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Lifestyle and Metabolic


A wake up call?
Nick Papageorge
5th March 2023

Not a Doctor, medic or nutritionist! I am an engineer, able to think logically

58 year young! Married, total 5 (2+3) kids & a dog - Hugo 😀

Have trained all my life & later in life interested in nutrition & lifestyle.

My thoughts alone related to sports & life, based on:

- Research, Personal experiences

- No sponsor’s or “cut backs”
- No Conflicts of Interests

This is NOT medical advice - just common sense when you think about it!
Good Metabolic Health Indicators

Walking up stairs Sitting on floor

Mental clarity
Good sleep Crawling on floor
Playing with children Standing on one leg

No medications
Muscular (toned) Slim
Living to see grandchildren
Poor Metabolic Health Indicators

Overweight High blood pressure

Leaky gut
Snoring Cancer?
Pot belly
Skin problems (Flaky) Cardiac problems
Science - any doctors, biologists? :)
- 3 nutrient types
- Protein
- Fat
- Carbohydrates
- Carbohydrates NOT essential nutrient
- Muscles, including brain & heart NEED glucose to function
- Human body can create glucose from fat/protein
- Exercise, however light, builds & maintains muscle
- All muscle decays with age
Carbohydrate synthesis
- When carbs eaten synthesis starts in the mouth - try it with all bread
- Glucose (sugar) into blood causes blood sugar to raise
- For muscles to use the glucose in blood, insulin required to “open” cells to
absorb sugar.
- Remaining sugar stays in blood - increases blood sugar levels & is stored as fat
for “later use”. Liver stores considerable fat
- Limited glucose stored in muscles for usage.
- Only 2.5h exercise or 36 km of marathon running (the wall)
- Glucose not used by muscles turned into fat
- Average healthy body requires 3.6-5.8 mmol/l glucose at any given time - ie
one teaspoon. None of that needs to be ingested
Hunger mechanisms
- Human body NOT a thermodynamic machine
- Human body has no concept of what a calorie is. This is a pseudo scientific
concept based on mechanical thermodynamics
- Hunger NOT managed by amount of fodder but by hormones
- Insulin - Blood & fat regulation
- Leptin - regulation of fat (triglycerides) in blood
- Ghrelin - satiation
- Hormones react to quality of food & not quantity
- Common sense - you DON’T need to constantly eat!
Insulin & Insulin Resistance
- Insulin primarily used to stabilise blood sugar levels
- Secondarily to stop fat burning

- Elevated blood sugar levels over decades causes elevated insulin levels &
ultimately Insulin Resistance
- Body requires more insulin secretion to lower blood sugar levels
- When lowering blood sugar levels, fat is not burnt (sugar is burnt) & on the
contrary fat is stored. We become fat!
Insulin Secretion
- Done by the pancreas to stabilize blood levels
- Blood sugar levels increase through following
- Sugar & carbohydrate ingestion
- Waking up in morning (dawn phenomenon)
- Fight or Flight (Testosterone another hormone)
- Stress (Cortisol - another hormone)
- Very slight increase of secretion for Protein ingestion
- Blood sugar levels do NOT increase with Natural Fat ingestion (Flat liner)
- Vegetable oils are NOT natural fats - slide later!
- CGM (Continuous Blood Monitor) shows real time blood levels indicating what
food type increase blood levels. Not for Insulin secretion but good indication.
- “I remember giving sows skinny milk & drinking the full fat & cream” myself
- “Skinny milk and corn, so that they got fatter!”
- “The boar also got the full fat & cream” ….. Frode Rasmussen (82 year old father in law)
- ”Jeg går aldrig sukkerkold! Jeg spiser aldrig sukker” - Nick Papageorge
- “I don’t go sugar cold. I never eat sugar” - Nick Papageorge
- “We are not designed to be chronically sick” - Someone on the Internet :)
- “There is no amount of “dhawa”, that will make you healthy. Some medication,
eg. antibiotics, may cure you, but not make you healthy” - Someone else :)
- “Based on the levels of overweight, obesity, and those with excess abdominal
fat, it is estimated that in India 70 to 80% of adults and 41% of children are
overfat” Dr. Phil Maffetone 2018
- Eating identical amount of daily calories (eg 2000) of Carbohydrates, Protein &
natural fat will result in added weight on Carbohydrate diet
- Carbohydrate diets cause blood sugar rise resulting in insulin fluctuation &
consequently lack of fat burning and storing of fat
- Satiation is fundamental to ensure Metabolic Health & well being
- Any exercise is beneficial (GOYA). No need for subscriptions or ultra anything
- Social life important - friends, laughter, challenges (including work), stress
Lifestyle cont..
- Nutritious Food (Meat, Eggs, Fish, cream, butter, lard) ensures minimal insulin
secretion & therefore better satiation
- Avoid anything processed - it is not food but engineered for profit (think about
vegetable oils, E Numbers & shelf life). Did Great Grandmother eat them? :)
- Fast - All religions practice it & our Grandmothers did
- Induces Autophagy
- 24+ hour
- 16 - 8
- Decreases Insulin levels
Special note on “Vegetable oils”
- These are nothing to do with vegetables
- Seed oils at best
- In actual fact industrial sludge
- Highly processed
- Cheep
- Dangerous
- Please do your own research but I wouldn’t even use them in my old car!
Special note on “Muscle Tone”
- We should have visible or ‘feelable’ muscles
- Arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, buttocks, legs, calfs
- We are NOT talking about bodybuilder muscles, some strength
- Logic although just my own:-
- If we have or can feel external muscles, there is a good chance that we have
good internal muscles:-
- Heart, Brain, Adductor, Rectus Abdominis, Psoas etc
- If we have good internal muscles, there is a good chance that ouri nternal
organs are good:-
- Kidneys, Liver, Spleen, pancreas,
Wake up!

- ????
Links (mainly Desi specific)

- GOYA -
- DR Rajat Chauhan Sahab - MoveMint Medicine: Your Journey to Peak Health
Paperback – 21 March 2022
- DLife -
- Dr Phi lMaffetone
- Shashi -
The Big Fat
Nina Teicholz

Pg. 172
Simple logic -
When you think about it!
Crude but visually effective model
to measure Metabolic health

Not driven by exercise!

Crude but visually effective model
to measure Metabolic health

Vic Basmadjan
Crude but visually effective model
to measure Metabolic health

Crude but visually effective model to
measure Metabolic health:-

Compare photos & check size,

muscle tone, tummy, hips, skin, face,
Logical recommendation:
Find a photo from 5 years ago. If older than 35 find
photo from 10 years earlier.

Compare photos:-
● Check size around tummy, face and cheeks.
● Check eyes, hair and skin colour, texture.

There should be as little difference as possible

Wake up!

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