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his project is meant to assist me in gaining clarity on my purpose and the ways in which I

may live out my purpose via the work that I do. In order to do this, I need to have a
handle on my personal purpose and figure out my "why," as well as compose a
professional vision and implement the "Hedgehog Concept." During the first part of the
lesson, I will be led through a process to determine my own purpose, find out my "why,"
compose a professional vision, and apply the "Hedgehog Concept."
In Part I, I searched for patterns in my early life narrative and identified the people,
events, and experiences that have had the most influence on me and my life. This was
done in order to prepare for Part II, which will discuss the results of my pattern analysis. I
analyzed the ways in which the most difficult experiences of my life have molded my
perspective of the wider world. After that, I made use of these events to rewrite the
narrative of my life and get a deeper comprehension of who I am. As a result of this, I
was able to articulate my own mission and discuss the reasons why it is significant to
In Part I, I was also able to determine my "why." Gathering anecdotes, determining
themes, and drafting and refining a one-sentence 'why' statement were all accomplished
with the help of the three phases detailed in the PDF document titled "Sinek 2017 Find
Your Why." My "why" statement is as follows: "To make the world a better place for
future generations by motivating and enabling other people to achieve their best lives."
This phrase is significant to me because it articulates my aspiration to have a
constructive effect on the wider world and to assist other people in discovering the
meaning and satisfaction that they seek in their own lives.
In addition to this, I formulated and gained an understanding of my professional mission
statement, which reads as follows: "To utilize my knowledge and talents to assist
individuals and organizations in realizing their maximum potential." This vision shows my
enthusiasm for learning, my desire to utilize my expertise to assist others, and my
dedication to my own growth and improvement. In addition to this, it satisfies all five
criteria that define a vision: it is clear, it is precise, it is attainable, it is meaningful, and it
is relevant.
At long last, I worked the "Hedgehog Concept" into my daily routine. I was able to
determine the things about which I have an intense level of passion, the things at which I
might be the greatest in the world, and the things which are the driving force behind my
economic engine. I was able to identify anything from three to 10 different career
pathways and/or occupations that fall inside the intersection of these three categories.
In Part II, I selected two areas of knowledge and expertise that would assist me in living
out my purpose and achieving the goals I have set for my work. I spoke to two additional
individuals whose opinions I value about how to improve each skill or knowledge area,
and as a result, I was able to pinpoint three actionable measures that may be taken to
improve each of the skill or knowledge areas that I have chosen. In addition, I
established a strategy for carrying out these actionable tasks, which I want to either finish
or get started on within the next half year.
In general, this project assisted me in gaining clarity on my purpose and the ways in
which I may live out my purpose via the work that I do. It has also enabled me to identify
development initiatives that would assist me in being a more successful leader and
achieving my career goal. This has been a significant benefit to me.

Answered step-by-step
Asked by MasterStraw9772

Part A - Illustrate a personal purpose. 1) A crucible is a moment...

Part A - Illustrate a personal purpose.
1) A crucible is a moment or situation that represents some of the greatest pressures,
stresses, disappointments, and/or challenges in your life. In class, we watched a 12
minute video of Bill George discussing his greatest crucibles and how they ultimately
shaped his purpose. Complete the following:
a) What are your greatest crucibles? Feel free to only share what you are
comfortable with.
b) How have these crucibles shaped you and your views about the world?
c) How can you use these experiences to reframe your life story and to
understand yourself more fully? Are there ways in which these experiences are
holding you back today?
Adapted from "Chapter Three Exercises: Your Greatest Crucibles," by George, B., 2020,
True North.
2) After reading the section 'Purpose' on page 9 of Mastering Leadership by Anderson
(2019) and watching 'Define the Purpose of your Leadership' by Bill George complete the
a) State your personal purpose. Should be communicated in one sentence.
b) Describe your purpose in more detail and explain why it matters to you.
3) Describe the relationships in which you act as a leader?
Part B - Develop your leadership philosophy.
Complete the following part as you watch 'Developing your Leadership Philosophy' by Mike
Figliuolo on LinkedinLearning. This course movie will lead you through one method of
developing your leadership philosophy.
1) write the leadership philosophy. Your philosophy should contain:
 A general statement about your beliefs about leadership (about a paragraph).
 Your 4 maxims, as explained in section 1.2 of the LinkedinLearning course.
Utilize the Developing your Leadership Philosophy exercise, which is on the next
 A brief explanation for each maxim (i.e., the stories that accompany the
maxim/belief, why you chose it and how you believe it will impact your
leadership). About a paragraph for each maximum.
 Your leadership philosophy should be couple pages.
2) State how and with who you plan on sharing your leadership philosophy with
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Answered by DeanMetalTurtle59

