POPS Plan 2020-2022

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Local Government Unit of Siocon

Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2017-2019

Table of Contents

A. Review of Local Strategic Direction
B. Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation
C. Priority Peace and Order and Public Safety Challenges
D. Objectives, Strategies, Targets, Indicators, and Baseline Data
E. Critical Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities
F. Funding Requirements
G. Implementation Arrangements and Annual Implementation Plan
H. POPS Plan Monitoring and Evaluation and Reporting
I. Communicating Results to the Public and to the Stakeholders
J. POPS Plan Summary

List of Box
Box 1: Vision and Mission Statements

List of Tools
Tool A: Vision-Mission-Goal Descriptors
Tool B: Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation Matrix
Tool C: Prioritizing Peace and Order and Public Safety Issues
Tool D: Strategy Formulation Matrix by POPS Issue
Tool E: Activity Matrix by Strategy
Tool F: POPS Plan for Funding
Tool G: Collaboration Matrix
Tool H: Performance Measurement Framework
Tool I: POPS Stakeholders
Tool J: Communications Plan
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022




Figure 1. Location Map

The Municipality of Siocon is located in the southern part of the Province of
Zamboanga del Norte and is situated in the southwest quadrant of Region IX and north of
Zamboanga City, and southwest of Dipolog City, the provincial capital of the Province of
Zamboanga del Norte.

Lies on Latitude 70 42” N, Longitude 1220 08” E, it is bounded on the west by the Sulu
Sea, on the east by the Province of Zamboanga Sibugay, on the north by the Municipality of
Baliguian, Zamboanga del Norte and on the south by the Municipality of Sirawai, Zamboanga
del Norte. From Dipolog City, the capital of Zamboanga del Norte, Siocon has an estimated
distance of 236 kilometers.

Figure 2. Siocon Administrative Map

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


The municipality of Siocon is a 1st Class Municipality. And as an agricultural community,
agriculture has the highest economic activity and is the major source of livelihood which
dominated all the sectors in the municipality’s economy.


1. Population

Based on the table below, the municipality of Siocon experienced gradual growth of
population for the past decades. This phenomenon happens because of the unstable peace and
order situation that this municipality experienced. However, in the succeeding years, an increase
of population has been recorded. The highest population growth recorded was in 2007with an
increase of 8,552 due to the influx of people from neighboring municipalities when the then
TVIRD, Inc (Phils), a mining company, is at the peak of its operation. As of 2015, the municipality
recorded a population of 46,907 inhabitants as per Philippine Statistics Agency (PSA).

The recent population report shows the annual growth rate of 2.28% from the 2015 PSA
record of 46,907.

Historical Growth of Population

50,000 17
3.36 0.36 12
40,000 7.24 3.01

Growth Rate (Percent)

35,000 3.10 1.21 7
1.23 1.06 2.01 -1.06

30,000 0.00
20,000 41,221 41,673 -3

15,000 32,699
26,723 29,519 26,544 28,196 -8
10,000 18,842
16,953 -13
5,000 10,529 11,751
- -18
1939 1948 1960 1970 1975 1980 1990 1995 2000 2007 2010 2015

Year Average Yearly Population Growth Rate (Percent)

Figure 3. Historical Growth of Population

Table 1. Actual and Projected Population by Barangay, 2015-2022

Barangay 2015 2020 2021 2022
BALAGUNAN 1,812 1,958 1,988 2,019
ANDRES MICUBO SR. 947 1,023 1,039 1,055
BUCANA 2,773 2,996 3,042 3,090
BULACAN 782 845 858 871
DIONISIO RICONALLA 1,416 1,530 1,554 1,578
CANDIZ 3,529 3,812 3,871 3,932
JOSE P. BRILLANTES, SR. 1,954 2,111 2,144 2,177
LATABON 1,658 1,791 1,819 1,847
MATEO FRANCISCO 1,090 1,178 1,196 1,214

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

MALIPOT 728 786 799 811

NEW LITUBAN 1,775 1,918 1,947 1,978
PISAWAK 1,824 1,970 2,001 2,032
POBLACION 6,328 6,836 6,943 7,051
SANTA MARIA 3,046 3,291 3,342 3,394
SUHAILE ARABI 2,482 2,681 2,723 2,765
TIBANGAO 1,136 1,227 1,246 1,266
S. CABRAL 843 911 925 939
DATU SAILILA 548 592 601 611
MAKIANG 2,143 2,315 2,351 2,388
MALAMBUHANGIN 582 629 639 648
MANAOL 1,744 1,884 1,913 1,943
MATIAG 1,039 1,122 1,140 1,158
PANGIAN 927 1,001 1,017 1,033
SIAY 1,747 1,887 1,917 1,947
TABAYO 3,600 3,889 3,950 4,011
TAGAYTAY 454 491 498 506
TOTAL 46,907 50,674 51,463 52,264
SOURCE: Philippine Statistics Authority

Table 2. Household Population, No. of Household Population and Average Household Size per
Barangay, 2015

Household Number of Average
Population Household Household Size
BALAGUNAN 1,802 410 4.42
ANDRES MICUBO SR. 942 214 4.43
BUCANA 2,757 627 4.42
BULACAN 778 177 4.42
CANDIZ 3,509 798 4.42
JOSE P. BRILLANTES, SR. 1,943 442 4.42
LATABON 1,649 375 4.42
MATEO FRANCISCO 1,084 247 4.41
MALIPOT 724 165 4.41
NEW LITUBAN 1,765 402 4.42
PISAWAK 1,814 413 4.42
POBLACION 6,293 1,432 4.42
SANTA MARIA 3,029 689 4.42
SUHAILE ARABI 2,468 562 4.42
TIBANGAO 1,130 257 4.42
S. CABRAL 838 191 4.41
DATU SAILILA 545 124 4.42
MAKIANG 2,131 485 4.42
MALAMBUHANGIN 579 132 4.41
MANAOL 1,734 395 4.42

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

MATIAG 1,033 235 4.42

PANGIAN 922 210 4.41
SIAY 1,737 395 4.42
TABAYO 3,580 815 4.42
TAGAYTAY 451 101 4.50
TOTAL 46,644 10,613 4.39
Source: PSA, Census of 2015

2. Population Growth Rate by Barangay

2% 0% 3% 4%BUCANA 2%
STA. MARIA 3% 7% D.
5% 3%
1% 2%

Figure 4. Population Growth Rate by Barangay, 2015

The densely populated barangay is Barangay Poblacion. The congestion in Poblacion is
due to the influx of the people from far flung barangays seeking for livelihood opportunities in
the urbanized Poblacion where trade and commerce is present while Barangay Malambuhangin
has the lowest population density due to its topography and its unstable peace and order
situation besides sources of livelihood that is very poor in that area.

3. Sex Structure

Table below shows the municipality’s population by age-group and sex. The Younger
population (0-14) comprised 17,839 of the population, working age (15-64) is 27,288 and old age
(65 & over) comprised of 1,780. Males outnumbered females by 1,467 making it 52% and females
with 48% of the total population.

Table 3. Age Distribution of Population by Sex, 2015

All Ages 46,907 24,187 22,720
Under 1 1,143 608 535
1 - 4 5,468 2,799 2,669

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

5 - 9 5,814 3,020 2,794

10 - 14 5,414 2,793 2,621
15 - 19 5,007 2,548 2,459
20 - 24 4,396 2,194 2,202
25 - 29 3,704 1,891 1,813
30 - 34 3,151 1,632 1,519
35 - 39 2,799 1,498 1,301
40 - 44 2,329 1,236 1,093
45 - 49 2,031 1,064 967
50 - 54 1,621 841 780
55 - 59 1,272 692 580
60 - 64 978 515 463
65 - 69 718 341 377
70 - 74 478 232 246
75 - 79 319 151 168
80 years and over 265 132 133
0 - 4 6,611 3,407 3,204
0 - 14 17,839 9,220 8,619
15 - 64 27,288 14,111 13,177
18 years and over 26,058 13,408 12,650
60 years and over 2,758 1,371 1,387
65 years and over 1,780 856 924
Source: PSA Census of 2015

Table 4. Household Population composition by School-Age, Working-age, Labor Force, and
Dependent Population, 2015

Male Female
Classification Total Ratio
Number Percent Number Percent
School going population 24,117 12,419 51.49 11,698 48.51 106
Pre-school (5) 1,206 627 51.99 579 48.01 108
Primary (6-11) 6,821 3,539 51.88 3,282 48.12 108
High School (12-17) 6,203 3,192 51.46 3,011 48.54 106
Junior High School(12-15) 4,223 2,174 51.48 2,049 48.52 106
Senior High School(16-17) 1,980 1,018 51.41 962 48.59 106
Tertiary (18-21) 3,684 1,869 50.73 1,815 49.27 103
Working-age (15-64) 27,025 13,992 51.77 13,033 48.23 107
Labor Force (15 and over) 28,805 14,848 51.55 13,957 48.45 106
Dependent (0-14 and 65 &
19,619 10,076 51.36 9,543 48.64 106
Young Dependent(0-14) 17,839 9,220 51.68 8,619 48.32 107
Old Dependent(65 and
1,780 856 48.09 924 51.91 93
Source: PSA Census of 2015

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Figure 5. Household Population by Working-Age and

Dependent Population, 2015

Working-age (15-64)
Young Dependent(0-14)
Old Dependent(65 and over)


Source: PSA Census of 2015

Figure 6. Household Population by Working-Age and Dependent Age and Sex, 2015

14,000 13,033


10,000 9220



2,000 856 924

Working-age (15-64) Labor Force (15 and over) Young Dependent(0-14) Old Dependent(65 and

Source: PSA Census of 2015

Figure 7. School Going Population, 2015

20% Pre-school (5)

Primary (6-11)

11% 38% Junior High School(12-15)

Senior High School(16-17)

Tertiary (18-21)

Source: PSA Census of 2015

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Table 5. Projected Household Population composition by School-Age, Labor Force, and

Dependent Population

Censal Base
Classification Projection
Year Year
2015 2017 2020 2021 2022
School going population 24,117 24,875 26,056 26,459 22,844
Pre-school (5) 1,206 1,244 1,303 1,324 1,344
Primary (6-11) 6,821 7,035 7,370 7,483 7,600
High School (12-17) 6,203 6,398 6,701 6,805 6,911
Junior High School(12-15) 4,223 4,357 4,563 4,633 4,706
Senior High School(16-17) 1,980 2,041 2,138 2,172 2,205
Tertiary (18-21) 3,684 3,800 3,981 4,042 78
Working-age (15-64) 27,025 27,874 29,195 29,649 30,112
Labor Force (15 and over) 28,805 29,710 31,118 31,602 32,095
Dependent 19,619 20,234 21,195 21,526 21,859
Young Dependent(0-14) 17,839 18,398 19,272 19,573 19,876
Old Dependent(65 and over) 1,780 1,836 1,923 1,953 1,983
Source: PSA Census of 2015

4. Religious Groups

About 62.24% of the people in the municipality are Christian divided among religious
sect such as Roman Catholic, Iglesia ni Cristo, Alliance of Bible Christian Committees, United
Church of Christ in the Philippines, Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Aglipays, and
others. Despite the differences of the inhabitants’ religious affiliation, they are living
harmoniously thereby, making the municipality peaceful and livable. Each religious group
established their churches where they exercise their religious activities. Presently the biggest
church found in the municipality is the Holy Cross Parish (a Catholic Church), which is found at
the heart of the Poblacion area. The churches of Roman Catholic and Alliance has established
primary school while Seventh Day Adventist Church has established primary and elementary
school within their premises and accepted enrollees for kindergarten and elementary.

