are authorized in the aft facing position. ‘The headrest and seat back of the aft facing seat must be in the fully raised position for take-off and landing, PLACARDS (On Overhead Panel in Pilot's Compartment: [AIRSPEED CINTTATIONS [MAX OPERATION 726 KNOTS {SL TO 15500 FT). DECREASE BY 4 KNOTS FOR EVERY 1,000 FT ABOVE AK GEAR EXTENSION WSeKNOTS AK APPRORCH FLAP wa xnors MAK GEAR EXTENDED HSRNOTS Mac WaANEUVERING AKNOTS Maxoewonsrmareo crosswimo ‘abaNovs __RECONIENDED APPROACM seEED 99 RNOTS RECOMMENDED Tirin eNGIME CLIMBS BEST ANGLE 100 KNOTS BEST RATE 120 KNOTS. (OPERATION LIMITATIONS THis AIRPLANE Must BE OPERATED ASA NOMMIAL CATEGORY AIRPLANE IN NO ACROBATIC HANEUVERS INCLUDING SPINS ARE APPROVED caurion STALL WARNING IS INOPERATIVE WHEN MASTER SWITCH IS OFF "AVOID PROPELLER OPERATION BELOW 1250 RPM ‘CAUTION STANOBY COMPASS Is ERRATICWHEN WINOSHIELO ANTICE AND) TON AIR CONDITIONER AND/OM ELECTAIGHEAT ISON OR: IRIRSPEED UMITATIONS wax OPERATION 226 KNOTS (SL TO 15400 77, DECREASE BY 4 KNOTS FOR EVERY 11000 FT ABOVE i300 FT Mik GEAR EXTENSION ISSKNOTS MAX APPROACH FLAP sa2Knors Max Gea® RETRACT T@ORNOTS MAX FULLOOWN FLAP Mo RNOTS Max GEAR EXTENDED ISSENOTS MAK MANEUVERING WORNOTS SAK DEMONSTAATED crosswiND "2s KNOTS RECOMMENDED APPROACH speeD _"SBKNOTS RECOMMENDED TWIN ENGINE CLIMES BEST ANGLE To9 KNOTS EST RATE 120 KNOTS ‘OPERATION LIMITATIONS THis AIRPLANE MUST 96 OPERATED AS'A NORMAL CATEGORY AIRPLANE 1 SBUPLANCE aT THE oPtaaTING LinTaTion® STATED INTHE FORM OF TNO ACROBATIC BANEUVERS INCLUDING SPINS ARE APPROVED THIS AIRPLANE APPROVED FOR VER IFR OAY & NIGHT OPERATION @ it ICING CONDITION CAUTION STALL WARRING I§ OPERATIVE WHEW MASTER smiTCH ISOFF 'AVOIO PROPELLER OPERATION BELOW 1250 NFM cAUTION STANDBY COMPASS Is ERRATIC WHEN WINDSHIELD ANTI ICE AND OR AIR CONDITIONER AND/OM ELECTRIC HEAT 15 ON NOTE: This airplane is approved for flight into icing conditions when the following equipment is installed ‘and operable: Wing and empennage surface deice system, electrothermal propeller deice system, Juel vent heaters, heated stall warning, heated pitot, heated left windshield, engine air inlet electrothermal boots, inertial separator system, alternate static ar source, and auto ignition. FAA Approved 16 ‘King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revised: January 15, 1973 PLACARDS (CONT'D) On instrument Panel Adjacent to Each Gyroscopiec [Tare] fae] Tee] Instrument (Depending on Gyro's Power Source): [WAIR =e] ee = CAUTIO TURN AUX TRANS OFF DUI CROSSFEED (SIDE On Fuel Pane! IS. 1G_FED) (On Instrument Panel Adjacent to the Copilot’s Airspeed Indicator: SEE LIMITATIONS PLACARD FOR "MAX. OPERATION” ABOVE 15,500 FT Aftof Overhead Light Pen: On Curved Pedestal Adjacent to Power Levers G 2 CAUTION Chon REVERSE 2 ONLY WITH i“ 4 ENGINES RUNNING On Right Side Pane: Below Latch on Pilot's Partition Door: @ PILOT'S EMERGENCY @ KICK HERE STATIC AIR SOURCE NORMAL ALTERNATE FOR EMERGENCY WARNING ISEE FLIGHT MANUAL PERFORM.