Part A:
My biggest tribulations include losing my father at an early age, going through a challenging
divorce, and dealing with mental health problems.

These trials have strengthened my fortitude, increased my compassion, and increased my self-
awareness. They have also helped me understand the fragility of life and the value of
preserving healthy connections. From my experiences, I have discovered the importance of
putting both my own and others around me's mental and emotional well-being first.
By acknowledging that my struggles have shaped who I am today and that overcoming them
has made me stronger, I can rewrite my life's narrative. I must admit, however, that
occasionally these encounters might set me back by bringing up repressed feelings and
constricting ideas. I may continue to develop and advance positively by thinking back on
these experiences and asking for help when I need it.
In my personal connections with family and friends as well as in my job as a manager, I lead
by example. I make an effort to lead with sincerity, empathy, and dedication to encouraging
growth and development in each of these situations.
Part B:
My management approach:
My key leadership tenet is the conviction that everyone has the capacity to be a great leader.
Leadership is about fostering an atmosphere where people may flourish and realize their full
potential, not about having all the answers or being the brightest person in the room. To that
purpose, I base my ideology on the following four adages:
Maxim 1: Be a kind and compassionate leader.
I think that interpersonal relationships are at the heart of effective leadership. I need to be able
to relate to and comprehend the people I'm leading if I want to be a good leader. This entails
paying attention to their worries, communicating clearly and openly, and acting with respect
and compassion toward others. I may contribute to fostering a feeling of belonging and team
unity inside the team by fostering a culture of trust and respect.
Maxim 2: Welcome inclusiveness and diversity.
I think that every team's effectiveness depends on having members with a variety of
viewpoints and life experiences. It is my duty as a leader to foster an environment that
appreciates and embraces diversity in all of its manifestations. In order to do this, the team
must actively seek out various viewpoints, provide platforms for underrepresented voices to
be heard, and make sure that everyone feels appreciated and included.
Maxim 3: Encourage a culture of development and learning.
Everyone has the potential to learn and develop, and I feel it is my responsibility as a leader to
provide an atmosphere where this is possible. This entails giving people the chance to
enhance their skills and careers as well as providing them with coaching and constructive
criticism in order to help them realize their full potential. I can contribute to the development
of a high-performing team that is able to accomplish its objectives by encouraging a culture of
continual learning and growth.
Maxim 4: Be an honest and responsible leader.
I think that having a strong sense of personal responsibility and integrity is essential for
leadership. I have a responsibility to uphold a high level of ethics and make sure that my
actions are consistent with my beliefs. This entails being open and honest in my decision-
making, accepting responsibility for my errors, and acting in a way that others may look to me
for guidance. I can cultivate a climate of trust and respect that enables the team to work
together successfully by leading with honesty and responsibility.
My team, my peers, and my mentors will all get to know my leadership philosophies. As a
team leader, I think it's critical to be open and honest about my values and ideas in order to
establish a common understanding of the team culture I want to foster. I wish to foster a
feeling of alignment and a sense of shared purpose among everyone I interact with by
expressing my ideas.
Step-by-step explanation
Part A:
My father passed away when I was very young, my family went through a difficult divorce,
and I've had a lot of trouble with my mental health. These are the experiences that have
shaped me the most.