5. Languages and Dialects

The mother tongue of 58.13% of the municipality’s population is Cebuano (Visayan
language), followed by Tausug of 13.14%, Maguindanao 11.60%, Subanen 7.72%, Ilocano 4.34%
and Maranao 0.93%. The mother tongue of the rest are Samal, Hiligaynon, Tagalog, Kalibugan,
Chavacano, Waray, Bicol, Badjao, Butuanon and other local dialects.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


1. Agriculture

1.1 Area Devoted to Agricultural Production

The municipality of Siocon is an Agricultural community and agriculture is the major source
of livelihood which dominated all the sectors in the municipality’s economy. It has an agricultural
area of 10,737.8 hectares which comprise 21.79% of the total area of the municipality. The
agricultural areas considered fertile and are planted with coconut, corn, rice, banana, cacao,
coffee, root crops, mango, mixed vegetables and other fruit trees. Some agricultural areas not
suitable for agricultural are planted with forest trees such as gemelina, arborea, mahogany and
other commercial species.

Coconut dominates among crops planted in the municipality’s agricultural area with 3,240
hectares. Rice on lowland and irrigated area has 1,510 hectares, rain fed of 1,280 hectares, and
area planted with upland rice has 225 hectares. Corn planted on lowland has an area of 8,340
hectares and 500 hectares on upland corn. Fruit bearing vegetables and leaf vegetables are
commonly planted have a total area of 268.3 hectares. Other crops such as banana, coffee, cacao,
root crops and fruit trees have a total area of 2,884.5 hectares or 26.86% of the total planted
agricultural area of the municipality.

1.2 Farming Practices by Types of Crops

Some but not all farmers are still practicing the traditional way of farming and fortunately,
due to the high fertility of the soil, they still are able to come up with greater production. The
Department of Agriculture thru their agricultural technicians has extended technical assistance and
introduce to the farmers the new package of technology in farming such as the introduction of
Integrated Pests Management, use of certified seeds, a new variety of high yielding capacity, and
with the characteristic of early maturity, crop rotation and use of intercropping, and the use of
organic fertilizers.

Mostly engaged in vegetable farming are practicing the traditional way and on the seasonal
basis. Usually, vegetables in the municipality are abundant during dry season and less in the wet
season. Sometimes vegetables are brought in from Zamboanga city. Vegetable farmers, usually

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

apply insecticides such as seven 85 and Deces with 1-2 tablespoons per spray and then apply during
the flowering of fruit-bearing vegetables.

Coconut farming commonly practices the application of fertilizers that was supplied by the
Philippine Coconut Authority. Upland coconut plantations usually practice this method. Coconut
farmers usually perform the whole year-round vegetation control under their coco trees.
Application of fertilizers such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride and magnesium sulphate is
four liters mixed if these fertilizers to 9 holes of adequate sizes at 1.2 to 1.5 meters from trunk of
every coconut tree.

1.3 Veterinary Services

The Municipal Agriculture Office reported that delivery of veterinary services includes the
vaccination of animals every dry season in the year, de-worming twice a year and medical
treatment of affected animals especially those covered by the animal dispersal program that has
been distributed to agricultural cooperatives in the different barangays.

1.4 Source of Fertilizers, Chemicals, Feeds, Etc.

Organic fertilizers such as trichoderma and trichograma have been introduced by the
Department of Science and Technology, its preparation and application was presently adopted by
some farmers. These kinds of fertilizers, chemicals and feeds are available in the local agricultural
supplier. Distributors of fertilizers, chemicals and feeds from Zamboanga City and Zamboangadel
Sur are coming into this municipality to supply their products in various agricultural stores.

1.5 Poultry and Livestock

Poultry products have been found to be inadequate to meet the growing needs of the
people. Native chickens are mostly found in the municipality, although some are raising broiler
chicken or layer but it is not often successful due to unfavourable cost of feeds and medicines.
These chickens are brought in from Zamboanga City in order to satisfy the demands.

1.6 Trade, Industry and Commerce

The commercial areas of the municipality are generally concentrated in and around the
premises of the municipal’s public market which has a total land area of two (2) hectares situated
in Brgy. Manaol. Other commercial establishments are found spread at the adjacent barangays of
Poblacion area. Entrepreneurs are commonly engaged in retailing and small-scale trading business
activities such as grocery stores, hardware, beauty parlors and barber shops, three hotels and
several lodging houses. Moreover, the municipality has one (1) Rural Bank, six (6) money
transfer/remittance centers and three (3) micro financers/lending investors to cater the financial
needs of the constituents and more or less twenty (20) rice mills situated within the barangays of
Poblacion, J.P. Brillantes, Sr., Manaol, Pangian, M. Francisco, Malipot and Siay.

Industrial activities in this municipality are considered light and medium industry. Industrial
areas are commonly occupied by rice and corn mills, manufacturing/repair shops, and other light
industrial installations. Most of these kinds of structures are located in the periphery of Poblacion.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Rice and corn mills are located in barangays J.P. Brillantes, Sr., Manaol, M. Francisco, Tibangao, D.
Sailila, Malipot, Siay and Pangian.

The municipality also has mineral deposits. TVIRD, Phils., a Canadian mining company, has
exploited the mining resources of this municipality through their open-pit mining operation that
lasted for eighteen years (18) from 1995-2013. Its mining plant had operated to extract gold, silver
and copper ores.


2.1 Agro-Industrial

There are 19 rice mills in the municipality with a milling capacity of 150 sacks per day. Of
the 17 rice mills 4 are located at Poblacion, 4 at J.P. Brillantes,2 at Lituban,4 at Manaol,1 at D.
Sailila, 2 at Malipot and 2 at Siay. There are 3 corn mills, 2 are located at Poblacion and 1 at J.P.
Brillantes, Sr. These rice and corn mills are provided their own solar driers. Agricultural pre- and
post-harvest equipments and facilities have been fabricated in the locality. Presently there are 4
pandayans which fabricated bolo, plow and other light agricultural facilities. One (1) is located at
Poblacion, one (1) at M. Francisco, one (1) at J.P. Brillantes, Sr. and one (1) at New Lituban. There
are six machine and welding shops at Poblacion that repairs and manufacture threshers, mud
boats, hand tractors and other light pre- and post-harvest facilities.

2.1.1 Industrial

There are only 3 types for light industrial activities in the municipality. One (1) mini ice plant
located at Poblacion, 5machines and body-building shops also located at Poblacion and 321 ball
mill operators of the small-scale mining industries located at Sitio Canatuan.

2.1.2 Cottage Industries

On the actual survey conducted by the Municipal Planning and Development staff, there
are 13 cottage industries in the municipality, 3 cottage industries are engaged in the manufacture
of concrete hollow blocks of 4 inches and 6 inches thick, 3 are engaged in the manufacture of wood
furniture, 4 manufacturing nipa shingles, 2 manufacturing concrete balusters and concrete water
closet and 1 engaged in the manufacture of concrete pipes. However, there are seasonal
manufacturer of baskets, mats and hats in the hinterland and in coastal areas.

2.2 Number and Type of Commercial Establishments

2.2.1 Wholesale

Based on record from the Municipal Treasurer’s Office, the wholesalers in the municipality
is 60. Of the 60 wholesalers, 25 are accounted for general merchants, 15 for rice and corn, 12 for
vino local wine, 8 for soft drinks, and 7 for fermented liquor. Of the 60 wholesalers, 35 are located
at the Siocon Public Market, 20 are located at the commercial zone of the Poblacion area. Majority
of the wholesalers stocks/or items come from Zamboanga City and Dipolog City. The common
problem that most commercial establishments have been complaining is the high cost of
transportation and the sudden increase of taxes and rental of stalls in the public market.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

2.2.2 Retailer

The recorded number of retailers in the municipality is 125, and of the 125 retailers, 30 are
accounted for rice and corn, 30 for fermented liquor, 30 for vino local wine, 20 for soft drinks and
32 for cigarettes. Basically, retailers share the same problem with that of the wholesalers. Stocks
of retailers have been supplied by wholesalers, but occasionally, some of their stocks were bought
directly from Zamboanga City and Dipolog City.

2.2.3 Public Market

Siocon Public Market is located at Brgy. Poblacion and there are two (2) barangay markets,
1 in New Lituban and the other in Latabon. The Siocon Public Market has an area of 2 hectares
owned by the Municipal Government which operated in 1991 with an initial building of 5 for
permanent, 2 for temporary and others were personally constructed by applicants for space rental
that were not accommodated in government buildings.

The Municipal Government of Siocon has constructed stalls for carinderia, 16 for dried fish,
30 for vegetables, 36 for fresh fish, 24 for rice and corn, 18 for cafeteria, 15 for temporary dry
goods, 3 for tailoring, 4 for beauty parlors and 33 for general merchants. There are three (3)
pharmacies, 2 photograph studios, 2 radio repair shops in the Public Market.

2.3 Number and Type of Construction Firm

Presently, there are no constructions firms based in the municipality although there are
intermittent contractors coming from other places bringing them their construction equipment
and facilities and then pull out after the completion of the project. Usually, small construction
projects of the government are undertaken by the administration through phase work system by
group of skilled carpenters, masons and other skilled construction workers. Construction,
particularly on dwellings is usually undertaken by the daily wage skilled workers.

3. Tourism

3.1 Number and Type of Tourist Spots

There are three (3) natural and 1 manmade tourist spots in the municipality. One is in the
Sta. Maria Cove and the other two (2) are Latabon and Dolongin Beaches and a manmade municipal
park and plaza.

Sta. Maria Cove became one of the tourist attractions because of its wide valleys and
beautiful mountains with wide stretch of shiny white sand on its flat area which isolates it from the
Sulu Sea. Considered as one of the historical spots whereby Spaniards during their occupation in
the Philippines made port Sta. Maria their headquarters. The famous Kuta (headquarters) during
their time still can be seen at the Highest Peak in Sta. Maria wherein boats and ships approaching
in any direction is visible in any direction. It is in this area that the municipal seaport is located.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Another tourist attractions are the Latabon and Dolongin Beaches, famous because of its
wide stretch of shiny white sand that lies on about 3 kilometres shoreline and found to be suitable
for picnics and swimming activities. Many people and visitors claim that these beaches are not just
ordinary beaches unlike in other cities and municipalities where they have a rocky and gravel
bedded beach resort. These beaches can be reached about 5 to 15 minutes by a motorcycle from
the Poblacion. There is also a potential diving site and river cruise located at Brgy. Matiag, one (1)
kilometer away from Dolongin Beach.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Man-made tourist attraction is the municipal park and plaza which is located at the heart
of Poblacion fronting the Municipal Hall, shaded with different kinds of trees with a total area of
6,174 sq. m. The newly playground facilities and skating rink attracts the attention of every sight
seers and visitors to this place.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

3.2 Existing Tourist Facilities

At present, there are two (2) hotels established in the municipality – the Atrium Hotel
and ABS Hotel. Pension houses such as Palmeras, and Eunice; inns or private dormitory namely
Hongkong Lodge, TRJ, Cloribel’s, Lapiz’s, Tomboc’s and Bagon’s are all located at Poblacion while
Asuncion’s Pension House is located at Brgy. New Lituban, cater the needs of the visitors,
businessmen and students alike. So experiencing local hospitality is another tourist ingredient
that Siocon can offer to its visitors.