| EVACUATION @ ANCE SECTION FOR @ INSTR CAL ERROR (n Upper Fuel Contot Pane! (On Pedestal Adjacent to Cabin Pessuncation Controller: SEE MANUAL FOR 7 FUEL CAPACITY WARNING tirore tanoine On Floor Aft of Pedestal LANDING GEAR ® EMERGENCY EXTENSION 1. PULL UP HANDLE AND => TURN CLOCKWISE TO LOCK = 2. REMOVE LEVER FROM SECURING CLIP AND PUMP gy FAA Approved Revised: January 15, 1973 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual w PLACARDS (CONT'D) Inside Airstair Door Between Folding Steps: WHEN HANDLE IS IN LOCKED POSITION-ARM SHOULD BE AROUND PLUNGER AS SHOWN. Canter of Cabin on Passenger Service Unit: NO SMOKING FASTEN SEAT BELT FAA Approved 18 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revised: November 14, 1975 PLACARDS (CONT'D) (On Emergency Exit Handle: ae (On Windiow Frame Escutcheon Adjacent to Front Seats ALL AFT FACING SEATS MUST HAVE BACK UPRIGHT AND HEADREST FULLY [RAISED DURING TAKEOFF AND LANDING | i On Window Frame Escutcheon Adjacent to Front Seats: COUCH NOT TO BE OCCUPIED AS CHAISE LONGUE DURING TAKE-OFF AND ‘LANDING On Center of aft Bulkhead \ LOADING LIMITATION a 410 LBS MAX > FOR THIS COMPARTMENT | (On Center Front of Couch: COUCH LIMITATIONS TOTAL WEIGHT OF OCCUPANTS 6 NOT TO EXCEED 340 LBS % MAX WT OF DRAWER CONTENTS 30 LBS PER DRAWER On Baggage Webbing LOADING LIMITATION 100 LBS MAX ON THIS CABINET FAA Approved Issued: April 23, 1977 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual 19 PLACARDS (CONT'D) On Inside Surface of Each Oxygen Access Door: WARNING — DO NOT SMOKE WHILE OXYGEN IS IN USE HOSE PLUG MUST BE DISCONNECTED TO STOP FLOW OF OXYGEN (On Outside of Each Oxygen Access Door: ae 7 LOXYGEN—PUSH | FAA Approved 1.10 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Masual Issued: April 23, 1971 SECTION II NORMAL PROCEDURES PREFLIGHT LEFT WING 1, Flaps - CHECK 2. Two Fuel Sumps (aft of wheel well) - DRAIN 3, Aileron and Tab - CHECK, 4, Flush Outboard Wing Fuel Sump - DRAIN 5. Lights - CHECK 6. Main Fuel Tank - CHECK 7. Stall Warning - CHECK 8. Tie-Down and Chocks - REMOVE 9; Deice Boot - CHECK 10. Ram Scoop Fuel Vent - CLEAR 11, Heated Fuel Vent - CLEAR 12, Wing Fuel Sump - DRAIN 13, Fire Extinguisher Pressure - CHECK 14, Landing Gear and Doors - CHECK. 15, Two Fuel Sumps (aft of oil cooler) - DRAIN 16. Propeller - CHECK 17. Engine Air and Oil Cooler Intakes - CLEAR; Inertial Separator Vane - RETRACTED 18. Engine Air Inlet Boot - CHECK 19. Engine Oil - CHECK QUANTITY, CAP SECURE 20. Firewall Fuel Filter - DRAIN 21. Cowling, Doors and Panels - CHECK, 22. Auxiliary Fuel Tank - CHECK 23. Heat Exchanger Inlet - CLEAR 24, Inboard Fuel Tank Sump - DRAIN 25. Lower Antennas and Beacon - CHECK NOSE SECTION Ram Air Inlet -CLEAR ‘Access Panels - SECURE Air Conditioner Ducts - CLEAR ‘Nose Gear and Doors - CHECK. - Landing and Taxi Lights - CHECK Pitot Covers - REMOVE Windshield Wipers - CHECK RIGHT WING 1, Inboard Fuel Tank Sump - DRAIN 2, Heat Exchanger Inlet - CLEAR, 3. Auxiliary Fuel Tank -CHECK 4 Propeller - CHECK 5. Engine Air and Oil Cooter Intakes - CLEAR; Inertial Separator Vane - RETRACTED 6. Engine Air inlet Boot - CHECK 7. Engine Oil - CHECK QUANTITY, CAP SECURE 8. Firewall Fuel Filter - DRAIN 9. Cowling, Doors and Panels - CHECK 10. Two Fuel Sumps (aft of oil cooler) - DRAIN 11. Fire Extinguisher Pressure - CHECK 12, Landing Gear and Doors - CHECK FAA Approved Issued: April 23, 1971 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual ae RIGHT WING (CONTD) 1B. 14 5 te. 7 i Heated Fuel Vent - CLEAR Ram Scoop Fuel Vent - CLEAR ‘Wing Fuel Sump - DRAIN Deice Boot - CHECK Tie-Down and Chocks - REMOVED Main Fuel Tank - CHECK Lights - CHECK Aileron - CHECK, Flush Outer Wing Tank Sump - DRAIN Flaps » CHECK Two Fuel Sumps (aft of wheel well) - DRAIN TAIL. SECTION Oxygen Door - SECURE Static Ports - CLEAR Tie Down - REMOVE, Access Panels - SECURE Deice Boots - CHECK Controt Surfaces and Rudder Tab - CHECK Lights - CHECK Stabilizer Setting - NOTE Top Antennas - CHECK Static Ports - CLEAR. Emergency Locator Transmitter - ARM BEFORE STARTING ENGINES Cabin Door - LOCKED (Only a crew member should close and lock the door) Load and Baggage - SECURE: Weight and C.G. - CHECKED Emergency Exit - SECURE AND UNLOCKED Controt Locks - REMOVED Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses - SECURE. Brakes - SET Overhead Panel - CHECK Power Levers - IDLE Propeller Controls - FULL FORWARD Condition Levers - CUT-OFF Landing Gear Handle - DOWN Pedestal Circuit Breakers - IN Switches - OFF Cabin Sign - ON Cabin Temp Mode - OFF; Blower - AUTO Circuit Breakers - IN (Oxygen Pressure - CHECK Emergency Static Air Valve - NORMAL Fuel Firewall Valves - CLOSED; Circuit Breakers - IN Standby Pumps - ON (listen for operation) Battery Switch - ON (Fuel Pressure Lights - ON) Fuel Firewall Valves - OPEN (Fuel Pressure Left Standby Pump - OFF (Left Fuel Pressure Light - ON) Crossfeed - OPEN (crossfeed light - ON: left fuel pressure li Crossfeed - CLOSED Right Standby Pump - OFF (right FUEL PRESS light - ON) Fuel Quantity ~ CHECK (Main and Auxiliary) Voltmeters - CHECK (No voltage indicates current limiter out.) i - OFF) King Alr A100 Airplane Flight Manual FAA Approved Revised: September 7, 1984 BEFORE STARTING ENGINES (CONTD) CAUTION If battery voltage indicates less shan 20 volts, battery must be recharged or Feplaced with battery indicating 20 volts or greater before using auxiliary power When an auxiliary power source is used, ascertain that polarity of the APU is the same as that of the airplane. I polarity of the APU is unknown, use a voltmeter to assure correct polarity before connecting it to the airplane. ‘The battery switch must be ON when starting engines with auxiliary power and generators should be OFF until auxiliary power has been disconnected, After second engine has been started, disconnect the auxiliary power source tnd secure the access door. 29, Fire Detectors - CHECK, ENGINE START 1. Right Ignition and Engine Start Switch - ON (Note Right Fuel Pressure Light - OFF). 2. Right Condition Lever - LOW IDLE (after Nj rpm stabilizes for 5 seconds; 12% minimum) 3. ITT and Ny - MONITOR (1090°C maxirmam) 4. Right Ignition and Engine Start Switch - OFF (at 50% Ny or above) 5. Right Condition Lever - HIGH IDLE 6. Right Generator - ON - CHARGE BATTERY until loadmeter reads approximately .50 or less. NOTE On Serials B.224 and after: In ofder to turn either generator ON, the generator control switch must first be held in the spring-loaded RESET position for a minimum of one second, then released to the ON position. 7. Right Oil Pressure - CHECK (Right propeller unfeathered indicates oil pressure) 8. Leh Ignition and Engine Start Switch - ON (Note Left Fuel Pressure Light - OFF) 9. Left Condition Lever - LOW IDLE (after Nj tpm stabilizes for 5 seconds; 12% minimum) 10. ITT and Ny - MONITOR (1090°C maximum) 1. Left Ignition and Engine Start Switch - OFF (at 50% Nj or above) 12. Left Generator - ON 13. Inverter - ON 14. Right and Left Oil Pressure - CHECK by gage pressure 1S. Condition Levers - AS REQUIRED (Maintain propeller 1250 rpm, mi jum.) ‘CAUTION If no ITT tise is observed within 10 seconds after moving the Condition Lever to LOW IDLE, move the Condition Lever to CUT-OFF and Start ‘Switch to OFF. Allow 30 seconds to drain fuel; then follow the Engine Clearing Procedure. If starting attempt is discontinued, the entire starting sequence must be repeated after