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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Networking Plan Template
Section 1: The Career Decision Matrix
As you move through the data-gathering phase and begin to generate options for potential jobs
and potential employers, this is when you can build and use a Career Decision Matrix. Following
the information from Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration,
Chapter 4, pages 92-94, you will research, gather, and analyze data from your self-assessments
(i.e., the Kuder assessments in Unit 1, in particular), thematic analysis (themes), career resources
and more to create your Career Decision Matrix.

Career options are broader than jobs. You can take paths to get to where you want to be. Here is
a resource that can assist you in determining:

Answer the following:

1) As you have gathered your data, share and fully describe your top four (4) possible
career options. You want to be specific, as this creates a more meaningful matrix.
Describe each career in as much detail as possible. Consider the following to be used
in your 2-3 paragraph response per career option: career field/organization / job-
related responsibilities/opportunities for advancement / future outlook of the career
field. These responses must demonstrate that you have gathered and analyzed your
research, so citations should reference where you got your information using APA
standards. Remember to include why you are choosing each career option.

a. Project Managers lead teams' efforts to ensure a project's goals and

deliverables. Project management has been a growing field of professional focus.

We are now in a time that the Project Management Institute considers “The

Project Economy, where projects are the driving force behind how work is done,

change is realized, and value is delivered” (2021). Project management now has a

place in nearly every function of organizations. In my current company, there is a

role specific to managing projects that can be found in numerous positions. This is

the Project Management & Planning Operations role, which I am currently under

consideration for with a focus on leadership of a new Return to Work program for

postpartum employees.

The future outlook for project management is excellent because of the vast

applicability of project managers' skills and competencies. This is a career path

that I can explore within my current organization. Still, I also know there are

excellent career opportunities to advance or explore new industries in project

management roles. Career advancement can come from progressive sizes of

projects that a project manager leads or also in formal leadership roles over

projects, programs, or teams.

The skills and competencies needed for a project manager are, first and

foremost, people and team leadership skills. Work must be accomplished through

the team members of projects, and the relationships between stakeholders,

customers, sponsors, and the project team must be managed to ensure objectives

are agreed upon and met. The project manager must have excellent leadership,

interpersonal, and communication skills to navigate projects effectively through

all the relationships. Project managers are also changing agents and must guide

teams through change management in most projects (PMI, 2021). Planning of

schedules, organization, attention to detail, resource planning, and scope

management are also skills that project managers should have to be successful.

b. Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) is one of my top choices

when considering the career path I want to pursue. HRBPs support business

strategy and objectives by aligning managers and employees with organizational

goals (Miller, 2021). Business strategy is often conducted through functional

leaders in an organization. The HRBP ensures that an organization will impact its

people or that they are considered in strategic business decisions.

The HRBP role may have other titles depending on the organization, but

this is a role that nearly all large organizations have and is not exclusive to any

specific industry. Because of this, the opportunity for advancement or finding a

company with policies that support my life themes is high. For example, in my

current organization, the HRBP role supports client groups across multiple

geographic locations. Because of this virtual operating model, the role has

become more often a telework or part-time teleworking role. Also, with the

extensive range of companies that have these roles, and the complexity of many

companies, the opportunity for advancement is excellent. An HRBP can advance

through progressive individual contributor roles or HR leadership roles. HRBP

roles are strategist roles that influence the business and HR generalist roles that

develop and employ a broad spectrum of HR knowledge for the individual in the


HRBPs roles include but aren’t limited to leadership coaching, talent

planning and development, performance management, and policy guidance

(SHRM, 2021). The skills that make successful HRBPs are high communication

skills, excellent interpersonal skills, an understanding of organizational structure

and operations, analytical and problem-solving skills, and comprehension and

application of local and federal laws, regulations, and policies (SHRM, 2021).

c. Organizational Development is a process and focuses that “helps

organizations build their capacity to change and achieve greater effectiveness by

developing, improving, and reinforcing strategies, structures, and processes.” (van

Vulpen, 2021). The overarching goal of organizational development is to make an

organization more competitive, and there are several facets of corporate

development. These include Technostructural, Strategic Change, Human Process,

and Human Resources Management interventions. The latter two to three are the

career areas I wish to focus on, especially considering my very social-based life


Professionals in organizational development design can implement

development plans for their organization or customers once the customer

identifies an opportunity for improvement. After the corporate development team

assesses the situation and analyzes the information and facts found, they design a

development plan for the organization to correct the identified problem (ATD,

2021). OD professionals must have good assessment, investigative, and research

skills. They then will develop a solution designed to improve the situation, an

implementation plan, and evaluate the effectiveness of this solution. Much like

project management, this requires skills in communication, interpersonal

competencies, planning and scheduling, and robust evaluation and feedback skills.

