Statistics Study

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4 Quarterth

Performance Task

Esteves, Twinkle B.
Obias, Kaye Ashley T.
Nanez, Sheryl B.
Topic: The Mean Height of Grade 11–Gennaois

Population: N=38
……………… . N= population ¿ ¿

Survey: (all students of 11– Gennaois)

Respondents Heights (cm)

Celevante, Rendre Joseph H. 171 cm

Copioso, Jhon Mark V. 177 cm

Evasco, Neo F. 168 cm

Francisco, Paul Benedict E. 165 cm

Jaucian, Justin L. 162 cm

Madrid, James Phillip O. 171 cm

Mendoza, Wendel Sam P. 165 cm

Nariz, Lionmar Cesar E. 168 cm

Prado, Alexis R. 165 cm

Relatores, Jake Kian C. 177 cm

Relente, Ned Kelly C. 183 cm

Rodriguez, Neil Marco P. 171 cm

Rosagaron, Gian Russel M. 168 cm

San Juan, Jerome Isaiah A. 171 cm

Vibar, Jaspher Jake B. 168 cm

Apolog, Valery Pundit N. 165 cm

Balmonte, Bemadith S. 151 cm

Bañ aga, Lovely Ann P. 158 cm

Bicomong, Angel Helena Mae B. 149 cm

Bolivar, Elisha Kristine B. 148 cm

Borromeo, Julyienne Shaira Q. 161 cm

Briones, Jann Hennsy S. 149 cm

Ceron, Ashley H. 151 cm

Chua, Francheska Tamhara T. 162 cm

Dagawin, Michaela A. 152 cm

Eda, Pamela Anne G. 137 cm

Fetil, Althea Jhubel B. 149 cm

Fulgencio, Lira Francine N. 162 cm

Luceñ a, Angel Mai E. 151 cm

Mandani, Perly Mae C. 173 cm

Punzalan, Sophia Francesca Q. 155 cm

Reaso, Yvonne Mary P. 173 cm

Requinta, Erica C. 152 cm

Sola, Nikka Joyce G. 146 cm

Solo, Christel Geraldine M. 146 cm

Valenzuela, Dylan Sidney V. 152 cm

Villa, Alexia Mae P. 151 cm

Villapando, Sheryl C. 151 cm

Sample Size: Slovin’s Formula

………………… n=
1+ N e 2
…………… …….n= 1+38 ¿ ¿

…………… …….n= 1+38 (0.0025)

…………… ……..n= 1+0.095

………… …………n= 1.095

……………… ……n=34.7∨35
Out of 38 students, 35 will be the number of sample needed.

Sampling Technique
In our study, we performed the Simple Random Sampling (SRS) Technique, where
we used an application called Spin the Wheel to randomly pick the sample we needed.

35 are randomly picked and 3 of them are not part of the sample. (Evasco, Fetil, Relatores)
Compute for the Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation
Heights (cm)
Respondents X – X̄ (X – X̄ ¿2
1. Celevante 171 cm 11 121

2. Copioso 177 cm 17 289

3. Francisco 165 cm 5 25

4. Jaucian 162 cm 2 4

5. Madrid 171 cm 11 121

6. Mendoza 165 cm 5 25

7. Nariz 168 cm 8 68

8. Prado 165 cm 5 25

9. Relente 183 cm 23 529

10. Rodriguez 171 cm 11 121

11. Rosagaron 168 cm 8 64

12. San Juan 171 cm 11 121

13. Vibar 168 cm 8 64

14. Apolog 165 cm 5 25

15. Balmonte 151 cm -9 25

16. Bañ aga 158 cm -2 4

17. Bicomong 149 cm -11 121

18. Bolivar 148 cm -12 144

19. Borromeo 161 cm 1 1

20. Briones 149 cm -11 121

21. Ceron 151 cm -9 81

22. Chua 162 cm 2 4

23. Dagawin 152 cm -8 64

24. Eda 137 cm -23 529

25. Fulgencio 162 cm 2 4

26. Luceñ a 151 cm -9 81

27. Mandani 173 cm 13 169

28. Punzalan 155 cm -5 25

29. Reaso 173 cm 13 169

30. Requinta 152 cm -8 64

31. Sola 146 cm -14 196

32. Solo 146 cm -14 196

33. Valenzuela 152 cm -8 64

34. Villa 151 cm -9 81

35. Villapando 151 cm -9 81

∑ x=5 60 0 ∑¿ X – X̄ ¿2=
3 878

Sample Mean
X̄ =

5 600
X̄ =

X̄ =160

Sample Variance

s = ∑¿¿

3 878
s =

3 878
s2 =

s = 114. 0588

Standard Deviation
s= √114. 0588


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