There are three (3) restaurants, three (3) night spots and 10 taverns located mostly at
Poblacion, 1 privately owned recreational center at Barangay J.P. Brillantes, Sr. and a cockpit at
Barangay Manaol.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


4.1 Land Transportation

The people of the municipality still suffer from the ineffectual transportation services in
land, sea and air. However, in land transportation, there are buses, trucks, jeeps, motorcycles,
motorized and non-motorized tricycles used to transport goods and passengers within and
outside the municipality. There are four (4) Bus Liners operating the routes of Siocon- Zamboanga
City, Siocon-Ipil and Siocon-Dipolog City and vice versa.

Roads and Bridges

Siocon has a total road length of 262.22 kilometers. Out of this total road length, about
26.60 kms are classified as National Roads, 86.64 kms are Provincial Roads, 13.39 kms are
Municipal Roads and 135.59 kms are Barangay Roads.

Table 6. Summary of Road Inventory, 2017

Concrete Asphalt Graveled Earth Width Bridges
(Km.) (Km.) (Km.) (Km.) (LM) (LM)
1. National Road 26.60 0.00 0 12.0 26.60 121.0
2. Provincial Road 8.95 75.59 2.1 12.0 86.64 238.0
3. Municipal Road 11.93 0.50 0.97 10.0 13.39
4. Barangay Road 14.78 73.22 47.59 6.0 135.59
Total: 62.26 149.31 50.66 40.00 262.22 359.00
Source: MEO, MPDC

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Figure 8. Road Network Map

The municipality has a total of five (5) bridges, four (4) of which are maintained by the
provincial government and one (1) by the national government. The bridges classified as national
is situated at Barangay Poblacion and is made of steel. An on-going two-lane concrete bridge is
being constructed as a replacement of the one-lane steel bridge. The bridges maintained by the
provincial government are located at barangay Pisawak, Tabayo, New Lituban, Makiang, Tagaytay
and Pisawak.

4.2 Sea Transportation

The municipality has only one (1) concrete seaport and is located in Barangay Sta. Maria. It
can only accommodate one (1) big boat and other small ships.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

The existing 23 meters RORO type wharf is now utilized by small privately owned motor
launch owned by Caltex Station and by TVI Mining Co. in exporting their copper and zinc ores.

4.2.1 Number and Types of Shipping Lines

Due to the opening of roads from Siocon to Dipolog City and Zamboanga City, bus transport
proliferated. The low fare rate charged by the bus operators could be the factor why travellers
from Siocon to Zamboanga City shifted to the bus transport. In effect, water transportation such
as Sampaguita and Aleson Shipping Lines ceased its operations to Siocon.

4.2.3 Frequency of Ship Calls

Fortune Motor Launch owned by Caltex Station docked at Port Sta. Maria wharf weekly
while that of the TVI Mining Co. docks once in every month.

4.3 Air Transportation

As of the present, there is no commercial air transport operating in Siocon. Sometimes,
small private planes of Dacon Company used to land in this facility. Swift Air ceased its operation
in Siocon because the present airport facility needs expansion and clear the area of coconuts and
other trees which pose danger to the descending and ascending aircrafts.

The Siocon Airport is located at Barangay New Lituban which is about 3 kilometers from
the Poblacion, leading to the port is totally concreted.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

4.4 Communication

Siocon avails of the services of Smart and Globe telecommunications facilities. There are
also TeleCom, PLDT and RCPI long distance calling stations and fax machines. There are already
signal for television sets and satellite phones. A number of residents in the remote barangays are
hooked to dream TV and satellite phones. One (1) internet cafe also operates aside from the
internet facility at the Siocon National High School. The entire municipality also enjoys the
services of the community FM-radio while the Poblacion and adjacent barangays subscribe to the
Siocon Cable TV System.

There are also money changers such as M. Lhuillier, KuwartaPadala, Cebuana, Mhullier
and G-Cash Stations that cater to the needs of the people of Siocon.

There are also single side band radios at the Local Government of Siocon, Zamsureco II
Station and the ORACES Group of Company.

4.5 Recreation

Sporting events are usually held at the 1.23 hectares Julian Soriano Memorial Sports
Complex, the venue of the 2002 Western Mindanao Regional Athletic Meet. The Siocon Cultural
and Exhibition Centre, located at the center of the Poblacion, is not only a venue for physical
activities but as well as hotels, function rooms, and audio-visual rooms. The newly improved
municipal plaza serves as a haven for dates and family recreation with global lights lined up at the
front of the municipal hall.

4.6 Utilities

The ZamSurECo is supplying Siocon the electricity and Siocon Water District supplies
adequate water needs. Siocon has two (2) birthing facilities - the Siocon District Hospital and the
Infirmary Hospital of the LGU (formerly the Constantino Soriano Sr. Memorial Hospital). The Rural
Health Unit also serves as birthing hospital and health center.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

II. Mission, Vision Statements, Goals and Respective Descriptors

Box 1: Vision and Mission Statements

Vision Statement:

SIOCON, the center of agro-industrial development in the south-western part of

Zamboanga Peninsula, a peaceful, progressive and healthy community with well-

developed infrastructure, balanced and safe environment sustained by empowered,
vigilant, god-fearing, and self-reliant citizenry managed by committed, transparent and
competent leadership.

Mission Statement:

To provide basic, social, economic, political and cultural services to its people for the
upliftment towards a self-reliant and cohesive citizenry in a just and humane society.


a. Make use of all opportunities to encourage full awareness and understanding of the
residents on the effect of our actions in harnessing development plan as growth guide
to present and future generations.

b. Tap available resources of the local government unit to identify best land use to obtain
maximum productivity thus minimize waste of efforts, time and money in economic

c. Equip regional and national planners on the available resources in the municipality for
incorporation on the national priority plans and programs.

d. To bring about improved social services of the educational needs of youths, provide
effective health and nutrition program, encourage housing development for the

increasing population, raising nutritional level especially on the undernourished and
malnourished children and pregnant and nursing mothers belonging to the impoverish
family group and promoting responsible parenthood and family planning as a way of

e. Continually develop administrative personnel support within the local level to

formulate policy guidelines in the implementation of the plan and other assistive
services in seeking solution to problems encountered in the execution of the said plan.

f. Maintain constant rapport with the Provincial Government, Heads of National
Agencies, Congressional District Representative, Senators and Presidential
Management Staff for necessary funding support.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

In achieving these vision, mission and goals, the local government is very supportive of the
national government programs especially the “war on drugs". The Siocon Municipal Police Station
is actively implementing the Oplan “Double Barrel (Tokhang and Taphang)”. Also, an intensive
Information, Education and Communication drive is being implemented in every schools and
barangays. This awareness program will help the community especially the youth sector to be
aware of the negative effects of the drugs not only to health but most especially to the family.

Economic aspect is also being looked into as economic crisis is also one of the reasons why
people are engaging in drugs (using and selling). The local government is promoting all aspect of
programs such as IGP’s that will help its constituents alleviate their economic constraints that
would eventually lead to lower crime rate. IGP’s would also help members and families of armed
groups thus lowering the case of extortion which is prevalent on this side of the province.

Peace and order and public safety is a big contributing factor in the development and
progress of the municipality because a peaceful and safe environment would encourage more
investors and more investments would mean higher employment rate.

To date, the municipality’s investments is almost limited to local investors only. This is due
to the prevalence of extortion wherein businessmen are the most vulnerable target.

Vision-Mission-Goal Descriptors

TOOL A - Vision-Mission-Goal Descriptors

Vision-Mission-Goal Descriptors Success Indicators
A. Directly Related to POPS
1. Peaceful Reduction in crime and fire incidence
2. Safe environment Disaster-risk resilient
Low crime rate and zero petty crimes
B. Require Support from POPS
3. Progressive Increased in the number of investors and
issuance of business permits
4. Upliftment Increase employment rate
Zero drop-outs in school
C. Promote Active Participation of citizens
in the promotion of peace and dev’t
5. Empowered and self-reliant PO/CSO’s/associations participating in
citizenry. POPS activities increased.
6. Vigilant Active participation of Brgy.
Tanods/BADAC’s/communities in giving
7. God-fearing Active participation of the community in all
religious activities

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


In terms of local peace and order and public safety, the local government of Siocon is
actively participative and supportive in programs of the government in coordination with the
Municipal Police Station and other government agencies. The municipality of Siocon is generally
peaceful due to the relentless implementation by law enforcement officers of the existing laws and
local ordinances. The concept of our POPS Plan is mandated to save lives, properties and other
natural resources of the municipality.

Based on the crime statistics provided by the Siocon MPS, we observed that for the last (3)
three years, incidence of index and non-index crime decreased so as with the crime volume. It is also
observed that violation of special laws took the top spot in the incidence of non-index crime and
theft in the incidence of index crimes. Crime solution and crime clearance efficiency for the year
2019 is at 61.19% and 77.61%, respectively. It is noted that most of the crimes occurred at the central
business district (Poblacion area), this is maybe due to the concentration of residents in this area.

With the intensification of Oplan Double Barrel, the Siocon MPS was able to record a high
number of drug surrenderees, and were provided with rehabilitation and education programs by the
LGU under the Municipal Drug Treatment After Care. The municipality is 100% affected with drugs
and 23% are seriously affected or 6 barangays out of 26.

Although Siocon is home one MNLF camp, only one armed related incident happened for
the last 3 years that is the kidnapping of one of the child of a known local businessman which they
have recovered after a massive manhunt operation.

Considering the vulnerability of the municipality to drugs and armed conflicts, the Municipal
Police Station in cooperation with the Special Forces Company, has established 8 outposts scattered
within the whole municipality, 1 Police station, 2 COMPACTs, and 1 military camp. The local
government is also very supportive to the activities of the military and police.

Road accidents decline noticeably for the last 3 years however, it is noticed that most road
accident victims are minor and happened frequently at road junctions at the Poblacion area resulting
to damage to properties and death in some cases. In response, the local government has
implemented the Traffic Code and created the Traffic Management Board to administer and
implement traffic rules and conduct Information and Education seminar in schools, barangays and
delinquent drivers regarding traffic rules.

As to emergency/crisis management and fire safety, there are at least 3 barangays which
are frequented with flood but fortunately, flood waters receded almost immediately after the heavy
rain. This is due to the on-going expansion and concreting of drainage canal within the affected areas
and the construction of flood control. In year 2017, on December 22nd, Siocon was hit by massive
flash flood due to heavy rains caused by STS Vinta. Estimated 9,515 families were affected. All
barangays are affected especially the lowland communities.