allowing the engine to come to a complete stop. FAA Approved Ravised: September 7, 1984 King Alt A100 Airplane Flight Manual ENGINE CLEARING PROCEDURE 4 Condition Lever - CUT-OFF Battery Switch - ON Ignition and Start Switch - STARTER ONLY for a minimum of 1S seconds CAUTION Do not exceed the starter time limits, see Section 1 Ignition and Start Switch - OFF AFTER STARTING AND TAXI Voltage and Loadmeters - CHECK Radios - ON Fuel Control Heat Switches - ON Lights - AS REQUIRED Cabin Temperature and Mode - AS REQUIRED (observe Nj, ITT and Generator Limits if air conditioning or electric heat is used.) Annunciator Lights - TEST, then CLEAR Instruments - CHECK Brakes - CHECK NOTE Maintain a minimum of 1250 rpm during all ground operations. Propeller Beta range may be used during taxi with minimum blade erosion up to the point where Nj increases. Care must be exercised when taxiing on unimproved surfaces. If possible, conduct engine check-out on a hard surface, free of sand and gravel t0 preclude pitting of propeller blades and airplane surfaces, CAUTION If either CHIP DETECT annunciator illuminates during runup, do not take off. Shut down the engine; investigate the cause, and initiate necessary repairs, BEFORE TAKEOFF Auxiliary Fuel Valve Switches - ON; AUX EMPTY Lights - PRESS TO TEST NOTE ‘Step | need not be accomplished if auxiliary tanks are empty. Any auxiliary fuel must be used first. FAA Approved King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revised: September 7, 1984 BEFORE TAKEOFF (CONTD) Radios and Radar - CHECK 3. Pressurization - SET. 14. Cabin Altitude Selector Knob - ADJUST SO THAT INNER SCALE (ACFT ALT) INDICATES PLANNED CRUISE ALTITUDE PLUS 1000 FEET. (If this setting does not result in an outer scale (CABIN ALT) indication of at least $00 feet above take-off field pressure altitude, adjust as required.) '. Rate Control Selector Knob - SET INDEX BETWEEN 9- and 12-0'CLOCK POSITIONS. +4, Pitch Trim Indicator - COMPARE WITH STABILIZER POSITION NOTED DURING PREFLIGHT. "5. Autopilot - CHECK 6. Pitch Trim System - CHECK a. Standby Pitch Trim Switch - ON. bb. Individual Dual Element Switches - MOVE FWD AND AFT, check that there is no movement of indicator. Both Dual Element Switches - MOVE FWD AND AFT, check movement with indicator. d. Standby Pitch Trim Switch - OFF while both dual element switches activated to check system deactivation. Main Pitch Trim Switch - ON Pilot's Individual Dual Element Switches - MOVE FWD AND AFT, check no movement of indicator ‘8. Both Pilot's Dual Element Switches - MOVE FWD AND AFT; (1) Check travel to full extreme with indicator. Note that nose down travel stops on red line. 2) Note aural trim-in-motion indication. G) Trim Release Button - DEPRESS while trim is in motion in each direction to deactivate system. RELEASE (trim movement should continue) hh. Copilot’s Individual Dual Element Switches - MOVE FWD AND AFT, check no movement of indicator i, Both Copilot’s Dual Element Switches - MOVE FWD AND AFT (1). Check Trim Release Button while trim in motion (Travel to full extremes not required). i. Out of Trim Warning System - CHECK (1). Activate pilot's (or copilot’s) main trim switches until trim indicator needle is above or below green arc (@) Advance left engine power lever to 90% Nj position or above. Warning horn should sound. G)_ Retard left engine power lever to IDLE. WARNING Operation of the trim system should occur only by movement of pairs of switches. Any movement of the indicator while depressing one switch denotes a malfunctioning system. Flight shall not be initiated with any ‘malfunction of either the main or standby trim systems. ‘The Main Pitch Trim System Master Switch and the Standby Pitch Trim ‘System Master Switch shall not be in the ON position at the same time. ‘These systems shall be operated independently of each other. 