The future outlook for organizational development is vital due to the

increasing understanding and demand for this proficiency. Also, this career can

support organizations in continuous improvement, so there is potentially a never-

ending demand for this career. In my current organization, we have an

Organizational Development function in both the human resources focus and

another in the technical parts of our programs. Therefore, I would be interested in

pursuing HR-focused organizational development, and in this role, there are

advancement opportunities at the contributor and leadership levels.

d. Human Resources Operational Excellence is an emerging focus for

implementing operational excellence in HR. Operational excellence emerged

within production and manufacturing environments and focused on creating

repeatable processes, empowering employees to identify gaps and correct these to

make smoother standard operations. Many administrative and transactional

procedures within HR can be performed in traditional, repeatable routines.

However, human resources functions are often focused on organizational

development for the larger organization, and process and organizational

development internal to HR become neglected or the last to be addressed. HR

Operational Excellence focuses on identifying gaps or opportunities for

improvement within HR processes to enable the whole HR organization to work

more efficiently through standard work, repeatable routines, and reduced


Operational Excellence skills needed for this career include knowledge of

programs or initiatives such as Lean Six Sigma, Green or BlackBelt certifications,

DMAIC principles, etc. All of these require critical thinking, research and

investigative skills, and attention to detail. These also need interpersonal and

communication skills to work effectively with the teams that perform the tasks

addressed for process improvement. Change management, assessment and

evaluation, and providing feedback are also craft sets needed in this career path.

This career path has a solid future outlook, especially as more and more

organizations take on development and process improvement initiatives. This

career also has an opportunity for individual growth into more senior roles and

leadership roles within the function. There is some movement and availability for

advancement in my current organization, but less than in other HR functions. This

may be different in other organizations, but in the spirit of lean thinking, this may

be a function with few positions in any one organization, but the opportunity for

advancement is present.

Now that you have determined these four options, take a step back and share a fifth
UNTHINKABLE (UT) career option that you would never do but are trained for by
what you have learned by earning your degree. Think about skills you have
acquired while earning your degree, which would be transferable to something
completely different.

e. Restaurant or Retail leadership is a career path that is very well within my

scope of knowledge gained from the Organizational Leadership degree program.

Much of retail management's sales and product focus would be trained depending

on the organization. Still, the leadership skills and knowledge gained in this

program would be especially beneficial to this career path. I have included this

because I have been in retail management before, and I would never go back

because of how poorly this career aligned with my priorities and themes. The

skills needed for leading retail establishments are great interpersonal skills, high

and effective communication skills, conflict management, performance

assessment, and accountability.

2) It is time to fill in your Career Decision Matrix using the information you have
gathered and shared above. You can find an example in Table 4.2 on page 93 of our
text. When you complete the matrix below, remove any unnecessary labels.

Career Career Career Career Career

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option

Teacher/ High High High High High


Consistency Low Low Low Med Med

Service to Med High High Med High


Empathy High High High High High

Authenticity High Med Med Med Med

Curiosity High Med High High Med

Human High High Med High High


Accountability High High High High High

Vulnerability Low High Med High Low

Love / Med High Med High High


CTCP 33 42 38 44 40

3) Now that you have determined these career options about your life themes:
a. Reflect to what extent your Career Decision Matrix development process has
helped your career development decisions.

Creating this matrix has helped me look closer at each career path I am

considering to understand how well each relates to my themes. It did not help in

this evaluation that I considered many things highly applicable to my life themes.

Still, I also don’t see this as invalid because many careers focused on supporting

people and their work within organizations, and my themes were also highly

socially focused. This reflects my themes; my potential career paths did help me

see which supported which themes best, so when deciding which to pursue, I will

have a better idea of which themes will be supported through each career.