As to fire incidents, recorded were all residential fire incidents occurred in Brgy. Poblacion.
The Bureau of Fire Protection has only limited capacity in terms of manpower and fire truck.
Although they already established fire hydrants on some area, still, it is not enough and response to

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

fire emergencies are often delayed. To address this shortage, the office of the MDRRMO purchased
one fire truck and hire job order employees to man the said fire truck in times of fire occurrences.

Tool B below will show the peace and order and public safety matrix of the municipality:

TOOL B - Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation Matrix

Focus Actual Data

Area City/Municipality Barangay
1. Crime and Disorder
(CDP) Incidence of Comparative Table Barangays w/ Frequent
Index Crimes Crime Occurrence
INDEX 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
CRIME (3rd Qtr.)
Murder 4 3 5
Homicide 0 0 1
Phy Injury 3 4 1
Rape 1 5 6
Robbery 3 6 2
Theft 10 15 7
Carnapping 1 0 0
C. Rustling 0 0 0
TOTAL 22 33 22
(CDP) Incidence of Comparative Table
Non-Index Non-Index 2017 2018 2019
Crimes Crime (3rd
Homicide 0 1 0
Phy. Injury 12 11 3
Damage to 1 4 1
Violation of 38 46 25
Spcl laws
Other non- 22 15 13
index crime
TOTAL 73 77 42
(CDP) Crime Volume 2017 2018 2019
95 110 67
(CDP) Crime Solution 2017 2018 2019
64.21 61.82 61.19
(CDP) Crime 2017 2018 2019
86.32 85.45 77.61

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

(CDP) Ratio of police 2017 2018 2019

personnel to
1:500 1:550 1:700
(CDP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
1000 pop’n 1 1 1
(CDP) Number and 2017 2018 2019
types of none none none
human rights
violations, with
information on
and victims
by sex, age and
(CDP) Number and 2017 2018 2019
types of
related violent none none none
(SLCR) Number of 2017 2018 2019
Children in
Conflict with
the Law 42 29 32
1.a Illegal Drugs (mandatory per RA 9165, NADPA, DILG MCs)
(PNP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
drug 1620 29 10
(PNP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
drug affected
barangays 24 17 17
(PNP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
drug clearing
operations 96 96 40
(PNP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
operations 8 15 9
(CDP) Presence of 2017 2018 2019
Special Drug
Centers (for
none none none

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

(CDP) Presence of 2017 2018 2019
services for
outpatient 1 1 1
(CDP) Partnerships 2017 2018 2019
s for
and aftercare YES YES YES
of drug
2. Conflict
(CDP) Number and 2017 2018 2019
types of violent
related to
armed groups none none none
(CDP) Number and 2017 2018 2019
types of violent
ethnic conflicts none none 1
(CDP) Number and 2017 2018 2019
types of
conflicts (i.e.
agrarian land, none none none
(CDP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
and individuals
displaced by
armed conflict none none none
(CDP) Ratio of 2017 2018 2019
military and
personnel to
total no data no data no data

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

(CDP) Number and 2017 2018 2019

location of
military camps
and police
stations 8 8 8
CDP) Types of issues 2017 2018 2019
Peoples (i.e.,
human rights
none none none
royalty tax,
(CDP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
women who
were affected
by gender-
based violence
(i.e., in
situations of
armed conflict
and natural
none none none
includes sexual
trafficking, etc.
(CDP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
children who
are affected by
armed conflict
recruitment, none none none
(CDP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
former rebels
enrolled in
programs, by
none none none

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

age, sex and

1.Road and Vehicle Safety
(PNP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
Road Accidents 13 16 7
(CDP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
Roads with
poor condition 31 27 25
(CDP) Number of 0 4 2
traffic warning
(CDP) Number of 0 32 0
CCTV installed
2.Emergency/Crisis Management and Fire Safety
(CDP) Number of 2017 2018 2019
affected by
natural 26 3 8
(CDP) Number of fire 2017 2018 2019
1 3 0
Source: CDP, SLCR 2018, PNP Siocon

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


TOOL C - Prioritizing Peace and Order and Public Safety Issues

1. Prevalence and proliferation of illegal drugs use and trade
2. Presence of armed groups, (MNLF, ASG)
3. High Incidence of Index crimes (Phy. Injury, theft, robbery)
4. Extortionist on fisher folks and illegal intrusion of pur seiners
5. Kidnapping threats and shooting incidents
6. Vehicular accidents (RIR to homicide/damaged to properties)
7. Fire Incidence

Who are involved/ Consequences if not Objectives to address the
Ranking Issues/ Problems Manifestations Sources/ Causes
affected addressed issue
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6) (C-7)
1.Crime and Disorder
High Incidence of Index
Occurrence of crime are Minors mostly out of
crimes (Phy. Injury, theft, Poverty Increased crime rate Law enforcement
from urban barangays & school youth
commercial district in the
Influence of drugs and Lack of employment Strict implementation of
3 municipality Drug dependents victims
liquor opportunities curfew in all brgys.
Decline of economic and
Unemployment Increased crime solution rate
social activity
Peer Pressure Decrease in crime volume
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Kidnapping threats to
Kidnapping threats and Syndicated and organized Decline of economic and
Teachers, government Criminal mindset Increased crime solution rate
shooting incidents crime elements social activity
employees and officials
5 Shooting incident
transpired in Brgy. Personal grudges Drug dependents victims
Property disputes Out of school youth
a.1.i. Illegal Drugs (Mandatory)
Prevalence and Total elimination of drug
Presence of drug
proliferation of illegal Lack of job opportunities Youth High crime rate trade and usage by 2022 in all
drugs use and trade barangays
Number of surrenderees
Lack of education OSY Slow economic vibrancy
in Oplan Tokhang
Lessened investment
1 Poverty Community
Illegal drugs easily
Peer influence Drug users and pushers
Availabilty and
Drug lords and protectors
accessibility of supplies
High ROI on drug trade
2. Conflict
Displacement of
Presence of armed
Lack of job opportunities NPA affected community and To attain peace and harmony
groups, (MNLF, ASG)
Sightings of arm men in
2 Unstable peace and Neutralize the presence of
All coastal brgys. Poverty MILF
order arm men
Deprived of basic gov’t
MNLF Poverty Improved economic activities
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Increase instances of
Diverse ideologies Community
armed conflict
Extortionist on fisher
Coastal community and Damaged to marine bio-
folks and illegal intrusion Lack of sea-borne patrol PNP Enforcement of fishery laws
fisher folks diversity
of pur seiners
Increased prices of Vulnerable to
BLGU Increase piracy Regular of sea-borne patrol
marine products extortionist
Lesser income on the
4 Poverty LGU Activation of Bantay Dagat
Protection and rehabilitation
of marine bio-diversity
Coast Guard
Sea-borne forces
1.Road and Vehicle Safety
Decrease of reckless
Vehicular accidents (RIR Number of cases of High occurrence of imprudence resulting to
Absence of traffic Drivers under the
to homicide/damaged to reckless imprudence reckless imprudence homicide, physical injuries
signage influence of liquor
properties) resulting to homicide resulting to homicide and damage to properties by
50% by 2022
Lack of knowledge on
no driver’s license minors physical injuries
traffic rules
Minor drivers Influence of liquor/drugs Reckless drivers Damaged to properties
Physical injuries and
Over speeding
damages to properties
2.Emergency/Crisis Management and Fire Safety
Presence of fire incidents Increases risk of fire
7 Fire Incidence Faulty wirings LGU Prevention of fire occurrence
on residential and incidents
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
commercial/business Illegal connection BFP Damaged to properties
establishments Lack of information PNP

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


TOOL D - Strategy Formulation Matrix by POPS Issue

1. Priority POPS Issue [1st Issue]

POPS Issue: Prevalence and proliferation of illegal drugs use and trade
Party/ies Responsible
Objective Indicator Target (by end of 2022) Strategies
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5)
Reduction on incidence of illegal Total eradication of the Declaration of the municipality Strengthen Functionalities of MADAC MLGOO-DILG
drug trade and usage by 2022 in proliferation of illegal drug trade as "Drug Free" and BADACs
all barangays, and in the municipality 100% reformation of drug users Conduct of Intensified Anti- Illegal Drug Chief of Police, Siocon MPS
surrenderees Operations
Education and rehabilitation LGU
Provide livelihood opportunities of LGU
potential drug user/pusher
Reduction of supply of illegal 100% rehabilitation of drug Strengthen accountability of law PNP, PDEA
drugs in the municipality pushers enforcers
Strengthen intelligence gathering Chief of Police, PNP, BADAC
mechanism in the barangays Chair
Continues intelligence monitoring in PNP, LGU
coordination with PDEA and BDAC’s

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

2. Priority POPS Issue [2nd Issue]

POPS Issue: Presence of armed groups, (MNLF, ASG)
Party/ies Responsible
Objective Indicator Target by 2022 Strategies
To attain peace and harmony Participation of armed groups in 100% participation of armed Conduct visibility/patrol operation in AFP, PNP
the peace and order committee groups in the peace and order area of convergence
meetings committee meetings
To neutralized the presence of Number of incident reports Reduction of incident reports IEC on violent extremism & insurgency PNP, LGU
arm men in the area and conflicts
Provide rewards/incentives to armed PNP, LGU
groups in the vital information share to
the gov’t to preempt atrocities.
Acknowledge/invite armed groups to AFP, PNP
participate to any gov’t and community
Provide skills development training for LGU
the families of armed groups
Provide logistic supports LGU

3. Priority POPS Issue [3rd Issue]

POPS Issue: High Incidence of Index crimes (Phy. Injury, theft, robbery)
Party/ies Responsible
Objective Indicator Target by 2022 Strategies
Reduce occurrence of theft and Number of theft and robbery Decreased percentage of Police visibility and patrol operations PNP, Barangay Tanods
robbery incidents incidents reported crime rate by 50%
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Preempt the occurrence of theft, Number of cases reported Reduce number of incident Provide livelihood programs and LCE, MSWDO
robbery and physical injuries reports by 50% employment especially the OSY
Continuous monitoring of personalities MSWDO, PNP

4. Priority POPS Issue [4th Issue]

POPS Issue: Extortionist on fisher folks and illegal intrusion of pur seiners
Party/ies Responsible
Objective Indicator Target by 2022 Strategies
Enforcement of fishery laws Substantial supply of marine Marine products supply Regulate consumer price index BFAR
products increased by 30%
Regular sea-borne Less illegal fishing activities and Organized fishery law Fishery law enforcement LGU, PNP, Coast Guard, Bantay
patrol/Activation of Bantay Dagat piracy enforcement training/monitoring Dagat
Protection and rehabilitation of Improvement of marine More production by the end of Farming of mangroves and sea grass LGU, PNP, Coast Guard, Bantay
marine bio-diversity sanctuaries and all aquatic the target period Dagat

5. Priority POPS Issue [5th Issue]

POPS Issue: Kidnapping threats and shooting incidents
Party/ies Responsible
Objective Indicator Target by 2022 Strategies
Negative occurrence of Negative data in the crime Negative occurrence of Conduct visibility and patrol operations PNP, AFP
kidnapping and shooting incidents statistics of kidnapping & kidnapping and shooting within AOR
shooting incidents incidents Intensified conduct of checkpoints PNP, AFP