7. Pitch Trim Indicator - SET FOR TAKE-OFF (GREEN ARC), 8. Trim Tabs - SET 9. Engine Control Friction Locks - SET 10. Flaps - CHECK AND SET 1. Flight Controls - CHECK FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT AND PROPER RESPONSE. +12, Overspeed Governors - TEST: Propeller Levers - HIGH RPM Power Levers - BELOW 1900 RPM Propeller Test Switches - HOLD TO PROP GOV TEST Power Levers - INCREASE TO STABILIZED RPM (1900 to 2100). Observe ITT and Torque Limits Power Levers - REDUCE TO 1900 RPM Propeller Test Switches - RELEASE. FAA Approved Revised: September 7, 1984 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual BEFORE TAKEOFF (CONT'D) 13 m4, 1s. “16 u. I. 9 20, 2 Primary Governors » EXERCISE AT 1900 RPM. Engine Ice Protection Controls - PULL (Check torque drop): PUSH (Regain original torque). ‘Autofeather - CHECK then ARM (LOW IDLE) Propeller Low Pitch Stops - TEST a. Condition Levers - HIGH IDLE b. Power Levers - IDLE (Note propeller rpm.) ©. Prop Low Pitch Indicator Test Switch » DEPRESS AND HOLD (Note the PROP LOW PITCH lights ON) 4. Prop Test Switches - HOLD TO PROP LOW PITCH STOP TEST (Note rpm decrease and PROP LOW PITCH lights OFF.) Prop Low Pitch Indicator Test Switch - RELEASE Power Levers - LIFT ABOVE DETENT (Note rpm increases to value in step Prop Test Switches - RELEASE Power Levers - RELEASE YO IDLE Instrument Vacuum and Deice Pressure - CHECK (HIIDLE) Condition Levers - LOW IDLE Propeller Feathering (manual) - CHECK (LOW IDLE) Flight and Engine Instruments - CHECK (Oil temperature must be above the minimum shown on. graph in LIMITATIONS Section to preclude ice formation in the fuel control.) Pressurization Bleed Air Valve - OPEN. Ice Protection - AS REQUIRED ‘May be omitted for quick turn-around at pilot's discretion ‘TAKEOFF WARNING If aCHIP DETECT annunciator light illuminates during takeoff, return to the field for investigation of the cause and initiate corrective action. Refer to PERFORMANCE SECTION for minimum take-off power, take-off speed, distance, and climb data, Monitor ITT and engine torque while applying power. lncreasing airspeed will cause torque and ITT to increase. Observe the landing gear retract speed limitation, CLIMB Climb Power - SET (Observe maximum ITT, torque, and Ny rpm limits.) Propeller RPM - 2000 Propeller Synchrophaser - ON ‘Autofeather - OFF Engine Instruments - MONITOR Cabin Sign - AS REQUIRED. CRUISE WARNING Do not lift Power Levers in Flight. WARNING Any illumination (or flicker) of either CHIP DETECT annunciator Tight requires immediate shutdown of the affected engine. See EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Section, “ENGINE FAILURE OR FIRE IN FLIGHTMLLUMINATION OF MAGNETIC CHIP DETECTOR ANNUNCIATOR™. After securing the engine, proceed to the nearest facility for investigation and necessary corrective action prior to further flight. FAA Approved King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revised: September 7, 1984 CRUISE (CONT'D) Cruise Power - SET PER CRUISE POWER GRAPH OR TABLES. Engine Instruments - MONITOR Auxiliary Fuel