Suppose there is a high-priority theme, security or family, for example, and I am

deciding between two paths that support one better. In that case, I can determine

whether the balance of the different themes is enough for some sacrifice in my

priorities or if I should reconsider an opportunity.

b. Share which career option(s) you feel would be worth researching and
pursuing as you begin to think about your networking plan.

I am starting to develop a mental model of how my career path can take

place, and the three careers that placed top of my rankings can all have a part. The

first is a role within a Project Management function in my current organization.

As I mentioned in the description, this is a role I am being considered for. Still, as

I envision a career path in human resources, I was wary of this role straying from

what I believe to be a well-suited path for myself. This role would strongly

support many of my themes, with a little less support on some high-priority

themes. This is a beautiful opportunity to develop technical and organizational

leadership skills, as it is outside of my current human resources administrative

functions and is an associate manager-level role. Pursuing this position will help

me next for a role in Organizational Development, where I could return to HR and

develop my network and competencies in HR priorities to make me more well-

rounded for an HRBP part later. My ultimate goal is an HRBP role, and if I

continue to network as I currently have been in my organization, I may be able to

start as an early career professional. Still, with my other skills and experiences, I

am considering an altered path to this role. All three equal measure up; it will take

reflection on which of the themes I am willing to get less support on for now.

Section 2: Networking Plan
Now that you have completed your Career Decision Matrix, we now need to move forward and
develop a networking plan that you can use to help you reach your career goals. Review
Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration, Chapter 4, pages 77-83.
Developing and managing your network of people who can help you is an essential ongoing
process whether or not you are happy in your career.

The purpose of this activity is to:

• Help you assess and enhance (extend or strengthen) your developmental network relative
to significant challenges you will face in the next 1-3 years
• Help you develop a networking strategy that will work for you
• Help you develop a specific plan to pursue over the next six months to 1 year
• Create an accountability mechanism

Research on leadership development has demonstrated that people benefit from various
developmental relationships, including short-term and long-term alliances with bosses, peers,
senior executives, coaches, subordinates, and family members; the more diversity and depth
there is in your developmental network, the more diversity and depth there is in your
developmental network the better. Depending on our dominant learning tactics, we are more or
less likely to pay attention to the quality of our developmental network.
Professor Kathy E. Kram adapted this assignment from a worksheet developed by Professor
Deborah Kolb, Simmons Graduate School of Management, and adapted by permission.

Answer the following:

1) As you think about the significant changes that will likely take place at your place of
work in the next few years, what significant challenges and opportunities do you
foresee that you will need to deal with in the next 1-3 years?

Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) Challenges here:
a. The biggest challenge I foresee needing to deal with in the next one to three years

is war. An oncoming war with China has been discussed for years, and it looks

like an imminent threat. With that comes the challenges of helping my family

cope with change, distance, and potential loss. These challenges branch out from

just me and my family; the people I lead will also need any support I can give

them. Even if war/conflict is avoided, the build-up will create new missions that

myself and my husband will be directly affected by.

b. Loss of talent or inability to staff our teams is another challenge. Suppose the

organization needs to retain or attract individuals to positions to fill lower levels

or staff teams as required. In that case, my organization may be unable to release

me to new work opportunities. Another potential reaction to this challenge is that

the current employees may need to work more to support the functions of roles

that cannot be filled. If this challenge is realized, it may diminish my

opportunities to move on to new roles or develop meaningfully if I am

overworked in my current position.

c. Outsourcing of consulting services is another potential challenge I may face. The

military often leans on consulting agencies to provide assessments and data from

these assessments. Because I want to work in roles that consult through project

management or organizational development functions, a challenge would present

itself if the military decided to outsource them. If it is agreed that the

organization’s resources would be better spent on outsourced contracts, the

potential opportunities I envision in these roles would no longer be available

within the organization I am a part of.

Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) Opportunities here:
d. The number one opportunity is an opening in a new role, a way to change my

career path to becoming an officer instead of an enlisted member. This unique

program allows educated Enlisted members the opportunity to apply for

something bigger and with more responsibility. Standing up in formal,

standardized programs over some of my current work or in different roles as I

may choose. This is a terrific opportunity for financial benefit and the new

development opportunity in a people-focused part but not HR. This could provide

development in team management, program management, relationship building,

and process improvement.

e. Being an Active Duty member of the military, it is often harder to staff in long-

term, relationship-building human resources positions because we move around

so often. Applying for a career change that is a more specialized field would

provide me with the means to stay in one place a little longer than most would.

