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Education can change your life

Hi everyone I’m teodulfo C. Nuyad III


First please allow me to introduce the meaning of education

“Education is the process of hastening learning, knowledge acquisition, value
and virtue acquisition. It aids in the improvement of people all around the
world. It is a more reliable way for people to learn knowledge, skills, and
morals. Learning and education are separated by a thin line.”
We might think or we are asking how education can actually change our life?
and to the point that we are thinking how math, science, and other subjects
can help our success. It just a subject that we learn but it is different
from a real world.
But if were thinking in a deepest meaning of education we can actually say
that education can help us in terms of finding a job and also it is our key
for our success. Education has the power to break the cycle of poverty to the
entire generations of at-risk communities. Education increases a younger
generations chance of not being forced into child labor. Smugglers and
employers of bonded laborers target the uneducated for exploitation. They
take advantage of vulnerable communities' pervasive illiteracy, anachronism,
and lack of legal knowledge.
Thus, People who have received an education are viewed as equals based on
their knowledge and abilities. Furthermore, educated people have an open mind
and are able to listen to and accept the opinions of others, regardless of
how dissimilar they are from their own. The ability to live freely and so be
emancipated is made possible through education. It serves as our safe haven
from monetary storms and poor choices. To succeed and be happy, people should
educate themselves and get a well-paying job. It promotes the growth of a
better reputation and increases the possibility of climbing the professional
ladder more quickly. Since people can afford to buy their own home or
apartment as well as a car, it provides the means for secure lifestyles and
ensures the happiness and success of children. Furthermore, having a home of
one's own provides security and raises self-esteem.

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