Gage - MONITOR to ensure fuel is being transferred from auxiliary tanks. ‘Auxiliary Fuel Valve Switches - OFF (when AUX EMPTY Lights illuminate) Battery condition - MONITOR NoTE Turbulent air penetration speed: 170 kts. OPERATIONAL SPEEDS (IAS) Minimum Single-Engine Control 85kts Single-Engine Best Angle-of-Climb 13 kis, Single-Engine Best Rate-of-Climb, 119kts Two-Engine Best Angle-of-Ciimb 100 kts ‘Two-Engine Best Rate-of-Climb 119 kts Cruise Climb: SL-10,000 feet ee 150 kts 10,000 - 20,000 feet eee 10 kts 20,000 - 25,000 feet... 120 kts 25,000 -31,000 feet HO kts DESCENT 1. Pressurization - SET a, Cabin Altitude Selector Knob - SET per PRESSURIZATION CONTROLLER SETTING FOR LANDING graph, or so that “CABIN ALT” DIAL INDICATES LANDING FIELD PRESSURE ALTITUDE PLUS 500 FEET. b. Rate Control Selector Knob - SET INDEX AT 12 O°CLOCK POSITION Altimeter - SET Cabin Sign - AS REQUIRED Windshield Anti-Ice - AS REQUIRED (Turn ON well before descent into warm, moist air, to aid in defogging.) 5. Power - As required to give desired rate of descent, NOTE Approximately 78% Nj is required to maintain the pressurization schedule during descent LANDING CAUTION If either of the PROP LOW PITCH warning lights has become illuminated in flight, asymmetrical thrust may occur during landing flare as power is reduced to idle. FAA Approved ‘Revised: September 7, 1984 King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual 27 28 LANDING (CONT'D) NOTE Under low visibility conditions. landing and taxi lights should be left off, due to light reflections. Cabin Sign - ON Propeller Synchrophaser - OFF ‘Autofeather Switch - ARM Flaps - AS REQUIRED Landing Gear - DOWN Landing and Taxi Lights - AS REQUIRED. Pressurization - CHECK Propeller Controls - FULL FORWARD AFTER TOUCHDOWN Power Levers - BETA RANGE (AS REQUIRED AFTER TOUCHDOWN) MAXIMUM REVERSE POWER LANDING CAUTION To insure constant reversing characteristics. the Propeller Controls must be in FULL INCREASE RPM position Condition Levers - HIGH IDLE Propeller Controls - FULL INCREASE RPM Power Levers - LIFT AND REVERSE AFTER TOUCHDOWN Condition Levers - LOW IDLE CAUTION If possible, propellers should be moved out of reverse at above 40 knots. to ‘minimize propeller blade erosion. Care must be exercised when reversing on runways with loose sand or dust on the surface. Flying gravel will damage propeller blades and dust may impair the pilot’s forward visibility at low airplane speeds. BALKED LANDING Power - TAKE-OFF (1628 ft tbs or ITT 750°C at 2200 RPM) Airspeed - BALKED LANDING CLIMB SPEED (when clear of obstacles ESTABLISH 100 knots) Flaps - UP Landing Gear - UP AFTER LANDING 1. Landing and Taxi Lights - AS REQUIRED 2. Ice Protection - OFF 3. Electrical Load - OBSERVE LIMITS 4. Trim - SET TO ZERO 5. Flaps - UP FAA Approved King Alr A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revised: September 7, 1984 ENGINE SHUTDOWN AND SECURING Parking Brake - SET Inverter - OFF ‘Avionics Master - OFF Light. Switches - OFF ‘Autofeather Switches - OFF Fuel Control Heat Switches - OFF Cabin Vent Blower and Mode Control - OFF Overhead Panel Switches - OFF Battery - CHARGED (NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY CONDITION CHECK, refer to page 2-15) 10. ITT - BELOW 585°C FOR ONE MINUTE 11. Propellers - FEATHERED 12. Condition Levers - CUT OFF CAUTION Monitor ITT during stutdown. If sustained combustion is observed, proceed immediately to the ENGINE CLEARING procedure. During shutdown, ensure that the compressors decelerate freely. Do not close the Fuel Firewall Shutoff Valves for normal engine shutdown, 13, Battery and Generator Switches - OFF 14. Control Locks - INSTALL 15. Wheel Chocks - INSTALL; Parking Brakes - RELEASED. 