Being a fixture in a location could provide longevity benefits to human resources

strategies. In addition, developing high-demand competencies, continuing to

enhance relationships with other leaders, and being eager to stay at this location

could greatly benefit my career opportunities.

f. The great resignation, as well as expected retirements, could prove beneficial to

my career targets. In my career, I have seen little movement or new opportunities

in human resources for my location. I am at a smaller base, so even if roles are

available that boast telework as an option, there is often a focus on the area of the

departing employee. As higher-level human resources positions become available

in my location, I can progress into these as I develop my competencies.

2) Given these challenges and opportunities, what type of help will you most need?
Check one and explain why.
a. Help in getting the job done ______
b. Help in advancing my career ______
c. Emotional support ______
d. All of the above ___X___

Whether in the opportunities or feeling the challenges' implications, I could need help

getting the job done. This could be because of skills I still need to gain or because of

increased responsibility but not increased bandwidth. I may need help advancing my career if

fewer openings are available, both in finding opportunities and presenting myself as a leading

candidate for open roles. All of this may take its toll, or I may even take on a new position in

the near future that requires much growth, and I will need emotional support. I often lean on

my social relationships within work to understand what others’ paths have looked like. This

may be another opportunity to do that as I learn to navigate my path and know if it is, or is

not, any different than my colleagues’ paths.

3) If your major challenge or opportunity is related to your work, how well-positioned

are you to get information, advice, and resources about new opportunities and
possibilities? Check one and explain who can help you and why.
Very Well ___X___ Okay ______ Need to Expand My Network ______

For my most significant challenge and opportunity, I already have leaders and peers in
my network who can lend their insight to help me navigate. For both, I can lean on my
relationship with my entire office (four people) but mostly on my Chief of Protocol, Major
Barrett. He has been promoted and relocated and is now my location's senior manager. He
has advanced insight into the needs and status of our location, so for the challenges of
projects not getting funded or headcount diminishing, he can help me navigate potential
changes that may be approaching as I take my first steps toward my goal. In addition, he can
help me navigate the process for my greatest current opportunity and recommend me for
potential job opportunities. I have already presented the available opportunity to him and
interviewed for it. He is a great sounding board because he agreed that taking this role could
diminish my human resources career path for now, as it would be challenging to return to the
level of the potential opportunity. However, he also advocates taking on such a great
opportunity. Suppose I am presented with an offer for this. In that case, I will go to him first
with the offer details and my reflection on this assignment. I will leave that conversation with

great insight into my decision to ensure I remain on a path that will navigate me to immediate
and future successes.

4) If your major challenge or opportunity means moving into a leadership position, do

you have relationships with people who can give you advice and effectively advocate
or champion you for essential assignments or other developmental activities? Check
one and explain who can help you and why.
Yes ___X___ No ______

As mentioned above, Major Barret is the Chief of Protocol and can help me navigate a
leadership opportunity. I also have developed strong relationships with various levels of
leaders in the organization, human resources, and the new function I would be a part of/work
with. I trust many of these people to help me navigate new assignments. Specifically, Master
Sergeant Jones is the senior protocol manager in the office I currently serve. She has already
championed me to get through a recruiter’s queue to secure an interview with his team. I
have worked with her for about a year, and she has seen my work and relationship with all of
our stakeholders, and we have developed an appreciation for our work. This has helped me
immensely in getting to this point; if I am offered and take the position, I trust her to continue
to advocate and champion the leadership I bring.

5) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need emotional support, to
what extent do you have people who can permit you? Check one and explain who
can help you and why.

a. I have a strong support network to help me. ___X___

b. I don’t have people to help me through the changes I must make. ____

In considering taking on the leadership position, I do have a great support system with

my current teams, as well as my friends and family. These people are also invaluable in

supporting me if the challenges are realized. They have already supported me emotionally

through roles I have not been selected for, for challenges I have faced in my work

development or motivation, and my current personal life challenges. In addition, my peers

have been quick to support me by just talking or lending a hand in guidance or support with

my workload. These contacts will continue to support me emotionally through the challenges

I may face.

6) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need help getting the job done,
advancing your career, or getting emotional support, do you have people in your
network who can fulfill these functions? Check one and explain who can help you
and why.
Yes ___X___ No ______

I have advocates who will support me with career advancement and getting the job done

in Major Barrett, Master Sergeant Jones, and my current manager Mrs. Rose Reilly. They

have all demonstrated the respect and value they place on me and trust me when I ask for

help if I truly need it. They also are all advocating for my next opportunity, whether in their

organization or not they have expressed and demonstrated their excitement to see me

advance in my career. I also have peers, friends, and family who have all shown that they

will be emotional support as needed. The people in my personal and professional networks

have all already celebrated success with me and supported me in my current life challenges. I

trust that they will continue to be there for me as I continue to be there for them. We have a

mutually balanced, respectful, and valued relationship. We all trust that each person will be

here as much as they can for the support we each need.

7) What is your approach to building relationships? How are you at initiating

relationships? In what settings are you most comfortable meeting people?

a. Joint or shared work, projects, and committees ___X___

b. One-on-one appointments, with specific agendas ______
c. Informal “no agenda” social settings ___X___
d. Going for coffee, lunch, or drinks ___X___
e. Leisure activities such as golf, tennis, or theater ___X___
f. Other ______

While I will set appointments to initially meet a person I have not been previously

connected with, I much prefer everyday or regular work as a means to meet people. I like

building relationships through more organic conversations to understand someone. I

value the work they do and the person and background that they hold as well. It is easier

to get to know people on these more personal levels through informal channels, and I

thrive in better presenting myself in these settings. I will meet a person where preference

may lie, but I find that once in conversation with a new contact, the way I converse and

present myself is authentic to me. I prefer a setting where I can laugh, inquire, and show

the real me that is bubbling and eager for development and advancement.

8) What is your preferred style?

a. Occasional phone calls or e-mails to ask, “How are you?” ___X___

b. Phone calls, e-mails, or visits with specific requests or questions ______
c. Holiday cards and letters ___X___
d. Dropping in or calling when you’re in the neighborhood ___X___
e. Arranging in advance to get together at professional meetings ______
f. Relying on the chance that your paths will cross ___X___
g. Inviting people to join you for lunch, coffee, golf, and so on ___X___
h. Contacting people when you find some information, an article, or an opportunity that
might interest them ______
i. Other ______

This relates much to the previous question; I prefer informal and more personable

settings to get to know others and build relationships. For example, when I have had the

opportunity to travel or stay longer on travel to get face-to-face time with my virtual teams, I

have eagerly jumped at the chance. I have made sure to meet as many people as possible while

there, even if they were not in or the focus of my reason for traveling. When I have had new

team members visit new colleagues, or I start in my location, I offer to meet for lunch or show

them around the site. As we walk, we have opportunities to chat and learn more about each other.

This helps us understand the various paths we have taken, the priorities for our current and future

goals, and how we can support each other and helps develop a deeper relationship.

9) Now turn your attention to the “Action Planning” part of the exercise (top of page
82). First, respond to the following questions:

a. What are your goals in developing a professional network? Be specific.

I wish to develop a more diverse and robust professional network. I have focused on

Human Resources professionals as those I focus on. Still, as I navigate potential new roles, I

have seen great value in developing this network to include other peers and leaders across my


b. How will a well-developed network of contacts help you achieve your career goals?

A diverse and well-developed network will help me navigate toward current goals and

learn of new opportunities I have yet to consider. In addition, the more varied my network is, the

more diverse perspectives I can gain in my interactions. This will help as I navigate choices in

my career path to understand if and how different roles will help or hinder my navigation toward

my long-term goals.

c. What are some characteristics of the people you want to include in your network?

I am seeking diverse characteristics and roles to include in my network. I strive to have

people open to career discussions who are candid in feedback and transparent in their messages.

Networking with contacts unwilling to advocate for me or be forthcoming with feedback or

obstacles they know is counterproductive to my goals. I plan to continue networking with

authentic, genuine people who desire to connect and support others in their network. Contacts

approaching networking with these characteristics are more likely to share knowledge and

insight that will help me develop toward my long-term goals.

d. Where might you come in contact with these people? How will you grow your network /
initiate contact with new potential networking contacts?