Preempt occurrence of Conduct visibility and patrol operations PNP, AFP
kidnapping and shooting incidents within AOR
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Negative data in the crime Preempt occurrence of Intensified conduct of checkpoints PNP, AFP
statistics of kidnapping & kidnapping and shooting Install additional cctv units on major LTO, PNP, LCE
shooting incidents incidents streets and accident prone areas

6. Priority POPS Issue [6th Issue]

POPS Issue: Vehicular accidents (RIR to homicide/damaged to properties)
Party/ies Responsible
Objective Indicator Target by 2022 Strategies
Reduction of motor vehicle and Lower number of vehicular Number of vehicular incidents Strict implementation of municipal traffic LTO, PNP, LCE
road traffic accident incidents less by 50%. code/LTO code and law enforcement
Compliance of motorists to the 100% compliance of motorists Conduct information drives LTO, PNP, LCE
Municipal traffic code/LTO code to the Municipal traffic Install additional signage in every LTO, PNP, LCE
code/LTO code. accident prone area
Install additional streetlights LTO, PNP, LCE

7. Priority POPS Issue [7th Issue]

POPS Issue: Fire Incidence
Party/ies Responsible
Objective Indicator Target by 2022 Strategies
Eliminate fire incidents Zero fire incident Eradication in the occurrence Regular fire inspection BFP, LGU
of fire incident Strict implementation of Fire Code BFP

Strengthen advocacy BFP, LGU

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


TOOL E - Activity Matrix by Strategy

Priority POPS Issue (1st Issue): Prevalence and proliferation of illegal drugs use and trade
Objective: Reduction on incidence of illegal drug trade and usage by 2022 in all barangays
Target: Declaration of the municipality as "Drug Free"
Schedule of Implementation Expected Outputs
Strategy PPSAs Implementing
Group Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Strengthen Functionalities of MADAC Conduct capability building for MLGOO, LGU, PNP, MADAC and BADAC members are
January 2020 December 2022
and BADACs MADAC/BADAC BLGU capable for their functionalities
Conduct of Intensified Anti- Illegal Operation Double Barrel and Arrest and surrender of drug
PNP, PDEA January 2020 December 2022
Drug Operations Oplan Tokhang personalities
Conduct of education and 100% rehabilitation of drug
Education and rehabilitation LGU January 2020 December 2022
rehabilitation programs pushers/users
Hiring of summer job students/OSY
Provide livelihood opportunities of Drug dependents employed as job
especially those who are drug LGU January 2020 December 2022
potential drug user/pusher orders

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Priority POPS Issue (1st Issue): Prevalence and proliferation of illegal drugs use and trade
Objective: Reduction of supply of illegal drugs in the municipality
Target: 100% rehabilitation of drug pushers
Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Implementing Expected Outputs
Group Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Strengthen accountability of law Training on law enforcer Enforcers are well trained and
PNP January 2020 December 2022
enforcers accountability accountable
Training of BINs, BPATs, Tanods, and
Strengthen intelligence gathering BINs, BPATs, Tanods and Brgy. Officials'
Brgy Officials on Intelligence and PNP January 2020 December 2022
mechanism in the barangays intelligence gathering are strengthen
Continues intelligence monitoring in BINs, BPATs, Tanods and Brgy. Officials'
Police Community Relation programs PNP, PDEA January 2020 December 2022
coordination with PDEA and BDAC’s intelligence monitoring continued

Priority POPS Issue (2nd Issue): Presence of armed groups, (MNLF, ASG)
Objective: To attain peace and harmony
Target: 100% participation of armed groups in the peace and order committee meetings
Lead/Main Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group
Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Conduct visibility/patrol operation in Police visibility and patrol operation Sustainable peace and order situation
PNP, AFP January 2020 December 2022
area of convergence (beat and mobile patrol)

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Priority POPS Issue (2nd Issue): Presence of armed groups, (MNLF, ASG)
Objective: To neutralized the presence of arm men in the area
Target: Reduction of incident reports and conflicts
Lead/Main Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group
Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Lessen the growing of recruitment of
IEC on violent extremism & Implementation of NTF-ELCAC in PNP, AFP, MLGU,
January 2020 December 2022 ASG/MNLF among the areas vulnerable
insurgency influence affected areas BRGY. OFFICIALS
to t he community
Lessen the growing of recruitment of
Provide rewards/incentives to armed
Identification of other groups and its PNP, AFP, MLGU, ASG/MNLF among the areas vulnerable
groups in the vital information share January 2020 December 2022
characteristics BRGY. OFFICIALS to t he community
to the gov’t to preempt atrocities.
Acknowledge/invite armed groups to Lessen the growing of recruitment of
Provision of Socio-economic PNP, AFP, MLGU,
participate to any gov’t and January 2020 December 2022 ASG/MNLF among the areas vulnerable
activities and healthcare programs BRGY. OFFICIALS
community activities. to t he community
Lessen the growing of recruitment of
Provide skills development training Skills development training thru PNP, AFP, MLGU,
January 2020 December 2022 ASG/MNLF among the areas vulnerable
for the families of armed groups partner agencies BRGY. OFFICIALS
to t he community
Acquisition/Purchase of fire arms Lessen the growing of recruitment of
Provide logistic supports and ammunitions for police force January 2020 December 2022 ASG/MNLF among the areas vulnerable
multipliers to t he community

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Priority POPS Issue (3rd Issue): High Incidence of Index crimes (Phy. Injury, theft, robbery)
Objective: Reduce occurrence of theft and robbery incidents
Target: Decreased percentage of crime rate by 50%
Lead/Main Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group
Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Police visibility and patrol operation Sustainable peace and order situation
Police visibility and patrol operations PNP January 2020 December 2022
(beat and mobile patrol)

Priority POPS Issue (3rd Issue): High Incidence of Index crimes (Phy. Injury, theft, robbery)
Objective: Preempt the occurrence of theft, robbery and physical injuries
Target: Reduce number of incident reports by 50%
Lead/Main Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group
Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Provide livelihood programs and Hiring of auxiliary police and/or LGU-PESO, LCE, Jobs/employment generated
January 2020 December 2022
employment especially the OSY force multipliers MSWDO
Continuous monitoring of Provision of support fund for MPOC Monitoring properly done
MPOC January 2020 December 2022
personalities involved monitoring activities

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Priority POPS Issue (4th Issue): Extortionist on fisher folks and illegal intrusion of pur seiners
Objective: Enforcement of fishery laws
Target: Marine products supply increased by 30%
Lead/Main Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group
Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Conduct regular monitoring of Affordable products in the market
Regulate consumer price index BFAR January 2020 December 2022
fishery activities

Priority POPS Issue (4th Issue): Extortionist on fisher folks and illegal intrusion of pur seiners
Objective: Regular sea-borne patrol/Activation of Bantay Dagat
Target: Organized fishery law enforcement
Lead/Main Schedule of Implementation Expected Outputs
Strategy PPSAs
Implementing Group
Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Fishery law enforcement Implementation of fishery code and Marine Biodiversity protected
BFAR, Bantay Dagat, January 2020 December 2022
training/monitoring enforcement of laws

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Priority POPS Issue (4th Issue): Extortionist on fisher folks and illegal intrusion of pur seiners
Objective: Protection and rehabilitation of marine bio-diversity
Target: More production by the end of the target period
Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group Completion
Starting Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Provision of farm inputs and Sustainable livelihood for fisherfolks
Farming of mangroves and sea grass BFAR January 2020 December 2022
livelihood programs

Priority POPS Issue (5th Issue): Kidnapping threats and shooting incidents
Objective: Negative occurrence of kidnapping and shooting incidents
Target: Negative occurrence of kidnapping and shooting incidents
Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group Completion
Starting Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Conduct visibility and patrol Police visibility and patrol operation Negative occurrence of kidnapping
PNP, AFP January 2020 December 2022
operations within AOR (beat and mobile patrol) and shooting incidence
Negative occurrence of kidnapping
Intensified conduct of checkpoints Provision of logistics support PNP, AFP January 2020 December 2022
and shooting incidence

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Priority POPS Issue (5th Issue): Kidnapping threats and shooting incidents
Objective: Preempt occurrence of kidnapping and shooting incidents
Target: Preempt occurrence of kidnapping and shooting incidents
Lead/Main Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group
Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Conduct visibility and patrol Police visibility and patrol operation Preempt occurrence of kidnapping
PNP, AFP January 2020 December 2022
operations within AOR (beat and mobile patrol) and shooting incidence
Preempt occurrence of kidnapping
Intensified conduct of checkpoints Provision of logistics support PNP, AFP January 2020 December 2022
and shooting incidence
Preempt occurrence of kidnapping
Install additional cctv units on major Procurement of additional CCTV
LGU January 2020 December 2022 and shooting incidence
streets and accident prone areas units

Priority POPS Issue (6th Issue): Vehicular accidents (RIR to homicide/damaged to properties)
Objective: Reduction of motor vehicle and road traffic accident
Target: Number of vehicular incidents less by 50%.
Lead/Main Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group
Starting Date Completion Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Conduct of technical trainings to Traffic enforcers fully capacitated
Strict implementation of municipal
traffic enforcers and provide
traffic code/LTO code and law LGU, LTO January 2020 December 2022
Incentives/ insurance provided to
traffic enforcers
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Conduct of IEC, symposiums and info Community awareness
Conduct information drives LGU January 2020 December 2022
Install additional signage in every Fabrication and procurement of Less road accidents
LGU-MEO January 2020 December 2022
accident prone area street signage
Install additional streetlights Procurement of solar streetlights LGU-MEO January 2020 December 2022 Less road accidents

Priority POPS Issue (7th Issue): Fire Incidence
Objective: Eliminate fire incidents
Target: Eradication in the occurrence of fire incident
Schedule of Implementation
Strategy PPSAs Expected Outputs
Implementing Group Completion
Starting Date
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4a) (C-4b) (C-5)
Conduct regular fire inspection and Less fire accidents
Regular fire inspection LGU, BFP January 2020 December 2022
monitoring activity
Conduct of technical trainings and Community awareness
Strict implementation of Fire Code seminars to fire volunteers and LGU, BFP January 2020 December 2022
Conduct of IEC, symposiums and info Less fire accidents
Strengthen advocacy LGU, BFP January 2020 December 2022

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


TOOL F – POPS Plan for Funding

Priority POPS Issue [1st Issue]: Prevalence and proliferation of illegal drugs use and trade
Schedule of
Possible Amount (C-7)
Implementing Implementation Legislative Funding
PPSAs Expected Outputs Funding
Office Completion Requirements Requirement PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO
Starting Date Source TOTAL
Date 2020 2021 2022
(C-1) (C-2a) (C-2b) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6) (a) (b) (c) (d)

Strategy 1: Strengthen Functionalities of MADAC and BADACs
Conduct MLGOO, January December MADAC and EO for 600,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00
capability building LGU, PNP, 2020 2022 BADAC MPOC and
for BLGU members are MADAC
MADAC/BADAC capable for

Strategy 2: Conduct of Intensified Anti- Illegal Drug Operations
Operation Double PNP, PDEA January December Arrest and 4,500,000.00 Gen. Fund 1,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 4,500,000.00
Barrel and Oplan 2020 2022 surrender of
Tokhang drug

Strategy 3: Education and rehabilitation
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Conduct of LGU January December 100% 600,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00
education and 2020 2022 rehabilitation
rehabilitation of drug
programs pushers/users