16. Tiedowns - AS REQUIRED 17. External Covers - INSTALL. CAUTION The standby pumps are connected to the battery bus. Failure to turn these switches OFF will discharge the battery NIGHT OR INSTRUMENT FLIGHT (BEFORE TAKE-OFF) Internal Lights - CHECK 1 2. External Lights - CHECK 3. Flight Instruments - CHECK 4. Instrument Vacuum and Deice Pressure - CHECK (HI IDLE) S. Voltage and Loadmeters - CHECK 6. Auto:ignition - CHECK. ICING FLIGHT CAUTION Operation of the surface deice system in ambient temperatures below 40°C ‘can cause permanent damage to the deice boots. Stalling airspeeds should be expected to increase when ice has accumulated fon the airplane due to the distortion of the wing airfoil. For the same reason, stall warning devices are not accurate and should not be relied upon. Keep a comfortable margin of airspeed above the normal stall airspeed when ice is on the airplane. To ensure adequate windshield anti-icing protection, the following maximum indicated airspeeds are recommended when operating in icing conditions at various ambient temperatures. FAA Approved Revised: September 7, 1984 King Alr A100 Alrpiane Flight Manual ICING FLIGHT (CONT'D) AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM INDICATED AIRSPEED °C and above Normal Airspeed Limits ARC 10 ITC 130 KIAS “18 10 23 BS KIAS 24°C and below Operating in icing conditions not recommended, 1. Surface Deice System a. Preflight: Check boots for damage and cleanliness. b. Before take-off: Deice switch - Check Both Positions (SINGLE - Up, MANUAL - Down) (1) Check deice pressure gage (2) Check boots visually for inflation and hold down, ©. Inflight: (When ice accumulates 1/2 t0 1 inch) - Deice switch - SINGLE. Repeat as required NOTE Either engine will supply sufficient air for deice operation, In the event of failure of SINGLE cycle, use MANUAL cycle. 2 Engine Anti-lce 4, Before take-off: 1000 ft Ibs torque or above (1) Engine Ice Protection Controls (a) Extend (pull) - Check for torque drop. indicating vane extension, (b) Retract (push) = Check for torque increase to previous reading, indicating vane (2) Power - REDUCE TO IDLE b. In Flight (1) Before visible moisture is encountered at +5°C and below. or: 2) At night when freedom from visible moisture is not assured at +5°C and below: (a) Engine ice protection - PULL (b) “Check proper operation by noting torque drop (c) Regain torque by increasing power levers if desired (observe ITT limits) CAUTION If in doubt, extend the vanes. Engine icing can occur even though no surface icing is present. If freedom from visible moisture can not be assured, engine ice protection should be activated. Visible moisture is moisture in any form: clouds, ice crystals, snow, rain, sleet, hail or any combination of these, FAA Approved 240 King Alr A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revised: September 7, 1964 ICING FLIGHT (CONTD) 3. Engine Air inet a. In Flight (1). Engine Lip Boot Switches - ON (befare ice forms) 2) Lip Boot Test Switch - CHECK, LEFT and RIGHT (Deice Ammeter should read 14 10 18 amperes) 4. Engine Auto-ignition a. Before Take-off (1). Power Levers - IDLE 2) Auto-ignition Switches - ARM G)Annunciator Panel - IGNITION LIGHT ILLUMINATED (4) Power Levers - ADVANCE TO ABOVE 425 FOOT-POUNDS TORQUE (Annunciator Lights - OFF, Green ARM lights - ON) (5) Power Levers - RETARD TO IDLE (Annunciator Lights - ON. Green ARM lights - OFF) b. In Flight (1) Auto-ignition - ARM NOTE Engine auto-ignition must be ARMED for icing flights and flights at night above 14,000 feet. To prevent prolonged operation of the igniters during descent when auto-igntion is armed, do not reduce power below 425 ft Ibs torque. 