Liferiz Personal Blog

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When we are on the verge of giving up, we frequently say “give up”. When
there are so many papers on our desks and so many assignments that we
students have to complete that we lose memory of what eight hours of sleep
feels like. We frequently experience the feeling of traversing the planet like
zombies due to our kilograms of eye bags and parched lips. I, for one, have
never run out of things to say about how exhausted I am of school, especially
while trying to earn a living. I might utter these two words frequently, but I know
for myself that I will never give up. Aside from the stress the mixed setup has
been putting on us students, there are also those who have to be full-time
workers and part-time students, which always makes me speak these two words
"Give up." My mind is brought back to what Rizal has always valued: education,
as I see the people around me, including my family, friends, and the society that
has supported me ever since.

The cornerstone of civilization and a requirement for social advancement

is education. Indeed, society would suffer without education. Rizal referred to
education as a national treasure that must be safeguarded at all costs since it
was the engine that propelled our nation to its pinnacles of glory. There may be
times when we question the value of the countless sleepless hours, pen ink
waste, and sacrifices we have made, but I can assure you that it will all be
worthwhile in the end. Even if a century has already passed since the
colonization of the Philippines, we should never forget that fact because it has
always been our lot. However, despite the fact that we already achieved
freedom, we are still imprisoned with our old toxic prejudices and ideals and until
now, we are still a stranger to our beloved country.

As Rizal has consistently emphasized, the root of the Filipino people's ills
resides inside their own colonial and toxic mentalities. Education is both the
panacea and the catalyst for transformation. Children are not only taught math
and science in a formal setting; they are also taught about human morality, which
improves us as people. Society's foundation is laid by education, which also
instills in its citizens a sense of manliness that is crucial to the health of the
country. Education transforms a person's character into traits like bravery, self-
control, discipline, perseverance, and patriotism. Thoughts of giving up are
unavoidable at times, but Rizal serves as a continual reminder to us young
people that we are the future. Our beloved country has a brighter future because
of the youth. We are currently studying hard and promoting the importance of
education in the hopes that we will awaken one day to a better nation, society,
and population. I may be a worn-out student and I may frequently mutter "I Will
Give Up," but I am a student who will use education to create possibilities for
myself and start a better shift in society. And I'll fight tooth and nail and with all
my might to ensure that everyone has access to a quality education.

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