Strategy 4: Provide livelihood opportunities of potential drug user/pusher
Hiring of summer LGU January December Drug 3,000,000.00 Gen. Fund 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
job students/OSY 2020 2022 dependents
especially those employed as
who are drug job orders

Strategy 5: Strengthen accountability of law enforcers
Training on law PNP January December Enforcers are 600,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00
enforcer 2020 2022 well trained
accountability and

Strategy 6: Strengthen intelligence gathering mechanism in the barangays
Training of BINs, PNP January December BINs, BPATs, 600,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00
BPATs, Tanods, 2020 2022 Tanods and
and Brgy Officials Brgy. Officials'
on Intelligence intelligence
and SISDA gathering are

Strategy 7: Continues intelligence monitoring in coordination with PDEA and BDAC’s
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Police Community PNP, PDEA January December BINs, BPATs, 300,000.00 Gen. Fund 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 300,000.00
Relation 2020 2022 Tanods and
programs Brgy. Officials'

Priority POPS Issue [2nd Issue]: Presence of armed groups, (MNLF, ASG)
Strategy 1: Conduct visibility/patrol operation in area of convergence
Schedule of
Possible Amount (C-7)
Implementing Implementation Legislative Funding
PPSAs Expected Outputs Funding
Office Starting Completion Requirements Requirement PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO
Source TOTAL
Date Date 2020 2021 2022
(C-1) (C-2a) (C-2b) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6) (a) (b) (c) (d)
Police visibility PNP, AFP January December Sustainable 900,000.00 Gen. Fund 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 900,000.00
and patrol 2020 2022 peace and
operation (beat order situation
and mobile

Strategy 2: IEC on violent extremism & insurgency
Implementation PNP, AFP, January December Lessen the 300,000.00 Gen. Fund 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 300,000.00
of NTF-ELCAC in MLGU, BRGY. 2020 2022 growing of
influence OFFICIALS recruitment of
affected areas ASG/MNLF
among the
vulnerable to t
he community
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Strategy 3: Provide rewards/incentives to armed groups in the vital information share to the gov’t to preempt atrocities.
Identification of PNP, AFP, January December Lessen the 450,000.00 Gen. Fund 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 450,000.00
other groups and MLGU, BRGY. 2020 2022 growing of
its characteristics OFFICIALS recruitment of
among the
vulnerable to t
he community

Strategy 4: Acknowledge/invite armed groups to participate to any gov’t and community activities.
Provision of PNP, AFP, January December Lessen the 900,000.00 Gen. Fund 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 900,000.00
Socio-economic MLGU, BRGY. 2020 2022 growing of
activities and OFFICIALS recruitment of
healthcare ASG/MNLF
programs among the
vulnerable to t
he community

Strategy 5: Provide skills development training for the families of armed groups
Skills PNP, AFP, January December Lessen the 900,000.00 Gen. Fund 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 900,000.00
development MLGU, BRGY. 2020 2022 growing of
training thru OFFICIALS recruitment of
partner agencies ASG/MNLF
among the
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
vulnerable to t
he community

Strategy 6: Provide logistic supports
Acquisition/Purc PNP, AFP, January December Lessen the 1,500,000.00 Gen. Fund 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,500,000.00
hase of fire arms MLGU, BRGY. 2020 2022 growing of
and ammunitions OFFICIALS recruitment of
for police force ASG/MNLF
multipliers among the
vulnerable to t
he community

Priority POPS Issue [3rd Issue]: High Incidence of Index crimes (Phy. Injury, theft, robbery)
Strategy 1: Police visibility and patrol operations
Schedule of Implementation Possible Amount (C-7)
Implementing Expected Legislative Funding
PPSAs Funding
Office Completion Outputs Requirements Requirement PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO
Starting Date Source TOTAL
Date 2020 2021 2022
(C-1) (C-2a) (C-2b) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6) (a) (b) (c) (d)
Police visibility PNP January December Sustainable 900,000.00 Gen. Fund 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 900,000.00
and patrol 2020 2022 peace and
operation (beat order
and mobile situation
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Strategy 2: Provide livelihood programs and employment especially the OSY
Hiring of LGU-PESO, January December Jobs/employ 3,000,000.00 Gen. Fund 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
auxiliary police LCE, MSWDO 2020 2022 ment
and/or force generated

Strategy 3: Continuous monitoring of personalities involved
Provision of MPOC January December Monitoring 600,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00
support fund for 2020 2022 properly
MPOC done

Priority POPS Issue [4th Issue]: Extortionist on fisher folks and illegal intrusion of pur seiners
Strategy 1: Regulate consumer price index
Schedule of Implementation Possible Amount (C-7)
Implementing Expected Legislative Funding
PPSAs Funding
Office Completion Outputs Requirements Requirement PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO
Starting Date Source TOTAL
Date 2020 2021 2022
(C-1) (C-2a) (C-2b) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6) (a) (b) (c) (d)
Conduct regular BFAR January December Affordable 150,000.00 Gen. Fund 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 150,000.00
monitoring of 2020 2022 products in
fishery activities the market

Strategy 2: Fishery law enforcement training/monitoring
Implementation BFAR, Bantay January December Marine 300,000.00 Gen. Fund 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 300,000.00
of fishery code Dagat, 2020 2022 Biodiversity
and enforcement protected
of laws

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Strategy 3: Farming of mangroves and sea grass
Provision of farm BFAR January December Sustainable 900,000.00 Gen. Fund 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 900,000.00
inputs and 2020 2022 livelihood for
livelihood fisherfolks

Priority POPS Issue [5th Issue]: Kidnapping threats and shooting incidents
Strategy 1: Conduct visibility and patrol operations within AOR
Schedule of Implementation Possible Amount (C-7)
Implementing Expected Legislative Funding
Office Completion Outputs Requirements Requirement
Starting Date Source TOTAL
Date 2020 2021 2022
(C-1) (C-2a) (C-2b) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6) (a) (b) (c) (d)
Police visibility PNP, AFP January December Negative 600,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00
and patrol 2020 2022 occurrence
operation (beat of
and mobile kidnapping
patrol) and

Strategy 2: Intensified conduct of checkpoints
Provision of PNP, AFP January 2020 December Negative 3,300,000.00 Gen. 1,300,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,300,000.00
logistics support 2022 occurrence Fund

Strategy 3: Conduct visibility and patrol operations within AOR
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Police visibility PNP, AFP January 2020 December Preempt 600,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00
and patrol 2022 occurrence
operation (beat of
and mobile kidnapping
patrol) and

Strategy 4: Intensified conduct of checkpoints
Provision of PNP, AFP January 2020 December Preempt 1,400,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 500,000.00 700,000.00 1,400,000.00
logistics support 2022 occurrence

Strategy 5: Install additional cctv units on major streets and accident prone areas
Procurement of LGU January 2020 December Preempt 2,400,000.00 Gen. Fund 800,000.00 800,000.00 800,000.00 2,400,000.00
additional CCTV 2022 occurrence
units of

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Priority POPS Issue [6th Issue]: Vehicular accidents (RIR to homicide/damaged to properties)
Strategy 1: Strict implementation of municipal traffic code/LTO code and law enforcement
Schedule of Implementation Possible Amount (C-7)
Implementing Expected Legislative Funding
PPSAs Completion Funding PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO
Office Starting Date Outputs Requirements Requirement TOTAL
Date 2020 2021 2022
(C-1) (C-2a) (C-2b) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6) (a) (b) (c) (d)
Conduct of LGU, LTO January December Traffic 600,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00
technical 2020 2022 enforcers
trainings to traffic fully
enforcers and capacitated
provided to
traffic enforcers

Strategy 2: Conduct information drives
Conduct of IEC, LGU January December Community 300,000.00 Gen. Fund 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 300,000.00
symposiums and 2020 2022 awareness
info drive

Strategy 3: Install additional signage in every accident prone area
Fabrication and LGU-MEO January December Less road 600,000.00 Gen. Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 600,000.00
procurement of 2020 2022 accidents
street signages

Strategy 4: Install additional streetlights
Procurement of LGU-MEO January December Less road 2,000,000.00 Gen. Fund 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
solar streetlights 2020 2022 accidents

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022

Priority POPS Issue [7th Issue]: Fire Incidence
Strategy 1: Regular fire inspection
Schedule of Implementation Possible Amount (C-7)
Implementing Expected Legislative Funding
PPSAs Completion Funding PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO PS/ MOOE/ CO
Office Outputs Requirements Requirement
Starting Date Source TOTAL
Date 2020 2021 2022
(C-1) (C-2a) (C-2b) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6) (a) (b) (c) (d)
Conduct regular LGU, BFP January December Less fire 300,000.00 Gen. Fund 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 300,000.00
fire inspection 2020 2022 accidents
and monitoring

Strategy 2: Strict implementation of Fire Code
Conduct of LGU, BFP January December Communit 300,000.00 Gen. Fund 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 300,000.00
technical 2020 2022 y
trainings and awareness
seminars to fire
volunteers and

Strategy 3: Strengthen advocacy
Conduct of IEC, LGU, BFP January December Less fire 300,000.00 Gen. Fund 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 300,000.00
symposiums and 2020 2022 accidents
info drive

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


1. MPOC Structure, Composition and Functions
a. POC Composition:
i. Chairman – LCE
ii. Vice Chairman - VM
iii. Members
a) Chairman, SB Peace & Order Committee
c) Chief of Police, Siocon MPS
d) Fire Marshall, BFP
e) CO, 42nd IB PA
f) Municipal Administrator
h) PAO
j) SH, MHO
k) DepEd
m) Representative, Religious Sector
n) Representative, CSO

b. POC Roles and Functions:
1. Convene the Peace and Order Council quarterly, or as often as the need arises;
2. Invite other concerned agencies, not included in EO No. 7, Series of 2019 (e.g. intelligence communities or agencies) to join or participate in POC meetings
and activities;
3. Formulate a 3-year update of MPOC Operational Plan, or a 3-year Local Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan, to be incorporated in the Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP);
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
4. Provide a forum for inter-discipline dialogue and deliberation of major issues and concerns affecting peace, order and public safety.
5. Recommend strategic actions or activities aimed at promoting, improving or enhancing peace, order and public safety measures, including anti-insurgency
measures, within their respective jurisdictions;
6. Recommend measures to converge and orchestrate internal security operations efforts of civil authorities and agencies, military and police;
7. Formulate and adopt an effective mechanism for the coordination, cooperation, and consultation involving the local executives, citizenry and law enforcement
agencies under R.A. 6975, as amended, in the adoption of the Community and Service-Oriented Policing 9(CSOP) System;
8. Monitor the provision of livelihood and infrastructure development programs and projects in the remote rural and indigenous population areas to isolate them
from the insurgents’ ideological, political and organizational works;
9. Create a Special Action Committee to address the immediate issues on peace and order and public safety, in case of emergencies;
10. Create a technical Working Group (TWG) for the purpose of POPS Planning, following the guidelines prescribed by the DILG on the tools and processes on POPS
Planning; to the NPOC, through their respective Secretaries;
11. Submit semestral POC Accomplishment Report to the NPOC, through their respective POC Secretaries;
12. Serve as the convergence mechanism to support the Comprehensive Local Integration Program (CLIP) Committee in its implementation;
13. Provide staff/s and financial support to POC Secretariat; and
14. Perform such other functions as may ne directed by law, the National Peace and Order Council, or the President.

c. POC Roles and Functions:
POC TWG Composition and Functions – to lessen and simplify the task and activities of the entire POC membership, particularly in the deliberations of some
technical matters which require the expertise and skills of members who will discuss exclusively and share ideas in behalf of the whole council, a Technical Working Group
is created with the following composition:
Chairman: Mayor
Members: MPDC, PNP-NUP, MSWDO, Health

d. Relationships with Other Mechanisms
The MPOC has the direct supervision and provide technical assistance to all BPOCs in the Municipality for their effective management of their areas. In its
linkages to PPOC, being a mandatory member, MPOC will have to submit its plans and accomplishments periodically to have an effective monitoring and management
of PEACE and Order in the entire province. It shall properly coordinate and assist the POC programs and undertaking. Towards the RPOC, MPOC is connected thru the
PPOC or be directly connected when required.