5. Electrothermal Propeller Deice CAUTION Do not operate propeller deice when the propellers are static a, Before Take-Off (1). Propeller Deice Switch (Main) - ON @) Deice Ammeter - 18 to 24 AMPERES @) To check the automatic timer, watch the deice ammeter closely for at least two minutes. A small momentary needle deflection approximately every 30 seconds shows that the timer is switching and indicates normal system operation (4) Prop Deice Switch (Main) - OFF (5) Prop Deice Switch (Standby) - ON (6) Deice Ammeter 18 to 24 AMPERES (1). Prop Deice Switch (Standby) - OFF b. In Flight (1) Propeller Deice Switch (Main) - ON. The system may be operated continuously inflight and ‘will function automatically until the switch is turned OFF. @)_ Relieve propeller imbalance due to ice by increasing rpm briefly and returning to the desired setting. Repeat as necessary, CAUTION If the deice ammeter does not indicate 18 to 24 amperes or the automatic timer fails to switch refer to the EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SECTION, FAA Approved Ravised: September 7, 1984 King Alr A100 Airplane Flight Manual ant 212 ICING FLIGHT (CONT'D) 6 Pitot Heat - ON 7 Stal Warning Heat - ON ‘CAUTION Prolonged use of pitot and stall warning heat on the ground will damage the heating elements 8. Windshield Heat Switch - AS REQUIRED (belore ice forms) 8. Wing ice Lights - AS REQUIRED 10. Static Air Source - REFER TO EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SECTION 11, Fuel Vent Heat Switches - ON BLENDING ANTLICING ADDITIVE TO FUEL ‘The following procedure will be used wien blending anti-icing additive complying with MIL-1-27686 as the airplane is being refueled through the tank fillers. Using “HI-FLO PRIST™ blender (Mode! PHF-204), remove cap containing the tube and clip assembly ‘Attach pistol grip on collar Press tube into button Clip tube end to fuel nozzle Pll trigger firmly to assure full flow and lock in place Start flow of additive when refueling begins. (Refueling should be at 30 gal/min minimum, 60 gal/min maximum. A rate of less than 30 gal/min may be used when topping off tank.) CAUTION Assure that the additive is directed into the flowing fuel stream and that Additive flow is started after fuel flow starts and is stopped before fuel flow stops. Do not allow concentrated additive to contact coated interior of fuel cells or airplane painted surfaces. Use not less than 20 fl oz of additive per 260 gallons of fuel or more than 20 fl oz of additive per 104 gallons of fuel ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS HEATING OR COOLING Bleed Air Valves - OPEN (CLOSED for more efficient cooling on the ground.) Cabin Temperature Mode - AUTO Vent Blower - AUTO. Electric Heat - NORMAL. Temperature Control - AS REQUIRED Cabin Air Control (If Installed) - AS REQUIRED to divert cabin air flow to the cockpit FAA Approved King Air A100 Airplane Flight Manual Revised: September 7, 1964

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