As I have networked with my current contacts, I have often heard them mention other

connections that could also support me. I will start pursuing these new contacts more and seeking

new suggestions. I have also begun networking with peers in my course, developing my comfort

in approaching new contacts. I have network connections on LinkedIn through professional

contacts; I can continue to develop this external professional network by initiating conversations

with them and seeking to see if they have additional contacts that have my focus and if they still

need to get these themselves.

e. Who in your network are you looking to enhance your relationship with? How will you
go about improving these relationships?

I am most eager to enhance my relationships with various leaders at my work location,

and within the Project Management function, I am exploring a new opportunity. I will improve

these relationships by initially setting meetings to discuss challenges or career advice they can

provide if I am offered a position in leadership. This will help me understand them better as I

take on a role that will work closely with them and develop a new appreciation for how their and

my functions will interact. I will also start working on-site more often to ensure I can meet with

them face to face and have my preferred meeting method; I will present myself more

authentically and develop a more rounded and personal relationship with them, enhancing the

professional relationship greatly.

f. How can you leverage your existing network? For example, might some of your current
networking contacts know others whom you should be in touch with?

My existing network does consist of colleagues and leaders at the local and more

prominent sites that can help me navigate building my network. For example, they can help me

understand which leaders are the decision makers or who can help me gather support for the

program I will support in the potential leadership role. In addition, if I take on other HR roles, I

can also lean on my existing network to understand the contacts I will need to make and help me

navigate these new contacts and their preferences or styles.

Section 3: SMART Career and Networking
Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best
practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be
related to your Career Plan, and the other must be connected to your Networking Plan. Both
goals need to be things you are passionate about accomplishing.

Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the Unit)
should be structured based on a one to the two-year timeline. It should include specific
milestones, action items, sub-tasks, and task-related interdependencies. Concerning each goal,
think critically about what you will do in the next one to two years to achieve these goals.

Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, facilitating goals and steps/actions required to
accomplish your selected destinations. By looking at the format and structure of your program,
it should be evident that you have developed some practical skills in project management.
Include Gantt charts or other visual project representations as you see fit, and be sure to address
your approach to tracking/measuring your progress.

1) What is your Career Goal?

I aspire to take on the Associate Manager of Project Management & Planning

Operations role to build a new program supporting postpartum employees (for all of

DoD) in their return to work journeys, business productivity, and safety targets.

a. Specific - I will lead the implementation of a new program that follows and builds upon

company policy that guides the program functions to ensure that employees are treated

fairly and provided opportunities to continue working as they heal from injury or illness.

b. Measurable - This is measured in the reduced number of accrued days away from work,

the tracking of work performed by employees in the program, and the impact of keeping

schedules on track by maintaining employees actively working.

c. Attainable - This is possible because I am familiar with the program and its historical

limitations. I also am developing a network of contacts to support the new initiative and

have the senior manager leading the cross-site efforts to ensure that my location and roles

are successful in the implementation and execution of this program.

d. Relevant - This goal matters to me because I have been a part of this program in an

ambiguous role with little influence. However, as a part of the program for three years, I

see the opportunity for improvement and the value improving this program will bring

employees, the business, and the relationship between leaders, employees, and the union.

e. Time-Based - I will achieve success within a six to twelve-month timeframe.

2) What is your Networking Goal

I will develop my network to include diverse professions and leadership levels

internally and externally. For example, I currently have only 1-2 project manager contacts

and will benefit from a more diverse network of professionals.

a. S - I will increase my network of HR contacts by 50% and project or program

management professionals by 100% to support my journey as I navigate new


b. M - I will measure this by my number of contacts and the number of

conversations or advice received.

c. A - I have an established solid foundational network; increasing this through new

and existing channels is attainable.

d. R - This is important to me as I continue my journey in human resources or

navigate a new journey in a project management leadership role.

e. T - I will achieve these results within the next twelve to eighteen months


ATD. (2021).What is organization development: The 5 phases of OD Strategies. Association for

Talent Development.


Miller, C. (2021).The Role and Responsibilities of a Human Resources Business Partner.



PMI. (2021). What is Project Management? Project Management


SHRM. (2021). HR Business Partner. SHRM | Society for Human Resource


descriptions/pages/hr- business-partner.aspx

van Vulpen, E. (2021, October 28). What is organizational development? A complete guide.



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