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
MPOC has an inherent duty to inter-act and coordinate with the MDRRMC since the activities of the two offices are somewhat related and connected in many
aspects, the fact that programs on disasters or calamites would also involve Peace and Order of the areas affected.

This council is composed of mental health professionals with specific education and training in helping individuals who have suffered a traumatic event especially
children. Trauma counselors often see patients who are suffering adverse psychological, emotional and physical effects.

Support all government programs and efforts in addressing the peace and order problem to curb illegal drugs and other illegal substances.


LGU PNP/SFC M/BADAC’s/Brgy. Tanods BFP Youth/OSY Community
LGU Allocate fund Coordinate Monitor Coordinate Monitor Monitor
PNP/SFC Coordinate Coordinate Monitor/ Coordinate Law enforcement Law enforcement
BFP Coordinate Coordinate Monitor Coordinate Coordinate Monitor
MDRRMO Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate/Monitor Coordinate/Monitor
DSWD Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Monitor Monitor
BLGU Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Monitor Monitor
DepEd Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Educate Educate
CSO/PO/NGO’s Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate
DILG Supervise Coordinate Supervise Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate
Youth Sector Coordinate Compliance with the law Compliance with the law Compliance with the Compliance with the Compliance with the
law law law

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


Schedule of
Funding Requirements
Implementation Possibl
mentin Expected Maintenance and Other Operating
PPAs Fundin Personal Services Capital Outlay
g Complete Outputs Expenses PS/MOOE/ PS/MOOE/ PS/MOO
Started g
Office d CO CO E/CO
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
1.Crime and Disorder
Provision of 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
fund for Januar December Gen.
MPOC properly
MPOC y 2020 2022 Fund
Police 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000
and patrol
Januar December e peace Gen.
operation PNP
y 2020 2022 and order Fund
(beat and
Negative/p 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,700,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,700,00
reempt 0
Provision of
PNP, Januar December of Gen.
AFP y 2020 2022 kidnapping Fund
Hiring of LGU- Jobs/empl 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,00
Januar December Gen.
auxillary PESO, oyment 0
y 2020 2022 Fund
police LCE, generated
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
and/or force MSWD
multipliers O
Preempt 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000
t of Januar December Gen.
LGU kidnapping
additional y 2020 2022 Fund
CCTV units
1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 2,300,000 2,300,000 2,500,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,400,00
a.1.i. Illegal Drugs (Mandatory)
MADAC 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
MLGO members
O, LGU, Januar December are Gen.
building for
PNP, y 2020 2022 capable for Fund
BLGU their
Operation Arrest and 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
Double surrender
PNP, Januar December Gen.
Barrel and of drug
PDEA y 2020 2022 Fund
Oplan personaliti
Tokhang es
Conduct of 100% 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
education rehabilitati
Januar December Gen.
and LGU on of drug
y 2020 2022 Fund
rehabilitatio pushers/us
n programs ers
Hiring of 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
summer job
Januar December s Gen.
Y especially LGU
y 2020 2022 employed Fund
those who
as job
are drug
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Enforcers 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Training on are well
law enforcer Januar December trained Gen.
accountabili y 2020 2022 and Fund
ty accountabl
BINs, 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Training of BPATs,
BINs, BPATs, Tanods
Tanods, and and Brgy.
Januar December Gen.
Brgy PNP Officials'
y 2020 2022 Fund
Officials on intelligenc
Intelligence e gathering
and SISDA are
BINs, 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
and Brgy.
Community PNP, Januar December Gen.
Relation PDEA y 2020 2022 Fund
Sub-Total: 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 2,400,000 2,900,000 2,900,000 3,400,000 3,900,000
2. Conflict
Police 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
and patrol
PNP, Januar December e peace Gen.
AFP y 2020 2022 and order Fund
(beat and
Implementa PNP, Lessen the 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
tion of NTF- AFP, growing of
ELCAC in MLGU, Januar December recruitmen Gen.
influence BRGY. y 2020 2022 t of Fund
areas ALS among the
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
to t he
Lessen the 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
growing of
Identificatio PNP, recruitmen
n of other AFP, t of
groups and MLGU, Januar December ASG/MNLF Gen.
its BRGY. y 2020 2022 among the Fund
characteristi OFFICI areas
cs ALS vulnerable
to t he
Lessen the 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
growing of
Provision of
PNP, recruitmen
AFP, t of
MLGU, Januar December ASG/MNLF Gen.
BRGY. y 2020 2022 among the Fund
OFFICI areas
ALS vulnerable
to t he
Lessen the 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
growing of
PNP, recruitmen
AFP, t of
MLGU, Januar December ASG/MNLF Gen.
t training
BRGY. y 2020 2022 among the Fund
thru partner
OFFICI areas
ALS vulnerable
to t he
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Lessen the 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000
Acquisition/ growing of
Purchase of PNP, recruitmen
fire arms AFP, t of
and MLGU, Januar December ASG/MNLF Gen.
ammunition BRGY. y 2020 2022 among the Fund
s for police OFFICI areas
force ALS vulnerable
multipliers to t he
Conduct 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
regular Affordable
Januar December Gen.
monitoring BFAR products in
y 2020 2022 Fund
of fishery the market
Implementa 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
tion of Marine
fishery code Januar December Biodiversit Gen.
and y 2020 2022 y Fund
enforcemen protected
t of laws
Provision of Sustainabl 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
farm inputs e
Januar December Gen.
and BFAR livelihood
y 2020 2022 Fund
livelihood for
programs fisherfolks
Sub-Total: 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000
1.Road and Vehicle Safety
Conduct of 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
trainings to Traffic
traffic enforcers
LGU, Januar December Gen.
enforcers fully
LTO y 2020 2022 Fund
and provide capacitate
Incentives/ d
provided to
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Conduct of 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
IEC, Communit
Januar December Gen.
symposiums LGU y
y 2020 2022 Fund
and info awareness
Fabrication 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
LGU- Januar December Less road Gen.
MEO y 2020 2022 accidents Fund
t of street
Procuremen 0 1,000,00 1,000,000 0 1,000,000 1,000,000
LGU- Januar December Less road Gen.
t of solar 0
MEO y 2020 2022 accidents Fund
Sub-Total: 300,000 300,000 300,000 200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
2.Emergency/Crisis Management and Fire Safety
Conduct 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
regular fire
inspection LGU, January December Less fire Gen.
and BFP 2020 2022 accidents Fund
Conduct of 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
and Communit
LGU, January December Gen.
seminars to y
BFP 2020 2022 Fund
fire awareness
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Conduct of 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
LGU, January December Less fire Gen.
BFP 2020 2022 accidents Fund
and info
Sub-Total: 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000












Note: The Annual Implementation Plan serves as an input to the Annual Investment Program (AIP)

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


TOOL H - Reporting Form 1

Funding Remarks
Physical Accomplishment
Targeted Actual Allocation
Date of PS/ PS/ PS/ PS/ PS/ PS/
Objectives Indicators PPSAs Actual
Target Completio MOOE/ MOOE/ MOOE/ MOOE/ MOOE/ MOOE/
by 2022 d 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6) (C-7) (C-8) (C-9)
1.Crime and Disorder
Reduce occurrence of Number of theft Provision of Decreased percentage 200,000 200,000 200,000
theft and robbery and robbery support fund for of crime rate by 50%
incidents incidents MPOC monitoring
reported activities
Preempt the Number of Hiring of auxiliary Reduce number of 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
occurrence of theft, cases reported police and/or incident reports by
robbery and physical force multipliers 50%
Negative occurrence Negative data in Police visibility Negative occurrence 700,000 700,000 700,000
of kidnapping and the crime and patrol of kidnapping and
shooting incidents statistics of operation (beat shooting incidents
kidnapping & and mobile
shooting patrol)
Negative data in Provision of 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,700,000
the crime logistics support
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Preempt occurrence statistics of Procurement of Preempt occurrence of 800,000 800,000 800,000
of kidnapping and kidnapping & additional CCTV kidnapping and
shooting incidents shooting units shooting incidents

a.1.i Illegal Drugs
Reduction on Total Conduct Declaration of the 200,000 200,000 200,000
incidence of illegal eradication of capability municipality as "Drug
drug trade and usage the proliferation building for Free"
by 2022 in all of illegal drug MADAC/BADAC
barangays trade in the Operation Double 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
municipality Barrel and Oplan
200,000 200,000 200,000
Conduct of 100% reformation of

education and drug users

rehabilitation surrenderees

1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Hiring of summer
job students/OSY
especially those
who are drug
Reduction of supply Training on law 100% rehabilitation of 200,000 200,000 200,000
of illegal drugs in the enforcer drug pushers
municipality accountability
Training of BINs, 200,000 200,000 200,000
BPATs, Tanods,
and Brgy Officials
on Intelligence
Police 100,000 100,000 100,000
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
2. Conflict
To attain peace and Participation of Police visibility 100% participation of 300,000 300,000 300,000
harmony armed groups in and patrol armed groups in the
the peace and operation (beat peace and order
order and mobile committee meetings
committee patrol)
To neutralized the Number of Implementation Reduction of incident 100,000 100,000 100,000
presence of arm men incident reports of NTF-ELCAC in reports and conflicts
in the area influence
affected areas
Identification of 150,000 150,000 150,000
other groups and
its characteristics
Provision of 300,000 300,000 300,000
activities and
Skills 300,000 300,000 300,000
training thru
partner agencies
Acquisition/Purch 500,000 500,000 500,000
ase of fire arms
and ammunitions
for police force
Enforcement of Substantial Conduct regular Marine products 50,000 50,000 50,000
fishery laws supply of monitoring of supply increased by
marine products fishery activities 30%
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Regular sea-borne Less illegal Implementation Organized fishery law 100,000 100,000 100,000
patrol/Activation of fishing activities of fishery code enforcement
Bantay Dagat and piracy and enforcement
of laws
Protection and Improvement of Provision of farm More production by 300,000 300,000 300,000
rehabilitation of marine inputs and the end of the target
marine bio-diversity sanctuaries and livelihood period
all aquatic programs
1.Road and Vehicle Safety
Reduction of motor Lower number Conduct of Number of vehicular 200,000 200,000 200,000
vehicle and road of vehicular technical incidents less by 50%.
traffic accident incidents trainings to traffic
enforcers and
provided to
traffic enforcers
Compliance of Conduct of IEC, 100% compliance of 100,000 100,000 100,000
motorists to the symposiums and motorists to the
Municipal traffic info drive Municipal traffic
code/LTO code Fabrication and code/LTO code. 200,000 200,000 200,000
procurement of
street signages
Procurement of 0 1,000,000 1,000,000
solar streetlights
2.Emergency/Crisis Management and Fire Safety
Eliminate fire Zero fire Conduct regular Eradication in the 100,000 100,000 100,000
incidents incident fire inspection occurrence of fire
and monitoring incident
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Conduct of 100,000 100,000 100,000
trainings and
seminars to fire
volunteers and
Conduct of IEC, 100,000 100,000 100,000
symposiums and
info drive