These testing experiences have helped me become more robust, sensitive, and self-aware.
They have moulded me. They have also helped me develop a more profound awareness of the
precarious nature of life and the need of fostering and sustaining healthy relationships. My life
experiences have taught me to place a high priority on maintaining both my mental and
emotional health as well as the health of people in my immediate environment.
My life narrative may be rewritten if I accept the fact that my adversities have helped shape
who I am now and that I am more resilient as a result of having confronted them. Nonetheless,
it is important for me to understand that these events might occasionally prevent me from
moving forward by reopening old wounds and reinforcing limiting beliefs. I am able to
continue my development and go in a constructive way if I reflect on the lessons I've learned
from these events and seek out help when I feel I need it.
Both in my personal interactions, such as those with my family and friends, and in my
professional capacity as a manager, I take on the role of a leader. In each of these settings, I
make it a priority to exercise leadership that is characterized by empathy, sincerity, and a
dedication to the promotion of growth and development.
Part B:
My approach to leadership is based on:
The basic tenet of my approach to leadership is the conviction that any individual, regardless
of background or experience, is capable of becoming an effective leader. Leadership does not
need having all the answers or being the brightest person in the room; rather, it requires
cultivating an atmosphere in which others have the opportunity to flourish and realize their
full potential. To this goal, the following four maxims serve as the compass that directs my
First and foremost, show compassion and kindness in your leadership.
In my opinion, human connection is the most important aspect of effective leadership. It is
essential for me to have the capacity to empathize with and get an understanding of the people
I am responsible for guiding if I am to be a successful leader. This requires me to make the
effort to listen to their problems, to communicate in an open and honest manner, and to treat
others with love and compassion in all of my dealings with them. Within the team, I may
contribute to the development of a feeling of belonging and togetherness if I am successful in
establishing a culture of trust and mutual respect.
Maxim 2: Welcome and celebrate differences and similarities.
In my opinion, the key to the success of any team is having members with a wide range of
experiences and points of view. As a person in a position of authority, it is my duty to foster a
community that respects and appreciates variety in all of its manifestations. This entails
making a concerted effort to acquire a wide range of viewpoints, providing platforms through
which underrepresented voices may be heard, and fostering an environment in which every
member of the team feels respected and included.
The third maxim is to cultivate an environment that values education and advancement.
My philosophy is that everyone has the ability to learn and develop, and it is my responsibility
as a leader to provide an atmosphere in which individuals have the opportunity to do so. This
entails making chances available for people to enhance their skills and advance their careers,
as well as giving them with constructive criticism and coaching to assist them in realizing
their full potential. I am able to contribute to the formation of a high-performing team that is
capable of reaching its objectives if I promote an environment that emphasizes ongoing
education and improvement.
Fourthly, always lead with honesty and take responsibility for your actions.
In order to have effective leadership, I feel it is necessary to have a strong sense of personal
integrity as well as responsibility. Since I am in a position of authority, it is imperative that I
hold myself to a very high level of ethical conduct and check to see that my actions are
congruent with the values and beliefs that I uphold. This requires me to be open and honest
about my decision-making process, to own up to the consequences of my actions, and to set
an example for the conduct that I want to see in other people. Since I lead with honesty and
take responsibility for my actions, I am able to create an environment that is respectful and
trustworthy, which enables the team to collaborate and work well together.
My objective is to talk about my approach to leadership not just with my team, but also with
my colleagues and my mentors. As a leader, I think it is essential to be open and honest about
the principles and ideals that guide my decision-making, and to ensure that everyone on the
team has a common understanding of the sort of environment that I want to foster for the
group. I believe that if I can convince other people to see things from my point of view, we
will have a better feeling of alignment and shared purpose, which will make it easier for us to

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