TOTAL: 10,000,000 11,500,000 12,200,000

Municipal Local Government Operations Officer
Date signed:

Municipal Peace and Order Council Chairperson

Date signed:

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022



Interest Power
Stakeholder What is their interest?
(High, Low) (High, Low)
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4)
LCE Implement/support plan High High
Law enforcers
Arrest/address respective concerns High High
(PNP/SFC/LTO/HPG/ Coast Guard)
Responsible for the social protection and
DSWD High High
BLGU Monitor implementing programs Low High
BFP Fire prevention High High
MDRRMC Monitor risk and vulnerability High Low
Youth/OSY/Students Participate in civic activities Low Low
Community Participate in the program implementation Low Low
Implementation of fisheries
BFAR High High
DOH Implementation of health programs High High

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


To address the different issues and problems, we have come up a with the following communication plan. It is a policy-driven approach that will provide the community with
specific information, when that information should be delivered and what communication channels will be used to deliver the information. This communication plan for POPS is the
main tool for successfully delivering the messages to the key audiences.

Ref. PPSAs Communication Objective Audience Key Message Mode of Communication Budget
(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6)
Implementation of NTF-ELCAC in Lessen the growing of Community IEC on violent Community Welfare 300,000.00
influence affected areas recruitment of ASG/MNLF extremism & Programs/ Stakeholders
among the areas vulnerable insurgency meeting/ Forums
to t he community
Conduct of IEC, symposiums and Community awareness on Community Reduction of motor Community Welfare 300,000.00
info drive road safety vehicle and road traffic Programs/ Stakeholders
accident meeting/ Forums/ Radio
Conduct of IEC, symposiums and Community awareness on Community Strengthen advocacy Community Welfare 300,000.00
info drive fire incidents Programs/ Stakeholders
meeting/ Forums/ Radio

Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022


POPS Funding Requirements
Baseline Target by Implementing
Challenges/ Objectives Indicator Strategies PPA’s Expected Outputs Source
(2018) 2019 Office
Issues 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL
1 Reduction on Total 17 Affected Declaration Strengthen Conduct capability MLGOO, LGU, MADAC and MLGU 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
incidence of eradication barangays of the Functionalities of building for PNP, BLGU BADAC members Gen.
illegal drug trade of the municipality MADAC and MADAC/BADAC are capable for Fund
and usage by proliferation as "Drug BADACs their for
2022 in all of illegal drug Free" functionalities POPSP
barangays trade in the
Conduct of Operation Double PNP, PDEA Arrest and MLGU 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 4,500,000
Intensified Anti- Barrel and Oplan surrender of drug Gen.
Illegal Drug Tokhang personalities Fund
Operations for
Education and Conduct of LGU 100% MLGU 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
rehabilitation education and rehabilitation of Gen.
rehabilitation drug Fund
programs pushers/users for
Provide livelihood Hiring of summer job LGU Drug dependents MLGU 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
opportunities of students/OSY employed as job Gen.
potential drug especially those who orders Fund
user/pusher are drug dependents for
Reduction of 29 identified 100% Strengthen Training on law PNP Enforcers are well MLGU 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
supply of illegal drug rehabilitation accountability of enforcer trained and Gen.
drugs in the personalities of drug law enforcers accountability accountable Fund
municipality pushers for
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Strengthen Training of BINs, PNP BINs, BPATs, MLGU 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
intelligence BPATs, Tanods, and Tanods and Brgy. Gen.
gathering Brgy Officials on Officials' Fund
mechanism in the Intelligence and intelligence for
barangays SISDA gathering are POPSP
Continues Police Community PNP, PDEA BINs, BPATs, MLGU 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000
intelligence Relation programs Tanods and Brgy. Gen.
monitoring in Officials' Fund
coordination with intelligence for
PDEA and BDAC’s monitoring POPSP
2 To attain peace Participation 100% Conduct Police visibility and PNP, AFP Sustainable peace MLGU 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000
and harmony of armed participation visibility/patrol patrol operation and order Gen.
groups in the of armed operation in area of (beat and mobile situation Fund
peace and groups in the convergence patrol) for
order peace and POPSP
committee order
meetings committee
To neutralized Number of 1 shooting Reduction of IEC on violent Implementation of PNP, AFP, Lessen the MLGU 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000
the presence of incident incident incident extremism & NTF-ELCAC in MLGU, BRGY. growing of Gen.
arm men in the reports reported in reports and insurgency influence affected OFFICIALS recruitment of Fund
area 2019 conflicts areas ASG/MNLF for
among the areas POPSP
vulnerable to t he
Provide Identification of PNP, AFP, Lessen the MLGU 150,000 150,000 150,000 450,000
rewards/incentives other groups and its MLGU, BRGY. growing of Gen.
to armed groups in characteristics OFFICIALS recruitment of Fund
the vital ASG/MNLF for
information share among the areas POPSP
to the gov’t to vulnerable to t he
preempt atrocities. community
Acknowledge/invite Provision of Socio- PNP, AFP, Lessen the MLGU 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000
armed groups to economic activities MLGU, BRGY. growing of Gen.
participate to any and healthcare OFFICIALS recruitment of Fund
gov’t and programs ASG/MNLF
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
community among the areas for
activities. vulnerable to t he POPSP
Provide skills Skills development PNP, AFP, Lessen the MLGU 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000
development training thru partner MLGU, BRGY. growing of Gen.
training for the agencies OFFICIALS recruitment of Fund
families of armed ASG/MNLF for
groups among the areas POPSP
vulnerable to t he
Provide logistic Acquisition/Purchase PNP, AFP, Lessen the MLGU 500,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000
supports of fire arms and MLGU, BRGY. growing of Gen.
ammunitions for OFFICIALS recruitment of Fund
police force ASG/MNLF for
multipliers among the areas POPSP
vulnerable to t he
3 Reduce Number of 21 cases of Decreased Police visibility and Police visibility and PNP Sustainable peace MLGU 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000
occurrence of theft and theft and percentage patrol operations patrol operation and order Gen.
theft and robbery robbery of crime rate (beat and mobile situation Fund
robbery incidents reported by 50% patrol) for
incidents reported POPSP
Preempt the Number of 110 Crime Reduce Provide livelihood Hiring of auxiliary LGU-PESO, Jobs/employment MLGU 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
occurrence of cases volume number of programs and police and/or force LCE, MSWDO generated Gen.
theft, robbery reported recorded incident employment multipliers Fund
and physical reports by especially the OSY for
injuries 50% POPSP
Continuous Provision of support MPOC Monitoring MLGU 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
monitoring of fund for MPOC properly done Gen.
personalities monitoring activities Fund
involved for
4 Enforcement of Substantial Marine Regulate consumer Conduct regular BFAR Affordable MLGU 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000
fishery laws supply of products price index monitoring of fishery products in the Gen.
marine supply activities market Fund
products increased by for
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Regular sea- Less illegal Organized Fishery law Implementation of BFAR, Bantay Marine MLGU 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000
borne fishing fishery law enforcement fishery code and Dagat, Biodiversity Gen.
patrol/Activation activities and enforcement training/monitoring enforcement of laws protected Fund
of Bantay Dagat piracy for
Protection and Improvement More Farming of Provision of farm BFAR Sustainable MLGU 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000
rehabilitation of of marine production mangroves and sea inputs and livelihood livelihood for Gen.
marine bio- sanctuaries by the end of grass programs fisherfolks Fund
diversity and all the target for
aquatic period POPSP
5 Negative Negative Negative Conduct visibility Police visibility and PNP, AFP Negative MLGU 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
occurrence of data in the occurrence and patrol patrol operation occurrence of Gen.
kidnapping and crime of operations within (beat and mobile kidnapping and Fund
shooting statistics of kidnapping AOR patrol) shooting for
incidents kidnapping & and shooting incidence POPSP
shooting incidents
Intensified conduct Provision of logistics PNP, AFP Negative MLGU 1,300,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,300,000
of checkpoints support occurrence of Gen.
kidnapping and Fund
shooting for
incidence POPSP
Preempt Negative Preempt Conduct visibility Police visibility and PNP, AFP Preempt MLGU 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
occurrence of data in the occurrence and patrol patrol operation occurrence of Gen.
kidnapping and crime of operations within (beat and mobile kidnapping and Fund
shooting statistics of kidnapping AOR patrol) shooting for
incidents kidnapping & and shooting incidence POPSP
shooting incidents
Intensified conduct Provision of logistics PNP, AFP Preempt MLGU 200,000 500,000 700,000 1,400,000
of checkpoints support occurrence of Gen.
kidnapping and Fund
shooting for
incidence POPSP
Install additional Procurement of LGU Preempt MLGU 800,000 800,000 800,000 2,400,000
cctv units on major additional CCTV occurrence of Gen.
streets and units kidnapping and Fund
accident prone shooting for
areas incidence POPSP
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
6 Reduction of Lower Number of Strict Conduct of technical LGU, LTO Traffic enforcers MLGU 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
motor vehicle number of vehicular implementation of trainings to traffic fully capacitated Gen.
and road traffic vehicular incidents less municipal traffic enforcers and Fund
accident incidents by 50%. code/LTO code and provide Incentives/ for
law enforcement insurance provided POPSP
to traffic enforcers
Compliance 100% Conduct Conduct of IEC, LGU Community MLGU 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000
of motorists compliance imformation drives symposiums and info awareness Gen.
to the of motorists drive Fund
Municipal to the for
traffic Municipal POPSP
code/LTO traffic
code code/LTO
Install additional Fabrication and LGU-MEO Less road MLGU 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
signage in every procurement of accidents Gen.
accident prone street signages Fund
area for
Install additional Procurement of solar LGU-MEO Less road MLGU 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000
streetlights streetlights accidents Gen.
7 Eliminate fire Zero fire Eradication Regular fire Conduct regular fire LGU, BFP Less fire MLGU 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000
incidents incident in the inspection inspection and accidents Gen.
occurrence monitoring activity Fund
of fire for
incident POPSP
Strict Conduct of technical LGU, BFP Community MLGU 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000
implementation of trainings and awareness Gen.
Fire Code seminars to fire Fund
volunteers and for
responders POPSP
Siocon Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan 2020-2022
Strengthen Conduct of IEC, LGU, BFP Less fire MLGU 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000
advocacy symposiums and info accidents Gen.
drive Fund
TOTAL: PHP 10,000,000 11,500,000 12,200,000 33,700,000

Note: The POPS Plan Summary serves as the input to the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP)


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